Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 20, 1900, Image 6

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i It is ft fact that productive lands can
"i at present be bought in Morrow County
) cheaper than anywhere else on earth,
and industrious homeseekers with means
I should come here and see for them
i selves.
I B. F. Swaggart, who has been ranch
ing and stocn-raising near Heppner for
the past 16 years, was interviewed yes
terday as follows :
"How much land have you accumu
lated since your settlement here 16
years ago?"
"A little less than 4000 acres."
"How much stock do you keep on
the place?"
"I have at present about 600 head."
"You raise some mules, do you not?"
"I have been raising a few. In the
future I will raise more, as I now have
4 jacks for that purpose."
"You are breeding fine horses also I"
"I have been giving that most of my
time for the past 15 years. While
horses have been very poor property
the past 5 years, I continued raising
them and mules. I will be well paid in
the future, as horses, in my opinion,
will continue to intrease in price for the
next 5 years. Calfurness, imported
from Australia, now heads my herd."
"When did you settle in Oregon?"
"I was born in Oregon in 1854. Came
to Morrow county in '71, remaining 2
years ; moved to Palouse ; returned to
Umatilla county, where I lived 5 years ;
balance of the time I have lived in
Morrow county."
"What is your Idea as to land values,
as you have seen the lands settled both
in Morrow and Umatilla counties?"
"I can best illustrate what I have
seen in the way of the increase in land
values by giving you my own experi
ence. I bought in '75 a claim in Uma
tilla county near where Athena is now
located. I gave $200 for 240 acres, 100
government land, 80 railroad land, with
a fair house and about one-half of the
land under fence. In a few years I
deeded 100 acres, 80 still railroad land.
I sold this in 7 years for $4500. Today
there is a standing offer for this land of
$12,000, or $50 per acre. And this is
the case with most all the good farmB
in Umatilla county. The climate is and
has been changing all these years for
the hettor. as the clouds hang lower
and are more easily condensed, and I
hnlieve that dry seasons and drowths
are things of the past.
i "I well remember that 20 years ago
we did not expect to have a crop more
than every other year, and 20 bushels of
wheat was then a good, satisfactory
yield. Now if they don't get 40 bushels
they are dissatisfied and they expect
that yield of wheat.
"Now Morrow county Is speedily
gaining on Umatilla county in climate
and rainfall, and in the near future Mor
row county is destined to be settled up
and successfully farmed, and the valua
tions will not stop until the farming
lands will bring at least $25 per acre,
where at present much of this land can
bo taken up and can be bought deeded
at from $2 to $5 an acre."
"Since vou have seen the increase in
moving from there to Morrow?"
"Ono; I have increased handsomely
my conditions, by more readily purch
asing land here, which enables me to
keep and handle fine stock, which is my
chief delight. And the increase in
Morrow county land will be a surprise
to the old settlers in the very near
"I have succeeded satisfactorily in
educating my children, who are at
present attending the State Normal
School at Weston, this being their
fourth year there. Miss Maud and Miss
Ethel will graduate from that school
this term. Eastern Oregon should feel
justly proud of the Normal School they
now have, and the great interest shown
by the residents of Weston to maintain
the order and morality of their town
second to none in the state."
(3 I RobinBon, Hardman
W B Leathers "
Geo Robinson "
Seth Weller "
C E Hatch, Arlington
J M Allison, Dalles
J Mason, lone
Pat Quaid, Balm Frk
Mrs baling and ch, 8mile
Mint Kuvdderly, Monument
Oscar Sehafer "
Jas Neally "
S Wright. 8mile
G A lUeakman, Hardman
Claud Hloan, Echo
O W White, Condon .
E Merrili, Hardman
Bertha Kinney, Long Crlt
The annual convention of the Morrow
County S. S. Association in Heppner be
gan Thursday, President J. J. Adkios
presiding, Vawter Crawford Secretary.
Rev. J. W. Stockton led in a social
service participated in by all present
with earnestness and zeal.
There were many subjects presented,
and all were thoroughly discussea.
Among them were The Object and Scope
of the Sunday School, by M. D. L.
French ; Denominational Literature, by .
W. C. Lacy ; Plea for Better Work in
the Sunday Schools, by Rev. G. W.
Grannis; Sunday School Conventions,
by W. C. Lacy The Sunday School
Teacher as a Home Missionary, by A.
W.. Balsiger; House-to House Visita
tion, by Mrs. T. L. Dorman; The Pri
mary Work, by Mrs. J. W. Stockton;
The Bright Side of Sund'iy School Work
in the Country, by Rev. C. D. JNickei-sen.
Friday evening at the M. E. Church
Souih the devotional exercises were
conducted by Judge A. Bartholo
mew, assisted by tbe juvenile choir oi
his Sunday School. Rev. Edward Cur
ran presented the subject. What Intem
perance Costs Our Nation, and W. O.
Lacy Summing Up the Results. Rev.
J. W. Stockton presented the subject,
Business Methods, end Secretary Craw
ford read reports from but two Sunday
Schools in the county. These were in a
prosperous condition, but it was a dis
appointment that the others did not re
Report of Treas. Lacy showed all bills
paid and balance of $0.15 on hand.
Convention recommended house-to
house visitation method and the Home
Following ollicers were eiectea : rres-
identA. W. Balsiger, lone; Vice-Pres.,
J. J. Adkins, Heppner; Sec, Vawter
Crawford, Heppner; Treas,, W.C. Lacy,
Heppner; Executive Uommittee Mrs.
W. CI. Lacv. Miss Mary Barker, Hepp
ner, and Miss Anna Balsiger, lone.
Next convention za Wednesday in uc-
tober, 1901.
Blue Mt. Eagle.
The Eagle is informed that Joaquin
Barcellos, commonly known as "Por-
tugee King," had his band of sheep
shot into Sunday night on the Gund
lach ranch west ot Canyon City, which
resulted in the loss of 150 out of a band
of 3000. He had rented the Gundlach
ranch and had run his sheep there for
some time and was about ready to leave
the olace when the shooting occurred
The Eagle is not laminar witn tne
causes that led up to tins auair, dui
nevertheless it is to be very much re
eretted. Local sheepmen atid cattle
men should by all means get along in
the same neighborhood, and avoid d if
Acuities of this nature.
Brave Men Fell
Viotims to stnmnoh, liver and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all reel
tbe results in loss of appetite, poisons
in the blood, backache, nervousness,
headsohe snd tired, listless, run-down
feeling. But there s no need to feel like
that. ListeD to J. W. Gardner, Idaville,
Ind. He says: "Electric Bitters are
just the thing for a man when be is all
run down, and don't osre wnetuer ne
lives or dies. It dtd more to give me
new strengtu buu goon appetite iobo
anything I oonld take. I csn now eat
anything and have a new lease on life,"
Only 50 oents, at Uonser & Warren
Drug Co. Every bottle guaranteed.
?f T 4
or vou
should look '
like this,
but if you have
the GERM
destroys and with
er, it like this.
"Destroy the cauw
you remove the
No Dandruff, no
Falling; Hair, no
Baldness, If you
For sale by all druggists. Price $L
"GeDtiles can't make sugar-beet
raising pay, but Mormon families
may possibly do so,' says A. E.
Huff, a Grand Ronda Valley farmer,
to an Oregonian reporter.
"The Gentile farmers are used
to handling a good many acres of
grain, and the) have made money
at it, " he continued, "and so oeet
raising was entirely new to them,
and a good many farmers have lost
money at the new business. One
man near La GraDde contracted to j
raise 600 acres of beets aod lost j
$10,000 at it. so was obliged to i
seek a release from a bad bargain.
The Mormon families now coming
in, however, stand a better chance
of success, as they will handle only
a few acres each, and will Hire
very little outside help. In this
way there is a possibility oi com
ing out ahead in the business. I
do not consider, therefore, that
the sugar factory will be removed
from Oregon, as has been threat
ened. The Utah people have too
much money invested in the plant
and in land to draw out of it. The
LAND SALES. class of immigrants coming in iruw
tnj ...fi Salt Lake now are of an industri-
have been filed for record with bounty pus, economical aim iuim.iv
f!lrk Crawford
John Stanley to Frank Young, izl)
acres near Gooseberry, $1600.
aruena may 10 .a a vuie, ou buico,
Geo Geinger to J W Morrow, lots in
Jnnan' Rdrf to HaDbner. tl00.
John Jordan to Luther Jordan, w
acres. 4100.
A S Akers to JS M. A leers, lots in xone,
Geo Holmes to &nc ueraeuom, a-u
arret). 1400.
Alice lloskins to fanoie iu Dates,
land near Hardman. $1250,
J E Sevenoakes to T J JJavidson,
nrnn. in lone. J:i50.
E G Sperry to City of lone, lot in
Tn. .riO.
Ben Mathews to fcdna l, eiocum, lot
in f.nnnnv's add. $300,
E G Sperry to R F Wilmot, lots in
lone. 250.
F H Snow to Wm Tenland, 1(50 acres
near Laxinuton. 11000.
Wit Munkers to J W Becket, 160
nnrpa in Kifht Mile. 1100.
.T W Morrow to Frank Roberts, lot
npar court houne. $350.
Nanov .T Connor et al to Sarah M
Hnlmna. 152 acres.
Henry Ferguson to Martha Teal, lots
in Hardman. $35.
Oscar Cochran to F. II. Wilson, 320
acrpH nnar Tone. $1400,
W O Minor to Penland Livestock and
Land Co.. 400 acres in Blue mountains,
ED Leach to D E Oilman, 320 acres,
who will deal largely among them
selves and thus make everything
count They already have a town
platted and a co-operative store is
. . mi " 1 1 :
nn the tarns. inev win rataa
is wined from the etomacb. not
banning ita work immediately.
Until it gate to work you feel dis
tressedthe food lays in your atom
ach like a weight.
'To start digestion to make the
stomach do its work you roust assist
it if your stomach ia weak or alow
to work.
No. 21
taken after meals supplies the atom
ah with necessary acids and Juices
which uigest the food quickly in a
proper manner. To get the best
results use Baldwin's Health Tablets
No. W with the Dyspepsia Tablets.
The Dyspepsia Tableta ooat &Uo and
can be had at
Patterson & Son, Heppner
Af ftF an nrrp. I offer 324 acres'. 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good plow land,
has running water and is -under lence.
Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner.
T. R.
Main street, you can find
Groceries, Provisions, Glassware,
Tinware and Furnishing Goods,
All well adapted to either City or Country Trade.
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
Fine Teas and toffees. .
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.-L.
kr. R. HOWARD.
Grazing on my land 5 miles south of
HftDDner is in violation of common law
and justice. During free trade days it
was all right to swipe my good grass, for
sheep were worth nothing. But now it
is different, and it is not lair mat i
Heppner Lumber Co
R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson
Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North
of The Fair store in Heppner,' Oregon, and liave their yard fully
stocked with all binds of
- A .... it l I 1H U1UOICIU, OI1VA IV ID "v ..... -
nnnlfrv and makfi hatter: tneV Will i,m k Uft ; Ilia hnln for turps. So
. . j DIIVUIU JV 'V, v-'J I
grow garden truck, and thus fur- i will be compelled to prosecute anyone aD(i Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows, Shingles, Moulding and
ms i thn towns ana minme um- "i
tricts with fresh vegetables. Times
will not be so cood for the Gentile
f aimers of the Grand Bonde here
after, as the' price of butter and
eerea must come down in conse
quence of the advent oi tnese new
To make EDghsh plum pudding,
. . . r IT 1 1 Jt ' .
one pound of seedless raisins and
mix with a pound ot currants ana
half a Dound of minced orange
Deel: dust over a quarter of a pound
of flour. Chop fine one pound of
suet; add to it a quarter ot a pound
of brown sugar, h-df a nutmeg,
srrated. three-quarters of a pound
- T 1 a. a-
of stale, dry bread crumos. m ix
all the ingredients together. Beat
five eggs, without separating, until
light; add to them half a pint oi
crane or orange mice: pour over
the drv mgredients and mix tnor-
oughlv. The mixture should not
be wet. but each particle snouia
be moistened. rack this into
mfidip.ine I have ever used. It is a fine greased kettles or moulds. It will
children's remedy for oroup aud uever fill w0 three-pound kettles. Put
fails lo ome." When giveu as soon as nn .. aiMnA tv,a moulds in
tbeohllil Dec-roes noarss, or even auer . , ataar;r, tnr
Iha nrcinnB oonizh has developed, it will biooujdi, ouv.
Dreveut tbe attHok. This sbonld be ten hours.
mrtie in mind and a bottle of theUongh
ieroedy kept at band ready for iDstant
nse as soon br these synipioms oppear
Vot sale by Conser & Warren.
J. W. Redington.
Home-seekers with means, and invest
ors should come here. On account of
the low prices at which its lands are
offered, Murrow oonnty expects to doable
its population Hub year, (iooa land can
be bongbt here at l.ViD to 80 an aore.
Screen Doors.
And everything appertaining to a first-clase Lumber Yard, They will after
March 1 deliver lumber to Bny point in tbe city limits free of charge.
These gentlemen also buy and sell real estate, reot houses, write insurance.
If vou have any property to sell or rent, put it in their baodH, or it you need any
thing else in their line be sure to consult tbem first. They will respond promptly
to 'phone call No. 7.
How to Cure Crcnp.
Mr. it. Gray, who lives near AmeniB,
Duchess county, N. Y.,SBys:
berlHin's Cough
the best
When you coino to Heppner, put up
your team at the Red Front Livery Sta
ble on Main et., opposite the brewery.
They will receive the best ot care. Bug
gies, teams and saddle horses for hire
at reasonable rates. Hay and grain
bought and sold.
iilNNS 11ROH.
On Christmas night, Tuesday, Dec,
i. a i?rand mask ball will be given at
the llemiper ouera house, lhere will
be good music and a good crowa oi
iod people, urantt marcti ai n o ciock.
.'tckets for gentlemen tt. Ladies free
CoBtuines for rent will be here in
Million Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to tbe public
to know of one oonoern io the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy sod suffering. The proprietors of
Dr. King's New Disoovery for Con
siimDtion. Couitbs and Colds, have given
awav over ten million trial bottles or
Ibis great medicine, and have the satis
taction ot knowing it bas absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless oases.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsened and all
diseases of the Throat, Chest and
Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on
Conser &. Warren Drug Co., am get a
free trial bottle. Regular size 50o. and
$1. Every bottle guaranteed, or pnoe
Two weeks ago the big bands of wild
annua left the Columbia and it was
thought they were gone for the winter,
But the fact that they came back is
evidenced by the fact that Willard
llerren bas sent up several fat ones to
Iii h Heppner friends.
Geese captured say that the recent
flight of the big bands only extended as
far as Goose lake, where they went to
call on relatives. They found bad boys
down there killing geese for their hides,
and so came back to the Columbia
where the wheat fields of Morrow and
Gilliam counties furnish fine pasture
and the people shoot only enough geese
to supply private tables.
Working Night and Day.
Tbe busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Tills. Every pill is a eugar-ooated
lobule of health, that obanaes w
nesa into strength, listlessness into acer
gy brain-fag into mental power. They're
wnn.lerful io building np the health.
Onlv '2Sn per boi. Hold by Oonser A
Warren Drug Co
This well kept house is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street,
ilnnnnnr. and has good rooms and
bountiful table, at reasonable rate..
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goee through in
24 hours.
The TolPpbone Livery, Feed and Sale
Pfttl.lB. on weBt Bide of Main strwt,
keeps firBt chisfl rigs and saddle horses,
and takes the best of care of them.
H. A. Tiiomi'sok,
Proprietor of all Three.
While Robert Ross, colored, lived in
Heppner last full, he appeared to be a
quiet and well-behaved gentleman.
Friday he came up from lone, jot pretty
drunk and caused a big row. He rode
his horse on the sidewalk behind
orowd of people going to the football
game, and it took Marshal Thornton
Press Criswvll and Councflman Garri-
guea to subdue and arrest him. In the
light the inarHhal had the small bones
of his right hand broken.
Robs whs kept in the city tail over
night, and next morning Judge Wil
liiiiNs fined him f 10.
Thursday morning foO tons of hay, be
longing to Ike Mugee, was destroyed by
fire a few miles from Mitchell. The
the was from all indications the work of
an incendiary, and sheepmen in that
section are considerably worked up
over the nlluir, the more bo as during
the past few years several other leading
sheepmon have suflered similar louses
in tbe same neighborhood.
The man who b Ion pa to a crime of this
character ia low enough to commit any
sin forbidden in the decalogue, and if
captured should lie punched to the ex
treme limit of tho law. HhbiI Journal
Among the tei.B of thousnuds bo
have lined CliHroherlsiu's Umigh Reined)
for ooltis and la grippe during the pust
few year, to onr knotledg, not
single case has resulted in pneumonia,
Thoi. Whiltield At Co., 210 Wabaab ave,
ChiciHgo, one of the mont prominent re
tail drngginte in that city.iu speaking ol
this, says: "We reoonmiei'd Chamber
laio a Cough Romedy tor la grippe id
many cases, as it not only give prompt
and complete recovery, but also counter,
acts any tendency of la grippe to resnlt
in pneumonia." For sale by Couser
First to arrive with the telegraphic
nowsTliS Weekly Oregonian.
No tice of Stockholders' Meeting.
PreijBred in msny color tints VVTNv
TTT I am
J.1 will be a meeting ot tne siocKnoiaers oi
the First National Bank of Heppner at their
office on the 2d Tuesday of January, 1901, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock a m. and 4 o'clock
p. m., of said day, lor the purpose ot electing
directors and for the transaction of such other
business as may appear.
Gko. Conser, Cashier.
Heppner, Oregon, December 6, 1900.
1 Red Hot From The Gun
Was the bull tbat bit G. B. Steadman
of Newark. Mich . in tbe Civil War. It
caused horrible Ulcers tbat no treat
me tit helped for 20 years. Then Book
let's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures
Outs. Bruises. Burns, Boils, FelonB,
Corns. Skin Ernptioos. Best Pile oore
on earth. 25 ots. a box. Cure auarsn
teed. Sold by Conser & Warren Drug
You can be cured of nervous diseasee,
stammering, bad habits, alcoholism,
drug habits and private diseases. Deaf
ness and catarrh. Instruction in personal
magnetism, send for literature, in
stitute of Tsychology, 7th and Wash
ington, I'ortland.
1 J OfliM st La Grande. Or.. Dec. 4. 1900.
Nntfpp Is herebv elven that tne lonowine-
nimHl unttler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his, claim,
snd that said nroof will be made before the
Countv Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at
Heppner, Oregon, on January 28, 1901, viz:
Homestead entry no. ouvoi
JOHN P. DOHERTY, of Vinson, Ore ,
for the east southeast M and southeast V
northeast U and lot 1 section 2. township 2
mith. rantrn 'M Mat W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
aid land, vlr.: Daniel Doherty. of Heppner.
Ore., Daniel Hirl, James Nelson ana James
Byers, all of Vinson, Ore.
811-6. Register.
Ileppner Gazette only i bits for
6 months.
Everybody want to
Oregonian has to say.
know what The
Don't Rub It In.
J OfHne at La Grande. Ore.. Dec. 4. 1900.
Notice la herebv elven that the following-
named settler haa filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow comity, at ileppner, Oregon,
on January 26, 1901, viz: Homestead entry 6987,
GEORGE A. STEVENSON, of Heppner, Ore.,
for the southeast !i section 15, township 1 south
mure 27 east w M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of aald land, vis: 8. P. Florence. L. A Florence.
N. A. Kelley and Thos. yuam, an oi tieppuer,
811-6 1st. w. bartlitt, KegiBter.
. Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. m.
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Special Kansas City, Ht.
9a.m. Louis, Chicago,
and East.
Atlantic Salt Lake,' Denver, 4:30 p.m.
Express Ft. Worth, Omaha,
9 a. m, Kansas City, 8t
via. Hunt- Louis. Chicago
lngton, aud East.
Atlantic Walla Walla, LewlB- 6:20 p.m.
Express ton, Spokane, Mtn-
7-45 a.m. neapolis, St. Paul,
Via. Spo- Duluth, Milwau
. kaue. xee Chicago and
8.00 p.m. Ocbak Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco
Sail every 5 days
8:00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Btkamebs. Ex. Sunday
Saturday .
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
6:00 a.m. Willamhttb River 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
W ay Landing!.
7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m.
Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. ,A and Fri.
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way Land
ings. Shake River.
Lv. Riparia Lv. Lewiston
8:85 a.m. Riparia to Lewiston 9 a. in.
daily daily
bound for NOBLE & CO'S,
Heppner, to get one of the Best Saddles
ion Earth, and several other good articles
in the way of Horse Furniture.
Proprietor of th
mi mi d
sale mm
On West Side of Main St., Heppner.
Hav and Grain bought and sold. First-class
Horses always kept for livery at reasonable rates.
The very best facilities kept tor taking care
charge. Give me a trial and be convmoed.
Rigs and Saddle
of teams left in our
fmsT Rational Jank
A. RHEA Prenldent I O. W,
A. RHEA Vio-President E. L.
, CONSER Cashier
FKEELAND.. Assistant Cashier
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits $35,000.
Jimber Culture, Final Proof.
ore Throat
Mrstorloo. rata
Heppner Branch train No,
at 7:45 a. m. No. 10 arrives at 5:80 p
Cure in Uialr tomtit, and paorU it
in their, praotto. At druWta, 10 etau
Oentlxraen: I tvrvsr hra,ta o aeknort
tAit ha worth of a aoed thing, cona.
ui-ntly I do not haaitAt. to ackn-wllf
ih.-it I hv Blvn roiir runadr a thrpun
iit. and ha i founA it to b aH you ola-aa.
J. H. Ft'TJf AM, M. D.. KuUand,
ctern Aseny iAH FANCIt0
nil. nravon. November 14. 1900.
Notice It hereby Kiven that William Blair
has tiled notice of Intention to make nnal
nrnnf hpfnra Vawter Crawford. County Clerk,
at niH nmca id nei,i,iitir. vh;k,m,, uu jluiwioi,
the 27th day of December, 1900, on timber
culture application No. 8318 for the northwest
i oi section ho. m, in mjwiisuiu no. auuvu,
runirM tin W AR.t W M.
He names as witnesses:- ,ciwnra o. uuran, oi
Heppner. Or., John Finer, John B. Carnticliael
aii,1 rhnmu Harnett, ol KXinmou, ur.
80-14 Jay Y. Lucas, Kcgisier.
IX unitflralKiied haa been appointed admlnis-1
t'minr nf thu nstata of L. F. Hhipley. deceased.
hi tho nniint court of the State of Orexon for I
Morrow county. All persona having claims
attalnst the said estate are hereby required to I
present the same to me duly yerlfled as by law
rnrri. at ih nlftce of Q. . Fbelps. my
attorney, wlthiu six montha from the date
nereni. . . .
Ikiiki thla lMth day ol ueceniopr. iwm.
J. w. 8iiii i.y,
Administrator ol the estate of L. F. Shipley, de
ceased. OU-0
New Lodging House.
1 hvft ro-paperetl ftul re
. furui8htl the wplUknown
MouQtaiQ House
And it is now redv for
tho Rocoa)inotltiou of
lotlgtrs by the day, wet'k or
Good rooms and clean, com.
fortable beds.
LoJgmg '2ft cents.
0111c. at The Dalles. Ore.. Nov 1 l'JOu.
A tufltriant contest amdavu naving oeen nieu
In this oltlce by B. F. Bwanitart, contestant,
aKalimt homestead entry No. Barti, mado (Vt.
. IH. fur north W aomneast awnun u mm
northweiit Vi soutnwesi ami hiiiui.hi
northwut u .M-tloii 'is. township 1 south, rxiiiie
Meait, by William al. Ross, conteslee, in which
.. . ..... . . 1 I .1' . 1 1 . . ... linmm ha. I
whniiv h.nrtonad said tract, and has contin
ued to so alwudon eatd tract, and has lallwl to
Improve said tract eer since Urch 1, WO, and
that said abandonment Is not due to his em-
ploymentla Ihe army or nayy oi u. iniiea
fetatcs io time ol war, aald parties ar. hereby
notified to appear, respond and otiar eviaeuce
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m on
January U, 1UU1. before Vawter Crawford,
County Clerk, at his omce at Heppner, Oregon,
and that final hearing will be held attlO o'clock
a. m. on January SO, 11. before the Register
and Receiver at the Vniled States land ortlce
111 The Dalles, Oikoii. .
The said eonteeUnt having, in a pniiMrain-
dvtt. tiled IVtobcr l. lit, act forth facta
which show that alter ave alliance, if.
service of this notice cannot I made, it is
hereby ordered and directed mat sucn uuuve
be given by due aud proper puuiicauon.
9 leaves Heppner I
except Sunday.
Patsoag.ra booked for all Foreign
J. M. KEUNAN, Agent, Heppner.
General Passenger Ageut, Portland, Or.
(Mim gUtk sal Smaui
The largest Anatomical Husaun
m ue w aria.
erratt altnetten to fn CUy. A
tronatrnu miuwr vuuars.
Wm or An 7 con true t-
the oldnt Specialist od tbe Paoi&a
Coast. JiMatilWiMagyMrs,
Va... naai and Bitddla) '
...d M.a who ara aurTrtnr .
(rum the ilftou et youthful India-1
eretloua or mwm la maturer .
1 years. ITsrvoiia and physical Itbllltjr.lm. (
uolvney. ,oastlainlitiinllluoompli-
F cations; K yrrm torr hepa, Prata.tor-
rswAaonorrima, vim, rrtqarnry
of ( rluallnc, . 11 a combination of I
rmwilen. ot Krrat curatlva poirar, th Doctor '
t haH no arranged his tnsilmnt tbat ft will Dot .
only aiTDrtl Immediate rvlief, but permattent
, cure, rue ihx'tor aoca um claim io perrorDi
mlriictm. but in well known to be a fair
. raimre Plivnlolun and Surgeon, prf-amlueat
111 hls.pwlaltv Dlavstava f Men.
NVPHII.I1 thoroiiahly en.!catea aam
uie nyMtiu without tn uneoi narvwr.v. j
Tmnri fitted by an Expert. Radleail
I mrr tor Ituailnro. A quirk aad rmtioal
enrtfnr Pllra. Hoar, and FI.IDlae, by 1
Vr. jorun s npecial painiem meiooua
EVKHT MAM applvlns to us will i
k Mr iiui. .J hi. .v.nintMlnt.
H e tclli Huarrmlrr a rO&ITl H t t as
i awry nw in WHlerTnke,
Cnnaultatlitn FKKK and Mncjiy pnvank
Trunn.iit nenmuallv or by letter.
Writ. fe R.v.lr. PHII.OierHT
lAHRI4K. Miiliii Paim (.a, valuable
book tor meu.) uau or writ
OR. JORDAN a CO.. lOSt Marital SL. S .
The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, ,
E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling
Naud delivering
at reasonable prices.
if ii
4 1
Fir, Pine and Oak
Rock Springs and
Roslyn Coal.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
acter to deliver aud collect in Oregon for old
cKtabltshcd mamifaeturliur- wholesale house.
W a year, sure pay. Honesty more than n
prlence required. Our reference, any bank iu
any city. Enclose eelt-addremed stamped en
velope. Manufacturera, Third Floor, l&i Dear
born 8t, Chicago.
The White is ..King-
of Sewing Machlneg and Bicycles.
CJ I - r ! "I 9W-306 Post St., San Francisco, Cl.
White beWlllg Machine bO. Cor. of Stocktoust.. Facing Pacific Union Club.
C. A. lmVKINS, General Mannger
GUHam & Bisbee. Heppner,
Dealers in "White" Bicycles and SewinR Machines