the, ftt f : MP -&Search Light gpl for NEVg ; There is no reason why Morrow coun ty cannot support twice its present pop ulation, and for those who are willing to work, homes are here. The man with cash to invert would probably reap as rich returns from it here as elsewhere, for land values here are the lowest on earth considering the production and profits. Take it all around, Morrow County has a good, healthful climate, and Pap Simons, who has lived in many places, says there are more pleasant days here on an average than anywbere else. CHEAP CORNER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager'a store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet office. RTOCK PAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down the other, stock pays best. A real bargain is now offered in a 1440-acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4 an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under fence and will raise anything. Apply to Gazette office, Heppner. CHEAP PASTURE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W. liedington, at Gazet office, Heppner. A Powdar Mill Explosion Removes everything in sight; so do draatio mineral pills, but both are might; dsDgerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of yonr bady witb calomel, oroton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's Ne Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. ' Cures beadaohe, constipation. Only 25o at Conger & Warren Drug Oo. Dr. Johnson, specialist for diseases of the rectum, will be at the Palace Hotel for a short time only. Dr. John son cures piles without knife, ligature or caustic and guarantees a cure in every case. Call and talk with him if you are troubled. NOW FOR TREES. I am now prepared to take orders for fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, rosea and shrub bery, whioh have been grown without irrigation by The Dalles Nurseries. I will canvass Morrow and Grant counties for both spring and fall delivery, and in all cases guarantee satisfaction. My address is Hardman, and I will Bee that all stock is promptly delivered. Harry Cumminoh. Score cards on which yon can keep tally on nil kinds of games are now kept on sale at the Heppnor Gazette office. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 824-acre place at $5 an acre, call on J. W. liedington, Gazette office. GATHERED ON THE RAIL. Southern Pacific locomotives wil toon use for fuel bricks made of coal dust and anp)ialUim. The narrowest gauge railroad now In use is one of twenty inches in Nortb Carolina, built last year for transport ing timbers. Tub length of railroads open in Rus sia increased from 13,340 miles in 1878 to 17,377 miles in 1889, being- an In crease of 8,038 miles only. Tub recent run of the "exposition flyer" over the Lake Shore road be tween New York and Chicago was the fastest long-distance run on record. The distance of l)N0 miles was covered in two minutes less than twenty hours. Wukn Queen Victoria travels by rail she pays the companies 7s. (id. per mile for herself, and first-class fare for everyone clso in the royal train. This is supposed to niuke good the loss en tailed by the temporary stoppage of traffic. Eioiitk.kk railway companies have aided t'.ie Columbian exposition by takiiur StifiT.ftOO of its stock and 8850,000 of its bunds. Among these the Haiti more A Ohio took $110,000 in stock, and the Illinois Central (50,000 in stock and 1100,000 in bonds. FOR HOUSEWIVES. Don't put a bright colored carpet Into a room where the furniture Is dull, old or of neutral tints. Don't have ehttmleliers or hanging lamps with rootim of low ceiling; uh aide brnelielu in such eases. 'Don't furnish a north room in blue or any olner cold color; Kome thing of a warm tint should be chosen. Don't hnng a heavy portiere over a narrow door; generally speaking, hang ings ore out of pi nee in a small house, or with Miuill rooms. Don't fill the center of the room, un less thero is plenty of space on all aides; nothing otTends good taste so seriously as the sense of being "clut tered v p. " Don't have too much of one kind of decoration In tho house; two rooms upon the auiue general pattern are quite) enough an Individual schema for tmoh apartment in better. Don't i::o all your kindness and gal lantry aiiuy from home, and let the uiipleii.'-:iiitticsa manifest itself in the family circle; try the other course for u time, und see how that will work, UouKvhold. -1 t WOOL. The Heppner wool market is still stagnant. The latest from Boston is : Market quiet but prices steady. ' Quotations : Territory : scoured basis Montana and Wyoming, fine medium and fine, 16 (uc; scoured 40(g4c, siapie ouc. Utah, fine medium and fine, 1617c; scoured, 4648c; staple, 50c. IJaho fine medium and fine, 1516c; scoured, 46ra48c : staple. 50c. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices -rcombing, superfine, nominal, 7375c; good, 6770c. At the seaboard markets of the east Oregon wools are quoted as follows: Eastern Oregon choice, 1415; ayer., 1314; heavy, 1112; staple, 15lft. Valley Oregon, No. 1., 22a22; No. 2, 2223 ; No. 3, 2122 ; lambs, 1921. WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, Jan. 23. There was little life in business yes terday. The grain market was dead, though a nominal advance of a cent was made in price, in sympathy with other markets. The Chicago whetd market experienced an appreciable ad vance. No sales were reported in the Northwest. Walla Wallr 5455. Wool Valley, 1314c for ooarse, 1516c for best; Eastern Oregon, 1012c; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, 60$1 each. , San Francisco, Jan. 21. Wool Spring Nevada, ll13c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014; Valley, Oregon, 15 18c. Fall Northern, mountain, 9 (S10c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c; Ilumbolt and Mendocino, 1012c. Chicago, Jan. 21. Cattlo Receipts 4500; market generally steady; prime steers $5.306.10; poor to medium, $3 50 (35.20; stockers and feeders, slow, $2.75(34.60; cows, $2 75r4.20; heifers, $2.65(34 60; canners, $2.00(82.70; bulls, $2.754.40; calves. $3.755.75; Texau fed steers, 44.80; Texas grass steers, $3.35(14. Sheep, receipts, 11,000. Market steady. Choice wethers, $3 75(34.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.50733 85; Western sheep, $3.75(34 60; Texas sheep, $2.50 3.50: native lambs, $45.50; West ern lambs, $55.50. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAQAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT I; run liiuu i An Illustrated Magazine of SPORT, f TRAVEL and ADVENTURE t CeiTsa it CASPAR WHITNCY mLAKUCU AINU IfflKKUVeLV Bsf Inning with tht April Issve ( I Iry Branch of Sport Dlscusssd brt I spertt. Special Comment by Rscof. 1 1 nlted Authorltiea. Tales of Travel and Adventure by the Moat En- (' tartalntnf and instructive i I U.lftara Im . k I VI.U 1 nk,t A w. . & -. SOMK OF THC CONTRIBUTORS TO 0 thi Ntw ooTiN a: Buflvsrd Klpllnf Oov Thsorinra Roosevelt I lout Nil hui hambars r r O. mint m h. r. weii, PaufDu Ohslllu Jette l.ynrh Wtlllans Casper Wbllnss W. r. Slihau w W altar Camp AUD aud avoirs Til i antra i A.B. Frntt. Howard Pjle, Welter Applaloi T Clarlt, and Frederlo Rtuiluiton. THI OUTINQ PUILItHINQ CO., NIWVORK, rrederla Hsminetoa Hcnrv Riwi 1 .nrin. w a John Fox, Jr. Own Wliur A Klflbyd Hsratne Parti 0. Urant J,a Fare I'aul Leliieater Fori! Cherles F Lumuill a A ituuert rsrtsr a UOliRD W W A rm T V.n n. Time to OU Up. Like every other complex machine, the human body has its periods for repair. Sleep is Nature's time for rest, when the repair shops of the brain make good the damage of the waking hours. The man who cannot sleep, or who suffers from headache, nervousness, lost appetite, indigestion, heart trouble or pain, is running with a hot box. Give the tired brain and worn-out nerves a chance to rest. Stop! It is time to oil up. "I suffer! from headache, nervousness and a general run-down condition. It was almost impossible for me to Bleep at night and my health became so poor that I could perform the lightest work only with the greatest difficulty. I liogan taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and before the first bottle was gono could see an improvemet. I was able to get a good aleeptnt night, and grew steadily stronger under the treat lueut until I was oured.M 0. E. Hackbtt, Greene, N. Y. Btfo Miles' Nervine feeds and rests the weary brain and weakened nerves. It gives tost to the appetite, Btirauhites digestion, lnoroasea circulation and restores health to body aud mind. Sold by druggists on guarantee. KILL TBIS THAT CLUSTERS AROUND AN UNHEALTHY . HAIR. -.CAUSING DANDRUFF PALLING HAIR FINALLY BALDNESS "Da troy tht uum, vm rtntm thtsltKL" HERPIGIDE cradle tu tht itrm, promote tht Sni; rwth el tht Mr, rsri sUbyaU JJIiti, Prict 91.0. Mysterious am we A Scotch Remedy It tho grsattwt rbsorb)at In tk world and do4 u work throtgti tbs pores of tlit skis. Dom't Rub It Im tot tht) ftim l foaM, Tht bast pkysltlans vst prtscrikt it ad vsritt wltk tkt geoaral pUi la tayiag ! "Sn(A Jtmty it tht test external remedy kntwn" Sold ay ail dntaiata at nad SCOTCH rTkEDY CO. Woatnra Ayaaay SAK PRAKCISQO Southern Pacific Co Leave Dopot Fifth and I St Arrive OVERtAND EX PKRiW TKA1NS, for Balem, RotcburK.Ash land, Sacramento, (k den, Ban Francisco, Molave, Los Angeles, Kl Paao, New Orleans and the East, 7:10 P M 8:30 A M 9;15AM 7:00 PM At Woodburn (dally except Hnnday), morn In If train connects with train (or Mt An gel, Bllverton, Browns ville, HprlnsSeld and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Hilverton. 7:80 A M 11;4SPM Corvallls Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. H:S0PM H8:26AM Dally. HDaily except Sunday. Robate tickets on sale between Portland, Bao- ramento and Ban Franciico Net rates $17 tint clans and u aecond clans, Including sleeper Kates and tickets to Eastern Points and En. rope. Alan JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUHTRALI A. Can be obtained from J. B, K1KKLAND, Ticket Agent, IM Third St. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'Riiei.gor Depot, foot of JeRerson Btreet. f,w naM it i 1 1. . . i. oil m 12:30, 1:66, 8:r, 6:16, 6:2.r), 8:05, 11:80 p. m ;' aud DO) a. m. on Holidays only. Arrive at Portland dally at ::. H:;10 . 10.50 a. m.: 1:S. 8:16. 4:80, 6:20, 7:40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:40 a, m. daily, except Monday: 8:H0 and 10:06 a, m. on Bundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, Sunday, at 4:80 p. m. Arrive ai foruaiia at u:jua. m. Paasengnr train leaves Dallls for Alrlie Mon nays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:46 p m Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R.KOKHLBR, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, uuu, w. a r. Agi., rorciana, urenn A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. Do - Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. 4T f Always Fresh. y X Always the Best ff JR)' are sold everywhere. Nk. dCi 1901 Bed Annual free. J t. M. FIRM It CO., DETROIT, MICH. jT M Mill LONG CREEK SHOOTING. The Banger Bays that on Thurs day afternoon in Dastin & Keeney'a saloon there was a misanderstand ing about money matters between Bird Dastin and Joe Williams, and they had been talking it over, Joe claiming that Bird owed him, and the latter denying the allegation. They both became "warm"' over the affair, and finally Joe started off, making the threat that he was going after a "gun," and would give Bird a certain time to pay or be a dead Bird. Just as Joe reached the front door, going after the "gun," as was supposed, Bird whipped out a "44" and said: "Are you going after a gun to shoot mer ; aDd fared at Joe twice, the first shot taking effect in his neck under his chin, the second one entering his neck about two inch es below and behind his ear, com ing to just under the skin at the back of his heck. Williams was taken to his room and the doctor called, who soon stopped the flowing blood. While seriously injured it is not thought to be fatal, and Joe is getting along remarkably well. Joe has refused to swear out an information against Bird, who gave mmseif up, bat was aiscnargea. KECENT ARRIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL D VV Chapman, Vinson H Scberzinger, Spring Hollow C C Shilling, mountains H L Smyser, Gooseberry G W Maxwell " Miss R Robertson, Long Creek J M Hoy , D VV Fagalde, Douglas Claus Johnson, Gooseberry M S Maxwell, lone E Hendrix " J W Becket, 8mile J J McGee, Harrlman Dick Bnaman, Dale S M Caldwell, Gurdane Chris Melaon " John Shaw, Butter Crk J C MoCoy, Dalles B F Swaggart, Lex Pat Quaid, Balm Frk N H Leathers, Parker Mill Everybody wants to know what The Oreffonian has to say. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has just been opened to the public and Mr. Oordon, the firoprletor, kindly invites his Mends to call and try his first-class accommodations. ttrnxity ef Hm.y swxxd 3-raJja. for Sad Stable located on west side of Main Btreet between Wm. Rcrlvner's and A. M. Ounn's blacksmith shops. For the ladles A fine horse and lady's saddle NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Jan. 16, 1901. Notice is hereby (riven that the following named settler bas filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on March 2, 19U1, viz: Homestead entry No. 8729 of ALFRED S. FRIEZE, of Heppner, Or., For the southwest !4 northeast , east M north west '4 and southwest northwest !4 section 15, township I south, range 28 E V M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James D. Brown, Charles Berkley. Robert B. Whlted and William L Witheral, all of Heppner, Oregon. E. W. Babtlktt, 818-23. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or.. Jan. 18, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before J, W. Morrow, United States Commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on March 8, l'JOl, vU: Home stead entry No. 6025, SARAH E. JONES, nee Donahoo, of Heppner, Oregon, For the east northeast U and east W south east section 18, township 2 south, range 28 a w m. She names the following witnesses to prove ner cantinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: JasDer Griffith. Jesse Stout. Harry Hayman and Henry Vanderpool, all of uepnner, Oregon. 818-28 E. W. Babtlktt, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ii undersigned administrator of the estate of William Cox, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Morrow county, his final account as such administrator of said estate, and that Tueadar the fifth dav of March. 19(11. at the hour of i o'clock p. m. of said day has oeen nzea oy saia court ror nearing or ODjec tlons to said report and the settlement thereof, J. M. Bakib. Administrator of the estate ol William Cox, deceased. 817-21 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale. (Itolated Tract.) VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN 11 mi nuance of Instructions from the Com mlssloner of the General Land Office, under authority vested in him by section 2456, United States revised Statutes, as amended by the act congress approved reoruary w, itw, we win nroceed to oiler at nubile sale on Tuesday, the 26th day of Februay, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at this office, the following tract of latin, to-wlt: Southeast) northwest M and southwest M northeast U section il, township l south, range east n m. Anr and all Deraons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement ol said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. JAY. P. LUCAS, Register, 817-22 Otis PArraasoN, Receiver. D. 8. Und Office, The Dalles, Ore., Jan. 12, 1901. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT Of THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles. Or., Jan. 8, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following name I settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawlt raw ford. County Clerk, at Heppner. Oretron on Thursday February 14. 1901, vis: JOHN D HICKKY. of Heppner, Ore.. Homestead entry No. MM for the east H north west H and east H southwest section 7, town ship 8 south, reuse NIWH He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land. Tls; Mat Hughes, Ernest Cupper, fatrtrk Hclllaneand Isaac N Baaey, all of Ht-pp-ner. Ore. 816-21 JaT P. Lucas, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale Itolated Tract.) NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of Instructions from the Com missioner of the general land, under au thority vested In him by section 04.", D. 8. Revised Statute, as amended by the act of Con (rees approved February ! 1896, we will pro ceed to oner at public sale on Saturday the M day of February, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a m., at this oOlca, the following tract of land, to-wlt: West H southeast section 11, towa ship S south, range 2ft E W M Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to flie their claims In this otHo on or before the day above designated for the commencement oi said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Jay P. Locas. Register. 814-19 Otis PATTaasoH, Receiver. C. $. Und Offlo, Tha Dalies, Or., Dec il. 1900. Take two to night and you will be well to morrow. Bald win's Health Tablets. They cure sick-headache, chronic constipation and make sick people well-50 doses 25c X. W. Taasltl, the Chicago millionaire cigar man (of Taaaill's Punch jc Cigar (mas,) says: "Baldwin's Health TabUts ara tha beat remedy for constipation, billiousneae and tsf pta uvr i nave ever nsea." PonTLASTt), Oan. BDWAKD L. BALDWIN CO., I ftaa yoar Health Tableta excellent sa aasMSfnttssi, skavnendncha aad 4rsvpsln. One. aiaka Of Oeo. Baker at Co., Aaatioaeera. Patterson & Son, Heppner '"A A good looking noree ana poor iook- f ma; Harness is ,ni -worst kind of a com- f " unatiOD. i-t Eureka Harness CMl1 tr anl mat Vm tha ! skn1 that horse look bettr, but makes th I leather oft and pliable, puts tt In con- I anion to last twice as long fUa it nrrtlntarllv wnnld. .. Sold Tti7wbr ta Ishi-all 111 fifth OIL CO. tl A Give Your Horse a Chance! Mo Dbpabt TIME 8CHEDDLE8 AaaiTI Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver, 4:30 p. m. Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Rpeclal Kansas City, at. 9a.m. Louis, Chicago, and East. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. m. Express Kt. Worth, Omaha, 9 a. m. Kansas City, Ht via. Hunt- Louis, Chicago iURton, and East. Atlantic Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p. ra. Express ton, Hpokane, Min-7-45 a. m, neapolis, St. Paul, Via. Spo- Duluth, Milwau . kane. kee Chicago and East. 8.00p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. Prom Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail every 5 days 8:00 p.m. Colombia Rivkb 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Stbamebs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a.m. Willamette River 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex, Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Ralem and Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhim, Kiverb. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton & Way Land ings. Bnakb Rivbb. Lv. Riparla Lv. Lewlston 3:35 a. m. Riparla to Lewlston 9 a. m. daily dally Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at ( :4a a.m. no iu arrives aio:i p. m. wuu except Sunday. Paasangara booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KEBN&N, Agent, Heppner. VV. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. New Lodging House I have re-papered and re furnished the well-known Moui)taiQ Husc And it is now ready for the--acoomm3dation of lodgers by the day, week or month. Good rooms and clean, com fortable beds. Lodging 35 cents. I. N. BA8EY, 'visit DR. JORDAN'S omsat UUSEUU OF AHATOUY leal MARKET ft, tAtt FRAN0UK4, CM. emf The largest a anSsmlPal Mtmum ' YJ tsUeWeiio. &ni au nutam e ae 9SBt, J I r ft SewMtorW IUMW 4fere. ,1111 Wainieenn. er any eelsaet ' Il il edelHM,seiTeiynr4ibv . i I the eldest bpecUltet on (be rnolAe r iBUosnt, Jsetaausaeassi m. eOTDAw-MrrATi Btsuns Tnemsr anew and awl nmtr nneei and sstM4tl enea wna are efT.rln He eSMcts el yeuaatnl hinie- treea the ereuons er In nsaturnr 1 yenrn. VsrroiieanS phyetenl teklllsr,lnn. BoSemnT. IenS MmaiaisMM fcs all iuaomoU. I csllona; aperenmseirrsieeew f rnssesne rbws, e.iwrlee, ssims, rs enmneief I si sj rim remedies. lie, ' on cure. The Doctor toee net claim lanerforos 1 mtmclm, but w well Known M ne a fair Guare Phynlclan and Surgeonpre-e bls.peclalty DIhsm. er Mmm. ITPHIM. Hi li..M. i.lHiMt.rt f,..s. I the without ths use ef Hnrweirv. AI Vrweaea fltted by na Bxner. Btnaleml mm for Usintnrn. A anlek and redlenl curs for IIIm, rieemm aed ftstsilsm, a Dr. Jordao's special palnlees methoda. A ETKHT MAN applrlnainuswUlissnlfs I snr fioarrt opinion ot biscomplalni. ' W wilt buartmttt a eosinVM CCXMtm I gevre cum ice wm.lcrrie. .'onsnitarmn khks anq nrrnirpniea, CHAROKS VXSr BSA801ABLM. Treaunent perauually or by letter. Writ ti Rnok. PHILOHOfBT F I HAtntiaK. MtiLD Faan. (a.vrab4e book tor men.) Cell w write OR. JORDAN A COIOSI Market St..", A recognised authority The Weekly Oreionlan. WOOD andGO AI The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling and delivering - - . first-class ITUEI at reasonable prices. w Fir, Pine and Oak Wood. Roslyn Coal. Satisfaction Guaranteed . Leave orders at T. R. Howard's grocery store, or call np Mr. Beaman's boose by Telephone. I. X. L. Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor. Free Reading Room Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very A fair share of the public patronage The news of both hemispheres In The Weekly Oregonlan. $100 REWARD. A reward of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persona stealing horses branded h. V, or -S- on left stifle. - T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keenky. At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and This place is all ready lor the plow.. Not a stump to pull, no clearing to be done; 8 miles to mountain timber, and on county road. , Apply to J. W. Labor Saving Reading for Busy Men and Women, in The Outlook r Ij.oo a yar A cent a day A Weekly Newspaper tti tfl Illustrated" Magazine in one. Tells the story of world-nippeningJ every week in brief, clear-cot paragraphs. Lyman Abbott is tie Editor-in-chief, and Hamilton W. Mabie the Associate Editor. JACOB A, R I I S Ths snthor of " How the Other Hslf Lives will give in Ths Outlook sn Intensely human and vivid account of his experiences ss s child in Denmark, sn Immigrant in America, a workman, s traveller, a reporter, and finally s student of tenement house firoblems, and an efficient aid to Theodore Roosevelt n reorganising the New York police. Mr. Rita writes with simplicity, humor and vigor. LYMAN ABBOTT will contibute s series of important papers on funds mental political principles as applied to twentieth century problems. It will be called "Ths Rights or Mam,'' snd will define Industrial, educational and religious, ss well as political, rights snd duties. If you want to buy a small or large home in Heppner, inquire of the Gazet office. ir you take thta paper and The Weekly Oregonlan you won't have to beg your Snjaaentrea new. The White is King of Sewing Machlneg and Bicycles. WliUo Sonrintr ArapVliriA Ha W-SM Post .,-8an Francisco, Cl. Willie OeWing XUacmue KjO. g. ol Stockton St, Facing Pacific tl Dion Clnb. C. A. HAWKINS, General Manager Gilliam & BIsbee. Heppner, Dealers in 14 White" Bicycles and Sewing Machines Rock Springs ana best quality. is solicited. $1000 GIVEN AWAY Sellable and energetlo men or women h7 r girls, are wanted in every town to represent THK CeDHER MONTHLY, "America's , Great. Family Magaslne' The Ledger Monthly tasa publication, printed on fine paper, with a bMntital cover In colors, and interests all members of toe family. All subscribers for 1901 receive our superb S panel calendar FREE. Agents are paid liberal commissions and also share In $1000 divided among those who send the greatest number of subscrip tions. Send for fret particulars. ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, Ledger Building, . . Haw fork. HEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money by spending $150 to 500 when for very much less you can buy a WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUN which will outshoot any other shot gun on the market no matter what it costs. The Winchester Repeating Shot Gun is now made in " Take Down " style in 12 and 16 gauge, ltcombines rapidity, reliability and strong shooting qualities with a price within reach of every body's pocketbook. For sale by dealers everywhere. FREESimJ name ami oddreu oh portal card for 164-page catalogue, WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN. is under fence. Redington, Heppner. numbers y- a r RALPH CONNOR Under this pseudonym were written two of the most atriking of recent novels, " Bltck Rock " snd "The Sky Pilot." A new novel of Canadian and Western life by this author will appear in Ths Outlook during the year. In spirit, humor, pathos snd strong character-drawing it is even superior to its predecessors. : , SPECIAL OFFER To introduce T h e Outlook to new read ers we will send it for two months trial for 25 cents pro vided this paper is mentioned. Address THE OUTLOOK, NEW YORK The Argonaut; is consider. edtby edit ors of newt. 346 Sutter St., OSan Francisco. Dane and they are experts the best weekly published west of New York. No paper on the Pacific Slope it so widely copied as is the Argonaut. It is noted for its short stories, its bright New York and Euroiean I ters, its unique Departments, and its vigorous An ' can editorials. For the Argonaut is American fir 41 last, ana all the time. The Argonaut Subscribe for