Portland Library WEEKLY GAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 Lead In Prestige Leads In Circulation Leads In News Is the Official and Recognized Represent ative Journal of the County. OFFICIAL PAPER WEEKLY GAZETTE 20th Century Special Illustrated Edition 30 Pages. EIGHTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1901, NO. 819 The Heppner Gazette Is published every Thursday by J. W. RE DING-TON. Entered at the Foatoffice at Heppner, Oregon, as second-class matter. Always reliable The Weekly Oregonlaa. l &l Mri;vO Aw; AVS PSOPESSIOWAL CASSS, C. E Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. G. W. Phelps ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Hay street, Heppner, Oregon. J. W. Morrow ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. 8. COMMISSIONER. Office In Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. A. Mai lory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC la authorized to take all klnda of LAND PROOFS and LAND FILINU8. Collections made on reasonable terma. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land script for tale. D. E. Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. Put your old books and notes in his handa and get your money out of them Makes a specialty of hard collections. Office In J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner Oregon. Nothing so 6ood as a pure malt beverage to refresh one after a hard day'a work has ever been discovered. And there Is one malt beverage that is better than others that is J. B. Natter's beer It goea right to the apot, and la aerved up at Natter's Brewery, on upper Main St., Heppner, wnere an ice-cold cellar in the solid rock keeps talwaya cool. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable HaajuBt been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly Invites his friends to call and try his first-class accommodations. yien-ty of Hatjr st.d Ghee In for Bml Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Scrivner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. For the ladles -A fine horse and lady's saldlo Oregon Shout line and Union Pacific Only Line EAST via SIT LAKE 0 DEHVEB TWO TRAINS DAILY Daily TIME SCHEDULES Dbpabts HKppw,B 0K Aaa.vis Fast Mail For 8 : 15 a. m . East and West Fast Mall From East and West 6:15 p. m. Express For 8 : 15 a, m. East and West Expreas From East and West 5:15 p.m. STEAMER LINES. 9ah Fbakcisco Portland Routs. Steamer aalla from Portland 8 p. m. every 6 days. Daily Boat service between Portland. Astoria, Oroiron City, Dayton Balem, Independence, Corvallis and all Columbia and Willamette Ylver points. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Riparla and Lewlston leave Rlparia riallv at 4:40 a. m returning leave Lewiston daily at 8:30 a. m. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner, A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. BARGAIN. For sale at $1100, 100 acres on the edge of Heppner. Town lots may be sold from it at once. Owner will give 100 for the hay now growing on it. Apply Gazet office. The news of both hemispherei-in Weekly Oregonlan. . The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and ffiy jfs sona All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trine with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA - Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COM RAN V, TT MURRAY TRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel Every Modern Convenience. Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headquarters. One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms in the state in connection. . . . Flrst-Ciass Sample Rooms. For Business Heppner is one of the Leading Towns of the West. rtl For Fall and Winter Wear JV1. LICHTENTHAL, The Pioneer Boot and Shoe Dealer of Heppner, has The Latest Styles of Footwear for Men, Women and Children. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. HOME INDUSTRY. FLOUR Heppner Flouring Mill Co. Has secured the services of a first class miller, and keep on baud a full supply of FLOUR. : GRAHAM, : GERM : MEAL, WHOLE WHEAT, BRAN and SHORTS Of the very best quality and guaranteed to give satisfaction. The mill exchanges ith the farmers, and solicit their patronage. W L. HOUSTON, Manager. Come to Morrow County for low-priced lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev- er again will iand sell so Bought, and which has been, has borne the signature of has been made under his per- supervision since its infancy. Signature of Palace Hotel. J. W. MORROW, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class FLOUR low as it does now -r O, jpp, there are bad boys in Heppner who get into all sorts of scrapes. 1 his is no raradiee, and you find them everywhere. But most of them outgrow it by the time there are any San Juan Hills to storm. Old Mount Hood. There are no (lies at present on this peak. As a general rule, when you are mo sying along the water-courses ol Morrow county you see only yom immediate surroundings, fat stock and luxuriant alfalfa fields. But when aou travel up onto the high er ridges you. get magnificent views of both the Blue and Cascade mountains, and can see 6 giant peaks which are eternally covered with snow and loom up from 9000 to 15,000 feet high. The loftiest is Mount Tacoma, also called Mt. Seattle, Mt. Rain-here and some times Snow-here. On government maps it was marked 14,444 miles high, but Fred Plummer, Herbert Bashford and Judge J. W. Hug gins went hunting goats up there and re-measured it and found it to be even 15000. Judge Pillowsham, of Tacoma, has proven by the affi davits of all the Puyallup Indians, who have roosted around on the in steps of the great "iuouo tain for 7000 years, that its first name wat Tacoma, and it would never have been named anything else had not a scow-load of Vancouver's British bluejacket tenderfeet paddled around Puget Sound a century ago tacking their names onto every thing in sight. They seemed to suppose they were discoverers, al though they paddled past Indian graveyards where the marble rnon ments were so old that they bad rotted down. But if those sailor-men wanted magnificent mountain views seen from the propfr distance of 100 miles or bo, they should have come to the high spots of Morrow county 0 0 0 Nature Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. Scroll COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES or LIME 5004 will generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. 50c. tnd f 1 .00, ill druggists. SCOTT 4 BOWNK, Chrmnti, New York. II II II II II II II II- Help Hon. W. R. Ellis, Circuit Judge of this district, is a pioneer resi dent of Heppner, and for two terms represented Oregon in congress. OLD MAN RENINGER. W. C. Reninger, who was one of the pioneers of the Hennner Hilla. and who left his home near Hard- man a few years apo and went back to his native village in Illi nois, is not satisfied there, and thinks of retuining to Morrow county. In recently writing to a friend he says: "I found everything changed here when I came back to end my days among the friends of my youin. JNew generations nave grown up, and those of my early playmates who are left are mostly in their graves. "When I returned here from the Mexican war I played the fife at the head of a company of strapping young men. Now I find but two of them here, and they are old, infirmed men. It sadly seems that the world has ran away from me. It was not the home-coming I thought it would be. The winters here are long and cold, and the summers are hot. The climate is not near so good as that of East ern Oregon, and the price of land here is 20 times as high as in Vlorrow county. I wish I had stayed there instead of coming east. "There is more real healthful enjoyment iu one summer in the Bine mountains of Oregon than there is in Illinois in ten years.'' The noplouse in Action. John Jacobs, of Big Blue, Kan sas, writes to know if it would pay to start a hop-ranch in Morrow county. Well, it might. But aft er it got to growing nicely Mrs. Carrie Nation might come from Kansas and throw brickbats at it and smash it all np unless she was given a guarantee that its fruit was going into hop plasters and magic yeast cakes instead of beer. Hops would do well here if irri. gated. Otherwise otherwise. The past year they have been a fairly, paying crop in the northwest at 12 to 14 cts a pound dried. A few years ago many people were im poverisbed raising hops near Pa get Sound. In the rich soil of the Puyallup valley hops bad bseu yielding 2500 pounds to the acre, with the price at 25 to 85c a pound. Rev. Mr. Hanson publicly prayed that a scourge might come on the hop crop, and very soon the hoplice came in riding the brake beams. They ruined the industry and ate op everything xcept the mortgages that soon had to go cn the ranches. When growers at tempted to spray them the lice would skip inside of the bop-bur and then laugh at the folly of their pursuers lo capture them. Ezra Meeker, a very euterprising and industrious hop-grower, went broke in his old age, and invited Rev. Hansen to return the IjtflOO he had contributed to build Han sen's church. But Mr. Meeker is still whistling for his money. This is history. MORROW'S TAX MOUKE8. iron8 value of all property .. .$1 ,191,34.'! Exemptions 73 502 Total valiio of taxabln prop eity as equalled by county board of eii'ia'izatiou 11,117,781 On Oregon's ocean shore. What were the wild waves saying when the bear claimed his share of the rescued dog? The Senatorial Straggle at Salem. an occasional cougar and wildcat, and all of them will fly at man's ap proach and attack only when wounded and cornered. Jl BTjiomsom- Hon. A. B. Thomson, joint rep resentative of Morrow and Uma tilla counties, is a young man of force and good character. He car ried the district, but his enter prising and respected Democratic competitor, J. A. Woolery, the live merchant of lone, carried Morrow county by 109. Here ou see an outline of Pen land Buttes, north from Heppner, where F. E. Bell nnd others have made fine farms. COST OF FARMING. County Commissioner Ed C. Ash haugh, a pioneer farmer of Mor row county, who raised 15,000 bushdls of wheat the past season, says that the cost of raising wheat here is about as follows: Fiorina old (ground per acre .7.rj Heading 1.00 Harrowing 35 Sowing 2.r Threshing i.jjo 13.05 The Twentieth Century. We now stand at the threshold of the twentieth oeutury, and the nineteenth is a thing of the past. It will, however, always be known as the century of inven tion and discovery, and smoug some of the greatest ot these we can truthfully mention Hostetter's Htomaoh Bittern, the celebrated remedy for all ailments aris ing from a disordered stomach, snob as kyspepsia, indigestion, flatulency, oou stipation, nervousness and biliousness. It baa been one of the greatest bleselngs to mankind during the prist fifty years as health builder. Many prominent phy sicians prescribe and reooniroent it. Take their mlvice, try a bottle and be conviDoed, but be sure to get the genu ine, witb our Drivate reveune slnmn over the neck of tbe bottle. The clltorliil p(je of the Wrckly Ore Rniiliin KlveH a liroail treatment to a wide range of sulijecla. Brave Man Fall Victims to Mouiaeh, liver and kidney trouble as well aa women, ami all feel tbe results iu loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, beadaohe and tired, listless, run-down feeiiug. iiut there's no need to feel like that. Iiieten to J. W. Gardner, Idaville. Ind. lie says: "Eleotrio Hitters are jnst the thing for a man when be is all run down, and don't osre whether he lives or dies. It did more to give rue Dew strength and good appetite (ban anything I onld teke. I can now cut anytbing and have a new lesse on life," Only 60 cents, at (Jotiser Warren Drag Co. Every bottle guaranteed. There are wild animules in the mountains of Morrow county, but none like the critter alongside. You find here the noble elk, the deer, bear and coyote, but they are now not very numerous; also WHERE IS Sl'ARXY. Most of the pioneer settlers of the Heppner Hills have reason to remember Andrew Jaxon Sparks, who was commissioner of the gen eral laud ollice 15 years ago, dur ing part of Pres. Cleveland's first term. Sparks caused settlers no end of trouble and xpense, and threw many obstacles in the way of their securing title to their lands. Pio neers who deserved every encour agement iu founding homes were hindered with all sorts of Tom. fool red-tape regulations. Men would travel 30 miles to make final proof, and then old Bparx, sitting in his easy chair at Wash, ington, would cause them to travel the whole journey over again to xplain why they dared to leave their land for some short time. Sparx would pick Haws in the formation of the moon, and in the residence of the man who occu pied it, and his iool rulings be came so rank that the secretary of the interior told Clevelaud that either the secretary or Sparx would have to get out. So Cleve gave Sparx the invitation to get. But what has become of the old umbra? Ho seems to have fallen into a prospect hole and tumbled a cord of his own decisions in after him. Settlers on public lands hope that they may never see his like again. SaMWi u,i. KEEP UP YOUR JACKS. Every land-owner in Eastern Oregon has more or less jack rab bits running on his range, and he lets them stand out in all kinds of weather and run races with coyotes when they should be sitting still and laying on fat. Instead of drinking wholesome coffee they absorb sage tea, and generally do as they please without regard to results on their meat. The Pacific Northwest Las a bushel of money wrapped up in Kelgian hares that might just as well be iu native jackrabbits. The hare yields fine meat, for the reason that it is cared for and properly fed. That is the secret of the whole business. If the native jacks w're as well cared for they would yield a good food, and would keep at home many $ $ that have been sent to Belgium. Take it all ttroitiul, Morrow County i Iki 11 g -i-jd, hi iiltliliil I'liinutu, anil l'ap miiioiih, who liitH lived in muiiy places, Buys there tire more ploiiHiint days hern on an uvuruu thun anywhere u'hu.