Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 24, 1901, Image 5

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    T,MPiT. vnTT?cj I ' r.r;i, A ... i ', mmm ss
ti iiiMif Ttinif - ' 1 1 i .
eppner Gazette
Thubsdat, .
....Jan. 24, 1901
puer to in
Pendleton by wagon road 6n
. :::::::::::::::::::: i5
The Dal lei...
Canyon City
Ualla cloae for traini at 7:30 a. m.
Stage for Hard man, Monument,' long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
Business hours of the First Rational Bank bl
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Heppner Junction on Columbia Hirer. 45
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud J
Train leaves daily except Sunday for all
points at 8:15 a.m.;. train arrives daily except
Sunday from ail over the world at5:15p. m
nufiiuM Miws wool to warm the world
Last year it shipped away 3,245,750 pounds, and
Countr raised 950,000 bushels ofwWal
Morrow Connfy's climated most" excel
lent, and you can buy farms and ranches
oWimi anywnere else on earth or in
all Oregon. Population 5000.
There ara vacant nm.pnm.n lat.,!.' -.ii
' 1 h1.an.d prairIe' Rnd lan(l may be' bought
wv ti v w f iu tail turo.
H?"0 County has J6J.535 sheep, and the
Heppner has 1009 WpfifatW. Voo4 toh'AAI.
city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel
-the Palace. Portland Is located 197 miles from
ueppuer. vnicego some rartner.
r " ;i1jTL"
Here and Tljere
gtfnK; perceptibly
- The1 daV' are
T. W. Ayers started yesterday for a
weekVvisit with his son at Pendreton.
Lone Rock people aft 'considering file
matter of incorporating their town.
The Mayf itle sch6ol is now flourish
ing, with Miss Parsons as teacher.
Gilliam county's total tai "this year
will be' 24 Mils.
J. B. Jackson has been appointed
stock inspector of Grant county.
The developed mines that afe befog
worked in the vicinity oT D. B. Sfalter's
Mayflower inrne are" yielding rich re'-;
turns. -
; Oscar SprrhggMe,1 the Lawtoh-Alamo
mailcar'ner", goes armed to the teeth in
anticipation of an attack by an over-
?rown coogar whose tracks have been
observed fn the) mow,
While ferosMng Fox valley' TnifrMay
night, the stage driver, Vic. Bunif, got
lost in a blinding snow storm and wan
dered about a'l night through drifts five
feet deep, fin illy arriving at C. E,
Lyon's place at daylight.
Al V. Herren, who was one of Hepp-
ner-g pioneer cattlemen 3U years ago,
was accidentally hit with a charee of
shot while duck-hunting in Polk county
Shipments of stall-fed beef cattle are
now being made from Ontario to Seattle
Clyde Wells is ready to supply you
with pure in"ilk that yields rich cream;
leave orders at the Wells furniture
Henry Rex Pigg very sensibly asks
the Gilliam county court to change his
name to Graves. You should have no
objection, but if you haye, file it by
March 6.
At Antelope Saturday night a heavy
rain did damage 16 PoaoVSrtrT brTa'geB.,
: 6er at Cross Keys during the hign
water A. J. Friday lost' Xr carves by
Dr. Hadscfn lias teoveti from Corldrjii
to Anteiopa.
J. W. Becket, ex connty ommisioij
er, was-in yesterday" from his", borate ft)
the great grain belt of the Eight Mile
country.' The' bulk of the wheat has
been hauled from there, and farmers
are off and on plowing "and seeding
spring grain.
Considerable Bxciternfflt prevails
throughout the Slioofly country over
the discovery of a supposed remarkably
rich quarts ledge on Bald Mountain,
which has been located by Butler Bros,
and Dr. Donnelly, of Fossil.
Bishop's store always has oranges,
bananas and lemons.'
All kinds of building material prompt
ly delivered by Heppner Lumber Co.
Legal blanx and all kinds of job print
ing at Gazette office.
Queen olives in bulk at Matlock 4
The very choicest of canned and dried
fruits are always kept on hand at the
grocery store of T. R. Howard.
When you want fresh nuts go to
Why make mince meat, ' when yon
can get as good and cheaper than you
can make it. at Matlock & Hart's.
Please remember this : You can get
letterheads, billheads, cards, books or
any kind of Job printing" done at the
Heppner Gazette shop.
Is there anything the matter with the
title to your land ? If thefe is, call at
the Gazette office and get It cleared np.
Jay W. Shipley returned Saturday
from his visit to Western Oregon.
Dick Beaman started yesterday for
the North Fork of the John Day, where
be wilt placer mine for a while and then
go to Dan Stalter'g mines on the Green
horn. Claus JoliriBon was in Monday from
Eightmile. '
Wm . Hughes, of John Day, is buying
catt'e around Long Creek.
At Bitter II. II. Arbogast ia stall
feeding a lot of beef cattle.
Candy? O, yes, the Very choicest!
kinds are kept at Dan P. Doherty'a
I. X. L. stored
Clean newspaper to cover shelves,
put under carpets and line honees are
sometimes scarce, but just now there is
a full supply on gale at tbr Gaaette'
office at 15 cenU a package.
vmp, grip, grip! Grip everywhere,
lhe World is full of it. But it will wear
itself out before long.
Heppner is having its share of sick
ness, but the patients are all doing well
and will soon be aronnd again.
IT ., ,
ixcppuer weamer nas Deen verv an
usual the past month, there being
great lack of sunshine and considerabl
iog, with a freeze at night,' but mild
days. There is no enow, and stock is
doing well.
Mrs. Buchholz, after a pleasont visit
here, has gone to San Francisco to visi
oiner relatrves. Her brother, Henry
Heppner, escorted her as forasPoit-
While Jay Shipley was below attend
ing the convention of school superin
tenaents he visited relatives in Benton
county whom he had not ! met in 21
O. h. Farnswortu and wife returned
hohie Tuesday after a very enjoyable
visit with old friends in Portland. The
report about Mrs. Farnswoith's inherit
ance proves too large, as there is but
$50,000 to divide among 6 heirs.
At Gate's creek i Saturdav, Herbert
Brittoo, while slashing timber- accl
dently cut three fingers off the hand of
John Hiatt.-
Geo. Conser and wife Teturned home
Monday evening after a month's visit in
the Willamette valley. "
Kj. Mulling teturned yest-rcay
from a pleasant visit with the old folk
in the Willamette.
lhe Prince of Whales will have to
torn over a large lot of new leaves to
ever be as good a king as was his
yuite a few new settlers have been
taking up land at Pass creek.
Lew Carson, of Canyon City, who
had arr interest in the Canyon Citv-
Izee stage line, has mved his family
to Heppner.
Fine eating appli s at Bishop's.
lliehnest liife of bulk Tjickles that
ever cam to town at Mat, onk Hrt'i
Souf, Ijwee't and dills."
Jresh cauliflower iust'rfifieivAd at
Pickled pigs' feet, salt etfTiBOri? her
ring anil mackerel t MatTock & Hart's
T. R. Howard's store' has evertfthinir
in me grocery nne needed by city trade.
Rooms for Rent cards forv sale at Ga
zette office".
Heppner Gazette and Est Oregbniao
seml-weekiy, $2.75; weekly 82 25.
Go to Bishop's arid try some of their
sweet cider, 15 cents a quart.
Hon. Phil MetBfihan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise-.' The dinirrgroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
The' Hepbber Gazette effioe will fur
nish you any paper or magazine in the
World at a reduced rate. '
Commencing February 1st we will
again give Purchase Stamps to all who
call for them, until our present supply
is exhausted. We do this to ei ve those
who iaiira to get their books filled a
chance to do Bo now that thev may not
oe disappointed in getting a picture.
This Fair.
One of the1 mostf despicable things on
esrth is the bilk. He
Chae. F. Parkins, who formerly lived
moves among near Lexington, la nnx In T.t. .ni
uoursi peopie ana swindles wnere ere in writing from there says
..o vu Buu ia a large iactor in cauBine "Th 8 nm PmiHa Mnni k.
loss of faith in human nature. I changed verv much and improved. It
The bilk may have hi day1 for i is all settled np now," and is a kood
whllej but sooner br later lustice over farming country the beet I have seen
fakls him. ' ' since I took Horace Greelfiv'i dvi
A bilk who travels unJer the names and went west
of Headly and Newton recently swin- "It is now five years' since ' this resef'
died V WasTiington" "college" and then vation was opened for Settlement; and
came to Antelope and contracted for 4 now the settlers are proving up and
lot of horses to be delivered Saturday; getting their land deeded, and some are
The horses were there, but the bilk had selling at $2500 to $3000 a M section.
uuwir, leaving many unpaid Dins. " , -inere nave Deen some good mines
struck' back of Grahgeville, so this
BIG CAVE. wnoie country is on a boom. I think
Over on the North imk nf Hia Jnfci "Id Horace must have forseen this
Day, southeast from Heppner, Is a very yearB ago when fie told us kids to go
r"iiBgedegion of high mountains,' tow- we8t" 1 m thinking of going out proa-
enng nmrox and deep ravines. Whil6
recently prospecting there the Shells
boyH discovered a large cave located in
the side of a mountain, about 25 miles
above Dale.
pecting in the Bitter
next summer."
Root mountains
Although' reports from ail over the
The entrance is tig "enough to admit I oaBt Bpeak the Belgian hare being
horsff, ana farther in it grows much
larger. The explorers saw enough of
thVcAWWVterlTlKlft tfAnV Hfirft' ft' ft" a
wonderful creatifffr;
3 "J r ' ' A
conuemnea as a nuisance, the lact re.
mains that its meat is choice and good.
Judge Keithlev has in Heppner quite a
bunch 6f Belgian hares, of which he
takes most excellent " care. He feeds
SAT EVE. POST 1 . ynem grain ana vegetables, and lays on
ii.A:2f.i .la v. ..'
One of the mos readable publication! . lm'a 'ml'
in the whol e world Is tWttttflay
Evening Post. It is "etegantly'prrhtBd1',
and is filled Vith 'Stories and "skelcliel
by the best" autbors and mdA'pToraP-
nent public 'men, and is hiBtef ully Iffu- KILL THE DAlSnRCTF ' 6'ERM
tratea oy accomplished artists. The
roBi was rounoea in T7j, nyuenj: 1 0r four" HaTT Wifl Fall Oat Tilt Xoii'Be-
ranklin, and Is new published by th eome Bald.
vu.HBruu.w, wmcn is a guarantee Modern science' baa disoovered that
of its excellence. It only cOSts "$! a I dandruff is caused bv a cerm thai 'dim
iuubo wuu nave ate oi tneir meat say
it is as nice as grouse, and at table ev
ery plate is returned for i second help'-
year, or 5 cents' a" copy;
A good tanch ot 160 acresF. 140 of it
good plow laird; located on corrntv road.
o mnes southwest of Heppner, is now
offered at $4 an acre". " Ahy" man who
will work it mav have it on 3 yearn'
bib', pay in eaBy installments. Apply
at neppner uazeite omce.
r or sale at $1100, 100 acres on the
edge of Heppner. Town loW ' may be
sold from it at once. Owner will give
$100 for the hay now crowing oh it.'
Apply Gazet office.
np the scalp in scales as it bnrrow
down to the roots of the bair, where it
destroys the bair's vitality, oansing fal
ung nair, ana, nitimaieiy, baldaess.
After Prof, Unna, of Hamburs. Ger
many, discovered the dandruff germ, all
efforts to find a remedy failed until the
great laboratory discovery was made
rnicli resulted in NewbroV Herbtaida.1
It alone of all other hair preparations'
kill the dandruff germ. Without dan.1
drnff, hair grows luxuriantly. "Destroy
the oause, you remove the effect."
Sheep-ranch 'outfits," stock 'salt,' Wats1
and furnishing goods,' pipes'," tobacco,1
candy and nnts all time are void--KtT.
14. Howard's store.
A bright man with light team to do
ight work in Morrow and Gilliam coun
ties, bteady work and good wages to'
the right man. For particulars address
Gerlicher Bros., Winona, Minn.
There is vacant eoverrrment land
in Morrow county plateau, foot
bill and mountain timbered land.
There is semi-arid land near the1
Columbia that may' be bought at
50 cents an acre; if irrigated it will
produce good crops.
Way to Make a
' AT fill,,
ion is to Reduce
Which all j who have investigated have found
wrare doihg-thefe has been many pleasant
OTfjffe ih our store; the past week when
tKo&eIio-Vjame to get
Ladies' flannelette Wrappers, regular price 1;38 ' at 'reductibn' pW 93c
A paif Sbf those rfieii's tleavy 'slides
" ladies' I"' "
A'CrWdf Hh(k4dieS' mktekintoshfia
Ladies' knit hood
BoyB' 66ttori worsted! kne& pants
Children's outing, flannel night-'
gbtrfis;' 'ages 4 to 14 years
: 2.C9' ,
atid so "on through the' list.
A recoCTlzed
authority The Weekly
I&kfifcrwtik are bad' and you cannot conie" to town,'
US your
f aridtheyill be ' filled as carefully as though you were here.
Miis Sale Iotsts Orxl y until OEeti. X st .
The Fair
The Place to
Save Money.
Morrow county - has - a dozen
towimfiipr nt tttotmtaio timber
IanQa thaf wW some daV yiefd imi
mBsVlMJd'meH to? rafermeri nnd
meT dealers.
Jjotice'il'herelar'giveii tfiat a meeting
of t the stockholders of the Morrow
Coffnty J,and aria" Trus Company will
be held at thetffice of tVie Cornpaib
Heppner on Monday, March' 11,1901,
at 7 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors foj the ensnrng year.
. B;P. HvN0, Secretary.
Hep'rSfrbrW. Jam il, 1(K)1.
- The Heppner Stea'rA ta'undry hit just
made many important Improvements by
adding new machinery so as to keep up
with the work and do Tt eVen better. ' A
new mangle has been arranged for,' and
all the machinery overhanred, and the
enterprising proprietor, FbeD KjRno,
has increased the size of the building
14x24. Pe p!e should all patronize this
home institution and promptly pay' their
bills the first of the month. There is
no good business policy in sending
Washing aWay from Heppner.
Heppner Gazette only 4 bits for
3 months.
The Heppner Gazette wants corre
spondents all over Morrow and adjacent
counties to send it news of the local
happenings. All correspondence need
will be properly paid for.
Tbia well-kept house ia centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street.
Heppner, end has good rooms and a
bodnt'ifut table, at reasonable rates. .
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goes throneh in
24 hours. -
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west side of Main street,
keepe first-class rigs and saddle horses.
and takea the best of care of tbem.
H. A. Thompson,
Proprietor of all Three.
Anyone can mate money getting up
Clubs of Subscribers for the Heppner
Until further notice the Gazette will
pay $3.75 in cash to anyone sending in a
club of 5 new cash 1-year pubscribers.
Will pay $7 50 for 10 new cash 1-year
Will pay $11.25 for 15 new cash !
year subscribers.
Will pay $15 for 20 new cash 1-year
Anyone sending in a club of 25 new
cash 1-year subscribers will be given a
nne goia watch.
lndepenaeht and reliable-" he Oregon! J8--&
The Glen Ellen Wine Vaults,
; ' 'm-
We supply families and the trade Wifh the Choicest
California Wines. Brandies,
and Kentucky '""-'-if, j$
' , r- - at Reasonable Prtcesv
No Order Is too small for our Careful and Prompt Attention.
A. KLINE & CO., Jt x n
Wholesale and fletali Deatera; PehdletOfi, Ore.
There are at present in Morrow
county the following post offices :
These are the days of IJoliday Cheer,
Which old and young in common revere.
Whether they herd the sheep or run the steer, '
They know the place to get good beer
Is on Main street, at the Belvedere.
Also choice wines and liquors fori
medicinal purposes, and holiday hard
ware to be taken internally.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
Home-seekeri with means, and invest
ors should come here. On account of
the ' lowpricee at which ife lands are
offered, Morrow bonnty expects lo double
its population ibis year. Good land can
be bought here at $1.25 to 95 an sore.
Wool perm H to IS
Wheat per bushel 41 to5
Flour, Heppner, uer bbl :
Oats per 1UO lbs )
Hariey per iuu lbs 1 .v
Bay, alfalfa, per ton 7 (10
(In stack at ranch) j u)
Hay, wheat 9
(In stack at ranch) 1 m
Bacon per lb V2'4 (tt IS
Lard per lb 12 to 12(4
Beef. bCTt. on foot 1
Beef.eutup 7 to 15
Butter per lb 5 to ho
Kr an
r-otatoea ijj to 75
Chickens, per dm gto
Pry Hldea, Ko. 1, per lb , u
Uepfll, pw lb , 10
Only IS aa acre.
Ranob of 324 acres tor sale; good gratis
or plow land, all under fenoe," hat ruri-
ning water, and ia located on county
road, five miles south of Heppner. Ap
ply to owner, J. W. Bedingtoo, at the
Gazette office, Heppner. Tbia place will
make a good borne for some farmer or
tookman: If not sold aopn it will be
for rent: It adjoint land of D. A. Her
ren, Tom Qoaid, Wm. Penland and
James- Hayee.
For i short time t can sell you tone of
the'nest iraprdved borne" farms in Eight'
Mile at $2050. G. W. WeIls.
We Drugs,
Toiiettte Articles,'
Up-to-Date Drtifrgists, Heppner.
ProprielbFoT the
On West Side of iain St., Heppner.
A new typewriter will cost you fl06.
The Gazette office baa one to sell at 30
that will do just as good work a a $100 Full Stock of Vaocinatoio Points Just Received.
and Saddle
Ilay and Grain bought and Bold. First-'olasB
Horse a always kept for livery at reasonable fatefe.'
The very befit facilities kept lor takfne dart of tearnsleft
I charge. Give me a trial and bo coiWicfced:
Anyone desiring Private Board will do
well to call on Mrs. Morrifton at her
rooms back of P. O. Bory's Jewelry
EfcArx WAGON -
Is me that everybody knows. It is one of the best on eatth.
it Bisbee
Havejft8Tav1Sd feile, of the' largest stocks of Bain Wacona ever
Calk and See them -
si tiro 'Rlisimt.
HeavyvBtid' ;fihelf Hardware, Granibware, Tinwftte, Agrfinlihral
i"Y?nivpi', ubrodb, tiaoKs, jito., vbmhb and Uil (the beat in
the world). Crockery and Glassware.
- AT
Main fetreet, you can find
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware;
Tinware and Furnishing Goods,
All well adapted to either City or Country Trade.
Staple artd Fancy Groceries-
tine Teas ana voffm.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.L
T. R. HOWARD, Heppnor.
For Infanta and Children.
Etere is Home lestiniony.
Uardmao, Jaoaary 11
a word for roar eoartr mndinirja P.ti
I want ti ray
Mr, B'ncna)
Den'r Sir
My wife bad a lad coneb. and I not a' bottle ot tha Ft
llB Kind YCB Ha8 AlWaiS BOUgbf took ccordiD t0 direction, and it cured her in 24 hoore.
y i iuun ronpocivioiiy,
Bears the rf fz. . Hka Vm
Auvuiia jkM. iia mxmu oirueif xieppner
Simond's Cross Cut Saws
Sewing Machines
Sanitary. Stills
Boss Washers
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
Ed. R. Bishop's.