1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FEED THEM WELL." : One of the things that the aver age eheep man is most likely to forget, ib the fact that the ewe is doing two things at the same time and cannot be expected, to do both successfully npon an amount of food which is barely sufficient for her own needs. She is keeping up her own . frame and keeping it warm daring winter s cold weather; she is at the same time trying to nourish a foetus, and if she is to do this well, it can only be done upon an extra allowance of iood for the purpose. If she be not given this extra food, she has to suffer or her foetus will suffer and come into the world a puny, use less animal that will speedily suc cumb or prove profitless to the owner. The food of maintenance is that amount of food which will keep the ewe while she neither adds to nor parts with any of her weight. This amount of food proves barely sufficient when the weather becomes unusually cold, for at such times the ewe will have to use up a part of the food for the formation of heat and another por tion is utilized in a similar way when the ewe has to drink ice cold water and raise it to the temper atare of her body. If while this is going on the ewe be not given an added amount of food, what is to become of the lamb? Some may not have given this matter any thought, but common sense should teach that the embryo lamb can not be having very good times when the ewe is experiencing semi starvation. If the dam is starving, the foetus will starve, too, and worse, will sometimes die, nnd yet the owner will be at a Iosb to ac count for. It pays to feed well not only for the saving of the lambs in embryo, but also that the ewe may have a good How of milk in spring time and ho feed her Jambs and make them grow fust and lustily. It pays to feed the ewe while in Jamb, because she will not go back after the lamb comes but have a reserve amount of flesh and vim to fall back upon and so keep her own good health and llesh when the lamb com mences to drain her by suckling. American Wool and Ootton Re porter. When you want physio that is mild and gfiutle, easy to take and pleasant in effeot nse Ohaniberlnin'e Btomnoh and Liver Tablets, Price '25 oonta. Humpies free. Exery box gaaritntaao. For sale by (joutter & warren druggists. WINE OK WHISKY. Fkii. 2. En. Uazkt: I think I have mado a discovery that may be useful to my follow-ranchera. For years I have boon having trouble with my hired hands on account of their bringing home bottles of whisky and hiding them in the hay' stacks, and my growing boys were be' ginning to tackle them just for the novelty of the thing. I am neither a teetotaler or a drunkard, but want to be moderate and reasonable in all things. I could Bee no eensn in men and boys burning out their stomachs with whisky. and have always advocated its being used only to rinse the cobwebs out of a man's mouth in the morning, to wuhIi the coating off a bilious tongue, and to be absorbed only when diluted with milder liquids. lor these purposes I alwaya keep it tn the house. But my men were taking it straight from the haystack and giving my boys lessons in ttie baa business. A neighbor young man has told me nmch about the sun-kisHed vineyards of California and the mild wines that peo pie so enioved there, and when I read the adverting of the ttlen Ellen Wine Vaults it gave me a new liKa. 1 sent to this institution's store at 1'endleton and had freighted to me a case of a dor.en bottles of aHsorted California wines and grape brandies. It coBt me laid down about 60 rents a bottle, and has brought U) times that in joy to the ranch. The hired men and grown boys are freely allowed to enjoy it. and I must say it has improved their dispositions and caused them to quit the fiery wliiBky ana the Haystack nPBt-tuding. My neighbor well knows the Glen Ellen Wine Vaults in California, and says they are locuted in the great grape belt where they have the pick of tiie choicest, and they make nothing but pure products. All through the (iood Hook I find that wine is approved of (in moderation, of course). In Sam. (I: lit 1 find: "And ho dealt among all the people: even among the whole multitude of Israel, ns well to the women as men, to every one a cake of bread, and a good piece of nosh and a tlagon of wine." ll.C.R. A Convincing Answer. "I hobbled into Mr. Black mon's drug store nue evening," says Wesley Nelson of BsmiltoD, Os., "and he asked me to try Chamberlain s Pain Halm for rheum at ism with whloh I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had do (aitb io any medioina aa they all failed. Be aid: 'Well if Obamberlain'a Tain Balm does not belp you, you need not pay for it I took a bottle of it home and nsed it acoording to the directions and in one week 1 was cored, and have not since beeu troubled with rheumatism," Bold by Goneer & Warren, drugglsta. Farmer Hoke Barter, just in from Missouri. Came by wagon. His Wifo. And Daughter Fearl. Their Boy Bud. And his Coon- Dog Yank. They followed the same trail that Fetor Borg did when he made his long trip across the plains 20 years ago, and will tie up their dog here so that he cannot take the back track as Peter's did. Mr. llarter said that things were getting too crowded for him in old Missouri, so he sold out there at $80 an acre, and will buy better land in Morrow county at $10 an acre and grow up with the coun try. "Our folks are all workers," said he. HKOENT AKKIVAUS AT PALACE HOTEL J W Beymer, Hmile Ed C Ashbangh " V Kilkenny, Sand Hollow It Haver, Douglas W A Thompson, Goldeudale K II Clarke, Pendleton W F Cowdrey, Uardman Clyde Koyoe " O W Slianer " O W Chapin " K II Kellogg and wf, Buttor Cik M S Maxwell, lone J A Woolery " Oscar Hint, Monument Conner & Warren, the druggists, will refund you yonr money if ou are not satisfied after lining (Jbamberlain's Htomaoh and Liver Ta diets. They cure disorders of tbe stomech, biliousness, eonstigstion and heudauhe. l'rioe, 25 cents, samples free. Tbe claim of other uouuh medicines to be na good Chnmberlaiu's are i tl'ectn- ally set nt rest in the following teitimon- of Mr. C. D. IiIhms, an employe of Bartletl A Dennis Co., Oardiuer, .Me. He says: "I had kept adding to a oold and oongh in the winter of 1897, trying every congb medicine I heard of without permanent help, until one day I was in the drug store of Mr. Houlehen end be advised me to try (Jhsmberlain s Cough remedy and offered to pay bsck my money if I was not cured. My lungs and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time, but I wns eonip'etnly cured by this reniedv, and have Bince always turned to it when I got a cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and nm gUd to say it is the best of all eoush medicines." For snle by Conger A Warren, druggists. A Ufa and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hiucs, of Manchester, la., writing of his almottt luirAcalout esoape from death, 8ays:"l''xposure after measles induced serions lung trouble, which ended iu Cousuuiptimi. I hud frequent hemorrhages ud o mghed night and day. All my doctors said 1 muet soon die. Tben I bean to use Dr. Kino's New Discovery for consumption, which com pletely cured me. I would not be with out it een if it cost 8 i a bottle. Hun dreds have nmvl it on my recommenda tion and all say it never fails to cure throat, chest sod lung troubles." Hegnlar siaa 5o and $1. Trial bottles free at Conser A Warren Drug Oo. if , - .'. . FIRE AND WATER. J At the meeting Friday night of the Heppner Literary and Debating Society at the Christian church, a fair-sized audience was present by invitation, and the subject debated was, Resolved that fire is more destructive than water. The aflirmative side was taken by Miss Mabel Ayers, W. L. Saliog and Martin Anderson. Negative by Mies Lena Glasscock, 0. A. Jones and J. B. Beal. The decision was in favor of the aflirmative, the judges being Miss Lilian McNay, Jas. Hart and C. D. Nickelsen 2 for, 1 against. The society will haye another debate at same place next Friday night on Resolved, that man's ciroumstances are governed more by bis environments than by his character. Jas. Hart and Bruce Kelly will be the leaders. Freezing wenther now generally means a warm and early spring and no winter later on when it should not come. Health and Disease ti HtustraUd In the Scalp. Hj. t howi section of a healthy htlr magnified. f$. 2 thowi the deadly effect of the DANDRUFF GERMS that are deitroyin J the hair root ' Destroy the mum you remove the effect. No Dandruff, no Falling Hair, no Baldness, If you kill the germ with NEWBRO'S HERPICIDL For Sale by all Druggists. Price $1.00. si Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL U nequaled by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the 'leather ; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all Localities Manufactured by Standard Oil C'ompnay. A recognized authority The Weekly Uregoulun. Baldwin's Dys pepsia Tablets, food digesters, start digestion properly make a healthy, clean stomach. Help the stomach to do its work prop erly until it's cured soc. Smi Fsakcisco, Cl HDWaRD L. BALDWIN CO., I have Kilned io pound tinee using jrour Dypp9 Tabltu. My stomach ta now hi good condition. A. B. Looma. AL4MBDA, CAb f- EDWARD I.. BALDWIN CQ., After aufferlng with stomach trouble Ibr thru years, I have cured myaelf by using your dyapepal tablets, thereby avoiding surglcaf operation, whloh I wae about M undergo. Quo. 6lUB,TavAT. County Assessor's Offloe. Patterson & Son, Heppner Caked Breast Just two applications did the work Gentlemen I aufTr4 for days aa only a, woman with CHSted breaat can and in desperation applied Scotch Remedy, hop- iiik it wouia mm me pain. Tha Ant application gave tMt and the Second reatorad the breaat to Its narmal o ndltlon, without injuring or effaotlnfl without injuring or eflMtlnfl milk, I Hava uaed your truly Pain Cure, aa a funeral heuaa y. for nearly a yar and ooa- me now OS mil MvMwloue hold rmedr. slder it the greatsat external remedy la Uie world. MKaV M. F. D. Oakland. Ca.L, July 14, 1M0. DOCTORS USB IT. Oentlaineo I hara liniwn of the um of M-ataWov.aln Cur for gevaraj yaari tut nM until wtthln a few months have I uea it upon my f an in my rarnlly. M c of the best rMi)dlus for pain that I hare ever tried. Thoroughly applied It le. In my exrleno, very sura to give qulok and prxmanunt relief. Renpeotfullr. Bakaratteld, Vt DON'T RUB IT IN Bold by all druggtsta at 50 eenta. SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY Western Agency BAN FKANCI8C0 New Lodging House. I have re-papered anil re furnished the well-known MouQtaiQ House And it is now ready for the accomniDdfvtjcn of lodgers by the day, week or month. Good rooms and clean, com fortable beds. Lodging 25 cents. I. N. 13ASSEY. WHEAT,. WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, Feb. 26. The wheat market continued down ward vesterdav. and until it shows some symptoms of finding bottom, or steadies up again, there will be but lit tle doing. Walla Wallr 55. Wool Valley, 1314c for ooarse, 1516c for best; Eastern Oregon, 10llc; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2o35c; medium-wool, 30o0c; long wool, 60($1 each. San Francisco, Feb. 6 Wool Spring Nevada, ll'13e per, pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 14; Valley, Oregon, 15 18c. Fall Norlhero, mountain, 9 (SlOc; mountain, 810c; plains, 8lflc; Humboltand Mendocino, 1012c. Chicago, Feb. 28 Cattht Receipts 5000; market generally steady; prime steers $5 306.10; poor to medium, $3 50 5.20; stockera and feeders, slow, $2.7504.60; cows, $2 75ft?4. 20; heifers, 2.6o4 60; canners, $2.002.70; bulls, $2.75(g4 40; calves, $3.755.75; Texan fed steers, 44.80; Texas grass steers, 3.35(4. Sheep Receipts, 12,000 ; Market weak to 10c lower. Lambs, 10 to 15c lower; good to choice wethers, $3904.40; fair to choice mixed, $3.50(33 90; Western sheep, 3 904.40; Texas sheep, $2.50 3.50: native lambs, $4 255.25; Western lambs $55 25. NOTICE OF INTENTION, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Jan. 29, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 23, 1901, viz: Homestead entry No. 8799, PATRICK M. CCRttAN, of Heppner, Ore., For the southwest i northeast M, southeast W northwest H. northwest H southeast and northeast southwest section 9 township 2 south, range 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Michael Kenny, Thomas Gil Alien, Terrence Williams and James Farrelly. all of Heppner, Oregon. 20-5 IS. W. Bartlett. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Jan. 30, 1901. Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of nis Claim, ana tnnt saia prooi win ne maae De fore the County Clerk of Umatilla county at Pendleton, Oregon, on March 15, 1901, via: Homestead entry No. 747, GRANT BUCHANN AN, of Echo, Ore., For the northwest V section 11. township 2 north, range HEW M, ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Oscar F. Thompson, Robert N. Htanfteld, Albert J. Davis and C. P. Bowman, all of Kcno, ore. 20-5 E. W. Bartlett, RegiBter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Jan. 29, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before John Hailey Jr., U. 8. Commissioner, at Hendleton, Or., on March 23, 1901, viz: Homestead entry No. 6909, JOHN T. LANHAM, of Gurdand, Ore., For the east M northeast '4 and east V south east 4 section 13, township 3 south, range 29 E WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: George Horseman, J. A. Horseman, Frank uuiuiora ana limmett c Corley, all of Gurdane, Ore. 820-5 E. W. Bartlett Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND XJ Office at La Grande, Or., Jan. 16, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of nis claim, ana mar. saiu proot win rje made De fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Honpner. ureeon. on Marcn 1. vmi. viz Homestead entry No. 8729 of ALFRED 8. FRIEZE, of Heppner, Or., For the southwest U northeast hi, east i north. west V. and southwest M. northwest M section 15, township south, range 28 E W M. He mimes the following witnesses to provehls continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James D. Brown, CharleB Berkley, Robert B. Whited and William L wunerai, an of neppner, uregou. E W. Bartlett, 818 23. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND XJ Office at La Grande. Or.. Jan. 16, 1001. Notice is hereby given that the following named Bettier has nied notice of ner intention to make final proof In support of her claim and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow. United States Commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on March 8, 1U01, viz: Home stead entry No. 6026, SARAH E. JONES, nee Donahoo, of Heppner, Oregon, For the east K northeast V. and east 'A south east4 section 18, township 2 south, range 28 B W M. She names the following witnesses to prove ner continuous resilience upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: JasDer Griffith. Jesse Stout. Harry Hayman and Henry Yanderpool, all of uepnner, Oregon. G18-2S E. W. Bartlett, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE li undersigned administrator of the estate of William Cox, deceased, has tiled in the County court of Morrow county, nis final account as suoh administrator of said estate, and that Tuesday the fifth day of March. 1901, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m, of said day has Deen nxea oy saia court lor nearing 01 onjec tlons 10 said report and the settlement thereof. J. M. Raker, Administrator of the estate of William Cox, deceased. 817-21 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.) NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of instructions from the Com missioner of the General Land Office, under authority vested In him by section 24r5, United States revised Statutes, as amended by the act congress approved February 26, 1895, we will proceed to otter at public sale on Tuesday, the 26th day of Februay, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at this office, the following tract of laud, to-wlt; Southeast M northwest !e and southwest H northeast !t section SI, township 4 soutn, range B east w Ji. Auy and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement 01 said sale, otherwise their rights win be forfeited. JAY. P. LUCAS, Register, 817-22 Otis Patterson. Receiver. U. 8. Land Office The Dalles, Ore., Jan. 12, l'JOl, NOTICE OF INTENTION. T"KPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND t omce at The Dalles, ur., Jan. , 1901. Notice is herebr given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support ef his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter 1 raw ford, County Clerk, at Heppner, uregon, on Thursday February 14, IW1, vis: JOHN D. HICKEY, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. MM for the east V4 uorth west V and east H southwest !4 section 7, town shin S south, rauire M E W M Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said laud, vis; Mat Hughes, r.rnest cupper Patrick Spillaue and Isaac N Basey, all of llepp ner, ore. 816-21 Jay P. Lucas, Register. A kua vlut I I r at vou're Dlstntinsr 1 I f when you plant f f Ferry's Seeds. If you I I buy cheap seeds you cant . 1 I I I be suret Take no chance II V V pi Kerry's. Dealers every- N where sell them. Writ f: 1 for 1)1 Seed Annual J I mailed free. " jf Jr D. N, FERRY k CO.. V Detrett, fsUcs Are the warning cries from overworked, worried, weak, hungry and exhausted nerves nerves that have been, abused and neglected until outraged natur oould stand the strain no longer without a pro test. Every piercing, cutting, tearing, burning, pressing pain of this dreadful disease is a call for help. "Why not heed this call while relief is within your reach? Now is the time to begin; and the best of all remedies to use is D. It is the essence of nerve foods and a reconstructant of unfailing power, whichj nourishes, fortifies and refreshes the whole nervous system. Begin its use at once. Soli by all druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Ejfcfaarty lad COST OF FARMING. County Commissioner Ed C. Ash- baugh, a pioneer farmer of Mor row county, who raised 15,uUU bushals of wheat ' tbe past season, saya that the cost of raising wheat here is about as follows: - Plowing old ground per acre $.75 Heading l.uo Harrowing 35 SowinK 25 Threshing 1.20 $355 A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class "and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. OREGON SiiOfTLlNE and union Pacific Only Line EAST via SBLT LBIE anl W TWO TRAINS DAILY. Daily Departs TIME SCHEDULES Daily Arrives Heppner, Ob. Fast Mail For East and West Fast Mail From East and West Express For East and WeBt Express From East and West 8:15 a. m. 5:15 p. m. 8:19 a, ra. 5:15 p. m. STEAMER LINES. San Francisco Portland Route. Steamer sails from Portland 8 p. m. every 5 days. Daily Boat service between Portland. Astoria, OroRon City, Dayton Salem, Independence, Corvallis and all Columbia and Willamette Ylver points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Rlparia and Lewiston leave Rlparia daily at 4:4) a. m returning leave Lewiston aaiiy at :au a. m. J. M. KEEN AN, Agent, Heppner. A. L. CHUG, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. MAR LIN 55Stagt3 For Trap or Ftild Shootlnt, combine tbe etettticf of outline, perfection of balsnce, esse of taking spirt and quslity of finish of the best doable guns with the superiority in sighting and shooting of the single bsrrel, snd slso possess the rapidity of fire and magazine capacity of MARLIN REPEATING RIFLES. 120-page cat slog of arms snd ammunition, colored cover by Osthaus, mailed for 3 stamps. Mahlim Pism Arms Oo, niw Havsh, OTk vi.1T DR. JORDAN'S orut MUSEUH OF ANATOMY 1061 MARKET IT., SAN FRANCIlCO. CAi. (Mm KUk aat kMlj ThslargmtAnatomloallCtiseasa In tht Woild. STrsafMf attraction In IS City. jL IPonOcrful tighter vitUsrt. d disease, olaiTly eurd by f turn v.uevt opm-imiah uu um muw Coast. ittaoUahid M jura, DR. JOflDAN PRIVATE DISEASIS Yoiif And wlddl wr who r (mOVrtng tioax Lh electa ( joutklul lnii I CAttona; SprmasvsVorrttJsmt Prsitr m I f I'rlMMtlnff, . Hf a eumbtimtt!! of remedies, o( rit curmtlv powr, tht Doctaw I hsUorraniMl his trtmtit IhM ll will nl onl v atTord tmmHjiat rvl.f. but Drmftitnt 1 eur. Th Doctor dof ot claim to perform ' mirci, out w wen Known wmi rair aua k vqUKr Phyk'.n nnd 8iirffHti, irmiiMt Ih.vriMiehly rdKt4 from I th By9t?iu wlthmit the u of Mrrr. ) er Ar KuBlNr. A qutk and nsrfioaf (r for Pile. Flar nn1 rUialm.bj i Dr. Jordan's spsrtiU italnlms test bods. r EVERT Nt!, applying faawlU i It Oor hfmst oniuicn ol his com r lain I. sw ntM tt wutntn. OnsiiHiiTinn FRKK and strtrtiy prtraU, CHARGES VERY R KA fir) SA B L& Trtmiit prsii!lv or by tetier. Wrtta fr H.wlc. PHIIj)PHT OF I M A Hill Maii.kd Khul (Araliubj book (or nifiu) Csiorwrtt OT k CO., 1051 KsrirtSt.8. F, mi 1 r For years I suffered with neuralgia, which especially affected my eyes; and a plain, unvarnished story of my sufferings would read like exaggeration. Words are powerless to express the pain I endured. Three years ago I tried a bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine, and it helped me so much that I bought a dozen more. Before they were gone the neuralgia was . completely cured, and has never bothered me since." Rev. W. B. Baldwin, Itasca, Texas. la' 4a"d 4 bes f. ! I make to order, when wanted, any article in the Harness line. II. A. EMERSON, Main street, West Bide, - - - , - Heppner Labor Saving Reading for Busy Men and Women, in The Outlook $3.00 a year A cent a day A Weekly Newspaper and in Illustrated Magazine in one. Tells the story of world-happenings every week in brief, clear-cut paragraphs. Lyman Abbott is the Editor-in-chief, and Hamilton W. Mabie the Associate Editor. JACOB A. RMS The author of " How the Other Half Lives " will give in Thb Outlook an intensely human and vivid account of his experiences as a child in Denmark, an immigrant in America, a workman, s traveller, a reporter, and finally a student of tenement house firoblems, and an efficient aid to Theodore Roosevelt n reorganizing the New York police. Mr. Riis writes with simplicity, humor and vigor. LYMAN ABBOTT will contlbute a scries of important papers on funda mental political principles as applied to twentieth century problems. It will be called "Thb Rights of Mam, and will define industrial, educational and religious, as well as political, rights and duties. The White is King of Sewing Machineg and Bicycles. VhitA Spwino MnrVlinA fin 8nc-306 potSt., Sn Francisco, Cfll. V111UJ DeWlIl, iUdimilO WU, Cor.ol6iockUuHt., Faring Pacific Union Club. C. A. HAWKINS, General ManaaeT Gilliam & Bisbee, Heppner, Dealers In "White" Bicycles anl Sewing Machines Tut news or both hemispheres tn Tbe Weekly Ortgonian. Call at my NEW HARNESS SHOP iississiissssmsiss siisssssiisssiiBi see tbe New Goods of the very quality a lowest cash prices. I do Jobbing and Repairing, and Guarantee Satisfaction. 5J numbers a y t a r RALPH CONNOR Under this pseudonym were written two of the most striking of recent novels, " Black Rock " and "The Sky Pilot." A new novel of Canadian and Western life by this author will appear in Thb Outlook during the year. In spirit, humor, pathos and strong character-drawing It is even superior to its predecessors. SPECIAL OFFER To introduce The Outlook to new read ers we will send it for two months' trial for 25 cents pro vided this paper is. mentioned. Address THE OUTLOOK. NEW YORK HEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money by spending $150 to $500 when for very much less you can buy a WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUN which will outshoot any other shot gun on the market no matter what it costs. The Winchester Repeating Shot Gun is now made In " Take Down " style in 12 and 16 gauge. It combines rapidity, reliability and strong shooting qualities with a price within reach of every body's pocketbook. For sale by dealers everywhere. FREE Stud nam ami ad drill on postal tard for 164-pagt catalogut. WIHGHESTEB REPUTIHt MIS CO., NEW K1IEII, COM. $1000 GIVEN AWAY Reliable and enflrRetlo men or women, boys or fir's, are wanted tn every town to represent TIIK .K.IK4RH MONTHLY. "America's Ureal Famtly Maraitne." The l.rdgrr Monthly Is a bifrh-elasa publication, printed oo fine paper, with a beanlirat cover in colors, SDd interests all members o( the family. All subscriber for 1S01 receive onr snperb 3 panel calendar FKK.K. Agents are paid liberal commissions and also share In lfH0 divided among those who send the created number ot subscrip tions. Send for fret particulars. ROBERT BO.NNKR'8 SONS, Ledger Building, . . . Kew York. ! Everybody wanu to know what The Oregonian has to say. TheAro'onaiilil cc.nsul'M'- by etlit- 246 suites St., OSan Francisco. K.n.n-.nd they are xperts-th brst weekiv pa'Jishid west of New York. No paper on the P.u:iuc ol -pe is so widely copied axis the An'onxut. It is noted for its short ttorics, its bright New Ycrk and tureen let. tere, its unique Depamaents, and its vior-,M;a Amtri can editorials, ror tile Argonaut U AmerkaB bfrt, last, and ail a j Subscribe for - The editorial page of the Weekly Ore- mrtlan sHv Kmn tmatmnni t a M. range ot subject .