V i I MORROW'S TAXPAYERS. List of Those Who Pay on $500 and 13)0 18!!0 1505 10(55 l.,(54 !)23 720 8742 700 1210 1475 44015 1000 Upwards. Chas Anderson. .. A Andrews A H Akerg B L Akers Theo Anderson J W Allstott Foster Adams J L Avers Mary E A vers James Ayers Win Ayers John A Adams Fred Ashbaugh T JAIlyn Allen K & A II Ayers & Spencer T W Ayers J J Adkins American Mortgage Co. II & A Abraham6ick. . . . (1 M Akers J A Adams W C Akers Jas II Allen C Allies () 1) Allison T A Allyn W V Allyn 0 J Andereon Frank " 1180 4184 5711 415:5 5100 17(50 750 1145 44015 1125 1015 8154 1050 841 885 1032 0(55 1542 050 1080 750 800 700 1210 A Levi Ankeny K 0 Ashbaugh (ieo " CD " Mary E Ayers jag " Matiidac " "!!!!!'.!'.'.!!'. . EJ " O S Andrews Alliance Trust Co John C Brown J L Beymer estate Mary A Barker J II Biirker Melvina Brenner K A Brundage J A Brown Julia W Bisbee J M Baker David Baker 1" O Borg O Bergstrora K H Bishop & T II Bisbee E R Bishop J Itrosnan II K r.urcliell F K Bell II E Bartholomew Mary A Bartholomew J W Becket John Byland E F Burcbell W B Barrett Margaret I! Ball T VV Balsigor J A & A W Balsiger A V Balsiger Sarah J Biifey K E Beaman JtlBtllH " F M Benedict li L Bonge N 1' Benson W A Biddell Binns Bros T II BiHbee Fanny Klackman II & M Blake Irvine " Willurd " Book & Mathews J T Boothhy J Bort.er Jacob Bround Ilmnuli lirown L L " J I' " K V. & II W Bartholomew Bartholomew A Edwards I) F linker J I) Ball J B Ileal Blake liros II M Bryant J S Buiick F Burroughs K Bui-nan A S Buicli 0 II Bullis (11) Coats A J Cochran V I- Coll'ey l'hil Colin (I ) Coliuan II Coppock F M (Hurler J V (!owins .1 W Crtidick. W II " CI) Crawford Walter Crosby 11 Cuiiiiuings Win T Campbell Coo V Cliapin C C Curtis Fd Clull" Win Cecil, estate J 11 Carmichael A Carlson A B Chapman Chas Cunningham (ieo Consor K J (Hirren M S Corigall 1' (J CresHWull F A Chappie II Chapin Ilattio Cecil Olive J Campbell Edwin " Jas Cartjr Mable CaHcy C Cato J B Caviness II F, Clark J W Currun 1) F Campbell C B Cochran Conner A Hummer W S Conner Alary K Conner A Coinett F D Cox J W " M J I evin S 1' 1 ivin Frank Dillingham Taylor podsuii 1! 1' Hubert)' Catherine liberty Hoberty A McDaid I'M Hohurty T L Iionnan O T llouglas E S liuiau F. F Hay T J llavidsnn T J A 1. 1' Davidson W P Dutton Pun P Doherty Margaret Duutoti W K Ellis lit) Ely 0 A F Fugleman A Fugleman J F English Jos Exkelsen E " 1 It F.stcb Marion Evans M A J " ME " W l Ewing J 11 Edwards OO " EE " J N Elder estate Jell Evans 4 S Emery i W Fagalde 1 1 F, FaniHWorth El nest Farrens K A " W B I'iiuiley N P Florence. LA " .1 J) French UK " Liila Fiey Kobt Friend J L Fuller estate 920 2855 4005 0155 O.'SO 10(52 15.'52 1000 2050 1170 0i 1400 1200 2044 4005 1850 liOlO 5585 15150 2120 8105 1050 2720 580 (552 0700 700 07!) 715 720 i)17 1100 005 515 1275 708 800 !5 813 550 000 550 1142 10C0 1015 :soo4 11:52 7 000 1700 24 HO 2010 1501 1215 1500 0! 525 m 1114 '.HI: 618 850 000 075 500 705 1000 1004 1070 000 000 15o: K01 1250 1025 0271 3105 1701 1 1 85 1728 MHO 1050 ?:() 2001 10,010 101 040 030 033 700 "II 3850 075 50 820 0K 000 500 575 1300 1147 111: 1000 4008 700 1800 1000 510 550 0013 1025 1400 3520 !50( 1334 2307 20,4(50 800 750 70S.) 1040 1 1400 015 510 00'. '530 21 1172 2s;.o 51 i:;:'o 7070 1505 3705 20, 1 1002 1311 41-11 317 low 21 1000 II M C Fuqua 045 CO " 080 CE Fell 1281 First National Bank of lleppner.. 30,400 Hugh Fields 19,855 W J French 550 Chas Filkins 570 C V Fox 1000 John Furstenberg 1800 Henry Furgerson 1280 HiiL'h Fields by F McKnight 0345 " " ATillard... 2830 S I' Garrigues 4550 II C (iav 3005 Thos Gillillen 2400 Wm Gilliam : 040 Peter Gleason 2720 GGIock 10(57 Win Gordon 1550 D 11 Grabili 137(5 G E Gregory 550 L Groshens 810 A 15 Grover 1330 A M Gunn 1755 J II & L V Gentry 525 A 1' Gibson 540 Frank Gilliam 2800 Gilliam A Bisbee 0000 J M Hager 11,800 Hagerman A Ladd 1210 Bruce Haines 1017 J M Hamblet 350!) Chas Hams 1145 John Handy WO C A Harbke 500 J A Harbke 801 Emma Ilarer 1815 J II Harper !)! II H Harrington 750 Margaret Harrison 1058 Eliza Harryman 535 E M Hawlev 020 E C Henderson 775 E Hendrix 1405 I) A Herren 7010 Wm E Hiatt 705 Christina Ui II 555 L W Hill 703 L M Hills 500 J N Ilugiie i42 Ed Ilolloway 2400 G M Holmes 1405 F M Holmes 1055 Perrv Hopkins. . 8(57 J A Hughes 047 Luther Huston 4235 Hynd Bros 7400 ,1 M Hayes 7335 Matbias Halvorsen 1000 Henry Heppnor 33,500 Wmllendnx 40)0 Edward Hirl 1415 I L Howard 2580 J L Howard 3747 T H Howard 0070 John Hughes 3440 K F Hughes 3540 C H Hudson r25 M L H unlock 500 K F Hynd 1200 ileppner Building A Loan Ass'n.. 3000 lleppner Flouring Mill Co 4300 Inland Telephone Co .: 5724 John Her 1100 Chas Imrraham 3450 John Jenkins 1415 O E A N M Johnson 4080 John Johnson 1001 Henrv Jones 5575 Margaret Jones 1-50 CE Jones 1830 E P Jones 502 Missouri Jordan 155 .lames Jones 2-020 I) O Justus 3')0 Margaret I) Justus 500 Kato Johnson 5K,2 Josephine Johnson 500 J II Junes HI.) N A Jimkin i Julius Keithly T-'IO Amanda Koithlv !' S A (! L Keithly 1.585 .1 (! Keith Iv 3805 Alice Keller. . . H80 r I. Kinisey... 500 5010 Miclmel Kenny Mary Kenny H07 Kiiiina Kilcup 0.'I72 V W Kilcup liOO John Kilkenny KiSo LMll) KiiinciH Kilcup. I 1, Kincaiil -"-'! T Kinir UtiH) UK " i:u VV T " (i.'HI ,1 (! Kirk J T Kirk (! S.V .1 T Kirk H()5 (J S Kirk -IW-t Imiiui? IC niulili'll H.).j Win K inniiii'i liunl 7510 N A Kollv I M Kotuiuv M K Kirk 1HI l-'riid Krnir " W C l-acv AhIiIm.11 l.aliui) l-Oti S Lnlmid 07 Hollo Ulmido 1H11.) I anion Loach ) V R LcuilioiH II U " 7;!.r AniiHlino l,i(.l)i S!IH fM.r) Oil") I K Lord ,1 1' bony K M ljovourmi 710 loHt.ph l-iic'kniaii 7'-'51 Kditli LuuIIiiik K A l.nndoll 8(15 17111 V D Lord.. JOL'.) (00 l.tdtio A l.m'.or - Mnt l.iclitmithal 'JMH) 1100 5(H) I .ttnn " Kliza " NoIh Miujiiuhoii - M U b&Tt'o Morrow County Land A Stock Co W b Miillory - !i;l.r) lO.IiOl) 7!i:i5 1K.V 11S7 O 1' Mallory A Mallory lilt Mary V. Mallory tltH) M Alarkliaii) io;t I'Iioh Marlatt - IS 10 V K Matlork l.tnlio Matlock 500 5! 10 IM Matlock M-'O i; I. Matlock nutate 1115 Marv A Matlock 1150 800 1350 :ui5!i V. .1 Matlock ('11 Mattock - JoHcpli MiiHon (i V Maxwell 1 100 1100 IM Morrill Merrill & Hebron 1!150 IM Miller 8;io tl'.'O 510 H.'JHf) . 11 JO u,:ui5 V V. Miller 1) II Miller - V A Minor On Mitchell - V O Minor M N Moore WK) 845 J T Moreland Sarah K Morgan S N Morgan - - . LM'.'li . 57 U i; M Morgan - A V Morgan..- T H Matthews Mary ! MatthewH Mike MaiKhall - l.eiina Muir - Helij MathewB - Matlock & Koherts Matlock ii Hart - llatlock . llerlord S V Meadows Kllis Miimr Minor t'o - Marv K Monjan - V A Morcun - M U Moigan . 1010 . 1-J71 . 7005 000 . ,-,!ll5 5;!5 . i;;sn . lL'OO . 1115 045 025 000 . oliOO . t75 '.'o'-'O 12..MK1 . 850 'J7S0 . 4-'75 010 :;o John Mnllaly .1 V Mmiow Katie M Morrow .1 L Morrow estate ,1 , At .) W Monow V K Mui'kerH - (i N Murray Kimeiii' MverH .. W i; McAlinter ,1 T McAliMer I '. it . tin ' - McAlinter Wilev ' ! l'ee.. - Win 'Mi i 'illlery W U Met arty . 10,710 t it it 010 1I.")0 l i..t) ;.!M) i;!so S7- Sili 170.-, .r):;ti ST. '': 0107 O'.K) 'Jvl'.H) J Xhon McCullonuh Patrick McDaid J J McElligott H McElligott W 8 McKimmey J A McLaughlin Edward McDaid Lulu McFal' Jas McIIaley .1 T McMillan K D McM I lan W T McNa'ib A T MeN'ay 4574 1120 1445 1150 3(511 3335 550 5525 2000 575 701 030 000 085 1125 3225 1' 15 Mcts words N It McVey Herman Neilson.. George Njb'e..... Noble A Co J B Natter Nichols A Leach It A Nichols 10t:0 3350 5520 580 Jas Nolan 1210 Walter E Nolan 022 J K Nunemaker 5270 Marie E Nunemaker 550 N P It It Co by WalBh A Dav 1200 " " Doherty A McDaid 1120 " " " Cartv A Killkenny 2300 " ' C B Wade - 7211 " " C C Curtis 1008 " " " W B Ewing 075 " " " T 1) Matthews 550 " " " M 8 Corrigall 2040 " " " (ieo S Crane 050 J A Woolery 880 " " " J F Deos 573 O K A N Co 266,703 Oregon Mortgage Co 8o0 Caroline O'Conner 820 M A Olden 1W) LE Olden 1075 J It Olden 1732 II M Olden 1410 J W Osborn 31 Jo A W Osmin - 1255 Henry Padberg - 5335 W II " 2077 K I, " 2400 L J " 500 E I) Palmer 2537 John Parkins 580 Ben II Parker 1305 Parker A Gleason 5135 Thomas Parman 105o George " 140 Olave Pearson 1450 CN Peck 1745 George Perry 1405 John E Peterson 1733 Katie Pettys Wm Penland o5,885 ane Penland Chas Pierrot oto Otis Patterson OIK) Patterson A Son 1500 I) A Pearson K T Pei kins Ernest Piper 732 095 . 1550 917 . 1110 10.010 . 1345 650 John " Fred Poppenga. . Thos Quaid Patrick " G W Kea.. Andrew Keaney -.- Margaret Heaney Frank Keaney '0J Joseph Hector "U0 1' A Ueed I'aul lieitman 1340 Krnest Keitman 855 Dan Uice ,1 VV Redintfton low TI5 Richardson o Htaoy Roberts J1150 .1 P Rhea ouu R G Robinson "40 V 1 Rhrho 500 Mnllin lififid 750 0 E Keillleld I-Uu CA Hhea " M ImiHi.ttii Rhpft I-1 Uhca & Welch.. W L Richards... B2ft (loo Holiinson.. cm H W Kot'ison... M Andrew Kood.. io.i5a kwki'.'!'... w,hw IC I) Wm H Koye. 5f.5 J V Koyne U72 Wm K Koyso W O KoyBi! Luriiimli Uiish 11 C Kimh ICS KaliiiK K B HhIIiik M2." 6(10 875 (170 (194 77u CCHaliiiK Komi buyer KcibiTt buyer Wm H Buyer A 8 bhaiiduek 11 1 Shult'er 700 2215 !V25 aiM 117 K K Slniimol (1 W Hmllli A 11 Smith 117ft W 8 Smith Krank H Snow nr7 fiHO J W Siiickiinll llt'2 MO Dennia Hpillane .... hit KptllH.no 1) II Hlalter A 11 Hlamp mil) 2040 W7 J K Klanley 07.1 K 11 Stiintou l'.KIft Ml '2m a iso 52S 2!H7 U A Hlaiiton Wm M Hlauller KO btt'lair T C KU-pheiiB w V. btraiKin H V SwauKart Nelwiii SwaKisart .... sum 11 M M H Sweureii?lii. .. Ucnry Sclierzlnuer. B li Swlnlxirno A W HalliiK .r)70 2720 000 HV0 MO ftSO '.lit! 1' Hcrivner MatMo B He.livner.. I' bellliiK W K Heverauce l:uo 1. W UtO.O.iv A J Hliobe K M Hlmtt ( 500 SO0 Nellto M plocum Hloi'iim UniK Uo Maria Hlocnm Kilna I. Hlocuin A M blnouin 700 not) J W Hmltli oo 7'20 m) 1(125 Ktlward btarkey J W Htovem Arllmr btevem A J btevciiBon Khoda A Hummeri... 1401 (4 W bwaKKart 2..HW 50 Mildred J Hwang-art.. J K bperry lfifO 5075 975 W 800 M5 va 042 1120 K G Kperry Nancy K bperry Hiram TaBl) 0 R Tayleur. T J Teeter It K Teiinli W A Thomas If It Tlioril O K Thompion ao 1' C Tliompmiu esiio 21,0-20 I, M rinimoii 1770 U705 1400 (V,r) H i: Thiiminti Thompion .V 1 liomai Klla TliiitnpBOii Taylor Tliompon... (1 W ThompBon J A TtiompHon. HO 11,4(57 M H TliompBon 11 M 1 liorntou I-: 1) Tlmma 11 Tippet I'aul Troedaoi) 4:11 1050 1400 541) 1MH4 Swen Troedion 17(10 Slti.5 Ml) K Turner s J Turner W 1'tt l.2 '21H1 i: W Valentine J S Vanl'leave 530 If l Vaiivhll Knima Vorur. I'-W Nannie Vaughn ,o, - AntoneVey i.-'il Josenh Vey Kits MX Vey WK) Oeo M Vinson 1- T Walkor I'has Wallace estate l'Ji S N Wartleld II K Warren Wm Warren J i' Waiti.nberL'er ill) IV J ,illi.iil.ML..'r 1""1 Henry Welch estate i ' Kmina Welch 3I"S U W Wells I '-i' llettie H rtells 1:! Wells & To N M Whetstone ',J" I ll Willis 1'hoebe M Willis K T W I limit John Woodward J A Wo .li ry Helen V Woolery Woolerv V I'orsou Albert Wrttfht Svlvauus Wright Krank Ward Willis Ward Sam Warlleld Nat Webb ticotKO W hltles Al.bie I' W ilhelm N H W lllianis M J W lllianis J Wllliaun .1 11 Williams Oscar Williamson Kll.-a M Willis A H Willis W m 11 W 11 mot Msmarel J W ilmot J ) W t'son Mullie K W llsou r l' w ils.ui f II Wilson 8 1' Wilson Martha A W'llsou AT Wood A E Wright Silas Wright J H Wyland Cora A Worthington 701 15.312 61X0 241-8 .V0 58 lo'JO K'l) 7: Western Union Telguo.. J L Yeager Alex loung J a Young FARO Complaint lias been made that in Portland there are too many banks beiDg run like that above, like that above, and the perlice have ordered the cashiers and di rectors to shut up shop. The agi tation was started by Rev. E. P. Dill, who will not advertise his church notices in the Sunday Or eyonian, which is mostly printed on Saturday, but does not object to the free advertising of his ser mons in the Monday Oregonian, whose type is set Sunday. All the fraternal orders are well represented in Heppner. Hardman, Lexington and lone. The Elks have a flourishing lodge, and so have the Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men and all the rest. THE WATER. Many men think that water is only fit stuff to swim steamboats in anyway, and decline to drink it unless doctored up with a lot of other stuff. But many of the let ters received at the Gazet shop from people who are threatening to come and settle here want to know what kind of water is here. Well, it is mostly just plain, wet water, more or less spotted. In the mountain region it is pure and cold: as it runs down the kricks through the open lower levels it warms up to the occasion; there if the average number or cool springs; there are vast reaches oi drv uDland on wlncn men nave made farms, and alter hauling wa- ter for veers are now having wells bored, and a windmill does tne rest: there are soots where water has more or less alkali in its sys tem, and take it all around Mor row county has pretty pood general averngo natural water-works. Co 'Jtr GROWS HAIR LIKE THIS within a few months. Nkwbro's Herpicide kills the dandruff germs that cause falling hair and finally baldness. No other preparation but Hernicide kills thedan- Hmrttrprm. Destrov the cause, you remove the effect. Herpicide is a delightful hair dressing for regular toilet use. LtnwflBTOH, Moht., Sept. 30, . I tiavcuBe.Ume-lmlf bottle oriU'retcicla, nd my hi'ft't t free from ilanrtriin and my halrdivci not fall out ni formerly. 1 am vry much mthiised over the reulu, and have recommended It to a niimlwrof my frlendi. Miss Mahiuolu Baldwin. For Sale at all Flrst-CUsi Drug Storw., Don't Rub It In. All ACHES AND PAINS LOOK ALIKE! TO Scotch Remedy There are four g oo4 reasons why eterj household stouU use this remedy! First It penetrate quicker and deepot than any known remedy. Becond It removes pain and soreness at once, and will not soil or discolor th skin or clothlnr- Third It contains- no chloroform. thr, ammonia, capsicum or Iodine and Is not volatile. Fourth Because It Is the only safe, quick and harmless remedy found on th market. Bold by all druftrlsts at 50 cents. , SCOTCH REMEDY COMPANY Westera Agency SAN FIlANCIsCC Seeds know ii the tMMiiirv cVT :H IMII lt thlUllt. 1'tHl't Mlt ft If T 3, iu kvl tttt t'luiip hxnIh iiihI K-sf a A',';! it, il u n Hit lmrv-l. LK . l,vJff r! Seo1 Annus! frr 0. M. FERRY & CO., if& III 'Cm. Vi A reocKnlsed Orototiian. authorlty-The Weekly X-Senator Corbett fingering out if it navs to run for omce at an xpeuse of a $ a minute. Take them to day and you will be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Allopathic Cold Cure Tablets, (Cold in Head) No.23-B. 25c Saw Frahcisco. E. t. BALDWIN CO Yoiir Cold Cure is the only remedy that really does cure in one day. HARRY RODOERi. Harry Rodgert Co. SACRAMENTO, CAL. J K. L. BALDWIN CO. ' You Cold Cure Tablets No. B are splendid for Cold in Head With Adams, Boothe 8t Co Denver, Colo. E. L. BALDWIN CO. ,,,.. , I Bud your Cold Cure Tablets the safes! and most convenient remedy for cold in tn head. TTokso, Patterson & Son, Heppner NOTICE OF INTENTION. TAEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAINU 1 1 Ollioe nt La Grande. Or., Jan. id. win. Nnttoo in herehv sriven that the lollowing named settler hfi filed notice of his iutentioi to nntnmnte nml make final I roof in sunnort o' his claim, and that said proof will he made be fore the I ountv (J erU oi Morrow uounty, ur i Hnnnner. Oreiron. on March 2, 194)1 . viz: Homestead entry No. 8721) of ALFRED 8. FRIEZE, of Heppner, Or. For the southwest Ml northeimt M, east 14 north west !J anil HonthwestVi northwest seetioi ii fnivtiHliinR sooth, ranire 2H E V M He names the fnllowins witnesses to prove hit OTiitinuouB resiilenee upon and cultivation o' said land, viz: James I). Hrown, t harief Herklev. Robert B. Whited ana Hllllum L. Witheral, all of Heppner, Oreiion. 818 23. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. TVEPARTMENT OF THE INTEKIOK, l.AWlJ It finiitK nt l. firande. Or.. Jan 111 1MI1. NnHi.n la hnridiv irivell that the followttir trior hns lili'd nidlee of her iutentioi to make final proof ill support of her elaini anil that said prooi win oe mane oeo.ro Morrow. I ii tad states i:oniiiiissioner, ai neiiu- ner. Oreeon. on March 8. I'JUl, viz: Home stead entry No BO'25, SARAH E. JONES, nec Donahoo, of Heppner, Orcuon, For the oust. i northeast 14 and cast 4 ioutli- east H section 18, township 2 south, ranire 2 K W M . Him names the followlim witnesses to prove hercnntlnuous resiilenee upon and cultivation f.rauld land, viz.: Jasoer (irlltith. Jesse Stout Harrv Havman and Henry vaimerpooi, an oi Hunti nnr iireiron. Notice of Final Settlement. SkTOTIfHt IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN undersiiriied administrator ot the estate of William Cox, deceased, lias tiled in the County Court oi Morrow couniy. ni nnai account as BUCn auilliniairaiur UI rum wwtir, a. nl that Tnpsitav the nun oav ot niarcn, iisii. at the hour ot 2 o'clock p. m. of said day has been Hxed by said court lor nearm oi oojer- tiotis to said report ana me seiuemeui uiereui. Administrator of the estate of William Cox, deceased. ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.) VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance ot Instructions trom me uoin- mlssioner of the lleneral Land Office, under authority vested In htm hy section T5, 1'nited States revised Statutes, as amended hy the act congress approved Keliruary 2(i, lss).'i, we will proceed to otter at puoiic saic on liiesuay, inr litn nay 01 renrusy, iic.m, at me mmi ... iu 'clock a m., at this otlice, the following tract of land, to wit: Southeast Vt northwest ) and southwest northeast sectional, township 1 Bouth, ranite sieast n .m. i nv ami all iw.rsoua claimliiL' adversely the nl.ovn dnserllied lands are advised to lilc their claims in this otlice on or before the day ahove designated for the coinniencement oi said saie, otherwise their rights w ill be forfeited. jai. r. i.i i A, riCKisifr, SlT-2'2 Otis 1'ATTKHsoN, Keccivcr. U. S. Land Otlice The Dalles, Ore., Jan. U, 11)01. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Otlice at The Dalles, Or., Jan 8, 1!H1. Notice is herehv then that the following i ...tn..r l.ii. (i i. ,1 until'., of Ins intention to make tinal proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will lie made before Vawter ( rawford, futility Clerk, at Heppner, OrcKim, oti Thursday Keliruary 11, l'Jul.vU: JOHN I). HK'KEV, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. MM for the east north west i4 and east 'i southwest section 7, town ship :! south, rane M E W M He names the folUnvinu witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Mat Untitles, Ernest nil. per. Patrick Si illane and Isaac . Hasey, an 01 ilepp ner. Ore. , ., , . an,.l Jay 1'. l.tu is, lifRister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. PiiblU- Lund Sale (Itohital Tract.) NOTIt'E IS HKIiEltY (ilVES THAT IN pursuance of Instructions from the Com missi. ner 01 the Kcueral land ollne, under au thority vested iu him by section Jl vi. I . H. Revised statute, as amended by the set of ion tress approved Kebrnarv X 1VW, we will pro ceed to oil.r at public sale on Saturday the -M day ol Kel.rusrv, next, at the hour of b)o clock a in , at this ottice, the follow In tract of land. Ito-wit West southeast section 11 , low u ; .1.1.. . ..,,,.1, Mra 'W K XV M 1 nyaudail pcrsom elaiininit adversely the I above described lauds are advised to file their I . ,,i(.ii t-i t'ii oiii-e on or before the day above I desittnated for the commencement of said sale, I otherwise their rights will be forfeited. I ) w l lri'i". Reenter. k gH-ll ints t'.iTTRso, Receiver. C. 8. Laud Otl'tee, The Dalles, Or., Dec Jl, IssOO. V V'luil dinner time, any ijflf W I timeisagood'fl OM I IWcoraovffl la'CAHoitsll Many styles. Sold 2 jr I s&Zfi&jl everywhere. 8T A N l A K l)NM'r' oil, Co. u .'...gr--s.-T k Vi-..vS ' tfei-;- im&' KAr&'i ' ON DESOLATION LAKE. Two days' hossback ride southeast from Ileppner ns the crow flies IS Uesoiauon xjasie, a ueauiwui oucci ui the main range of the beautiful Blue mountains. It takes its name from'the fact that much of the tall timber near it was scorched ai d . mii i;Jii mi left standing by forest fares years ago. picture shows Judge Dutton and Lord short forenoon. Snapshot by lsen I'atterson. .Liora nun set wounded a bisr elk over there: it swam away, swam after it. lie was tun oi nrewaier, so iuh bib. euiBwam nun. utn erwise he would never have made his return trip to England. There is fair hunting around the lake. Ileppner Home of Mayor Frank Gilliam WOOD na COAL Tlie Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling and delivering at reasonable prices. Fir, Pine and Oak Wood. Roslyn Coal. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Leave orders at T. R. Elow rd's grooery store, or call up Mr. Benmnti'a tionne by Telepbona. I. X. Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor. Free Reading Room Gentlemen are invited to come in papers from all over the world, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very A. fair Bbare of the publics patronage , K Nfc3ai)ri l T . s" beet 1 .J I Qi "V, I Wt i 193 r l r i m? I fni, i ii it I make to order, wueu wanted, any artiula in the Unrns lire. ii. a. emi:ksox, Main street, WeM tide, - Ileppner A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a nail May Street. New Lodging House. I have re-papered and re furnished the well-known MouQtaiQ House And it is now ready for the accommxlation of lodgers by the day, week or month. Good rooms and clean, com fortable beds. Lodsins 25 cents. I. N. I3AS3EY. FHKK FOK ALL. When Morrow county becomes better known, many Bttmly gtockraipers ami induBtriom farmers will come bere and buv lands and dotitile tbeir value at,d double the population. If yon know ol any man who auum be a deairablB addition to Morrow county, write his address below, cut it out and mail it to the llpppner Cia zette, and a description of Morrow county will neseut to him fteeof charge. His name. r. 0. m State. BIG BARGAIN For a short time I can sell you one of the best impro-ed home farms in Kijfht Mile at f'JtoO. O. W. Wells. """6 ",J " ui iueiaiteisiuu or nsn. rne Pluuket catching 127 trout iu a and butiher-knife in mouth, ho Roek bprings ana L and be comfot table, a- tl rend a quiet, respectable place. best quality. is solicited. Call at my NEW HARNESS SHOP see lie New Unoua or the very quality, at lowebt cash prices. do Jobbing and Repairing, and Guarantee Satisfaction. $100 KKWAUD. A reaid of $1011 will be paid for tlie arrest and conviction of any perBon or persons Btealinn lioises branded E. D, or -S- on left stilie. T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keenkv. i .Is consider. The Argonaut 246 Suttek S r., O.San Francisco, papers and they are experts the best weekly published west of New York, No paper on the Pacific StiJe is so widely copied as is tlie Arironaut. it is noted for its short stories, its bright New York and Kur..iean let ters, its unique Departments, and its vigorous Ameri can editorials. Kor the Argonaut is American firdt, lhftirlldlT1ip Arfnnnnt Subscribe for - DR. JORDAN'S qrcat t VISIT MUSEUM OF ANATOMY? 1061 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL F (hum SUtk ud STUlk. k ThelsrgestAjiatomlulUasenia In lbs XX'urid. Orfatr-tt attraction in th CUy. 4 wotuterul Might tor vuitort. m Wehne.ornycontrset. ed tlisi.-use, poMl 1 1 vely cui'ed by ine oiaent bpeciuiiftton ttis PtcuM Coiut. JutublUllad 36 year. A DR. JORDAN PRIVATE DISEASES Tonaf mrn and mMdl Ktrrd who r surTerlnf A tu. in lb eUects ot youthful India- r cietluua or excesses In maturr yenrft. Nervous snd phvalcal leblllty, I IU- 9 ptenoy, l,oal ,Ynliuwd lu all lucompll- chMoiih; erinnlrrlipn, lkrtMnir- w rhim, f juirrlii, trflt-fS, t rpnr nry nt I'rliiutlnv. elv. Ily it coiiUiniAllon oi ri'iiipilles, ot if i-eat curntlvH power, the Doctor ta SO arrant .-! his treat m.-i it t lint it will not only air,, nl jtnin.-diul. r.-Ju f . but permnnenl cur. t lie IliM-mr ilm-s not oitoni toptfurni nilriiclen, but h w.MI knnvvn tu b.. a fulr and sqimrw liyii'iiin and Surgeon, pre-emlutnt In lim ipeialty li4'ikaea of Tim. M PHII.IH thiirnuKhly eradicated trom th aynteni wlllinnt Die us. of .Vlei rnr.-r. Truxn fitted by an Kxpert. Madleal cnr for Kupliit'e. A ijuU'k and ra'fieal ci'tfor Pile isure and t llilla, by Dr. Jnrdiin'a p.-.-iul ialnleKii metb.Hia. I VIKV tltx anplvlna- tn in will rtcalT our Vwlt "PO'i'ia nf liisri.iiiphiiiit. II'D irilt tfwimnfw a fUAllIVS CUSS S ' W l,-n'iitali.n KKKK and I CHAK'fKX !;. r NVA m Treatiiienl w.iniiiili' r XVHte f..r n.k. PHI J HiRKliia:. mm.kd T book: tor men.) Catlor.vn 9 01 J31DAN & CO.. ICBl ronvi'tntlon KHKK aim "TrK-tiT pnraia, ( HAH'fKS !.' V KKAXtXAHI.lt ,11- ..r by inter. PIIII.S-HT OF r KKS. (AVailiauia lie ICS) Market St.. S F. If yoit take trite paper arid The Weekly Oreironlan you won't have to beg your new. 4 r s. 1 J U