Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 14, 1901, Image 5

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thursday .....Feb. 14,1901
Heppner to
I Vl "
Pendleton by wagon road .......
The Dalles
Canyon City v:"j;,"'i'
Heppner junction on umuuiw. "".
i..fn Pinvnn lft: with mild
wi ' j - -
.. 191
.. 60
,.. 15
... 109
,.. 104
... 45
l,fn Canyon 16: with mud.......... .......
, , aTMitt Hnnrt.v fnr all
Train i uj ?WK" -
points at 8:16 a.m.; train arrive! daily except
Sunday irom all over the world at 5:16 p. m.
Business hours of the Fint National Bank oi
Heppner are irom 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Mail! close for traini at 7 :80 a. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
, and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
6 p. m. ; arriving at 6 a. m. ; distance to Canyon
104; time 24 hours.
Heppner has 1146 population, good school,
city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel
-the Palace. Portland Is located 197 miles Irom
Heppner. Chicago some further. .
No trace baa as yet been found of
Johnnie Jatnee, the pioneer miner and
ditch-teDder who disappeared 6 weeks
ago in the mountains near uesoiauon
lakn Ha tnnk his blanket from hlB
cabin and Btarted away during a severe
snowstorm, and the supposition is that
he became bewildered and perished.
Still, fie had been over tlmt trail lor
years, and knew every foot oi it, ana
had been through many other moun
tain storms.
He had recently sold some mining
claims, and was supposed to have con
siderable cash with him. t
It is an awful experience tc be lost in
a mountain Bnowstorin, and it is a sad
ending to the laborious life of a pros
pector to thus disappear from the
world, leaving no trace or track r
farewell message.
The snows fall deep over there, and
if Johnnie James sank down under
them they will keep him covered from
the eyes of the world for mauy raon'hs.
Here and Tfoere
Sheriff Matlock is on a visit to the
Palouse country,
O. E. Farnsworth and two daughters,
Misses Emma and Mary, started yester
day on a visit to Baker City.
Jndce W. ft. Ellis and wife returned
T.iA.Hav from Pendleton, where the
Judge had been holding circuit court
Wm. Kummerland was in Saturday
frnm hia farm four miles west, where
his stock is doing fairly well and calves
are a-coming.
xwt. Williams, an old-time pioneer
of the coast, arrived back in Heppner
yesterday to visit his brother Joe, City
Unorder. Newt is as spry as ever, and
has been mining in the Granite country
for several years.
Heppner strawberry patches are now
.leading lazy lives, ana Haven i proauceu
a mouthful of fruit in 3 montns.
r.. Valentine arrived in town yester
Av and caused some stir. He was
nam after Charlie Valentine, the
UtvaMV --.---
pioneer dowo the krick.
W.K.Corson, of Woolery & Corson,
lone merchants, was warmly welcomed
here Tuesday by his many friends who
like him for his never-failing integrity
and many other good qualities.
J. D. Hickey proved up on his home
stead today berore County Clerk Craw
ford. Hon. J. A. Woolery, the enterprising
lone Merchant, is enjoying a visit to
his old home at Austin, Mo.
Henry Heppner, father of the town,
was under the weather Urn fore part of
the week, but is again rustling around
with his usual energy.
Dan Neville is at Market Lake, Idaho,
wintering a big band of sheep.
P. O. Bore, Morrow county's leading
jeweler, has been having his share of
lagrippe, but ib now back to business
again. His sod Uscar ran the Dig store
very efflcient'y during Peter's sicknens.
If you are paying 8 per cent, interest
on what you owe the school fund, see
Judge Baitholomew and get it reduce!
to 6. ' ' . -
Harrv Warren and wife went to The
Dalles Monday to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Warren's brother, Oscar Myers,
formerly of Heppner.
Tf von want to swan a creek rai ch
here for a Willamette valley farm, call
on W. L. Houston, at Heppner flouring
ulwnvfl finds a full stock
tja iua va tauu ..... j -
of groceries at Matlock & Hart's.
Sheep-ranch outfits, stock sa't, hats
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
candy and nuts all those are sold at T.
R. Howard's store.
Legal blanx and all kinds of job print
ing at Gazette office.
Please remember this: You can get
letterheads, billheads, cards, books or
any kind of job printing done at the
Heppner Gazette Bhop.
Portland, Feb. 12.
Ed Wright who watches the market
very closely, says :
With but three ships In the harbor to
finish, and over 3,500,000 bnshels of
wheat on the spot, the demands of the
exporters are far from pressing, and
business is at present largely In the
hands of the millers. The foreign mar
ket has reached a stage where it is a
difficult matter to work cargoes at any
thine in excess of 28s 3d, and as ship
owners refuse to make concessions on
freights, there is not much opportunity
tn Ho business at a profit if the views oi
growers are met. Yesterday the ruling
quotation was 54 to 54 cents for Walla
Walla wheat, but 55 cents was paid for
at least one small lot, and could prob
ably be secured for roost any good
wheat that was" offering. The country
has been pretty well cleaned up in some
sections, and were It not for the enor
mous stocks at tidewater, the business
would be of the usual spring propor
tions. The San Francisco market con
tinues to feel the effect of a big crop
carried over, and a large crop coming
nn Tlinrn is Dlentv of time for the
latter to met with all kinds of disaster,
but enough of the old crop remains on
hand to make the tonnage situation a
very strong one in the Bay City, and
this is undoubtedly a strong factor in
In this port freights are still holding
their own with very little new business
reported. For sailers nothing nearby
is offering at less than 41s 3d, and some
owners re demanding 42s 6d. The
winer wheat in exposed places in the
Northwest was hurt during the recent
cold weather. Several days of freezing
The silly attempts of the Jack-Mormon
Hard Times to belittle the illus
trated edition of the Gazette is quite
characteristic of a sheet whose politix
have always been peddled around.
People have taken the measure of that
paper, and know how to size it up.
When it states that the notice of the
Gazette in The Oregonian was written by
the editor of the Gazette it simply
states a falsehood, and must be judging
others by its own measly methods.
It is very sad to think that the carry-water-on-both-shou!ders
Times has con
cluded that the Gazet plant is n. g.
This conclusion seems to have been
arrived at since the Gazet refused to
longer be imposed upon by the smoothy
methods of the Times in borrowing the
use of the Gazet machinery.
If the Gazet has made any false state
ments in offsetting the efforts of the
Times in trying to mislead people about
its old machinery, it would be glad to
be corrected by facts and figures.
Deception is its s'ock in trade, but
the statement made by the Hard Times
that it could do any such printing as
that on the half tone part of the ua
lette is sunremelv silly. If the swell-
headed Times printshop thinks that it
could do such work, why did it not
Drint Mr. Whiteis' catalog as per agree
ment? That was plain printing, and
there was a good deal of plain lying
connected with it.
As to the Times' false statements that
ths descriDtive articles of city and
countv in the illustrated Gazette were
written by Mr. Homer, they are of little
moment. Bnt any one who wants to
taVa the trouble to net the truth of the
COIU we&uivii ocvciai j ' i na.v - -
and thawing was experienced, and while matter can have it by dropping a line to
the damage was not great in auy puruir- jar, nomer.
Peop'e who are here know. But any
traneer who wan's to kndw the reputa
tion for veracity of the Heppner papers
should ask members of the city council
ahnnt their experience when they were
assailed by the fanatical preacher.
HeDDner Gazette only i bits for
3 months.
The very choicest of canned and dried
fruits nm dlwavs kept on nana at ui
grocery store of T. U. Howard.
When you want fresh nuts go to
ular locality, it was sufficient to necessi
tate some re-seeding.
Wool Valley, 1314c for ooarse,
1516o for best; Eastern Uregon,
10llc; mohair, 25c per pound.
Sheepskins snearnngs, wusaw,
wool. 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c;
long wool, 60$1 each. -
San Francisco, Feb. 12 Wool
Spring Nevada, ll13c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1014; Valley, Oregon,
1415c. Fail mountain lambs, 910c;
plains, 67c; uumoou anu meiiuuviuw,
Chicago, Feb. 12 Cattle Receipts
Uv BiAAilv : prime
steers 5.056; poor to medium, f 3 45
ra5; - stoc.kers and feeders, slow,
2 754.50; cows, $2 554.25j heifers,
In OM An. o.nnora X.1 . 00(32. 50 I bulU.
h.W(Si 40; calves. 46.12 ; Texan
fed steers, 44.?5; Texas grass steers,
$3354. -. j
Sheep Receipts, 12,000; steady
10 r f'' .1,,. wfithers. 3.90a.4.50;
JTUUU vv biiwi w " w--- i
fair to choice mixed, $3.504; Western
sheep, $3.904.50; Texas sheep, $250
3.60; native lambs, $4 255.30,
Western lambs $55.30.
The Gazet would never knowingly
nrint false statements about anybody,
and would like to be able to contradict
soma current reports it untrue. Last
summer a tall vouns ladv came to Ilepp
worked in a Printing office. It
nnt th fW.nt. office. There are re
ports that her reaon for so suddenly
fomirnr for a niabt's shelter with a lady
A una that, an assault, was attempt
ed upon her, and she telephoned her
brother at Pendleton for money to take
har t.hnrn. Hnr trienas sav tnat sue ii
tn at;n nwnrf inn in wafffis. if these scan
i . . . .i i i
dalous reports are untrue, iney snouiu
be branded so under the head of Why
Ann Left Town.
Our Snecialtv.
All the Popular
Patent Medicines.
Stylish Stationery.
Drugs and Herbs
pure and tresh.
Paints, Oils and Glass.
A Well-Selected Stock of Jewelery.
Kodaks and Supplies.
Conser & Warren Drug Co.
If All the Good Work P
.done by the Art of the Jyjg
ra Is turned out by the
(CftBi Heppner Gazette
Avoid Contagious Diseases by cleansing
the entire system.
SloGum's Sarsapa-
rilla !
OCOre Cams on wuicu you ;u ook nuoium raw a v.
tally on sll kinds of Barnes are now kept They know the place to get good beer
IB UU mtuu iMwi -
Also choice wines and Honors for
medicinal purposes, and holiday hard
ware to be taken internally.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
Ed. R. Bishop is still sojourning in
the oil reeions of Southern California.
Henry Scherzinger, county stock in- on sale at the Heppner Gazette office.
spector, is in today, and says snow is Bishop's store always has oranges,
all gone on Rhea creek xcept a few bananas and lemons.
All kinds of building material prompt
, . vuntin 'y delivered by Heppner Lumber Co.
Ralph Beoge and C. W. Valentine. 'Hon phil Met8(lhani in connection
both pioneers of the Lexington neign- wth Mr c w Knowles, has taken
borhood, were up this week. . charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port-
ti i -,v, ... ?n Monday land. The reputation of these gentie
F. M. Holmes, who was in Monaay .ra. Xa nf th enter-
from the Gooseberry region, says that ge Tl)8 diningroom is excellently
wheal was not hurt there tnrougn me managed and. is unsurpassed.
. . i : V,n I
recent unfavoraDie ireezwn
rtra Swinburne and Hunlock per- WOW!
formed a very delicate operation on n -ia very amusing to see village
ixr.n.oo SmAftrt. and he is now rapidly lr.fl.Dars blowine about their "entire
f OlHiKU fcjww J - f
recovering. force," which often consists of a f-a-
Court house hill now looms up as it day boy, and sometimes he can't get
juui n aoponnt of Frank his pay. But is the usual deceptive
T.v.t h.n. beinir brilliantly dodge meant to mislead people, where
These are the days ot Holiday Cheer,
Which old and young In common Tevere.
Whether they herd the sheep or run the steer,
Always reliable The Weekly Oregonian.
Will do it promptly and thoroughly.
Slooum IrtiS Co., Main Street, Heppner
I rot. .AfrvrX
I 3tliJKJJKJ-&-Xr " - 1
New Photograpb Gallery.
Dr. M. T. Miller, artist-photographer, has opened a new
and first-clasa Ualiery on mam Bireei, nvyyuvi,
north of opera house.
tnday to Jas. Jones an
nounced the death of his oldest brother
near Redding, Cala. He had lived there
for 50 years, and visited Heppner when
Nelse died three years ago.
Candies, nuts, fruits, preserves,
canned goods and vegetables in endless
variety at Matlock A Harts.
ak. v..0nnarAr ranch of the Fen
a pious hypocrite prefers falsehood to
T hiva added modern machinery to
Kttiam Lanndrv. the most
important being a new and improved
mangle, wnion aoes nrst-cmua wui.
With improved facilities I hope to
give satisfaction to all customers,
and hope people will patronize io;s
home institution and promptly pay tneir
W M Butler, Spray
L B Macky, Walla W
W F Francis, Eugene
T N Morgan, Gooseberry
B F Swaesart, ranch
A E Morgan, Douglas
D W Vincent
Tom Gilflllin, Butter creek
BP Doberty "
RE Shaw, Echo
Chris Lettelier, lone
WK Corson "
W S Smith "
M S Maxwell "
H Keene and wf, Salem
C M Spencer, Hardmao
R H Dill, Halsey
K A Short, John Day
' C M Davis, Gooseberry
J O Maggs "
E H Fleming "
Katie Paul, Monument
From now on, with every dozen Cabinets, I win svs at an extra
charge of only $160, an enlarKed picture ol same negative. 18x20,
in handsome trame, with glass and complete finish.
This urn Picture may be had within 24 hours after n.0tlve la taksa.
Enlarging Done to Order.
Fred Kkug.
' i n a na.ninuiriei i nui. v - - , nnma in.ni ill. if ill 1.1111 uiuuiULi
. i i. n t. nna, Annnnr.ted bV I K.llo hn flrat nf thn month. There 18
" ..u ul w .fnr of Minor & I no good business policy in Bending
t eiepnone " washina away from Heppner.
n .a.a Vtna Avarvthinff
Hne needed by city trade. B0YS STARTED IN BUSINESS.
. . -1. .tn.. The Diiblishers of the famous big
Rooms for Kent caras .or l. week,y newgpaper, Pennsyl-
sette office. Lnia Grit, are now placing representa-
n t Riv.nn' and try some ot weir . n,.nn .n(1
sweet cider, 15 cents a quart. they desire to secure the services of
Johnnie Kirk and his folks are out hustling agents in each of the
, j BAAmrarAjl from their recent . . . x, , .
again ihu . I following towns ui un vwu..v,j .
sickness. Hardman, lone, Lexington and in such
inftn deairlnu Private Board will do
well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at her
rnnmR hack of P. O. Borg's Jewelry
mmmmm & 9
Pure Drugs,
Toilettte Articles,
Up-to-Date Druggists. Heppner.
A reward of $100 will be paid for the
. a ..n.intinn nf anv nerson or
oersoiis stealing horses nrauueu .
or -s- on ien - .
J. M. Keknky.
Mrs. F. X. Mattbieo, wno Qieu 0ther towns as are not alroady supplied.
Butteville Monday, came to uregon TLe work jg prontable and pleasant. A
in 1838. - portion of Saturday only is required.
For a good cigar call at Matlock & Over 5000 agents are doing splendidly.
jjarts. No money whatever is requireu. x.vorr-
A very fine portrait of Thos. B. Reed, thing iB fariBhed free. Stationery,
tha nur annaker.
appeared In today's rnDoe. gtamp. ink and pad, advertising
Oregonian. He is advertised as now matter Ban,ple copies, etc. Papers are
starring in The Rounders. shipped to be paid for at the end of
Rmnle and fancy groceries at MatiocK each month, inose not so.u r .
! K. charged for. Write t'v Grit Publishing
W. K. Francis, an expert miller, ar- Cfl wmjam8port, Fa-
? mi A good ranch ot 160 acres, 140 of it
,0a M,1U , . . . , --j... good plow land, located on county road,
Jim Harl, who was laid up for 6 days g mileg S0UtnweBt Df Heppner. is now
with tonsilitls, is Dac w uiu.
Clean newspapers to cover shelves,
put under carpets and line houses are
l.i..a .narrte. but iust now there is
. n nn sale at the Gazette
1UII BUCK'.' ,
office at 15 cents a package
Southern Pacific Co
Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth.
Gilliam k Bisbee
Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever
Wnrrht, til (IPniUlfr.
Call and See them.
Prices are Rlslxt
' . a n..j... A..Titamm. Tinware. Acricultural
U6LT1 Oil- (the best in
the world). Crockery and Glassware.
or A .t tl an artre. Anv man who
:n ,n,k mav have it on 3 years
time, oav in easy installments. Apply
at Heppner Gazette office.
As it is nearly time tor my annual
m ani iriAFAirira
1 attack oi spring mor, u ... yw.
Is there anything the matter with the abont t0 follow Horace's adwee
18 1 3 . - j- , 1 nflTr fnr sale a tfood
u.iuml? If there is, call at
the Gazette office and get it cleared up
n.,io? O. ves. the very choicest
- vBnt at Dan P. Dohertv's
I. X. L. store.
Fine eating apples at Bishop's.
. i;n. inat received at
l-resn cnuu"v.
.Hn wHt. 1 offer for sale a good
u i 991 .n,u n miles from Hepp-
.nnth.r same aisiance oi xuuu
jjsaye Dopot Fifth and I St Arrlvs
Balem. Roebur,Ash-
7-10 PM land, Sacramento, OK- ;lAl
flen. Ban Frauclsco.
Moiave, Los Angeles,
830 AM Kl t-aao, New Orleans 7:00PM
and the East
At Woodburn (dally
except Sunday), morn .
inr train connects
with train for Mt An
gel, Sllverton, Browns
vllle, Springfield and
Natrou, and evenlnir .
train for Mt. Angel
and Silverton.
7:AM Corrallis Passenger. U1:50PM
11;45PM Sheridan Passenger. 8:25AM
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Highest price paid (or fat Stock.
iwfe & Mathews,
Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors.
r v
Main street, you can find
. sbii Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
--J Tinware and Furnishing Goods,
All well adapted to either City or Country Trade.
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
Fine Teas ana toffees.
Good uoods....
Fair Prices. '
T. R. HOWAID, Heppner.
acres; anotneramnes oui,oi
:.v.. n, ail at an acre, anu an ua- e
.nnn;n(r .tr. and no fleas, Hies or
bogs or wells to laii into, aum .
W. Redington, neppner.
T want
frnm vou. J. Danneiis,
You can be cured of nervous diseases,
stammering, bad habits, aiconoiism,
a hrk ii .nil nni.u (iiscasea. j.eai-
uruf uttu"" r . -. . .
sees and catarrn. instruction iu prauui
m.imiiam. Rend for literature. In-
. . . ... j iri.
stitute ot rsycnoiogy, in auu td-
Feed and Sale Stable
Has Jnst been opened to tha
. putill arid Mr. Gordon, tha
proprietor, kindly inits his
friends to eaU and try hia
lint-claM accommouaiiuu-.
riAWaXy otHay mjaA Oiala to Sal
m. t. ia Wilted on west side of Mala
street between Wm. Scrtvner'i and
A. M. Guna's blacksmith steps,
for tb ladler-A' n borw aad Udy's fS441
At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good plow land,
ue r,,nnincr w.iter and is under fence.
This place is all ready lor the plow. Not
a stump to pull, no clearing to De uonc, o
miles to mountain timber, ana on coumy iuau.
Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner.
tub PeoplB's national Family MewsDauer.
Published Monday, Wednesday sod Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, ewrtti,.
& Daily, givintbelatest
three. It oootsins an important iuro.Bu -rr--
T,ihnn of same date, elsd domest o and foreigo oorrespondeuoe. short stories,
totbMfwLl. humorous items, industrial information, fubtai
elegant u" ,TU,' .n-.uh.n.i.. an1 mliaVila flnanoial and market
notes, agriouiiurai roaor nu uir""
"P0!?8, v-.i.i-- .io at m nm. mar. We furnish it with the Heppner
Beguiar anuTOriimuu r i-
Gsxetts for S2.20 per year.
pat.ii.brf Tb.d.,. ...t k"" ir
Oailed Htates as a National ramuy nswip. u. -and
vUlagers. It contains all the most important general "oJ
order, has i,i,ri,. f.rmra ami oonntrv msr-
Beeolar sobtoriDtion pries, tl P year. . a- .
rWeeklyl'ribnne ts given for one year as a free premium to all new snb-
ooribers to the Heppner Oazette and to all old subscribers who pay up to data and
one year in advance.
Send all orders to Gazette, Heppner.
&th St., Portland, Ore.
.ington, 1'ortland.