Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 09, 1901, Image 4

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The Huppner Gazette
11I'KMAV. M.O H, 111.
The Springfield ( Massachusetts ) lie
pnbl icari, in a recent issue has this to
kv :
There is some speculation here and
there in iii-v of Mr. Bryan's opposi
tion to the regular democratic candi
date lor mayor of St. Ism is, as to what
he i up to Judging from R letter con
cerning the si. Louis contest which he
wrote, it is a fair presumption that
Mr. Bryan has determ ined to make the
niflcst warfarp against the reorgania- '
lion of tii" democratic party hy tit;
O-'eve'and democrats. In the letter re- j
ferret to Ik expressly stated that Wells i
should b defeated tttvaiiK? his election ;
would encourage every so-caiieci reor-, ,erv fe,,. lMlnt,s Hendricks became
gamier in the country, .nr. irn 'ninv and HHvar.-! in tv crv ii!U'.nn-
1 HS well
that whatever he nave uttera
the hustings was not possessed of a
rancorous sur.j;,and there was a whole
souled heartiness of spirit nlvoitt 1 1 i tit
that won him many friends.
"I shall never forget tin- time that I
heard him make one ol his apt replies
to Thomas A. Hendricks. It was
hack in 1.VS7 tr '.", wiiiio 1 was teach
ing sclnol down at Leavenworth in
Craw ford county, l.ane and I lendricks
hat) tvn tst tl in i n: the state and hold
111): a series of joint debates that
arousal the interest of all the people.
Their stay at Leavenworth was limiletl
to the time between two boats, and it
was agreed that the le!iate should lm
governed hy this fait, Hendricks
spoke tirs! and male a very plausible
argument (or his side of the quest ion.
Lane arose to reply only a short time
Imlore. the boat was J tic. hut he pitched
into the argument of his opponent
with such a v morons attack that i:i a
Tells ulant
course in this matter, toother with i fort-a bJ.
hi Commoner editorship ami the
freedom of hi editorial writing, would
indicate that another democratic presi
dential nomination is of less moment
to him than th defeat of the plans of
the conservatives to recapture the
party. It is prohable that .Mr. hiryan
has no expectation of being nominated
down toward the
front of the audience, where I could
see every expression of the two ora
tors' faces. Presently, as Lane was in
the midst of one of his most scorching
and sarcastic periods, the whistle of
the approaching steainlmat was hear ).
"At the sound, Mr. Hendricks, who
was seated on the platform immediate-
again, but doubtless he intends to i i.. M.U1 1 Mr i,,,., i...,,vi j.,rard.
have something lo say as 10 w no snail
fs nominate and as to the principles
the next convention shall adopt. An
editorship is a bad place for a candi
date, hut an editorship is not so bad a
place for naming candidates. On the
whole, Mr. Bryan's present attitude is
distinctly lieliigerent, but not neces
sarily belligerent in his personal be
half. Hi present course is entirely
consistent with a determination that
his principles, on the whole, shall prevail.
Falls, N Y., Fapar Soma
Says the (ileus Falls, N. Y., Morn
iiie Mar, a copy of which, dated April
10, reaches the Fast Oregonian :
D. H. Mearns, a prominent citizen
of Cortland, Oregon, was in town yes
terday for the tirst time since IStid
when he came here to visit his cousin,
Charles Clark Miuiii.
Asked aliout the rivalry of Seattle
witii his city of Portland for supre
macy ui the northwest, he promptly
exclaimed: 'Seattle is a good tow li
the best city in the whole of Portland's
trade area. There is no rivalry among
trie business men. The more Seattle,
Spokane, Tacoma, Bauer City, Boise,
Pendleton and Walla Walla grow the
more Portland grows as the chief city,
financial headquarters and entrepot of
the northwest. "
Portland's Commerce.
Twenty years ago Portland, continued
Mr. Mearns, while the only city of any i
importance in the whole northwest, !
was almost wholly unknown iuthej
world ot commerce, it is today me
third of the great cities of the union
as au exporter of wheat and tlour.
This year it shipped a round million
of bushels of wheat to foreign markets
mothers, with their diamonds and
, pearls, ill the luxes.
If you want to study strange freaks
of human nature, vou ought to look at
' the respectable old ami young women
; at the opera while "Faust" is sunk!.
The center of, the w hole thing is a
young woman named Marguerite.'
When the curtain goes up, she has the
lest of intentions, the best character, :
the prettiest of faces, ami two long, :
yellow braids down her hack. She is
dressed verv prettily, indeed, and in,
,the opera house she has a high-sound- !
ting name, like Metba, Nordica, Calved
, or Patti. j
Kvery night that "Kaust" is sung!
this young woman goes to tl.e had.;
She went to the bad again lust night;
in the Auditori'im. I
Kvery night that "Faust" is sung 1
every woman in the audience sym-
pat hues with Marguerite, who lie- I
haves so badly. Many shed tears over!
her misfortune. All forgive her, feel
chess match resulted in a
Lawrence river
The cable
Boat I i nes on the St
have com hined.
A Pittsburg llrui will build locomo
tives for India.
Harvard won two and Yale one of the
annual relnv races.
is reported to bo
ut Sun J mill
I. u on province
nearly pncilied.
A If lM,(Hh fire occurred
dock, Poto It ico.
A burning coal mine in La Trnbo.
: Pa., will be llooded.
Fifteen thousand liner prisoners
' to he taken to licrmudii.
! Knglaiul is dissatisfied w ith the
I uress of the South Africai. war.
Marauding is increasing between: Admiral Dewev advocates
1 ckin and 1 len lsin. , neutrality of the lsthiiiiun canal.
aner ,i. iraviswasuie victor in .,, ;,, ........liti,.,, .i,t
will erect a $10(10
being bonded
will have
the national golf tournament.
Cardinal Kampolla has resigned the
ollice of papal secretary of t-tatc.
Ohio capitalists have formed a syn
dicate to develop parts of Alaska.
Afrikanders are protesting against
Pritish treatment of Cape Mutch.
Mrs. Lungtry attained great success
in her new play m her new theatre.
xi.. . .; i i
sorrv for her, and know that she is not , , . , . ,,
i.i ' i tered as a student at brown university.
Proprietors of New York pool rooms
have declared war on the bookmakers.
In the Commoner Mr. Bryan says:
It is only fair that the readers of the
Commoner should know what I am
"up to," and it they will pardon me
for being a little bit personal 1 will
tell them. I have twice received at the
hands of my party the highest honor it
can lestow,"and twice has my nomina
tion been endorsed by our allies, the
popnlists and silver republicans. The
first nomination came from the dele
pates in attendance npon the three con
ventions, the second nominaticfn came
dircetly from the voters of the three
parties. These honors were bestowed,
Dot becaose of personal merit, or as a
personal compliment, bnt because of
my advocacy of democratic principles
I still believe in those principles, and
expect to advocate thern during the re
mainder of mv life. New Hsues will
arise from time to time, but the princi
ples set forth in the Chicago platform
nd in the Kansas City plattorm are
fundamental, and can be applied to all
I am not planning for another presi
dential nomination if I were I would
not be editing a paper; if I ever be
come a candidate again it will be be
cause it seems necessary for the ad
vancement of the principles to which I
adhere, and that does not now seem
jirobable. I shall, however, take an
interest in polities for several years
yet, if I live, and can be relied upon
to support those who as candidates ad
vocate democratic principles, and who
can be trusted to enforce them if
I have no enemies to punish. No
matter what a man may have said or
done against the ticket in Hi or in
1900, that ran becomes my friend the
moment he accepts democratic princi
ples. Neither have I any disposition
to reward political friends at the ex
pense of car caase. No matter what a
man may have said or done for the
ticket in 189ti or in 1900, that man be
comes an opponent the moment he
runs against democratic principles.
Political battles are fought, not in the
past or in the futore, but in the
present. The heretofore cannot be re
called, and the hereafter cannot tit
Anticipated, but the now is all impor
tant. I shall say whatever I think ought
ta be said, and shall write whatever I
think ought to be written. This course
may not be popular, but I trust that
it will aid in the restoration of Jeffer
eonian principles,
I shall ask do reward, because I am
not working for others entirely. As a
citizen I am interested in having a
troud Kovernruent under which to live;
as a father I am intereeu-i in leaving
m good government to my children. If
a good government can lie secured it
will be reward enough for all that
I or any one else can do.
, to blame
j The most severe old woman in the
i most expensive box would put her
j arms around Marguerite's neck and tell
j her not to fret.
Now, we should like respectfully to
lecture that same severe old woman in
the expensive box as to her attitude
when she leaves the opera.
How does that old ladv act if on the
and in a w hisper w lncli cotild tie plain
ly heard by most of the auditors, said:
" 'Mr. Lane, the boat is coming.
Mon't you think yon had better stop."
"Mr. Lane paused, and looked down
over his shoulder for a moment a: his
interrupter with a look of utmost scorn
on his face, then turning t i the au
dience with a smile, remarked: 'I
thought that it was about time the
gentleman would want to take to the
watsr.' This witty turn, of course,
caught the fancy of the crowd, ami it
was many a day before Hendricks
beard the last of the incident.'' In
dianapolis Journal.
.Iiiriii,' the rirst ten davs of April not
six weeks betor the beginning ot the 1 "-v " carriage sue nuns me mw
harvest of the new crop. This tirst j walk obstructed by some unfortunate
vear ot tne new centurv it will distance ! creature who has Marguerite's sorrows
ail other cities as a' grain shipper, j without Marguerite's good ch'thes?
except New York alone. Wheat is not! n,H'H H,ie not 8a lll4t 11 ls 14,1 ""trage
Oregon's onlv product. Its fisheries ! fr the police to allow such things?
export is fi.tKKl,(HH) a year, its wool! Possibly she will otiserve that in the
and sheep fp 000,000, its cattle and ! o-iera Marguerite li is not a fair cha ice.
Horses f 7,00.1,000, its lumber $3,000,- 1 ratist has such beautiful silk tights,
i UK) its fruits f-'.OOO, 000 its dairy and ! one leg striped an 1 the other leg
general farm product $.3,000,000, and ! wveretl with spangles ; and, besides, he
its gold and silver $3,000,000 more. I l,"l to bring a box ol jewels to . llt u-hanon.
The product of the latter is just at a j lemPl -Marguerite.
would like to tell the con-
devel iiied mines of Oregon are the I
Count Coninlier has been acquitted
at Paris for the alleged murder of his
w ife.
Count Arvid Possid, formerly premier
of Sweden, died in Stockholm aged HI
In a forest fire in Wi-eonsin near
Mullen 1,000,000 feet of hemlock was
The miihviiv will be closed on Sun
day at the Muffalo Pun-American ex
position. There is a report of u warship build
ers tool. Irving Scott, San Francisco,
denies it.
(ien. A. O. Miller, aged 74. one of
Indiana's noted Civil War heroes, died
They had attended the grand opera
and were talking it over.
"What a tour de force that Jean de
Reszke has when he gets his tout en
senible daute fortissimo," the young
man said.
"Yes," she ansarered with a sigh,
as her thoughts wandered hack to the
beautiful scene and she fancied that
she could hear again the enchanting
notes and see once more the enthusiastic
multitude standing, waving handker
chiefs and shouting "Bravo!" "Yes,
he is a wonderful artist. Oh, how it
lifts the soul to take in a show of that
"That man's range," he went on,
"is something marvelous. I don't
suppose there is anvbodv else in the
business with such a diminuendo
capriccioso o? nova zenibla appogia.
tura. Did you notice how niuihly he
skipped to the upper register of the
cornucopia del sforzanda in the second
act. That was something wortti living
"I know it," she replied, after tak
ing a long breath. "It was heavenly.
I had never heard anything like it he
fore. Ah, yes, he is still the Me
Beszke of old. Pass up the others if
vou like, but as long as they leave us
Jean dear, divine Jean we can still
be cheerful . "
"Still," he continued, feeling per
haps that there was no use in becom-
steadiest and most reliable products
of precious metals the casn product
ot mines in the world.
Booms the Centennial.
Portland iucreased its population
nearly 100 per cent in ttie decade isiHJ
to 1 1 Jo , and why should it not with
these vat trade resources? It is going
to double its population again in the
next rive years. It is going to have in
lfO-3 the biggest and most interesting
world's fair of modern times to cele
brate the centennial of the arrival of
the Lew is .x Clark expedition on the
Columbia river. I he preliminary
capital is already secured, the co-opera-tiou
ot the Pacific coast states and of
the general government is assured.
Ag-nts are already visiting the various
Asiatic governments for the purpose of
interesting them. The name by which
the fair shall be Known is yet un
settled, but I think Portland will
drop the exposition fad and have a!
main Paciae American fair. There
are millions of wealthy Asiatic mer
chants who are joining the modem pro
cession in all trade matters.
Gives Them Advice.
The practice of going to a fair to buv
and sell merchandise is a habit with
t.'.eui as old and firmly rooted as the
love of money. They will attend this
Pacific American fair in such crowds
as will load every ship that can be put
arioat on the Pacific ocean. Your
eastern manufacturers will do well to
keep an eye open for space; not for
mere exhibits alone, but space for
ing ridiculously enthusiastic over Jean, ! samples of all the goods they nianufac-
"I can't quite overcome the feel ing ture, for customers from the orient will
that Mel ba can hand cards and spades ; be there in vast numbers. James J.
to any of them and win out when she i Hill, the acknowledged leader of all
gets right UD on the bar sinister and ! astute transportation men, can see
performs her wonderful intermezzo
with every chord standing out as dis
tinctly as the peecavi acceptissirna
eemer munera sur.t in a bonhomie
adagio. I tell you, when she did
that, just after the nil desperandum
scene in the first act I could hardly
control my emotions. Here, I said to
myself, is the consummate artist. I
forgot all else, and in an ecstacy of
artistic passion seemed to float with
her among the timbre in the empyrean
realms to which her enchanting notes
bad wafted me almost at the first crack
out of the box."
They were silent for a moment.
Then the girl, with a wistful, yearn
ing look, asked :
'Did you ever- write musical criti
cisms for any of the papers?"
"No," he answered "whv do vou
"Because," she said, "you ought to
do it. Yon could make a hit at it
bat. What a lot of people
if thev don't understand
what is coming out of American expan
sion over the Pacific and is putting
millions of dollars into ships for this
Pacific coast trade. If your manufactur
ers see, also, and take advantage of
the situation, they will put more
millions of dollars into their pockets
servative old ladv that the erring
housemaid whom she mav have judged f
i,.i ........... o.i !
t?'j uriririi unit jicill I h-iii,i,i,,ii
a better excuse than did Marguerite,
even though she could not get her voice
up quite so high.
Mephistopheles is just as busy with
house maids and poor, overworked
shop-girls as with any Marguerite
that ever lived. And his work is
made easier by long hours, dull routine
and ti one less future.
It is strange and sad that mortal wo
men find it so easy to sympathize with
the Marguerite whose sins and life end
in the beautiful "Anges purs, ange
radieux" aria written by (iounod, and
not with the Marguerite who ends in
the hospital, the morgue and the
Potter'g field.
It makes a great difference, apparent
ly, to moral and virtuous . women,
whether the erring Marguerite has a
famous tenor on one side of her and a
famous bassoon the other, or whether j
she has on one side of her the Cook
county hospital and on the other side
the Bridewell.
So much in criticism of woman's'
attitude to her sister. But remeuilier ,
that all criticism of universal condi-j
tions is necessarily false. Things are
just right as they are a wise purpose I
underlies them. j
Women are harsh with women be- j
cause eternal wisdom wills that they,
shall be. Women iears, above all,
things, the contempt, the harsh con-
demnation of other women. Wbilel
that contempt punishes brutally many I
unfortunate creatnres, it saves from '
disaster thousands of others.
The cruelty of womanis woman's
great salvation. Things are as they
should be.
But for an interesting study in hu
man nature, go and watch the faces
of the old ladies at "Faust" while the
tenor screeches, the devil poses in his
red tights, and Marugerite sings:
"Je t'appartiens ;
Je t'adore."
Chicago American.
right off the
miss in life
music. "
"Well, I
should say Record-
Senator Mason, of Illinois, rushed
breathlessly into his bathroom a morn
ing or two ago to shave himself. He
was late for breakfast. He hastily
scraped hisjtriple chine and reached for
the tube of face cream he keeps in a
closet above the washstand. It so
happenwl that bis small son had, on
the evening before, carefully placed a
tube of bicycle cement in the closet,
and the menaWr got the cement instead
of the face crem. He daubed bis
broad expanse of face w ith the cement
before he realized anything was
wrong. The skin tcia! ist he con
sulted thinks he mill have all the
cement off the senator's face in a week.
The servants of the Chinese legation
are preparing to take up and store for
the summer the large and expensive
rugs that have covered the Moors dur
ing the w inter. When the rugs are taken
up the fbx rs of the various rooms will
tie rough and ditKolorwd. Callers who
do not know thf r-anon why will
wonder at the absence of oil. varnish
or wax. The explanation is brief and
Three years ago, when the fimt
spring of Mr. u's residence in the ! to everv young man : "Get money, no
present legation ro!ll ground, the ' ri.'.t-r how. " But by their tragic
hoow steward, bright and up-to-date 1 d'-ath they say: "Be honest, and be
colon!, man took op th rugs. Then ' content w ith what honesty bring" you.
itie noors were ruhbed and aid unt.i i ar, j vou will never l reallv poor. "
From far-off Vancouver comes a
warning and a lesson to those who may
look ujon the acquirement of wealth
as the chief object of existence. It is
a story of sjieculation, broken trut
and self-destruction. The president and
cashier of a bank in that city, having
wrecked the institution for which thev
were responsible, and, driven by fear
and remors-, went to a lonely spot and
took their own lives, the one weapon
serving for both. They bad sr-co!ated
with the money ofjothers in their fever
ish haste to acquire riches, and their
consciences could suggest no other
way U avoid the digrace of discovery
than that final resort of the demented
and the cowardly self-immolation.
These men considered money of
greater moment than any other thing;
more desirable than refutation, hon
esty, peace of mind, mental attain
ments. They proved that the easiest
thing in the world to get is wealth and
that the hardest is to earn it honestly.
Bv their actions while living they said
they shone.
Just after the waxing of the
had tu perlected Mme. Kg
downntairs and started for the
parlor. Her b-et are verv sma!
it is not an eay matter for her to walk
at liert. Sb fell down three time in
going ard and was pit k-d up and
cami from the -ne.
Minister Wu order) that the
! iicrawd from the Moor and
the l- male sulhciently rotjh lor
Muie. Wu to walk thereon. This was
dune. The curious and iiHjriiring net-d
wi longer wonder at the apj;rire of
the floor in the Chitnw legatinn when
Ibe rugs are taken up.
How tirnelv just here it is to refer
to the ad iei- of Senator Ilej-w at a
dinner in New York Saturday night.
He was lelehating his sixty-seventh
bithdav arjriiverary, and in the courw
if his rnnark he made an el'-querit
and earnest t,:ca for an ari-torraey of
brains, as oj ;--) t' an arito rary of
mil lion. In Indon, lie said, g-iiiii
Bought a Typewriter and Didn't H a
a Cent to Pay tor It.
"Do you see that young man over
there?" said a man on a cahle car, in
Jicating a voung man reading a paper
in the seat opposite. "He's one of the
greatest financial geniuses in the coun
try, if little things are any indication
of a man's abi I ity and character. He'll
, be a millionaire before long, or I'm
no jud of people. "
The young man's appearance did
not seem to indicate that there was
! anything out of the common about
him, and his admirer's companion
, said so.
"Well, I'll tell you how I came to
discover his genius," said the man
; who had spoken first. "When 1 tell
von what he did I think you'll agree
"with me. He secured a tvpewriter
without paying a cent for it and with
out doing a stroke of work for it, and
he did it in a perfectly honest and
legitimate way, too. In fact, he ac
tually made money on the transaction.
I onlv discovered how he did it bv
accident, and I've been wondering at
the genius and simplicity of the
s heme ever since. He was formerly
employed in the same ollice with mff
and we both had to do a giysi deal of
writing, tine day he came opto me
and proposed that we should hire a
tvpewriter together.
" 'We can hire a typewriter for $4
a month,' he said, 'and if we split it
between us it will only cost ) cents a
week each. We i an do that all right,
Ix-cause we wouldn't be using it at the
same time, anyway. If you give me
2 now I'll go up to the olfice of one
of the typewriter companies and have
them send down a typewriter. I'll
arrange the whole thing so as to save
you any trouble. '
"I agreed to this, and the young man
went off with the 1. Kvery month I
paid with perfect satisfaction. About
a week after the first payment I
learned thut my friend was not paying
anvthing for the typewriter, but was
act ially making a little on it. He i lights the public mav expect anything
was hiring it out to a man who only I like the glory pmduced by a Joachim j
u-ed it occasionally, and whom he or a Paderewki, but what can be done j
s rsuaded to pay mm oo cents a week i is to produce and play tunes on electric
I thought this was, lights while tiie player is invisible i
A curious discovery, which resulted
from much electrical research and ex
periment at the Central Technical col
lege of the city and guilds of London
institute, is reported by W. Duddeli.
Mr. Duddeli recently explained the
discovery scientifically at the institu
tion of electrical engineers in a lecture
on "Rapid ariations in the Current
Through the Direct Current Arc." In
more homely language Professor
i Ayrton gave some interesting details
"The arc, of course, is the blaze of!
light which exists between two sticks
of carbon placed end on and between
which the electric current Hows.
"To illustrate the fiame-musir dis
covery I must remark that two different
kinds of carbon are employed in the
arc lamps used for lighting the streets,
railways stations, public halls, etc.
In the one kind the carlion stock is
made hollow and is filled with a pow
dery material, while in the other kind
the carbon i homogeneous. The
former tvne of carbon is called 'cored,'
the latter' 'soli,.'
"Now, the cored carbon arc Mr.
Duddeli has shown to possess no musi
cal soul. It is deaf to all persuasion,
whereas the solid carbon arc, he finds,
is like the mouthpiece of a flute, ready
to emit any note. The note of the flute
depends o' cour-e on the length of the
pipe, as determined most cases gen
erated by a machine at a considerable
"Hence," said the scientist, we
have this great possibility namely,
that the ordinary arc lamps at present
used in lighting a hall can be played
on not. merely by a performer who is
in the hall its-lf, but who may be
outside it somew here else. Consequent
ly an audience paying no more atten
tion to the arc lamps ihung up alsive
them than they would to a gasolier
may le suddenlv astonished to hear a
tune coming fri.rn the space around
"I do not wi-h to give the impres
sion, of cour-e. tuat out of the arc
California Cured Fruit Association
sold 20,000,000 pounds of prunes on
The insurrection in Panay island,
Philippines, has ended, nil having
It is now tnoiiiiht that Kngland may
consent to al, rogation of the Clayton
Buhver treaty.
Callahan, charged with being the
kidnapper of r.dwanl Cudahy, is on
trial in Omaha.
Secretary Hay and Ambassador
Puuneefoce have held conferences on
the canal question.
Negotiations for the renewal of the
I Driebrund ( Triple alliance) will be
' opened this spring.
England is now endeavoring to se
cure a reduction of the claims against
Russia by the powers.
Win. T. Stead predicts war between
Kngland anil the I' in ted States over
the Nicaraguati canal.
A monument will be raised at Valley
rorge to commemorate the sutferings ol
the revolutionary heroes.
The Northern Pacific will ship all
unconsigned freight for the North and
West over the Burlington.
The yacht Constitution, cup de
fender, will be launched at New York
the week beginning May .
Bishop J. J. Khsr, senior bishop of
the Kvangel ical Association of America,
died in Chicago on Tuesday.
(ien. II. C. Merri.un, commander of
the department of the Colorado, op
poses a large standing army.
A London paper says that the con
flict of the future will he between tier
many and the I'nited States.
lowans will celebrate the return of
Minister Conger from China with a
reception in the state house.
The tranpsort Kilpatrick at la"t re
ports was in quarantine in Honolulu
harbor with smallpox on hoard.
Z. C. Wolrey, a burglar pursued hy
constables, leaped into the Missouri
river at Penton, la., on Friday.
Chas. Moore, brother of Mrs. Nation,
died in Wichita, Kans. He was in jail
at the time for saloon smashing.
Two workmen in the guise of
tricians robbed a L tica, . i., hoiist
of $UI,(j.H) in diamonds and jewelry.
Harvard graduates nave raisei
Otis object! jus to conferring on
dent McKinley the degree of L
l tie Constitution and Independence
are to MI4! tri:i rn,',.l nlf nii'i,rl
under the .Newport association
Clark Howell, of the Atlanta Con
stitution, gave the principal address at
the Orant monument association ban
qiiet in New York on Saturday.
Seuor Sixto Lopez will return to tin
Philippines, and if he finds the reports
of general surrender true, will join
Agumaldo in swearing allegiam
Attorney (ieneral Knox will institute
proceedings to recover from ('apt. Car
ter some of the f J.'HM.oini or there
anouts carter stole ir.in tne govern
Kngei.e Paul Crowne is appointed
lieutenant, also Klmore I). Worrick,
in the regular army. Both are Oregon
men and were in the .-econd Oregon
L. D
Anient, a missionary who
for the use of it.
"Iletiry S. Iiiie mm one of the l-st
slump -ker that Indiana ever pro
iluctd," Mid gentleman the other
day who ,a resided in this state for
uvrr sixty ywars. "He was eswiitially
tump pvakr, using that term iu
tier old-tune sense of the word, and I
ni enre thut wending hioi to the
t'liiltvl Stale wen at- was jnival-iit to
ittit,(' hiui in a colli u a (ar as the
display of In peculiar oraiorir!
ability a ronevrned. He was
porially br.lliantat repartee, and Ins
atoliu in lbs rwil luoht bt
l.kriiisl to the play of a muster with
the rapier. Bui (us nature was
rwliimt and hi wnsibihtiee o delicate
wax i find" a wein.rne and reeognition in the
that 1 homes of the oldest and mot distiri-
gnihd among the nobility: but in
this country "our mill ionair exclu
sive bar the dor and rrfure to let in
npon a ial equality the representa
tive of intelligent achievement. They
-. k to make all, except the eo r
of exaggerate.! incomes, s'-ia!ly second
This is significant criticism, coming
a it does from a man of l,th wealth
and brains, because it ehows which of
the to l,e value the more. The hope
of this repijl,ic li in brains, riot
dollars. The multi-millionaire, who
ha nothing but mone , may be in the
awendant f r a time, but be will
pas, and th- man who achieve by
Ins brain and his manliness will :t
in the highest place. We cannot im
prove on f lornoii' advice to hi (-on :
'Widoni it!:e principal thing : there
fore yet wii-l-.m. And with al) thy
Ktt'ii.g get understanding " Mere
wealth of money is trivial compared
with th.. Chicago Port.
ratt er clever, but I didn't realize the
full measure of my friend's ability
until a year had expired. Then I
learned from a man who had called to
collect a payment on it tbat he had
agreed to buy the ty-wnter on the.in
and thin at no ir-at expense.
"Why, for halls winter gardens, all
buildings, in short, that are plpces of
public resort, the jossibil ities of elec
tric music in th art are very suggestive."
sta!l:nent plan, paying 14 a month for Mr. Duddeli has also shown that the
it. The man was calling for the last j electric light arc can lie use as a tele
monthly payment on it at the time, , phone receiver. He has already ti-d it
and tfie typewriter is now the proerty , for the receiving of telephone currents
of my friend. It biok him a year to from a tran-init'.-r spoken into in an
pay it off at a month, and fie was other part of the building. London
receiving Vi cents a week for it all ; Daily Mail,
the time. I never took the trouble'
lie v. W.
has returned to San rrancisco Irom
China, rejects the charge of looting.
Minister Longer supports him in his
JJv a skilllul ruse, a constable suc
ceeded in serving a writ on (ien
Cassius M. Clay, informing him that
his bank account had been attached hy
his daughter.
D. B. Hill declares that hn is not a
candidate for the presidency, lie says
that he or anyone else knows not now
what should bo done in 101 by the
democratic party.
Thirty thousand people viewed tin-Pan-American
expost ion in Buffalo on
Sunday, 1 per cent paying admittance.
It was a preliminary to the formal
opening on Wednesday.
Jake (iaudaur has accepted the offer
of ( eo. Tow tie, of Kngland, for a '.'
mile and turn sculling race,2oil pounds
a side, championship of the world, at
Bat Portage, Ontario, in August.
'en. ('ailles has proclaimed himself
dictator and Aguinaldo's successor. He
is said to have condemned to death
Filipinos who refused to obej his com
mands and assist the insurgents.
Callahan, acquitted of kidnapping
young Kdwin Cudahy, jr., remains in
jail in Omaha, the state refusing to
consent to his release. The reward for
the arrest of Pat Crowe hss been withdrawn.
j ceeded against rioters in China, is re
tiring. It is alleged that the Union Pacific
! has been acquired by the Vandeibilt
; interests.
' Sir Alfred Milner will come from
Kngland to the l ulled States for a
brief visit.
On Tuesday, between H0, 000 and 10-
000 homescckers left Chicago for Pacific
coast points.
James Douglas Beid, "father of the
telegraph," died iu New York on Sun
day, aged il.
Captain McDonald, Third cavalry,
was wounded in an engagement in
Alhay province.
China apologized to M. Francois,
French consul, for insults and rilling
hy Chinese troops.
Jones Laughlins, of Pittsburg, are
i:ow making steel wire iu opposition
to the steel trust.
Frank O'Neill, a captain of police,
has been named as chief by Mayor
Harrison of Chicago.
The New York Herald declares that
Italy is dumping her criminal class
into the I'nited Mates.
The Manila transport licet has left
for China to take ( ieneral Chaffee's
army to the Philippines.
Hawaiian authorities are fuiuigiting
the mails from the I'niied Mat for
protection from smallpox.
An order has heeii i.-sued by the
courts that may prevent tin usolida-
tion of the Kio driinde roads.
D. O. Mills, a railroad magnate.
and p.irtv were wrecked m a railway
accident at Yuba pass, California.
The houo of .oininons adopted all
the budget report except ing the coal
tax. This was to he taken up later.
David Nation, husband of Mrs
Nation, was robbed of on Monday
while attending a dog and pony show.
Li Hung (.'hang coini I iiiicnu tin
I'nited States on its stand iu coiim
u in Willi tne i,ninese iinleinnitv ca-e.
The St. Louis grand jury found 1
indictments against democrats for
alleged frauds in the recent city elec
ieo. D. Perkins has withdrawn from
the Iowa governorship contest iu fav
ot hdwin II. longer, minister to
Americans surprised the camp of
(ien. Cailles, the insurgent leader.
I allies escaped, several men being
Prince Henri de Croy, of Belgium
who arrived in Hohoken on Sunday, l
suspected of smuggling jewels into
A church cupola fell at Klis.ura,
Albana, killing lo person, supposed
to nave been tne work ol tiulganan
The notorious 'Jack the Kipper,'
who has assaulted and mutilated IS
women, has been arrested at Lu ligs
haven, Baden.
Kansas City people denum! en
forcement of the Sunday saloon closing
law, or the discharge of the ollicials
of the police department.
The amnesty proclaimed by (ien.
MacArlhur will he extended to the
Fil i pinos to J ill y 1, when the civil
government will be estahl ished .
Accidental death was the verdict at
London on th death of Hilly Smith,
who died from injuries received while
fighting with another pugilist, Jack
The American Board of Foreign Mis
sions will send Rev. Dr. Barton, Rev.
Win. F. Wilteniore to
m issions i n 1 n, I la ami
a mow
Dr. I.oba and
inspect foreign
Celyon .
(ien. lireeiv at Washington has ap
proved the fro.iiod contract (or laying
a cable from Juneau to kagwav,
Ala-ka, for the use of the signal
to figure it out, hut I can see that he
m u --t have been making a little on it
while he was paving for it." New
York Herald.
The census bureau announces that
the center of ipulat ion, excluding
Alaska and recent territorial acquisi
tions, on June 1 la-t was at a point 'i
miles southeast from Columbus,
Bartholomew count V. in Southern In-
All exchange tells of a contest he-
hat hapi-n in dm-s-ra,
"Faust," which is
You know
iksI' great
base) on iiethe' work
An old man his name is Faust
yearns for youth. He jet the youth,
make the devil' acquaintance, sell
hi soul to the devil for the devil's
help In the opera the devil is politely
called Mephitophees. Kvery body is
beautifully dressed, from the devil
and Faut. the ieasant girl and the
bai.et dancers, to the old grand -
, tween an editor ?.nd a lawyer as to the I
relative merits of the rnemls-rs of
: these profession 1 lie following settled
it. It was fonnd that there was one
editor in heaven, who probably rode
in on a pa or the blind baggage.
They tried to ,im out, but not a
single lawyer could lie found to take
charge of ejectment rase, and the
editor remain without a lawyer in
James f lal.aii, alleged to I oim of
the kidiiajier of voung Kdward
Cudahy, jr., waa acquitUsi at Omaha.
Princes Hatho lt, 'laughter of the
late C P. Huntington, ni.iv sue for
her share of the increase in the liuii-i
tingtou estate that has accumulated j
since his death. Her share of the es
tate was fl , IKSI, ISM, and of the increase!
t J ,'ksi. j
Jake (iaudaur others to row any i
single scull oarsman in the world,1
Townesand Rimiohr preferred, at Rat!
Portage, Ontario, for the world's
ciiampioiiship and a side he' of fjooo. 1
three miles with a turn, between
August 10 and 31. I
Tne April "American Boy."
The April American Boy fSprague
Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich. is
brimful of good things for boys, ie
usual. It contains ll'J pictures. Its
leading article treats of "gen t lein.in 1 1 -ness."
The stories are; " I'hev liny
Who Rode a Miisc;" "lio it, Tom;'''
'The Men of Might; or, the Lipdy
.Nine. Ibe Oreat llicvcle Kace at
I'ultney;" "Splitting the Herd;'
'Three Boys in the Mountains;'
"Lay Jack;" "A Vegetable liiicns
sion, ami 1 he Cruise of the l acht
tizello." Other items of interest an
Talks with Boys and Their Frieii I-
I he ( harle-lon Navv lard an I a i-it
lo an Ocean Liner; Turning Points iu
li Boy's Life; the Roys' Picture (ial-
b-ry; I he Boy's Library; What Boys
are lining; llovs as Money Makers and
Money Savers; April in American
History; How to Make Your Own
Tackle and Something About Fishing:
The Agassiz Association; Roys in the
Home, Church, School, Ollire, Store,
Factory and on the Farm; The Order
f the American Boy; Boys iu the
nimal Kingdom; The Poultry Yard;
H ivs iu Oames mid Sport; The Boy
Mamp and Com ( ollect or, and the Boy
this is one of the handsomest num
bers yet issued by this company. $1 a
State Fair Premium List Out.
Secretary M. D. Wisdom has just re
ived from the printer the s'.ite fair
premium li-t I t l'ol. Oyer U,HMI
i offered tor nreiu uuis on livestock
and farm prislm ls, mid it is by far the
argest and best pr-initim iist ever
offered in this state. The list has been
thoroughly revised, mid brought up to
late in every department. New
premiums have been added, and others
increased on articles most worthy ol
merit. Oregon can Imast now of as
omplete an I liberal premiums as any
state in the union, and if hard work
mid earnest efforts on the part of the
management count for northing, the
fair itself will compare lavorablv with
those of older states, and will be the
best ever hel l this side the Ris ky
Bapt ists of lone
Oil and gas lands urn
near Colfax.
Scio bus a llax mil! in operation, the
first iu Oregon.
Anacortes, Wash.
salmon cannery,
! Long Creek hits a number of diph
theria patients.
Astoria's commercial club has incor
porated for f 1000.
Oil excitement hits broken out in
Bear creek valley.
Twenty lives were loHt in
slide at Valdes, Alaska.
Columbus McDonald, of Vancouver,
B, C, died Monday, aged 70.
Airs. Vaiindrt Conn, wife of mi
Astoria druggist, died Monday.
Astoria will have 'f'sliK) improve
ments for its federal building.
A Portland barber shaved peoplti for
several days after lining infected.
The, Marshlield, Or., shipyard, is
building another steam schooner.
Hood Riverstrawberry growers are
already receiving orders for lurries..
A number of recruits are arriving at
Vancouver barracks for army service.
Ashland claims more extensive
building than iu any year for several
KX'Oovernor Moody was injured ut
Salem by being thrown Irom a car
Burglars opened the safe in the ollice
of City Cb rk H. B. Doust at North
Wasco county paid its taxes in full,
general, f I7.fvlO.lM, scalp, bounty,
f: RN.ti:.'.
British Columbia and Puget Sound
will nave a very large salmon pack
this year.
Colfax buyers have been offering 75
cents for barley, the highest price for
years past.
The city council of Davenport,
Wash., has raised saloon licenses from
:00 to flood.
J. M. Center, of Stevenson, Wash.,
shot and killed himself at Astoria on
Monday iiigct.
Henry Wiggins, a Chemuwa Indian
w ho was vaccinate I ten days ago, died
Irom the effects.
An electric light wire started a lire
in the wmdow of a Store in Salem and
caused f 10,000 loss.
Alex McDonald, "King of the Klon
dike," has lu-e li given the cross of M.
iiregory by the pope.
Tacoiiia city employes were Isoiteii
in a suit demanding an Vhour day,
and pay for overtime.
Four Washington ht.ite ollicials are
charged with appointing their own
families to state oilices.
North Yakima .Masons will erect a
say s
fore" t
:! story building this summer,
the third floor as a lodgeroom.
A Washington correspondent
Ivistero Oregon will not have a
reserve for many jean to come.
Property ol the estate of Julius
Lowenberg, at Portland, has been sold
to satisfy a judgment for fv,l,s.7n.
A prominent W i 1 lainette val lev hop
grower says that the prosiect is for one
if the best crops ever raised there.
Passenger rates, regular tariff flti to
'kagwav from Seattle, have dropped
to f ", a rate war being in progress.
A. A. Atkinson, of Forest (irove, has
lioen awarded the fellowship In biology
at the Lnive'sitv of Oregon at F.'ugene.
Kmil Johnson, who attempted
suicide at Astoria. lias been turned over
the sheriff, lie mav go to the itsv-
i 1 1 1 1 1 .
Consul H. It. M iller, of Chung King.
China, thinks Oregon can build uu it
large trade in condensed milk in that
uutry .
The ,yiil of the late (
president of the anc
National bank, gives all
to bis w I fe.
Dawson merchants are offering prizes
the nearest guesses on the date the
Yukon will open. It is looked for on
aooiit May " to lo.
John (!. Trul iuger, of Astoria, father
d Mr. T. T. deer, died Sunday. He
was an Oregon pioneer and was prom
inent in Astoria for L'O years.
Wallowa intv citizens have again
petitioned the government to keep In-
lians of the reservations from Isither-
ing them during the summer.
Baker Citv voted f loO.OiK) Isinds for
w.uer and electric light works, and
ii ov a legal contest may be begun to
prevent consummation of the deal.
Mrs. Roth, del iri mis from measles,
tried to kill herself near Colfax. She
i iit her throat w ith a razor and jumped
into a well. She was rescued ami will
probably live.
!has. Brown,
oiiver First
Ins property
i til ic
L0( AT I.
sli wore Mti evening cieiiiide rsrc
Itll go-Hi ei Im!
I. sunn- ilint inni'lcn li df no fnir
H'' never i
Hie -tfflifl w.tli pion iiiel miirneirc'l 1im :
"My vei iieitii.n."
Il mhi from riiilH'leipinH, so
Kelt I'unMertlSttOH.
" here V. HIHle.l?" Hkci he tllOI,
In ti iiil-T pity.
Hie- eiile, I. Hie) irinoioire, enre iikhiii .
"In kiuisii" (01 y."
IP- ,r.m li.-1 ali.. ul llie " nil tt-,"
Whi 'I e,i-(i(etll of 'Iismi";
" I lie Pre.e !, n Ijlillil aiMOl Htel Isll',
Atl'l -..te III "Pll.l 111' Illll' S "
IP- ,,iule'l from lie- woirk- nl I. k",
I'o in lie. I erril7le!l' m ,,t. i ire;
A lei III Hs,,rftfe of year
ll imleJ criilmu twice.
"Double Time for 11 Study"
Ounlon'i Magazine.
Whv the teaehcrs in tl
schools i.f New York citv shou
directed to reduce the amount of time
devoted to the teaching of Kliglish
grammar is one of the things that, on
the surlare iit least, is beyond compre
hension. If there is any one subject
in which American school children are
deficient it iH the proier use of the
Knglish language. How anylssly who
overhears the average conversation of
a crowd of average school boys can come
ii my w ith anything hut the sort of
feeling he would have after witnessing
a murder is incomprehensible except
on the theory that the man is himself
a regular perpetrator of linguistic
cri mes.
Fortunately there are man v excep
tions among school Isiys on the side of
good, clean speech, but, in the large
i ties especial I v, the Knglish language
in the mouths of schoolboys is largely
one is tempted to say chietly an out
pouring of vulgar slang, barbaric sen
tence construction and denunciation so
trawling and slovenly that the street
gamin's inlluence is apparently proved
lar more powerful than anything
brought to Is-ar in the schoolroom. It
mav ls that formal grammar study is
being dis-'arded as bad in method hut.
if any change is to U made iu the time
devoted to Knglish, double it! To re
duce it would he a crime. (iunton's
There is a tradition that accounts for
the four ones instead of the IV. A
famous French jeweler of the name of
Henry Vn k pr nted to King Charles:
V., siiriiamed Wise, a clock whose dial
Isire the correct Roman numerals.
Now, Charles did hot know everything,
but, being a king, he pretended to
omniscience, and after failing to find
a (law in the works said : " The cbs k
runs well, but vou have got the figures
on the dial wrong." "Surely not, your
majesty," protested the jeweler.
"Nes; that, four should Im four ones."
"You are wrong, your majesty."
"I'm never wrong'" thundered tlm
king. "Take it away and corrft the
mistake." Vn k obeyi-d. The fashion
whs followed bv others, and to this
day we have Mil. instead of IV. New
York Press.