Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 07, 1901, Image 1

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    f I
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IT T"Tr 7:
Subscription price. $1.50
Heppner Raiaea Wool to Warm the World.
Last year it (hipped away 8,245,760 poundi, and
Morrow County raised 950,000 bushels Of wheat
iii 1900.
Morrow County's climate is most excel
lent, and you oan buy farms and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or la
all Oregon. Population 5000.
There are vacant government lands, timber,
foothill and prairie, and land may be bought
at 11 25 to 110 an acre.
Morrow County has 263,635 sheep, and the
Heppner Warehouses now contain 2,500,000
pounds of 1900 wool.
Leads In prestige
Leads In Circulation
Leads In News
Is the Official and Recognized Represent
ative Journal of the County.
NO. 820
The Heppner Gazette
la published every Thursday by
E ntered at the only TJ. 8. Postofflc In Heppner
as second- ff matter.
United States Officials.
President William MoKinley
Viofl President T. Roosevelt
Secretary of Btato W. B. Day
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage
8eortary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Beoretary of War E.B.Koot
Secretary of Navy John D. . Long
Postmaster-General Charles Bmery Bmith
Attorney-General... John W. Gnirgs
Haoretary of Agriooiture James Wilson
Com. General Land Offioe Binger Hermann
State Federal Officials. - ' :
. I G. W. MoBride
Senators. i Joseph Bimon
J Thot. H.Tongue
Congressmen M Ai Moody
Internal Bevenue Colleotor ..D. M. Dunne
District Judge CiJ BeAh,n.geI
Cirouit Judge W. B. gilbert
District Attorney H- Hall
U. B. Marshal 4 Zoeth Houser
United SUtes Land Officers.
Jay P Lucas Begister
Otis Patterson Beonver
E. W. Bartlett BegUter
i. O. Hwaokhamer Beoeiver
Oregon State Officials. -
Governor T.T. Geer
Secretary of State F. I. Donbar
Treasurer F, 8. Moore
Bupt. Public Instruction J. p. Aokerman
Attorney General D. B. N. Blackburn
Printer W. H. Leeds
)R. 8. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Clerk Board School Land Commission
, Mart Chamberlain
Game Warden Alpha Quimby
Fish Com F. C Beid. Astoria
Veterinary Surgeon Wm, MoLean, Portland
Sixth Jadloial District.
C'ronit Judge W. B. Ellis
Prosecuting Attorney T. G. Halley
Morrow Count Officials.
Joint Senator.... J. W.Morrow
Representative. A. B. Thomson
Co ntyjndge A. G. Bartholomew
" Commissioners J.L.Howard
Ed, C. Ashbaugb.
" v'lerk Vawter Crawford
Sheriff J. W. Matlock
' Treasurer M. Liohtenthal
Assessor 8 E. Willis
Surveyor J. J. McGee
" Bohool Bup't Jay W. Bhipley
" Cironer Dr. E. B. Hunlonk
Stock Inspector Henry Schersinger
Deputies.... .T. P. Bhea. lone
Ike Vinson, Galloway
Mayor Frank Gilliam
Counnllmen 8. P- Garrigues,
J. K. Bimons. J. J. Roberts, K. W Bhea, Geo.
NoMe and Thos. Quaid.
Recorder J. P. Williams
Treasurer I W. Brisrw
VInrnhal George Thornton
Directors Frank Gllllrm O. E. Farnsworth,
J. M. Hager; Clerk J. J. Roberts.
Precinct Officer.
Jni.tln.nf the Wa J. P. Williams
Constable G. B. Hatt
C E. RedfleW
Office In First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
G. IV. Phelps
Office on May street, " Heppner, Oregon.
J. W. Morrow
Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or.
A. Mallory,
Is authorized to take all kinds of LAND
Collections made on reasonable terms.
Otlice at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for sale.
D. E- Gil man
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and get your money out of them
Makes a specialty of hard collections.
Offioe in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B.' Metzler
Teeth Extracted and Filled
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. . . .
Heppner - - Oregon.
Gentry & Sharp
Tonsorial Artists
Your patronage solicited.
Satisfaction guaranteed..
Hot and Cold Baths-
Main Street, near Palace Hotel. Heppner.
Nothing so
as a pure malt beverage to refresh one
after a hard day's work has ever been
discovered. And there is one malt
beverage that Is better than others
that is
J. B. Natter's beer
It goes right to the spot, and is served op at
.alter s Brewery, on upper Main 8., Heppner,
wo ere an lee-cold cellar in the solid rock keeps
talways cool.
For sale at $1100, 100 acres on the
edge of Heppner. Town loU may be
eold from it at once. Owner will give
$100 for tbe hay now growing on it.
Apply Gaiet office.
The Kind You Have Always
in use for over 30 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but .
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
Every Modern
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters.
One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. ...
JETirst-Ginss Sample Rooms.
For Business Heppner is one of the Leading
Towns of the West. av.
For Fall and Winter Wear
The Latest Styles of Footwear for
Men, Women and Children.
Old Stand, Main Street.
Heppner Flouring Mill Co.
Has secured the services of a first class miller,
and keep ou hand a fall supply of
Of the very best quality and
The mill exchanges with
meir patronage.
..W L.
Come to Morrow
lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev
er again will land sell so low as it does now.
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per- -sonal
supervision since its infimcy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
J. W. MORROW. Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
Convenience. .
Pioneer Boot and Shoe Dealer of Heppner, has
Repairing a Specialty,
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
the farmers, and solicits
HOUSTON, Manager.
County for low-priced
Returning home at olose of day,
Who gently chides my 'ong delay,
And by my aide delights to stay?
Nobody I '
Who sets for me the easy-chair,
Spreads out the papers with such care,
And lays my slippers ready there?
When plunged In deep and dire distress,
When anxious cares iny heart oppress,
Who whispers hopeB of happiness?
Nobody I ' A '
When sickness comes and sorrow twain,
And grief distracts my fevered brain,
Who sympathizes with my pain?
. Nobody ! ' v
A young lady much given to laughter.
Woke the echoes from floor to raughter,
When her best beau -,
Said at 10 he must geau,
For 'twas then 45 minutes aughter.
The California Wool Growers'
Association was organized at Sac
ramento, last week. Resolutions
were adopted, setting oat tbe iact
that the pasturage of sheep on
pnblio lands and forest reserva
tions is prohibited, and recom
mending that a reasonable amount
of such pasturage be allowed on
the basis of government revenue,
either at a tax per head on
the sheep or upon each acre of
land used.
There are from 200,000 to 250,
000 sheep on the plaios around
Huron, and all are doing well.
Feed is very good, and. lambing is
goiDg on, and the estimate is that
it will be from 115 to 150 per cent
for lambs. Many butchers are
traveling over the plains, buying
sheep. Sheep men are not very
anxious to sell, but those that do
soil receive good prioes.
Superintendent of Forest Re
serves I. B. Hanna, of Santa Fe,
has received an order from the
Department of the Interior pro
hibiting sheep grazing on the Black
Mesa forest reserve in Arizona.
Last summer there were as high
as 300,000 sheep on the reserve,
and the enforcement of the order
will be a great hardship to sheep
men. It is believed that the same
order will be enforced on all the
remaining reserves as soon as tbe
investigation in respect to them is
concluded. Thus far, grazing has
been positively prohibited upon
the Gila, the Pecos and the Black
Mesa reserves.
Home-seekers with means, and invest
ors should come here. On aooonnt of
the low prices at which its lands are
offered, Morrow ootid ty expeots lo double
its population Ibis year, Good land can
be bought here at 91.25 to 85 an aore.
Morrow county has a dozen
townships of mountain timber
lands that will some day yield im
mense incomes to lumbermen end
fuel dealers.
is all right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little more, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil. .
There are many causes of get
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: over
work and under-digestion.
Stop over-work, if you can;
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
on it true-but, by it, you
can. There's a limit, howeverj
you'll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't eat," unless it comes of
your doing no workyou can't
long be well and strong, without
some sort or activity.
The genuine has
this picture on it,
take no other.
If you have not
tried it, send for
free sample. Its a
greeable taste will
surprise you.
409 Pearl Street,
New York.
50q, and $1.00; all druggists.
Boston, Feb. 2. The American
Wool & Cotton Reporter says:
The wool market has been more
active the past week, and a some
what improved feeling is noted in
the trade. Quite a number of mills
have been represented in the mar"
ket, and some fair-sized lines of
w ool have been taken. The amount
of business done considerably ex
ceeds that of the previous week,
and we should estimate the volume
of sales at about three millions and
a half pounds. They consist large
ly of territories, scoured, Oregon,
medium fleeces and delaine wools.
All houses have not shared in this
increased volume of trade, but a
number of the largest firms report
more movement, with at least an
average week's business in pro
gress. Consumers as a rule are
still buying only for their imme
diate necessities, but they are more
disposed to sample wools. Some
manufacturers express themselves
as satisfied with the orders which
they have taken on overcoatings.
Others are still running on dupli
cate light weights. Where the
mills have actually booked orders
for goods, they are not afraid to
buy, and some of them have been
sampling both fine and medium
wools, with the idea of buying
later whatever their necessities
demand. Plain goods are being
opened and it is possible that in a
week or two a decidedly increased
business may be experienced, if
the volume of orders taken by the
mills justifies it
While prices are, on the whole,
in favor of the buyer, there has
not been sufficient reoession as yet
toj ustify a general lowering of quo
tations. In fact, on some lines, a
pretty firm feeling prevails. This
is especially noticeable on J-blood
fleeces and delaine wools, as well
as on scoured wools, and some
sales have been made at full quo
tations. The markets in the in
terior are still proportionately
higher than those at the seaboard,
though country holders will in
some instances sell for less money
than they would have sold for a
month ago. There seems to be an
unusually large amount of wool
stored in the Boston market, owned
by western sheep men, but much
of this wool is still held at figures
which are considerably higher
than current quotations. All rea
lize that a great deal depends on
Ibe course of the goods market,
and it is needless to add that the
latter will be watched with anx
ious interest during the next three
or four weeks by all concerned.
It is felt that the mills are so very
lightly stocked with wool as a
whole that if there should be any
thing like a normal demand for
wool The trade are, therefore,
content to wait for the time being
until the situation develops some
thing definite. Consumers who are
buying, naturally are looking for
bargains, but there are few if any
positively weak spots in the situ
ation, and on the whole values are
pretty steadily maintained.
' For Oregon wools there has
been a pretty good inquiry, and
some No.. 2's have been sold on
the basis of 45c a little lower
than a fine medium grade.
Take it all around, Morrow County
has a good, healthful climate, and l'ap
Simons, who lias lived in many places,
says there are more pleasant days here
on an average than anywhere else.
Gross value of all property. . .$1,191,343
Exemptions.... $ 73,562
Total value of taxable prop
erty as equalized by county
board of equalization $1,117,781
, It is now generally admitted that
sheep-raising and wool-growing in Mor
row county are pretty fair paying prop
There are at present In Morrow coun
ty 263,535 bead of sheep, and O. E
rarnsworiD, who nas been runninc
sheep here for 23 years says that sheep
pay an annual ou per cent, net pront on
tbe investment, fie says they have
been doing that for the past three years,
but that tor 5 years previous to that, in
frfe trade days, sheep paid practically
noining, ana many men ran behind.
cheep are herded here In average
bands of 2000 head, and herders get
an average oi .iu a month and board
It is a lonely life.
Present prices on sheep here are $5
a beau tor breeding ewes and $2.50 t
head for yeailings of mixed sexes de
livered after shearing next spring.
There are at present in Morrow
county the following post offices:
Douglas, Hardman,
Kigbtmile, Heppner,
Ella, lone,
Galloway, Pettys,
Gooseberry, Lexington.
Postmaster Vaughn wants owners (or
lettara addressed as follows:
A's up, Wesley Howe, Charlie (3)
Baker, Miss Mabel Judy, Ming Emtua C
Carle, F J Meadlock, James
Commings, liobt Kwak, L
ForeignSnyder, Oliver
Ajkfor "advertised.''
We Deny It!
The Health Committee of the Heppner
City Council hereBy emphatically denies the
report printed in the Pendleton East Orego
nian to the effect that smallpox was epidemic
here. Like many other places all over the
country, Heppner has been having its share of
the so-called Filipino itch, and has had about
a dozen cases, and has some now; but all are
very light cases, and are being strictly quar
antined. There have been no deaths and no
serious sickness, and most of the patients have
been able to cook for themselves.
We respectfully ask
believe the wild reports
epidemic in Heppner.
I give below a statement of the County and State school funds paid to the
csvaral districts of Morrow county for
should correspond to this table :
$923 44
128 44
3 107 24
4 94 52
5 92 40
96 64
11 109 36
12 346 80
14 60 60
15 73 32
16 83 92
17 , 115 72
19 119 96
21 83 92
22 7120
24 92 40
25 58 48
26 119 96
27 60 60
28 73 32
29 Ill 48
30 83 92
31 109 36
82 ..,.,..... 66 96
33 9 93
35 346 80
36 149 64
37 122 08
38 96 64
40 181 44
41 79 68
42 92 40
46 80 04
49. 08 46
50 77 56
51 189 92
52 47 20
53 81 80
54 .... 98 70
55 90 28
56 , 122 08
59 109 36
60 100 88
Total for school year 1900-1901. .
You don't realize, but it is a fact
that you get over many miles of
ground during an evening a dance
in a hall tbe size of the Heppner
opera house.
An average waltz takes one
over of a mile. A square dance
makes you cover half a mile; tbe
same distance is covered in a
polka, while a rapid galop will
oblige you to traverse just about
a mile. Bay there are 12 waltzes,
which is a fair average. These
alone make nine miles. Three
galops added to this makes the
distance 12 miles, while from three
to five other dances, at a half-mile
each, bring np the total to from 13
to 15 miles. This, too, is without
reckoning the promenade and the
Tbe following is told by the
granddaughter of an old lady who
lived in Lane county and had been
known throughout the neighbor
hood as one who had a keen sense
of the ridiculous. After a lone
illness her final hour was supposed
to have come, and her children
and grandchildren gathered around
for a last farewell, when suddenly
she opened her-eyes, and, on see
ing the mournful expressions of
those about her, remarked with all
her old-time vigor: ''The watched
pot never boils."
Kd oration In Porto Hlco.
Tbe expense of maintaining sobools in
Porto Rioo is very blgb, it we consider
tbe amount spent for tbe small number
of pupils enrolled ; but as Ibe ooantry is
gradually brongbt in qloter lonob with
our own, their system will evidently be
ohaoged, until it reaches oar present
state of perteolion. In this country tbe
people are being eduoated to tbe faol,
that tbere ia sure core for dyspepsia,
indigestion, oonitipatioo, liver and kid
ney tronoles, and that medicine is Hos.
tetter's Siomaob Bitters. It should be
taken at tbe very flrnl symptom, if yon
would avoid anneceiwary (offering. It
will give prompt relief and eventually
care, as hundreds of people, lnolodiog
many prominent pbsyioians, have testi
fied during lbs pait fit! years,
the. outside world not to
about smallpox being
school year 1900-1901. District resorts
State Total for
Fund 1900-1901
$2134 72 $613 88 $2748 60
237 22 65 13 292 35
186 62 40 23 226 85
156 26 31 29 187 65
151 20 29 80 181 00
' 161 32 32 78 194 10
191 68 41 72 233 40
758 40 208 60 967 00
75 30 , 7 45 .82 75
105 66 16 39 122 05.
130 96 23 84 154 80
206 86 46 19 253 05
216 98 49 17 266 15
130 96 23 84 154 80
100 60 14 90 115 50
. 151 20 29 80 181 00
70 24 5 96 76 20
216 98 49 17 266 15
75 30 7 45 82 75
105 66 16 39 122 05
196 74 43 21 239 1)5
130 96 23 84 154 80
191 68 41 72 233 40
90 48 11 92 . -'-102 40
, 18 75 4 47 : 23 22
758 40 208 60 967 00
287 82 70 03 8J7 85
222 04 50 66 272 70
161 32 32 78 194 10
303 72 92 38 456 10
120 84. 20 86 141 70
150 70 29 80 180 50
136 02 25 33 161 35
112 56 22 35 134 91
115 78 19 37 135 15
383 96 98 34 482 30
72 66 13 41 86 07
125 90 22 35 148 25
166 38 34 27 200 65
146 14 28 31 174 45
222 04 50 66 272 70
191 68 41 72 233 40
171 44 35 76 207 20
$10,102 13 $2360 12 $12,408 25
Respectfully submitted,
J. W. Shiplbv, County Supt.
An Indispensable aid to anyone inter
ested in art is the Art Amateur, the old
reliable magazine published in New
It is a periodical of rare beauty, and
every issue is an education in itself.
Besides good counsel and general news
on art matters, it contains studies of
various subjects and plans of interior
decoration. The subscription price of
this beautiful magazine is $4 a year, and
each Btibxcriber gets $l's worth of art
materials free. Sample copies may be
seen at Gazette office.
These are the day of Holiday Cheer,
Which old and young In common revere,
Whether they herd the iheep or run the iteer,
They know the place to get good beer
U on Main itreet, at the Belvedere.
Also choice wines and Honors for
medicinal purposes, and holiday hard
ware to be taken internally.
Frank Bobsbts, Prop.
Glorious Now
Comes from Dr. D. fi. Cargile, of
Washita, L T. Be writes: "Four bottles
of Eleotrio Bitters has oared Mrs. Brewer
cl scrotals, which bad earned ber great
suffering for years. Terrible sores would
break out on ber bead and face, and the
best duotors oould give no help; bat
ber cure is onmplete and ber health is
exoellent." This shows what thousands
have proved that Electrio Bitters is the
best blood purifier known. It's tbe sn
prime remedy for eczema, letter, salt
rbeam, nloers. boils and running sores.
It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels.
expels poisons, helps digestion, builds op
tbe strength. Only 60c, Hold by Conser
& Wsrren Drag Go. Guaranteed.
This wll-kept houso is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street,
Heppner, and bas good rooms and a
bountiful table, at reasonable rates.
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goes through in
24 hours.
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west side of Main street,
keeps flrMt'Clusa rigs and saddle horses,
and takes the beet of care of them.
II. A. Thompson,
Propriotor of all Three.