g astral anil a THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAIUT. Srmfula h trula mrxJlfieJ farm of Blood ftnl C"!ijtnption. The parent v tfcjnuit'.i tv r-ther will see to the Ti;a-5 !i a '!:; 1 1 ei I la t!.r iirn) ( aw lien , iu.-.:;, A tin reck and Ir Bl t !in. '.!, C .i. it! .1, IK'Klt fiii.i f.'Cts,- find of-'CI li nt ;-."t t v i- i'f we'.l- W1 iru: vire i ;,' r. s if W f; l 1 i t :e rr.AV N noi xtrrr.al .s:,;ns (or 4"r"T n lorp time. r U.e disease develops slowly i.i Mine !r.t the poison is in the ,!.! and wi): breakout at the first favor kl.it ", jortcn.iy. tv p. s. cores this wast itip, ('cfcinictiA e disease by first purifying and hvni.lmR up the M.xxi and stimulating and lm .gorating the whole system. I M Scala, in Public Square. XabHlle,Tau wn: "Trn yearn ago try daughter fell and cut her forehead. From thu wound the glands on tr-r side of her face Wmrue nwoUes ana bunted. (ffif of the tet doctors here and cleewberc attended her without inv benefit. We decided to try S. j. S, and a few bottles cored bee en tirely." make new and pnrt Mood to aouri&h and V. tL. liul and is a positive and safe cure for Scrofula. It overcome all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and 00 remedy o thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If voo hare any blood trouble, or your child baa inherited ome blood taint, take S. S. S. and get the blood in good wadjaoo and prevent the disease doing farther damage. Send for our free book and write our physician about your case. We make no charge whatever for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA. 6A. mULEi MM, r.- 4 . 1 vjllaadl 1 I ,1 i 2 , 3 4 7 8 9 10 II 14 15 ! 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 23 (29 (30 31 5 '6 12 13 19 20 26 27 fcHUDPERS AT HI3 PAST. "I ttrCi'l en with horror," ehva If ail Csrntr BnrL-tl Msnn. cf Ltvacos, O., n,t !:,r.-e yehrs cf salTering from kid iiey trouhie. I waa tardiy tver free from cHil s?h- o ac i'f piiti in the back, lo ftixp nr !i;t mill sacks mada me trooD. I ft it tired, wc;a ont, about r-hif to tf vc no. when I twgan to ns1 L. -:(::? bitter, but fix bottle com-pir'-iv fur? rr; sni caJe tae feel like t tf-w rr.'.L.'' TLfy're r.LriTilied to teg Ti Hie -'.3'i'-h, ! vf r kidce)s ani bowpli, lVr.Ve? .tti-fHC'i'-n pinratitesd by Slo caa. Vrx.g 0 - "u 5) e-ota. iu.f uFFICE?. There a:e at present in Morrow coaiity t:.e :o.iuw:cfr fnt cihcrs : I'uiaf. HaHrr.an, h.uhtmi.e. Hefprier, I ..a, lone, ia!Ioway, I'ettye, iiooee'trry, Lexington. Try the new remedy for coetiveoees, CbambrUin's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Every box Kisranteed. Price 25 eeuts. For saie by Cooser k Warren, drnti jiffs. Th home-teeker wLe is huLticg tim-b-r, foothill, Uble-laDd, prairie, sage brush, ajrricultursl or jrraziC land, can find ail of them id Morrow county. FOUGHT FOR BIS LIFE. "My father aod sister both died of eoc'unoptiori," writes J. T. Weatberwax, cf Wtandotte, Mich., "htid I was saved from the m frijttitfal fate rmly by Dr. Kitie's New D seovery. Ao attack of pneomoLia left ao obstiLkts ooob aod Very severe luLg troobie, which an excel UlI doe tor eoold nut bely, bat a few month' nee cf this wonderful medicine made me as well as evf-r and I sained much in weight.'' Infallible for oougbs, ool ia sod all thrust and lung trouble. Trial bolt le free. Gnaranteed bottles too sod 1 1 at Slocom Drag Co. KED FKONT STABLE. When you come to Heppcer, put op your team at the Ked Front Livery Sta ble on Main St., ot pos.te the brewery. Thev will receive the bedo! care. liug g.es, teams and saddle horses for Lire at reasonable rates. Hay aod grain boc'ht and sold. Brs Bbo. IT rAVEU IIIS LEG. P. A Ibfortb, ff LaGracge, Oa., cfTered h-r six rxionhs witb a frightful running eore on Lis lea;, but rite tbat liuckieti'a Artioa Ha We holly enred l) lo 6 dajs. For ulcers. wooDds, pile it ta the Del ralve id the vorld. Cure Cuamct- i. f).-il) 2." ct.t. Meld by bhjcom lrui Co. Uotxie hcetrra m it b n.et-, and iDVeat otasiiuuil uuuie Letr. (Jo acoouot of the low pruea at mhirh its laLls are tiffere 1. M' rr e fii.tj n ; epts to double Its ' '' " od lacd cat be br"'.t " v'l t" t' an fccre. j U ai tf pieaeare and , 1 c .u'U.eu1 Lam r ul I 'iRrrh'et ,v m A M'. hawtelle A i,G ctieloruer, 1 ,,e-.j ' ir eaie on ran- " t. 1.' -c ('; 1;..,., . . . i- tf Ih'l' ' lf tl'lli I 1 . 1 11,, t . ..- . !i, . r. . . I. I - 1 - - r ... l.e ' - ' t .!; I ' ' raw-, .n ti'i-nvi it ir lt a grT it ii r, ri rii C,ni I li r 1 ,c w ot ' t: c t; t ro-' I rc ily 1 i ' 1 y i,f the 1 t t - fl.ore.' ana ,.:wur ' let IIS mer ! I.J) - ) IBlDcl to - rit .re l:-eBily ti'c u. etore so .vet- , it . 'hat : e seek at ' t i,-. e -v d' e of 1 re- , ... te rae PUKKl'. 1 Kpithlpy Pros, have acid their StiO miied yMrlinjs at $2 20 to Taju tioodmg. This iattsr firm lias bought about 12,(VK bead, and will commeiu e sbipptug al'out May 15 to tbur home range at tsioelione. Idaho. The lVulsnd Live Skh k and 1-and Co. broiiffbt t- Hei pner Fiiiiay .W hea l i f line Kamt.oaietle bmks, which they w.ll use in improving thnr bands, tel. injl so:ii j their neiishbors. Hynd r.:oi. have sold liW vearlinn wethers to Kilkenny Hies, at Jl !0. '.t-Slin,:IA. Andrew received f2.4t for hie 7W ye.tr i,n ees, aud has S4'.X) yearling wttheis to sell, but will run them another year rather tii.tn t.tke less th&n 2 fot them. Mr. Andre' fleeces weighed 10 to 11 pound. The biiin h of 400 yearltnc wethers that Win T.urrhtt boncht from John Q. Wilson at J2 2"i were aiuutii; the fattest in ilia country, as Wm. W!b ide ht.d given them excellent tsre and plenty of falfa. E. A II. W. Bartholomew have sold SikXl 2 year-old wethers to the Union Msat Co. at 12.S0. The 4AXX fleeces that C. A. Rhea Id netted him $3500. While this was a low price for his wool, hii sale of aheep last Christmas to O. E. Farnsworth brought him $2.50 a head, for mixed yearlings, '25 cents above tne present taarket price. The 1000 Mr. Farnsworth loses on this deal wi:l be made up before fall on the increased talae of the ewes, which he will probably keep. One on him: Hardware dealer "What was old Kranky kicking about?' Clerk "lie wanted ten nonnda of Dails. 8aid he'd pay for them and taka them home him self. Wouldn't trust us to deliver them, he said." Hardware dealer '-Surlv old codsier. I hope he'll sweat for it" Clerk "Oh, I took care of that I threw in an extra ten pounds and ho never knew it." OLD SOLDIEJR'3 EXPERIENCE. M. M. Austin, a civil war vetaraii, of Winchester, Indiana, writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, bol was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, worked wonders for bar health." They always do. Try tbsm. Only 25 esctt al S lo cum Drag Co. COST OF FARMING. Connty Commissioner Ed C. Ash bangh, a pioneer farmer of Mor row county, who raised 15,000 bushels of wheat the past season, says, that the cost of raising wheat here is about as follows: Plowinz old eround per acre $ .75 Heading 1.00 1 Harrowing 35 j Sowing 25 j Threshing 1-20 j 13.55 ! The Granite tiera says: Ed JeckiDS, whobitcrTOie Mosnes lip, has been seen op the John Day river about 12 miles north of Granite, making bis es cape out of the country, in company with a n-an who was acting as pilot. It is thought that he was heading for the railroad at Heppcer. Morrow county hns a dozen to we? hips of inuULitfUD timber lauds that will come day yield im ment1 iLComes to lumbermen and fuel dealers. Over toward the Ochoco the Oregon King mine is being rapidly developed. The Kiue mountian q aartz claims near Granite have been bonded for $12,000. At Condon Myron Simmons is at the rjesthous-e suffering from smallpox. He recently came from the Willamette to visit his brothers at Ferry Canyon. EE WARE OF A COUGH. A cough is not a disease, but a symp tom. Consumption and bronchitis, wbicb are the most dsneerous snd fstai diseases, have for their first indication a persistent cough, and if property treated soou as this C'JOgh appears are easily cored. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has proven wonderfully successful, and rfaiaenl its wide reputation and extensive ales b; its success to curing Ibe dis eases which cause couching. If it is not beneficial it will not cost yoa a cent. For sale by Coceer Jr. Warren, druggists. POPULATION. The census figures just published give the following figures on population : Heppner 114 lone 223 John Day 282 Long Creek 123 Mitchell , 135 Moro 335 Wallowa 243 Wasco 322 Weston 2,2i Milton W4 Antelope '-'4'J Prairie City 21.3 Prineville W Arlington 3' S Athena 70." Condon . !S0 Fossil 2S8 Granite 245 P.AKGAIN. For sal" at $1100, 100 acres on the edge of Heppner. Town lota n.ay be soil from t at once, fawner will give (IU it,r tha Lay now growing on it. Apply Ga.-t office. The tutorial paire crthe Weekly Ore rorlan n:vn a broad tre:nnt to a wide rtsri of aobjeca. LIPPINCOTT'S! MOMlll.V ,.i.f!AIN!: I IThc !w-t in Cuntr.'. JJtt-.lurc? E 12 t'' "'PLI.I . V t I VI.Ar'I.V t c ri .v i';,-T ri : ' ' ' R !'-; . 1 f V.: .V ''-.'" THE ROOT Of YOWIl HAIR .'.'I : .;'i';v'.-. I ihould look like this, hut if vou have DANDRUFF the GERM destroys and viuV trj it like Lhu. "Drstroy the cause you remove th affect" - . No Dandruff, no railing Hair, no Baldness, if you KILL THE GERM with NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE For sals by all drutsist. Pric4 $1. u In ever)' town and village may be naa Mica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. "Give some familiar proverb about birds," said tne teacner. Tommy Tucker raised his hand. 'Th baHt bird" He paused a mnmAnt. and tried it araiD. "The early bird" "Yes," eaid the teacher pneouramngly. ''that right" "The early bird gather. do moss. Take two to night and you will be well to morrow. Bald win's Health Tablets. They cure sick-headache, chronic constipation and make sick people well-50 doses 25c X W, Taaeftl, tha Chkaati siillianatre cigar Ban (tf Taaaill'a Pucch c Cigar ian'.e.)aaya: "ka-vwia a Health Tabtota are the beat remedy fT evnenpation, UUutueea and tor pid Irm I have eevr nsed." PoTt!to, Oaa. KDVllO I BAUJ'Wlf CO., I tad ywor UeaUk Tableta exeelat Sa naettpatum, atck-heaoache and dytpeptia, Ota. BAaaa Of Oeo. Bekar k Co., Auctioneer. Patterson & Son, Heppner EXECUTRIX SALE OF REAL PHOPFIiTY. Notice is hpret.y iriven that under and by vir tue of an onier of sale is ie l not of the county court of thf utate of Oregon for Morrow county on the th dny of March, 1111, snd to me direct ed, authorizing and directing me to sell the certain real property of the estate of J. N. Elder, d ceased, in aid order decrilil, I will, on V;iinelav. the lith dav of May. l'JOl. at the tour of 'i o'clock, p m.. of sail day at the front rtoor of the county court house at Heppner, M .rrow county. Oregon, tell at public aal. to t-i the highest Udder for cash in hand all the f .:iowir,g real property described in said order of a.e. town : Lot one In Mock one in Quaid's addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon : a. so the east half of the northwest quarter of section iiv-en; the north half of the northeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the north east quarter, and the east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty one; the north half of the north half of section tenty two: the north half of the north east quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-eight; the north half of the northeaat quarter of sec tion twenty-nine, all In township two aouth, range twenty-seeen east. W. M., alao all the Interest which said es tate haa in the northeast quarter and the aouth eaat quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of section sixteen , and the aouth haif of the north bail of aectlon twenty two. all of In township two south, rarige twenty seen eaat. W, M , aubject to confirmation by aaid court. LITIS DA ELDER. Eiecutrli of the iaat whi and testament of J. N fcider, deceased Dated April 11, BZe-23 visit DR. JORDAN'S tyar( uuseuu of Amour 1011 MAftkET IT, IAD FRASCtaCfB, (tea. fh. ThaTargMt Aoatemaaal I )r9 ta ta W.r.4. STmsaue sOraSbs Sa (W 0Ca A Mr:-, aw au'wrw nfwww iwi. Wavsisieaaea aranf laaaiSi aas) I alsa . smIUtsI r sa wr I 1 widtet Bbart: an a St. 1 t ersUtfi f c'-is- it Bat;rr a ! 4 I I i, Ipwrm a9srr hsawfat PrtswInUr- r hrrtam .owrrsi', Isltri Yrnmy a f f rltttlnsy. wio. h a t,mt, u$Ami f-asr ! if C - ' (" tl. If 0T ?''- sj'1 ' ' ITT I tl.ut It Will f(S On a ' 1 'n.-r-': -l rif. r-ii r.srTr, j'it r . m - l ,r r.ol r.sjy.fyi - (,rm r.,-v - 'fit 1 ' at t ft tir fsussi sr,-jrs , vW wtI "'jf",c t rw-sTiiaa4 i., :i ' DItfi of H. U i u .- wi-i).v,t th u rA Mo-rr y. m Tn.-B 1 rare 1 ' f. m g 1 t f . A ".a i.rsjf , tlst(r mi.-. f"Ja ijr. J..--:. a '- .. , t, r W. i if V H A -:.! - ij wiil,J rir4'' W sV,- "t ,p4t.V.n n'tjir. r rCi r i f Wry , ax!' r k -, . -n J rv i rU tr s-i f'iiAtt , vr; v fit-a us 4H1.L. Iff - . . r. . r 'I W r " T f i"f f r VAN 9 I. f . - i $ A i -S4 f ' - ' ' 4 i I rr 1 A.M I ''e I I I I Stdr4 I I Oil l. I SOTICE OF 1STESTIOS. DEPARTMENT OF THC 1STKRIOR. LAND Offtee al Th Dallea. Ora , Mar 7, tOI. Sotlee In hereby given that the feliowlnt iiamtH) neltler haa died notice of her Intention to mak final proof In support of her claim, and thin aald proof will be made hefora J. W. Mor row, r. S. Commlaalonar, at Happner, Oregoj, on Friday, June U. 11, ru: HANNAH K. HAI.UH'K.of Heppner, Ore . Homaatead entry No. 4tSI, For the N NWV and SK NW. aeetlon JS nd S kVtSVSaecttou 21, towuahlpS south, rHnije X- K. VS M ..! names the follow Init w ltnenaoa to prove lier . otitimioiu residence uiou and cultivation of Mid land, via: tieorke W. Rea. OI( Johnson, Hiram E. Clark. Orriu E. Farnawortn. an oi lleppner. Oregon. , SST-8 Reitmtor. SOTICE OF ISTKSTWS. DEPARTMENT OF THI INTERIOR. LAND Dltiee at Tha Dallea. Or., Apul Notice li hereby iilten that the follow ine imuied nettler haa tiled notice of liin intention to make final proo! in aiipiion :in claim, and that aid pnHil will t mane i iore Vawier Craalord. CotintT i lert. at Heppner. Oregon, on June 8, WI. viz: Hoine ntcml entry No. S1J, HIS J AMIN f. DIVOKI, of HarUman, Ore egoii For the NW, eectiou 2S. townihip 5 8, range ii E W M He namea the followlngt wltnenaes to prove hit continuous reanlence upon and eulnviitum of aaid land, via: John K. Pteena. R. H Still well, K. ti. Cox, D. H. Jetikiut, all of Hardiuan, Oreiton. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. DEPARTMENT Or THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at la lirande. Ore , Apnl :a,t 1. . . . h - ln . t tha follnvT. tng-named aettl.r haa filed notice of hia inten tion to mace nun ytwi 10 ut.K.-.. ... v.-..-., and that aaid proof will be made before the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the mate of Ore gon, at Pendleton. Or., ou June ii, 1H01, viz: Homestead entry No. S?J2, ISAAC A. HINKLE, of Vtnaon, ore,, Forth.WH NS1 and E 'i NW section 35 ol aaia iana, vu: nunam r. ixjui..... ron J. Benham, Jacob Kramer, Donald Koaa all of Viiiaon, Oie. a.T DllTLI I It SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. nEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND n .... I . ,'...!. IV- 1 iHI nv tKll ' vmvp . urn MiBmii. v r......-. Notice ta hereby given that the following i u..ik. k.. 1..1I1.A .if hli ini..nfloii to make final proof In support of hia claim aud that aaid proof will be ma4e before the 1 ounty t. lara ot jiorrow touuj, Oregon, on June V, 1901. ': Homestead entry No. tttf. EDWARD HIRL, of Vinson, Umatilla county, Oregon, For theSW , NE',;, NW" f and NU SWV section 14, township 1 south, range 'X K, W M. He names the following witueaaes to prove his c.nttnuoua residence upon and cultivation 01 said ianu, viz: naruey iuuri.y, vi wi""j James Doherty, of Heppner, Oregon; Daniel Lioneny, 01 oeppuer, TCKou. 8X11 E. W. Bartlktt, Register. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. DEPARTMENT OF TBI INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dallea. or., April il, 19ol. Notice la bexb given that the lollowtng nanied settler haa filed uotlc.of hia intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Robinson, L'ntted States Commis sioner at Lone Rock, Oregon, on Saturday. June 1, iul, via: 1 aownD vt . ........... , . . Oregon, H E No. oi,: for the E fcW and S SEW eectton 2.T S i. R X E, W M He namea the following wltneanes to prove his contlnuoua residence upon aud cultivation of atd land, viz: George Far hart, C. D. Robinson, leu nayea, narmu am, n m v' "s.il'3 Jv P. Lrcas, Register SOTICE FOR FUBLICATIOS. Public Land Sale (Iiolat'd Tract.) -rriTTrit is HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN : aI ln.,.,,nHnni from lliel'nrn misnioner of the general land office, under an thoritv vested In him by section MA, I', si ur,. Mt.ittlA amended bv tha ai:t of Con ureas approved February 2S, 1'.5, we will pro- eeeo. to oner av puuiic wis uu rnunj. day of May, next, al the hour of ID oVhx k a. m., at this orace. no iouowhik i., ntu,,, to-wit: N'si NV it Section U, Tp 5 , R io E, W Any and all persons elalmlng adversely the .., j...kJ i.ni im aHvlttMi to tile th,ir r.iHJieurm nuci iruu" - claims in thia office on or before the day a:ove designate! tor tne commeuceuitjm ui mmw nv, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. JIT r, L1IA9, ai:kib,c. 31. 36 Otis Pattbbkos. Receiver. L'. S. Land Office, Ths Dallea. Or., April IT, ljol. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. DEPRTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND oan-e at The Dallea. Or., March 27. 1H. .s'otue is herebv given that the following mined settler has filed notice of her iutentiuii to commute and make final proof in support of her ciaim. and that aaid proof wtll tie made lfora Vawter i rawford, County clerk of Mor row county, at Heppner, Oregon, ou (Saturday, May 11, lwl, viz: ELIZA J. HAllER. of Hardman, Ore., iii.meatead entry So. 7M6, For the S, eW', a BK section 19 and NEW NW '-I aectlon , township t aotith, range E W M She tiames ths following witnesses to prove her contlnuoua realdence upon and cultiv ation of said land, viz: Mariiaon Cummliigs, U-ttie McKay, Alice hayleas, Kusseil Thomas, all ol Hardiuan, Oregon. .... JT P. Lucas. Register. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La 'irande. Or , March laol. Notice is herehy given that the fooowlng named settler haa filed notice of his intention to make liuel proof in support of hl claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W Morrow. V. S. Commissioner at Heppner, Ore gon, on eaturday May 11. lSOl.vu: ANTONE ABRAH AMKIC E, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. M fortherHrW section pi, township 5 aouth, range -T K M. He names the followlug witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, vis: ri. W. Florean. A. J. Mcken tie. Luther Hamilton, David Haaullton, all of Heppner, Oregon. , . ilj-ij I. W. BaSTLBTT Register. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. Public Land Sale. (I$olatcd Tract.) VOTirE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 HAT IN 1 pursuance ol Instructions from the C om missioner of the General Land Office, under autnority vested in him byeeetlon 2- I nlted States revised ftatutee, as amended by the act ol congress approved February M. 1''; ,w w'" proceed U ot!er at public aala on Friday, the loth day of May. neit. at the hour af lo o clock a. m., at this oftlce, the fo'lowlng tract of land, to-wlt aoutbweat w southeaat aectlon 17. township I south, range 1 east w M. Any and ail peraona claiming adversely the above deeerlbed landa are advised to file their claims In this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of aaid aale, otherwlae their rt-J-MsWister. 8 J 33 Otis Pttsbioii, H"fv"r-, V. S. Iand Office, The Dallea, Ore., April 2, Mil. SOTICE OF ISTESTIOS. DEPARTMENT Of THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at The Dallea, Ore.. March F, li. Notice la hereby riven that the following named aettier baa filed notice of hia intention U, commute and make final proof In support of biaelalm, and that aaid proof will tie made be fore V awu-r Crawford, County Clerk at Hepp ner, Ore., on Friday, May lu, 11, viz: E'T.KNE O NOBLE, of Heppner. Oregon. H uneatead entry No. 74 for the HW! swjtian a. township 2 south, range eaat. M. H names tne following witnesses to prove r.ia continuous realdence upon and cnltlva ion of .aid land v, namuel vtlllta, A. K. Hn.i.s. yiuie auipne i, Charles Mallory. all of Hepp ner. ire. i . -ejt: Jsv P. Loess. Rgl't-r. NTK'K ) HEARING OK FINAL ACCOUNT. ll n tie- com? y court of Morrow coumj. state ol I 'ingOTi. . , . I: the ma'terof the satate of Htepncn im-i. , ,l l: he final anoint ef R. f . Hart the executor of I the last will and teetarueni oi ri,..,-.. le, dw.aad. has been Only nieo in w.r leer.tn.e. e0.,,t. in theabeve entitled Biat u 1 tr.. e ,rt. by an nrdar datd A pril -I. . having died thS d day of June, 1 1. t Hi l.s.l ,.-k A M . tMlng thS nrsinayoi u.ar term of aaid eiiurt. for the bearinir of aid fir.al account, r.otlre la hereby fl"" f' wm. lnu.re.tsyl Ir. aaid estass. that they ot , tior.a to ti.. final ae,oa of amid ""T ... ... .k. .. i.mA a tha oourt for toe I lulsnotl.e:. uhllahed ! pursu.nre of an ' M-,,o.l..! a. Bartholomew judi'.- of , . ... . .-o-.-t du.y rna' -,'i ..' r - ''" ' r m !M .: . - '. : I jt will an 1 t et... . . ' ' " " ' C E kEI.HKLi. , v. .' Attorney for Kscc. . KEK I'd AT IT. If yon tot your little tootor and thtui lay ndidn your horn, there's not a limn iu 10 short days will know that you were born. The man who fathers pumpkins is the man who plows all tiny, and the fluent who keep a humping in the aeut who inalieH it pay. The mini whoiidvt i tises with n tuddeii jrk is the man who blames the printer been use it wouldn't work. The eut who gets the business has a long and steady pull aud he keps the local papers for years and yean quite full. He plans his advertise ments in a thoughtful, honest wsy, aud keeps forever at it until he makisitpay. He h.is fftitli in ail tlie future, cau withstai.d a Midd. n shock, and like the man of script ures has hid busiueso on a rock- "I sent a dollar to a womuu for a recipe to make tne look young." "What did you get? "A card saying 'Always associate with peo ple who look twenty years older than yourself. WANTED A FARMER OR STOCKMAN To come to Morrow County, Oregon, and Buy a Ranch that will yield him a good profit on a small investment. At 85 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land has runninsr water and is under fence. This place is all ready lor the plow. Not a stump to pull, no clearing to be done; 8 miles to mountain timber, and on county road Address J. W. Redington, Ileppner.Ogn fmsT ational ank OF HEPPNER. U. A. RHEA T, A. RHKA ... Freeiileut .Vio President Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON A 1.1. PART3 OK TI1K WuRI.D HOt'GHT AND HOLD Collc tioiis made oa all polntaoti r.-nsouahle term, ,-urplus and undivided profits tXOOO. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET J. H. KINSMAN, Manager. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sausage and Poultry always on hand. Mmf PHISMII FISH HKCKIVICn -"V PHIDAVN, CORNER MAIN AND AAY STREETS. . A-..'.!,. irujrjjs,- OIIJv XiVIIV WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the bei-t on earth. E Gilliam & Bisbee Have just received one of the largest Btocks of Eain Wagons ever brought to Hsptiuer. tleavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinwar, Agricnltnral Implements, WaKous, UackB, Etc., Paints and Oils (the best in ..... a sjj-S the world). Crockery ana uiassware. II. A. THOMPSON, Proprietor of the LIVERY. FEED and SALE SUM On West Side of Ility riii'l drain bought anil Hor-' H h!miik kept fur livi ry at i Tin! i-rv li'!t fiicililifM kfjit icliiir"'-. (Jivf tn,' a tiiiil nril In' mnvinci-d. rilll. Ml. I - M A N. fr. M l. iit. Irrperial AMLIMCAN A N I I'.i'..ea! Plan. 1 l .V. Nerves that Die For lack of nourishment tre just as dead as though they were levered with a knife. In either case the base of supplies has been interfered with. Nerves that need nourishing make their wants known through headache, backache, loss of appetite, indi gestion, fluttering of the heart, irritability,' sleeplessness, and gen rral weakness. Feed the hungry nerves, build them up and nake them strong and vigorous, full of vim, vitality and poweY, ivith the great nerve food and tonic, Dr. Miles' Nervine. "I doctored all summer with one of the best physicians In the country for nervous prostration, but he did not help mo at ulL I was sleepless, nervous, bad no anpetlto and the food I ato was not properly digested. I was short of breath, had palpitat ion of the heart and involuntary twitching of inuseW After taking two bottles of Dr. Miles' jNerylue I wua able to be up and about, and Ave bottles cured me." Mns. l W. Kkeljer, 3 Judson St, Rochester, N. Y. D Mftes9 quiets the nervous irritation, stimulates the digestion and Alls the blood with lust the nourishment steeded lor weak aud run-down conditions. Give It a trial. bid by dxugf lbta on giiaraatee. I (1. W. CONKF.R Cashier E. L. FKEELAND. . Assistant Cashier Hams. Lard and Bacon of the Best Quality w. Main St., Heppner. Hold. Eir-t-fhifs liiiia and Saddle - :isiualil. rates. for taking tarn tf tfiuns left in our t V. KNOWLKS, Manager. Hotel Co I t l.'OPF W I I. N. n,o,-, I'Un. ?, ? Ml, t. ,s i: Nervine Da. Milm IIcdxcaj. Oa, Elkhart. Ind. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable ' Has Inst ten opened to ths public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly Invites his frleuda to rail aud try bis first-class accommodations. TZ.ma.Xy of Hsvy avxa.d Ohrsvlao. for 8sUe Stable located ou west side of Main street between Wm. Scrlvuer's and A.M. Uunn's blacksmith shops. For ths ladles A fine horse and lady's saddle OREGON UMioN Pacific Onlv Lino EAST via SET LAKE and DEHVEfl TWO TRAINS DAILY Dally TIME SCHEDULIS' .V?!1.. D""T' ) ii.Pmaa.Oa. j A"'T" Fast Mall For 8 IS a.m. Ust and West Fast Mall-From I East and West ; f:l p. m. t Eipress For East and West ' Eipri'Ss- From East and West S. p. in. 8 IS a, m. STEAMER LINES. H Fbani isco I'miTLsNn Rons. Htaamar satis from Portland s p. in. every 4 days. Dally Boat service Iwtween Portland. Astoria, Oroauin City, Dayton, Halem, lmlejieiidenca, corvallis aud alt Columbia aud Willamette Vlver points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Rlpanaaud lwiston leave Rlparia dally at 4 to a. in., returning liava Iwiston dally at :. a. ui. J. M. KEliNAN, Aiint, Hi-piyoer. A. L. ( Raid, General I'aaseuger Agent. Portland, Or The Argonaut rl JAfj .M'T TkVH SIT.. C!?SAN i" KH' ' k" . hjn COt.UtlPF nrwt n and thry .ire rr-rt!i trie trt rvijrlv (tuMiilir-d vrt of N- '.r!x. !) Jt.it isrr on the I'.v (;. .ie is to wjijr-ly !(ii-(l ai th1 At)jimiiut. It i fi-in.l fur its thort iloriei, it tirifc-ht Nr Vrnk arnl f.ur'ii,ii let ter, ill uni'iue I )eiairtrMent. anl it. tii r u Ameri- tan editofMl!. (-or the Argonaut it AineritAQ 6rM, os. r or me Ar'inaui 11 mneniau nra, IThe Argonaut last, and all the time. bubti-hbc for - $1000 GIVEN AWAY Reliable ana enavgotte sb or wemssi. by i r Cr:s are wanted In every Iowa an represent TIIK r.niBR MONTHLY. "America's (Ireat Fainllr MaWltM Tn. l"iser M..i(sly i bigh -elM obUcaUoB, printed ea flu. paper, wit a beaouful eaver la colore, aod Interests alt members m Uia family. All sabaertpera fot ISOI w-veBraBarts Spaaal calendar FRKK. AgenU are pais liberal eommlaaMns aod alao share la SI otio divVlen amena urn wba seod the greatest number of sobacrls. Itoas. BeaS for IVm partlrulara. ROBERT BONNEK'H HOKt, Iestcee alsUa. Hew Terk. the HoiiiwTTS 8 trains dally between St. Paul snd Chicago comprising ' The Lstesl Pullman Sleepers, Peerless IlioinK Cars, Library and Observation Cars, Free Iteolining Cbsir Cars. The JO Century Train, "The Northwestern Limited," Runs every day In the year. The Finest Train id ttie World. Electric Lighted Steam Heated To Chicago by Daylight. The Radger State Express, the Finest Day Train running between St Paul and Chicago via. the Hhort Line. Connections from the West made via. The Northern Pacific, Great North ern and Canadian Pacific Hys. This Is also the t-est line between Omaha, St. Paul and MlnneaKilis. All agents sell tickets via, -The Northwestern Line." W. IT MEAD, H. L. PISI.RR. Gen. Agent. llikctAgt 2 Alder St., Portland. Ore. ARavlUlN jr- asi TlwlwaaJ IPIATINO MOT OUNI far Teas er HtldSkmtlt. aaaiala the elesaase of oa'li.s, perfaetlea ef tsslaaaa, ease ef ts.lD) apart ana saalliy ef lalak ef tha awai Saablagaaa with tht sunvviorttr la sifhtlaa aad abeotlaa of tie single bsrrsl.arY a'.oesissrss ie-rf.t1irv of It-r e1 rrsisrlir e.-.e'-y ol M An LIN rlEir'A-,,,'0 RlffCS. '0 pars cat. s. g of tn$ rr. ! m -.j oi n, txlorcd cover by OsihS'is, msiltd tor S aiaaipe. t MasiLisi Pins Aassa Co. (saw M.vasi, OT. tf WWyOTi", I B. M. bW AV-1 I 11V Mill IK S & IMARLIN i -, w k 4 tO ,7th ar.-i V?sK:f -;U:;- Sin cts ;oi Hand. Oregon. ta '