Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 17, 1901, Image 6

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In the county court for the State of
Oregon, for the County of Morrow,
ford, and Sheriff J. W. Matlock..
After due proclamation of opening
court having been made by the proper
officer, the following proceedings were
Miscellaneous bills against the county (
were presented, considered and ordered
raid as follows:
Chas Hams, pauper acct $ 40 00
Mat Lichtentbal, treas. salary. . . 83 33
Vawter Crawford, clerk's ' ... 333 33
J W Matlock, sheriffs " ... 333 33
D II Jenkins, drawing precinct
Actors and musicians all over
the world value their connection
court met in regular session at the court with the Bohemian Club in San
VD ; TTQr,Q, n Wart noadav . Tan- KranClSCO BHU D61D 10
It being the 3d judicial day of. said i w "
term and the first day of the honorable art by ; enacting the most flr-grant
commissioners' sitting, wben were pres- parod.es and holding them up
. . . A. whimsicallv to derision. Hut here
Ke sio E?T Ashbh ?o one except the obscure u ,
LlVl,. Howard; Clerk Vawter Craw- from
The great carnivals are at mid
summer and Christmas, and the
former acquires a character all its
own from the fact that the club
betakes itself to the redwoods and
camps out for a few days in a
body. There at midnight in the
mighty forest occur the solemn
ceremonies attending the crema
tion of Care. There the High
Prirst and his acolytes form their
melancholy procession to the sound
of chanting, and with flaring
torches the great funeral pyre is
set alight and the gigantic body of
the tyrant is consumed. It is only
after Care is dead and turned to
ashes that the "High Jinks" fairly
begins; but it moves fast when it
is well started.
3 00
E S Cox, asstgdo 2 00
S II Cox " " 2 00
11 Scherzinger, stock inspector's
salary 45 00
E R Hunlock, Co. physician. . . . 33 33
Lee Mstlock deputy sheriff sal.. 90 00
A G Bartholomew, Co. judge sal 150 00
W L Smith, deputy clerk's sal. . 90 00
J W Shipley, school supt. " . . 138 34
C T Walker, election acct 5 00
Light & Water Co 9 00
D C Aron Co., stationery 3 00
W J Davis, road & bridge acct. . 65 00
Dan Rice, same 8 25
F C St Clair, same 2 50
D S Barlow " 3 00
E R Hunlock, insane acct 10 00
E R Swinburne " " 5 00
J L Yeager, pauper " 37 00
J W Matlock, insane ' 1 85
Rhea & Welch, pauper " 27 00
T R Howard ' 1 50
Minor & Co. crt house & jail acct 4 20
E R Swinburne, pauper acct. . . .
Wm Barton " " ....
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cauBe a horrible burn, scald,
cot or bruise. Buoklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill tbe pain
and promptly beal it. Cures old sores,
fever sores, uloers, boils, felons, corns,
all skiD eruptions. Best pile onre on
earth. Only 25o a box. Cnre gunr
anteed. Bold by Oonser & Warren
Drug Co.
Like wild fire, the Belgirn hare
craze swept over the country and
then died out. But the couotry is
full of them. In California alone
there are a million hares, and fruit
26 00 growers are apprehensive over the
159 00 damage to their orchards when the
Destroy tht cause, you rtfMVi
the effect
Kill the Dandruff Germ
The only preparation that
will destroy those parasites.
for Sale by all Drujglsti.
PRICE $1.10.
Boston, Jan. 9. The American
Wool & Cotton Reporter, will say
The quiet prevalent in Boston s
wool district at the last writing
has not been in any great measure
disDelled. and many of the dealers
am much busier hoDins for sales
than in fillioe orders. There have
been more inquiries, more searches
for bargains than there was lasi
week. Bales ot the ween in .dobiuu
amounted to 1.590.000 pounds do.
mestio and 15iO,UUU foreign, maKiog
a total of 1.710.000 against a total
of 1,249,000 for the previous week
and a total of 2,5Go,WU lor tne
".orresponding week last year. The
sales since January 1 amount to
3,159,000 pounds, against 5,0YU,bUU
pounds for the corresponding time
last year,
Considering hie advanced age, 83, Dr.
A. J. Shobe, Heppner's pioneer physi-
ii on...
cian, is getting along very won. xuo
paralysis that attacked him a few years
ago has yielded to the skillful treatment
WARNING. of Dr. Swinburne. Quite recently dropsy
Grazing on my land 5 miles south ot has developed, and it was necessary
Heppner is in violation of common law this week to tap the patient, which was
and justice. During free trade days it ,jone Dy rjPi Swinburne and brought
was an ngni Kreat relief.
sueep were worwi uuimug. uui u -- ... t..ii n.,,wi
is different, and it is not fair that I Dr. Shobe is being carefully attended
should be left in the hole for taxes. So to, and his many friends hope to soon
I will be compelled to prosecute anyone gee njm np an(j around again.
wno trespasses upon ray iauu.
Baldwin's Dys
pepsia Tablets,
food digesters,
start digestion
a healthy, clean
stomach. Help
the stomach to
do its work prop-
erly until it's
cured soc.
Saw Francisco, CaU
I -n at uvl'I'J PfV
I nave irutucu ... ---7, -,. - -
jny -
I rnvui mnuiuQD. -
I your DyBpepsia i auicn.
I fu good condition.
Alameda, Cau r
I ... . nr. V DAT nWTN CO..
IKUWABU S- .i i. itnmarll trouble
I Alt-r UnCHUR . 1 K., ..oino
rE:i -hlri. I was about to
Patterson & Son, Heppner
At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good plow land,
has running water and is under fence.
This place is all ready tor the plow. Not
a stump to pull, no clearing to be done; 8
miles to mountain timber, and on county road.
Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner.
The news of both hemispheres In The
Weekly Oregonlan.
$100 REWARD.
A reward of $100 will be paid for the
arrest and conviction of any person or
persons stealing horses branded E. D.
or -S- on lef I stifle.
T. J. Matlock,
J. M. Keeney.
B..u.hi. nA nnrittc rncin or women, boys or
wtr are wanted In every town to represent TH E
fenfpR MONTHLY '"America's Great Family
tESSEr The l"dVr Monthly J. a
publication, printed on fine paper, with a beautiful
Jover In co org, and Interests all members of the
family All subscribers tor 1901 receive oor superb
o nanni ralentl KRKK. Agents are paid liberal
5&ESSa also share InVooO divided among
those who send the greatest number ot aubsorio.
Hons. Bend for fret particulars.
Ledger BaUdlna, - . Sew York.
fmsT Jational Jank
J. W. Redington.
Rvervbodv wantB to knovr what The
Oregonlan has to say.
Don't Rub It In.
Irwin-Hodson Co, stationery 2 85 owners of the rabbitnes become
Court confirmed issue of scrip to J. finally convinced .that the bare
W. Rasmus and W. A. Richardson for business in overdone and is a flat
services as bailiffs at November term failure and turn their rabbits loose
of circuit court. to live as best they may. 80 much
Cost bill, State of Oregon ys. Mat fear is felt in the fruit districts
Hughes: that a bill has been prepared pro-
J P Williams, justice fees 15 50 yiding for the enactment of a law
G B Hatt, constable " 6 90 making it a criminal offense to
Dr House, witness " 5 10 turn a Belgian hare free.
Gus Hoskins " " 5 10
8 P Florence " " 6 60
Chns Newell " " 5 10
Cost bill, State of Oregon vs. TJ, 8.
Rudd :
W M Haguewood, justice fees.
C T Walker, constable fees 3 00
Ida Castleman, witness " 5 10
G Ross " " 1 CO
J A Woolery " " 1 00
T IIBrierly " " 1 00
If you would realize the best re
sults from farm animals, you must
treat them with kindness. Wheth
er guided wholly by instinct or
6 25 partly by reason, they soon realize
the nature of their treatment and
govern themselves accordingly.
m s
ore Throat
Mysterious) ram
ajad procr
At drutt, 10 t.
Not long ago three British scouts
. . . L t 1 T
were taken prisoners oy uenerai uo
Wet, the Boer, near Lindley. De Wet,
who does not care to be burdened with
nriHoners. told these three men that he
had an important dispatch for Oen.
Rundle, and if they would personally
undertake to deliver it to the general
be would give them back their liberty.
They were elated at tbe proposal and
all gave De Wet their word of .honor
to deliver the missive into Gen. Rundle's
own bands. On reaching Rundle's
headquarters they insisted on handing
the letter to the general personally, aod
on his opening it the three still stand
ino as bis audience he read aloud the
m . ... ..TV.... . T)l
( Onterrts as toiiows: uearmr; rieo
chain up Jhese three devils, as 1 can
catch them every day. Yours, De Wet."
i no reflection 50 jfft
ISWB. dainty, no light soIlNp
PfW charmlns 88 the Frf?
H J mellow glow that f 1
Hi I comes from
RfVax Candles!?
B Prepared in man? color tints JlJsJ
t -SI to harmoniss with aur- gSIT
F ,J1 ronndingi in dining fji
W'Mi$s&i room, drawing room, flKSff
wkTt$jni De room or ball. Sold Bar?
EfyS arerwhere. Madt bj Alfe
O A RHEA President U. W. 1 UNHiiK bhuici
T. A. RHEA Vio President E. L. FREEL AND. .Assistant Cashier
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. SurpluB and undivided profits $35,000.
f5)o McKlo
w.iw T .j.
tAelr families aJd praacrioe i
Cure m
In their praotfcoe.
OentUmen: I narer h!ttt) WtoMr-
dva the worth Of. a food thlpif. con.
su'ntly I do not hfutrlte to acknwwlwdgj
That T Vm.ra elvn vmir rm(lV a tnOTOUgn
"r '." 'n; ;rt..n .A,i ia..i.
Vcatern Ageny BAN
iiui rtrA kaua nlinrl
.t h Pi'TNAM. M. D.. Butland,
First to arrive with the telegraphic
news The Weekly Oregonlan.
Thursday, Jan. 10.
In the matter of the proposed county
road of W. T. Hcott, et al, report of
viewers and surveyor read.
Cost bill, State of Oregon vs. Austin
J P Wilfiams, justice fees 3 95
G B Hntt, constable ."
Miscellaneous bills allowed :
Binns Bros, road & bridge acct. .
Gilliam ABisbee " ' " . .
F M Holmes, drawing prec jury
GM " assisting same. .. .
IR Esteb "
Heppner Times, stationery 44 00
J J McGee, surveyor's acct 5 00
Sarah Basev. pauper " 14 50
Bloeum Drug Co, " " .
Heppner Gazette, stationery
J B Hunt, road supervisor 28 45
Warrant for $100 ordered drawn as an
appropriation toward repairing the
John Day and Heppner wagon road.
The service and mileage accounts of
3 80
17 00
f4 37
3 00
1 50
1 50
30 15
13 00
A Monster Devil Fish
Destroying its victim, is a type of con
stipation. The power of this murderous
melady is fell on organs nod oerves and
masoles aod brain. There is do health
till it's overoome. Dot Dr. King's New
Life Pills are a safe una certain cure.
Best iu the world for stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels. Only 25 cents at
Oonser & Warren Drug Oo.
Anyone wanting pasturage for a bnnch
of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W.
Redington, at Gazet ollico, Heppner.
Cold Steel or Death
"There is but one small ohaooe to esve
your life and tbot is through ao opera
tion," was the awful prospect set before
Mrs. I. B Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis.,
by her doctor after vaiuly trying to ourt
her of a frightful case of stomach trouble
and yellow junndioe. He didn't count
on the marvellous powr of Electric
know what
you're planting
when )uu plunt
Ferry's Sodtfa. It you
buy cheap seeds you can't
be sure. Tako no chances
Ferry's. Dealers every
where sell them. Write
for 19(11 Heed Annuals-
mailed free.
Riltara to miro RtnmHCh nnd liver troubles.
the jurors and witnesses at November Dnt Bjie hPHri f jtj took even bottles,
term of circuit court, amounting to a was wholly cured, avoided surgeon's
knife, now weighs more aud feels better
than ever. It's positively guaranteed to
ours stomaob, liver aud hulney troubles
nnd never dissppninls. Price 50o at
Oonser & Wsrren Drug Co
Feed and Sale Stable
Has just been opened to the
public and Mr. (lordon, the
roprlotor, kindly invites his
riumls to rail and try his
first-duns accommodations.
n.ty of Hsvjr Lrtd. O-rsan. for Bala
Stable located on wuststdo of Main
street botweon Wm. Scrlvner's and
A. M. Ounn'R blacksmith shops.
For the ladles A flue horse and huly'a saddle
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner
Ilia work first-class
and satisfactory.
May Street
total of $257,50, was ordered paid for
Friday, Jan. 11.
lload supervisors' bills allowed as
Jesse Kirk 52 00
NLSbaw 1100
B F DeVore 50 00
A J Cook 128 75
F M Parker 35 00
In the matter of the proposed county
road No. 15(1, report of viewers and sur
veyor read second time and approved j
claims for damages J P Brown $250;
J Q Wilson $.100 ; court appointed J M
Hager, T J Matlock and W G McCarty
as appraisers to meet on Jan. 20 at 9
a. m. at beginning of said proposed
road and assess the amount of damagos,
as above claimed, if any there be,
caused by laying out said proposed
road, and to report as by law directed.
Bills already incurred in above case
ordered paid as follows:
N 8 Whetstone, viewer 2 60
A Andrews " 2 60
1) O Justus, viewer (also wagon
and team) io Give him a call
J J McGee, survevor 7 00
Bills ordered paid:
Wm House, criminal acct 12 50
Nick Wellinuhara. hauling 00
Telephone Co 4 65
Bridal Veil Lumber Co, road &
bridge acct 30 00
J L Howard, commissioner sal
E C Ashbaugh " "
Glass & Piudhom, stationery.
Satcrday, Jan. 12
The court drew the names of 200 resi
dents of the county for the jury box.
Koad Supervisor Hiram Clark re
signed, and Kdward Brown appointed.
Koad Supei visor Robert Dexter re
uiguwl, and Marian Slagbt was ap
pointed. Claims against the Bcalp bounty fund
were examined, approved and accepted.
In the matter of the report of Koad
Supervisor Robt Dexter, the action at
the November term, wherein he was
allowed $47.90 was reconsidered, and
the clerk was ordered to draw a new
warrant for $16.
niarU ordered to draw warraot for
collection of delinquent 1899 faxes.
Court adjourned to meet in special
session Jan. 28 to fix county levy.
Detroit, Mich.
Notice of Final Settlement.
uiuiitralirned admlnidtmtor of the estate
ol William Cox. deceased, has filed in the
nnnntv Court of Morrow county, his final
Recount as such administrator of said estate,
and that Tuesday the fifth day of March, 1901,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day has
heen nxeil by said court tor nearing ui objec
tions to said report and the settlement thereof.
Administrator of the eBtate ot William Cox,
deceased, 8l7-.il
In the District court of the United States for
the District of Oregon.
In the matter ol 11. A. Yocom, a bankrupt In
Rank rnntcv.
To thft creditors of H. A Yocom. ot Hennner,
In the county of Morrow and district aforesaid,
a bankrupt.
Notice a here bv elven that on the 'itn nay
of December, lWX), the said H. A. Yocom
was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the
tint meeting of his creditors will be hem in
mv nfflcn In the Asslciation block, on Main
street, in the City of Pendleton, Umatilla
eountv. Orpiron. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon,
on thn '2Hr.l dav of January. 1901. at which
time the creditors may attend, prove their
claims, annoiut a trustee, examine the bank
rupt aud transact such othor business as may
properly come before said meeting.
Dated this uin aay oi January, iwi.
Thomas fitzGkrai.1),
Keteree in Bankruptcy.
IV. Johnson, specialist for diseases
of the rectum, will be at the Palace
Hote for a short time only. vr. jonn-
son cure' piles without knife, ligatiue
or caustic and guarantees a cure in
everv case. Call and talk with him if
you are troubled.
Offlce at The Dalles, Or., Jan. 8, 1901.
Motina in hnrehv si ven that the following!
name 1 settler has filed notice of his intention
tn maim final nroof in sunnort of his claim, and I
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, OreKon,
on Thursday February 14, lui, viz:
JOHN D. HICKEY, of Heppner, Ore,,
Homestead entry No. 5351 tor the east V, north
west U and east W southwest i section 7, town
ship 3 south, range MEWH
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of said land, viz; Mat Hughes, urnesc cupper,
Patrick Hplllane ana Isaac m aasey, an oi nepp-
ner, Ore. . .
816-21 JAY r. IjUcah, negister.
Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.)
oursuance of Instructions from the Com
missioner of the general land office, under au
thority vested In him by section 2455, D. 8.
Kevisea statute, as amenueu vy uicbui ui vun- i
rress annroved February lift. 1895, we will pro
ceed to offer at public sale on Saturday the 2d
rtuv of vntirnarv. next, at tne nour oi iu o ciock
a. m., al tins omce, tne iouowiiik unci ui iauu,
to-wit: west Vi soumeasi ) section ii , iuwu
hln 3 south, ranee 25 E W M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are advised to tile their
claims in this offlce on or before the day above
designated for the commencement oi saiu sale,
otherwise tneir rignts win oe iuneueu.
jay r. Ijucah. Register.
B14-19 Otis Pattrrson. Receiver.
U. a. Land omce, The Danes, ur.,uec zi, imi.
1J Offlce at La Grande. Or.. Dec. 4. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final nroof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk of Morrow Comity, Oregon, at
Heppner, Oregon, on January ro, iwi, viz:
Homestead entry No. 6219 of
JOHN P. DOHERTY, of Vinson, Ore ,
for the east i southeast U and southeast M
northeast M and lot 1 section 2, township 2
south, range 29 east W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said ana. vis: Daniel uonerty, oi nenpner,
Ore., Daniel Hirl, James Nelson and James
Byers, all of Viuson, Ore.
811-6, . Register.
Chicago- Salt Lake Denver, 4:30 p. m.
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Special Kansas City, Ht.
9a.m. Louis, Chicago,
and Eust
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p.m.
Express Ft. Worth, Omaha,
9 a. m. Kansas City, St
via. Hunt- Louis. Chicago
ingtou, and East,
Atlantic Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p. m.
Express ton, Spokane, Min
7 -45 a.m. neapolis, St. Paul,
via. Spo- Duluth, Milwau
kane. kee Chicago and
8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to changt.
For San Francisco
Sail every 5 days
8:00 p.m. Columbia Riveb 4:00p.m.
Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex.Sunday
Saturday , . ,
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
6:00 a.m. Willamette Riveb 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex.Bunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Ralem and
n ay Landings.
7-00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m.
Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. and Fri.
Oregon City, Day
tou & Way Land
ings. Snake River.
Lv. Rlparia Lv.Lewiston
3:35 a. m, Riparia to Lewlston 9 a, m.
daily dally
WHEN buying a shot gun don't throw away money
by spending $ 1 50 to $500 when for very much
less you can buy a
which will outshoot any other shot gun on the market
no matter what it costs. The Winchester Repeating
Shot Gun is now made In " Take Down " style in 12
and 16gauge. Itcombinesrapidity.reliabilityandstrong
shooting qualities with-a price within reach of every
body's pocketbook. For sale by dealers everywhere.
FREE Send nam and aidrtu oh portal card for 164-page catalogue.
I. X. L.
Confectionery and Cigar Store.
Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor.
Free Reading Room.
Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, ana reaa
papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place.
all of the very best quality.
A. fair share of the public patronage is solicited.
U Otttc-e at La Grande, Ore., Dec. 4, l'.nm.
Notlee Is hereby given that the following-
named settler haa filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner
at 7 :45 a. m. No. 10 arrives at 5:30 p. m. Uallj
except Sunday.
Passengort booked for all Foreign I
J. M. KERN AN, Agent. Heppner.
General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or.
New Lodging House.
I have re-papered and re
furnished the well-known
Mougtaii) House
And it is now ready for
the acoommadation of
lodgers by the day, week or
Labor Saving Reading for
Busy Men and Women, in
The Outlook
$3.00 a year
A cent a day
5 j numbers
a year
A Weekly Newspaper ind an Illustrated Magazine in one. Tells the story
of world-nappenings every week in brief, clear-cot paragraphs. Lyman Abbott
the Editor-in-chief, and Hamilton W. Mabie the Associate fcditor.
The author of " How the Other Half Lives " will
give in Ths Outlook an intensely human ind vivid
account of his experiences as child In Denmark,
an immigrant in America, a workman, a traveller,
a reporter, and finally a student of tenement house
firoblems, and an efficient aid to Theodore Roosevelt
n reorganizing the New York police. Mr. Riis
writes with simplicity, humor and vigor.
will contibute s series of important papers on funda
mental political principles as applied to twentieth
century problems. It will be called " Ths Rights
of Mam,'' and will define industrial, educational and
religious, as well as political, rights and duties.
Under this pseudonym were written two of the
most striking of recent novels, "Black Rock' and
" The Sky Pilot." A new novel of Canadian and
Western life by this author will appear in Ths
Outlook during the year. In spirit, humor, pathos
and strong character-drawbig it is even superior to
its predecessors.
To introduce The
Outlook to new read
ers we will send it for
two months' trial for 25 cents pro
vided this paper is mentioned. Address
Public Land Sale. (Isolated Tract.)
1 pursuance ol Instructions from the Coin
nilssloner ot the General Land Oflloe, under
autnorltv vested In htm by section 2Vb. United
States revised statuU's, as amended by the act that said proof will be made before the County finmi rnntnc "xnti r1san mm
congress approved February 26, lsstt, we will Clem ot Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, uuuu IUUII1S flllU njail, will
proceed to oner at pumic saie on lursuay, ine on January Jtj, lyui, vis: tiomeateaa entry u'jni,
. , "?y. "L l'Mli,?.5rUme.i,,.hL . ,Ti,.l!,.?L.. GEORGE A. STEVENSON, of Heppner, Ore.,
of land, to wtt: Southeast 1 northwest H and " southeast H section 15, township g south
..i.thuu,, l imrt,u..i l. Bu.,t Lu, n trt, i,i, in I raiiKe '27 east W M.
4 south range 2fi east W M He names the following witnesses to prove
Any and all persons claiming adversely the Discontinuous residence upon and cultivation
i..,.. .i .... in hi. ih.,i. of said and. via: H. P. Florence, L. A Florence.
claims iu this ollloe on or before the day above fceuey aim law, vi""'", "
HU-ts a. n. vahtlctt, Kegister.
fortable beds.
Lodging 25 cents.
designated for the commencement of said sale,
othurwlse their rights win he loricitea.
JAY. P. Ll'CAt). Register.
817-23 Otis Pattkrson. Receiver.
U. rJ. band Office, The Dalles, Ore., Jan. 12, 1901.
Netfve Influence
vi.it DR. JORDAN'S ohutI
(tutwtm aixu a4 IwistJ
17 0
192 0(1
The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard,
E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling
and delivering
at reasonable prices.
Fir. Pine and Oak Roek Springs and
' . 4-a 1
Wood. Mosiyn uoai.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Leae orders Bt T. B. Howard's grooery store, or csll np Mr. Besmsn's borne
by Telephone.
Is the subtle force which controls the different organs of the
1(100 bodv. It makes them strong or weak, healthy or diseased
according as the brain and nerves are strong and vigorous or MriwQiwL...lr,.r
weak and diseased. eak nerves cause headache, nervousness,
nrnmlmn. inditTestion. heart trouble and manv other forms of CONTEST NOTICE
chronic weakness. Make the nerves strong, the brain clear and Y)
active and the body will be healthy and vigorous.
"For soino years I was troubled with nervousness
nnd pain at the base ot the bruin. My head often felt as
though it was In a vise and was beinti squeezed. I pot
so bad 1 could scarcely sleep at niRlit and my heart
would palpitate and pain me a trreat deal. I began taking
Or. Miles' Nervine nnd grew steadily stronger until my
trouble was entirely removed."
Key M. Camfufli., Walr, Neb.
D. Miles' Nervine
xthes and rosts the tired brain, 6trenntheu9 tbe nerves
nnd supplies tin nerve lntluence tiiat is so necessary to
build up health of body aud vigor ot mind. Try it.
Sold by druggists oo guarantee. Da. Mu.es MsoicAt. Co., "Elkhart, Ind.
iitn-it Thn Dalles. Ore.. Nov 10 VXD
A snftlrlent contest sffldavit hartiig been tiled
in this office by B. F. Swauifart, contestant,
aitalnst honiesteatl entry No. SstS. made 0't
W. lw. for north i southeast k sectiou 22 ami
northwest l sontnwest ami sramnBi m
northwest V setlon 2, township 1 south, range
2d vast, hy William M. Ross. contitee, til wnnn
It Is alleited that saltl vumam m. noss naa
wholly abandoned said tract, aud has contin
ued to so abandon said traflt, and has failed to
Improve said tract ever since March 1, 1. and
that sam ananoonmeni is uo uu , uu
ploymentln the army or navy oi wsimi
States In time ol war. said parties are hereby
notlHed to appear, respond and oiler evidence
touching said alienation at 10 o'clock a m on
January W. W01. before Vawter Crawford,
County Clerk, at his ettlce at Heppner, Ore-on,
and that dual herliif will be held atlO o el.x-k
, n i...,i... ) inn. before the Register
and Receiver at the United mate land othee
In The Dallca. OreRon.
Thesas4coiitestauthavliir. in a pro(Kr am
davit. Bled twtober II. lsW. sot tonh facts
which show that after due dillircnc. rrsoal
..f hi. nntiit t'Aimot be made. H is
hereby ordered and dlrecteit that such notice
be given bj dun aud proper pnoncaiiou.
12-lj Iax P. tWAS, Keflster.
svd mtm woe are aufferlat
from the ctt'scts ot youthful iDdi.
eretlona or xoaa4 In maturor
rears. TTervous and phvalsal lblllSy,Iaa.
imlrMT. Loil Mh4 In all itaoompll-
cations; flprinsrrhos, Prallr-
rntra, bwnnrruwa, wiacs, rmfttvj
r I rlnHttaar. Hy a eombluatloa of
remedies, of rat ouratfve powe r, ths Doctor
has so arranged his tratmcut thst It will not
only aiTnrd immtHiinte n-llf, but psrmanout
cure. The Doctor does not claim to perforau
miracles, but M well known to be a fair aod
square Phy.lflan and Hnrfrcon, prsomlooat
In his.pwlalty llaMa mt Jlvai.
r. ......v ,, roup ii if 1 .
ths system without ths use of Merry.
iriun iu iihi uy an . p.r. mnwiwi
fur. for Bupliire. A quick and rarltaol
cwrefor Pllva. riaaaro and rlotnlao, bf
Dr. Jordan's soectal nalnleas mstboda.
KVKRV MAM applvlnctoiiswUlnaalT
our arnat orHnfcmot bisconiplalnt.
We will Nuonmlw a POUITlVJt CUSS mt
ftvrv eats ire vn irr'nKe.
Ciinsullallnii Fit KB and strictly pr1t,
Treatment DeraoilMllv or by lottor.
Wdi. f, Hnnk. PHII.SSWePffT F
M4RRIACIK. MuDrU (.ATaloablO
book for men.) Call or writ
OX mow t CO.. 105t Market St. t.f.
If von want to buv some very low
priced ranchM, et Georne Wells,' at
Conser & Warren's drug store.
The White is King
of Sewing Machlneg and Bicycles.
iiT-i ' a ir.Ain, aaw Post St., Pan Francisco, CM.
White beWlIlg aiaCnme VX. cor. of StocktonSt.. Facing laciac t nlon Club.
C. A. HAWKINS, Oenoral Manager
Gilliam & Blsbee, Heppner,
Dealers in "White" Bicycles and Sewing Machines