V-J V J PAPER JOB PRINTING . . . We have the best equipped Job Office in Morrow County end can Print Anything. :::::: Legal Blanks Kept constantly on hind. W have tbe I,ret Assortment tbia Hide of Portland. : : : : : : TIllC ;Ay.KTTK OFFICIAL ..GIVES ALL THE NEWS.. Subscription Price. Ono ycur Kix months $1 50 NO. 847 XINKTKKNTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 15, 1901. ! ornciA.ii Eir.ECToroY. I'llltfll SltKte llttll'lHlM. P . Ni'lnni WilliHiti McKitiU-y "" PrHllint 'J'. Uiiwvfli Set-rotary of Siiit.i W. It. liny rtiiirU4ry 'r 'l'rt'iNnry I.ytnun J. (in; Hi(irtiiry of ItO'i.-ior ConifhtiH N. Hliiin HwriiUtry of Wiir K H. Hunt H.irf.t4iry of Navy Iulm I), honu PostiiiaMlMr-'inrierul flim-le. Kini'ry Hmiih t'.irny-HMritral John V. linyim "vrMiirvfif . irnciitiifn Jmrii's Wilson Cum. (.rinrnl IjiikI ( Illicit 'intiir Hi'mimm Ml ate PYileial Ofllflul.. Hennlot. HI W.McMri.ta I JoSfph HllHOIl (Thou. " J ntfiiH I fa. , A. Mini i y Int'irniil Ituvienm Colt,;tor I). M. litinne Di.Inrl JikIk H 1 ellifiKr Circuit Ju.. W. H. ! rt Dm'nrt Attorney J. H Hull V 8 Mrha Zoetli Him-er lolled Stai-i Land Officer. THE IMIXI. OK. lay P Iuru )i.iter Otn I'miiTunn Karaiter LA uat!lI. OH. K. W. Itartli.lt Keri.tar J. ). Mwankliamnr Hncalver Oregon Mate (lltlrmlN. ilnvarnor T. T. fJe.r eonitary of Htjita K. I. lMrilwr TrBrirnr. V. H. Moor Htitit. Public, lri.trortiuD I. 'I. Arko'irian atttirii.y (ienerol D. 11. N. Hlni khurn I'nt.l.r W. H. ld ( K. H. limn. Siil.rame Jmlire. I V. A. .Yloore, ('. K. Wi.lvBrtun t'lrk Bnanl Miilionl jtml ('oaiminion amrt ( hfimlHTlnin lim Wnnli'n . . . . Alil Quunlif Kinli Cora . Keiil A'torm .leriu.ry Hurieoon .... Win. Mi l-tin, 1'urtlnuil filth Juillrlnl lllmrlit. Cir nit J.kIkx W R. Kill PiiHm'titinK Attorney T. . H.iley Mnrrow (utility Odin. la. Joluf Honnlor J. W. Mnrrow KurrtrntH-Itm A. B. Tlimii.titi Co nt Iti'tir A. ii. Hartliiiloiii.w " '''Miimlwiotmr. ... ). I,. Hnw.nl Kil. ( . A.lll'.llKh. V.wfr Cmwrortl Shrilf Trii.'irer . , . , . 4ytor ' Hnrvryur " rticHil Hup't. ' C .. .- htork lM(MTUir Ii.niii.it .... J. W. MhiIim M. I.ir'it- bl C .. Will J J. MriiJ-H I.y W. rilnply . I)r. K. It. Hunlo k ... Hr-hrv s.-liprziin.'1-r . I Kt-.i-n I lk( VinPuri, tiH lnwhy uri i'NKH Town ornorR. ! nnk (tilllim ('ini'll'nfTj .1 H Himoii J. J. Iloliorin Nub! will 'I'Ihm. QuhhI. Kiwur.W rrniAiirMr M.mliftl . S P iihirivti' p. K. W Itl.en. (imi. ...J. P. Wilh.mil I. W. HriKir lii'i.rKtJ Thoriitnii iiKKri:R IHri-'-l ir K'Mk i no a Rii T. II !l in U K Kir it hi 'rth. J. M. Ilt,vr ( k-rk J J H .i-rlii Prffinrt Ofl!tr. J tr i.f 'I n pivti- J. V W mim (, .ri.ln'.l- i. H. H.tt G. IV. Phelps ATTOHXKY AT LAW. OfTii'e on Mny lrfi t. Hfjipnor. Orck'nn. C E. Rcdfleld ATIUH.f:Y AT LAW. Offlrc on n.'.l . of M.y str.-i'l. Hi..(.!icr. orikiiii A. Mallory, r. s. coMMissio.xrii .Vor.lAT ITHI.IC ! n illi.irwr t 'nki ! kin. In nf I.AN1 f'Kiiuhs .ii.l f !v,-i Collt'i ti-'i. in..!' o'i n .t- iihI'N' ti-ram, (irtli-f .1 ri-i It'in i.n i fi.i. mri-i':. i ti inr i uir 1 1 1 inn 1 k'-r;pt (or h;u SPOKANE FALLS i NORTH KRN NELSON S FORT SHEITARD RED MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS In Only All-Hail limit Without Chanijo uf Cam I'.etwwn Hptikaue, IIihIkD(I and NeUon. Alan between Nfli)n aol ItoKnUm), dally except Hnnilay : Um. Arriri Htn A M . HiH'k.n. . . :o P. M 1 1 1 1 1 A M KiHMiKUlt 41" '. M f 10 A. M Ni-lmin t 45 I'. M. Ci ronnrf ion. .t Nflln with .tmem for Kiwlo, .nil all KiHitwn.l liko point.. PiuM..nttr for Kuttl. lilTr .n.l Honrdnri rwk connix't .t H.n-n. with iluii dil. Eisr VIA Southern Pacific Co l.f.Te I Dopot Fifth and I Sts Arrive OVKKl.AM) FX-PKrS- I KAlNt. tor s.li'in. Ko.i'turii.Ali Uii'l. Hcr.iiii'iiio, i lit tti'ti mii Fr.nrl.ro. Miii.vi', lm Alitfi'lin. F.l I'Mflo. Ni'M tlrll'HIIH .ii 1 1 1 F.il T I't P M 1 ii li A Mi 7 in V M At Woo.lt. urn (,llly fxr.'jtt miii.Imv). morn liitf tritln rolilipct. with tr.lii for Mt An Ki'l. MlMTton. Hrown. xllli1. Si'riiiKtleld .ml NHtroli. Mll'l t'VtMlltIK t th til for Ml. AllKi'l .lid Mlvrrton. t; ham; 1,11 .4.M' M t'orv.Ilia TniiiiiMiierr. Shrrid.n P.mi'iiBrr. :i i pm ;. m Imlly. i.l'.lljr ro''l Mtnl.y. Ki't'.tr tli ki't on .1" M"n Portl.ii'1. S.r r.nn'iito .nil s.n Fr.oi'i.i'o Net r.to. f IT tirt c'ii. .ml 111 h iiii.I i'l. Iiu lii'ling lii''r khIi' -i .I ki-i. to KMti'in r.'ini. .n't k ii r,,;. , IM V MINI. HilNnl l I I' nl ArrK4l.M hii !' ott.iiu'. 1r.iii .1. B. K I ItK I M. Tirki-t Al-.oiI. fit l lilr.l St. YAMI11I I. lilVHION. 1'..i'i.i;iT 1'i'i'Ot. fiil of .li'lli'moii Stn i't. l.-ivr tor iHni'ni .l.itv .t " "ii to . in ; I.' i'. 1 1' ,' 1 v '' .'or, 1 1 ,'t'i , in : .tul V i.i . in mi miii-Ih' iinlv Arrtir.t l'ortl.li'1 l.ilv .1 m.'l'i ' in ; 1 :i I '. '. t. .M. 1 4o. 10 i i in : l'i o m 'ltlv. i'i'o't MoihI.v n Hil'l lo . III. oil Silll'l.v. only l'.w tor l.ll. .lH'lv. .i t Snii.l.y. nt 4 i m. Arrivi' nt rortl.o.l nt m 111. I'.i ni'r trHtn let.-. ii!ll for Alrllt" Mon linn. W In. .1n .tut Krl l.V" t J I til Ki't'trn. 1 ;i...'l.., I'titir..H. .tnl .tur.lrt.. F iri'l'1 miihIh . R. liOFHI.FR. Mett.iror. H. VAKK11AM. fT. r 4 f Art . I'nrtl.tiil, trffnn A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor PioiMM-r Tailor of I Irppnrr. ( His work first-class j and satisfactory, (Jive li i in a al 1 Mav Strwt iSMi AVcgcLable Preparalionfor As similating tticFoodandlteguIa bng the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Chccrrur nessandRest.Contains neither Opinm.Morplune nor Mineral. Ihot Narcotic. flmfjtm SeU Mx.SmtMM. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvrnsh nras and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WPAPPER. 1 1 AVE Hy Buying Some Shares in new Alining Companies. Heppner Mining Co.? Head Office, Heppner, Oregon. I). T. STALTKR, President and Cieneral Manager. C. li. RED I7 1 ELD, Mce President. T. W. AYP:RS, Secretary. GEO. CONSPLR, Treasurer. I4 or shares of stock apj)ly to any of the above olficers. Ifcroir d The C. A. Rhea Farm on Willow Creek, i mile below lone, may now be bought for $20 an acre, easy terms, one third cash. Has 240 acres, mostly rich bottom land, and good improvements. Sev eral tracts may now be cut off and sold at 50 dollars an acre. Address C. k. Rhea, lone, Ogn. Tile PeoDle's National , r - 3 e - - - f jr w " NEW YORK TRI-WEF.KLY TRIBUNE Published Monday. Wtolm-sdny mid Kridny, i in reality a fine, fresh, every other iIhv Daily, tfivmg llie latt news mi days of ifwne, nod onvi-npg nwo of the other ilirfe. 1 1 coi'iRiii" an iniiirtatil r.iri'in IrilitiiieiifeenieilHtM.hl.il dnmoMie mid eh gmit half tone iiltiHtratione. inni'-n-i notes, agricultural matters nnd comi.rtdiens.ve ai d reliable tina c:a and market rt j'lil in. KegtiUr nbcnptioii pi ice, ft 50 per (1 .z, lte for S2.2.5 per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Piiblieho.l i ii l hur Nv. rn known for nearly sixty vears in every part of the Dinted State. . Nstionnl Family Newsimper of the lilnliest class, for farmer iiti.l village's, ll Oonlmn ell the most import. cl vcnernl i.ewe of The Daily I'nbnne up In hour of going to pre, un Hirriciiltnrnl department of th' I.H'lieM order, lias entertaining readi' g for very niomher o thi family, old mid yenng. market repm ta w Inch ht ncvei'ted nu authority by farmers and country mer chant., nn l m clean, no lo late, mterr.t nig an.t nietr ic'ive. Rognlar iiberii'ti"ii jirjce. 1 per ear. The Weeklv Trilmiie is given f ir one year a free premium to all new atib seribera ,. the Il.'ii ner Oazette and to all old eiilHC.-ibei who pay m o dt te and me year in advance. Send all orders to Gazette, Heppner. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years thi c.nt.u. ceaMWT. mw to., em, Familii Mmm canle new which Rppenrx in lliel'mly f.ircitfii correspondriipe.. short stories, 'tome., industrial tiforn.ation, fahioti year. We fnrni'li it with the Heppner AW shil in tie vim Neither Side Moved Decisively in Strike Situation. REVOLUTION IN COLOMBIA Attempt Mid to Polnon a VuaDf Mao Id Baker "ltjr-Brjrao la Hhelyed in Virginia I'lTTKiicao, Aug. 13. Neither aide moved decisively toxlay ia be (treat In dustrial conflict between the employers and ernployeen in the steel trade, and the renti It is still in the balance. The strikers made Kins at Pittsburg, Mc Keesport, Wheeling and Bellaire in the lat twenty-four hourf, but in the main the advantage is still with the mill owners. Poth sides claim to be pre paring move that will bring confusion to the opponents, but neither side has shown its hand. The general situation tonight can he briefly summarized as f jllows: Ten men tjnit at the lower union mill of the Carnegie Company a' Pittfburg and joined the strikers. Their defection represents the first break in the Carnegie forces of more than 15,000 men. The strikers were ju bilant over the incident, but the com pany claims to have filled their places at once, ami that there would be no more deseitions at any more of the p!ant. The P.eliaire plant, in which the men struck Sunday was finallv closed down today, working short handed until yes terday afternoon. When another start will be made is problematical. Several hundred boys employed at the National Tube Works at McKesport went out during the night and day, and their ac tion materially aided the effort of the strikers to finally tie up the plant. The works are going ahead short handed, but the ranks of tne wotkers are thin nine, and the supply of material is lim ited. The strikers made gains at Wheeling, and the steel officials admitted today that Penwood would he closed down. The steel corporation has ordered that the Charters plant at Carnegie be dis mantled and removed to I.eechburg. Si far good order has prevailed, al though the steel officials afsert that there lias been intimidation at Wheel ing, McKeesport and Pittsburg. P.oth sides express their confidence of ulti mate victory, and are carrying forward their plans. To Aid Strikers. Aitin, Tex., Aug. 13 A resolution was introduced in the Legislature today, pledging financial and moral support to the steel strikers and requiring the members to contribute $1 per day of their, salary , to aid the strikers. The resolution went over until tomorrow. Rebels in Colomb'a. Washington', D. C, Aug. 13. The state department today received mail advices from thtee different quarters in Colombia, all showing revolutionary movements in progress, and a rather serious condition of affairs. Hoth ter mini of the Panama railroad route were heard from. Consul (ieneral Ctidger, writing from Panama as to the rrvolu - tionarv attack on nearbv tow ns, and " , , . , . Consul Malinros, at t olon. reporting that guerilla fighting had been going on at different point, between Colon and, Panama. At the same time Minister , ' Hart wrote from the capital of Colombia . as to the arrest and imprisonment of ' prominent adherents of former Dr. Sal. ' miente, a, they were suspected of seek- ; ing to have tbe Nationalist organ join the Liberals, who are said to !e show ing increased strength and activity in tbe revolutionary movement. Poisoned by Candy. j BKFK City. Aug. 13 I'd. Newton, j w ho is engsged to be married to a well- I known young woman heie. has received two threatening lettets. demanding that lie cease his attentions to the young lady in question. Sunday last young Newton was accosted by a strange young man. and after some conversation, was invited to ent some candy from a lo. He ate several pieces and immediately was taken violently ill. Physicians pro nounced it a case of a'seiiic poisoning, and barely saved Newton's life. The fact as to the attempted poison ing was suppiessed until today, when Newton received an anonymous letter, tilled with abuse, and stating that a, the car.ily di'l not fininb liim, they wouM et him yet, unless) he left town by to morrow riMit. The letter ha been pent . . , ,, t; i i ! n Ilia nouta si nt linr 1 1 ies in r-ookane for' inveMtiation. Bryan la Shelved. "ohFAi.K, Va., Aug. y.i. Senator Uarksdale, who will be temporary chairman of the Democratic State Con vention, in a speech said : "Twice we have followed a great man to great defeais, but the democracy is not a party of one man or of one idea. In the Democratic temple of fame alongside Thomas JefTerfeon, Andrew Jackson and Samuel J. Tiiden, we will place the equally great Nebrakan, and in the memories of our past glorious record,, free silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 will have an abiding place at another cause, noblv fought and hopelessly lost " Value of Me tala. Gold is worth f340 a pound ar.d silver f 13, but there are a score of metaU worth much more. Ceromium and tellurium cost, for instance, f 700 a pound, and as nium and zicron, which are used in the making of electric mantles, $1420 a pound. Barium cannot be gotten nnder $2110 a pountl, and rhodium and nobium are worth almost $2700. Strontium's market price is $4500; didymitum's is $400 a piund. Rubidium is a metal worth $11,200 a pound, and vandium is worth $1S,000. Above ail thebe, how ever stands gallium, a metal discovered in 145, a pound ot which, if it were pro curable, would be worth $75,000, or 2SS times as much as a pound of gold, and S.V'jI times as much as a pound of silver. San Miguel Messenger. Attractive Women. All women sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty ie the stamp of health because it is the outward manifestation of inner purity. A healthy woman is always attractive, bright and happy. When every drop of blood in the veins is pure a beauteous t!uh is on the cheek. But when the blood is impure, njoroene, bad temper and a sallow complexion tells tl.e tale of sickness, all too plainly. And women today Urio there is no beauty without heaiih. Wine of Cardui ctowns women with beautv ar.d attractiveness by making strong and healthy those O'gans which make her a woman. Try Wine of Cardui, and in a month your friends will hardly know you. WHAT A TALE IT TELLS. If that mirror of yoorssbows a wretch ed, sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble ; but Dr. Kiog's New Life Pills regulate the liver, purify tbe blood, give clear skin, r'sv cheeks, rict complexion. Ouly 25c at E. J. Slocatn'e. drag store. Ambition never ha? time to thke a dav off. A ftiend to ever) body is a fiiend only to hitnseif. Laughter is the sunny side of a man's existence. Hominy Fxcnniun Half lo Clm. p Keach. twinning Sunday, Mav 2'th and every Sunday thereafter during the summer I season, the Astoria A Columbia hiver Kailroad Co. will sell one day round trip excursion tickets from l'urt'ard to Seaside and return at $1 each. Train will leave I'nioii Depot, Portland, at s 1 a. m. and arrive at eaide at 12 .20 p. ! ' ; returning leave seaside at 5 p. m. land arrive at Portland at " 40 p. m. p;t W.i;D I ...... . , f mfrm.vion leading to ! the arrest end cor iction 1 1 any person rt ... ct li unv Mti.-k nifh tht (,rt;,r aa t,rana on ,i,e leit shoulder. j l'tMRviV. I I" gl.tmile P. . 1 - Occasions do not make a man : they onlv show what ti.ete is m I :n. ' The less use a man l as for the more tl.e de:. has- for 1 .in himself It isn't wh.it a nim s.s that counts jt (,, aj him. ot: crs !'e'iee The impni 1- nt nun he has said and the ; J gain frtm the start. I t - '('" -.-e.',e V.N 1'WN 4 ' s x .n.l - 11 IniiiKi-i jj what he is g i g to-.ii - ' " ' in i e":,-i Ns fi.on 2A"tl rtilMUtWa1 m9 m a J as i.irgo a the .'ate ,.f i ;. . Kansas i ''i'' ic .mi s,!r ,',iM Trnrt. i J i COttiSnff j or New Ligatit a-e )et a s. cret to ' N " J',. M f . .' ' : ..' l i TK-1 tl"? babv I most like- wh.te man - 'Im' o : ': 'lag I ' 'T '..' :"'-'T '.'. I-' ' V' f".!'irt f ly nerious. and fretful, and J an!,. fZT.r ",V'.,;.1 I liivsn't Rain in weight. J " " i--to n e ... t- .ru. tt., j Scott's Emulsion j Vr T. 7-,.. i is the Kt food and medicine J 0.k ,, . ,.M. . ... .,.,,. ,,."httMv'' ' " ' T,!" J for teeth ins babies. They f ,.in. v..,... ,, t , , l- a., d i,..t ' '.t'.-.!. ;. . . 1 -, , .... , t, ,. Shaep In Montana. Montana is now in the mMst of her harvefct, hut it ia a harvest of wool, ' ; That is now the greatest wool producing j state in the t'nion, and it is believed by j the board of sheep commissioners that Montana also leads in the number of sheep raided, although the bulletin of the National Aswociotion of Wool Manu facturers credits New Mexico with hav ing a few thousands more. Last year Montana raised 3,717,170 sheep, and the fact that over 125,000,000 is invested in the business there shows how important an industry it is. Over 1?,000,000 pounds j of wool were marketed at Billings, Mont last year, and it is believed that this will be materially increased this season. Most of the wool is first hauled to Eil lings so the grower mav have the ad vantage of a large market and many buyers. A number of the big clips are offered each day, and during all of this month the city and state talk nothing but wool. Four sacks are taken indis criminately from eacb clip, cut open and their contents carefully examined by all the buyers, each buyer then marking on a slip of paper his offer per pound for the entire clip, and dropping it into the grower's hat. The grower then looks over the bids and announces his accept ance or rejection of the highest bid. Should a sale Vie made, the wagon is un loaded from the long line of wagons that may have been driven across country 100 miles, or from the train, and the wool is then baled in steam press and shipped on east. The output of wool in the state of Montana, which was 20,000,000 pounds last year, is nearly, if not quite 30,000,000 this year, an increase of 15 per cent ; and some who are familiar w ith the condition of the industry in the state believe that the Montana clip of 1101 exceeds 30,000, 000 pounds. Prior to this time it has been impossible to make a fairly accnr ate estimate, bat shearing is aboutcom- pleted, much wool is at every market and reports to the "Tribune," and to the freight departments of the railway com pany indicate a treat increase over last year's figures. At the smaller markets, the clips are practically ail in, and enough wool has been received at the tireat Falls and Billings markets tomake it possible, for one know ing the sheep men and their holdings, to forecast the receipts, which will be about as the fol lowing shows : Great Falls !.000,OO Billings .exWyo. S, 500,000 Fort Benton l.tiOO.OOO Big Timber: 1,200,000 Miles City 1 .riOO.oOO (ilendive . SOO.000 Valley County Chinook Big Sandy Bitter Boot Dillon Chester. Livingston. Forsyth, Madison County , eic 2.2iXI,0lXi .VXi.OOO 300, 0W 1.400,000 2.000,000 Total 2si,40. 000 Except in Custer and Daw son counties, where there was no rain until after shearing, the percentage of dirt to wool is unusually low, and this fact nukes the remarkable increase in the clip of the state all the more notable. TheinJi cations now are that the clip w ill aver age taking the state a a w hole, at least cents, aggregating almost $4.0tV. 0M. American Wool and Cotton Re porter. Unknown Canada. One-third of the area of Canada is practically unknow n. sta'es the director of the geological sutey of ti lorn n.:on in his last report. There are more than l.L "VOl"1 square miles of unexpired Ian is iu Canada. Tiie entire area of the doc. mon is com puted at 3 . 4 "i0 . 2-"i 7 square miles . const quently one third of tins .. jiir.tiv has yet i-oeii untraelcl by ti.e explorer Kc!u.ve of ti.e inhosp'.ta'i'.e ietache i Arctic poitions. ''."4.lMU s.j i.re miles ate u.t p-,:c:ii proposes eni.rt', cn- I known :i ', ts en w liat ; Most oi tins in. kii iti a-o.i .s d -t' - , Kii'iit nun on ,.(.,.! ,i ! . I ..'... , ' j I,,.,, i,i i 1'onn. ,olU.M s:-. 1...- ..e.J -Vt ' Tl' ' ' P : v "i- In 'I, . 01 I ive ;iir,i. '... ,. .... u, ,i,.. m i t . . - ... . . t ; ," ('.-! t r - , , , .,.,1 ,,i M. l ... I,. .f-crm.t. a . , t i. . , ..,..., ., . .. . ..,,..,.1 I..4. iio.i l . i ' ir a, i 'Tv. :n u, 'iirf i:e t 1 i - - -vr --r M '- .i.-t..- bet that an )-. I .'ir tr.i-t'. ar .. t- i !!,. . . . ,c , : . way on time and employes courteoue and accommodating. Through tourist cars from Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo. If vou will send 15 cents in stamps, to address given below, we will forward yon, by return mail, one of our large 34x40 inch wail maps of the United States, Cuba and Porto Kico. Any information regarding rates, ac commodations, service, time, connec tions, stop-overs, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by B. H. Tbcmboll, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portlaod, Or. WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portlaod. Ausrut 14. Wtieat Walla Walla, nominal 56 ( 57c ; blaetitem,5ft53se ; valley ,nominaI. Wool-Valley, ll13sc; Eastern Ore gon,8?12J2'c; rnohair,2021c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 15o20c; short wool, 25(335c; medium-wool, 30(tfG0c; long wool, fiOigll each. San Francisco, August 13. Wool Spring Nevada, 10o12c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1013; Valley, Oregon, 13(2 14c. Fall mountain lambe, 7?8c; plains, 6(SHc; Humboltand Mendocino, 9llc. Chicago, August 13 Cattle Receipta 26,000 head ; market being; generally steady to slow. Good to prime steers $5.00(S6 25; poor to medium, $4 25 (5.25; stockera and feeders, $2.2-5 (J$3 85; cows, f2.50(?4.35 ; heifers, $4.00.5 30; canners, $1. 50(32.25; bolls, $2.50o?3 50; calves. $2.006.00; Texan fed steers, f3.00f4.65; Western steers, $4.65o55.00. THE HAIR BRUSH. Breed Daadraff, which Caasca Falllag Hair aid Fiaally BaldoMa. Prof. Uona. of Hambore, Germany, Eoropeao authority on skin disease , says thai dandruff is as contagions as soy other malevolent disease, and that one oommnn source of tbe spread of dandruff is tbe use of the same balr brntb by different persons. Tbs way to void catching dandruff or any other disease from another's brntb, is to in sist on tbe nse of Newbro's Herptcide. It not only kills tbe dandruff germ, bat it is also an aotiseptia thst will prevent tbe estcbia? of any disease whatever through contagion of another's brash. Wise men make mistakes, but only fools repeat them. It's easy for the man who suffers no pain lo talk of patience. There is nothing like being ready when opportunity knocks. THEIR SECRET IS OCT. All Sadieville, Ev.. wsa curious to learn tbe csnse of tbe vast improvement id tbe health of Mrs. S. P. Wbittaker. wbo bad for a locg lime, endured ootold uffi?ring from a chronic bronchial Iroo hle. "It's all due to Dr. King's New Ducovery," writes ber husband. "It completely cured ber and also cared onr little graDd daughter of a severe attack of Wbooping Congb." It positively enree Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis, and all Throat sod Lung troubles. GnaraDteed bottle, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Slocnm's drag store. The prettiest thing in feminine head gear is a good humored face. The mcst difficult thing for some peo- p le to remember is the poor. ASTOUNDED THE EDITOR. Editor 8. A. Brown, of BeDnettsville, S. C, was once immensely surprised. Ibrongb long entferiog from Dyspep sia," be writes."my wite wa, greatly ran down. She had co strength or vigor ,nd offered great distress from ber stomach. bat she tried tlecino Bitters wbtcb helped her at once, and. after using four bottles, she is entirely well, can eat any thing. It a grand tonic, and itigsatle iHislive qualities are splendid for torpid liver." For Indigeetioo, Low of Appe tite. Stcmaeb aod Liver troubles it's a positive, guaranteed care. Only 50o at Slocnn) Drug Co. The man who boasts of being able to spell every word correctly may not be much good at anything else. Many a man has discovered after mix ing politics w ith his business that lie has no business to mix with his politics. TO SAVE HER CHILI) From frightful disfigurement Mi,. Natiuie Oalleger, of Lalirauge, Ui, ap plied Baekleo's Aroic, Halve lo great sores on ber bead and face, and writes it quick cure exceeded all ber bopes. It works wonders in Sores, Brawe. Skto Eruptions. Cut. Burns. Sc!Js and Pile,. 2-V. Care guaranteed by E J. Sioenm. druggist. RFD Hii iNT srABt.F. When vou tne to Heppner, put up , your team at the Red Kr-.ir.t 1 ivety sta i t ie on Main st . opposite the brewery. I Ttiev will receive t.'ie t et ot ca-e. I'ug- g es. teams ar: i sji i ;:, at reason.ilie rates, bought an t sold "ei for hire i and grain Hko.. I ri:U'-AUu.