The Heppner Gazette Thubbdat,. ...Feb. 7, 1901 TBAVELEttS GCIDE. distances: Heppner to Milei Portland.... 197 Pendleton bywaeon road...... i Lexington...; 4 9 lone ...i is Arlington 56 rne Danes , 109 Canyon City 104 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 Cabin Canyon 16: with mud 18 Train leaves dally exoept Sunday for all fointi at 8 :15 a, m.; train arrives daily, except unday from all over the world at 5:16 p. m. Business hours of the First National Bank ol Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mails close for trains at 7 :30 a. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves daily exoept Sunday at 6 p. m.; arriving at 6 a. m.; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 boars. Heppner has 1146 population, good school, city water, electrio lights and 186,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 137 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. Here and Tfoere J. W. Becket and 8. T. Robison -ir ere in yesterday from tbe great grain belt of Eigntmile. Freezing weather now generally means a warm and early eprmg and no winter -later on when it should not come. The trout in Willow creek are very anxious for Ellis Minor to come back and tackle them again. They haven't seen a fly for mouths.' Ben Patterson- is- again attending to business at his drug store after faith fully nursing his-wife through her re cent illness. Hon. Henry Blackman came home for a visit over Sunday," but -returned ' Monday to Salem,, where he is one of the experts appointed by tue legislature to examine the books of the state treasurer. At their home ranch just above the mouth of Hinton creek Marlatt Bros, are now feeding 300 head of their cattle. They know just what cattle require in this country, having been here since 1867. Jas. Franey was pretty badly banged up yesterday by being bucked off a cay use at his ranch. He said it never would have happened if the cay use bad played fair with him, but it used four legs to buck with, whereas Jim only bad two to stand him off. John Ewing, of Portland, has bought Floyd Thomas' interest in tbe store here, and will soon take hold in earn est. R. F. Hynd says that Mr. Ewing is an enterprising business man. Coming down tbe Henry Gay grade at sun-uo yesterday Geo. Quinsy found things pretty Blick, but escaped with some slight damage to the off bind The Heppner wool market continues lifeless. Messrs Clarke and Root, who were here, have gone, but the former will return tonight, and there may be some developments soon. Heppner has a little snow now on the ground, and there has been freezing weather the past week, generally 10 above at night and some sun-thawing during the day. All live-Btock is thriv ing, with plenty of bay to feed on. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Rooms for Rent cards for sale at Ga zette office. Go to Bishop's and try some of their sweet cider, 15 cents a quart. Clean newspapers to cover shelves, put under carpets and line bouses are sometimes scarce, but just now there is a full supply on sale at tbe Gazette office at 15 cents a package. Mrs. L. J. Estes has greatly reduced her Japanese goods in order to dispose of them in the next two weeks. They consist of cups and saucers, sugar bowl and creamer, teapots, vases, rose jars, shells, trajs, paper knives, etc., etc. A. C. Giger and wife will start Fri day on a visit to their old home ai The Dalles, and then Mr. Giger will go on to Portland to meet representatives of eastern houses and buy a spring stock for his big Fair store. Orj tbe Heppner ice ponds above (own the crop was 4 inches thick yes terday, and when another inch is added, cutting generally begins. Jim Jones has built a new fence along bis hill pasture above town, so that travelers do not now need to scatter all over the country while following tbe county road in the dark. AtWeiser last week J. W. Cowins found that there was no winter, and stock was all doing well. The several Heppner stockmen in that region are all prosperous, and Newt, and Gene Jones had just came to town with a band of horses. Is there anything tbe matter with tbe title to your land I If there is, call at the Gazette office and get It cleared up. Candy T O, yes, the very choicest kinds are kept at Daa P. Doherty's I. X. L. store. Fine mating apphs at Bishop's. The finest line of bulk pickles that ever cam to town at Matlock & Hart's. Sour, sweet and dills. Fresh cauliflower just received at Bishop's. Sam Swanreweegle, with 1 wife, 2 dogs and 4 offsprings, came into Hepp ner Monday and enjoyed 3 full days looking at the sights of tbe town. Tbe ladies of the family feasted their eyes on tbe dry goods and millinery and dolls, and Sam aays bis great delight was in parading up Main street and reading the store signs. The family has been out in the wild Wall krick country running stock for 2 years past, and came io to again rub op against Civilisation, LOCAL NOTES. Born-At the home of it grandpa rents, Judge and Mis. A. G. Bartholo mew, in Heppner, Feb. 6, to the wife of Ed Sali- g, a sweet little baby girl. . Heppner has pushed ahead. It used to be that Judge Duttun had to eend away back to his native Vermont and bring out a few gallons of j ore maple syrup and distribute it anion bis friends. Now Heppner merchauta bring such syrup here by the ton. Nelse Magniisen is the most industri ous man on earth. While the stars are still1 blinking these mornings he has hitched up and is hauling trunks down to the depot, so as not to interfere with the regular passenger trips he makes later with the beautiful bus md fine team. The horses -show the good care Nelse gives them. Now is the maple sugar season, and it always brings on discussions as to the merits of the article. In talking the matter over at' Minor's big store the other dajr a piower resident of Sa'em said that the best maple sugar he had ever tasted was some that Charley Hellenbrand made from common brown sugar and enough 1 luaple syrup to flavor it. J. Wi Cowins,1 wife and daughter, re turned Monday from Idaho. They ar rived at Weiser too late for the funeral of Mr. Cowins' brother, as tbey were expected earlier. J . M. Kernan this week purchased a very fine $050 Chickering piano from Eilers Piano house. This piano is one of the very bent ever brought lo Hepp ner, and Mr. Kernan feels justly proud of this Instrument. Such sales as this are very satisfactory to Eilers Piano house, also to their local ageots, Wells & Co., Heppneri Or. Score cards on 'which you can keep tally on Ml kinds of games are now kerrt on tale at the Heppner Gazette office. Bishop's store always lias-ornno-PH. bananas and lemons. All kinds of bllildini? material nrnmtil. ly delivered by Heppner Lumber Co. Queen olives in bulk at Mutlwb ,t Hart's. Hon. Phil Metsc.han, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles. has t.Un charge of the Imperial' Hotel of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the buccosb of the enter prise. The dinineroora is exfiallnnHv managed and is unsurpassed.- Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, - piped, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold atT. R. Howard's store. Legal blanx and all kinds of job print ing at Gazette office. The very choicest of canned and dried fruits are always kept on hand at the grocery store of T. R. Howard. When you want fresh nuts go to Bishop's. Why make mince meat, when you can get as good and cheaper than you can make it. at Matlock & Hart's. Please remember this: You can get letterheads, billheads, cards, books or any kind of job printing done at the Heppner Gazette shop. Pickled pigs' feet, salt salmon, her ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart's Heppner Gazette only i bits for a moutns. BETTER THAN EVER. The Heppner Steam Laundry has just made many iiurAVtant improvements by adding new machinery so as to keep up wiiu me worn ana ao it even better. A new mangle has been arranged for, and all the machinery overhauled, and the enterprising proprietor, Frbd Kruo, has increased the size of the buildine 14x24. People should all patronize this home Institution and promptly pay their onis ine nrst 01 tbe month. There is no good business policy in sending waBning away irom Heppner. CITY BAKERY. I have re opened the Citv Bakerv and Lunch Counter on May Street, and win lurnisti rread, cake, pastry and lunobes at all hours. Mas. P. J. Bowebnan. CLEARANCE SALE. Mrs. L. J. Estes has reduced the prices on all winter goods in order to make room for her spring stock. A few choice jackets at cost; also fur capes and boas. She has a full line of woolen hose, corsets, skirts, etc. A HOME ON TIME. A good ranch ot 160 acres. 140 of it good plow land, located on county road. 5 miles southwest of Heppner, is now offered at $4 an acre. Any man who will work it may have it on 3 years' time, pay in easy installments. Apply at Heppner Gazette office. . IS GOING WEST. As it is nearly time tor my annual attack of spring fever, and therefore being about to follow Horace's advice and go west, 1 offer for sale a good ranch of 324 acres 5 miles from Hepp ner: another same distance of 1000 acres; another 3 miles out, of 1200 acres ; either or all at $5 an acre, and all bae running water, and no fleas, flies or bngs or wells to fall into. Address J. W. Redington, Heppner. DO YOU TAKE IT? This is tbe all-firedest world to march on and have things to happen in it of any you ever got into. Are you keep ing posted on men and things by read ing the Oregonian? If net, order tbe daily at Patterson & Son's Up-to-Snuff drug store, and it will be delivered at your home every - evening. 11 yon want tbe Weekly, call at the Gazette office. TYPEWRITER. A new typewriter will cost yon $100. The Gazette office bas one to sell at that will do just as good work as a $100 machine. PRIVATE BOARD. Anyone desiring Private Board will do wall to call on Mrs. Morrison, at ber rooms back of P. O. Borg's Jewelry Store. EWES WANTED, Sheepmen, take notice. I want to buy 1500 ewes. Must be first class ; let me hear from you. J. Danntlls, 271 5tb 8t., FQrtl&pd, Ore. OLD CAMPAIGNER. One of the pioneer pathfinders of the Pacific Northwest wsb Lieut. E. S. Far row, of the gallant old 21st U. S. In iantry. with bis regiment he cam paigned through all the Indian wars here, and was on the 2,000-mile march after Chief Joseph's Nez Perces in 1877, after fighting all over the Clearwater ct-uutry. That was a long campaign. and the soldiers who took the field in leafy Juna did not again reach their posts uutil chill December, and the hunger and cold and hardships they en dured while marching through tbe high Rocky mountain region can' only be realized by those who participated. in 1878 Lieut, farrow was again in the field and fought hostile Snake In dians all over the Eastern Oregon and Idaho country. So successful was he as a soldier that Gen. Howard selected him to command an independent expedition into ; the rough Salmon River region in Idaho against a big band of hostile Sheep- eater Indians who were located there and making forays from their fastnesses against the nearest frontier settlements. Other troops had failed to dislodge these terrors, and Warjack's warriors bad driven Captain Catley and his 2d infantry outfit clear out of the country and back to Mt. Idaho and Camp Howard. Lieut. Farrow arranged things accord ing to his own ideas. He took a mixed outfit of about 50 Indians and soldiers and jumped right into the rough region held by the hosti'ea, and signaled to tbem that his crowd was there to stay. He gave the hostiles no rest fought th m day and night, and burned up the tons of dried salmon they had put up for wiuter food. - His men we're always ready to fight, but never to run, and they wore out the hostiles and finally captured them. Lieut. Farrow's fighting brought peace to the Pacific Northwest; his command cleanrd up the last hostiles here, and there hasn't been a war-shot fired here since. The lieutenant baa resigned from the army, and iB now in civil life in New York,, where he is one of the editors of that great journal, Turf, Field and Farm. The- people of the Northwest are al ways glad to hear of Farrow, for be was one of the enterprising pathfinders who made it possible for whites to inhabit the far west. If you want to buy a small or large home in Heppner, inquire of the Gazet office. VIA Southern Pacific Co Leave Dopot Fifth and I Sts Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, Baoramento, Og den, San Francisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, 1 Paso, New Orleans and the East. 7:10 P M j9;15 AM 8:30 A M 7:00 PM At Woodbnrn (daily except Sunday), morn lug train connects with train for Mt. An gel, Sil verton, Browns ville, Springfield and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Silverton. 7:30 A H Corvallis Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 11:60PM 8:25 AM 11;45PM Daily. Daily exoept Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Bao ramento and San Francisco. Net rates 117 first class and 111 seoond class, including sleeper. Rates and tickets to Eastern Points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J, B. KIRKLAN D, Ticket Agent, 134 Third 8t. YAMHILL DIVISION. Fasseiigei Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego dally at 7:20. 9:40 a.m.t 12:30.1:55.3:35. 5:15. 6:25. 8:05. 11:80 n. m i and 9:00 a. m. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland daily at6:38,8:80,10.6O a. m.; 1:35, 8:15, 4:80, 6:20, 7:40,10:00 p.m.; 12:40 a. m. daily, except Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a, m. on Sundays only. Lieave lor uaiiasaany, ezcept aunaay, atnau p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallis for Airlie 'Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 p. m Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Kxcept sunaay. R. KOEHLER, Manager, O. Hi MARKHAM. Sen. F. P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has just been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his friends to call and try his first-class accommodations. nantjr of Hm.y aua.& GKcaJLaa. for Sail Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Bcrivner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. For the ladles A fine horse and lady's saddle 60 YEARS' . V EArfcrflfcnve, J .-A Tsinr Manna Tradc Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may oulcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Comrounloa- tlonsnrtctly confidential. Handbook on Patents tent free. Oldent agency for securing patent. Patents taken through Maun A Co. receive ipedai notm, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handomlr Illustrated weekly. iMwmt ctr- mttfi.u nt n awtantifie lournnl. Terma, f3 i year ; Tour raoniiw, fi ouiu oj tu ncwwutraivrm. MUNN & Co.8e,B-'- New York Branch Office. & F Bt, Washington. I. C. LIPPINCOTT'S! MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF W m PAINFUL PICTURE. On one of the Kbea creek ranches yestetday a little girl was taught a very severe lesson. Her mother had told her she could take a run around the yard, and the keen, frosty morning air would do her good. Affar aha UaA hoI fnw w..v uv u ion iuvb DUO I stopped at the kitqhen woodpile, and I mvu cuiiu-iiae cunoBiiy, pat uer tongue onto the back of the axe resting in the top of the chopping-block. The chilled iron, full ot frost, glued itself right onto tbe tongue and held it fast. It took all the grit in the little Grirl's system to push herself loose, and then she left the surface of her tongue on the axe, which refused to let go. Very fortunately there was a box of Cuticura salve in the house, and this eased the little girl's suffering very much, and in time a new surface will grow on the tongue. Children should be careful not to al low their curiosity to cause them such suffering. BEAUTIFUL ROBES. Things that all Ortgou ought to be proud of aie the beautiful Indian robes made by the Pendleton Woolen Mills, They are articles of rare beauty, and every household should have one or more for couch covers, baby-carnage robes and all such purposes. Not only is there a beautiful blending of colors in these robes, but the ma terial used in making tbem is the very finest fleece wool, grown right here at home in Eastern Oregon. These pretty and substantial robes are on sale at the big store of Minor & Co., Heppner, and it is a real pleasure to look upon them and feel their fine texture. Theron Fell, the enterprising: manager of the Pendleton Mills, has drawn on every tribe in the west to get good color effects, and has succeeded. There is more catarrh in Ibis section of the oouutry than all other diseases pot together, and until tbe last few years was supposed to be iooursble. For a great many years dootors pronounoed it looal disease, and prescribed looal remedies, and by constantly failinar to ours with looal treatmedt, prononnoed it incurable. Hoienoe bas Drove n oatarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. CLeney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onlv constitutional cure on tbe market. It is taken intrrnally in doses from 10 drope to a tesspoonful. It sots direotly on tbe blood and mucous snrfsoes of the- sys tem. Tbey offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to core. Send for cir culars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75o. Hall's Family Pills are tbe beet. First to arrive witn the telegraphio news The Weekly Oregonian. New Photograph - , ; Dr. M. T. Miller, artist-photographer, bas opened anew and first-class Gallery on Main street, Heppner, two doors north of opera bouse. From now on, with every dozen Cabinets, I Will give at an extra charge of only $1 50, an enlarged pioture of name negative, 16x20, ' in a handsome frame, with glass and complete finish. This Large Picture may be had wlthlrt 24 hours after negative Is tak.n. Enlarging Done to Order. THE BAIN WAGON Is one that everybody knows, It is one of tbe best on eartb. Gilliam I Bisbee Have just received one of tbe largest stookB of Bain Wagons ever brought to Heppner. Call and See them. . Prices are Rielit. Heavy and Sbelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc, Faints and Oils (the best in tbe world). Crockery and Glassware. tx. -J " -i" S&-lI Highest price paid for fat f-fc Heppner, Oregon. At So an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence. This place is all ready lor the plow. Not a stump to pull, no clearing to be done; 8 miles to mountain timber, and on county road. Apply to J. W, Redington,Heppner, All the Good Work. Gallery. Fresh Meats I Salt and Smoked Meats I Pure Rendered Leaf Lard 1 Cleft Liberty Market Stock. pi & Mathews, Proprietors. The 20th Century Can't Get Ahead of Us.. We will with it Conser & Warren Drug Co. .done by the Art of the ilia . MmmmKttM&ig:jmirJcr'rm WriUtt .fcisff.CI Is turned out by Heppner Gazette '"SR. VV- t-m Dritt mm m mm Fall Stock of Vaooinatoin Points Just Received. IT CURES. Here is Home Testimony Q1 Hardman, January 14. 1 Mr. Sloonm Dear Sir: I want to say a word for your cough medicine, Pectoral Expeotorant. My wife bad a bad oongb, and I got a bottle of tbe Expeotorant, wbiob bo took socording to directions and it cured her in 24 boars. Yours respeotf ally, Hbnrt Fbrocsoit. Slooum Ojru fi: Co., Main Street, Heppner Pure Drugs, Prescriptions, Toilettte Articles, Perfumery. PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-Datc Druggists, Heppner. AT T. R. HOWARD'S STORE, Main street, you can find t Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, 11 Tinware and Furnishing Goods, All well adapted to either City or Country Trade, Staple and Fancy Groceries- Fine Teas and Coffees, Good Goods.... Fair Pr?rc T. R. HOWARD, Heppner. Te People's national Family newspaper. NEW YORK TRI-WEF.KLY TRIBUNE Pabllnhed Mond.y. Wednesday .ad Friday, L io reality i fine, fretb, everr-otber-day Daily, glvinc tbe latest oewi on dava of iseae, and oovering new. of In other three. It contain all important foreign oable new. wbicb appear, in Tb. iMily Tribune of earned ate, alio dome.tio and foreiga eorreapondeboe, snort atoriei, elegant balf-tone illustration., bumoron. item., industrial information, faebioo notes, agrioaltaral matters and comprehensive and reliable financial and market reports. Begolar .obsoriptlon price, 1.50 per yeai. We forni.h it with the Heppn.r Gsiette for 92.25 per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Published on Tbnrsday, and known for nearly sixty years in every pari of tbe United States as a National Family Newspaper of tbe highest class, for farmers and I villagers. It oontslns all tbs most important general news of Tbe Daily Tribnne up to hoor of going to press, ao agricultural department ot tbs highest order, bas entertaining reading for every member of tbs family, old and yoong, market reports which ars accepted as authority by farmers tod oonotry mer cbants, and is elean, np to date, Interesting aod instructive. Begolar enbeoriotlon price, 81 per rear. Tbe Weekly Tribnne is given for one year as a free premium to all new sob- ooribers to tbe Heppner Gazette and to all oil subscribers who pay op to date and ope year Jn advene. Send all orders to Gazette, Heppner, keep right up in Everything. MP the - fcftnri frkBiwa Ml