Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 14, 1901, Image 6

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"A schoolmaster should, above
all else, be a man eminently just,
absolutely true, and one who has
Deen, is, ana always win do, a dov
at heart," writes Caroline Leslie
Fields in the February Ladies'
llome Journal. "Such a man will
not only deserve and oommand his
pupils' live and respect, but will
nave also a knowledge of human
nature which will enable him to
discriminate wisely and to draw
his lines of limitation straight and
clear. Such a man has his rights.
His work begins at a fixed point, I
and the material for that work
should have been properly pre
parad before presenting it. It is
; too much to expect that, taking in
hand fifty or a hundred odd boys
already on the outer verge of
childhood, he should do for them
not only his own work, but also
what their parents ought to have
been doing for them from their
-cradles, let often this has not
been done; more often it has been
badly done, with the result ot over
work and anxiety to the master,
weariness and discouragement to
the pupil, a loss to both which can
never be made good.'
M I npuiing i ungues
Gould not express the rapture of Annie
H. Nnrinoap nf liyri Hnwarrt Nr. I'ni la.
dolphin, Pa., when ebe found that Dr.
King's New Diaoovery for consumption
had completely cared her Of a bucking
oongb that for many years bad made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors oonld give her no help, but she
says of tbifa royal oore "it soon removed
the pain in mj chest and I can now sleep
Antirllv nmnthinn T Ann Brta.nulv pa'.
member doing before. I feel like sound
ing its praises throughout the universe."
Ho will every one who tries Dr. King's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
throat, cbeet or lungs. Price 5'Jo And $1 .
Trial bottles free at Oonser & Warren
Drug Go; every bottle guaranteed.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting
of tlio stockholders of the Morrow
County Land and Trust Company will
be held at the office of the Company in
llcppncr on Monday, March 11,11)01,
at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose ol
electing directors for the ensuing year.
It. F. IIvni), Secretary.
Hcppner, Or. Jan, 11, 11)01.
The claim of other opugb medicines to
be us good as Cbamburluin's are effectu
ally set at rest in the following testimon
ial of Mr, C. D. Glaus, an employe of
Burt lull & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me.
Uesays: "I hod kept adding to a cold
and oough in the winter of 1897, trying
every cough medicine I heard of without
permanent help, until one day I was io
tbe drug store of Mr. Honlehan and be
advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough
remedy nnd offered to pay back my
money if I was not oared. My lungi
and bronchial tubes were very sore at
this time, but I was completely cured
by this remedy, and have since always
turned to it when I got a eold, and soon
find relief. I also recommend It to my
friends and am glad to say it is the best
of all oough medicines." For sale by
Oonser & Warren, draggists.
This well-kept house is centrally lo
cated on the west Bide of Main street,
Heppner, and lias good rooms and a
bountiful table, at reasonable rates.
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goes throuuh in
24 bourn.
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
citable, on west slits ot Main street,
keeps first-class rigs and saddle horses,
and takes the best of care of them.
H. A. Tiiomphos,
Proprietor of all Three.
When you want physio that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in
effect nse Chamberlain's Htomncb and
Liver Tablets. Price 25 oents. Hmplt
free. Exery box ganranteen. For sale
by Oonser & Warren draggists.
' ' London, Feb. 9. The first series
of the 1901 auction Bales closed to
day with offerings of 9231 bales of
desirable grades, including good
new clips. Competition was brisk,
and all but the best scoured Bold
at full rates. Superior greasy was
in sellers' favor, Cioss brods were
firm and sold readily. Several
parcels of good greasy were with
drawn to await hotter prioes. The
sales were well attended. Buyers
were present from all sections.
The sales as a whole goucrnlly
closed better, with the established
lovel of values maintained.
The arrivals for the second series
number 120,781 bales, including
47,000 bales forwarded direct.
A Convincing Answrr.
"I hobbled into Mr. Dlnckmnn's drug
store one evening," says Wesley Nelson,
of llnijoi Iton, Us., "and he aexed me to
Uj Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheum
atism with which I had snfftsred for a
long time. I told him I had to faith in
any medicine as they all failed. He
said: 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Halm
doeg not help you, you noed not pay for
It.' I took a bottle ot it home and nsed
it according to tbe directions and in one
week 1 was cored, and have not since
been troubled with rheumatism." Sold
by Coueer & Warren, druggist.
Feb. 6, 1901.
Ed Gazette: We are having quite
a little cold snap now after a few
days of such fine epnng-like
weather which prevailed the first
of last week. This makes one feel
like hugging the stove pretty
closely. . But let it coma now
rather than in April when the little
lambs begin to put in appearance.
- Mr. ground hog failed to come
out and peep at himself on'the
2d, therelore we may expect an
early spring.
I will try giving a few happen
ings of the town arfd surrounding
country. The Tash young folks
were enjoying sleigh riding on Sun
day, after a period of more ' than
two months shut in on account of
smallpox, or "Filipino' itch, as the
medicine-man calls' it. Now we
have three new cases of the same
kind right here in town. At the
Eurgison hotel the disease5 has
been lurking ever since Christmas.
Two of the children were just get
ting over it when three other
members came down, one of the
victims beiDg Mies Vita Drum,
Mrs. Furgison and a 4 months old
babe. Mr. F. is not well at all.
The disease seems to be in a very
mild form. There is a great deal
of sickness throughout the coun
try. Almost every house in town
has from one to three siok ones,
some with grippe, some from vac
cination and others from fear of
The family of Nick Lethers
moved into town last Sunday in
order to get the benefit of -our
school another year. School is still
running under the management of
Prof. Smith. Twelve days moie
will wind it up for this year. The
daily, attendance is quite email
now, pupils being taken out on
account of sickness and fear of
smallpox, but we don't think there
is any more danger of smallpox in
the school room than on the streets
sleighriding, which they are in
dulging in all day long and a part
of the night, too.
E. J. Merrill was on our streets
last Friday. ' "'
H. Chapin called at the home of
Mrs. G. VV. Cbapin on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cox spent
Sunday in town.
Wm. Severance brought two of
hiB children in on Monday to . un
dergo vaccination. They dined at
G. VV. Chapin's.
Chas. Hams was in town Mon
day. Stephens brothers were in Hard
man today.
Jas. Wylaud came in last night
to see how his sick folks were
Mrs. Nettie Severance has bought
the C. M. Spencor ranch in the
mountains 7 miles southeabt of
Hardinan, conHidoratiou $1150,
Wm. Severance filed on a piece of
gonerument land adjoining the
Spencer place, so I presume they
will pitch their tents together.
Mrs. li. Stillwell and daughter
Bertha called at the home of Mra
Thompson last evening to undergo
vaccination the second time, as
they were vaccinated about three
or four weeks ago, which failed to
give satisfaction.
Mrs. Mary Johnson has boen
very sick, but is now getting better.
Well, lest this shall exhaust the
supply of paper and find its way
to the waste basket, I will close as
I am not able to get on the streets
to dig up any more news.
Mr. and Mrs. Devin visited home
folks Saturday and Sunday, re
turning to their home near Ilepp
ner Monday. Mrs. Devin and Mrs.
Otis Shanor visited at the home of
Mrs. Jas. Wyland Sunday.
At present writing the atmos
phere appears spring-like once
more. O. A. B.
"It is a woman's privilege to be
courted," writes - Margarot E.
Sangster in the Ladies' Home
Journal. "Therefore the man
sends the valentine, not the girl.
Thoughtless and silly girls some
tives overlook this fact that they
are to be sought and nevsr do the
seeking, and an old observer sees
with painthat they employ little
arts to attract the other sex; that,
save the mark, they behave, here
and there, as if everything they
could do should be done to gain
the approving uotice of the oppo
site sex. This creates a false po
sition and is always cheapening to
a girl, not only in the eyes of
others, but also in time, when the
awakening comes, it is degrading
to her self-respect." " " 1
' Education In I'orto Klco.
The expense of maintaining schools in
Porto Kioo is very high, it we consider
tbe amount spent fur the small number
ot pupils enrolled ; but as the country is
gradually brought in closer touob with
our own, their system will evidently be
chaoged, nutil it readies oar present
state of perfection, lathis country the
people are being eduonted to the (not,
that there is a sure cure for dyspt psia,
iudigHtiou, constipation, liver and kid
uey troubles, eud tbat mcdioiue is Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters. It should be
titkeu at the very Mrs! symptom, if yon
would avoid unntci'HHHry tuiuVring. It
will give prompt 'relief and eventually
core, as hundreds of people, moludiug
,many prominent fhsyioiaug, have tei-ti-uVd
during tbe past fifty years.
Uomo-Hoi'kors with mentis, and invest
ors should come lii'ti'. On iit'oount' of
the low prices at which its lands are
ofl'ered, Morrow eonuty expects lo double
its population this year. Good land can
be lionht here at Jl.'iTi to S5 an nor. .
Morrow county hns a dozen
townships of mouutnio timber
Uuds tluvt will somti day yield im.
meiiKO incomes to lumbiM-uien and
fuel dealers.
i Unhealthy Bair
A Health Hair.
SMtBagarnu that
A" marks aster
nal layer of epider
mic sheath. D "
mark the Inferior
extremity, "a"
marks the Internal
layer. C" mark
cluttar around and
eat at tfaa root of ths
hair, making dandV
ruff, caualnf ailing
hair, finally bald-
now I
the root of the hair.
Destroys those parasitic germs?
and it is the only hair preparation
that does. "Destroy the cause,
you remove the effect."
J. II. McIIaley has returned from his
Stock-range in the great John Day
country, where he has been for more
than a month. .
He says that the open winter there
and lack of snow to cover the range
has caused the grass to be eaten down
very closely, but Hill, stock of all kinds
is well and fat and thriving right along.
The great interior has had an open
winter, and there have been no losses.
Take two to
night and you
will be well to
morrow; Bald
win's Health
Tablets. They
cure sick-headache,
constipation and
make sick people
well-50 doses 25c
.... : -
R. W. Tanjlll, the Chicago millionaire cigar
men (of Tanatll's Punch ,sc Cigar famc,)say:
"Baldwin1. Health Tablet, are the beat
remedy for constipation, hilllou.uue and tor
pid liver I Jiave ever nsed,"
I Bod your Health Tablets excellent for
QooaHpation, sick-headache and dyspepsia.
Of Oeo. Baker & Co., Auctioneer.
Patterson & Son, Heppner
Don't Rub It In.
ore Throat
tii i -i .... .1. 1 UM4K4n..a ValM
Cure hi their families and preaorlbt It
In thtMr practice. At druralvt, 80 cfca.
(kntlnmen: I never heeHate. to extknowl
tde the worth ol a awed thine, cofns.
silently I do not hesitate to acknwleae
that I nave Riven your remedy a thorough,
teat, and have found it to be ell you cla-m.
J. H. Pt'TNAM. M. t., RuUaivt Vt
Tcaleera Ageay BAN y&ANCIMe
New " Lodging "House.
I have re-papered and re
' furnished the well-tnown
Mouotaii) House
And it is: now ready for
the accommodation of
lodgers by the day, week or
month. v
Good rooms and clean, com-
fortable beds.
t AHliiing 25 cents.
are sold everywhere.
m Sl Annual frv z. :
. '
If iThe'e';,
A no reflection so jF
lWk dainty, no light so
iflTW charming; as the tqJM
I mellow glow that j 1
j . comes from j
If conoovA m
"M Wax Candles C
Prepared ie many oolor tint g
:3 to harmonise with ear- Jgir
'L-iA rounding! la dining f i
W room, drawing room,
bed room or hail. Bold Ar
-p everywhere. Made by mrV
er Alwayi Freeh. ( J
" Alwa the Bart. S
'.; . i
A Heppner young man taking
an inventory of himself after re
turning from his bridal tour thro'
Sunny Southern California, where
they laid for him on every corner.
The struggle at Salem still goes
on, with no change at last ac
Office at La Grande. Ore.. Feb 8, 1901.
Notice Is hereby (riven that the following
named .ettler haa tiled notice of hi. intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
tbat said proof will be made before the County
Cierfc of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oreeon
on March 2a, 1901, viz: Homestead entry 73:i
cjuakleh A. tiluek, oitiaraman,
Morrow county, Oregon,
For the eouthweat u section 21. township 6
south, range 27 E W M,
' lie names tne toiinwing witneses to prove
Ms continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: D. A. McAtee and H. A.
Thompson of Hepaner, Or., and Fred DeFord
and E. M. Sperry, ot Hardman, Or.
821-6 E. W. BartlktT, Register.
Otlice at La Grande, Ore., Jan. 29, 1901.
. Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Marcn -a, iwi, viz:
Homestead entry No. 8799,
PATRICK M. CORKAN, of Heppner, Ore.,
For the southwest l4 northeast lA, southeast lA
northwest M. northwest M southeast H. and
northeast '4 southwest section 9 township 2
souin , range ix
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Michael Kenny, Thomas Gil
Bllen, Terrence Williams and James Farrelly,
all of Heppner, Oregon.
206 E. W. Bartlett, Register.
Office at La Grande, Or., Jan. 30, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Umatilla county at
Pendlotnn, Oregon, on March 15, 1901, viz:
Homestead entry No, 6747,
GRANT BCCHANN AN, of Echo, Ore.,
For the northwest section 11, township 2
north, range 27 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Oscar F, Thompson, Robert
N. Htanfield, Albert J. Davis and C. P. Bowman,
all of JSoho, Ore.
20-6 E. W. Bartlett, Register,
I 3 Omoe at La Grande, Ore., Jan. 29, 1901.
Notice is herebr given that the follow
ing-named settler haa filed notice of his inten
tion to make filial proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before John
Hailey Jr., U. S. Commissioner, at Cendleton,
Or., on March 23, 1901, viz: Homestead
entry No. 6909,
JOHN T, LANHAM, of Gurdand, Oro., .
For the east Ki northeast Kt and east south
east H section 13, township 3 south, range 29
js w M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Ge rge Horseman, J. A,
Horseman, Frank Gulliford and Emmett C
Corley, all of Gurdane, Ore.
tl'AI'O i n, w. bartlett Register.
Offioe at La Grande. Or., Jan. 16, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler haa filed notice of his intention
to commute and make final proof in support of
bis claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the county Clerk ol Morrow tjounty, or., at
Hoppner, Oregon, on March 2, 1901, viz:
Homestead entry No. 8729 ot
ALFRED 8. FRIEZE, of Heppner, Or.,
For the southwest M northeast hi, east north
west Wand southwest northwest section
IK Ai.naklnl ..... , V. -att-a OM W U M
He name, the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: James D. Brown, Charles
Berkley, Robert B. Whlted and William h
Witheral, all of Heppner, Oregon.
E. W. Bartlstt,
818 23. Register.
Office at La Grande, Or.. Jan. 19, 1901.
Notire Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of her claim
and that said proof Will be made bo'om T. VV.
Morrow. United States Commissioner, at H wp-
ner, Oregon, on March 8, 1901, vlz Ho ae-
steaa entry No 602A,
SARAH E. JONES, nee Donahoo,
of Heppner, Oregon,
For the east H northeast i and east H south
east M section 18, township 2 south, range 28
B W M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
ber centtiiuons residence upon and cultivation
... ...) 1 i, T . n.imih I.... fltm
mm iniix, ,ib, wnvwc vx.ni.u, ...oo miru,.
Harry Hayinan and Henry Vanderpool, all of
xiepnner, Oregon.
8l8-2a . E. W. Bartlett, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement.
undersigned administrator ot the estate
of William Cox, deceased, has filed In the
county court ot Morrow county, nis nnal
account as such administrator oi sam estate,
and that TneadaT the fifth day of March. 19111.
at the hour of i o'clock p. m. of said day has
been fixed by said court for hearing of objec
tions to said report and the settlement thereof.
4 , in. DIKKK,
Administrator ot the estate of William Cox,
deceased. tii7-zi
Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.)
pursuance ol Instructions from the Com
missioner ot the General Land Office, under
authority vested In him ny section I' lilted
States revised Statutes, as amended by the act
congress annroved February 26, lKMii. we will
proceed to otter at public sale on Tuesday, the
2t"th day ot Februay, next, at the hour of 10
o clock a. m., at tins omce, tne louowing tract
of land, to-wlt: Sou tTi east Va northwest U and
southwest northeast V section SI, township
4 south, range 25 east W M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to Die their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated tor the commencement of said sale,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
JAY. P. M'CAS, Register,
817-22 On. Patterson, Receiver.
V. A. Laud Office Ihtt Dallea, Ore., Jan. li, 1901.
Office at Tho Dalle., Or., Jan. 8, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe following
namel settler haa filed nolle of hi. Inteutlon
to make final proof In .upport of hi. claim, and
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on Thursday February M. 1901, vt: -
JOHN D HICKEY.ot Heppner. Ore.,
Homestead entry No.S3sl tor theet VI north
west V4 and east 14 southwest V section 7, town
ship 8 south, range . K W M
He names the following wltneiwea to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, via; Mat Hughes, Frueat Cupper,
Patrick SpUlaneand lsaao N Baaey, all of Hepp
ner, Ore,
816-21 Jay p. Lucas, Register.
", Nothing adcls more to vigor of body and
cheerfulness of mind, or aids so well in
chasing away the lines of worry and care
from tbe weary brow, as good, sound, re
freshing sleep. But when the gray matter
of the brain has been robbed of its vitality
and constructive strength by weak, worn
out and exhausted nerves, sleep gives way
to restless tossing and long hours of fever
ish distress. Do you want a good sleep?
You can get it if you go about it right.
Relaxes the strain on the excited nerves and gives the repair shops of the brain a chance to
make good the damage of the waking hours. It is a great brain-food and nerve-builder.
Sold br all itu zsdsts on a etafantee. Dt. Miles Medical Co., EMart, Ind.
- County Commissioner Ed C. Ash
baugh, a pioneer farmer of Mor
row county, who raised 15,000
bushdla of wheat the past season,
says that the cost of raising wheat
bere is about as follows:
Flowing old ground per acre $ .75
Heading 1.00
Harrowing . . . . 35
owioit .25
Threshing ...... 1.20
. ; $3.55
PoBtm aster Vaughn wants owners for
letters addressed as follows:
Hustt, J M
Loug, Mrs II C
Ruffle, HE
Auk for "advertised."
Robbed the Gravt,
A startling incident, of wbioh Mr. John
Oliver, ot Philadelphia, was the sobjeot,
is Darrated by him as follows: "I was io
a most dreadful condition. My skin was
almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongae coat
ed, pain continually in back and sides,
no appetite gradually growing weaker
day by day. Three physicians bad gived
me np. Fortnnatele a friend advised try
ing 'Eleotrio Bitters;' and to my great
joy and surprise, tbe first bottle made a
decided improvement I continued their
nse for three weeks, and am now a well
man. I know they saved my life, and
robbed tbe grave ot another victim." No
one should fail to try tbem. Only 50o,
guaranteed, at Conser k Warren Drag Oo.
Take it all around, Morrow County
has a god, healthful climate, and Pap
Simons, who haB lived in many places,
says there are more pleasant days here
on an average than anywhere else.
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner,
His Work first-clas8
and satisfactory.
Give him a call May Street,
will Short Line
and union Pacific
Only Line EAST via
Heppner, Or.
. Dally
Fait Mall-For
East and Weat
Fait Mail From
East and Weat
Express For
East and West
Express From
East and West
8:15 a.m.
:15 .m.
5:15 p. m.
5:15 p. m.
San Francisco Portland Route. Steamer
tails from Portland 8 p. m. every 6 days.
Dally Boat service between Portland, Astoria,
Oregon City. Dayton Salem. Independence.
Corvallla and all Columbia and Willamette
liver points.
. Steamers between Klparlaand Lewlston leave
fiipuria dally at 4:) a, m returning leave
uswiamn unify aiaiwa. ro.
J. M. KERNAN, Agent, Heppner.
' A. Li CKA1G,
General rasserj(er Agent, Portland . O
vi. it DR. JORDAN'S qmcat
Batmaa BiiU u4 twnaj
Thalarfant Anatomical Mmm
ta tbe World.
Vnatttt aftnwMm fx (fx CUV. JL
ymultrfld tight nr 9itiUri.
W !, or any eanlraea.
d dieM,aMMltlTlr rcrfby
tha oldaat SpfK'Ultat un tlx Paoifla
Cwuh JbUbUaa4 3 yrm.
Tf and HI44I
ard mi em wba ar siinerlnf
lium iba atTicta ( youtbful Indi.
criioos or iinmi in niatnrtr
ymra. Narvousandptivaical IMlIIISy,lm.
BMttvnoy, l.ot Msnhaud la ulltiaconipll.
oathuis; N Hr m al uri haM, lrasiiftr
rlif. Unanrrbiva, Ulrrl, k rrqarnry
of r rltimitasr, ). Hy a eon.biuatlsn al
remlli, of K""t curatlra power, ih Doctor
hMWrrniil bla tmttmrnt lht It Kill nul
only arT'ird immwllnta rplli-l. hot naraianant
cur. Th Doctor dif not claim 10 triform A
mlntclm, but la well knowa to aw llr Mia f
pquar ruvnirian ana Miirffon, prtauuaaai
lu bl.-l!li niarawra t 91 n.
WI'HII.l"! ih..mnahly rtirt! from
tlv ayaieut mHIi.miI Mi oaraf ar.ar.
Trwir tliinl bran Etiwrt. Ma1lail
air for Ruplnr. A nulcH and mrfinui
cwafnr !. riwr ami riatvlaa, by
lr. Jttnlan'a apaoial iinlrM matbotta.
EVKHT M AX ipMnf tmia will racalv
0ir tkmert ttpit.km "f hi3 0..ni(ilainl.
M '. &.mmw a lUJVt CVSMtm
at'rrv M wa un.t rr (fra.
C !) tatton H; Kb) and strictly r'ata. ,
Tr- ui.iMtl prm'iHv vr hv litr.
Writ- f..r n,. PHIMHOI-HT T
I til H I 1K. Maii.an Kitam, .X raluublt
bvic for ram.) Ca'iurwnta
or miii tco. tost Market st, t r.
'Mv nerves
severe attack of pneumonia that tha least
noise would make me feel like screaming
at the top of my voice. I could not get a
night's sleep, and would often awaken
twelve or fifteen times before morning'.
One day I purchased a bottle of Dr. Miles'
Nervine on trial, and before it was half
gone I could go to sleep without an effort,
and awake feeling rested and refreshed."
P. E. A. Fling, Hartshorne, I. T.
5Ies9 Kery&ae
The "Clutch" Wrench
I3otii Plain and Pipe.
Invented and Patented by
ZV. 0s. HiVTEW, Heppner Ojt..
State and County Rights for sale.
Description A clutch loop is
and engages the main shank
any desired adjustment; the
. i i j. i?
sition Dy a spring, ana io suae ine jaw is necessary io ae-
press the loop against the action ot the spring. Ihe device
is simple, convenient and possesses great strength and
I. X. I.
Confectioneryand Cigar Store.
Dan. r. Doherty, Proprietor. .
Free Reading Room'
Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read
papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place.
all of the very best quality.
A fair share of the public patronage ia solicited.
t .
I make to order, when wanted,
Main street, WeBt side, - - . . Heppner
St IS.,- TYt
The White is King
of Sewing Machineg and Bicycles.
White Sewing Machine Co
C. A. HAWKINS, General Manager
Gilliam & Bisbee, Heppner,
Dealers m "White" Bicycles and Sewing Machines
were so shattered afters
pivoted to the moveable jaw
to lock the moveable jaw at
loop is held in its engaged po-
.1 ii. 1 i t
Call at my
vandeee the New Gooda of the very
beet quality, at lowest canh prices.
I do Jobbing and Repairing,
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
bdj article in the Harness line.
WHEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money
by spending $ 1 50 to $500 when for very much
less you can buy a
which will outshoot any other shot gun on the market
no matter what it costs. The Winchester Repeating
Shot Gun is now made in " Take Down " style in li
and 16 gauge. Itcombinesrapidity.reliabiiity and strong
shooting qualities with a price within reach of every
body's pocketbook. For sale by dealers everywhere.
FREES4J mtmt ni tidrtu n pottatttrifor 164-pagt catalog.
3H0-3HD Post St., 8n Franeisco, Cat.
Cur. of St.x ktun L, Facing Paoliie I nlon Cinb.