Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 15, 1901, Image 2

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    The 1 Icppncr Gazette
Iwnc.1 Tin r'15 Mnni.iiB
V:uio-k A: Mk'hell.
.-1 : Mn r.tifl,oo at 1rrtir Ontin, as
si-i-ntl,! Maft rustier.
.".-- i
..August l'.XU
Till KSIiAY,.
While the wool Kson is closed,
the nhent season is just coninjenc-j determine whether or not the lab
;, ol.i.-h i.iakf a kw season of i orirg; man will have anything to
active work for Heppuer.
Thorp is some talk of starting a
daily newspaper in Portland. It
is very likely that there will W a
whole lot of talk before the paper
is started.
1 he development of the May
thiwer mines will add to the trade
of this city from the Hitter and
SueanvilSe districts. This enipha
size the need of a good road from
here to Kitter.
("tirnegie's trust deed to the
Scotch universities required a
$2"),' "Ht 6tamp. It is said to have
been the largest stamp duty ever
paid in Scotland on a deed of set
tlemeut. It is now proposed to
make Carnegie Lord Hector of
(ilasgow university.
With what Heppuer can do and
with the aid from Susanville and
Hitter, a good 6tart can be made
on the new road from Heppner to
Hitter this eeason. This proposi
tion should be poshed with energy.
Every day the work is put off
mease a loss of business for Hepp
ner people.
Dispatches state that poor old
Paul Kruger is losing hia mind.
The continuance of the war in the
Transvaal and the death of his
wife is a great strain on Mr. Kru
ger in his declining years. He is
certainly an object of pity. What
greater tribute can be paid to a
man than to say that he is loved
by his people, and ' Oom" Paul
certainly is.
The exhaustion of the timber
supply along the banks of the Yu
kon in Alaska, caused by the in
vasion of Commerce, is becoming
a serious problem. Only the few
seasons of steamer traffic has made
great inroads upon the available
timber supply. The importance of
this great commercial highway is
growing each year, and all boats
plying its w aters have been draw
ing their fael from the forests along
the banks. Heretofore miners in
Alaska have onlv searched for gold
but the demand for fuel will stim
ulate the search for coal in the fu
ture. Wheat of the Columbia Eaain is
turning out in the measure better
than it promised standing in the
fields. The salmon run, which
was a failure in the first half of
t season, is so great that the
salmon trust, before its organiza
tion is fairly completed, is counting
nn distributing ? 1,000,000 in divi
dends. Railroads can't get care
enough to carry their traffic, nor
laborers enough to build eitentions
into nw fields. There is great
demand for fishermen and harvest
hards. No man able and willing
to work is idle. And yet we are
told this is the dull season. Ore
gonian. Colombia,
The revolution in
i.roeress for over a year, has now
. i
entered a stage where our inter-
' . , .
ts in uninterrupted traffic across
. 4 . I
isthmus of Panama seem to be,
imi'enled. A few days ago a 'rain
1 ' , , , 4 . . I
WHS hel l Up I'r ail IlOUr m i Lmij
fifteen miles outsid of Panama.;
Asa precautionary measure, there- j
f .re. th gunliat Machias has teen
nrderexl to prrceed at onc from
lloston Navy Yerd to Hampton
Pk(wd to prepare there in sail for
'..lon. a Iort near Aspinwall. the
'Htern terminus of the Panama
railn-ad. Her mi-sion is to b one
of olprvation rather than of inter
vention, as rjothine has yet -ourred
in the disturb republir
fuT na to intervene. We are
LMinr iintl tli riglit .f fr- transit ,
,t.- hf ithtno ui)Jr the ireM
ofisv; U'l not nr,of lv. l;Tfi
5-n rNjuirM to
' ... . I
, ,Me!iM- of otir rm'.'t". '
111 ...-TtMlM- i -ir iit-.i-. '
lion rH.'iiriline fr trlitiLnilAn i
.,, , r . .), .....
tl.rcll"h trt Uu llCg of t fcrinwi
r , I- n,t mral-iuf
. . . . . ,..ti..n r,v
.i f ,itv . ,f l'atiaran. I n.
,.,uv.. ........ ,
tion of thf Pnnmii railroad tho '
MarliiHH will ta k. no part in their
quim!, but merely look on
jwliilt the cocteinliiiK fmtiotis liM
it OUt.
The present groat nteel utiiko
h"" every indication of Wing the
greatet etruggU in the hitory of
unionism. Jt is n groat test case
in wlu'ih the ultimate result will
say m the matter of justice and
right in his own behalf. Both Mr.
Morgan and President Shaffer are' tions. Both the sletiilt-r figure and that
dow represented as making prep- i,ll'!ine,l to emh npoint will appear to
. .o r,- i It,., jadvantiiiie in this style of skirt when the
muuuuo iuiij; ilm lu lilt" fil
ter end. Whether the labor unions
cau hold out long enough to force
recognition from the steel trust is
a question that may end in great
suffering and even blood shed.
While the uuious have employed
some methods that are not alto
gether just, the methods of the
unions are no worse than those
employed by the trust. Mr. Mor
gan has been obstinate and aggres
sive in forcing this great struggle
upon the country. He despises to
grant concessions to the unions.
He wants to own the men and
make them a part of his machinery
to be moved in auy direction that
he may dictate. So long as Presi
dent Shaffer conducts the strike
quiet and orderly, the way it has
gone so far, in a manner that can
be approved, public sympathy w ill
be with the laboters. Tliey will
have moral support if not financial
aid from the people. To get anj
recognition and to keep apace with
present conditions where all of the
great employing agencies are so
well organized, labor unions must
organize, and to assert their rights
with a bold front, is a privilege
furnished to all men in this coun
try, by American liberty.
Depression, industrial and finan
cial, has pursued German manu
factures and trade relentlessly for
some months. It has now appar-
ently, reached its lowest ebb. If : is to ue accomplished by the erec
not. it has gone far enough to ! tion of dams across the channel of
make clear the causes that feed it the Nile. Two of these are now
nrl to show the imnrobabilitv of I nearing completion, which has
relief either to manufactures or
trade in the ioar futue. The ofii-
cial revenues required to maintain
the imperial splendor, and military
strength necessary to make force
ful the Kaiser's policy, are enor
mous, and press heavily upon
manufacturers. From this burden
there is no prospect of relief. A
short period of financial prosperity
a few years ago led to the organi
zation of too many "industrials,"
while the evils of over-capitalization
of corporations and insecure
banking have preyed upon the sub
stance of the people.
The latter evils have found rem
edy in the usual way. Insecure
methods have met public exposure
v 1
and fictitious values have been
eliminated from exploited institu- j
tions. resulting in
into liquidation.
forcing many j
The remaining!
tactor O! Oisaster omciai revenues , Bitters is an Meal etreutb restorer. If
remains in full force, with the on, W0D!'1 ' c'ir 'lyp-Pi. indi
menace of further increase over-i-i-t, orvniiDft, biliousrjtus, try t
shadowing it. The agrarians are I Bl'ler''- ;J body Hhonid trv ,t to bHt
b : nature rid tb b! .r.d of nil iiripnnt!e.
making a mighty effort to ehlf t a ! It pr.gg stlnble curative propf-Mies.
a larger share of this burden upon ! 80,1 -pecific for ii,ln8, f.ver aod
industry, in the hope of relieving i give it a trial, but be onre yon g-t the
the tremendous pressure urjon tbe ; fecnm.
landowning class, by increasing the
tariff on food prrxlucts. while man.
!ufHC,Urf're - .alrt'a':,y ov.erbnr,lenw, -
. v. r 0
ufactures. are crowding German '
proflucts out of the worlds rnar-'
. .
kets and draining Oermar.y of its,
f j
, . 1 . -
of Germacv s way. having all she
nrMiu. I'l lin.u in jmoviitii uui
can do to hoi, 1 l.er own against the
i enormous drKiu ,f the Suth Afri-
can war. J i;e i r.-u-.i Mates, on i
the contrary, relieved of the ex-!
peose of active warfare, ha already ,
lowerel its war taxs. and th- '
country is forgir.g ah.al loth
r -1, 1-1. 1. .
hnanciaiiy ar.u in I'l-iriauy ai a
rate that tnhk it a tr-rnenduue
ar.d proviirg wit iri the :orn-1 '
me roe of the v.'.tld. Lnlor d:s-
o.-vr, jrrowirj;
in tlii rotiiilry at a ritf that )s'l
! utrotglv it indu-tr ial ".riiiiif-r-
' . -
in th- i.'-hT fntur'
of liorjr? in t Lit tl.rtat
, .
, ... ,tl,
. , , , ,
tbil if tLoorJy ruixJb,f cowUi
"'S ,,U,11HD lL-V l-V- t,., doubt ;
UpUD 11 W llll IL- ho.
it mif grow in ltLt hu'1 v.lmtif.
jjLiterary Notesj
l" inton Johnson writes ni'h knott
iest' ;in.i npi'rei'i.ttioti of pier m osque
useful toiiture of I reicn travel in
his letter fo the .Vruo'iaut for August I:.',
11M1. 'The Toutier M.-iiii" is the suh
'tc t of his sketeh, an! he tirnln many
oo'i things to say ol her peeuliai ities
an.l ei vice.
l-'iisluon I. as ilei'i.leii that tlio haliit
hai k skii t. hi t'lUMsilly popular a tew
seasons tio, is to he reviveil, anil it is
shown in various attractive tnoilitioa-
details of adaptability are studied, while
the woman whose figure is perfectly
proportioned wi'l rfadily appreciate the
long, irciceftil lines that characterize
thee modes. Ten different styles of
habit-back skirts are shown in the Sep
tember I'elineator.
Some hoodlums in Fainnount,
Lane Couuty, have been throwing
rocks through the w indow s of Pull
man cars.
Horses ran away with a big com
bined harvester the other day near
La Grande. The best horse in the
bunch broke a leg, but little other
damage was done.
A man by the name of Knox, at
Hood River, entered a physician's
office there for medical assistance,
when it was discovejed he had a
well-defined case of smallpox. He
-as removed to the pesthouse, H
miles bom town.
Py the generous offer of Mrs. M.
L. M. Richards, the City of Athena
is to have a public library. It is
to be known as the Parwiu A.
Richards Memorial Library, and
will be housed in a fireproof build
ing at the corner of Main and
Fifth streets.
The British government has un
dertaken to restore the aLCient
order of things by storing the
flood waters of the Nile, so that,
by irrigating, once more the des
ert lands of Egypt will be in con
dition f supply cotton, cereals
and other products enough for the
markets of the world, since three
crops can 1 e raised a year. This
ujHiie uie uLiueriaKiDg possinie.
It is of interest to know that
7.. il. .1 i: -ii
-"t,u natives and Italians are j
now at work in shuts of r.j0n
each by night and day in the com-
(pletion of the dams. The eame
quarries that supplied stone to
Kit-g Mena are being worked by
them, and the grooves and notches
of laborers who extracted rough
mineral for the temples of Philae
and Cleopatra's needle were found
by the men who are using modern
implements propelled by steam to
obtain stone for the dams. Les
lie's Weeklv.
,"''7 9 ' .e" ""
j-T'irnote lo ikreviiy. It is interfering to
not, thnt tbe m-an throng which lon
berob' "'T1' l too(j t u,d ,tb
not posnhie unlt-n tin s-oiuh h does, it
Tr. PrTr'5'- .ThT w?y ,to n,hk
Panthers have attacked Fred
Noah's band of sheen on N'nrtli
Coo8hiTeran.I have killed over
iw enrr.
Alwayg ri:ab! Th Weekly OreKonlan.
Tor Infant and Children.
i The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Bigiatare of
f rp II J)'V'
, ) j , J
Tt.der thi dir";li'irj of tr.t-
t r-ft t.ho Holy N.iiuf
of .) us ;inl Mary
Tl.ia irj;tntKn l- pl-at,tlT m'nnt i
?i-hr Cilnrr,ri on fhf hue ft Jhf O
Ik. A C'i. . r.r,n it is aav ..r
for all hf l,' rltr Jo -curf. a nm
r'ir'htii- iiOfi.f r,,l a rui . at ,
l-arrji'.tf fur trVir ds'iilit-rs r.r ward-.
1 Ij ,i-H'y,n nt U arNdrtiV i fit, r.f
- ir,.,.t blK on the .1,,
t' f n of Ory"" -irg trover.!..!
for it. . ,.,, .rir.B . r, t,,r
r.,.tl I r.n'r.fM t.y u.- hf
to rorf.-r ArH U,,c ho,,..,.
81'i". Stq l... ,! r,rnnj"l I -..
r,-tj-n.l)-r J I
For rif-UitH tr f' trontion npplv to tllB
Miftff M it.rio'. h47.'il
in t I'M i; cinm iiKs.
K'if Ci'jtrtl
ihiirch Lev. W. K. I'ot-
M. K. church, South. Services at 11
. in. and 7 . in.- Kev. V. M. Crtti
tield, lastor.
Catholic I'hurch Kev. Father Kelly.
Sei vices ;!d Sunday in each month at
10 ::'! a. in. r.einninj; Nov. IS.
baptist church W. B. Woottoti, mis
tor. Services each Sunday, inorniiit:
and evening. Moriiiiiir suhj. ct. Faith."
Kveinim snhject. "Come unto Me
All are Welcome to these services..
Christian church Kev. Victor Carl
son, pastor. Services at II a. m. anil
S p. m. Moiniiii; subject, "In
Memoriam." Kvenint; suhject, "!lorv
ing in the Cross." Sunday SYhool ti) a.
in. Y. 1'. S. l". I". meets at 7 p. in.
Topic " Knemies and Arms." You are
cordially invited to attmd all these aer
vices. Columbia College, Milton Oregon
This school is located in the safest
town in the Northwest for young people
A population of 11)00, anil not a saloon.
The college h is departments of Liter
ature, Science, Klociitioii, Business,
Music, and preparatory courses. Full
faculty. Separate and first class ilormi
toiy accommodations for boys and girls.
Low ter ms, send for catalogue. Ad
dress F. 1'. tireen-. atfent.
rxm Rim
la all its stall's tliere
ihouid be cit'nuiiue?s.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and hesli
ih diseased membrane.
It cures i starrh and drive
away a cold in the bead
quiet j.
Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads
oyer the membrane and is absorbed. Keiief is im
mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large Sue, SO cents at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BUOT11ERS. 5ti Warren Street, New York.
State Fair
September 23-28,1901
Great Agricultural
Industrial Fair
Good RACING in
A fttTIlOOIl.-.
Latest AttrBOtincg io New Auditorium
rinildiDj? Every Kveninn, with
Good Mnsio.
Special Rates on Raiiroans
For further particnlarn, address
M D. WISDOM, Seo ,
Portland, Oregon
A rrlvats. school
for bour'ilns; and day
pupllH. Prepares boya
for admlBHlon to any
scientific school or
college, anT for burt
ness .Ife. New an4
completely wiiilpp-d
bulbllnit. Thornusjh
Instruction arcnrdlns;
to the b-st method.
ioi h boratoris,
M nual tralnlrift. The
priricijial has had
twenty-three years'
exi-rlnce In I'ort
lnd. Ufflce hours.
to 11 A. ! , nnd 2 to
5 V M . ' W M'ir"
nhail atreft. , or
cataloirijo and pnmphVt containing ret urn
of t-st.mor,p, etc., address,
, J. W. HILL. M. D.
' Prlnelpal.
P. O. Drawer 1 7. Portland, Or.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
rtTof. e,.I!f t it ktrh utrl lvHrtf -n may
)! Jtif '--r.trn f-Tir 'tii"n frw wfirthw an
,t n ? prohaMy fnpiiNi. 'immunl
I .on mfr;ry foTiflfJent Hn'1Vrk n f'atnU
a-it fr .i 1. t mgfiit r fr -unr.aT jinta.
:,ir,i tKicn fhr'Mikfh Munn A t . receive
7'iii notice, wi'h'tiit charyo. In tiU
Scientific American.
A hnr.1".-. r l,ln'rt wk!T. I.rr rtr
fi m','.', .f uuf till' J-.ijrrml. 1Vrn,. 1 a
t,r t- .,r t., . tbs. L Wita brail wpra.
TrlUNN & Co.36,B-a-T- New York
rn h !. . OS, !U Wnblli((t.ti. I. C.
I''ir .""iirin .Suiiinn'r W'eur
S) Thr
Tin; Lato.t Styles
M-n, W'oiim ii and (
OK Statstl. Main Straat
Dalles, Portland ami Astoria
Navigation Company.
leaves Oak Street Unck,
I' irtlHiid, at 7 ft. ra. and 1 1
l. in. : : : : : : :
leave Tim Mallea at 7 B. m.
and 3 p iu , daily ( finei.it
Stiudiiv). : : : : : :
Regulator, Dulles City,
K-liance, Iralda,
G. W. Shaver.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent, Th Oalla
Dally Kiiuml Trips oxct pt Suiulay.
Leave Portland 7 A. M
Leave Astoria T P, M,
Landing; In Portland Foot of Alder tit.
Str. "Bailey Gatzert"
Dully Round Trip
Kxcept Monday...
Leave Portland 7 A. M.
Arrive The Dalle 3 P. M
Leav Tlie Dalles 4 P. M
Arrive Fortlaod 10 P. M
Sunday Trips a Leading Feature.
This Konre has the liraudest Scenic Attrae
tlons on Karth,
landing: foot of alder st.
Alil.NT STOKl.
i'.K.i r ma CA1.LIM.
Of the Pacific Coast,
Bf .ail l, Psstafs Paid,
Only $670 a Heat,
Greatest Weekly in the CoBBtrv,
$1.50 II
lIiwMorlln ptaf t inr Prt o4 th t'Ditl
Stat', anjda and Mtto.
TH K WKKKLT C'MKOMri.K, tb brlfhtt
od unt cum plt tt W"Lljr N w wp r in tv
World, print rfpnla-ly 112 Columns, or K'xra
t News. Iltratur an4 ti-'nral tutor
iOaiiso; also a mJtnint Ag rlr jlt irml uifl
Ilortlrulturnl . l prtmDt. Turn U uu mt tbf
ftTfatfl iVparTiuntn In inr prip-r od ttilj
(jouht. KTryt,nt; writtnn ifc bad on ri
latrlfDr1 Id i bf 0a4t Mat-, nof on Katrri
iu i knowlrdyc of tivlr owu Ins a lit t-a.
The t'bronlrl Building.
TTI CDROKK.'I.K ranks wlrk tbr pHliit
Srniapm la th CnltMl Ktatis.
THg CHRoMfl.lt has no rqul on th fs'-IIV
Coast. It trails all In aMIlir, ratrrprls- aul
Til rHIV).VICI.rrs Mftrpli.iB..rts sra
th laut itul ant rallabl. Its Inral Ns tk
rnllrat and iplrtMl, ad Ita RdJtorUbi from tl.
ablrst pros In tbr rrmnirf.
THK CIlllONirXR has sJwsra l-o. sal al
wsrs will V. tk frVm! sn rbamploa r tk,.
profU. a SKSlaat rr.mblnatlaiM, rllgtirs, ,rp,,r.
tiuos or oppr, bii'aim of mr kji4. It tl' 1 tu0
braitrot :a rvrrt.ag. arotral lo sVttblaf
Reversible Map?
Showing; the United Statet, Domiiloa
of Canada and Norther Mexic
Map of the World
OV Tlh: OrilKK
rn mt mn4 .t Ihr XI mp
Wsrklf bron Irlr tor One rmr,
raala( prrpailai n mapaad rr".
alDJii Mt
I. 1 YOt;Nf,
I'nprWtor H V chroaVO.
s rKAciHuu uaiv
l'4'iim-r R'ot anl Hhi K-alrr of H-i.,nrr, has
of Footwear for
Rsairisi a Saaolalty.
rrv-v--vV-'V--v--v-v.-v-v-. ,
I. X. L.
Confectionery and Cigar Store.
Dan. I. Doherty, I'mijh i 1 - r.
Free Reading Room ..aw
ietitlernpn are invittl to ioiim- in :lri I l. i-,.i;rfortiil., atol rt-i I
piipfra from all over t Im worhl. i I'lu-t, r .il placp.
all of the very best quality.
A fair sliiirt' of t lie public in.troufiL'M
Siniond's Cross Cut Saws
Sewing Machines
Sanitary Stills
IJoss Washers
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
At Ed. R. Bishop's.
Jh on thai ovt ryixMiy knows
Hav' jiiHt rwreivetl anv f tli
1 rMi glit to Hepl'npr.
Heavy rnl Shlf Hardwarp, (Jranitowaro Tin-
I m nlamfiti VV m rrr n m
Hip world M'rortWy aF,I Wmhw. ,,U (U"' I-! i
- - - -". v-v - o
10 A U
W4 w M
& CO.
i Hnlii-itfiK
it ,,;H ,f f. j(l.s(
"n rrfli.
I Bisbe
of l!.;..
-oai nrL