Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1900)
THE OLD HOMESTEAD. Its worn-out acres fallow He, Unpruned the orchard standi, For they who tended them long since Have gone to other lands One to the prairies of the west, And one across the sea; The rest have reached that blest country Where parting may not be. The elm boughs tap the skylight dim As, in the days agone, They tapped to waken merrily The little folks at dawn. The woodbine curtains tenderly The shattered window pane. Yet grants admittance to its friends, The sunshine and the rain, No step, no whisper breaks the hush But hist! A sweep of wings Athwart the attic's dreaming dusk, And tender twitterings! A tenant for the empty nest? Bee from the window ledge A phoebe bird calls to its mate Upon the cradle's edge. And in the cradle, vacant long, Four downy fledgelings peep And cuddle cloBe. They'll dream of wings And twetter In their sleep All through the quiet summer night; While on the dingy wall Flit silently the thin, weird shapes That come at moonlight's call. 0 life and love that were of yore! 0 sad old house bereltl To thee but memory's treasured store And the little birds are left. One of thine own is in the west, And one across the foam; The rost aro In that fairest land Of Home! Sweet Home. Flnley C. Perrlne. FROM SO. AFRICA. Mac Clarke, of Minor A Co., has re ceived a Ion a letter from bin brother, a few extracts from which follow: Winburg, Oct. 27. Dear Malcolm: We are at present hemmed in and be sieged by the enemy on all sides. Sev en days ago the Boers took up positions about here and on 4 occasions their guns belched forth death messages. This af ternoon 2500 burghers reinforced the Boers, and a determined attack will be made on the morrow. The Boers are cowards in every sense of the word. On the three first morn ings of their attacks they intrenched 4000 yards from our cainp. Our artil lery performed excellent work. Their firHt shell found the range, and the 2d, 3d and 4lh full right Among the Boers, completely routing them. Our mount ed troops then scouted the vicinity and found small armed parties hidden. Why the Boers are considered brave surpass es my comprehension. Further extracts from this letter will appear next week. BARGAIN. For sale at $ 1100, 100 acres on the edge of Heppner. Town lots may be sold from it at once. Owner will give $100 for the hay now growing on it Apply Gazet oflice. BEEF CATTLE. Ed Kellogg, over from Butter creek, says that 2500 head of beef cattle are being fed there on alfalfa. D. Bowman sold 400 tons to Fry & ttruhu, and agents for all the big meat firms have been there the past week trying to make contracts for future delivery. Mr Hayers got 4 cents for his steers, and Wm. Wattenburger refined that figure, MNUKIiINQ LKTTKHH. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners for letters addressed as follows: Bacca, Euiilio Eaton, John D Jones, A Edwin Molahan, John Ask for "advertised." Independent and reliable Th Oregon. Ian. DISEASES CURED. You can be cured of nervous diseases, stammering, bad habits, alcoholism, druir habits and private diseases. ,, Deaf' ness and catarrh. Instruction in personal magnetism. kieiul for literature. In stitute of Psychology, 7th aud W'uhIi ington, Portland. HOTEL IIE1TNER. This well kept house is centrally lo cated on the west side of Main stroet. Heppner, and has, good rooms and a bountiful table, at reaHonable rates. The Heppner and Canyon City stage starts from the Hotel lleppnor daily, except Monday, and goes through in 24 hours. The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, on west side of Main street, keeps tlrst class rigs and saddle horses, aud takes the best of care of them. H. A. Tiiomi-hon, I'roprietor of all Three. A Llf and Death Fight. , Mr. W. A. Hiues, of Manchester, la. , writing of his almost miraculous escape from deatb.says'Expoiure after msasles induoed serious lung trouble, wbion ended in Consumption. 1 had frequent hemorrhage aud coughed nighl aud day. All my doctors said I mast soon die. Then I bejan to use Dr. Kind's New Discovery for consumption, whloh com pletely cured me. I would not be with out it even if il cost 85 a bottle. Hun dreds have nsed it on my reoommenda tiao nnd all ssy it never fade to cure throat, chest and lung tronblce. Itegulaf n,l 1 Trial bottUl free at BOSTON WOOL MARKET. Boston, Dec. 19. The American Wool & Cotton Keporter will say tomorrow; "The colder weather of (he past week or 10 days has started a somewhat better business in the clothing trade, which is reflected in a slightly increased inquiry for wool, but the amount of business actually transacted iu the latter commodity showB no improvement; in fact, it is slightly leos than that of last week. The general feeling is that the volume of business in the wool market will be of moder ate proportions from now until after the turn of the new year. Manufacturers are buying wool only to meet pressing wants. The wool trade, therefore, naturally anticipates a decidedly improved demand for wool after the turn of the year. The market may be quoted as quite steady. Actual selling prices remain unchanged. "The saleB of the week in Boston amounted to 3,570,000 pounds do mestic and 230,000 pounds foreign, making a total of 3.800,000 pounds, against a total of 4.212,000 for the previous week, and a total of 3,368,000 for the corresponding week last year. The sales since January 1 amount to 144,471,400 pounds, against 344,815,776 pounds for the corresponding time last year." FOOTBALL. S. A. Young and Frank Randall re turned last night from Portland, where thev concluded arrangements to have the Multnomah football team come to Heppner and play on Jan. 11. RAILROAD TO PILOT ROCK. A recent rumor that has blown into Heppner is to the effect that the North ern Pacific would in the near future ex tend its lino from Pendleton to Pilot Rock. WANTED. A bright man with light team to do light work in Morrow and Gilliam coun ties. Steady work and good wages to the right man. For particulars address Gerlicher Bros., Winona, Minn. BREAD AND PASTRY. A new bakery has been opened up in the City Bakery, May St., Heppner, where fresh bread and pastry may be bought at all times. MltS. P. J. BOWEBMAN. CHRISTMAS MEATS. The Heppner Hills are famous for producing good beef and mutton, and in this line can rank right up with any part of the world. Bock & Mathews, the enterprising proprietors of the Liberty Meat Market again proved this by making a gfand holiday diHplay of meat of all kinds, which was a credit to themselves and to Morrow county. Shcepraisei s get here from 80 to 100 per cent, increase every year. If you take this paper and The Weekly Oresronlun you won't have to beg your news. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Curgile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Eleotrio Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, wbioh bad canned her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on ber bead and faoe, and tbe best duotors oould give no help; but her cure is oomplete aud her health is exoellent." This shows what thousands have proved that Electno Bitters is the best blood pun Her known. It's the su preme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rhenm, uloeis, bnils aud running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up tbe strength. Only 50c, Hold byConser & Warren Drug Co. Guaranteed. WOOL. The Heppner market continues life loss, and growers are firm holders of the 2 million pounds they have in warehouse here. In Boston quotations are: Territory ; scoured basis Montana and Wyoming, fine medium and line, 17 frflSc; scoured 4H4!to, staple 5()51c. Utah, fine mndium and tine, l(l(n 17c ; scoured, 47(!'J'.)c; staple, 60c. Idaho line medium and tine, l.r4fl(ic; scoured, 47-l!)c; staple, 50c. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices combing, superfine, nominal, 73(it75c ; good, ti5w70c. The American Wool and Cotton Re porter says: Large sales of Oregon wools have been a feature of the market, the total busiucBs in this kind of stock being over 1)00,000 pounds. Included in this amount were 800,000 pounds of nice, eastern wool, whicli was disposed of at h clean cost of about 50c. The outlook for general business is considered as good, and the belief pre vails that the wool market will Bliare in the commercial prosperity which, it is believed, is to characterize the year H31, REP FRONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, put up your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main st., opposite the brewery. They will receive the bontot oare. Bug gies, teams and sadille horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay aud grain bought ami sold. ' Binns Bhos, Among the tt't.s of thousands ft ho have used ChtuibrUiu's Ontiigb Kmnedy for oolds and la grippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single ch has reunited iu pneumonia. Tbos. Whittield & Co.. 210 Wabash ave., Chicago, one of the most prominent re tail druitgixtK in tli nt citv.iu speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber laiu's Couuh Remedy for la grippe iu many cases, as it not culy gives prompt acts any lendpircy of la grippe to result io pneumonia." For sale by Couser & W arret), First to arrive wltn the telegrapbia CWt"-Th 'alf Qreaonlam REM0V THE CAUSE vutr WIK HI 1 1 1 1 1 It 17 , 14.1 nt umiunvi s, that burrows up the scalp, mtklnj dandruff scurf, causing the hair to fall, and finally BALDNESS. v Yeu will hsvt NO MORE DAN DRUrT, FALLING HAIR, er BALDNESS If you use NSWBRO'S HERPIQIDE The enly Hair Preparation on this aksoluUly new scientific principle. ft sale by aVujjIsU. Price $L 33 ' WARNING. Grazing qn my land 5 miles south of Heppner is in violation of common law and justice. During free trade days it was all right to swipe my good grass, for sheep were worth nothing. . Bui now it is different, and it is not fair that I should be left in the hole for taxes. So I will be compelled to prosecute anyone who trespasses upon my land. J. W. Redington. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has just been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the firoprietor, kindly Invites his rlends to call and try his first-class accommodations. . , nnty of Hay arid. O-rafl n, for Sals Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Scrlvner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. For the ladles A fine horse and lady's saldle A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. Heppner Gazette only i bits for 3 mouths. - Everybody wants to know- what The Oregonlan has to say. Mysterious am bure Scotch Remedy is the greatest absorbent in the world and does Its work through the pores of the skin. Don't Rub It In Simply wt the afflicted part (VMty with the rtinedf awl 14 a few sai utes the pais 1 gun. The beet phyeieiane nse it, prescribe it and unite wkh the general public in saying ' "Stoifh Remedy is the best external remedy known.' Bold by all druggists at y caU SCOTCH REMEDY CO. Watra Agaey SAN FRANCISCO VIA Southern Pacific Co Leave Dopot Fifth and I St Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Balem, Roseburn:, Anti land, Sacramento, Off (Ion, San Francisco, Moiave, las Angeles, Kl l'aso, New Orleans aud the East. 7:10 P M 8:30 A M 9,15 AM 7:00 PM At Woodburn (dally except Sunday), morn lug train connects wlih train for Mt. An gel, Sllverton, Browns ville, Springfield and Natron, anil evening train for Mt. Angel aud Silvertou. 7:30 A M U;45PM Corvallls Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 11:60PM 118:25 AM Dally. Daily except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento anil San Francisco Net rates S17 first i:ia nun n iwiimi emus, including sleeper. Kates ami tickets to Kaateru Points ami En rol. Also JAPAN, CHIN A, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRK LAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third Bt. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passei.ger Depot, foot of Jellursou Street. I T.pava fur (Iibomi HaIIu a Tom aa.jn - . 12:;, 1:55, n:t, 8:2f, S;06, lt:30p. in j ami 9:0(1 a. m. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland daily at t:.HS. 8:30, I0.SO ft. m.; l:Xt, S: 15, 4:30, :). 7:40, 10:00 p. vn.j ia:to a. m. dally, except Monday; 8:30 and 10:0,1a. m. on SiuuUvi milv Leave lor Dallas dally, esccpt Sunday, at 4:30 p. in. Arrive hi rnruanti ai m. PaasciiKcr train leaves Phi Its for Airlle Mon- navK, vti'iini'iiiiays ami Fridays at 2:4.r p m Returns Tutimtayii, Thursdays and Saturdays. Kxi'opt Sunday. R. KOKHI.KR, Manager, C. H. MARKH AM. Pen. K A H. At.. Portland. Orognn mm mm r m New Lodging House. , 1 havo le-papiTtnl aud re furuiblu'd lliu well-known MouQtair) House And it is now ready for the accoiumxlatiou of lodgers by the day, week or mouth. Good rooms and clean, com fortable beds. Lo'l'in 25 cents. I. N. I3AWEY. ALL-AROUND HAND. "I don't know that I need any work done about tbe house. What can yoa do, my good fellow?'' "air, in my day I've been a car penter, a barber and a Bchool teacher. I can shingle your house, your hair or your boy." Representative Reeder, of Uma tilla couuty, aims to get through the legislature a bill to have taxes collected by county treasurers and to become delinquent Oct. 1 in stead of April 1. There is vacant government land in Morrow county plateau, foot hill and mountain timbered land. There is semi-arid land near the Columbia that may be bought at 50 cents an acre; if irrigated it will produce good crops. Morrow county has room for workers, but none for drones. It can support double its present pop ulation. If you are in the middle west, sell your cyclone cellar and come here. KECENT ARBIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL J H Reed, lone H C Col via " W E Cathey, Lexington Gene Gentry " D W KeiBter EG Evans " G A Cohoe, Hamilton WL Mallory, Hardman G R Jones, 8mile N A Kelly, Hale Pe-ra-ra S A Young, Scappoose Bruce Haines & w, 8mile II Fadberg, lone TJAllyn " E H Kellogg, Butter River Robt Thomson " . E Moore, Piper's Gap Bert Garrett, Salem J L Swift, Smile HTRobison" T K Thomas, Hardman Pat Quaid, Balm Fork If you want to buy some very low priced ranches, aee George Wells, at Conser & Warren's drug store. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a meeting of the stockholders of tlfe First National Bank of Heppner at their oflice on the 2d Tuesday of January, 1901, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock a m. and 4 o'clock p. m., of said day, for tbe purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may appear. Geo. Conxkr, Cashier. Heppner, Oregon, December 5, l'JOO. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Public Land Sale (Isolated Tract.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of instructions from the Com missioner of the general land office, under au thority vested iu him by section D. 8. KevlBed Statute, as amended by the act of Con gress approved Kebruary 26, 18lJ5, we will pro ceed to otter at public sale on Haturday the 2d day of February, next, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: West H southeast H section 11, town ship 3 south, range 25 E W M Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to Hie their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. Jay P. Locah, Register. 814-19 Otis Pattbbson, Receiver. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Dec. 21, 1U00. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT Off THE INTERIOR. LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 4, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on January 26, 1901, viz: Homestead entry No. 0219 of JOHN P. DOHERTY, of Vinson, Ore , for the east 14 southeast "4 and southeast H northeast and lot 1 section 2, township 2 south, range 29 east W M. Henamesthe following witnesses to provehls continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Daniel Doherty, of Heppner, Ore., Daniel Hlrl, James Nelson and James Byers, all of Vinson, Ore. . K. W. Babtlstt, 811-6, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Dec. 4, 1900. Notice 1b hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on January 26, 1901, viz : Homestead entry 69S7, GEORGE A. 8TEVENSON. of Heppner, Ore., for the southeast ! section IS, township I south range 27 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: S. P. Florence. L. A Florence. N. A. Kelley and Thos. Quaid, all of Heppner, 811-6 E. W. Baktlbtt, Register, Timber Culture, Final Proof. UNITED- STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles. Oregon. November 14. 1900. Notice is hereby given that William Blair naa nied notice ol intention to make final proof before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at his office in Hennner. Oreeon. on Thursiiav. the 27th day of December, 1900, on timber culture application No. Wla for the northwest i of section No. 20, in township No. 1 south, range No. 26 east W M. He names as witnesses: Edward 8. Dnran, of nenpner, or., jonn riper, jonn u. larinicnael and Thomas Baruett, of Lexington, Or. 809-14 Jay P. Lucas, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of L. F. Shloler. deceased. by the county court of the State of Oregon for Morrow county. Ail persona having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present me same to ma duly verined as Dv law required, at the office of O. w. Phelps, mi attorney, within six months front the date liereot. Dated this 13th day of December, 1900. J. W. 8H1H1HY. Administrator of the estate of L. F. Shipley, de- CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dal lea. Ore., Nov 19 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by B. F. Hwaggart, contestant, against homestead entry No. t, made Oct 29, I WW, for north southeast V section 22 and northwest southwest and southwest 'i northwest V section 28, township 1 south, range 26 east, by William M. Koss. contestee. iu which it Is alleged that said William M. Ross has wholly abandoned said tract, and has contin ued to so abandon said tract, and has failed to Improve said tract ever since March X, 19u, and that said abandonment la not due to his em ployment in the army or navy of the United States in tint of war, said par tie are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m on Jauuary 19, 1901, before Vawtr Crawford, County Clerk, at his office at Heppner, Oreton, aud that nnal hearing will be held at10 o'clock a. m. on January .), 1901, before the Register and Receiver at the I'uluxl States land office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a proper affi davit, tiled October si, lsrno, net forth facts which show that aftvr due diligcuce, personal service of this notice cannot be maile, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be glveu by d and proper publication. U-kT Jar t. kweaa, HaglsUf. Lazy Livers re many times the canse of various 4 aeaaea. Ninety per cent of the American people are said to be troubled with liver aa3 stomach eomplainta such aa constipation, aUumeaa. Indigestion, uUiooaueaa, sluggish liver, etc. Baldwins Health Tablets No. 25 overcome and cure these Die. These tablets act as a gentle laxa tive. They make the liver and stomach do their duty as they fl yield to tbeee little tablets. They n coal we ana can ee procurou at Patterson & Son, Heppner HIV .... horse and poor look- . ing harness is the .. wonit Kind or a com- 7- hlnatlon. ISt's Eureka Harness OilS not only makes the harness and tht M liA-sua huttAr hilt m&kCI th I I font her anft nnd tillable, nutsltln con dition IO iftBl twice h iuii i as it ordinarily wouia. Give Your Horse a Chance! Only S5 An Acre. Ranch of 324 acres for sale; good grass or plow land, oil under fenoe, has ran. uing water, and is located on county road, five miles south of Heppner. Ap ply to owner, J. W. Redington, at tbe Gazette office, Heppner. This plaoe will moke a good borne for some farmer or stockman. It not sold soon it will be for rent. It adjoins land of D. A. Her- ien, Tom Quaid, Wm. Penlond and James Ilnyes. Dkpart TIME SCHEDULES Arbivk Chicntro- Salt Lake. Denver, 4:30 p. m. Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Special ' Kansas City, Ht. 9a.m. Louis, Chicago, and Knst. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 4:S()p. m. Express Ft. Worth, Omaha, . 0 a. in, KaiiRas City, St via. Bunt- Louis, Chicago ington, and East, Atlantic Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p.m. Express ton. Spokane, Min-7-45 a.m. neapolis, St. Paul, Via. Spo- Duluth, Milwau- . kane kee Chicago and Kant. 8.00 p.m. Ocran Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco Sail every 5 days 8:00 p.m. Columbia Riveb 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. , 6:00 a.m. Willametti Riveb 4:110 p. m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and i ay Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:80 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed. aud Sat and Fri. Oregon City, Day ton s Way Land ings. Snaki Riveb. Lv. Klparla Lv.Lewiston 8:35 a. m. Riparla to Lewiston 9 a. m. daily daily Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner ai i :io a. m. ao. iu arrives at a:su p. m. Dally except Sunday. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KEHNAN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, ' General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. visit DR. JORDAN'S or. at I MUSEUM OF ANATOMY' 1081 MARKET ST.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI (Bmwmb Sink ImalkJ ThslargMt Anatomical Mtssna , ouitt ana. 7raaf Mt attraaMon ca A CtMt, A neoncbrfultiaMarttiUan. I fiVjl xl iil.ue,aoauiTal7ard by I ! tha oluamt SuscUllituii ilia Paclfta 1 I UW UMabUslMdMMan, DR. JOflDAN-PRIVAT! DISEASES TnsT Bsea and bbM4I ' mtmm who art suffer a . (loin tha aUvcta at Touthlul India. ( oretlona or exotaaea In maturar , yanra. Narvuusand phslca! Uvhlllsjr.Iaai. MXraer. IoS Hssbm4 la all luoomDlL I cations; SpcrnaaUorrbcaai, P rlml r- rnva, uanorruorat, sjims, IrnafMrr ' f UrlHiitlnaT, - My a oombluaMon of 1 remedies, of great curative power, tha Doctor ' haa no arranged bis treatment that it will not i only arTord Immediate rrllef, but permanent! l cure., i ne iiiwior noes nm claim 10 perrnrni ' rjilmcle, but la well known te be a lair and . equnre Phynlclnn ttnd Surgeon. ire-emiiijai I Iu Ins specialty DliraiH of JSca sirilll.l thoroughly eradicated mm i in system tvitrjoui trie useoi norrairy. I Traaaea fitted bv an Einera. Btaallml care tor Knptiir. A quick and mdUtU i curator Pile. I'lxarr and fUialaa, by ' Lir. jimiiui i special painless nietooua. rvt'.KT MAN apnlrlnctonswIUi i an r htuvit onOifcm of hla cnninlainf . I awry ease w untferrrrfta. Consultation HtKK and stncnv rnesua, CHARHK8 VKh'r KBASOXAULS. Treatment perHoimllv or by letter. Write tor Honk. rHIMKHirHT r IttHKMlii;. Mailkt Kkib. (Aralaabiai Dooa. lor men.) can or w rti DR. J0R0N ft CO.. 10SI Marital St.. WANTED A CTIVK MAN OF OOOI CHAR- ai'ter tn deliver and collect in Oregon for old established manufacturing wholesale noose. a year, sure pay. Honesty more than ex- prrtence required. Our reference, any bank in anvcltv. Kncloee self-add resed stamped en velope. Mrtiiufaciurars, Third Xloor, m Dor- J if 4 a iMrn ati, tKitiaf, At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence. This place is all ready lor the plow. Not a clearing to be done; ,8 miles to mountain timber, and on county road. Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner. CHEAP CORKER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of f 850. Apply at Gazet office. . THE DYING CENTURY. The close ot the 19 h century will be appropriately observed at the M. E. church next Monday evening beginning at 9 p.m. A good program will be de livered, consisting of a stereoptican ex hibition, addresses, ete. Come and orship with us. REWARDS FOR WORKERS. Anyone can make money getting up Clubs of Subscribers for tbe Heppner Gazette. Until further notice the Gazette will pay $3.75 in cash to anyone sending in a club of 5 new cash 1-year subscribers. Will pay $7.50 for 10 new cash 1-year subscribers. Will pay $11.25 for 15 new cash 1- year subscribers. Will pay $15 for 20 new cash 1-year subscribers. Anyone sending in a club of 25 new cash 1-year subscribers will be giyen a fine gold watch. $100 REWARD. A 1 f 41 Aft n-;ll V.o r.M tr.r tV,o arrest and conviction of any person or Dersons stealing horses branded E. D. or -3- on left stifle. T. J. Matlock, J. M. Kkeney. NEWS WANTED. The Heppner Gazette wants corre spondents all over Morrow and adjacent counties to send it news of the local happenings. All correspondence used will be properly paid for. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptloe whose stomach and liver ere out of order. All snob should know that Dr. King's New Life Fills, tbe wonderful slomaob and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digeetiou and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at Oonser k Warren Di asr C- MOUNT HOOD SHIRTS. Of course you want to encourage borne indtistrv. So when von want shirts, ask at the stores for II' tint Hood shirts. They are made at Portland by r.. i . i . r leisciiner, luayer a jO , who give eur nliivmanl. malrino lham In a luraa nnm r.VJ ........ .... ..0. V " ber of girls. They, are well rande and always give sausiacnon. - Score cards on which you can keep tally on all kinds of games are now kept on sale at tbe Heppner Oazette olhce Ho Fooled tho Surgeons. AH doctors told Reniok Hamilton, ot West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from rectal fistula, be would die unless a ooetly opeartion was performed but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the sorest pile cure on earth, and tbe best salve in tbe world. 25 oents s box. Bold by Oonser tc Warren Vtag (Jo. HOMES ARE HERE. The Heppner Gazet receives many letters from men in the middle west, asking it to answer by return mail a great many questions about tbe Hepp' ner country. To personally answer so many letters and so many questions takes too much time. . When such people are thinking of coming here, tbe Gazet freely mails tbem sample copies and copies of its circular describing the main points of interest. There is ho reason why Morrow noun ty cannot support twice its present pop ulation, and for those wbo are willing to work, homes are here. The man with cash to invest would probably reap as rich returns from it here as elsewhere, for land values here are the lowest on earth considering the production and profits. NOW FOR TREES. I am now prepared to take orders for fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, roses and shrub bery, which have been grown without irrigation by The Dalles Nurseries. I will canvass Morrow and Grant counties for both spring and fall delivery, and in all cases guarantee satisfaction. My address is Hardman, and I will see that all stock is promptly delivered. Harry Cumminqs. Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted Hnder the personal supervision of itsovner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. ART CLASS. The ladies of Heppner are respectful ly informed that Mrs. Redington has start- d her art class, and Is now pre pared to give instruction in oil painting, crayon, pastel or water colors. Pupils may begin at any time. Corner Chase and May streets. STOCK PAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down tbe other, stock pays best. A real bargain is now offered in a 1440 acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4 an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under fence and will raise anything. Apply to Gazette office, Heppner. CHEAP PASTURE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W. Redington, at Uastt eftiee( Heppner, H. W. Fall, PROPRIETOR Of the Old Reliable - Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & 4; v. M. s t. f., u. at a., r. ri. w. s v.. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATKH e.oo PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton fits., CSHC-a-O-O. ILL. "Best of Everything" In a word this tells of the Passenger Service via Tie Honnwesiern Line 8 trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago comprising Tbe Latest Pullman 8Ieepers, Peerless Dining Cars, Library and Observation Cars, -Free Reolining Obair Cars. The 20 Century Train, "The Northwestern Limited," Runs every day in the year. Tbe Finest Train in the World. Electric Lighted Bteam Heated Tp Chicago by Daylight. The Badger State Express, the Finest Day Train running between Ht Paul and Chicago via. the Short Line. Connections from the West made via. The Northern Pacific, Great North ern and Canadian Pacific Rys. This is also the best line between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via, " "The Northwestern Line," W. H. MEAD, H. L. FISLER. Gen. Agent. UickctAgt. 218 Alder St., Portland, Ore. MARLIN REPEATING SHOT GUNS For Trap or Field Shooting, combine the eleganc of outline, perfection of balance, ease of taking apart and quality of finish of the best double guns with the superiority in sighting and shooting of the single barrel, and also possess the rapidity of fire and magazine capacity of MARLIN REPEATING RIFLES. 120-page cat alog of arms snd ammunition, colored cover by Osthaus, mailed for 3 stamps. Marlin Fine Arms Co., Naw Havin, OT, EASY WAY TO EARN $25.00 1 W will pay this to anyone sending us 20 new yearly sub- ; scriptions, a C C o m ' pa nied by the full yearly price for each subscription Send two cent stamp for prospectus, sam ple copies and par ticulars .. Outing Publishing Co. 239 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 4 A i Is consider) rhA Arrfrvnniif i bydit. JlllV aCIJLLlVllUUioriofn 346 S utter St., OSan Francisco, papers and they are experts the best weekly published west of New. York. No paper on the Pacific Slope is so widely copied as is the Argonaut, It is noted for its short stories. Us bright New York and Eurooean let ters, its uniaue Departments, and its vigorous Ameri can editorials. For the Argonaut is American first, us. f or the Argonaut is American lirst, IThe Argonaut lass, ana au the time. Subscribe for 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma; qulcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Commnntca. ttons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest asency for securing; "patents. Patents taken tlirouRh Muun ft Co. recelrs Ipeeial notice, without charge, in tbe Scientific American; A handsomoly illustrated weekly. Lareest elr culation of any sclenttttc journal. Terms, $:l a yer: four months, IL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNNXCo.36'8""-1-'. New York Branch Offioa. (B6 T 8t, Wasbinuton, I. C. LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE - A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF B A CosMr A Werr Drtif io.