The 1 Uppner Gazette Tlirtf-PAr, Mar. 4, 1901 Mh IN OKFGON. J 'or many rwirp Oropon Las been wiling it- rich, thick milk at 2" renin h pull.vti and paying 28 cents a ptllu f'r thin ool oil. 1 train l'lad. and ship lem.l r.f c' l ll tliHt Lhs boon brought !nto Orry.-m would mke n grand il lumination, and the ofthh paid for it and takon out of the state would make nianv men millionaires. Now Oregon in making an effort to kit-p ibic at-h at home. Men who lave f-tudifd the situation aud arc well hmU on oil and oil fields have bt'gun boring east from Portland, and claim that the pros pects are very encouraging. They wra to be arranging mat ters yery judiciously, and eav that if they only strike poor petroleum, as is the case with the great well in Texas, they can sell it all to the railroad companies for fuel. In 'California the oil industry , has had a wonderful development, and promises to yield the 6tate as much wealth as did its great gold miDs. The Southern Paci6c Co. is arranging it great army of loeo- y motives so as to nse oil for fuel, f and m the oil is produced at small expense, the profits in the business f must be immense, , lii "Eastern Oregon, along the western spur of the Flue mountains indications of oil have been noticed , for j'ears, but no attempt has evr been made at development At the head of Rhea and Wil low creeks, about 13 miles from lt Heppner, stray streaks of coal liave been found, and some of it I taken from trie surface in Willow creek basin Vy P. A. Herren seemed so full of natural gas or oil that it twisted out of shape the stove he burned it in. At the Matteson and Maddock f mineB there are undeniable indica tions "bf coal and its close cousins, gus and oil. and over beyond 13ut-- ter creek -coal has been taken out. :On- Dr.'winburne's ranch lo f miles from Heppner, Jos. Cannon " dug a well and was driven out by gas. He said that the fumes were " o etrD2 at the top of the well that he could ignite tliem with a match. ' Prospects are good for Morrow ' connty some day producing its own oil and perhaps providing for its ; "neighbors, and expert prospectors who are searchicg for promising fields should come this way and gire this region a trial. COME AND SEE. Matiy homeseekers are doppiug into Hcxvi River and buying lands at from S10 to $-200 an acre. It costs ?10 to $40 an acre to cletr the timber off some of these lands. & . . " - . V, q r- -I u r I . .. 1 ihereGyaagoyidded 1250 the! PR!!eeft-?D-.,, , ..,...,..! do better thaD that in Morrow;" i. i : or. 1.. i ?ud mixmg larmmg rdu me rais-, mg of good, salable stock. On the j plateau, lnch and foothill lands of j Morrow county nature has already I done the clearing, and there is not , - i . i & single stump 10 unpeue uie piu. On the otner hand, if a man wants a timbered ranch. Morrow has ten townships of them, almost all vacant government land, and on many of them the timber is so open that clearing is very easily done. lown near Moro, in Sherman county, T. S. Coe. just in from Iowa, has bought 100 acres from J. C. Coy for $2o00. lie could have bought just as; gixid a place in Morrow county for j Vm to il0. ili W UVUb who is well nosted ' on Morrow county lands, says that j co"cern 's ThU'1', .. (. . t many place in Morrow county' K readers af the f,,,,tte are ,.1 !. ;ever bilked by ea-b-m concerni to &i an acre, but that tuch places are now all sold, and that the 0-an-aere places tre receiving atten tion. He knows of several caee in Morrow county where men made back the purchase price of thir ranches with one crop. For low-priced lands certainly Morrow county offers the home- eeker great inducements. Come and see. THF COUNTY'S FRIEND-:. T In l a r.r.l AmaTt f-t.iro tVl mUT chants of Morrow ronnty find that their buiiueM Lae more than doubled up, n,n Ann,A nr, 1 and that there are twice 68 niaor tax paverB on the roll as now, they 'an af j'1 t ...itila rraft i,r t.i -i ru;. n.. - ,.r-r ,A tl i .. , . . ., , t. r l . fv a:iricl ino osci at me !'., , nJ Jy 1". Lucaf , reivr. Th uentlemen reeiTe manv letter frcmmnr who are comir to .e,k Le. tn th. l'. ,tc .North,- t, and to all of tbern ther eend printed dt-, criioni of Morro coontr and the j olThelUiie. lanl dtr.ct, gtv:.. inlortnation ahent jrovercmeDt lands . kod the .nc f! ow iH lanaa, etc. . . ...... ' lu. thi U.ry. ui iwn many good e-ple to F.aetern fireon and Mwfto" I'o' d a they are yvj- riitre of ttn" region, information thev i s;ire i a'way. re'.'ahie and had on ac toal conJ:ti.'na. ( When land oner the n-ii.t.! vs. Uf. ol their land v"t T increased r i their tieih'vore ninth tineer, they . i ...1 tt-t f it if. rMltrr.n and Jav I.-; -at itt-ecite imiih rie 1 t 1 ,i tl-e .! i otl.1 ll-.'tJ Monoir oui.ty r.oTii 1 r norki-rt". but i.otjp f "f !rt.-. It rati t:i'irt t!..ti ! it ;."-t.t r.T iJatioii. Jf .".i are iu tl.e rui'l li. tt fct. M il unr rj .'lui'e n lUr nA liie. j H WTA1.TM. gm has fi:i!i' v:tt nbi'-r. v ! i'h w ill Mton prtvr-.te d. Mild M .''r- ii l.i t-h-ov i f it f tunhcr ir..:ij;i'i:ous 1 C mi (nil th i'oq are v h A l.i (U!rH Or r.' h mark, t L'he lofs ;t ti' nulls ! Ml .Y 1 fr f. t. cms i! ly '.' i ! ! w ill ;i or, ii,i' J Y.dlow r.uo : j cent of tl-t i" ... ( l .M-ii i n )r- i tvn. V'iv pii:o i. a g i strong. S;'v ircablo Uur.'r, maktv ! a handsiuue i;,c-uL lit.;;-!:. ;:.J as au h!1 ar.uit'il but! ling mnt.-ri'.l i v:u- tmble. T!-e villi on t'-.o l.'iir a t fs:.:,d a market : far oast r.s Colo ! rado ar.d Nebrifka. The manu facture of rsilroad ties c.nsr.m..s n large percent s: 1 of ti e output. The fir of Ivistern Oregon much smaller tlinn along the coast. The bark is less coarse Hiul tli in ner, ard the percentage of lear is necessarily less. T1M11. I'astern Oo t-tretchfs of t; 1 gin to bo a r. w e.uir.ty , The cjiiv.i's to F.mM f-rn as; vvllow j'ii.". 1 Oiion ci! ivv j able inmlvr. Lodge To! e pin. is a species of ----" black pine, and derives its nime ! HVKY STAIN, on account of its straight, loug1 The Spanish government has slender habits of grow th and forms : done two mighty good things in the principal fuel timber of Eastern 1 the past two years: Oregon. Thousands of cords of! 1st. lu getting rid of Cuba, and this wood are converted annually j 'id. In selling for twenty mil into cord wood. The young trees , lion of dollars the Philippiue Is form long, straight poles, which j lauds, to which at the time of sol are utilized for building purposes, ling she had uot eyen a shadow of and mining props. Lodge pole j title. pine is always associated with yel-j JUy reason of these good things low pine. the y oung men of Spain, instead of Yellow pin is not found in ben g drafted into Spanish armies dense forests like the timber nearer and sent oil' to tight and die in the coast, but grows in patches, re-'Cuba and the Philippines, uow re cessitating its manufacture at pres-j mn'm at home engaged m useful in ent with small mills, but eveutual-, dusiries, and ispanirh bonds, which ly larger plants will follow. j before were almost worthless have Within a few years the lumber; now become of tome value, interests of Eastern Oregon will; - become of great importance. j WALLA WALLA AWAKK. ! The beautiful Valley of Waters, : Walla Walla, was w-H named by; its original Indian inhabitants. It is a rich region, jud M01O vided with stiaias ine 3 , has wonderful who -.t-fie! Is. The city of Walla WVla is very prettv place, nfed with homes and trees and gardens, but it always been of slow growth, rle have been satisfied to hfiji Pfo. d along and accept what happened to come in their wav. Put now Walla Walla's busine-s men have wakerrl up. lhfy real- I ize that their city might bist as well have had twice its pres-ur j population and business, and that . every new family that sttls m i the surrounding region m.-a: s more : busiue-s f ir the town. So the businpsi m'n p. re raising j a fund of .?2"00 to tf;.'.t,eV!iW ad-i vertis? the Wslla W ails eontitry and attract a fair -La re army 1 of home-se'-k-rs. 1. o .j.ii'.g fi--m 1 th eat. i Homs ar? to Ve liad in the Wal'a Price fiTr .hat fin t '". --- vl who go t to jay a C""1 thev e-1. Low- d lands are a tu'ng ol ti.1 thre. for the country ha k- i v ,..i,a .. ).., i .,,,,1 ... i i.'--u eriu-'i n ;"iil: tu,'i -u- c:iml,ej aL,j wiM B-U j. irr. p .JV; ir.u,T who ha of r u , py Walf j thp to jnt t!l, man of moderate tit-ats should come to Morrow county, where land values, have rot vet ana- mnc?d to climb, and where, re turns'lrrr-d, the best low. priced lar-ds on earth may still b found. l'.rINF.- KILK-. A few pap.-rs in the northwest j are publishing two long advertise-j meats sent out by a London typej foundry. An f-a.-tf-rn fomm"-reial 1 eucy whose business it is to ex-j P"e advertising bilks, says the 1 that advertise in it, and will inlorm f this offic", such frauds v. a!' L- -x- 1 posd and other p-opie will be; warned against b-ing billed. 1 RE.-OI.UTr'.s OF C'hNI' (LF.Nei: Ma-onic iiali, .Saturday, Mirch ' 2, 1'1. i Whereas, it h as p! th" Ili-1 trine P.jl-r of th-: Univer-e to calli I from this life our esteemed brother i I Wm. iVnland. and ! j ASh--reas, Prother iVriland La, i bv hi Ions' faiid faithful meiub-r-; hip in thl ord. r hud hi- ma rjy rv ' virtues, ei.u-an-.i i,.ms' .; u :ie meiiiLer of thi.- lu'L'r', tii'-refore In Ii ?olv-'l, that in L:' !r-atli tieM'tier '''U- M.. L feuii-r-'l thf lot-- of oo of . - , , 1 and the eoruimm.t y '. ' fd it-l I ClU tUt , ;. , ;, , , rf. ti'V'' ' f 'l-r ..' A .if t! : ! - - r . (, , , r r ri;"i i '-i' ' i" ' - - .1 t:.. . - t . fi r i I pHT ' I r HI. 1 uif- of th - .. v.- I !v' il' V .. .1 le'.'-r a '. M l: t T N V. V 1IOAP I V V. Tlie i.ew nud !n is now in ef fe't. 1; ioij i'!res coauty courts to levy a r tax i f n 't tiuav than 10 ii! ! .'ii the d.-lia'', has, d imi the pri' iou-i i ai'. n.-p vmii.'i.I, The , to 1 tl.ns e.ea'.fd i to lu expend Cd w der (be difi (ion of a comity i-o.tdo.ian r. wiu) litis supervision u. ih ' su;.er iso; s T'pou petiM'in of 1'2 free holders . f auv lti'i 1 J.-:'! : a "proved by tin' ii'ii.l...asit y, loi' the itupiove iiu'e.l i i' :.i y ro .d, lie coauty court si:. 'dl iOiisicler tl;e pttitiou, and, if . upi.ii.vcd. .vt.ill ea.l fi- sealed bids f. ; the e; foi ia o. k o f the work a ud f urobilins of the material n. a-ded. :n,.l let the eoiitruet to the .-; biiMrr, provided, however, that ti e ci utt may reject any and all bids. The court is also au thorized to puiel.Hse rock crushers out of the read fund. The tax : provided for in this act is in lieu of taxes heretofore made collectible under other acts. i'HK AWFUL OF IT. Elizbfth Phelps said: "Aar! What ia war? Who forgets? 2ot he who has carried drippii g sword or smoking musket. Not lie who starved at Anderson vilie or writhed et Gettysburg. Not si e who has ever picked lint, or rolled bardages, or searched the lists of 'killed wounded missing" at home. Not she who creeps ; away on utHlfty atteruoons to lay j a tl"Ver c '-ii the giave by whose , gaj inn mouth she hung, heart- I orokeu, a quarter or a century ago. TLo.-e of us who hava "lived a war' ; remembei llhi KXT AUKIVALS AT I'AtACE HUiEL 1 ' W !'.., Echo il t ,;!iia!e, J H r.-ukfr, I 1' JoiiCson, fubn flay J L Pifiuli, UurJintj .-i.d.v. Willow Ci k N .S-a iiisuti, Ii.)us'!iiS N I' I ! i i - n, " ! II Civ.vr, t'.'ii Jim ' X :, ,tt, i i,cx .1 A A I.ue. , ILir.'.man .iry 1'ii'tj, Lone Kk I'LKAsANT 1'AUTV. .irc.:i!jty evening t!:p young peo ili'; ; lit l'.iv- a very pleasant ; r.o'.y at Ij.ur ' fill in hor.-!v.-ir. J. K. "i''fr and Frank L'L-n vigiting for . -rai in ji.tiii ;;: 1 Af -r the il.tni-H t:,'; i y 1 thf h jme ' G'jr w!:(-e ilify w cor.s by Mi-. Ayeis I Dier.ts wore fcTVf.1, Mr and Mrs. A. yonnu peouie re of Mr. nnd Mrs. f; entertained with T'tinty refresh arid the evening I w. t.j.jyed to the ufni.jat. yr,.-jrs. ' ii'.-r an.l SpauMintr left on Monday 'iiiorning fur tneir homes in KatTn Kansas. Th yonne men made I nisny frier; rl s. 'birine their stay here and ' take with them their bept wislies. wool.. The Heppner wool market continues ta:rnant. ('has Roberta, representing Koshland I!ro., w-as here Monday, bnt n't to buy. He would take on conain n ent, Vi'it no growers ?pcmed to warit to consJjn. Mr. Robert think there wii! not be much movement until after the new clip comes on. In Boston there is no improvement, ar, 1 wool has sold at lower prices than ' :nce the downward movement bpjran. ! A lot of territory wools went at I'ot.'JOi;; ' territories have been crowded on the I market, and o faied. In 1ordon the sitoation ec m steady .d uric) ar.'ed. Sl'fJ hEWAIiD, ?loO. The r-a!r f thit paper will he i.!ehf.ed to lea'n that toere la at leaet one d;f:e ihit foiencd has heea (.h e to cil'e in nil ito atajg tird that it ('rt'-irrh. H;i' C'h'arrh t'ure ia the onJy i,.iiTcrnr i ow known to the medical f fc'-rr,;'y. Catarrh tiairia a C'rjRtilntion ul den-e.tefjttires 8 cinlitotiotiBl treftt t ii Aid Cttturrh Care is takio id t rnhh, oi'irix directly upon the blood ;ir, ! re e na nrface of the ayatern, lj'-rehy tbe fonodHtinD of the di-.'e. livint? the patient atreogtb t y h-ni.lir.rf up the coostitnUon 'and a- tiat'i-e i'j d'linkf i work. Th, tr 'lrira hnre ao ranch faith in itg rnrt:ve r.-.wera, that they offer One flnndr'd loiihr for any caee that it f'.l8 to en. Hend for hat of teitiajin- A-!!rees V. .7. "hene h Co., Toledo, O. H-i! i I s d.-lafijUts, 7.JO. h'l l.'a L .ra !y 1'illn are the beet. A Ml hit' Ay II.AN Nl.Y '.' - I'i';i IT '. I, of lleppner, i aa r,r., of 1 t . iiihlitiiUona tfiat l-Utrtero r 'i. -e ! i.e pro'ld r f . Jt hi;, t . ' a I iH-ela" h'.jte, and it ; ' y ' in.i,Tit mhite help. ! . ' I t v ?, the Ari.:rj,.Hn ; ' well frrr.i-hed " ' I ' '.il (ftf aat.s- : : " '. 'n ; i t r-. CASTOR I A lor I'.faat and Children. !m9 Ki.ii Yea H2Y3 Always Bought """"""""""" MASONIC. ' Ucppner Chapter No. -tb IL is 1MW lohlill) H spi'i i.ll . i'o;.V and ha initiated tin !!." in-.: dittos: 11. S. TluuntHo:i. C'.'u ii' Fclio: J. II. VNoker, M. IV Cho House, K. W. Uheit, Hei peei : Puw man. Grant Ct. : 0. H. M' tieo. McLaughlin, C O. I'ettu.' Huston; IL W. Fiazi'r, O'eo Si' M. Cameron. F. M. Prow 11, IV. Luna, Condon ; vi-il is fu'in I J. H. Pownint. Chun. White Brown. Herbert ILtVoud. There ill be A banrjimt nt the cpora hiinsi. Fiulay veiiinK', lot A. eh Masons and their wives, ami t'neie will b.' an oiehestiii w eh Yawter Crawhed as innsieal d'uei tor. FAKE HAIK FKFJ'AR.V TIONH Do Hair No Good, But Ofta Cause Jt . Fall iut. Mauy batr preiiu'ationn are "fak" bepanse they are merely oalp irritant1. They often cause a dryness, aiskini the hair brittl, and, finally, lifelesn. Pan druff is the came of all troviMo with tiair. It ia a germ disease. The germ makes outieU scales as it tligfi to the root of the hair, where it dea'roys the hau'e vitality, cansin,? the bair to fall out. To cure JsnJrufT, the germ rhul be killed. "IVitroy the oimse., yoo re move the effect." Nwbr'a Merpioid id the only bair preparation that kills the dandruff germ, thereby leaving the bait to grow luxuriantly. WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, March hi. Wheat market is stagnant. W. W. b. s. f-8. Wool Yalley, 14( :r I.V for Ooa se, l )iu Uio for beet; Eastern (, HutlL'c; mohair, "3e jut pound. Sheepskin Shearlings, l"Hil-0e; hort wool, '.'")(. i '.Vti-; medinni w ool, 30(if"iV; long wool, tH.)''fl each. San Francisco, Match ." Wool Spring Nevada, lliiihie per pound; Eastern t Iregon, 10i;i h ; Yalley, Oregon, H'lfloc. Fall mountain lame, !M 10e ; plains, t'e 7c ; Humholtand Mendocino, lOnille. Chicago, Mar. 5 Cattle Keceiptc 4,500; choice steers steady ; others : steers fVJH.OO; poor to medium, Ml (i( 4. ! : stock-rs ana, feeders, mow, $i'.7.')(ii'4..'0 ; cows, 7"lM.lii; I'eiiei 7.r'.'4 "0; cannera, $L' uU'70; hulls, f-.'; calves. $4 -; T"xan fed teers, 4.Tr4 oO ; Texas grass steeis, $:l3iha4. Sheep Receipts, ll.CiOi); t-trong ; lambs atroi.g to 10c higher. Good to choice wethers. $4.4! 1 " ; fair to ch. mixed, $4 0)-.r4 50 : W( -tem sheep, $4 40iif4S5: Texa Htmep, 2 ."si ti3.75: native lambs, f4 50(a.V4O; Western lambs 4.Wa 5 45. If you tjke thts paper and The Weekly OreR-onlan you won't have tu beg your newa. .r u v-; I 4 J). :rj w:.i5SEmn rluwg ahms ci, sew kaveb, tm. Simond's Cross Cut Saws Sewing" Machines Sanitary Stills a Boss Washers Hose and Sprinklers Lawn Mowers V At Ed. R. Bishop s. t t t c t Prescriptions Our Specialty. "All the Popular Patent Medicines. Stylish Stationery. Drugs and Herbs pure and fresh. Paints, Oils and 6Iass. A Well-Selected Stock of Jewelery. Kodaks and Supplies. Conser & Warren Drucr Co. Avoid Contagious the entire system. Slocum's ri a Will do it promptly and thoroughly. ' Slooum Jnilr Of)., Main .-tr"f, I lej.ii'T j tSiM0Nitu?iWEDl1rTu I FR I I ' i 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 : 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 j 23 24125 20 27 28,29 , 30 3 i I ' 1 Ttiw- Briefs ! The paper and press work on Law Uriels involves such sujall expense that the Heppner (iitzotte otlice will print tbeni at 50 cts a page and guarantee good work. AIUUIM MAR LI N REPEATING S HOT GUNS For Trap er Fitld Shoctint, eomblna th tlegtnt of outline, perfect on ol balance, rate of taking apart ana quaHtjr of finish of the beat doobla guna with the (apcriaritr in sighting an i ahootlag of the flingle barrel, and eiso possets the rapidity of frt and majarlna rapactty of MARLlN REPEATING RiFLES. U0-pc cat. alog of arms and ammunition, calored cover by Osthaus, mailed for 3 stamp. Minna fixa Asm Co, New Havass. Or. ft i 'if .1 ST 1 1 ;e 1 1 . ..Mr.' r .r ;1 . J U C- J U IM! tU 1 )i a is ly cl- ansiir Sarsapa- 1 Hi! ink I j' (J s I'nn ilium ci irtAO---'1- I l((llltwi!ili'0lltfjll)tllil I 4 11 a 4 fi 4 4 '4 KA 4 to 1 c.-iioi thii .--pi ud 4, 4 4 l.i h I k (.! tit r Ili i 4) 4 MINOR Heppner, Ore 4 XI -I . v v - . ( v' Heppner Head Office, Heppner, Oregon. D. 15. STALTKR, President and General Manager. C. E. KHD1;IELD, Tice President. T. V. AYIRS, Secretary. GP.O. CONSIiR, Treasurer. shares of stock apply to any of the above officers. v or The 6len Ellen Wine Vaults. We mipplv families ntid the trade with the ( 'hniceat California Wines. Brandies. and Kentucky - No Ord.r is too amatl for cur Careful and Prompt Attention. A. KLINE & CO.. rw....a- Wholesale and Petal! dealers. II. A. THOMPSON, I'roprietor of tlis LIVERY, On West Side of II;iy Hiul Grain l.otU'lit rii.I IIorvi-H- hI wr,yiv--f-t SkI. livery at t Tiif v ry 't f u iliti' -Ti' d clmrif. (iiv' mo b tri:il nii'l Ik- fiusT Rational ank OFr HEPPNER. l'ri.ln ! (. W. 'ONSKl: it). A. T. A, Kin: a . . . Vir I'resi ) nt Transact a tiencrw! Vy.l II N'.K t'V Alt I-1 i:T- .r 1 iii le teen mailr oil ail I-.' ; 'i. r. . ;. i.,k th T hese me a few nf our recent arrivala. The "tiniilun" Hat 1b known Htid requires no mention from ns other than that thin Hprinp'a line i he yond exception the largest ami hobt etock ( hatd in Heppner, Nobby, Swell, Up-To-Date Headgear. (nr long experience in handling "tlordon" Hata convinct'B na that for good bard wear and honent fervict the "Oordon" lia no jer. Bee new Spring tdylea in nou'.h window. Mcver Forget An Old Friend. Ueiiieinher what comfort and eatiafaction you experienced hen your feet were eucaned in a pa.r of lurKAiiirssifuKS luill' I'OKM SHAl'K. i T. i-v .ne imich cheaper now than thy tioil to he. Yii'i can -i t them now fur honi f t (U) to .'.00. Tiv a ' I'm kaid" again. See no'lh window. NT WKAR OUT This popn'if hrand applioH to hoya' clotliing. The ne Spiiiig Htnfl im pailly in enough of iheiii t.) hhi.w o'i what nol.hv n'ti we proptaa hove in. We iee going to r g tor littlu nmi) that will do thtn Fi: M.W Sl'hl.Nti LIS K V t e mf i i OMf Nfi. & CO. V- ' V. W-tVtV-t- V Jb lining Co., Whiskies at Reasonable Prices. I'CllUieiOll, Ure. SALE STABLE Main St., Heppner. huM. Firxt-chiHs Iiigs Bnd HhiI.Ho . asoimlilc nttcn. i i taking tairc "f tMtmx loft ill uur un vini t-.l. Cahi.r K U I KKLI-AND Aaaiat.ol C.aln.r r.ankinrj I'usiness. II i Ml'lil.h H ' t.M I ANIimlll r-,... tnnii. a... uu.lit ,.n.Cta t o,'".