Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 20, 1900, Image 5

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thuksday Dec. 20, 1900
.. 197
.. 60
Ucppner to
Pendleton by wagon road
rh itniioa"" ' 65
Cinvnn I'.lii WW
Cabin Canyon'l6i'w'lthmu'd.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.'
Train leaves dally except Sunday for all
puiuui ai b:id a, m.
Train arrives daily except Sunday from all
MbIU close for trains at 7-an .
EBusiness hours of the First National Bank ol
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Stage for Hardman. Ua...... t
104: tlnw 24 h.? wuauyon
l?Xl'JrP01 Warm the World
A'"Lvmt"'. .-.7ao pounds.
;;7 m"u" i "n,PPe,a aw bushels of
iiT,7 .rY""w climate is most ex
t t'""u y?u can D,,y farm Bnd ranches
- :&flecD!if,!' and .0& Wc'khStei
Hnnna; ,".i " ''"'2. 1".'oclea 1!" mile from
Mrs. Rebecca Means, mother of Mrs.
Abe Wells, died Tuesday at Pendleton,
and Mrs. Wells and Jake went over yesterday.
The beautiful Blue mountains, south
of Heppner, contain enough Christmas day's ride,
Here and Tf)ere
Merry Christmas.
Now watch the davs grow longer
Some of the HeDDnr oani.n. ...
,. being spaded up, as there is no frost in
tne ground.
Dr. Swinburne and Drui?iriHr. si
made a buggy trip Tuesday nearly to
. naraman, and found some snow as
low down as the W. B. Gilliam place
Miss Alma Hamilton and Aug. Shirtz
were recently married at Hamilton.
At bpray next Saturday a lodge of
i loneers ot the Pacific will be organized
with 22 members. "
John Eads, of Monument, and Miss
Rosa flood will be married on Deer
creek on the 30th.
The Hamilton school will start in
Monday with fresh fixtures and a new
Dr. A. J. Shobe, Heppner's pioneer
physician, has been having a suffering
spell from biliousness, but considering
his age, be is getting along famously.
Legal blanx and all kinds of job print
ing at Gazette office.
The immense quantities of freight
than have recently left Heppner for
.mtenor points show what an important
shipping point trys is. '
Most of the farmer families north of
Hepp ner are arranging for joyous
Christmas reunions. Their wood wag
ons passing through from the moun
tains this week have all had Christmas
bushes on top of the loads.
Miss Vira Hart is over frcm Hilgard
visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. -Phelps.
Johi) Spencer puled out Sunday with
a big four-horse outfit for the Spencer
s - - t
M. M. Beighley started Saturday for
a winter visit to his old home at Merid
ian, Cal. He is a Heppner pioneer who
came here 17 years ago.
Dushes-to supply the whole world. And
among them the tamarack is the only
evergreen that isn't ever green
Fred Cupper and bride, of Monument,
will be married in the Heppner Epis
copai cnurch on New Year's day.
Senator J. W. Morrow and wife went
to Portland Saturday to visit their little
When B. F. Swactrarl wan in Rnnaw
from his stock ranch he was asked as to
news out that way and said :
"I have a good joke on Jim Fristoe. i
ne came to look for soma stock nr
my place, and 1 went with him on a
We returned and entered
my pasture 5 miles from the house at 5
r. M., raining at the time. It soon h.
came very dark, and we lost our hear-
ings and could not see the wire fences.
so we concluded to- turn our saddle-
horses loose for fear we mieht ride them
into the barbed wire.
A Ca it- . - .
.alter waiKing a short distance we
VH.UI ubj v loi li 1 1 J G 1 1 llLim uioinuvo Tt C
daughter Hazel, who is attending school d'8"treed about the course, he contend-
at St. Helens Hall . ln-w' ftllat the PPte direction was rjght.
t , 1 '"formed him that if he thought he
lien Bingham, of Wind Cam-on. is
now pretty well supplied with all kinds
knew my land better than 1 did ' in Lair a
his course. 80 we fienarateri' hp saving
of Antra hoirln that he had been nnrW that i
The only breed lV is short on 7 that nf tJZWX?- but rhat now he
!' uuiuium uis uiiuu.
ine ocean greyhound, and he has sent "I found the house at midnight, by
ior one of them. mv pnp cominir out quite a distance- to
li IT ha . . . meet me. Fristoe ifot in at 5 in the
it.. Hynd returned Mondiv mm mn,ni, v,:.. r. I "
p. , , ' i,CiiiK in biiii oi ine nouse
oiiu, wnere oe lounu all activity in wen my foreman went out with a lan
wool business postponed unril Rf Ar tho lern to feed. He relished his break-
hol days. fast, as he had had nothing for 24 hours,
Wra o . Bal" nlal 11 we could not travel to-
wra. spencer is assisting? in thn riant eether we nnnld Oninv AO tint rAontUna
, r" I - ... i....JUa. llK WObLJCIl
during the absence of Cashier Conser. , told ",m to tRke a sleep after break-
The oionr nnl, qi.k. i i rii8f 8na 1 an(1 m- Church would go out
me pioneer uock hobe home nlam I and Qf ,i.n tir-
; i . , . t r Bo niuiiicn, (i a pin in me
. ,mrin gooa repair by its preg lorenoon ndine in the pasture after the
Saddles, hilt, fallal r finrl ho o T
w ...... 1 1 . ) 11 1 1 bu M.
hitched up and brought Fristoe to town.
Heppner is a live, bustling business
town and center for a vast tributary
tradinit territory, but business coes
along smoothly, and there are no dis
Heppner merchants advertise and
nil or targe , ... . .
ini:.n Hf .i. a ie& inR nnnn m bnnw D imi ti.a. iin..A a
- . . .u. , i .ivuii c ui uitj VJHZei 1 " " Hue; uaTD lu
Orhl!A. I .,11 1 .1. ,
. . Bnl H 1 1 1 1 riia nantl'a ami. . . n H.iA
. --... c'"!1 oi-.v-' j't tiitj iiivua
Mrs. L. J. Efltaa lit. a I, or vm. i. tions and Come In hn
I -1 . "'"OO )CUUID J t id svr
nOW 011 eXmhlt.ir.ri fnnoiolin.. fliao aVw.it u
, - .. vviiuiowijk ui CAUUIR P nuuuii ll
ra ihinn , i. .. .
eot owner, Otis Patterson
Geo. Conser started Mondav on hid
weii-earned vacation trip to his old
Willamette valley home. He wan an
tompanied by his wife.
T ' l a . .
iiCKied pigs' feet, salt salmon, hai
ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart'a
T. R. Howard 'a atnra Ui ......Ik!.-
.'v.n, .ma wrjlj'llllll
in the grocery line needed by citv trade.
If Von wan! In Ki... o .
K:i: u . . """' "r jarge
..u.i.o in n! poner
HO lia (IlRnoa vuaaa fnna :.....
iiniunn. mil una r.aimvmn : -
, it ' ' itiriiiiure.
dolls, toys, and manv ntlior n,..o n-o.
ents too numerous to mention, at lowest
Call at f!nlif,r A V.,rn T ni-
- ... uain-ii
u,i nee uieir nne line of ( hr -
mas goous
Go to Bishop's and try some of their thereby
But in large and populous places it is
different. Loud-voiced pedlers and
hawkers invade every rtreet and veil
themselves hoarse in tryincr to sell
wagon-loads of Btale fruit and other
things, and sick people bare to listen
to th uproar and hn mnitn aiplrai-
sweet cider, ?5 cents a quart
uscar Minor and Dave Hrrpn
Wednesday to gathpr wil l flowers over
on the breaks of the John Day
Butcher Bill said lhat because tlmr
were no yellowiackets in the
iat summer that this was iroiint to be a
Dard winter. Ingrum Bi I says that all
indicati.-ns are for a very mild winter.
Rooms for Rent cards for sale at Ga
zette office.
just received at
Fresh cauliflower
The little ad In the Gazet found Frank
Roberts' log chain at once.
In Heppner it is different. There is
no uproar, and all is peace.
Time was when the wild coyotes used
to come by night and howl on the hill
tops above the town, and set all the
town dogs to baiking. But the scalp
bounty and the hunting hounds put a
stop to the bu:k of that, and transient
coyotes passiog through are now given
a hot chase and kept on the move.
The $25 dressing case to be given
away by the Conser & Warren Drug
'Company on next Christmas Eve can
now tie seen on exhibition in their show
window, and it is a beauty.
Heinz's prepared mustard 25 cents a
pint at Bishop's.
The very choicest of canned and dried
fruits are always kept on hand at the
grocery store of T. K. Howard.
Matlock & Hart's store is beinir filled
to its utmost capacity. Drop in and ask
ior wnai you waut. ihey have it.
At Mrs. L. J. Estes the following
goods are reduced: wrappers, dress
skirts, jackets, fur capes and hats.
On tbeir ranch In Fox valley the
Gentry boys are building a new house
Uncle John Ridenour died Friday at
Weston. He was one of the pioneers
who first made Eastern Oregon habit
able for white people.
Orion Kinersly, the rustling road
agent for the great Portland paper house
of Blake, McFall Co., dropped down on
Heppner Tuesday and was a welcome
caller. Mr. Kinersly was a pioneer
druggist of The Dalles, and knows every
acre of the Pacific Northwest.
P. F. ScharfF, formerly of Monument,
is now at Remseu, Iowa.
Bill Ingrum, the pioneer philosopher
of the Blue mountains, was in Tuesday
doing Christmas trading with Heppner
merchants whose invitations to come he
saw advertised in the Gazette.
butter always- on
A new typewriter will cost vou 100.
The Gazette office has one to sell at M0
that will do just as good work as a $100
Fresh creamery
hand at Bishop's.
Queen olives in bulk at Matlock &
Mrs. L. J. Estes has the best assort
ment of Xmas goods she has ever had
and will have ibem on exhibition very
Duiing this holiday season, with
every cash purchase of 25 cents and
ever, the Conser & Warren Drug Com
pany give you a ticket entitling you to
a chance on an elegant $25 dressing case.
Louis Bait ger hag returned from the
Saa Francisco medical college to enjoy
the holidays in Heppner,
Mrs. C. K. Redfield has returned
from a very enjoyable visit with the
family of Coi. Parsons, at Pendleton.
Mif.8 Hazle Morrow returned last
niitht flora St. Helen's Hall to enjoy
tbe holidays with her papa and play
mates. One of the choicest and best selected
lines of Holiday goods in town can be
seen at the Conser & Warren Drug Co's
Fascinators, silk waists, bair switches
nd latest styles in combs and orna
ments for the bair at Mrs. L. J. Estes',
2d door from pot office.
Why make mince-meat, when you
can get as good and cheaper than you
can make it. at Matlock & Hart's.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial .Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The tlininroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
AWT" . Useful small articles in fancy
sleather with burnt etching orna
fiymentatioD, in lateat styles, are on
sale at Patterson & Son's Up-to Date
IWDrug Store. There are purses
spectacle cases, smoking sets, sofa pil
lows, etc., all made in Heppner. Prices
tBThom 25 cents op. See them
A very beautiful and valuable present
is to be given their customers by the
Patterson & Son up-to date Drug store.
It is a toilette and manicure set of 15
pieces, genuine nhnnv. with
- ' - J 1 " It. DkOI IIIIU
silver tnmmines. a moat. Vioai;r,,i
creation, it is attracting much attnn.
i ii. . -rv i. .
nun in tne .ranerAnn win.irr w.ti.
. uwtvs TV I 111
ororjr purcnase oi ou cents and over,
you are niveo iree a ticket entitling you
to a chance in winning this beautiful
prize. You may be the lunkv on who
will win. The drawing talma nim
a . . " ' - r i. v. v
o p. in. ou unristmas eve, Dec. 24.
And rememhflr that. Puiionni, t. c
- - out. .V LJVU
haVfl a men linn nf thnao rhniiu. T
Chocolate Candies in boxes for holiday
Mrs. Redington has on sale a larirn
variety of useful and ornamental urti.
clesof her own manufacture in hnrnt
etching. Special orders for Xmas,
with selection of leather and atvloa miiaf
be given early, as articles iro vrv
Sofa Pillows, with Indiana' hour).
Music rolls, with names, etc.
Kodak books, any color.
Ladifn' lianil ha era Pnrpaa C ,1
.... j ...DUD, VBI U,
Spectacle and Scissors Cases.
omoaing Bets, very odd and new.
Prices from 25 cts to $5.
Corner Chase and May Sts.
The finPHt linn nf hnlt ninktaa that
ever came to town at. Matln-lr A, Hart'a
Sour, sweet and dills.
The Hennner Ktpam T.anrirlrv has Inat
marie manv imnnrtant. imnmvumania K
J I - --( w . ...V...1U V J
adding new machinery so as to keep up
with the work and do it even better. A
new mangle has been arranged for, and
all the machinery overhauled, and the
enterprising proprietor, Fred Kbuo,
has increased the size of the building
14x24. People should all patronize this
home institution and promptly pay their
bills the first of the month. There is
no good business policy in sending
washing away from Heppner.
The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one
of the home institutions that Eastern
Oregon may well be proud of. It fills
the field as a first-class house, and
employs only competent white help,
It is conducted strictly on the American
plan, and its commodious well-frrniehed
rooms and bountiful tables give satis
faction to all its patrons.
On Friday evening, Dec. 28, at tbe
opera house, the Symphony Band will
give its opening entertainment of the
season. This is Heooner's new band
organization and is thoroughly equipped
with bran new instruments, and the
proceeds of this entertainment go to
wards paying for these instruments.
As the boys are public spirited and
have been ready to furnish music freely
to all interests of a public nature, the
public should in turn show their appre
ciation by tilling the opera house to
ovei flowing on Friday evening, Dec. 28,
Popular prices of admission and a splen
did entertainment promised.
Morrow county is rapidly increasing
its reputation for Ado stock, having
large bands of the finest sheep on earth
and some of the best blooded horses
and cattle.
The latpst addition is that of 2 thor
oughbred Shorthorn heifers that ar
rived in Heppner Tuesday evening for
W. O. Minor's farm. Ha hail (l,om I
bought in Chicago, and they have cost
mm iaia aown here about 2500.
They are named Rosy and Sassy
frantic, and have taken all the prized
mey nave competed Ior in Illinois.
Mrs. McGinry passed through Hepp
ner tomorrow on her way to Castoria at
the mouth of the Columbia to join her
late lamented husband.
Col. Limburger, whose home is across
the Rhine, at Cincinnati, nma tn H
ner tomorrow to contract for a carco of
ine aroma that follows mimw naik
trains loaded with milled wnnl from
over-ripe sheep. He wants acres of it
to add to the flavor nf hia insllv.famm
cheese, and has already contracted for
an me lumes ot tne Portland crematory
Judge Williams and Constable Hatt
yesterday went up to the head of Rhea
creek and married Wra. Ross . and
Bertha Copple.
At the Batitiot rhnrnh at S n m Run
day Geo. Stevenson and Elsie Driskell
! 1 1 1 ; j
win ue marriea.
The reverend gentleman at Lexington
who took out a license weeks ago has
not yet received his new wife from the
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catsrrh that can
not be oared by Hall's Catarrh Oure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O,
We, the anderaigned, have known F
Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be
lieve btm perfeolly honorable in all bnsi
oess transactions, and financially able to
carry oat any obligation made by tbeir
firm. West & Tbdax. '
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldino, KiintAif & Mabvin,
Wholesale Drnggisfs. Toledo, O.
Hall's Oatarrb Cure is taken Internal
ly, acting directly npnn the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Prion.
75o per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free
Hull's Family Pills are tbe best.
Anyone desiring Private Board will do
well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at her
rooms back of P. O. Bo'g's Jewelry
Por Infants and Children.
!be Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
A b . m.
. Our Doll ' ' .
15 Department Jf5
SB . is overflowing
j with pretty M
IKi-yrX-i---ir)C ivi m
uarters for Christmas Goods
Santa Claus
is in evidence as well
Christmas tree, and th
is suggestive of the
as the
is page
that will be distributed from our store
to gladden the hearts of
lattle Ones,
as well as many Valvable and Useful Gifts
for tli Older Ones.
And best of all,
Your Purse will Not be Smashed,
as the same low prices will prevail that ever characterize this
Then there's Games in abundance, Story Books,
nne nina, Alhnms. t:i r
-- - ivhui xastvS,
Fine Umberellas.
I TI 31 , 1
xxaxiuKercxueis gaiore, f
Ladies' fnw Pnmkn
Jewelry, Neckwear, Purses.
Diiic mufflers, Uloves. and
Toys from the surprise box to the mechanical steam engine.
Wi'shma vou a Merrv Chr',tm J& f
- j iuillHIIHl( Vllfe
stnrl Hn.. IVI fj
msiu u ittxyyy MCW I Cell,
Yours for Prosperity,
r i f
tl rAD vmy
I ne r Airf. rrw
Simond's Cross Cut Saws
Sewing Machines
Sanitary Stills
Boss Washers
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
Three Prizes !
Ed. R. Bishop's.
With Every 50 Cent (or over) Purchase,
A Lovely Ebony Toilette
Set, 15 pieces, with sterling
silver trimmings, in a hand
some leatherette case.
To be given away on
Christmas Eve.
You may hold the Lucky Number.
The Set Is now on , Exhibit In our
Up-to-Date Druggists, Heppner.
!; X. L.
Confectionery, and Cigar Store.
Dsn. P. Dohorly, Proprietor.
Free Heading Room..
Oentlemn are invited to com in and be comforUble, ami read
papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place.
all of the very best quality.
A fair eljare of the pab!io patronage is solicited.
To everv easli nnrnhneov of
our fctore we eive a twkot on.
titling the holder to a chance
in, 3 prizes
A Combination Toilette and Manicure Set
and Two Cameras.
S3ooum Co., Main Street, Heppner.
Deautnui iron Bedsteads
$5 to $15.
A New and Complete Stock of
Sofas, Tables, Bed
room Sets, Pillows and
Mattresses, all grades.
Upholstering, Picture Framing,
Sewing Machines,
Window Shades, Undertaking.
Next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's, Main Street, Heppner.
I '""f "f 't 1 f f t 'S
x 4 JL, 111
rT''Tfr"1 iujlli 1 ij"r J
A fii ttrSSSXlFf . I
1 -.-.!.,...
Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth.
Gilliam k Bisbee
Have juat received one of tbe largest etocks of Bain Wagons ever
Call and See them.
rrloesi are Rlirli-
Heavy Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural
xuijiieujauvsj, , r,BKoue, uacKs, &10., i'amts and UiU (the beet in
tbe world). Crockery and Glaus ware.