The Heppner Gazette tfeb. 1, 1901 " - - , Wstancbs: Heppner to - Portland... Pendleton.bywagoToad.......; Lexington ,.,., ,,1,); lone , " Arlington ....,,...,...,, ' flie Uallea ' Can; on City Heppner Junction on Columbia Elver flabin Canyon 16:-ith mud m.flln IaIVM flail v a n. . ' -5 -LOCAL NOTES. dt' nd family Te,nrnl Mon- urt . T. - "".""Mi ana Port Their tu K " "re80Kie. anrl , At the Wilson rinA V nr .. . . HI'MtteBlfiB a hnn,. l i . " "iMr. i'FoHBr. k us-;. .. T ' ""-iiyeij on Uie f! iff ovrlhat ofancher. bvta :HD0W WMo wcU other FrfiHh ., i : aj just received 8HEEP. (PREFERS FALSEHOOD TO. TRUTH"! Eastern o,n,. .,.: "'" T" " r,"""a 106 "fwdoin of the been fW itZ. u ' "T yet P"8' aad eposes .to ntimm doing oeen axed, though buyers and. srawera so. Tu,n u .... ... . i J. A. Carson. . "'T " 8' Ut the' Ihihg CRHed Paid $2.50 a held fr i.. -Y-- t0. Want liberty ail .. , utr wen, wiiaaoner leathers. . . i dares that he lost monev on the trB ' ""ii-ou m-eaa, alter maea pretentions to rlibil sheanng in April. r C. ARea.a DromVHJ'Md at'th8rae.timBfB,a. inent sheer raiser. nff 9 9s . fitood-to-trnth h . .1 fn-IKOfu, " ' . " T""' " J . . " " ' .". """l"" Mf ""I iw,iiuH,yei nai not seenr., .acts. Mr. iaaMBaaaaaMBaaaMBaaHaawaaaajiH yonwn . m wia a bead --roruana, . reb.. .. 19.The '.auertin; ; here forWitlamette J"" . LTV.. Z " "''";ngb the c;ul!:PIer Tfanw.tbal tbe . 109 on W.L. Houston t n " ' - . 11 -"uoes not. thiokgheepmeo f aMr 01 Oasette wrotfl the notice of ..45 ml"- i,,. F"-tu. ..M-rew wBue-n appeared in I ... Hiere are onw !firi (im l,0j ( i I Mia ArArnnin u tii.. i n up. . i. 1 1 - i uuu iiiuu ui niimii i . n ihihi - in' annf u,.n...i.u..T:' .' I mamw . oo8e to- mere Will te lW,O00i:'ianiba In tha I ''.Oraimn!an"Bi.r Hank f , uikui Dv tha WlL. , llnrm c..ii . . ' - u.bu. Heppner re irom.m; to p.m. promises to h K K ' K " J JWWO ' ne-rMhoUld juau. Diuwiui uBiu. i7:au s. m. i w ""o ouuiai event of the 0,0 ' unr itM.. . 1. i j . . wa I season i.. too nuiuy uave auit he ranch atfd mOVB(1 : 4 u q " ... . ..iM,t-. . . Aoraoam. nepF"' . -F"puinon, gooa tchool "F,,w'.uo resiaence .HePPO'. -OWaaaaaoaftJn, none to Arlington " "ve IK..1U- - v diouv a coia storaee Another slight snow-storm came Tues day. a. A, inompson has been out in BpectiDK his stage line. E. L. Freeland and? G. W. iPhelps left tLis morninc (or alem ffbe houhold.(lt'Mvfi..t)trjgaltre cefliiy we(Koey4iMie -Ciy jjirl. 0. BecMitb.lfiolrtoutttnoi7rA. . Ufl.ikl M Tl . 1" . i : m . EdStcbfiid4.a.: hipWd 166 eef three or four nonZ 1 l ittle from Summit -prairie to L " lh8 before "tommg iore be soicL.a ani.i.. I -touiand. .Feb. IS Th tr . xuiwavwiiei IB . "" wuujiiiir too scarce for .nmrvo. r '"-ieruon Daaittaa lv,.o n.. i.. fo- I , ... -v onul re. aut .aurplas int. nowever, beT,ttw,w ot&8"t'didnot .write SOld itn iMutlkm.... - x . I4ha'idtaaitstila iuu..tL.l.- ' . .. . a tne ruget I --..r- n. wvo-vi "eiiy-and ouunu cities, uritish Columbiaand . uni' ,nTM 'rated Gatte'is pos- 0rTeon- L. W.J.Ho8R. Jas. Wrieht. a Nrtrih Vatim- .i.- Times please con v. . oiar ureWOTV Co I l uo.inr, i - - h" biiildjmf -will. ha J Mwoa-nandlttd' - . ,D "v 'Ja.fcUitttri LU&'JIlA..rmi I .. ... j , idbu rri . Mt completed Dear mHeppnerdanot u erk,DS" He i8'in'th9 RTrall wiT ' yoU '"taithe fihMwwcmiy. POt han bay '.'at the right -BHce'Hir rMomM"' ,wWfciito W.-Fowk.; whn ha. aa fair :flgare, bat .fears Z l" ,w yTr y00 is vio t . 1 "wiwddu, UftlWtll hflUi tn K uvi iu, (Uf UH HUflflr, Mail nn uomeat lves Lamm w..u . '" uio x-uy-wiin-a viewto n. ...... 1L .... : She was 1" 8heepl He iUbo, UZT " :M Simons. r lurH- lu.W. he said, if he can est .them at IV 7"" ""f"B prlDtea fic-urea wlilnh ;n -n.. u: , """piea assault on in a letter tn nn wn. " ,. .7 . ' omhan trirl rh i. c , " ""no, ur. uc-I prone, alter ahinninn t ' "w vo.uo uoru oworai states that he had a mn.t . ni...' ... rr " 'oou,u earn an houest vat t m r-.- ---- fcuo xuriH ran i . if -i-n ' juiiuuii ana toVJBammtiritwi, and is now in Prescrintions tfhir -Specialty, ' A II XL nr. tm mm aT m -v w-. . . I . LAA.a.V Bl I I I 1 x atem, meaicines. 1 anu II 15511. iPaints.-OHs anfl Iass. ii , A w,eJI-Selected Stock of: Jewelery. cattle from Summit -prairie to Portland. In his will Dock Sbobe left Iwo-thirds of his property to Mrs. Hami one-third to Mrs. Mitchell, his nieces. Tbe Lone Rock school started Mon day under Principal Patterson with 40 pupils. Mr. De Young, a popular sheep-dip man, was interviewing the sheep men this week. The delegates to tbe wool convention at Pendleton March 5-7 ;will irepresent 17,000,000 sheep V. Gentry took a trip to his ranch on Butter creek this week and reports everything in good shape. The value of John Silvies' sheep killed on tbe John Day by dogs Is $200; value ot dogs poisoned, 0. Marion Rounds, Kobt. Kincaid and Tip Williams started out this morning with big loads of merchandise for the interior. , W. H. Wilson, ex-prosecuting attor ney for this district, has been assisting Attoruey Phelps in the case of McGon ni.all vs. First National Bank. Jessis Berkley was kicked in the face and badly hurt by a horse Sunday after noon. His front teeth were knocked out aad his face terribly cut and braised. "WHEAT. Chicago. Feb.,18,-.,What uuu arja narrow. Trade in this cereal WaS lisrllt in volntna ionA i iwo-thirds Spring trade always finds a full Bto,k rM k volome iand absolutely Prov lilton and of groceries at Matlock & Hart's "peolative, features. Cables com ,nices. Sheep-ranch . .' . d? ad Argentine.ahipments ital a poor to trvito llVini?. (inn A ar.A L. Kabre people hereeay- that th -hmta. ..... - " B repniation lies right along those lines. If the Gaiette states, an untruth and finds it out, it will always take it; back.' " " takes nothing' back ' uritil proven untrue.Tand it will rn.imn.. mend right and conderhn " &vaa.. nn Sheep-ranch outfits. a,,,.t .... Z IVu rl"a 'Always has-done. ; j . ... . "am .coo muu luey wre tne previous week JSAJ' "9 COmbined with tb8 'AtrkMadayV8niDft8thr R. Howard's store. ' T' rength, merely saved the bearish-en- f e Gasette was .going to the rpost-" Legal blanx and all v&. n, ZZ'LZL "T" o'au matter toe wwi ivv iiiiurTvutuun h uuunnHiififTnrtBiiiir.'.riMUaUa-i i o waviu m iiv anr -a ai ng at Gazette office. , U.W . Hard Time. aj.... w a - .t.,,PtiOTu 4 ju ilneT,, i at 1 "uv euuueuiy sprung llwC t0.755 i8nd declined early to uP0u as by a wildcat and knocked down" . a -niver nQuciiing oc, the market y ue thing who runs the Times wh 7"'w """J' w ?o, ana 4he rjawpea upon and struck him -Whlla. f,ni T. . I . 1 ana anea r-wwor.awojc m araggea .on -by men whn iruits are alwavs kni-. nn v,anA ... .l. u . . . ' wu grocery store of T. R. Howard. " , MMtri. When you want frsh ,-nnfa Lu . - ' " "a- laaui'o tu i ii huh smanadatM Affiiniij..iL... I I nil .iiiwMTnnn "ll I I ji r v. .aaaaav -a, i .1 ti rr rr-, 11 u i" ll i.'-dhaa i t-l ' .jBgq ;j Is turned out by the Heppner Gazette Printshop. q ' ""uu'; VI la tor W U.UUIIJH. ' Score cards on which you can keep tally on si k niti nf ... ,."K on sale at the Heppner Gazette office. lilHhnn'a atnra ol,. I i r - hum oranges, bananas and emons. 6 ' AlUkinda nf hniltll . , .. . maiDl mi pruuiUt- I V lia lltAal k IT T . . J.,.Cu uj, ueppner jjumoer uo. Hon. Phil Mntai-han in With Mr. n. W l'nn,.i. i . ; r;- ; """"'Mi na taaen charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation nf tha.a ...... ",m iu'es tue success of tha ntr. PriSe. The dinimrrnnm it. .ll .1- : , . . a " oiiouoiiur umu.ou anu id uuDurpassea. SCALPS. Which old and Whether thev herd tb hMn - ... m.f, ww lin:UV PKOl ( They know the place to getgaod beer I" on Main etreet, at the Belvedere. Also ohoion . orinnn anil lin.. ,- medicinal purposes, t and holiday.. hard ware to be taken internally. Frank Bobbstb, Prop. would not tolerate such brutality . eiirineasetteean takn .ita .afl.. oine,.but it can't be eoualclMd., -.nJ ; will have its say while it remains above. The Gazette allowed itself to h fftnii with the idea that the ecalp bounty had cleaned out the hvnnna Rnf u un try to meet the spring of tbe next hyena with a warm reception. Avoid Contagious Diseases cleanin -t-l-iiiv - hUI 1 -- tuw guuic system. !s Saiisapa rillal ; Will do it promptly and .thoroughly. - A A BILK. . The alleged Montana t.oattle. bavr. who was recently at Loag Creek r proved -- ggr -w-'-'-sxtxm. I "' Pure Drugs, I Prescriptions, I Toilettte Articles, I Perfumery. I ; PATTERSON & SON, Up-to:Date Druggists. Heppner. I from Rrnw Schli.T nf n.i. , u j . j v. tanjvnucr Jjttu warrant issued. and , Owiog to a landslide, no Portland Uegislatore, giving $2 on coyotes, lions I Wright near Pilot Rock. He-was grant eu permission to see his brother, and on entering the house seized a shotgun, placed the muzzle to his bead, and killed himself. Canyon Cltyitewa. lo be Marion Wright, .a .-professional RJ. . TC T " !7 ' dead beat. He issued several checks, IlCW FnOtOOradn GttWtTtf found to be worthless .-'borrowed a horse UHV VJ U 1 1 K T,y from Rarnav H.hi;r. nf ty.i. , u j. . r - " ' ' 1 1,1 . -i mail reached Heppner Saturday night, but the O. K. & N. Co. very accommo- aatiugly sent down a special Sunday morning.and brought it up. manatee, nuts, fruits. nreanrvAH canned goods and vegetables in endless variety an mauocK & Hart's. It was feared that tbe high water , of the past week would wash out the May street footbridge Across -Willow t;reek and a lantern was hung on the outer ran every night. T. R. Howard's "tore baa -everything iu me grocery une needed by city trade. Booms far Bent cards or seale t Ga zette office Go to Bishop's atid try some of their " ciuer, io cents a quart. Sheriff Matlock has returned from his trip to tbe uirjwrfowrtay. Heavy rains and melting snows in the mountains cananrl Willow nraak in and wolves, one-third to be Daid bv connty two-thirds by the state. L1NGERINO r.RTTKRq roatmaMAr Vatiahn .. . - uu.q unuoia i,r letters auareised as follows: Bauernfeind, Peter Brummer, FD Currtn, .Geo J Johnson, .Nele Xong, Mitchell ItfcDavittBW Moore, J E - Martha, James AaklorMadverttod." ' On tower Butter creek, the great beef- feeding ground of Morrow countv. W. T. Friz, ,RN.. ,Stanfleld and j Grant Buchanan , have contracted their beef teers tobe Union Meat Co., for March, and April delivery at $4 60 and $4.75 ' PRIVATE BOARD. Anyone desiring Private Board will do well to call on Mrs. Morrison, sat h rooms back of -P.- ,' 0. Bora?' Fwwnlrv . - " i store. pr. M. T. Miller, artistphotographer haa onnnArl a ! Dd first-class GaHfirr-nn ivfn,r, .2J o,.a9.Pe.ned a,new h iorth;of opera house: "ner This Urge picture may be had within 24 nour. eF Wlva t. JeMl. Enlarging Done to Order. $100 REWARD. , A reward of 100 will iVm Tai,I tn tha i anoai, m oooicib oi iany peraem or I persons stealing ijorses branded JS.D or -S-on left stifle. . T. J. Matlock,. , J. M.'Kebmsy. j m VIA Leave Dopot Fifth and I St Arrive t . I onnn 1 . ... ..' ..... .. I . " v uuwv uoau ui uwi liaifblO ytib III I - v.. 10 wlent torrent ibis week.iiigjgijj r Southern Pacific -Co aZr:nr!!,r and '"v w.wuuHiinMiin, jHunnw. ... I . J r . . . . . . . ' ' , itwaiyn ranaeu arum f4jso in Jan i . nary to44.ra for .April :deUveryt O.F jw a .mwn mm. imii i.a. wi.tiwva Xr I i . -n m i . . . . . n Yi 'a1 -! . r ianu a. x. xiigmaun recently sola 70 I .1 ll.. :fl. tut., t " . Weate renreaberthie : Yon .can jet tetterheada, billheads, . eaxds. books or .any kind of lob nriutinor dona at th a jaeppner .Uaeette hflp. Joe Rector is fattening a carload '.of l a . . oeeicatllet Ms aaoeb4ipJIlntonc(eek W-jTw : " ajar., i -... .ai.,ali:' moderni-mamgjj:. I hflA jAadtid marlflrn m&nhiaorv tr I thn Hfrnanftr :t.Aanrt jl.annAirv tha mnoi 1 kA:M ra. j With i mnr&vd 2a.nilitiAa I hnrA fen At SppJuLce fiatardav IGOO'hcimfigeek. . flatislactaon 4 stomerB, era arrived W M-wrt i uuuie lusiiiuuoa auu prompuv pay ineir WLtbi!eHBntW(tfotiibAmedy4 lbille There is Stki.anH .fa- t... M.tinirT -good bneiiiess jaolrc-y in ...ending Clean Ana am a rA t A J BOME ON "TIME. ' jwt , juwh ..sea v 1 sometimes carft. hot .t ow them ia I -A ood. ranch ,ot 160 acres, 140 of it lull SUDDlv nn aala at' tha (i,,!" T2 onerea at an acre. Any man wno will work it may have it on 3 years 7:10 P M 8:30 A M office at 15 cents a package. There are anra tn ha manv short comings in a narjer lika tha lUuilrated edition of tbe Gazet, and Dne of them was the omission of Capt. Warren's name from the list of iDioneers. He time, pay in easy installments. Apply at Heppner Gazette office. The iLiowa and Camache country in Tnilian Taarifnpv will ha nnonoil fnv came here ia 1870. and -eattled on what settlement this summer. It is a grand is now Norman KallysTaach l there anything the matter with the AiUetoyonrlandT If there is, .call at the Gazette office and -get it cleared up Candy? O. ves. tbe verv choicest kinds are kept at Dan P. Doherty's I X. L. store. Fine eating apples at Bishop's. WEATHER. Heppner weather has been much mixed the past week, there being rain, ome snow and some awwbine. tThere has been some meato X night, and the snow-fall baa .been light nd icoks as though it wonld soon go off. eheep and cattle are beiug fed plenty ot bay, and all are doing well. Considerable bar has been fed out, ind some stockmen will about nse op iheir surplus stacks. country, and is reached only via. tbe Great Sock Island Roote. If you are interested, write for booklet "The Ok la bo ma Opportunity." It tells yon all about Oklahoma and the conntry to be opened. A. E. Cooper, G. A., 250 Alder St, Portland, Or, $5 REWARD. Strayed away from Chapman's place Bcription short aod chonky, bob tail. i:aa.i u.'a. 4 - iir:ii luua wuiw "iwi tu uuo eye, tf in psj A aAaaratrl tn anw narain Kp!nrrtnr Kim there, or any information leading to bis recorery. , P. W. Chapman, i ' vioBon, ure. DISEASES CURED. Yon can be cured of nervous diseases. riimtnatini) ha1 hnhita ilivihiitiam drug habits and priy ate diseases. Deai- i - . . i. r . i oess suucauMTu. juoiruunuuiupBrgouai Tnactnatiam RanA tnr litarafnra la. atitnti nf Pavrrknlnirv. 7rh anil W. ah. ington, Portland. 7:80 A Jl ll;PMi OVERLAND EX PRI.88 TRAINS, for Salem, Roaeburg.Aah land, Bacramenlo.Oa . den, Han Francisco, Mojave, Loa Angelei, 1 Fao, New Orleam , .and the Kast. At Woodburn (dally except Bunday), morn tnr train connects . with train for Mt. An gel, Sllvertoo, Browni vllle, SpriDefleld and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and bilTerton. CorvaUia Faawnger. Sheridan faawsger. l9;15AMj 7:00 P Ml HE B AIN WAGON Is one that everybody knows, llt'ta one of the beet on earth. Gilliam huovu 118:264 M Dally, liDaily except Banday. RebutickU on m1 between Portland, fee- UatM awl atiir ErW- n".! T- . r."P JAPAH. CHINA," BONOLTJLtJ nd Australia, can t nhtiai r i. HareJustrecBivpd one bf the laa-gest stooka xitain moM evar o - . Gail and! See them. Prices nrt l Qeavv 'and Shftlf Hard mira " Tit:., ...... I T- )a W" "T.V Tr l"Za,a: A1UWB. AgncoitBral ..w.-v.,. v.xvuj avu UJOODWBrrJ, KIRKIaUU), Tieket Agent, iB4 TMd M . iVAMRUJ. WVISION, Tamuger wt, foet t Jefferaen Street. iMm fm WaracvA lt.ll... 4. on a.... - p:i, ijaa, a:to, A:i&, B:25, 8:06. U;S9 p. m ; nd d.ttl . m .m aUinaaca Mils A rw-la . v.w, --w, iw.vw p. bl; i4j;u aaiJT. jKiitent HCLUdALV ii-'latl aoil irt.OK .a. M 1. .r I j V "Tr T, . fu.w virainyi only. I JMV fn rVallnai aia a . . . 1 a.m. ArrlTaat Portland at: 30 a.i. ' '"7wi ieae lauw lor Aims Moa- uj.. nnrawnin ana rnaari at 2:45 pr ai "Xxoept Sundajr. air .Vi- S, ' maaa.tiaii, p 1 fl Fh Meats SaJt A-nd-Smoted AJeats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Jlarket Higfeest price paid tar fat Stock. , ; r-s . Bock & Atathews. Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable H )nat bem ptmh1 ta tha . aoMle d4 Mr. Clordoa, tin . proprietor, kiodlr InjHm hli Irieada to -aH and try hia UnK-elaaa aecommotlationa, Stable located oo weat aide of Mala tree! between Win. SeriVDer'i and A. M. Ounn't blackimith ihopa. ForthaUdiea-A fin bone and lady's saddla T. 11. HOWARD'S STOBE, Main street, you can find Groceries, Provisions, Glassware. ah ii T1 Tnware ad Furnishing Goods, All well adapted to either Citv or Cmintrv .TWo Staple and Fanmi Fme Teast and m Good Goods.... c. im n? . a ytK aaaf . "'' "rl 1 hif-bK - at an acre : I offer 324 south ot ;tleppner; almost all good pbw land, nas ranran;, water and is under -fence. This place is all readv for the - W - TJf . y r rl. a stump to puu, no clearing to be done; 8 rmies to mountain timber, and on county road. A 1 T . . . . Apply to J. VV. Kedington, Heppner. He Psopte's jfaHoiial Family jfewspaner. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Pobllshed Monday, Wednesday sod Frldav fa in raaht. .a . . I''""- oootams an important foreign coble na. -m7i. . , J"" 0WtT GazSf rSye.108 1W P" W. f arnl.h i, with the H.ppaer NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Dsitii f...r. io.ver,e.r, 0MH. aad rUlagers. I VoiSie, T the moai i.D,l bWm B,M '"' Iribaa. , to hn., ..'J.. Pt'ot general news of Tb. run. afto.A.a.Vala-iai."arJ department of iha hiJha.' m.rkatiwrU .h'.a.irV"e".en,?.r h family, old and VnT cbe..,..!..,. and .onnlry' RegnUr an toorlotion price, tl per year. ins weekly Tnbone Is given for ooe yssr as a free nramlnm tn all t. ooribers to tha n one yssr in ndvan. "u ,w 0,u ibers wbo pay op to date and Send all orders to Gazette, Heppner,