jr. . , The 1 Icppner GaZctu.' 1mii.1 Iliij'wta' Morini.ii Wai tux-k A: Miclicll ! t ;h fuatfti at Hi I I 't irfin1 ia matter In; -ksday, September 'X. l'.H'l : Keiih -u.U H'lvit'i v y hhIiIoih lils. Tin' iotini'. of :i moan m u i ) i ai I'lVrtt I way tno.-v or lens iIihaki i'i" iMo. i , ,.. ;., ii... ., ),.. ...... i.... I writing It i upon liiniiflt nt all linion. In liratirn arc that CVv,;o. V tri) wall he hhort. The niiKer.ih'e .. in" '- will xn t' nr.ro- t:. l! trr.t! '.it. It crtifms nfw t the s,;; American people to iisrn that filial',.' Mr-. MrlvnW is improving in iv,,;;, lii-n'ih. . cm,-' : Jvillie IH'OJ tllA I ir .1 1 r .1 1 1 . w .i - : t, A nv r:i h is nuuioi - Europe knows him us ;iu tuithusi : cr tK.i'i lt'Hiiv flip- sstio Anierio.lii poseUel of :un ..':!o 'inner b'a.h'-r Ntioii to mvottipl y a, .; r:H hav e iio- achievement for self an.l country;! ' di.-.repn.iltlo c:uim sin tl from his historic! ' lHXv.nbiilu.il I knows him. or thinks it doe, to Wl A wonmx is wvw ,1,,;,., lllU, much to tin disgrace, a prcjndieod Aiut'rictiD. prjt1ioovl j can do a thin two diBVrent ways. n.trv. other have- takeu against Kurort, laisrland osuee s. hi;. uhafever they iaHy look for an RggresMvc rather ' ; ! tvt th-ir or-.uiia-i tlinu a oouei'Utory policy in all f n imported from for. ; question afltvtiug tin British j trv. In r.u it may le islands as well as th Coutiueut snted that the orgnni- Ciernmuy tVels that not only will ;- not i;!v foivgn in the Monroe doetrine be asserted as Mt foreign in member- never before, but that the I'uited ;! : lepofte.l upou quite States will ileiuau-l a greater ami . !ht its uiem- more fivijuent voice io world poli r. Atactics now ftcgro-; ties. Austria aud Italy are con e t'.hii li',otH Tl.ey jeoturing; ijpiin is indifferent and .1 throughout the only France is complacent. All! I ( 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -( I 1 1 t I I M'ftl I S ! ! 0 ' i organiznlioD of vigilance commit- lengih Ri.d bie.idth of the nation, speculation setems to be caused by toes to deal ith anarchists, a bad idf. hut Not . i the u-:.- I the ra-t. a givnl among th t;.oriv tensivelv in . the chmge in the presidency, and jh pii'.ated centers cf considerably by the character and U; rsor. N. J., is record of the man who has eue- . . . . i . . Hrr Most would le a good among re-.gui.M nea.njuai -, ceeueu io ll. ii mis ue ine cas. , specimen to make an example of.jters, I ut tue membership is quite ; Lurope s concern is very practi as a hint i.f what we will do in j nan.er.-r.s in all the large cities of ; cable. Pennsylvania Grit. future to anarchists. Telegram, ith? country. Ametica lias been mmm ' the a H:ta of arirchists for nearly The hop crop of Oregon has a!l ; half a eenturv. and they have been Ixhu save,l in fine condition. The '. wtive since 1SL i i iniini t i'tr PC i: f (1H hundred empty harridn fur 1 i k:iU. Kivi Inindird liai rels uf ex- 5 ' ; ..Giianoed boGation..; M. 1. Galloway Iims moved from Ins old stand to new quarters (i .ivi(e t(i Pnst Na f.oc.'d Hank on May street, up stair.-. : : : : I Giidi'diittic My Work.! Having arranged the I mi i Itl i i g myself, the light is ;ei feet, and 1 am prepared to tutn nut much better Photo graphs than formerly. Galloway; Heppner.j It kit MM I III ill ill ll-t ! I W HHI I T IS IK' THY. yield w as liht, but the quality j The vahu-; Tin: Sl' lAR of the crop w estimated at , --v . . . ;;i ,10:,, u Ihe suo.ir beet industry in the ,.o,Ohj (.rower will real.zi a , ' -t . , ; Not th west is coming to the front gwd profit at present prices- mmmmmmmm 'and promises to be a source of McKinlev " memorial services I nmch profit to the firmer as well were held generallv all over the;a sttxubud to manufacturing state, Thursday. It was a day of j Merest, bieh is a benefit to all mourning. The demonstrations all j .sicess in general. Harvesting over the country .bowed great be-r beets has begun at La j .u. Grande. The harvest will last reavemeni ana ine unuurc the nation to show all respect pos f.ible to the martyred president. While haraDgning ft crowd in New York, Herr Most, the an archist leader, was arrested. An example should be made of some -.f tla fallows. The organization. should be hunted down and broken j-' tons, lhe yield will be cp There is no room for such ! mt equally divided between the .i ; Ki. ,nntrv. Drive ! factories at Waverly and La t t - - them out. akiut seven we ks aud will fur nish employment to a great many people at good wages. The out look for the industry this year is far more encouraging than ever before. There will be a large crop of beets. The output in the North west this season is estimated at STILL MOfiE COUNTERFEITING. The Secret Service has naearthed so other band of conuter tellers and secured a Jare puintity ef bitQ8 bills, which are so cleverly eiecoted tbsl the vertife peroo woulJ never ansueot them of he lBji epnnoos. Tbinss of urent valoe are lwyp selected by counterfeiters for im itation, Dotobly tbe Celebrated llostet ters Stoxach Bittere, whioh has many iuiitatnrs, but do eqntla for iodiKeHtion. dyspepsia, constipation, uervoasues Bnd geoersl debility. Tbe Bitters sets thiols rmbl in tbe stomach, and when the stom ach is in ujixi order, it makes aood blood and p!eny of it. Id this msnoer the Bit ters get at tbe seat of strength and vital ity, an.) restore vifljr ths weak aod detntitated. Beware of concterfeits hen bayiof. Local News Notes. Fine lunches served at all hours at The Palm. Otis Welch wag a passenger lor Fort land Tuesday. Mr. Earl Bartholomew went to Port land vesterdav. I lIESIICTIilil'liliiJlllW j Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican Always. News from all parts of the world. Well written, original etories. Answers to queries on nil subjects. Articles on Health, the Home, New Books, aud on Work About The Farm and Garden. The Inter Ocean is a member of the Associated Press and also is the only Western newspaper rcceivint? the combined tele graphic and cable news matter of both the New York Sun aud New York World respectively, besides daily reports from over LUXX) special correspondents throughout the country. No pen can tell more fully why it is tbe best on earth. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR- Mr. and Mrs. Waldoo Rhea were pas seDers for Portland yesterday. The Heppner (iazette and an Frau cisco Examiner, one year for Mathews makes a specialty of filling mail orders for meats of a'l kinds. j Grande. This amount of beets ! will reduce to about 42M tons of For secretary of state, it is be- s sngar. Last year several farmers cinnine to dawn that Senator VI i!-; !;, ;rd from .'" to s iO an acre 60U of Prineville, haa considerable fr,ira K, d planted to beets. A j Mrs. Grace Fletcher was a pussener strtngth in Eastern Oregon. Th-;C ri,s;:lent writirg to the Ore-! ster ! !nornin for Pul m' W"h statement of a Valley paDer that ! .rtiaL from La Grande says: I If you want to buy oods cheaper than Mr. Williamson's choice is the; It may be said that the dawnjj' bought, call on Ed. K. governorship has no foundation ( ,,f the soi;ar in Ju-trv in the North-1 '' '''' l,fr. in fM Mr. WllliamSOD v...' f..Tr,n Tt eolnrs are1 The i VZCTrE job Otlice i prepared to has never announced himself f.r rich wi'h p; Production of turn o-it all kinds of yj prir.tin-; on ! snort notice. BV" V ' " Matlock A Hart have the liandlini: nf arta!es oi commerce, opens Jw rartholoroew-s glirden truck. Of tbe five vice-preeident I golden future as does any indas-! feall every m(jrning. Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, Arthur try oi whu; tte ortwest is and Rxsevelt who have suc- CJpar ceeded to the presidency to till "IV --pie of th vacancies created by death, three of the W,.v -rh, The Monthlv New York Worid, ten j numbers and the .kttk, one year for La firanje and Head ad. This is a liberal uif-r. . ction have in V2 twelve-page papers, briinfull of news from everywhere aud a pet feet feast of special matter. Bock A Mathews have dissolved p?.rt- general com1 to look upon ljft- nership. but you can jret ail kinds r.f erowin a- rnor- than a tentative! meats and lard from Mathews, It Lis come to Stay' The xork of baling ll. A. l upper s i . , ,.!-n t .-.n ii ni.fi t U'S4 I'riln- 1 1 . . l IT II. .....,. nnifl at lite jienrv iifju'11'' hou-s vtfriiiiV niornint?. Thi clip of ' bv rrIi-iL2; lanj froai intensive : -7, i pounds will bs ronune-l to the ! - ll' . t ll..... ....' IV ........liru AaAoinririn r.rrticir.f ct hailed from New York state, namely, Fillmore, who succeeded Zachary Taylor in lSoO; Arthur, j enterprise who succeeded Garfield in lv?l, and to d-v!ot nd risevelL who has jnst sue- : stor fr tiie fatur- ceeied McKinley. Ex. i firming such as tip- ... . rt ihc wheat. Lint it do-s so more by Heppner s Iohdr much of the , freight business and trade of tbe ; ga,:r:, f.mrs in t! production John Dav country that should: an art, o ,.1 h,ch hj ' , . . i wrld-wi 1- consumption. and come here, but is forced away on ' , , . ... 3 t. L.tt ni.- h tfi- world a'.- .rbs with an artnnt of the roa-ds. Ju-t what; . j tavii'tv '. --r rn th ifj'"'-a-a. and should be done is a hard question' ari3-- - - L 1 to answer. The road goes throu.h a r-f at tax-s all the facl: a vast territory which is sparsely j of pro-Itu-tion to su,i y. , , . , -a " Alv -v-tr-tn of agriculture that settled, and the amount of road i - ' . . ..rrr,,.rt relieves S'd from the exhausting work and money for improvement . 1 . . . . . . . " 11 tamVr ofiar:41'J ' " llunu"1 "eai-raisuig, a 'id a" '-rds as prohtabl and a ir; B'jst'jn. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Die Kind You Hare Always Bought It you want a dish nf oysters cooked and served up to you lv i drop down to The Palm and state your wants! Nothing hut white help employed, and strictly local boys own and operate this up-to-date place. A complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos and Candies also carried at "THE jPXvM" r Bears the Signature of ..FALL. must come from a sma. D-oDle. One creat trouble ia, that i 1 ' t-ririn? the road ia neglected l r o . j . ., after the road work is the spring the road i f,.r nothpr vear. and in a 'j r .rr.fi f Li 1 .! c urtA (it-tble substitute, is wel- itrmrs. The sugar fac- s at U'averlv and La Grande time after the usual work is fie- ished the road becomes rough and . nxky from th travel of loose! stock and freighters. A great j amount r,f the trade will go where tbe freighters go, aud this meaD-j Heppner trade going to Hhaniko i and Baker City. If the road id Wo rough for the freighters, it i to rough for the people to come L re. to trade. II. F. llynd, who has just made a trip into thi- dis tri. stat-s that if the highway could 1 divided up into section-, with meo to look after the worrt t.b.ceK it would be a t'1 neft and woull bring puite an am-mi.t t.f tbe rumu.or freihtin? Ih-wm-t end of tie roal is in M-.-rro county. Thiethoull be the fr-t work of the commer-ial club t- . t .1 .......r mi It i- a l"il-S- ti -n that should 1-e thoroughly ir T'-etijattvl. Some men K-t nr-n while others are waiting or j?reat opportunities. Pome married men are no rr.fa-i that tbev enjoy seeing ottier inen tint inr ned. SUTICE OF FISAL SKTTLEMEST. ! if ! it hrby p!vn ?h th t.t'-r:-rl. a'lrr.i li.inuir o( tn- ! l I,. K -h (!, 1 rrsMi. r.u f.ll hn trial rt"ou'.t Jr. th" f. ''. rv. jrr of Mrrror ro inty Or.-irori. ri rri::i:frarf,r, n'trl tKr tHid r-,ijrf hf Hpiiif.'.-'l I'iHt.Uv. l,i )Oi rlay fif Sr irrnlr, l.'l. a - tlm. tri'l tai'i -oijrt t th yi- l"r tt,i 1,'nr- , i .i i . ! Inc of MM m-Koant ami ot;ctio!. ttiereto. ai.'l s l-ep regard for tlje late ftTi ,t tr,r.t lifiwi nam s-aa 'lay or rjfrtni-r, im. 07 i w. -H IH.K Y. A !:r.irj;'trtnr. I atf rrd this substitute." A r E'S COSCEIiS. F3uroor I're-id-r.t .M .-Kinlfcy un loubtedly pr"ir:rd- it- .'en.-rl expression of aorr .-.v f .r hi- d-a?h. That sorrow it -irjc r.-. tho-ih the regard be aa c-rtiinly of a two-fold nature: F.r-. for the mm him-elf; and aer ot.d. f r tb- kjnd'y considerate ex--'-:i'i'- ' of a tiation, friendly re- 1 -t ! ' T; - with v. Lir-ii are b import ant t-, the r;.-..jor!ty r,f Kuroea trov-rn rent-. ORMGOX State Fair SALEM 'September 23-28,1901 AND WIN TER ..VI. LICHTENTHAL. THE UP-TO-DATE SHOE DEALER... When you neoil aiiythitiir in tin.' lino of Shoes, come in and examine our immense stock. Can supply you with neat and well-made footwear at reasonable prices. :::::::: : SHOES. Custom Work a Specialty... HEPPNER. nncr.nM the r-i !; : f.ir- (-' d . ,1 ' . r:.:i at f.r : T.--.t-.ral ;er.i .N' r whs regard fori ;. 'b -conn ted by : et;tle, fi r it 1- th.t i.it;or,r, like in ;!.:!'. enr-.-d omewLat i i i'i f their r'A ii w 1 : t-e -(, McK inb-vV Great Agricultural an 1 Industrial Fair THjE UNIVERSITY Op OREGON HIGHEST STANDARD IN THE STATE To Hundred Cournen in Liter'it'jrc. Hfinr-e in 1 Arf. Hen ', n I Kfiginwr - 'r.i Mnmn New tjondn.ir ini )iipmiil. JS.eri S'w Itiuiniftooi; rienrly r Imthi H'IiW to lihrirvip Sumim-r Kctiil v;t'i ( "mv rnify rreilit. : ri'ii! i f.i,ri' for trOh-r frjr b m i ;eilii"d l'ifi. iil. I) iiHrlrr)"rit nf 1 si'i r fr.r tr-Hcher. (,'intila'- n-ifer'n'trndent Iu'I'pii irv (U-xt of livjnw !o 'It.rf tndiit grunted rli--lHr- Ij!; in l'ir;e K.,., r r, nnivi rsifip in I!1. I i n. i ti I'rrmili'iit or K-vu rsr for r;rr'iUr ttrj'l ratal'iKUf, Kutiene, f r-ir r . . at. 1 n - a'.t i.ti t. - v. lt, f th - t-vol LIVE STOCK SHOW Onl.i V .1 K S Vfreigtl. the well-kti' W r. t Ubor Jrader trnd at one time at tbe s i l,. Hd of tbe Knight c-f Labor. n.;',v 1: alitor .f the Idaho SUte Tribune, cl Mint- a v. rv interetiLjt article in c'-rn j re'.atioo to ananhU. Mr. fov- ear,n..t MeiKii ha t-n iu a p.-:tioii to that it is very tnu. b information w to tLe a i.-i'.'e in t , ; doit .cp of thie enemy ol itiia- oo- i r-- a l. tbrt DUUlWr of fctJ It . ..1 1 lr l.-JP'JM . ' Mi H!!.l'-le- f,fj-iil- iri I if it M re i!d reejve the fr ,.tj 1'retri b-i.t ; e w jij'.i not l,t-. I i-i- rt for it- r-'in- it i- h':roj,e frt t. ho- ever, ' eonrerned in i b-L'-y f the f i't WAClNfi in tlo- C ! : NTH A L M KA T M A K K KT J. H. KINSfIAN, Vir;cr. I.a'et AttrartiotiK in Vw An lit'ir.-im JJ'jil lu.g Kverjr Ktenii.jf, ;d tiecf. Pork. Mutton, Sausage and Poultry always on hand. CORNER .WAIN A!VD A1AY STREETS Mams, Lard and Bacon of the Best Quality. I'tr-li Fi.-h It ! V 'l on I'lifhiyn t; t itjjjrobHble that rLit in thin Mmntry Th" urhiti erhbly t . I'm !,t IiooM;V-lt. siisciai Bates on fiaiifoan 1' r 'rir'ii r ;,'irrirt-t h 1 ;r r-irilarel, Oo-K-n. Y() 1 1 IC WITH Rubber Cement Floor Paint zyxs:. Sand for Color Crjg to W P. FULLER 4. CO., Portland, Ora. MA tic, W kt & t fc b iA & at afa A fc JJ ft Few Mm Arrivals In Palmer v-27, Ladies' Feven- i;oretl Hare skirt, made from Idaels cloth. liaised seams and inverted plait in back. Lined with p.'iealineand faced around bottom with velveteen. 1 i tr Style oliO. Serviceable Jacket, made from Oxford vicuna cloth, storm collar, fancy shaped reveres and cuffs. Three back seams are trimmed with rows of stiteh- 1 cims trim inr s inr and notched at the bot tom, btitclung also trims collars, cuffs, front and around bottom. Lined throughout with black mer cerized twill. Length -1 inches. if! VI Vti Style GU8. Child's box coat, made from mode satinet mel ton. Front fastens with fancy buttons. Welt seams, storm collar. f';i!o mill boll slfi'Vi'y ' -"i - - - - handsomely trimmed with white braid and brown ! stitchintr. V Palmer Guarantee with every maimer uarincnt. We herein' anthoriX" N iinr ,t Co to j.-inirHii'.' cvry gnt roent y fiefu i !. ! a cur rr-iit. rr-1 tra l mark WV (.'UirHiit-p ' vv m-.ii int'k' mir IrK.l mai k to Im iiihi1i fruni (lnr.ti!e .-iiuli. tt)- r cik'lilv iu;ril ninl prepare! Iiefurr niitinfnft-iririt;. W i;i! .r oie t! r tritnruiiitfa niel litunnn !!' --tr rii? ni il iiif l !" ir.K t qTil ly fatinfM't'r imr to t'l.'.l i f Oj- r ,'.rt,. .V- i.l reilm- liny itarnirnl wliicb wlii'-ii mil. o-.inmr.v ir I ; i;or prove aat lfnitor. Percival B. Palmer 5 Co. MINOR - - - - v - w - - - V V'- .-- -- V "V j & CO. X. L Confectionery and Cigar Store. I bin. I'. l)nh,T!y, I'i (prictor. t'e ritni1 f '.it-le iel. r" ier' ili. ft' i r;iil Free heading Room ientlenien are invitei! to coii.e iii n. paperH from all over th ml ' CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very best quality. A fiiir hhare of the jiublic iHtnirme i nnlicitpd. ' -" 1 i ii c it ruu'T i?nn onTuvol a i ijuoi run OU JM10 For the next 00 Days vc will offer everything in our store, including a full line of Hard ware, Groceries, etc., at Cost. EI). j J 11. Jiishop Company d M. M M M . i Hd.' a' w Of IIAIX WAGOX Is on- Hint 'V-ryholy 1 ikv. It ih oni (lf the lnHt on ?artli Gilliam Bisbee lfavejiiHtrr fpivo.1 one of th.- lar.-st s1K-k of Haiti Wagone ev r hrouj,'ht to IIr-iiiT. I'riooM (ire I-eitrln. Heavy vy tn Sholf llar.lwaro, Gnuiit.wrf., Tiuwiirp ApricnltarHl Implpra.'nt, Wncot.H, IIhcIih, Ktc, Paint Hll.l Oils (tbn beat in th world). Crock pry nl fiUHswaro.