The Heppner Gazette Thursday,... Feb. 28, 1901 68 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. DI8TAKCIS: Herpnerto Miles Portland 197 Pendleton by wagon road 60 Lexington lone IS Arlington 65 The Dalles 109 Canyon City 104 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 Cabin Canyon 16: with mud... 18 Train leave! dally ezeept Sunday for all folnU at 8:15a, m.; train arrive daily exeept unday from all over the world at 5:15 p. m. Business hour of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to S p. m. Mail ftloae for tralni at 7:30 a. m. Staee for Hardman. Monument. Long; Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at 6 p. m. ; arriving at 6 a. m.; alliance to Canyon 1U1 , hiuio IIUULIi ..... . . 1 1 ueppner nai ii population, gwa ku. City water, electric light and 135,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland U located 197 milei from ueppner. unicago some lurutsr, LOCAL NOTES. Hon. llenrv Biackman returned home from Salem lai-t night. Senator Morrow and family are ex pected home this evening. Go. Swaeeart and F. R. Dent started today for Chicago on a business trip that may last two month". O. E. Farnsworth is back from Sump- ter, where be found the weather rather cold. Nat Webb, tbe pioneer, always good- natured, is at the Palace Hotel again, and will look after his large sheep in terests here. Oscar Bore is out again after a strug gle with sore throat. W. B. Donaldson, a prominent sheep man of Dayville has been visiting his manv friends in this city. He went to . SHEEP. Quite coiisiderab'e hay has been fed out to Morrow county sheep this winter, many menus in una uny. no atho(J(.h tll6 8eaBon ha8 been open. But Portland on spacial legal business and rg bad thfl . on h . and leaves today for his mountain home. Good lues be with him. Geo. Conser and Mac Clarke went down by buggy this noon to attend Wm. Penland's funeral. Fine eating apples at Bishop's. Here and Tl)ere Hardy wild flowers are beginning to bloom throughout tbe Heppner Hills Clyde Wells is under tbe weather, but his milk route runs regularly and be will soon be back at work again. Heppner lawns are beginning to get green again, but mowers are still rest ing At Mayville Townsend & Son have sold a bunch of wild saddle horses at f 20 head to C. Barnard, who will break them to sell to the government. Some small bands of yellow-breasted meadowlarks have returned to the Hepp. ner Hills and are again pouring forth their sweetest songs. Ouite a few bunches of beef cattle have recently been sold beyond the John Day at an average of $47 a head Miss Artie Morgan, a student of the normal school, has gone to her home near Heppner, having received word that her mother is very ill, says the Weston Leader. Tbe funeral of Mrs. William Kudio occurred in Walla Walla Saturday morning. Interment was in cemetery there. There was such a WASTED WATER. Just now, when every creek is bank full and rushing to join tbe ocean, where it is not needed, people can see how wa ter is wasted. Millions of seres of this water is now doiDg damage, when it ought to be stored in reservoirs and let loose later on in warm weather for summer soaking of sun-scorched soils. Handling water so that it will do its duty -and multiply food-production a thousand fold is a work of great impor tance to the human family, and is of such magnitude that it ought to be un dertaken by the government for the ben efit of all. HKCENT ARRIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL B. F' Swick, Canyon City Jas. Curran, Sand Hollow G. W.Yates. ' " H. E. Bartholomew, Butter Creek C. Asbbaugb, Eight Mile M. Ashbaugh, " " Bill Bearden, Willow Creek Hiam Tasb, Hardman Jacob Boetzer, lone W. S. Smith, ' Pat Quaid, Balin Forks E. J. South worth, Seneca J, N. Fordyce, The Dalles H. J. Biddle, Gooseberry Nat Webb, Walla Walla sheep owners had the hay on hand, and were glad to feed it out. Thus sheep here have wintered well, and the Iamb crop promises to be immense. WOOL. The Heppner market continues at a , ro . , standstill, with over 2,000,000 pounds in Fresh cauliflower iust received at .' Bishop's. tDe warehouses here. ,, . , i At Boston mere is increnBeu iraiuj. If you want to swap a creek ranch . , ,, .. . . V ,.,. it i and 7,000,000 pounds were sold the past here for a Willamette valley farm, call '""" 7" 1 . . i, . t r tt .. it a tveek, but buyers have secured them at on W. L. Houston, at HeppneT flouring nB"' " " . . ' rr nrotiv Innr imrn. in fJreiron wools mill. I , , y .1,1.. ...trine. Spring trade always finds a full stock P"ces re . -" " UUjr;iD, LINGERING LETTERS. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners for letters addressed as follows: Casfolt, Mrs. John Dovis, Jessie E. Fuller, Mrs. Emma Gardner, Laura Gowan, Wm. , McCumber, J. A. Tyler, Elihue Warnth, Albert Whitney, T. B. Ask (or "advertised." of groceries at Matlock & Hart's Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. R. Howard's store. Legal blans and alt kinds of job print ing at Gazette office. A new law passed provides that here after taxes are to be paid semi annually in Oregon, half in the Bprtng and half in the fall. Over at Texas Bir C. E" Helig is get- tin.! ready for mining in the spring, but does not expect a very long run On ac count of the scarcity of snow DISEASES CURED. You can be cured of nervous diseases, stammering, bad habits, alcoholism, drug habits and pnyate diseases, ueai- ness anu caiarrn. instruction iu pereuiiai magnetism. Send for literature. In stitute of Psychology, 7th and Wash ington, roi uana. WANTED. A hriiiht man with liirht team to do - w liirht work in Morrow and Gilliam coun ties. Steady work and good wages to the right man. For particulars address Gerlicher Bros., Winona, Minn. BURNT ETCHING. fff" Useful small articles in fancy al(ftther with burnt etching orna- fomentation, in latest styles, are on sale at Patterson & Son's Up to Date JSjTDrug Stote. There are purses, . I - BmAtinii Data arifa nil. - . i Bpcutauio iioDopi diuwai8 r - In 1865 Jos. Lockwood freighted an 0WB etc., all made in Heppner. Prices engine and boiler from The Dalles to Tfrom 25 cents up. See them. Canyon City on two wagons at 15 cents g0fa pillows, with Indians' beads and a oound. He used 40 yoke of oxen and Dragons, m. ,uc ir miiB in 2U months, there Music rolls, with names, etc. " . " , ' Kodak books, any color. being then no road. Ladies' hand bags, Purses, Card, Clarence Moore, of Camas prairie, Spectacle and Scissors Cases, who is in the volunteers in Loam, Smoking Sets, very odd and new. writes to his mother: "Everybody is . . . rnnmfnr .. , I i II III I WW UUUUVT UW tallrmi ahnlll urniruT lluIIIB HE1U W Uiili HOLIDAY CHEER. These are the days of Holiday Cheer, Which old and young In common revere. Whether tbey herd the sheep or run the steer. They know the place to get good beer Is on Main street, at the Belvedere. Also choice wines and liquors for medicinal purposes, and holiday hard' i ware to be taken internally. f bank jtaobbbts, rrop. . i ... 1 r ,1 Tl the city they are going do. Many of the boys , " " " will not have any money, i nae fiw -- T. , - Vt m;-ila demand for the M? ,VW . "J""' secured, and copies rosy now be bought I . ... Mrs. Judee Bartholomew went to at tne uazeiie omce. . ... , , , . .. , Milton today to attend the funeral of her Swollenstreams are reported a 1 along of Ihe watershed of the Blue mountains , 8 o At his ranch on lower Eight Mile Willard Herren's sheep are thriving, a"d he writes that everything indicates a lareer increase than the phenomenal Th r.hnlf!Bst of canned and dried one he had last year. fruits are always kept on hand at the Tbe postmaster at Ketton, Utah, has grocery store of T. R. Howard, written to the Gazette to ask if there are When you want fresh nuts go to any relatives here of Isaac George, who Bishop's. ..i.i l .nnnnuil tn havu Kpnra fariln nn which VOU can keep aiea mere uuu nuo oufimv . .. - i.. i.ft nrnnertv in HeDoner. No one tay ?n all kinds of games are now kept saved and w.l try to-m. lone . ..hi j i It 18 nara worn to save auyiuiuB v-j ' illustrated Gazette that a second lot was v come here. in uiuuiiii . i . j i PRIVATE BOARD. Anyone desiring Private Board will do well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at her hafir of P. O. Bora's Jewelry HeDDner Gazette only 4 bits for Utore. 3 uconths. 1 4100 KEWAKU. A reward of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction oi any person or persons stealing horses branded E. D. or -S- on lell Btine. , T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keeney. Tbe day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 324-acre place at $5 an acre, call on J. W. uedington, uazeue omce. Mr. Bcherzinger's records show that tKara ord afc iirAnnnf. nvnnd and lnatftrl in Morrow county 263,535 head of sheep, classified as follows: Breeding ewes 132,675 MifA lomha ..118.980 Yearling wethers 11,900 CHEAP CORNER. The large corner property east of J M. Haeer's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet omce. UiiiniiDr'i Kio 3-atnrv Tulap Hntfll in a credit to the jMortnweei, ana is con ducted under the Dersonal sunervision of its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. THE FAIR STORE NEWS Ttie most HDporiam among the Late Arrivals oi Our New Stock lor Spring are Dry Goods and Shoes. 6ome to this Store lor Staple Dry Goods. Reasons: A rightly-bought stock selected just when prices were loweBt, and this, coupled with our low margins, makeB the kind of values that good buyers approve. Xou'll like the class of zoods we offer, for they represent what is best for service the satisfactory, substantial kind. If it is Muslins, Denims, Sheetings, Tickings, Outing Fannels or Duck We have them. Shoe specials. Latest Dress Fabrics. Batiste Brilliant in all the dainty colors and figures, per yd. . . English Cotton Coverts in shades of blue, brown, cardinal & gray, per yd Imperial Crepe Plaids, wool mixed, per yd . ... Grafton Suitings, in all popular shades, per yd . . . 10c 12c 15o 25c Best makes only, but we price them in an interesting way we make it important that you come here for all your footwear we're exclusive agents for Hamilton & Brown and Peters Shoe Co.'s shoes, and you get the most stylish shapes and substantial kind, which, coupled with our low prices, are sure to please. Men's Grain Creote, tap sole, good heavy work shoe . . . . $1, Men '8 A.meiica, medium weight, lace or congress, plain or cap toe, every pair will give satisfaction . . 1 Men's Highland Calf, welt, every pair guaranteed . . . . 2 Many good ones up. to $4. Ladies' Kangaroo Calf, heavy sole, some with riveted seam . 1.50 to 1 Ladies' Dress Shoes, McKay, Goodyear welt, and turn soles, Dongola and Vioi Kid. all latest toes . 1.50 to 3. 45 50 .50 .75 .50 Our Bargain Counter Is piled full of shoes odds and ends few of a kind, etc, for all members of the family if you can find your size it's a snap, for many of them are nearly half price, others one third off. Dm Dig Goods Benpi sale During M Will fyteiest You Don't miss it THE FAIR :.?. IMae Place to Save Money. bere seems to remember anch a man. The present weather beats the record lor cloudy skies in Heppner. Recent rains have thoroughly soaked the soil, so that there are few spots now dry enough for plowing. Calves are coming right along now, and every ranch is getting a full crop. On the lower lands toward the Colum bia owners of ewe bands will soon begin cutting coupons, and the number of lambs promises to be very large. At The Dalles high water in Mill creek on &ale at the Heppner Gazette office. Bishop's store always has oranges, bananas ana lemons. All kinds of building material prompt ly delivered by Ueppner Liumoer io. Hnn Phil Mfttnnhan. in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port- lonH Tha rannt.At.inn of triage trentie- men insures the success of the enter prise. The dimngroora is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. EiST VIA SOOTH Southern Pacific Co Lfavs Dopot Ffth and I Sts ArrlT New Photograph Gallery. . . 1 s Dr. M. T. Miller, artist-photographer, has opened a new and first-class Gallery on Mam' street, Heppner, two doors north of opera house. From now on, with every "dozen Cabinets, I will give at an extra charge of only $1 80, an enlarged picture of same negative, 10x20, In a handsome frame, with glass and complete finish. This Large Picture may be had wttaln 24 hours after notlv Is taken. Enlarging Done to Order. TRAILING. J.A.Carson, tbe sheep-buyer, says 7:10 P M 8:30 A H .. . i L Ml 7 Jm.n.n.nnt.h.d tnat waning w me ea. w. am mucn uu.k, rr --- ,hftn(,nnftd on .ccotlnt of it8 difficulties : . i nH harrv nn una H i - tneir uu T tDBt it u08ta 70 . day to water wasneu out i i iwm - band down stream. Kahler crek was so swollen by recent rains that it was 10 feet deep at the crossing, and Andrew Scott, the mail carrier, was nearly drowned and had bis rig wrecked. Candies, nots, fruits, preserves of 7000 in Snake river valley, and that : "Western men will hereafter buy Or egon sheep late in the fall, after those whn rainml the animals have summered them, and the stock will be shipped in 117:30 A M double-decked cars direct to the feeding U;5PM rounds, where they will be fert on corn Candies, note, iruiw, prervBB, and t)alta bay unlll flt tor tne unicago ,Dally canned gooos ana vok; ' "" markets.'' variety ai iauuc T. K. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Booms for Eent cards for sale at Ga zette office. OVERLAND EX FRB.S8 TBAIN8, for Balem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Og den, San Francisco, Moiave, Los Angeles, El Faso, New Orleans and the East. At Woodburn (dally except Sunday), morn ing train connects with truin for Mt. An gel, Sllverton. Browns vine, Bpringnem sua l9;15AM 7:00 PM Natron, and evening train for Mt. angel and Sllverton. Corvallis Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. ll:80PM 118:25 AM Dally except Sunday. SCHOOL FUND. Oreaon has $2,090,623.82 of its school fund loaned out at 6 per cent, interest. I m 1 1 nlniniln tha nn n Ttiihnn's and try some of their ,, h.. m.Aa in.n a follows: vv - - I IUUU SW MWW " V " - - sweet cider, xocenwi a Hu.r. Morrow County...'. .$102,953.30 For a good cigar call at Matlock Wheftler , 25,673.85 Hart'8- Shermaa 37,000.00 Please remember this: You can get Umatiu, letterheads, billheads, cards, books or WaUowl Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and Ban Francisco Net rates 117 first class and 11 second class, Including sleeper. Kates and tickets to Eastern Points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KMRKLAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third St. THE BAIN WAOOK Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the beBt on earth. Pure Drugs, Prescriptions, Toilettte Articles, Perfumery. PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-Datc Druggists, Heppner. -AT- - 35,450.00 any kind of Job printing done at the Baker Heppner Gasette snop. orook . . inrtnit tn escaDins I Gilliam loss by recent freshets, for only one Grant bridge in Weston stood the strain of tb. Harney 18,750.00 flood. Two bridge, are ruined and Malheur 6,800.00 several other, are reperted by the Wasco T K- n tha vera, of collapse. Union na.SM.M Tne wia. u..t- . MODERN MANGLE 00 I t AAA mnAatn mai'hinnrv tn Staple and fancy groceries at Matlock the Heppner gteam Laundry, the most & Hart's. important being a new and improved . . , hla mangle, wbiob does first-class work. . Clean newspaper, to cover .helves, Wtb improved facilities I hope to put under carpets and line houses are Bat,-lBfaction to all customers, 1 . nnv thara la J V r.nnnU will nat.rnniT.a this sometimes scarce, uu anu uuyv r--- . . annDv on gale at the Gazette home institution and promptly pay their ffi! Ji isStoU a Pkage. bills tbe first of the month. There is office at 15 cents a pacaage. business policy in sending John Mills, who has been the efficient WMDing away from Heppner. . f.w- ffi fnr several Fee Kbuq loremau ui iu wo.. ye.ri.baiconc.uusu w A HOME ON TIME. raising on we rancn u T - m of ,t Hie position has Deen laaea ur . . .-ow ,and located on coanty r0ad, Rriaaes. recently oi tne Asionan, s mila aonthwest ofHenpner. is now offered at $4 an acre. Any man wno ... . i :t n ... i. . v..m win wora n may uavo n uu o If there is any credit, honor or cheap t jn ny jngtallmenU. Apply YAMHILL DIVISION. Passeuger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20. 9AO a. m. : 12:30. 8:15, 6:15, 6:25, 8:06,11:80 Pran a.nn . m nn HnndxTs onlv. Arrive at Portland nn nn. am I . ... m..w o.on .1A bi rr . Stlfi. 4:30. . 6:20.7:40, 10:00 p. m.i 12:40 a. m. dally, except V),IZ3.SZ Monday! : nd 10:0 a, m. on minaaya oin Leave for Dallas dally, eicept Sunday, at 4:80 h n 1 mv. at t"fini&nfl HIV mill IU. 3,500 00 '-Passenge, 'train leave; D..11. for Alrli. Mon- 19,200.00 tZSiitoiiiwU Saturdays. V.mnt HnnnMV. Qeo. 6lHl2in BlSbCC MainBtreet,youcanfind si. arv wffy urocencs, provisions, uiassware, ""il Tinware and Furnishing Goods, All well adapted to either City or Country Trade. a rnvtiT WD UanaMf. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has Just been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his frlnnds to eall and try his first-class accommodations. iaa.ty of H.y aua.4 3-x-Jjo. for Bala Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Scrivner'i and A. M. Ounn't blacksmith shops. t th. iiIIm-a flna horse and lady's saddle Have just received one of the larcest stocks of Bain Wagons ever lmii0ht to lleDDuer. D "ill Cnn fnom aim Staple and Fancy Groceries Beavy and Shelf flardware, Graniteware, Agcanurai J .,, II 1 T71. anA fllla I ItlA hail. Itl Implements, watODBf nacas, mo., iniuio nu . . s it 1 J nL...... the woiio). t;rocaery buu uibhwio. W44 50 YEARS' . EXPERIENCE . D Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Highest price paid for fat Stock. -aBock & Mathews. Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors. Good Goods.... Fair Prices.. : l R. HOWARD, Heppner. 11 ,UVV m'J w. r - - wflDp( pay in r0 aloryinan athlete audJenly apringinK at Heppner Garette office. onto a. mailer, peaceauio uuuo.v- man and strikm him when down, the ej REWARD. one who would be Railtr of such brutal Rtrayed away from Chapman's place itv is welcome to the honor. on Butter creek, a blue sheep oot?. ue ,',,7 aajtji VH ity is welcome icription-short and cl.onky, Vtob tail, t"".a25- T there anything tbe matter with tbe little white spot in one eye. Will pay Sr7In a ,dZnMf .:.,:L. ilT If there is, call at $5 reward to any person brin?in,r him ; c W u U. rh7Gee omce and get U cleared up. there - any inform, to MU. Traoc Marks nrauiNl saf1 CastvniOHTS AC. . . . aiiMMr u n..v O. tbs. the very choicest k.ot at Dan P. Dohertv'. I. X. L. store. Vinson, Ore. rimt tn arrtva with the nrwsThs Weekly Orejonian. r-r : far m.ntli, L Tj.rm. S3 a by all "!. 1 Co w.New Jori At an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles ! w v 11 south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under lence. This place is all ready tor the plow. iNot n chimn to 'null, no clearing: to be done; 8 ... " i . i miles to mountain timber, and on county roaa. Apply to J , W. Red 1 n crton .H Itie People's national Family Newspaper. NEW YORK TRI-WEF.KLY TRIBUNE r, . a . 1 1 ft 1 - nT.JnABJ.. ..4 C.U.u fa In adIi to sk flna fsuaak AVA.Mntka- tODllr)D"( iXlOUUBJf VT CUUTTOtJia suu rnunj, it iu iv'7 m uuw, aivnui oi'wurr day Daily, givinij tbe lateal newi on dayi of iHeae. toJ overiotf nm of tbe other Tribune of same date, also domestic and roreia oorresponaeiic, abort aiories, elegant half-tone illustrations, humorous items, industrial information, fashion notes, agricultural matter, and comprehensive and reliable financial and market Rpvnlar snhaoriDtlon orioe. SI 60 per year. W. furnish it with the Heppner Qaaetts for 12.25 per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Published n Thursday, and known for nearly sixty years in every pert of the United States as a National Family Newspaper of Ibe higheHt olass, for farmers .. Tl Annliini all fha mnat imimrtant oaneral ni of Tha Dailv Tribune un to hour of going to press, an agrioultnral department of tbe highest . r . . . . . , . . . i a : i I 1 i order, baa eotertaining readmit mr every niBiniir m ine laiuu, uiu auu juuun, market reports wbiob are aocepted as authority by farmers and ooontry mer chant., and iaolean, op to date, interesting and instructive. Regular absorlption prioe, tl per year. Tbe Weekly Tribune is given tor one year as a free premium lo all new snb ocriber. to tbe Heppner Gazette and to all old subscribers wbo pay up to date and on. year m aavanoe.