I : i a . - I The Heppner Gazette Thuksday, Feb. 28, 1901 Thousands of horaeseekers continue to pour into the Northwest, and Port land has organized a strong business men's committee to help them find lo cations. Grand Spokane has raised $3000 to expend in locating homeseekers anywhere within 100 miles of itself, knowing that the tributary trade of the country is sure to build up the city. uomeuunters who come to Morrow county will find here lands at very low prices. They can come right to Hepp ner, the county seat, and look over plats and maps, or can leave the train at Lex? ington, lone, Pettys or Douglas and find men who will show them the country. PIP aaaHa And , i i ... o,uu mem gooa win re- BUlI. With success will come a vast increase in the stock business, and there will be no need of Morrow county gettiDg along with a paltry 263, 535 head of sheep, as at pres ent, wnen there will be feed here for ten times that number. MITCHELL IS SENATOR. OUTSIDE OPINIONS. mj. .... uiuaiibd, a leading mer- cnantof 1'ortland who alive to the best interests of the Northwest, writes: "If Morrow county wants its re sources to become well known it could not do better than place a jopy of the Illustrated Edition of the Heppner Gazette in every hotel east of the Rocky mountains." The special edition of the IleDD- Si t at REPORT OF THE CONDITION The Oregon legislature certainly ner Gazette is one of the neatest urn me HeusiDie ming in electing a ?uu UJOBl complete publications of uuhbu oiares senator before ad- il,B K1UU lDat aas reached us this jouruing. io nave left the state year- At contains some fiue de without its full representation scriptive matter of the splendid re- uuiu uave Deen iactional folly. ouurces oi morrow county, and will In electing ex-Senator John H. do much toward advertising that oxixtuuou ma legislature aid well, oou""" vl me siate. Antelope Her ELKS' ENTERTAINMENT. Of the First National Bank at Ilepn- ner, xn the btate of Oregon, at the close of business, February 5, 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and Overdfts secured and unsecured 5,510 63 v. a. uvuua to Becure circnla- . L tlon 12.500.00 rreniiums OD U. S. hnnrla . . .. . . oiooKs, securities, etc 17,97714 uuiininK-nouse furniture, and fixtures husuaa "wnuiu national oanns (not reserve agents) . . . . 1,843 31 WILL BE HELD HERE. Io many parts of the northwest Farm ers' Institutes have been held this winter, under the auspices of the O. R. & N. Industrial Department, and it has been the intention to hold one at Hepp ner, but the matter has been postponed so as to make sure of securing the services of a distinguished scientific 625 00 specialist on livestock and its handling. A man of national reputation in this line is Prof. Craig, and he has arranged to be at the Woolgrowers Convention The entertainment given by the Elks Pue from 8PPrved reserve agta" 6 814.27 of Bennner Fridv vni . i Lnternal Revenue stamps. . ... 696 03 Unecks and other cash items for Mitchell is an nhU man f aid. sound sense and long experience. The Record is in receipt of the As Mr. Mitchell said, in his short Twentieth Century edition of the i5 , ! , liCiriue naa aone uePPner uazette in pamphlet form his duty and was entitled to re- The taste and skill displayed in' electon. But if the majority of the this edition speak volumes in its .a.avuiv UUU.U uoi coincide in praise, anu Morrow county mav this view, the next best thing tbey well feel proud of it.-Arlinrton COUld Oft WUH fn Hit oa ftta A.A J liannA a.inulhJU wo y uiu quu I jv-uiu As to Mr. Mitchell's ability. ,;t?l Ahe88t .Btrated pub- there is no question. Friend and n&s Deen issued this foe concede it During his long U n 8pecial edl,lon of the service as senator h always took a kl!1",- uZ?tte'Twh!ch has JU8t leading position and never nedect- ,puui. m' . a splen Ad immrtant. inW.tn TT. um UBBCnpilon Ot BlOrrnw nnnntn not only tireless in looking after i ? ltS rtel80U'F8 and will certain the good of his own state, but was jS f f Ringing that aiways ready to rustle for its neich- f T . ulu prominence, bors. b n.ia a twenty-page publication, Senator Mitchell's constituents L T -y Dook Paer and have not forgotten bim. He was raDd8e,y 'trated. - Dalles always their ready representative! Monntaineer- Let the poorest rancher write to The Heppner Gazette has issued Senator Mitchell about any matter a handsome Twentieth Century pending in the departments at souvenir edition illustrated with Wa8hiugton,and Mitchell attended (5 half-tone engravings. The edi- to it before the aun went down, and tion well and concisely describes in willing anu views Morrow county and its resources and trm oiur f Heppner. The issue is creditable to tne enterprise of the Gazette, as wen as an excellent mirror of a bie tim liiiauu empire of Ore gun. j.,a urande Chronicle, me way the matter would be straightened out indicated prompt ness itself. Mr. Mitchell was always at the service of his constituents, and tales of his efficiency and acoomo- uaiing spirit are common talk around the firesides of the Tacifio Northwest. Heppner Friday evening was a social event which eclipsed even the expecta tions of its promoters. Ttie hall was elegantly decorated with the emblems of the Order. Upon the staye was a grand arrangement of ferns and shrubbery and trimmines of th forest, amid which stood a magnificent Redemption fund with U. S. specimen of the kintr of the forest, from -treasurer (5 per cent, of which the Order takes its name. On th Wflllfl U'nrn nlon. - t 1 I nn M,atCU tuners who gorgeous xoiai 8420 269 7fi -.,u iiguiea witn incandescent at Pendleton March 5, 6, and 7 ...... A I . L . T . fiOfini nun lu eveui uoi. juuson writes 9H K7 thit he intends to have Prof. Craicr and juies ;Oi otner wational Uank 13,335.00 omer authorities on grains, grasses and riBuuuuui paper oarrenov. hiock come to neppuer ana bold a mokels and cents 227.35 warmers' and Stock raisers' Institute. Heppner Mining Co., Head Office, Heppner, Oregon. IAWFOL MONBY RiaXBVS IN SANK, VIZ! Specie 14,341 00 Legal-tender notes . . 17,217.00 31,558.00 lamps which formed the letters con tained in the name of the Order. The committee on decorations, com posed of Messrs. Harry Johnson, Frank Roberts, J. J. Harris and VV. E. Pmvn deserve to be well commended for their efforts in making the hall so attractive. Alter a prayer by Rev. Mr. Ninklnn and an address by Hon. W. R. Ella an excellent musical and literarv Drovram was rendered, followed bv daocins until a late hour, and refreshments. JNearly 150 couple were present and everyone enjoyed the evening. There is vacant crovernmanf. lanA n Morrow county plateau, foot hill and mountain timhemH UnA There is semi-arid land near the Columbia that mav be bonaht . r.A . ... . -o-- w ueu,e ao acre; u irrigated it will produce good crops. LIABILITIES. Capital stook paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund.. 12,000.00 vuuiviutHi pronis, less ezpen- ses and taxes paid 27,316 62 National Bank Notes ont- standing..... 12,500.00 louioer national uanfcs.. 8.06424 Due to State Banks . and t aPV". 7.S30.48 uiuiriuuu ueposits SUDject to check..... .258,050 63 Demand certificates of deposit 45,007.78 Total. State of Obboon, floTTWTV nit Mnminn I 88 1. Ueorire Unnnpr. r!nahio r.1 ' above named bank, do aolemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the uest 01 my Knowledge and belief. GRO. rONH1!!ir Pflultia. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ibi uay 01 xeDruarv, 1901. E. L. FBEBT.ANn. Notary Publio for Oregon. Correct-Attest: 8. W. Spencer. T. A . a. nuiier, inreotors. HEPPNfcB MAKKET PK1CE3. Wool Derlfi ii i Wheat per buehel .41 to 45 Flour, Heppner, per bbl 3 Oati per 100 lbs 80 Barley Der 100 lhn ' Hay, alfalfa, per ton !"'.!."l!.-7 00 (In stack at ranch) j 00 nay, wueai 9 (In atack at rAnnht n'nn n.: 7. ' ' "u oacuu per 10 i 15 Beef. best, on loot I Beef, cut up . .".-7 toi5 Butter Der lb ts i iuiuuor-rougn per m f 13.D0(!J1S; dressed 1722.50 P: 25 rubBUHW 1 11 tn "5R Chickens, per doz 7 .8 to 5 Dry Hides. No. 1. nor lh 14 Sheep Pelts, per lb 10 iui 011, can 11.40; case $2.75 Oonser & Warren, the druerieta. will refund you your money if von are not satisfied after usinir (Jharnherlain'a 8420 2rq 7K O,iuu,aou "a uiver raoiets. Xhey cure 4Ai,a70 disorders of tbe stomach, biliousness, oonstigaiion and beadeobe. Price, 25 oents. samples free. MAKE MORE PRODUCTIVE. A section of country that stands around with its hands in its pock ets, its resources undeveloped, iB uumg uo gooa on earth. AT LEXINGTON 'ni. t .... . . Lexington Literary Society closed 1'n.iay evening after a very successful term. The subject debated ant wao va. soivo.l, that the statesman deserves no praiHff than the so dier. nh0i,. I lie food sunnlv Drodncod bv n "Jr 1118 ""'"native wore Omar Stanton locality iB all-imDortant. and ti,A anJ S-E-NotHnn: for the negative. W. people ot Morrow county can iustlv '"canster and Howard II. a claim to have done good by mak ing two mutton chops grow where ouiy one grew before, besides rais Jng a large proportion of the wool which warms the world. But while Morrow county has pi od need countless thousands of sheep, cattle and horses, and has boon coining to the lront as a wheat-producing section, the great grazing region it embraces has done very little to assist nature in being more productive. Along the water-courses fields of alfalfa have been started, and have thrived abundantly and produced immense quantities of hay. But their area is limited, and they re quire irrigation. The wide expanse of foothill and table lands are depended upon to raise their natural growth of bunch graHs and furnish feed for the main bands of fitock. On these lands no jiBBiatnnnn wuatover lias been given to nature, and many localities have been over stocked and the grass closely cropped. HI.- -- I -- judges were JN. A. Leach, Epl, Eck- "son ana u. K. McAllister. The decis.on was given to the negative. A very in fnrAntinn, ,'M.Pr.. ... ft i"wi'Ni, uuimiHunir Ot inna ami recitations, was then rendnrml nfi. which supper was sorved at the Barnett notel. LITEKAKY. Owing to otlior attractions in ihis city Friday evening, the debate by the Liter ary Society on Mrs. Nation's course was postponed until tomorrow night. The mock trial will bo held next week. The society moots every Friday night iu me minium Church. All vited. aro in- Considering its extent, the range is able to support a comparatively small number of stock, and is easi ly overstocked. Here is where na ture needs assistance bv h i ! ... punu new grasses mat will grow mn Diaues wnere one grows now, thus increasing the food-producing capacity or. tue iana ten-tola. The O. R. & N. Co.'s industria' department under Col. Ii. O. Jnd Hon, is doing a cood work i n intro ducing new grasses that will make more productive the region along us noes, in recognises the fact mat ir nature is properly assisted production may be vastly increased and everybody is bound to benefit A new grass evolved by the industrial department, which is ex pected to vastly enhance the value of the groat grazing region is the Jurkenstan alfalfa, which will prow, according to present tests, all the year round without irriga- 1"II. its seea is as yet scarce, but what there is of it will be put to a thorough test this year in Morrow ooutity, alongsidi) other new grasses luiouiiiHl to revolutionize the range. CLEANLY WOMAN. Krronconsly Think, by Hconrlnu Her Scalp mat Hhe Cures Dandruff. Cleanly woman has nn erroneous idea .uounng ner soalp, whiob re moves the dandruff soales, sbe is onrioe tbe dandruff. She may wash her so,lp ever, day, and yt have dandruff her ire long, sooompanied by falling hair, Za'I r."f !? e world to cure" and there will do ITS MEASLY METHODS. The Heppner Times seems to hv forgotten tbe war that it carried on when it started in Heppner. We also remem. ber the war its editor waged against the Fossil Journal. Consistency. jewel. Prineville Review. The Gazette has no fault to find with hrtnoaf oniviAtli: -n. . wuimiuu, cut its opponent has resorted to mean, underhanded methods. The Gazette took up the Re publican cause when it was down In de feat, and has advocated it through thick and thin. It has honestly earned th support of every ART AMATEUR. An indispensable aid to anyone inter ested in art is tbe Art Amateur, the old reliable magazine published in New York. It is a periodical of rare beauty, and every issue is an education in itself. Besides good counsel aod general news on art matters, it contains ntiuiiea of v CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATIC of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. in ine matter nr tha .r.i. nt inhn u rMn. deceased. Citation. ' ' To Lucinda Elder, Charles Oliver Elder, Ben. jamln Franklin Elder, James Lewis Elder, Mry Belle Bucknura and Frederick h. Elder, and all other heirs and devisees known or un known, and all neranna 1nt4.roBt.u1 In atA estate, Greeting " In the name of the State of Oreuon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of Morrow, at fho Mllrt ?Arlm thaca. of, at. Heppner, in the County of Morrow, on Tuesday, the fifth rinv nf Mnrh innl ... in " ui me iurenoon ot tnat day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why the fx,vivmuu vi nio ivAcuutriii in f.nt i nur. win a nsi testament of the said deceased, praying that the following described real property, belonging to ii, ?, . 5 u deceased, and situated in mo vuuu,, ,,i mttrrnw. Him Miai.nfii.iu.nn . wit: Lot one (l) in block one (1) in Ouaid's AaamoiitotneTown of Heppner; also east W L.-uiiMi HiAieeu it); north lA southwest 4. northeast , D. B. STALTER, President and General Manager. C. E. REDFIELD, Vice President, T. W. AYERS, Secretary. GEO. CONSER, Treasurer. For shares of stock apply to any of the above officers. . D, of northwest a of section sixteen (if,); north U northeast ! and sonthwunt . nnu.., S, ,-arious subjects and plans of interior 5?.$ decoration. The Bllbscrintion nnV nf ??rih. northeast and north northwest U i . ' ".I"' secuon iwenty-elelit fM. nri nnr.v, i7 this beautiful manazine is 4 a vnr oni each subscriber gets fl's worth of art materials free. Sample copies maybe seen at Gazette office. Kepublican and the n rTV , Keput,,l(:an officil- Free sample copies of the Hodd- It conducted clean campaigns, and earn- uer Gazette are sent to anyone SS al lrnt 18 fair-midedp0liti- 8iriD information abotTorrow Tta nnnt c0"11' The Gazet has been pub. Its contemporary ,s seeking to take lished at Heppner for 19 j ears It from the at , th e patronage it has is a 6-page pljer, L6C I aear" 50 nonesuy earned. Its contom nnrv la I nan4a Q w. A11.n wuw lui if ulUltbllB, xm uoiueu nnrv in well known among candidates as a mir- chasable thing, that, while pretending to be neutral, suddonly flopped after the contest was won, thus honing to heln it oiieaaing scnemes agairst the Gazet. B nut with fair-minded people such a move would only make it the chamninn donkey of the campaign. There is more catarrh in tl.io ...u.. of the ooontry than all other diseaftM put togelber.and until tbe last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a greai many years doctors pronounoed it loorl diRease. anil nrn.M'i,n.i t i . I 'I.DV,,UCU 1UUH1 remedies, and by oonstuntlr faiiin . cure with local Ireatuiedt. pronounoed it incurable. Hoienoe has proven oatarrh to be a oonetitotional disease, and there- iu,,e" cooetitutiona treatment uail s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by f" J. Cl eney & Co.. Toledo. Ohin L: oonetitutional cure on il mo,t i. :1 taken irrnally in doses from 10 drops Io a teaspoonful. Il nnta rl;,mi lLZ hlnfl Kn il mnnnna ... - u.u,uo ouiiHueu oi tne sys tem. 1 bey offer one hundred dollars for any ease it fails to care. Send for o r oulars and testimonials. Ailan 1? T I, n . ii T i a u V ' " ' V"eoeJ, Uo., To edo. O. Hold by druggists, 75u. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. twentv-nlcrht ri mn northeasts of section twantv.nina oo n i W7?S ,PJ w 8 ,outh f twenty-seven (27) east of W M ; also the Interest of said de ceased in and to the northeast H and southeast ' " n "ouuiwesu J4 ana southwest M ot n1,jlwest X of section sixteen (16) an wU.?Jl?,,!0,Jhea'.tan,1'0Utn H of south west H of section twenty-two (22) in townshiD two (2, south of range twenty-sevei (2) ea,t W. M., be sold in the manner prescribed bv aw, the proceeds of said sale to Pbe applied to estateTbe not granted " " Peies of said rWi,ltn,?8'' 'he Hon- A. G. Bartholomew, Judge ?hfihl0'lI!t:L ,Cort of the State of Oregon, S? T iiTi i i, T January, A.D 1901. S.."' TAW1EU URAWFOHn. Cleik. 0 10 819-24 WOODandCOAlv, The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, ' E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling and delivering first-class iruriiv at reasonable prices. T iine ana uak Rorv c,-e v,i oita i Roslyn Coa Fir. Wood. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Taoaa rmAw.m .1 m T wt by Tdepbon.: UW"U8gr00ery "0re' or C'U Mr' Ee.m.n'i house - m- mm From Castle Rock east for about two niilcH Col. Judson is putting in, as any tarnier would put iu, 40 acres of the now ki-rshps in tho tlrycnt art of tho county; 20 acres to the new alfalfas, 10 to the new liuncligrassand 10 toBromus Iner mus. These grasses will ho fenced and allowed to fully show what they can do on dry land. If they succeed there tho? will succeed all over the crazinc recion. ,., and Col. Judson will freely scatter t fine gold watc 1U YOU TAKE IT? This in tha all. u . to kill the dnnrlrniT olpn. " j , "'cuoot wona io march i no bair r.l.l uu B,lu uave u,lnK to happen in it of . . . r "'i1u aim i ... I triHt hni NonL.,u it : any you ever trnt ntn a -a . i Uernioide kill. th. 'V ""rp laB- ln,H - 71"" "eeP- Natnr. in IL. 17 ' 1?." neaitoy I ' not, order the uWp(, xonirov r.na nana at jruiLHrann a Nnn'. it o a.i you retnovn tha ofr v.i, j Mm. a !. . " .".T1" -"nun ourm n i ' lue auuruii " i.u it win oe delivered at norm wuu tierpioide. your home ever vni ... v,.jr, tan at uie uazette oflice. HOME MININO. The II, pper Minim, Co. U i.nmJ KlUAtf PLAN ONLY, iiiutilMll.,., n.... ,i Tha Pal . "eserves support on . "lo,i 01 neppner, is one us merits. It has nut a few r.ln,-!,. f OI lue Mn institutions that stock on the market as a development mon may wel1 be foaii of. It fills fund at 10 cents a share. the field as a flrit-olaas hnn .nj i. m. , . . i . " nus nouie stock is far nrefnrahU in ! OBy. competent white hln outside stock that is bromjht to Hem,, . ul, . "a Yf. "r,ct'y on American ner and sold by stramrera at . ""a'V"" "Tm share or anvthin,. ,i " , " ZT 7.: .:'T ,80,e" 'e Mtis , . . ' " rei ior it. no t'airons ..rar at any price, compared with neppner stock, for you don't know wnai kind of a wi'doat propositior represents. Its lirnflnnj.t l,lA .. , ,.... 1D lllay UB Bwgy Up , me wilds of U. 0., with no merit what ever. mi . ... i ue property oi the Iienrnpr Miin o- i... ...... .. . - n vu. uaa true merit, and is located riaht on the great recounted mineral belt mat lias yielded millions and yieiauijr, and has on it rich being worked. A-.....I ,. "iHimi results OI miartx run, h neppner fllminif Oo's property worke.l at the great Taeoma smelter mav be seen at the first National Bank, and me stock at its present price is a good iiivestmeut. is still mines now The greatest daoaer from i nppe is their resulting in nn.m er. and danr .ill K ."rr. j ' "Bn' ""I cold or an attack of . X"' ?" ! tlma . -" u I (KB u..r j ' . 0-r ireatmeot. Il w ..Cu, urugKiaw. KED 1-KONT STABLK. When you come to Heppner. out nn ,v,, ,, hi Ule Kea j, ront Livery s,a hie on Main st.. onnositn tha k..... I hey will receive the best of care. Bug. t reasonable ra i.". B-" miu DVIU. Binns Bros. The editorial Page of the Weekly Ore- UKWAUIW FOK WOKKKRS A llVill.t 1....L.. v "-' on uiiit. IIIUIIHV L'Klllllir 111, PI..I .... .. . " n vuiiiHoi Minscnhera for the axetlo. tutu linthcr notice the (laxette will l"y $.1.75 in rash to anyone sutnling in a il") OI i) new oihIi 1-venr mil.u,..il..o Will pay $7 r.0 for 10 new cash 1-year toman -l. . C..":. . .. "wJr rano. n? l.r.." .J 1 t to Wide TYPKWKITKK. "rj.puer I n new typewriter will i , Thai: a. . -wvrai. J WW tuu, ti at u?i. , , e ,"i8 .nfl t0 , , ' ,v J'i"t H KOOU iiiHrnine. work as 100 siihscrilit'iH Will pay ,il I.-.';, ear subscribers. Will rav 15 tr uhscrihvrs. Aiivoni) Bonding in a ,.'t,,h . .-. bhii i-ytar siibscnbers will ba irivAn a for l) new eah 1--'0 new cash 1-vear CASTOR i A For Infant! and Children. a Kind You Hare Alwajs Bought Bears the 6iaatur of CsUAWltt Simond's Cross Cut Saws Sewing Machines Sanitary Stills S Uoss Washers Hose and Sprinklers Lawn Mowers At cj n D.' i -u. n. oisuop S, Prescriptions Our Snecialtv. All the Popular ratent Medicines.! fctylish Stationery. Drugs and Herbs pure and fresh. Paints, Oils and Glass. A Well-Selected Stock of Jewe'eiv ruuars ana ouppiies. Conser & Warren Drug Co. These are a few of our recent arrivals. The "Gordon" Hat is known and requires no mention from us other than that this Spring's line is be yond exception the largest and best stock of hats in Heppner, Nobby, Swell, Up-To-Date Headgear. Our long experience in handling "Gordon" Hata convinces us that for good hard wear and honest service the "Gordon" has no. peer.'- See new Spring styles in south window. Never Forget An Old Friend. Remember what comfort and satisfaction you experienced when your feet were encased in a pair of PACKARD'S SHUES FOOT-FORM SHAPE. They are much cheaper now than they used to be. You can get them now for from $3.00 to f5 00 Try a "Packard" again. See north window. "KANT WEAR OUT" This popular brand applies to boys' clothine The new Spring stuff is partly in-enough of them to show you what nobby suits we propose to dress your boys in. We are going to have goods this Spring for little men that will do them proud. LOOK OUT FOR NEW SPRING LINE UF DRY GOODS-COMING. MINOR & CO. Heppner, Ore. I he blen Ellen Wino. Vaults. We supply families and the trade with the Choicest California Wines. Brani and Kentucky Whiskies n Ord.r hTT-m... , " r. Reasonable Prices. wairwTui ana pror A. KLINF A fft Wholesal. and Detail Dealers, mpt Attention. Pendleton, Ore. uy cieansmg Avoid Contagious Diseases the entire svstem. j . Slocum s Sarsapa- rilla! Will do it promptly and thoroughly. Slooum Dritts CoM Main Street, Heppner H. A. THOMPSON, Proprietor of the - M V E R Y. FEES and WW STABLE On West Side of Main St., Heppner. The vprv hst fooiii't; i. i. i. ... ml. " . " V lur "King care of teams Wr. in n.,r vxive me a wiai and be convinced. iharge. FiMI llATlONAL JANK i. A. RHEA.. r. A. RHEA.. OF HEPPNER Transact a General Banking Business. ColUof.!,,0! PAET8 ? THK W0RLD BHT AND 8GU) CollUoa. uad. oa all polatsoa reMoa.ble term., eurplu. ana naaivided p.-oflt. 135.000.