Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 27, 1900, Image 5

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    ...1 .
Portland Librarj
The Heppner Gazette
Thursday, ......... Dec. 27, 1900
Heppner to
Portland .
Pendleton by wagon road ".' n
.wa.iBUUU , Q
Ioue jk
Heppner Junction on Columbia River!!!;" 45
The Dalles ,
uunj UU YJIUJ 1(14
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud...'..'.'.'.".'"!'.;!;; is
irain leaves daily except Sunday for all
point! at 8:15 a, m.
Train arrive! daily except Sunday from all
over me world at 5:15 p. m.
Mail! close for traim at 7 :30 a. m.
Business noun of the First National Bank of
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Btage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
inS"?i'iarol?llngat6-m i "nce to Canyon
Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World.
Last vear it BhinnpH nurnv 3 9i7r,n
.Mrw County raised 900,000 bushels of wheat
1U liAlUl
Morrow County's climate is most excel
lent, and you can buy farms and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in
all Oregon. Population 5000. , .
Morrow County has 300.000 sheep, and the
ueppner Warehouses now.. contain 2,000,000
uuuui Ul 13W WUU1,
Heppner has 1000 population, good school
city water, electric lights and 35,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from
Heppner. Chicago some further.
Here and Tf)ere
Happy New Year.
I'JUO and won!'? gome football team
will xclaira on new year's day.
Judge W. R. Ellis and wife returned
home Monday evening.
Dick Beaman and Gus Stalter en
joyea a dk batch. Christmas dinner at
the latter'g ranch.
Miss WilletU Leezer is home from
St Helen's 'Hall enjoying "the holidays
with her mother.
iwrs. wm. Walbniine entertained at
ChriBtrnasrtinner her mother and sister,
Mrs. T. W. Ayers and Mrs. Geo.
v nue it is not now necessary to use
sticky paper, still quite a few December
flies yet linger around the Gazette
Some of the large freight outfits re
cently leaving Heppner were loaded for
Matlock & Ham's store at Lone Rock.
Miss Mabel LeezT returned Monday
from a visit to Arlington. Misses Ethel
Walbridue and Bertha Adkins were
editors of the Telefone Exchange dur
ing her absence. ...
roriiana s gentlemanly burglar was
given a Christmas gift of 10 years in the
pen, and several footpads there need
10 centuries,
There are now 28 wheat ships at Port
land, with a carrying capacity of 3,000,
000 bushels. .
The big ship Potlatch is still ashore
at Shoal water bay.
J. P. Wager, who used to edit, the
Pendleton E. O., has now loaded . him
self down with three names, same as
Jas. Currycomb Riley. .
Legal blanx and all kiudsof job print
ing at Gazette office.
Fresh creamery butter always on
hand at Bishop's. . , ,
Queen olives in bulk at Matlock 6c
Hart's. . ,
Heinz's prepared mustard 25 cents a
pint at Bishop's.
The very choicest of conned and dried
fruits are always kept on hand at the
grocery store of T. R. Howard. .
Why make mince meat, when you
can get as good and cheaper than you
can make it. at Matlock & Hart's.
In Lost Valley Saturday night the
dwelling of Miles Jewell burned to the
ground, and he and bis wife barely es
caped with their lives, being asleep at
the time.
" Condon had a most successful Christ
mas tree, the funds being raised by
Mrs. A. W. Darling and Miss Lonella
So many good-dinners on Tuesday
caused neglected breakfasts on Wednes
day. . ,
Robt. Wills has received a letter from
his partner, C. C. Patterson, who is
enjoying Ihe holidays with his parents
in Pennsylvania. He writes that he is
having a good time, but the weather is
too cold to suit anyone who has lived in
Morrow county.
The Hamilton school now has 40
pupils. ,
Sam Cross and other stockraisers of
Monument have contracted their cattle
to Wm. Casey.
Henry Heppner is home again after
an enjoyable visit to Portland,
Lone Lock people have put in a new
bridge across the krick.
Hon. Henry Blackman returned Mon
day from a trip to Portland. -
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
of the ImDerial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
Drise. The diningroom is excellently
managed and Is unsurpassed.
1 Mrs. Jas. Jones started Saturday on
a Visit to relatives at Ontario and
Weiser, and will stay as long as they
treat her well.
t!. Beaman's Hereford cow has
dropped 3 calves within the past 10
months, and all are . alive and well
The last were twins.
At Douglas a most successful school
is being conducted by Miss Katie Bros'
Sterling Keithley wap in yesterday
from his ranch, the old Geo. Stewart
place, 30 miles southwest from Hepp
ner. He Is wintering lambs to sell i
the spring, and says that all stock
around there is thriving on.good grass
ihe hnest line of bulk pickles that
ever came to town at Matlock S Hart's
Sour, sweet and dills.
Fresh cauliflower just received
Pickled pigs' feet, salt salmon, her
ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart
T. R. Howard's store has everything
in the grocery line needed by city trade
1 Call at Conaer & Warren Drug Co's
store and see their fine line of Christ
mas goods. , .......
Go to Bishop's and try some of thei
sweet cider, J.5 cents a quart. '
J. M. Waddell came in yesterday
from his home ranch. He owns the old
Chas. Hinton and Franklin places, and
has just sold part of the latter to Mrs
'Everybody will be glad to learn that
the pioneers Jerry Brosaan and wife
have settled their recent differences
and returned to their home near Little
Butter creek.
- Heppner weather continues mild as
May, with green grass and slight frosts
at night. There has been much gray
sky and some showers, bnt today the
sun is shining bright with outdoor ther
mometers at 50 above.'
H T" lit
jura. fj. w.uricnton and two sons
came np last night from Portland to
Visit Mrs.- Ciicliton's mother. Mrs
Keithley, aid their many friends are
very glad to see them.
Rooms for Rent cards for sale at Ga
zette office.
Hrpipr Gczette snd East Oregonian
semi-wefkiy, $2.75; weekly $2 25. , J
Tbe neppner Gazette office will far
Dish yon soy paper or magazine in tbe
world at a reduced rate.
Babbitt meta for packing forsaeaf
Gazette office, 10 cents a pound.
Clean newspapers to cover shelves,
put umier carpets ana tine nouses are
sometimes scarce, but just now there is
a full supply on sale at the Gazotte
office at 15 cents a package.
Oscar Minor and Dave Herren brought
back from tbeir hunt the hide of only
one bighorn.
, F, E. Bell and wife wore up Saturday
from their fine farm at Penland Buttes,
where Mr. Bell has plowed np200 acres
Hon. J. B. Sperry, a pioneer of the
Heppner Hills, is now in Nebraska,
where he has a band of sheep feeding
for spring markets.
John Zollinger was down Mondav
from his home at head of Rhea creek,
where he has 2 acres of strawberries
and 30 acres of wild raspberries. John
is a veteran of te old 1st cavalry, who
campaigned with Crook all over Arizona
and the northwest. .
Down by the old home of Andrew
Jaxon Breedm, Chas. Valentine has
improved one of the best places in the
county. He is a pioneer, and did it all
himself. .
Geo. B. Hufford, who was in town
this week, hai been working hard im
proving his new ranch on Butter creek,
and will have it in shape in the spring
to stock up with Bheep.
Dil ' Garrigues' little girl found a
lady's leather handbag yesterday, and
has left it for owner at Gazet office, n;
She had every reason to. .
She was a Shorthorn and a good cow.
She belonged to Geo. Wells, and a year
ago she died and was rolled into a
ravine in Heppner'a Albina. Yesterday
Harrison Hale broke up her bones to
feed to his chickens and found an iron
clevis weighing pounds lodged at
the base of the tongue. ' .
Tbe Heppner flouring mill is having
a most successful run, with oceans of
water in the flume, and is turning out
the best flour in the world, which sells
here at $3 a barrel.
This is a lower price than is quoted at
most of the towns of Eastern Oregon,
and the flour is first-class. Only tbe
very best wheat is used, and Manager
Houston has put in the very best
modern machinery.
The Heppner mill has put on the
market a new breakfast dish named
Cream Middlings, so tbat there is now
no need of sending away from home for
grand maw's or grandpaw's mush.
The Heppner Steam Laundry has just
made many important improvements by
adding new machinery so as to keep up
with the work and do it even better. A
new mangle has been arranged for, and
all the machinery overhauled, and the
enterprising proprietor, Fred Khi;q,
has increased the size of the buildtnir
14x24. Pe"ple should all patronize this
home institution and promptly pay their
bills the first of the month. There is
no good business policy in sending
washing away from Heppner. .
The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one
of the home institutions that Eastern
Oregon may well be proud of. It fills
the field as a first-class house, and it
employs only competent white help.
It is conducted strictly on the American
plan, and its commodions well-frrnished
rooms and bountiful tables give satis
faction to all its patrons.
Through the liberality of Heppner
business men, some fine . Christmas
prizes were drawn by tbeir. customers
1 ne oiocum Lru co s 3 prizes were
won by tickets No. 260, 1075 and 590.
The second prize, a kodac, was won by
Lizzie Slocum. - -
The beautiful toi'ette set at Patterson
& Son's was won by No 1156, Mr. Bogg,
cook at Palace Hotel. r si-...
The magnificent doll at Minor & Co's
store was won by L. D. Jones, No. 1091.
He recently went to Virginia, and gave
his ticket to Wm. Estee' little girl, and
she has the 'doll, which cost f35. It
was dYessed in perfect taBte by Mrs
Potter and Mrs. Irwin.- -
The fine to lette set at Conser & War
ren's was won by Mrs. Margaret Pa?e.
and the handsome vaee at Gilliam &
Bisbee's goes to ticket No. 5225.
Bow's This?- 1 .
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
wurd for any ease of Catarrh that oan
not be on red by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F,
Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve bim perfeotly honorable in sll busi-
oess transactions, snd-fioaodslly able te
carry out any obligation. made by their
firm. West & Troax.?
Wholesale Druggists,, Toledo, O.
WALDIN9, KlNXAN & MaBVIN, ' ' ';,
1 Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. '
Hall's Oatarrb (Jure is taken Internal
ly, soting directly upon the blood sod
mncons surfaces of hs evoti'm. . Prim.
75o per bottle Sold. by all druggists.
Testimonials free H
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. . ,-
On Friday evening, Dec- 28, at the
opera house, the Symphony Band will
give its opening entertainment, of the
season. This is Heppner'a new band
organization and is thoroughly equipped
with bran new instruments, and the
proceeds of this entertainment--go to
waids' paying for these instruments.
As the bovs are public spirited and
ave been readv to furnish miiBin frenlv
to all interets of a public nature, the
public 8liould in turn show their appre
ciation by tilling the opera bouse to
ovei flowing on Friday evening, Dec. 28,
Popular prices of admission and a splen
did entertainment promised. - , ,
Wool per lb 11 to 18
Wheat per bushel. 41 to 45
Flour, Heppner, per bbl 13
lats per 100 lbs so
Barley per 100 lbs 65
Hay, alfalfa, per ton 7 00
(in stack at ranch) Ron
Hay, wheat 9
fin stack at ranch 7 m
Bacon per lb. 1215
imru per 10 yt to 1V4
Beef, best, on foot. 4
Beef, cut up 7 to 15
Butter per lb 85 to 30
Kb(?s.... 80
Potatoes lit to 2lU 7r
Chlckns, per doz 8to5
Dry Hides, No. 1, per lb 13
Sheep Pelts, per lb 10
These are the days of Holiday Cheer,
Which old and young in common revere.
Whether they herd the sheep or run the steer,
They know the place to get good beer
Is on Main street, at the Belvedere.
Also choice wines and Honors for
medicinal purposes, and holiday hard
ware to be taken internally.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
80 acres, 00 in cultivation, situated in
Wright county, Missouri, on Gasconube
river, 6 miles from Htrtville, the county
seat. 50 acres of low bottom land not
subject to overflow; good barn, house
and out-buildings; 300 bearing fruit
trees; three school-houses handy ; good
outlet and fine'timber. Price $1500, or
win exchange lor a farm in Morrow
county, Oregon, and pay difference.
Apply to Geo. W. Wells, Heppner.
A recognized
authority The Weekly
Take it all around. Morrow Countv
has a good, healthful climate, and Pap
Simons, who has lived in many places.
says there are more pleasant days here
on an average than anywhere else.
If you want to buv a small or lares
home in Heppner. inquire of tbe Gazet
Home-seekers with means, and invest
ors should com here... On soooant of
the low prices at which its lands are
offered, Morrow county expects lo double
its population this year. Good land can
be bongbt bere at 81.25 to $5 an aore.
Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
anrly and nuts all these are sold at T.
R. Howard's store.
Matlock & Hart's store is being filled
to its utmost capacity. - Drop in and ask
lor what you want. They have it. '
A,new typewriter will cost yon $100.
The Gazette office has one to tell at $30
that will do just as .'good work as a $100
Useful small articles in fancy
leather with burnt etching orna
mentation, in latest styles, are on
sale at Patterson & Son's Up-to-Date
Drug Store. . There are-parses,
spectacle cases, smoking sets, sofa pil
lows, etc., all made in Heppner., Prices
fiT"from 25 cents up. See them.
Sofa pillows, with Indians' beads and
Music rolls, with names, etc. -
Kodak books, any color.
Ladies' hand bags, Purses, Card,
Spectacle and Scissors Cases.
Smoking Sets, very odd and new.
Anyone desiring Private Board will do
well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at ber
rooms back of P. O. Bo'g's Jewelry
For Infant and Children.
Tha Kind Yen Hava Always Bought
Bears the
i H : ; t tH
From the Magnificent Stoclc
At the Store of
Up-to-Date Druggists, Heppner,
'Come to Morrow
1 51 TT1
lands. Values are sure
er again will land sell so
I. X. I L.
St:- '
Confectionery and ; Cigar Store.
Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor. r
Free Heading Room
Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read
1 papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place, 1 1 J ; "
all of the very
A fair share of ihe public patronage
) Proprietor of the "
i On West Side of
Hay and Grain bought and
Horses always kept for livery at reasonable rates.
Ihe very best facilities kept for
charge. Uive me a trial and be convinced, f
Heppner Lu m ber Co
R. C. Wills and C! C. Patterson-- ,
Have organized the above Company with headquarters Just North
of The Fair store in Heppner,, Oregon, and have their yard fully
stocked with all kinds of
Kough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows Shingles, Moulding and
Screen Doors, 1
And everything appertaining to a flrst-claaa Lumber Yard.-'Tbey-will' after
Marob 1 deliver lumber to any point in tbe oity limits free of charge. .
Tbeee gentlemen also buy and veil teal estate, rent houiee, write iBinranee.
If yon have any property to sell or rent, pat it in their haodt, er U yon need aoy-
iuiuk em iu uitir nue o sore to cooeau
to 'phone call No. 7, .
0. A. RHEA.,
T. A. RHEA..
President I
Vio President I
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 136,000.
The Heppner ' Wood 'and Coal Yard, ' " '
E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling i,,.,,
and delivering
at reasonable prices.,. ,
Fir, Pine and Oak
The White is King v
of Sewing Machlneg and Bicycles.
White Sewin" Machinfl Co Postst., sn rncico, ci.
nme oewill0 Jldcmne KjO. Cor. of 8tockU.n St., Fsolnnrsolfle Union Club.
- . . C. A. HAWKINS, General Manager
Gilliam & Bisbee. Heppner,
; i Dealers in "White" Bicycles and Sewing Machines
1 51
: 5
f. b
County for low-priced
to double up. Nev
low as it does now.
1. l, Jul)
best quality J.
ia solicited.
Main St., Heppner.
Bold. .First-class Riot and Barlrll
takine care of teams left in onr
toem nreu. , ioey .will retpoad promptly
O. W. OON8EB. A Caahier
E. I FREELAND. Aesiftant Cashier
Rock. Springs and
Roslyn Coal.
Guaranteed .
And please bear in mind that our Stock lst '
) goingto be Bigger and Better than ever. .r.
Slooum Drtig Co., Main Street, Heppner ; ! H
Beautiful Iron Bedsteads
$5 to $15.
A New and Complete Stock of
Sofas, Tables. Bed-
roomSetsrPillows and
Mattresses all grades;
Upholstering, Picture Framing,
, Sewing Machines,
Window Shades, Undertaking
Next door to Gilliam '&, Bisbee's, Main Street-Heppner
one that everybody knows. , It is one of the best oa earth.,,,
Have just received one of theOargest stocks of Bain Wagons' ever "
uiuugui iu neppner.
Call and See them.
Prices air Rirrlvfc. n
Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural '
f the world). Crockery and Glassware. .
Main street,
i ; All well adapted to
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
fine least and Coffees. .
i it'
'T. R. HOWARDjii'u Heppnertuv.
Simond-s Gross Cut Saws
Sewing Machines :
jdoss Washers
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
Ed. R.
i i
I am bound for NOBLE & CO'S,
Heppner, to get one of the Best Saddles
on Earth, and several other good articles
in the way of Horse Furniture.
you can find
; 11 Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods, c
either City or Country Trade. : u
Good Goods.... , , .
Fair Prirp.c
Sanitary Still's.'?.!
5 .4,
.. i
S :