Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 21, 1901, Image 6

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Wbeii me
lair. Fans
accompanied by
mucous patches in
the mouth, erup
tions on the skin,
sore throat, copper
colored splotches,
swollen glands, aching muscles
and bones, the disease is making
rapid headway, and far worse
symptoms will follow unless the blood is
promptly and effectually cleansed of this
violent destructive poison.
S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible
cure for this disease, the only antidote
for this specific' poison. ' It cures the
worst cases thoroughly and permanently.
lug Condition Could iUJ$&$2k
., , Poiion. I tried
Dave Been No Worse, jri
their treatment
did me no good ; I wu retting worse all the
time ; my hair came out, ulcers appeared in my
throat and mouth, mv body wal almost covered
with copper colored splotches and offensive
ores. I suffered severely from rheumatic pains
in my shoulders and arms. My condition could
have been no worse ; only those afflicted as I was
can understand my sufferings. I had about
loBt all hope of ever being well again wheat
I decided to try a. B. B
but must confess I had
little faith left in any
7 medicine. After taking;
the third bottle I noticed
change in my condi
tion, i nis was truiy en
' couraglng, and I deter-
mined to give 8. 6. 8. a
thorough trial. From
that time on the improve
ment was rapid ; 8. 8. 8.
seemed to have the dis
' ease completely under
control ; the sores and
ulcers healed and I was
soon free from all signs
: nf tha disorder I have
been strong and healthy ever since.
I,. W. Smith, I,ock Box 6n, Noblesvllle, Ind.
I is the only purely vege
table blood purifier
known, $1,000 is
offered for proof that
it contains a particle of
1 mercury, potash or other mineral poison.
Send for our free book on Blood Poison ;
it contains valuable information about
this disease, with full directions for self
treatment.' We charge nothing for medi
cal advice ; cure yourself at home. -THE
Shell Mounds of Florida.
A ship's officer who has spent mud
time on the Bt. John's river, Florida,
thinks that he has solved the problem
as to the origin of the shell moundf
that occur along that stream. The
river twists about in an extraordinary
way, so that in many places a view
along the water extends for only a few
rodo, but he finds that a tall object oi
the smoke of a Are shown from the top
of ono of these mounds could bo seen
from those next below and above, and
he believes that these eminences werf
Indian signal stations, by means oi
which the natives were able to an
liounee the approach of a hostile fore
along tho river, as the. Greeks signaler?
the news of the fall of Troy to theii
home cities by lights on the mountain
tops, that were repeated from peak U
mmk. r ,
Notice is hereby given that a meetinp
of the stockholders of the Morrow
County Land and Trust Company will
be held at the ollice of the Company in
lleppner on Monday, March 11, 1001 ,
at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year,
K. F. Hynd, Secretary.
Heppner, Or. Jan. 11, 1001.
The olaim of other cough medicines lo
be as good Chamberlain's are effeoto
ally set at rest in tbe following testimon
inl of Mr. C. D. Glaus, an employe of
lUrtlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me.
lie eayi: "1 had kept adding to a cold
and Congo in ibe winter of 1897, trying
every cough medicine I heard of without
permanent belp, nntil one da; I whs in
the drug store of Mr. Houlehao and he
advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough
remedy and offered to pay buck my
money it I whs not oured. My lung"
. and bronchial tubea were very sore at
this time, but I tm completely cored
by tbn remedy, and have unoe always
turned to it wbun I got cold, and toon
find relief. I also recommend it to my
friends and aiu Rind to say it Is tbe best
' of all onuRh medicines." for isle by
Censer St Warren, druggists.
This well-kept boose is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street,
lleppner, and baa good rooms And a
bountiful table, at reasonable rates.
The lleppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel lleppner daily,
exce t Monthly, and goes through in
24 hours. "
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west side of Main street,
keeps first cIrhs rigs and saddle horses,
, and takes tho beat of care of them. .
11. A. Thompson,
Proprietor of all Throe.
When you want physio that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in
effect use CtiHmbrlain'a Htomnoh and
Liver Tablets, l'rioe 25 cents. Humpies
free.. Exery box guarantees. For sale
by Conner A Warren druggists.
Bismarck'a Iron Narva
. Was tbe result of his splendid health
Indomitable will sod tremendons energy
ane not found where stomach, liver, kid
nevs and bowels are ont of order. If j ou
.,,, H.p-q qualities and the suooesg
" "i hrinii, use Dr. King's New Life
l'l l They develop every power of bruin
and body. Only 25o at Couser Warren
Prog Co. ; i , . s
A Convincing Aaswsr.
"I hobbled iufo Mr. Blaokmoo's drug
' store on eveniua. "aya Wesley Nelson,
of nimillton, 0 "and he ssked ma to
trv Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheum
tiara with wbiob I had suffered for a
lonir time. I told him I bad do faith in
any medioins ss they all failed. lie
aid: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm
does not belp you, yon need not pay for
it.' I took bottle of it home sod osed
' jt according to the directions and in ona
week 1 whs eared, aDd have not loo
been troubled with rbeomatiBm.1' Bold
j)y poller $ Wsrrp. drnf gifjta, '
aTl)'lng Over tbe Snows of JCorthr
Canada In Robber Skin. , ,
The sled consists of a narrow box four
feet long, the front half being covered
or boxed in, mounted on a floor eight
feet long resting on runners. In this
box the passenger sits, wrapped in rab
bit skins so that he can hardly move,
his head and shoulders only projecting.
In front and behind and on top of the
box is (placed all the luggage, covered
with canvas, and securely lashed, in
withstand all the jolting and possible
upsets, and our snowshoes within easy
reach. An important item is the dog
whip, terrible to the dog if used by a
skillful hand and terrible to tne user
if he be a novice; for he is sure to half
strangle himself or hurt his own face
with the business end or the lasn. . me
whip had a handle nine inches long and
lash 30 feet, and weighed four pounds.
The lash was of folded and plaited 6eal
hide, and for five feet from the handle
measured five inches round, then for 14
feet it gradually tapered off, ending in
a single thong half an inch thick and
11 feet long. Wonderful the dexterity
with which a driver can pick out a dog
with this lash. The lash must be trail
ing at full length behind, when a Jerk
and turn of the wrist causes it to fly
forward, the thick part first, and the
tapering and continuing the motion till
it is at full length in front, and the lash
making the fur fly from the victim.
But often it iB made to crack over the
heads of the doga as a warning. The
11 dogs were harnessed to the front of
the sled, each by a separate thong of
seal hide, all of different lengths, fas
tened to a light canvas harness. Ibe
nearest dog was afbout 15 feet from the
sled, and the leader, with bells on her,
about 60 feet, the thongs thus increas
ing in length by about three feet. When
the thontr is good the dogs spread out
like the Angers of a hand, but when the
snow is deep they fall into each other i
tracks in almost single file. As they
continually cross and recross each oth
er, the thongs get gradually plaited al
most up to the rearmost dog, when a
halt is called, the dogs are made to lie
down, and the driver carefully disea
tangles them, taking care that no dog
cets away meanwhile. 1 ney are guiaea
bv the voice, using "iiusKy," mat is
Eskimo, words; "owk," go to the
right; "arrah," to the left, and "holt,"
straight on. But often one of the men
must run ahead on snowshoes, lor tne
dogs to follow him. London (Ont.)
Caused to Iloyalty by tbe
Private Papers.
Every now and again the royal fan
ily in England is dismayed by the sale
at auction of confidential letters and
private papers the contents of which
they have everv reason to desire nil'
known to the general public. Thus
just at the present moment a lot of val
uable papers which formerly belonged
to Queen Victoria's uncle, the duke of
Sussex, and which at his death remained
in the possession of members of his
household, are leing disposed of to the
highest bidder. They comprise a quan
tity of very confidential letters written
by the queen to her uncle, someof them
relating to domestic affairs and quar
rels, while others contain caustic com'
ments on people who fondly imagined
that they occupied a very , high place
in the esteem of her majesty a belief
shared by their children now living.
It is with the object of avoiding such
contretemps as this that the rule it
now rigorously enforced which pro
vides that whenever any person dies
who has held office in connection with
any of the royal household all his pri
vate papers shall be turned over for ex
amination to some trusted court official,
who, wherever possible, shall fulfill the
duties of executor of the will.
This rule was first inaugurated some
40 years ago, when the death and sale
of the effects of Sir John Conroy, who
hud been chief of the household to the
mother of Queen Victoria during the
entire childhood and youth of her ma
jesty, had the effect of placingupon the
market a large number of most painful
letters relating to the queen herself,
to her father s moral and financial
shortcomings and to tho scandalous ru
mors that connected his name .with
that of the duchess of Kent, rumors for
which it scarcely is necessary to eay
there was no foundation save malice.
"Jiicago Record. . .-
Nationalities in Austria.
Foreigners are wont to classify Aus
tria among the German countries. As
a matter of fact, her German-speaking
population is but limited, and annually
losing ground. The increase in popu
lation among the German inhabitants
of Austria is but 5.17 per thousand per
year; the increase with the Italians in
Austria is 6.92, and with the Slavonio
races 7.9,'t. Of one hundred marriages'
He women in the German districts
forty-one find husbands; among the
Slavonic races the percentage is
fifty-two. One of the reasons for this
showing is that in the German districts
of Austria the economic management
of affairs is almost prohibitory to
marriago among the younger sons and
daughters of the peasants, The home
stead goes to the eldest son, whose
brothers and sisters become his serv
ants. Among tho Slavs the family
property is equally divided among all
children after the death of the father,
and each one is allowed to begin
housekeeping on his own hook.,
Education in Porto Klco.
The expense ot maintaining sohools in
Porto Rioo is very high, it we consider
tbe amount spent for the small number
ot pupils enrolled; but as ibe oountry is
gradually brought in closer touou with
our own, their system will evidently be
ebanged, until it re ho lies oor present
tutu of perfection. In this country the
people are beiug eduoxted to the fuel,
thnt there is a sure euro for dyspepsia.
iuiigestion, constipation, liver and kid
ney tronoles, aud that medioiue is Hon.
tetter's Slonmoti Hitlers. It should be
taken at the very Brat symptom, if yon
would avoid nntiecessary siilToriiig, It
will give prompt relief aud eventually
core, us buudreds of people, muluding
many promiueol phsyiolaus, have tenti
fled during tbe past fifty years.
Home-seeker with means, and invest
ors should come here. On seoonnt of
the low prices at which its lands '.re
offered, Morrow oonuty expects to double
its population this year. Good land can
be bought here at 91.25 to 80 an sort.
Morrow county has a dozen
towoHuipti of inountaiu timber
lands that will Home day yield iro
mpupe iuoouioa to Inrolwuieu and
Relieves Dandruff '.
and causes thick, glossy hair to sup
plant the former thin,brittle growth,
Nowbro'a Herplcldo
performs its work on the principle,
" Destroy the cause, you remove the
effect," and consequently it reaches
and kills off the ever-busy microbe,
which is responsible for all scalp
diseases. It thus makes dandruff
and falling hair impossible, and
nrnmnlHi ft lnxnriant errowth of hair
that soon becomes the pride of the
owner. Even on bald spots it soon
produces hair as thick and luxuriant
as anyone could wish for.
One bottle will convince that It Is ths
only hair restorer that really restores.
For Sale by all First-Clasi Drug Stores.
A sood looking
hone and Door look-
ins harness Is ths .
wont una oi com- r? .
blostlon. lii
Harness Oira
not only makes the harness and ths
hone look better, but makes ths I
leather wift and tillable, nuts It In con-
Hon to last twice as ions.
it it ordinarily wouia. i
Sola tTcrrwhtrt la taat all 1
ilaia. Hadt by
Horse a
Pans Ktreot i;unv;iy -
Ine street railways of l'arls an
under the government control, and th
rules for their guidance are very strict.
Only four passengers are allowed to
stand on the back platform, and they
must pay the same fare as the first-
class passengers inside, viz., six cents,
while those on the roof of the car rid
at half rates. . .
Take them to
day and you will
be vell to-morrow.
Allopathic Cold
Cure Tablets,
(Cold la Head) '
No.23-8. 25c
Sam Fiabcisco.
Your Cold Cure is the only remedy that
really does cure In one day.
Harry Rodgers Co.
Sacsambnto, Cal.
You Cold Cure Tablets No. 13-B are
splendid for Cold In Head.
With Adams, Boothe & Co.
.. Dvb, Colo. s
I find your Cold Cure Tablets the ssfest
and most convenient remedy for cold lu Lbs
head. They curo.Ut every Instancs.
H. t. GooISOM
Patterson & Son, Heppner
am wo
Scotch Remedy
is the great abaorbaat la taa
world ana doaa ha work tkroagk
- the porta of the. skin.
Don't Rub It In
Simply ws ths Olrtfd part free? -with
Lbs nsasdf s4 la a few mia
ul es ths Bk U (SSM.
Ths boat physicians It,
prescribe it tM naita with tha
geatral public la saying :
"Scotch Rmdy is th$ best
extimal remedy hnewm."
oM by ail druggists at gs ceata
W eat era Agaacy SAN FRANCISCO
New Lodging-House
l have re-papered and re
furnished the well-known
MougtaiQ Husc
" And it is now ready for
the accommodation of i
lodgers by the day, week or ;
Good rooms and clean, com
fortable beds.
Ijod gmg 2 5 cents.
' Ferry's Scads are
knowa ths country over as
Ike meal rallaMe Boadatbat
-can be bought. Ikonl save a
nickel on cheap scads and lose
dollar on the harvkt.
IttU So-d Annual free,
0. M. FERRY CO.,
Dttreit. Mkfc.
V Queer Fair mt Heimagen. am
tha Strange Origin Alleged. -Helmairen,
. a Koumanian countrj
town of twelve hundred inhabitants
holds its annual "fair on the feast of St
Theodore. On this occasion the plac
swarms with newly married bridei
from sixty or eighty villages in the dis
trict; widows who have taken frest
husbands remain at home. The young
women in festive attire, and g-enerallj
attended by their mothers-in-law, carrj
jugs of wine enwreathed with flowew
n their , hands. The Kumaniscfte
Wochenschrif t sa ys they kiss everyone
they meet, and afterward present the
jug to his lips for a "nip." The indi
vidual thus regaled bestows a sraau
gift on the fair Cybele.' Not to partake
of the proffered wine is regarded as an
insult to the young wife and hei
family. She is, therefore, reserved to
ward strangers, and only kisses those
whom she thinks likely to taste of hev
wine, The kissing is carried on every
wherein the street, in the taverns and
in private houses. The origin of this
custom is veiled in obscurity. Some say
that it dates back to the tune whe-n the
Turks made frequent raids into Tran
sylvania, and carried away all the
vounc women thev could lay their
hands on. Such of them as contrived
to escape from captivity, happening to
return to Halmagen at the time 01 tne
fair, kissed their friends and relatives,
and even strangers who congratulated
them on their wonderful deliverance.
It Saved Hia Leg.
P. A. Danfortb, of LaGrange, Oa . snf-
fered intensely for six mouths with a
rrigbtfal sore on bis leg, bat writes mm
Buckien's Amies Salve wholly cored i
io ten dais. For clears, wounds, burns
boils, pain or piles it's the best salve in
(be world. Unre guarauteed. Uuiy zoo
Sold by Omser 4 Warren Drng O.
Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 15, 1901.
Notice is hereby Riven that tbe following
namel settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before Vawter
'rawford, County Clerk, st Heppner, Oregon,
on Monday Aprils, ikui.vix:
JOSEPH H. WALKER, of Hardraan, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 6828 for the fou hcast i
section 20, township b south, range 23 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon auu uuuivuuuu
of said land, viz: Chas. R. Harris. Harrison
Chapln, Wra. Luelling and C. D. Coleman, all
01 I'araman, uregon.
822-7 . . Jay P. Lucas, Register.
U Ollice at La Grande. Ore.. Feb 8. 1901
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, ureeon,
on March 25. 1901, viz: Homestead entry 7330
CHARLES A. TILDEN, of Hardman,
Morrow county, Oregon,
For the southwest M section 21, township 6
south, range 27 IS W M,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
f said land, viz: D. A. McAUe and H. A.
Thompson of Heppner, Or., and Fred DeFord
and E. M. Sparry, of Hardman, Or.
821-6 E. W. Bartlett, Register.
Ollice at La Grande, Ore., Jan. 29, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
his claim, aud that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at
Heppner, Oregon, on March 23, 1H01, via:
Homestead entry No. 8799,
PATRICK M. CORRAN, of Heppner, Ore.,-
For the southwest 14 northeast 1. southeast U
north weBt , northwest H southeast H and
northeast lA southwest section 9 township 2
south, range 28 E W M.
He names tne following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Michael Kenny, Thomas Gil
fillen, Terrence Williams and James Farrelly,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
a-b n. w. bartlett, ttegisier.
Ollice at La Grande, Or., Jan. 30, 19(1.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final - proof in support of
his claim, and thatsaid proof will be made be-
tore tna county ciera ot umaiuia oounty at
Pendleton, Oregon, on March 15, 1901, viz:
Homestead entry No. dlVl,
GRANT BCCHANN AN. of Echo, Ore.,
For the northwest M section 11, township 2
north, range 27 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Oscar F. Thompson, Robert
N. Htanneld, Albert i. Davis and C. P. Bowman,
all of Echo, Ore.
xu-d . w. JSARTLKTT, Register.
Office at La Grande, Ore., Jan. 29, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler bst filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis claim,
and that ssld proof will be made before John
Hailey Jr., U. 8. Commissioner, at Pendleton,
Or., on March 23, 1901, viz: Homestead
entry No. 6909,
JOHN T. LANHAM, of Gurdand, Ore.,
For the east Si northeast and east U south
east U section 18, township 8 south, range 29
He names the following witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of sold land, vis: George Horseman, J. A,
Horseman, Frank uuniford ana Emmett C
Corley, all of Gurdane, Ore.
8 JO 5 E. W. BartlitT Register.
U Office at La Grande. Or., Jan. 16. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following'
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to commute and make final Droof in surmort of
his claim, and that said proof will be nade be
fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at
Heppner, uregon, on Marcn i, i9ui, vu;
Homestead entry No. 8729 of
ALFRED 8. FRIEZE, of Heppner, Or.,
For the southwest U northeast U. east M north
west ti and southwest northwest U section
ik .Ai...),in . v. KaA mi v a u
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: James D. Brown, Charles
Berkley, Robert B. W hi ted and William L
Wltneral, all of Heppner, Oregon.
S. W. Baktlktt,
818 2S. -- " Register.
Ollice at La Grande. Or.. Jan. it). 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has meu notice m ner intention
to make final proof in support of her claim
and that said Droof will be made before J W.
Morrow, United States Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on March 8, 1901, via: Home
stead entry no. euza,
SARAH K. JONES, nee Donahoo,
of Heppner, Oregon,
For the east northeast Ki and east H south
east v section 18, townsnip i soutn, range as
She names the following witnessea to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Jasper Griffith. Jesse Stout,
Harry Hay man and. Henry Vanderpool, aU of
itopnner, Oregon.
ma.23 E. W. Bartlktt, Register.
Public i Land Sale. (.Isolated Tract.)
1 1 nurauanoe of instructions from the Com'
mlssioner of the General Land Otnce, under
authority vested In him hy section 246&, United
States revised HlotuWs, as amended by the act
congress approved February 26. 1S93, we will
proceed to otter at publlo sale on Tuesday, tbe
36th day of Febrnay, nest, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., at this office, the following tract
of land, to-wtt: Southeast M northwest H and
southwest H northeast 4 section l, towuahlp
4 south, range east W M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to file their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the eommeiieement of aalil sal a.
otliowl Uieir right Ul be lorleitea.
JAY. P. Lt'CAS. Kogisler,
Si7-'M Otis lUvriaaoii. Keeelver.
C.8, Lpd, Gflpt) tye paHes, Or., jt, ,
' Flatulency, sourness, bad taste, loss of
appetite, a sense of weight or fullness after
eating, together with uneasiness, impa
tience, irritability of temper, nervousness,
anxiety, lost energy, depression of spirits,
sick headache, bad dreams and sleepless
ness, come from weak and debilitated
nerves. That kind of nerves have to be
braced up, strengthened, invigorated and
helped if you would have a sound stomach,
a keen appetite and a cheerful mind.
Brings back appetite stimulates digestion, gives refreshing sleep to tne - urea oram, , neaun
Urtog . l vitality to the nerve centers, and tones up the whole system. , : ;
c ... jc , rynte. Df. Mites Medical Co.. Elkhart. In.
Cnrtntv fAmmiooinnpr V,(i CI. Anil.
baugb, a pioneer farmer of Mor
' . , . j i c nnn
row county, wuo raiaeu ii),wu
bushels of wheat the past season,
says that the cost of raisiog wheat
here ia about as follows:
Plowing old ground per acre -75
Harrowing 3o
Threshing ...... 1-20
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner.
His work first-class
and satisfactory.
Give him a call May Street.
For Trav or Field Shooting, combine the elegance
of outline, perfection of balance, ease ot trklrg
apart and quality of finish of the best double guns
with the superiority in sighting snd shooting of
the single barrel, and also possess the rapidity of
Are snd magazine capacity or rVIAnL.irM
slog of srms snd smmunitlon, colored cover by
Usthsus, mailed tor a stamps.
Marlin Fir Arms Co., New Havbn. Ot.
lfMWWm,"ff ,A-" Waf i W"
amd union Pacific
Only Line EAST via
Departs '
Hipfner, Ob.
Fast Mall For
East and West
Fast Mall From
East and West
Express For
East aDd West
Express From
East and West
8:15 a. m.
6:16 p. m.
8:19 . m.
6:16 p. m.
San Francisco Portland Rocts. Steamer
sails from Portland p..m. every 6 days.
Dally Boat service between Portland. Astoria.
Oroiron City. Dayton Salem. Independence,
Corvallls and all Columbia and Willamette
Ylver points.
Steamers between Riparla and Lewtston leave
Rlparia daily at 4:40 a. m returning leave
Lewiston daily at :;ia. m.
J. M.KERN IN, Acnt, Beppoer.
' A. L. CRAIG,
General Fsssevger Agent, Portland, O
'visit DR. JORDAN'S orut
Tha larasst a natntalaal ICaswsa
In taa World.
J I ad ai,i Isivaly aairal fcy
to aldest Bprciallstua toe Paatie
I I4T Coast, JblabualMdMyaara
If T" aa aa4 ai
l'l 11 al wosi wba are tu
1 I 11 ' mm wba are Sufferlag
m Ik (um tha sdscta ai vouiatnl lodls-
eretlona ar saimMs In maturar
' vaara, TTarvoiisandphvwal Dablflay.Iaa.
, aoi.v, LailMsBbiMa taallltaeompli.
I catloiia; Mswi'saatf affcat", rr.il.l.r.
rsffa, SiiuarrDM, wiaas. . rr-mrmj
r I'rlHatlas, via. Hy a eoaibhiatloa a
rsmsdiea, or grt-at curative powtr. lbs ioctac
1 has so srranffM'l his tratrant tbsi II will oat
' only afTard Immvdiata rvllM, bill parmanant
, eiir. 1 na inxror aoe nos ciaifu ia p.t rorro
mlraclin, but M well known Is be a fair ana
square Pliytlrian and Htirfeoii, piwamlaaai
lu bts.p-laHy Dieaiaea af M.a
1PNII.I thiwousMv eradicated Roaa
I tae a'aieiu wUtiout lh uaeef Haresir.
Triura HttrJ bv an Kspert. ssasalaal
I ssre for KHplnrr. A oukk and rvMienl
cm for rile. FfMir aed ri.tsilaa,bf
Ut. Jomn a enerlal pamirea uaiuoaa
IVCRT MAM SPPlvlnirtoaswlU
1 0r kovrt opinion ot biecniplaltn.
XV wU Wii.ir.mlM a tOiUTl VM CVSM a
Sw rw w vmrt-ik. .....
Consul ration intft iminnnirpnTMa
Trv ttuieiit pnirily or by letter.
'r:l f.. PIlII.OFHT
MAiiatassa:. mii.o raaa. (A valuable
buuk tor uH.i CjI ar 1 11
OR. JO-tDA a CO., 1091 MtrkatHJ p,
"It was headache all the time; food did
not digest; could sleep but little; became
despondent and tired almost of life. One
night, befere going to bed, I took a dose of
of Dr. Miles' Nervine, 2 slept soundly and
in the morning felt rested and refreshed.
From that time on I never had a head
ache. Six bottles cured ' my" stomach
trouble, completely and made me a well
and happy man." J. B. Byron, ;
; . . Whatcom, Wash.
The "Clutch'' Wrench
Both Plain and Pipe., , ;
Invented and Patented by
W. T HATTBN, Heppner Or.
...... State and County Rights for sale.
Description A clutch loop is pivoted to the moveable jaw
and engages the main shank to lock the' moveable jaw at
any desired adjustment; the loop is held in its engaged po
sition by a spring, and to slide the jaw is necessary to de-.
press the loop against the action of the spring. The device
is simple, convenient and
I. X. L.
Confectionery and Cigar Store.
Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor. . .
Free Reading Room
Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, ard read
papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place.
all of the very best quality.
A fair share of the public patronage ia solicited. -
I make to order, when wanted, any article in the Harness line.
Main street, West Bide, :' -
The White is King
of Sewing Machineg and Bicycles. -
White Sewing Machine Co. lVAc
' C. A. HAWKINS, General Manftitel
GUUam Bisbee, Heppner,
pealrs n H White" :Bioyplea pewirjg Macbic?S
possesses great strength and
-" -.- '.. -:
Call at my r
and 6ee tbe New Goods of the very
beet quality, at lowest cash prices.
I do Jobbing and Repairing,
, au uuaraniee saiistiaiiun.
, . - "''" Heppner
. . - t.lf . ntlA I lafJfl I. j I
WHEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money
v . by spending $ 1 50 to $500 when for very much
' less you can buy a . .
which will outshoot any other shot gun on the market
no matter what it costs. The Winchester Repeating
Shot Gun is now made in " Take Down " style in 12
and 16 gauge. Itcombinesrapidity.reliability and strong
shooting qualities with a price within reach of every
body's pocketbook. For sale by dealers everywhere.
FREEStni aasM and tddrtu sa pottaltardfot 164-pagt catalog: