The Heppner Gazette THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1901. THE BUBONIC PLAGUE THREATENS SAN FRANCISCO; Effort to Remove Dr. Kenyoun, Federal Health Officer. FOUR. PLAGUE YICT1MS WERE WHITE Officials and the Press of the City Have En deavored to Prevent the Facts From -. Becoming Generally Known. San Francisco, Dec. 31. The Cham ber of Commerce has tahen action to bring about the removal of Dr. J. J. Kinyoun, the federal quarantine officer at . this port, on account of his action in stating that the plague ex isted. in San .' Francisco. Governor Gage "'. has also protested against the policy of Kinyoun and has been com mended by many business men and the Chamber of Commerce for it.' The request will be made of the ad ministration that Dr. Rupert Ulue of the marine hospital service who iB a brother of Lieutenant Victor Blue of Cuban War fame, be sent to this city to take charge of the quarantine station. Dr. Blue is now on duty at the Great Lakes. He was formerly on duty in this city and was very popular. The steamship companies state that al though he was always strict in enforc ing the government laws, he was al ways courteous and did not subject passengers on incoming steamers to any unnecessary inconvenience. The Chinese merchant of the city, have protested to the federal courts aitainst the restrictions . placed upon Chinese imports by Dr. Kinyoim and are test ing his jurisdiction. Dr. Kinyoun is also charged with discourtesy in his treatment of . passengers on incoming steamers. This latter complaint will probably be made the ground of his removal.; ' There have been all told, according to the records of the city board of health, 23 cases of bubonic plague in San Francisco, all but three of which have been Chinese. ' The latest case discovered, December 7 has a significance not met within any other case. It was reported to the health officials by the governor's own inspec tor, Dr. D. A. Hodghead, who aB the physician of the Chinese six companies during the plague scare last spring denied the existence of bubonic plague in " San Francisco. An alarming feature of this last case is the fact that four deaths from plague have now oc curred in the block in 1 which the victim was discovered, . indicating a center of infection, which in spite of firecautions , covering a considerable ength of time has not been wiped out. , Sure Enough:Bubonle Plague. That these. cases are really plague is certified to' by the federal quarantine officials, by the city and county board of health, by the state bacteriologist and by a large number of eminent physicians. Dr. Kinyoun refuses to dis cuss the matter. He has been roundly abused by the local press who deny the existence of plague and attempt to conceal the fact. Dr. O'Brien, city health officer, states that the plague in San Francisco ' is not yet epidemic but sporadic. He states that the same conditions existed in Canton, Bom bay and other eastern cities, where the dreaded disease was sporadic for three or four yearB before it became epidemic. The strictest measures are being taken to stamp out the disease before it becomes epidemic. Physici ans state that there is little chance of its spread due to the healthful climate and perfect sanitary conditions; exist ing now in Chinatown as well as the rest of San Francisco. ; . ' Quarantine Established. ' Quarantines have been established against San Francisco by the states of Colorado. . Texas and ; Louisiana, nrincinallv because the state board of health have failed to notify other states of the true condition a. Honolulu also' threatens quarantine, on the com pletion of their new disinfectant plant. DEATH OF GENERAL SHOU. Did Not. Want to Live After He Hade ' Grievous Mistakes. San Francisco. Dec. 31. Yokohama advices tell of the suicide of Shou- Shan, the Chinese, general. When the Russian troops entered the interior of Manchuria thev asked General Sbou for permission to march through his district. Permission being refused the Russian detachment tried to travel on the Amur, but was at once bombarded by Shou's armv. Then came the news of the fall of Shang Cheng. To atone for his errors Shou decided to commit suicide. He wished bis wife to share his fate but she stoutly refused saying that bis misery was ot his own mating, there was no reason why she should suffer death on account of it. Hia sons took the side of the mother, saying that thev would rather1 remain behinq and save the family from extinction. Shou decided to die alone and chose the ooium route. He took about 04 drams, but having been habituated to the use of the drug, the potion did not have the : expected effect, lie then ordered his servant to fire a pistol at him, but the bullet missed the vital nnt. hittina - him - in "the shoulder, thereupon Shou dressed in his full uni form laid himself down in a coffin and bade hii servant fire. The servant de- clinina. Shou's sixth son took his helbird and speared bis prostrated ather. Slion exclaimed that he was almost dead and bade them nail down the coffin lid. This was done, the dyiig . man nttering feeble groans throughout the night. Next morning the groans had ceased, and Shou was buried, " . i CHINESE EMPEROR ACCEPTS. A Decree by the Emperor Issued to That Affect Reports Conger. Washington, Dec. 31. Minister Con ger this morning cables" the '.'informa tion that " the Chinese emperor has issued a decree accepting the demands of the powers and that Prince Ching will ask for cessation of the military expeditions from Pekiu into the sur rounding country. It is said this gov ernment will join in urging the aban donment of these expeditions. 4 Armistice Declared. . Pekin, Dec. 31. In view of the Chinese emperor's acceptance" of the nIiminary.demanda of the powers an armntice has been declared by the representatives of the powers. narrow escape of ioo men. j Explosion in a Mine Put Out Every Light With Few Fatalities. Wilkesarre, Pa., Dec. 31. One hun dred miners in the Hallenback colliery miraculously escaped death this morn ing when a terrific explosion of gas put out every light in the mine, wreck ing the supports and destroying much property. Enoch Kreger and William Thomas were fatally injured and several others suffered internal injuries. There were more than one hundred men in the mine when the - explosion occurred, but they all escaped injury except the few referred to. HOW HELVETIA WAS TAKEN. Lord Roberts Reports the Details of the Defeat. London, Dec. 31. Lord Kitchener today reports the details of the British defeat at Helvetia on the 29th. The Boers surprised the garrison at 2 :30 o'clock in the morning. The gun officer commanding at Schwartzekopper Bent a patrol at dawn with artillery, and they shelled the Boers out of Helvetia : and forced them to tempor arily abandon their guns. The enemy then formed the prisoners that they had taken around the guns and even tually got them away. No ammunition was captured. The British losses, he sides those captured, were four officers wounded and 11 men Killed ana iz woanded. The British column from Machadenerop, which started to rein force the Helvetia garrison failed to arrive in time owing to bad roads. The London News Comments. London Dec. 31. The Evening News, commenting on the reverse at Helvetia, n its Saturdav issue,' eays: "it the country is willing to pay for the folly of its generals and the'blundering of its ministers, then the pantomime may proceed, but the country ought to de mand the finish of the , campaign in South Africa by guaranteeing the re publics a safe government immedi ately, or by sending sufficient rein forcements to crush the opposition with quick and heavy hand." ' Lentz Serves Formal Nollce. Columbus, 0., Dec. 31. Congress man John J. Lentz, who bitterly fought President McKinley and Mark Hanna in congress on the Idaho bull pen matter, the administration war policy and the trusts, today, served a formal notice on Congressman-elect Emmett Tompkins, republican, that he intends to contest his - seat in the next congress. Lentz alleces the re publicans spent $100,000 in his district to encompass his defeat. Dlvoroe for the Countess. San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 81. The Countess Festetics this morning was granted a divorce from , the count by Judge Bahrs. The court holds that the yacht Tolna, on which the count com pelled her to live six years, was an unfit place for any" lady. The count provided no other home and treated his wife like a dog. The count is an AuBtrian nobleman and married the countess, who was a Miss Hag'gin, in 1892. ' Six Days Bicycle Race In Boston Boston. Mass.. Dec. 31. Seventeen bike racers started on a six days grind at 1:20 this afternoon before one thousand people. The will ride ten hours a" day and individually. The first hour following they scored twenty three miles and six laps, all contestants being , bunched. The names of the riders are: Gougoltz, Kazer, Ryser, Mueller, Turville, Gimni, Wallet, Stinson, McLean, Dubois, Downey. Earned Her Pardon. Albany. Dec. 31. Governor Roose velt hoeded no appeals for pardons to day, except that of Mrs. Annie Wal den, sentenced to life imprisonment for the killing of her husband James Walden, in New York, in 1891, , on account of her heroism in saving an infant during the fire at Blackwell's island recently. , Seattle Helps Herself. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 31. At a Chamber of Commerce meeting here this morning (27,000 was raised in fif teen minutes by subscription and $73, 000 more will be raised inside of three davs as a guarantee to assist Moran Bros, to scale their bid so as to net the contract for one of the new battleships that a big ship building plant can be developed at Seattle. ,'"- Hanging of Noah MeGlnnlJ. Butler, . Mo., Dec. 31. Noah Mc- Ginnis was executed in the jail yard at 9 o'clock this morning for the mur der of William Borcherding, in April 1899. McU inn is made a tall conies, sion. He shot Borcherditig for refusing to give him money. Two hundred witnesses were present at the hanging which was successfully executed. Big Fire at Harvey. Chicago, Dec. 31. A fire early this morning destroyed the extensive plant of the Bellaire Stamping company, at Harvev. The loss is fully $400,000, with three-quarters of it covered; by insurance, -hiitht hundred men are thrown out of employment by the fire Failures In London. London, Dec. 31. There were three small failures on the stock exchange today as the result of the failure of the London and Globe Finance associa tion which occurred on baturday Further suspensions are not expected Grant Arrives With Sick Soldiers. San Francisco, Dec 31. The trans port Grant arrived this morning -from Manila with 238 sick soldiers, insane and 42 ponvicts. Eight prisoners escaped at Hong Kong but three of these were recaptured. Broke Through American Lines Manila, Dec. 31. General Alejand- rino. whom General 'Grant has been pursuing towards Mmnt Aryat, broke through the American lines last night and escaped. General Funston - has started with reinforcements for Gen eral Grant. Former Secretary to Gen. Lee. Richmond, Va Dec. 31. Col Gazenean McLeod, a prominent bnsi ness man and a one time private sec retary of Gen. ritzhueb Lee, suicided this morning, using a revolver. No cause for the act is known. ; May Offer $100,000 Reward. St. Louis. Mo.. Dec. 31. Au Omaha snecial tavs Edward Cudahy may in crease the reward for the arrest of the kidnappers to $100,000. He is now considering the proposition. , Blluard In Texas. Fort Worth. Texas, Dec. 31. A blizzard (track north Texas last night The thermometer registers twenty-eight degrees, the coldest of the season. It ia feared much damage to cattle in terests have occurred. , The Boox Military Court. New York, Dec. 31. The Boos miii . 1 (. 1 . DMIAA t. tary conn leu uere wr suiwcwu, i a.. today to visit the school boo attenoea to prepare his entrance to West Point ana to ascertain more concerning Booz's character. BOERS HAVE INVADED NATAL Gen. Dewet Attempts to Break Through . . ; to the South. . . SKIRMISHES AT SEVERAL POIHTS Beers Attack British Column and Inflict Con .' ; slderable Damage Before1 Tnej ; Could Be Repulsed."- : Standerton,-. Doc. 29. It is reported here that a Boer commando of three thousand men have invaded Natal. Skirmishes have occurred at several points, but no particulars are ob tainable at this hour. British Column Attacltod. London, . Dec. 29. Lord Kitchener reports that ; a British column was at tacked at Crayungstad. Two captains were wounded, eight men killed and ?7 others wounded, while twenty more are missing. ; 'i ; .v.; War Must Go on. , , Borne, Dec. 29.rMaj. Grower Eotlia, brother of Commandant Gen. Louis Botha, has arrived at Konie on his way to The, Hague., He carries dispatches for Kruger. In the course of an inter view he said the war in South Africa would last for years ; that Steyn had planned ' ah invasion of Cape - Colony and that' the revolt of the Afrikan ders Was certain. ' ' " Could Not Break Through. Cape Town, Dec. 28. General Dewet's attempt to break through . to, the south has been fustrated and he" is now reported, te be at Senekal with a large commando holding the conntry between Frecksburg, Senekal and Winburg. Gen. Knox ia holding the south between Ladybrand and Wind burg. The eastern parties of invading Boers- are being constantly ' harassed and driven back- toward the Orange river. . . ; . .v.;.;.,.: NO NEWS OF REV. JOHNSON. He Resigned From tho Ministry Before ) Disappearing. " New York, Dec. 29. The Tribune prints tho following: The fact that Rev. James Le Baron Johnson, the former assistant, rector ' of Grace church, was formally deposed from the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal church about- a week ago has become known to his friends in this city. , It has been ascertained that he Was deposed from the ministry at his own request and the announcement of his deposition stated there is no reflection upon his moral character in , the pro ceedings. Johnson disappeared about two weeks ago and hia friends have had no word from him. About the time of his disappearance he wrote Bishop Potter, expressing a determination to give up the ministry and requesting an announcement of the deposition be made. .Bishop rotter caused the an nouncement to be made at the Church of tho Ascension, although Mr. John son had not been associated with the work of that church: 1 CHINESE ASK QUESTIONS. T : ' . ' '.i ' Wish to Known a Thing or Twe Before They Accept Joint Note. Paris, Ded 29. A Pekin dispatch. published here, says a note was re ceived there Thursday night, from the court at Singu Fu, acknowedging the receipt of the joint demand of " the powers, containing the following hve questions. Might not the iaku lorts remain standing', though dismantled? Is it proposed . to bohead the princes the same as other offenders? If demands are acceded to, would allies cease send- ng out expeditions.' What places do allies propose to oecupyY liow long do they piopose to occupy them? MINISTER CONGER TO RESIGN. Offended at Criticisms Made by State ; Department Officials. Washington, Dec. 29. Friends of Minister , Conger say he will shortly resign on account of criticisms made bv the state department officials re garding, his conduct during the peace negotiations. MURDERER M'DONALD DEAD He Refussd to Bat Anything and Died , From Starvation. - Washington, Dec. . 29. Sam Mc Donald, the slayer of Auditor Morris, ol the war department, died this morn ing. McDonald resisted every effort of physicians and death resulted from ex haustion, brought on by starvation. lie died easily and refused to make a statement when asked to do so by his physicians. THE FAILURES IN LONDON. Twelve Other Firms Affected by the . Suspension of One. London. Dec 29 The. suspension of the London and Globe finance corpora t ion was followed todav by the em barrassment on the London stock ex change of twelve firms. It is feared a number of small jobbers will be affected. A great sensation has been caused by the suspensions and what may follow tbem,. PINGREE WILL IGNORE COURT. He Will Not Pay Any Attention to the Citation. Detroit, Dec, 29,--Gov, Pingree, who was cited to appear in the circuit court at Lansing, to answer the charge of contempt, announced today he was too tinny to attend the court, and would not go in person or be represented by counsel. The court ordered him to ap pear January 9. If he fails an attach ment will be issued. Pingree referred to Judge Weiss as a "little cubs" and the judge cited him to appear- to an swer to the charge of contempt. The Booz Hazing Inquiry, West Point, Dec. 29. The forenoon hours of the Booz inquiry were mostly taken up by the testimony of Colonel Hein, commandant of the cadets. By anonymous letters the witness said he was informed that the hazing going on was of a brutal character. He called the new class, of which Booz was a member, together and exacted promise that not one of them would snbmit to having. From that time lorward hazing in the previous severe forms was practically abolished., Street Car Strike Settled. Scranton. Pa., Dec. 31. The street car men strike was settled his morn ine. Nearly all the demands of the strikers were granted.. Governor Geer has been invited to attend in person and appoint three dt legates to represent Oregon at National Maritime congress to be held at Krnnswick, Ga., January 3. 1901. The Canal Bill Will Pass. Washington, Dec. 29 Senator Mor gan, who has charge of the Nicaragua canal bill, is confident the , measure will pass at this session of the senate just aa it came from the house.,- He says it will not be necessary, to await the action of Great Britain on the Hay-Pauncefote ; treaty before the senate proceeds to legislate'for the con struction of the canal,. , . . .- , , New Gas Works for San Franeisco. San Francisco, Calif., Deo. 29-Claus Spreckels announces the formation of an independent gas company, in this1 city, with a capital of $5,000,000, and the immediate construction of new gas works, on a colossal scale, to be completed within a year, to supply the people with the best qualitv of gas at ithe lowest possible price. Biggost Reservoir in the World. Phoenix, Ariz. ,Dec. 29. The govern ment hydographers are conducting soundings at San' Carlos, ' where the government contemplates the construc tion of one of the biggest reservoirs in the World to relieve the famine stricken Indians of that section by pro tecting them against drouth which prevents the cultivation tf crops. Alger Attaoks Miles. Washington, Dee. 29. General Miles, who is attacked in a book on the Spanish war by General Russell A. Alger, is not in the city, but is some where in the south on a hunting expe dition. ; A member of hia staff asserts that the general will have something interesting to say m reply to Aigers charges aa soon as he has had time to read them over ana collect nis data. The United States Will Buy. Washington, Dec. 29, It is authori tatively announced that the .United States minister to Denmark has opened negotiations with the Danish . govern ment for the purchase Dy the .United States of the Danish West Indies. The United States is said to be willing to pay $4,000,000 for them. " : To Buy Danish Islands. London, "Dec. ' 29. The 'American and Danish governments are . engaged in direct, negotiations for the sale of the Danish West Indies, says, the Copenhagen , correspondent ,. of the Daily Mail, and the Danish minister in Washington will shortly submit a proposal for the , consideration of the American senate. . -,, Gamble to Succeed Fettigrew. Sions Falls, IDec. 29. Congressman Robert J. Gamble, of Yankton, will be practically the unanimous choice of the republican members of the legisla ture for United States senator to suc ceed Senator Pettigrew. This is the re suit of a compromise now being effected by the republicans of the state. Amerleani Massacre Turks. Vienna, Dec." 29. A- dispatch re ceived here eavs serious disturbances are occurring in Armenia. Armenians, it says, massacred the Turkish garri son at Jeranus. The governor of Izzeru province asserts . the Russians supplied the Armenians with arms. - Pardoned by President. Albany, Dec. 29. Ex-Captain How gate, of the signal service, who was sentenced to eight years in the peni tentiary in 1895, was released last night, having been pardoned by Presi dent McKinley. Howgate stole govern ment funds. ,. ... , , i ' Mrs. Miller Is Determined. New York, Dec. 29. Mrs. Samuel Duncan Miller, who' recently kid napped her child at Indianapolis, re turned here today; She is threatened with i nervous prostration. She says she will not cease her efforts to secure possession of her child. - Victims or Alcohol. just published, show that more than 10,000 alcoholic patients were admitted to thirteen Paris hospitals. The treat ment and maintenance of these desperate drunkards cost the city more than trancs :($JW,uou. ) . Aeeused of Assassination. Hillsboro, Ore., Dec. 29. Charles Wombreck, accused of the assassina tion of Andy Dahlberg, has been arrested. Dahlberg was shot and robbed on December 15. The evidence against Wombreck is circumstantial. Tobacconists Strike. Louisville, Dec. 29.-About 500 peo ple employed in the stemmery of the Continental Tobacco company went on a strike. They demanded an advance of 25 cents per hundred for stemming. Kaiser's Brother Asks Permission. Berlin. Dec. 29. Prince Henry, the kaiser's brother, has asked to como to Berlin to confer with officials at the foreign office. .. National Committee In Session. - St. Louis. Dec. "29. The national committee of middle-of-the-road popu lists is in session here. An effort to harmonize the two branched of the party Is being made. A Steel Trust Combine, Philadelphia, Pa.-, Dec, 3. The bulletin this afternoon nays negotia tions are on foot looking to the forma tion of a stee) trust with 1150,000,000 capital. ' i The Kaiser Will Visit Us. Berlin, Dec, 29. Again it is rumored here that the kaiser is going to the United Nlateg next summer :and that his brother Henry will act as re gent during his absence. Berseford Is Dead. London, Dec. 29.-Lord William Leslie De La Poer Beresford died at midnight, aged 53 years. Zero Weather on the Missouri. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 31. The tem perature this morning is ten below zero In the western part of the state and at zero along the Missouri river Yesterday's bitter gale cleared the air. Petroleum Works Destroyed. Caraopoli, Pa., Dec. 31. A fire this morning destroyed the rennslyvama petroleum works. The loss is (uly 1100,000. Banks Met the Runs. Baltimore. Dec. 28. The uneasiness of savings bank depositors in this city has quieted down. Ihere were no runs today. Lives-Lost In a Fire. Vienna, Dec. 28. The town of Wiznit is wiped out by fire. Six hun dred houses were burned and forty-six lives lost. Lord Roberts Arrives. Gibraltar, Dec. 28. Lord Roberts arrived hero today en route home Irom Boutli Africa, No More Boxing Permitted. Paterson, li. J., Dec. 24. The chief of police bete today leaned an order prohibiting boxing contests hereafter Italian Cruiser Wreeked. Rome, Dec. 31. It is rumored here that the Italian cruiser Cariddi was wrecked off the coast of Egypt. OERS ARE CHECKED Kltchenei s Proclamation, it is Thought, will Have Little Effect. ; QDEEN'SIEW ORDER OF KNIGHTHOOD Conservatli i Part; In England Favors Conctl Terms to the Boers as 4 Step ' 1 In the Right Dirsc'Uon. ' iator. Londorf, Dec. 28. Thd latest dis- Eatches from South Africa show that ord Kit hener has succeeded in hold ing thejlsers in check. He has not yet been suciessful in expelling them from Cape Col my while the different com mandoes continue to display astonish ing activty over an immensely wide field.. ' It is qi sstionable whethef hia pro clamatioi announcing that trie bughers who vol ntarily surrender will be al lowed to ive with, their familieH in governmait laagers until the guerilla warfare las abated, will not have much efffBt until Dewet has been cap tured. Ihe Boers are likely td regard it as a sijn of weakness and to- have a wholesonp dread'of vengeance if they surrender! " - -'' ; A proclamation is approved by ,the party at jowe that favors conciliatory terms to the Boers , as a step in ,' the right direction. Queen Victoria, it is said, had approved the proposal to in stitute a ew order of knighthood .to reward oflcers who have served in South Afica. . ' ! A disjatch from Vryburg. dated December 20, says Boers in considerable numbers were , making a movement westward They had 150 wagons. The dispatch suggests that ' they were treking I Damaraland, although the Boers the iselves denied any such in tention. , ; ," ' ,': Lord K chener Returns to Pretoria, London Dec. 28. Lord 't Kitchemr'a return tc Pretoria indicatea ,to the newspape 9 that the crisis , in' Cape Colony is over, but ... scant as are , the dispatchei from South Africa it ap pears thai the Boer activity will result in an org! lized plan for continuing the war. JSotl ng further has beep received concernin the combined. , operations against G neral Dewet. ,.. - , -i,! ,i, Bos s Treking Westward. ' Verybui;, Dec. 28. Two large : Boer, coinmand( -s with many wagons are treking w stward. It is believed they are on he way i to German West Africa. - ,,r, , DISGUISED AS A )yOMAN. Pat Crowe the Kidnaper, Said to Have Bsen Seen In Chicago. , Omaha, Pec. 28. All hone of cap- tnring ratiUrowe in this vicinity been abonloned . and the police special do actives in the Cudahy : has and kid- napping ctae have settled down to a systematii search for evidence fromthe clues in tlsir possession. . ,t ,.u , It is e ablished that the woman who was i ith Pat Crowe In the deal is none oth than LUlie Devine, the famous co fidence woman jvho figured in the bigfliamond robbery at Denver, engineeredby Pat Crowe, m 1893. , Lillie Dine is the wife of Charles Allen, a wu-known confidence , man. Pat Crowefias known her for, a Jong time.. - It if said it-, was this woman that cause the falling out between Crowe andhis wife, and the police propose to Ise the incident to make Mrs. Pat Oowe tell many things under the inspirsion of jealousy. , , .. i Pat Crow's wife is in, Omaha and, though clarly trying to shield her husband, fer own statements practi cally convit him .and , satisfy t the police thatwhen they catch him they will have arned the f25,000 reward. Crowe lasquerades as a Woman. Chicago, Dec. 28. Disguised as a woman, P.t Crowe, the notorious criminal w,o is sought by , the police on the cha;e that he was the kidnap er of Edd) Cudahy at Omaha, has been seen i Chicago within the last few days od may still be in hiding here accorcng to statements made last night . by Detective Sargent James Storen of te Chicago police who has arrested Cowe a number of times in the past. ' t is said Crowe has been masqueradig in a suburb of Engle- wood as a jung widow. SAVED ilS SISTER'S , LIFE. Gave a Str of Skin From His Neck is ' ,' Hii Elbow. ; NewcastL ' Pa.. Dec. 28 Miss Bertha Wei. daughter of a prominent merchant I this city, waf terribly burned sewal weeks ago while - light ing a gas love. After two weeks of suffering w attending physician de cided it weld be necessary to graft new skin cer her wounds. i i Harry Wll. a brother of the injured girl, onderent an operation and bad removed a slid strip of skin reaching from his n:k to his elbow, one-half Inch in with and sixteen inches Ions. The skin ras transplanted to . Miss Well' a bun and she ia now on a fair road to reiyery. , . ihe rem'Bl of the skin was a heroic operation, i young Well refused to take chlororm. ; ' IS SPENINQ MUCH . MONEY. Philippine Commission Is Exceeding ; Its Limit. ' Washing, Dec, 28. The Philip pine comiBsion, headed by, Judge Taft, is iijanger of running np a deficit if it present rate of expendi tures is nintained. it appropriated more . thanfive millions of Mexican dollars, or 5,500,000 American money, during thnmonths of September and October inmblic . improvements and in organizii the new government for the islandf The applanation authorized by the commiBsioiinclude 12,000,000 Mexican for the conruction and repair of high ways and bdges. The nceipts of the ibihuud niuiiuicaniiig, uuw vuo war ue partment U probably suggest to. the commiflBioftMe necessity lor economy THE B0Z INVESTIGATION. The Expertise of Ix-Cadet Jobs Doyle at West Point. West Pat, Dec. 28. The Boo hazing inveigation was resumed this morning. Te most important witnea examined w John Doyle, an ex-cadet. He said irh he was haied by the cadets he nk a teaspoonful and a half of "hi sauce," ate a quart of preserved aches mixed with quinine anci dkl twbundred "eagles" without any . tendi after effect. Cadet u. 8. Grant, eranon of Ex-President Grant. related bluazina experiences, saying be was not "ea ted differently Irom the others. Ihdid not regard apy of the hazing as rere. , , , , ' j The B Hazing Investigation. Pbiladelfia, Deo. 28. A letter writen by fciet Boos, whose death is now being vestigated . by a govern THE ment board- at "Wist : Point, has ' been found in which he said he was com pelled '.to,,, leave , the . West . Point academy on account of weak eyes. The board of inquiry has a copy of '. the letter, . ;-., , , . ., . : Douglas Mae Arthur Testifies! ' Douglas. MacArthur,, .the son of General MacArthur, said he ,had been forced, to. exercise to .the ; point of , ex haustion.i.He1 believed, though,;, jjaz ing in the form , of:r bracing, was , an essential factor in military training, as it removed the rouh edges from the pelbes and gave them a military carriage., Those who testified" today were all cadets of the third class. - the object being toi ascertain whether Kaz ing still exist. It has been shoWn, it still, exists,, but merely. In a mild form. , It is probable: the court 'pro ceedings will end this evening. : . ' Father-ln-Law Zimmerman. Cincinnati, Dec. ' 28. The ; Dnke of Manchester's debts in his native land have been paid. His three castles and his 27,000 acres of unproductive , land are no longer weighted ' with I. O. U. incumbrances; 'These ' facts are ad mitted by ' the Duke's father-in-law,' Eueene Zimmerman. 'of this - citv. In all, one hundred and thirty thousand good American dollars were deposited m iiunuon to cover ana liquidate tne indebtedness of the' bankrnpt.1 duke. ' His Brace. -""at the ' Mrlv nan nt twenty-three, can now begin life. new. , '1,1,1 I II ! ' IV . I j . 11 Teachers in Session. ' ". .', Albany.- Ore.. -Dec': 28' The State Teachers association met in this 'city Wednesday, evening." Snpt.' Ackerman, Gov. ,. Geer and -others spoke;" The sessions have been largely attended, papers were read and addresses de livered bv Prof. Horner. ; Pres. Strnna of the '. University 1 of Oregon,' and others." Last evening Pres."1 Hawley, of Salem, addressed the teachers. - Morans Hay Get Contract, ; .-, , . Seattle, Wash.,: Dec. - 28.-A Wash. mgton special states that the naval board of construction has decided .that Moran Bros., of this city,' will get a contract for construction of a battle ship if their bid is reduced. - It is be lieved the award wilt develooe one of the greatest shipbuilding ..plants in Seattle in the United. States. ' Statement by Chairman Jones, i ' ' Wadhineton.Dec. 28. Senator Jones' chairman of the democratic' national committee today . said : "It - is' not true a ' meeeting of the national exe cutive ' committee 1 will be-1 held at which ; Brian's future .will be con sidered, but it is true I expect to call a meeting after Johnson's return from California to Consider the minor dei tails of campaign work." ; 14 ' 1 " i In Jail and in Earnest.. , Wichita.': Kans..;',Deo.l 28.. Mrs. Carrie Nation, who yesterday destroyed the finest saloon- in this city, is in jail today. - Several friends offered to give bail, but she refused, it, i Baying she was willing to remain in . jail the balance of her life if it would help, to close the saloons, i .m i, . ( .; . Active Campaign In Philippines. . Manila Tlnn 9H Arlvinaa . (mm Mindanao tell of active,! campaigning by , American troops in the northern nnrt flf thn , ialunil Tha tnumanf Jiminez arid Langarin, as well as sev eral insurgent sirongnoms, ,naye been cantured. ,o. Several ( insurgent,, bands have been routed, y ,;., , ,. t -.,, ' Reported Skating Disaster. ' '' Chicago. Dec.' 28. The report. ' of a BKaiiijg qisaBter at wnat ineer, lowa, is untrue, according to dispatches re ceived here from the various i cities in the vicinity of the place! The railroad officials here say the operator at What tiieer denies tne trutti of the Htory Saved From Watery Graves. Seattle, Dec. 28. The United States transport Garonne rescued . 13 ship wrecked 'i seamen t ot n. the schooner Theresa Maria in" Philippine, waters about the- middle of November. The men were clinging to the wreckage when sighted by the Garonne.; ) . v Probably an Attempt at Suicide., j Indianapolis. - Dec. 28. The, police today abandoned the search i, for the "blonde woman." who W..H. Smythe. secretary of the grand lodge of Masons. sayB shot him in bis office ' yesterday, The-' theory of" attempted- suicide, .is now generally accepted. . , -, . ; ' m,,. , Sulelde and Murder. Los Anceles. Dec. ' . 28. John W. Tinsley, shot and killed his wife on tne street and then fired a bullet into his own bead, - dying instantly. It is alleged that Tinsley has . another wife in Townsend, Montana. . -...,1.1 7 - , , ... . j Lieutenant Freeman Kills Himself. Reno, Nov.. Dec. 28 Gordon Free- man, lieutenant of the Nevada cavalry, who won fame in the Philippines, blew his brains ont early this morning with a rifle. The cause was desnon. dency occasioned- by his losses at faro. Morris' Murderer Will Recover. Washington. DocT "28. Sam Mc Donald, the slayer of Auditor Morris, is making such rapid stride toward recovery that his friends are already planning to get up for bis de fense. 11 '. '. . 1 1 To Avoid a Libel. Victoria. Dec. 28,The bark Mer maid from Valdes, put in here to avoid a libel to be served on her arrival at a sound port for refusal to pay ' $200 towage, claimed by the Alaska Com merqial company. .- '; ' ' To Raid the Prize Fights. St. Louis. Mo.. Dec. 28. Too chief of police today announced that he would raid the prize fluhta if an at tempt was made to pull them off to- pig-nt as advertised. J- Killed by a Street Car. ' - Portland. T)nn. 9S Vrmnm thn year-old daughter of William K. Wood ard, was run - over and killed by a street car at Irving ton. Joke by Trainmen. What Cheer. Ia.. Dec. . 28. The re ported drowning here of 40 children was a fake, started, by a 'trainman . as a Joke. ' i , PBNSIONINU EMPLOYES. A Western Railroad wilt Take Care of , Its Faithful Workers. A project Xor peuslonlng employes and payuur bcticntsln cane of HictcneBS, dlwibllity or death hi under considera tion by tne directors or tne i;nicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul railroad. The arrangement , contmplutes . awteHHlng the employes for only part probably half of the unrla necowary to carry out tne system, tne rest or tne expense to be iKirne by the company. If It Ik finally adopted it will allect f roru 25,000 toau.mxj employes. , , In many rtpect the syslem will be similar to a mutual benefit asHoclatlon, but the company projww to contribute liberally toward tut maintenance. J lie men In the employ of the company will not be required to Join unlew tliey wish to do ho, but those taken on liere after probably will be required to be come contributors to the fund, thus, of course placing, themselves in (the line of its benettU. STORM SWEPT y COASTS Shipping -Damaged - and .Traffic Sds" WAS COSSIDER ABLE LOSS. OP ,UFB LIfa-SaYlDg Crews' Made ; Attempt? tfl Bescne,,1 I : 801 VOOIff U8 JNOtDlDg ill'UM' Urvnu. . , . ,.; ribia . Wind and Sea..';;, ;',.;,;;;:-:' , London T)nc. 29: Neva nf fraoV, l!a. asters as the result of the great - storm . on lnnrsaay "and fridav on the Ene-;;-." , " - " ...g , . . V, ' VV, L(. 1 ..... fatalities are now placed at seventy; . some or tne casualties.; London, Dec: 29. The bark Prim-" roKA Hili wont hn" ho vnfiV. fV.aa-i. miles off South Stack. She broke in two1 and went to pieces in a few minutes. One man out of a crew of 35, was saved.1 -.. Thft , Hnaniali BtdaAta. ... n n driven ashore at Portland breakwater, ine) Weymouth . life .boat- attempted , the rescue of the crew, but the fearful C( seas runninir nrvent,pfl . Tt ia " believed they were saved.;- i. , ,,, i. -j The oale. was i, so iurious , n the. channel that continental, services were ,; SUBnendedk . The i hllrricnnn . wm " at- Queenstowu where ;observers. sav it was tbe Jieroest in years. . , TnAARAAnt. ranftrfa , rtf ,..t.m shipping casualties , show, that the gale naa uud ui buo wurob Kuuwii in , many years. Probably ) several, days will, elapse before the full damage becomes -known.,; v:,i;., -i, ,', In addition to some of ihe vessels not yet i identified several have,- ;been v wrecked or placed in great danger. The fate of some;, of ..the. cross , .channel " steamers is in, doubt. ;j ,, .', , "! Franoe Snffara From. Gales, j i f ... Paris. ' Dec.' 29,--StOrms nt , nxt.remn . violence have swept the west and northwest coasts of France. There has been some. loss of'Iif$, -.v ' " bryan's weekly;; paper;: Professor Rossi Late of Stanford. May Be One ef the Editors;-' ,&. .ii;. Lindolrt; Neb:." Dec. -'28.i-W.. J.! Bryan ' stated, before leaving here ' Thursday for Florida, where he goes to ' attend his' cousin's inauguration ' as 1 governor of that state; that the first issue oi n ib weeiciy paper, " rxne uomj,J moner," Would not appear'before Jan- ; uary 15. Subscriptions t the paper are pburing' in ' at the rate 6f -1000 a week.' Already " subscrlntions have come from all the states' and ' terri- tones. ." -- v.;, The Btorv that Prof. 1 Ross.1 late of Leland ' Stanford J University,'" Cali- fornia.'Was fcominc''' to"'1 Lincoln to accent a position as one of the editors of the Commoner, is not 'confirmed. frot. Koss,' rt is true, la likely to come to Lincoln, but if he does it will be- to accept the chair of sociology in the university of Nebraska rather than a place in Mr. Bryan's sanctum. . ., " ; . a later rumor, which cannot be con firmed, is that Willis J. Abbott will have a hand In editing the Commoner. BONI COMING TO 1 AMERICA. The French1 Son-ln-Law of Jay Could ' Forced to Leave France. '--" Paris. Dec. 28. It la not only Count 1 de CaBtellaiie Who intonds 'ooinit to ', America, but there is a project under consideration, according to which "the count, the coUntesa ancj their ' children will soon transfer their5, residence to " New York permanently; 1 -. - Aneir. finaticial . troubles tiave at tracted snob' attention that the cjuple find ."" their ' Focial " luster " rather ' tarnished,' Moving falrily among the fastidious set is growing more- and more difficult. It is a ereat clianee in deed and painful for both. . " . 15oni knows hia new nickname in the drawing rooms and clubs is "Petit faeseur,"; . wbich, translated, la ' 'kittle deadbeat." Undoubtedly he preferred ."Powder up'.' as a nickname: HEMP TRUST IN PHlLlPPINES. I;, iu ,T i- j-f 1. -. ;;;: rr. An Army Oflleer Charged With Trying to Form One. - :...',. t Washinaton, Dec. 28,The charse . that Lieut. -Colonel 11. O. lleistand, assistant , adjutant - general i of the United States army formerly , of Ohio, has been engaged in an attempt to form a trust for the control of the hemp industry in the Philippines is made in a letter addressed . to the war , department, by Major Hawkes, 'late of the lentil United btates volunteer in fantry,, lleistand . is now in China with Oeneral Chatfee. Hawkes. it was said at the war department today, was dismissed from the customs service at Manila when it was learned be was trying to float a hemp deal., '. GALE ' ONBRItTsH . COAST. The Bark Pegasus From San Francisco 1 Foundered. ,., ' London Dec. 28. Another gale Is raging along tne British coast. Many minor wrecks are reported anu twenty lives have been lost. The bark Pegasus, from San Francisco, foundored near Cardiff, and all but one of her crew of 34 are reported .lost. ' : m Bad Storm In Ireland. . Cork, Deb. 28. The worst storm in the southwest of Ireland , in a Quarter of a century prevailed yesterday. Mail routes were, blocked lu all directions and much property waa destroyed,. ; ,, HIT HIM WITH A LANTERN. Harry Nelson, O. R. b B. Brakeman Arrested at Wallulu. u Walla Walla, Deo. 2B.Harry Nel. son, a brakeman on the Oregon Kail way & Navigation company's line was brought here from Wallufa last night and will stand trial on a charge of an sault and battery, the exact date of the hearing having not yet been deter mined. The prisoner was in the cus tody of Constable Clyde Gorman, who made the arrest. ' . ' ": ' As near as could be ascertained last night the trouble occurred - between Nelson and a man named G.. tt. Mo Spaulden ovef matters " of a " purely private nature and in the tight which resulted Nelson hit his opponent over the head with a railway signal lantern, cutting him about the head and face severely, although not at all dangeroualy. The man swore out a warrant for Nelson and the latter waa arrested. , Nelson says that McSpaulded bad for aome time been posing as a ''had man" and a sort of a' desperado and that his fight was only made after re peated insults bad been heaped Upon him. . ,. ... . ., : ' The new 000-foot tunnel on the O. R. & N., about ft mile and a half west of Mosler, is bearing completion-, and the contractors expect to nave the en tire 11 miles of reconstruct ion tear that place completed by the month of April. ,, ; , , ;;;; :