T- SCRIBBS SCOTT. The Athena Press is a bright paper, and is running a bright bur. lesque on the Oregonian's press gallery. Tne artist ana perpretra tor puts on his imprint as Scribbs, and he is a true genius. . Map of Scribbs. It has been suspected that this Scribbsy Seott was the same Scott who edits the Oregon ian in conec tion with Sergt Bigelow, and that he had to work off the dignified strain required on a great daily by doiDg humorous work on the Athe na Press. But this is a mistake. Scribbsy Scott is an xtensive farmer who was with Howlish Wampo when baked beans were first discovered growing on Wild Horse. He has caught whales in the Tum-a-lum, and while mayor of Lard valley for 17 long weeks never stole a cent . He was born in early child hood, is the author of Beautiful Snow and Mary'B Little Lamb, and J'et has but just begun to climb the adder of fame, as follows: A VISIT HOME. 0. 0. Tatterson, of Wills & Pat terson, started Monday on a visit to his old home at Ilomewood, Pa., and will enjoy life there for six weeks. He is one of Heppner's most enterprising young business men, steady and industrious. After working for Robert Wills for three months and showing the good qualities he possessed, he was taken into partnership last year. Mr. Patterson has been away from home 5 years, and his going back is keeping a promise made to his mother. He is liable to tind the thermometer 30 degrees below there, and can tell the people of what a much better climate Ore gon enjoys. j STARTLING STORIES. Around the Palace Hotel stove these evenings is the place to hear hair-raising yarns. Pat Quaid is the boss story-teller, for he trailed all over the frontier fer years. When he was mining near Mexico an earthquake opened the top of a mountain, and Pat's partner shinned down the crack to pass up the big chunks of gold. Suddenly the craok closed np again, and rat's partner is still there. Dur ing the six years that Pat waited there, th only sound that came out of the mountain was a string of packtrain profanity. E. E. VanAntwerp, of The Or egonian staff, is here representing his paper. It is a great journal tnat everybody nere knows and no one can well get along without DISEASES CURED. Yon can ha cured of nervous (lismnHH. fitummerinif, bad habits, alcoholism, urug Habits and private diseases. Ah seal treatment. Instruction in personal magnetism. Send lor literature. In stitute of Psychology, 7th and Wash ington, l'ortland. Heppner Gazette only 4 bits for d mouths. How to Core Croup- Mr. It. Gray, who lives near Amenta, JUuobesi oounty, N. .. isys: "Ohani berlaio'a Cough Remedy is the best medioine I have ever used. II Is fins children's remedy for croup and never fails to oure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the oroups oouuu bus developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Congo itemeny kept st baud ready for instant use as sonn as these symptoms appear. For sale by Conner & Warren. If you want to buy a real cheap rancn, call on or address Ueo. Wells, lleppnei. He has some places as low hb 1.25 an acre, and will mail printed description free on request RED FRONT STAHLE. When you come to Heppner, put up your temn at the Rod Front Livery Sta ble on Main st., opposite the brewery. Thoy will receive the best of care. Rug gips, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. Rinns Bros. HOTEL HEPPNER. This well kept house la centrally lo cated on the went side of Main street, Heppner, and 1ms good rooms and a bountiful table, at reasonable rates. Tha Heppner and Canyon City stage starts from the Hotel Heppner dally, except Monday, and goea throuuh In 24 hours. The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, on wcxt side of Main street, keeps firnt chi rigs and saddle horses, and takes the bent of care of them. H. A. Tiiomi'mom, Proprietor of U Thiee. SPLENDID STOCK. For many years P. O. Borg has held the proud position of the leading jeweler of Morrow county, and is every day adding to his good reputation. He is a responsible business man and heavy taxpayer, and when an article goes out of bis store it is good. Mr. Borg has now on sale a magnifi cent stock suited for Christmas and New Year's gilts. He has diamonds, gold and silver watches, solid sterling; silyer spoons and cutlery, also in plated ware, toilette sets, fancy articles, cut glass, etc. In musical merchandise Mr. Borg has violins, mandolins, guitars, banjos, ac cordeons, flutes, etc., all in latest styles. In clocks Mr. Borg has everything, and he invites everybody to come and see his goods, which are tastefully dis played and are offered at prices to suit all purses. HOLIDAY CHEER. These are the days of Holiday Cheer, Which old and young la common revere. Whether they herd the sheep or run the steer, They know the place to get good beer It on Main street, at the Belvedere. Also choice wines and liquors for medicinal purposes, and holiday hard ware to be taken internally. Frank Roberts, Prop. TYPEWRITER. A new typewriter will cost you $100. The Gazette office has one to sell at $U0 that will do just as good work as a $100 machine. Hit Life was Saved. Mr. 3. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliveranoe from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: 'I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even sit np in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption , when I heard of Dr. King's New Disoovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it and now am well and strong. I oan'l say too much in its praise." This marvellous medioine is the surest and qniokest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 60o and $100. Trial bottles free at Oonser & Warren Drag Co. Every bottle guaranteed. $100 REWARD. A reward of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing horses branded E. D, or -S- on loft stifle. T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keknky. The Kent Hunter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound lo the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame baok or pains in the side- or ohest, give it a trial and yon are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief whiob it affords. Pain Bnlm also cures rheuma tism. One application gives relief. For sale by Conser & Warren. AMERICAN PLAN ONLY. The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one of 'the homo institutions -that Eastern Oregon may well be proud of. It fills the hold aB a first-class house, and it employs only competent white help. It is conducted strictly on the American plau.nnd its coimnodionn well-fnnished rooms and bountiful tab.'es give satis faction to all its patrons. Among the tets of thousands who have nsed Chsmberlniu's Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe duriug the past few years, to onr knowledge, not a single ohh8 has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield & Co., 210 Wabash ave., Chiosgo, one of the' most prominent re tail druggists in that city, in speaking of this, says: "We recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy . for la grippe in many oases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery , but also oounter. sots any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by Conser & Warren. WARNING. Grazing on my land 5 miles south of Heppner is in violation of common law and justice. During free trade1 days it was all right to swipe inygood grass, for sheep wore worth nothing. But now it is ditferent, and it is not fair that I should be left in the hole for taxes. So I will be compelled to prosecute anyone who trespasses upon my land. J. W. Rkmnuton. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Buoklen's Arnioa Halve cures them; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, outs, braises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, obilhlaini, best pile ours on earth. Drives nut pains and aohes. Only U5o a box. Cure gnaranteed. Hold by Conser & Warren Drug Co. Home-seekers with means, and invest ors should come here. On sooount of the lo w prices at which its lands are offered, Morrow oounty expeots to double its population this year. Good land can be bonght here at $1.25 to $5 an aore. MAR LIN S5S?JiSS for Trap or Fltii Shooting, combine the elcpnct of outline, perfection ol blncf, esse or liking apart niitiuality of ttnish of thebttdoublun with the iupcrlorlly In i(htlni and shooting of tht tingle barrel, and sUo possess the rtpldltv of fir snd m)lno capacity of MAHLlN REPEATING RIFLES, ukweii slog of arms snd ammunition, colored cover by Oaiheus, mailed for 3 stamps. Marlim Fiaa Aus Oo. Haw MtvsM, Or. lc4lkoltV.ukUK.vn11. Tat. to4. Csef' j jj jj jj REWARDS FOR WORKERS. Anyone can make money getting up Clubs of Subscribers for the Heppner Gazette. Until further notice the Gazette will pay $3.75 in cash to anyone sending in a club of 5 new cash 1-year subscribers. Will pay $7-50 for 10 new cash 1-year subscribers. - Will pay $11.25 for 15 new-cash 1 year subscribers. Will pay $15 for 20 new cash 1-year subscribers. , Anyone sending in a club of 25 new cash 1-year subscribers will be giyen a fine gold watch. MASK BALL. On Christmas night, Tuesday, Dec. 25, a grand mask ball will be given at tne Heppner opera house. There will be good music and a good crowd of good people. Grand march at 9 o'clock. Tickets for gentlemen $1. Ladies free. Costumes for rent will be here in time. Everybody wants to know what The Oregonlan has to say. ARE YOU GOING To Spokane or Lewiston from Hepp ner or any point in Eastern Oregon? Take the Northern Pacific at Pendle ton, Walla Walla, or any point along its line. If you prefer Portland as a starting point, Take the Northern Pacific. If you are going to Omaha, Kansas City or St. Louis, Take the Northern Pacific-Burlington route. 11 :30 p. m. daily. To Duluth or Winnipeg? Take the Northern Pacific. 1 :45 p. m, daily. To Minneapolis or St. Paul? Take the Northern Pacific. 1 :45 p. m. daily. To Chicago or East? Take the Northern Pacific. 1 :45 p. tn. daily. For any information desired Call on the Northern Pacific. A. D Charlton, Asst. Gen'l Pass.Agt, 255 Morrison street, Portland, Or. CHEAP CORNER. The large corner property east of J. M. Hager's store and opposite the resi dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at the low price of $850. Apply at Gazet oftlce. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 824-acre place at $5 an acre, call on J. W. Redington, Gazette office. Always reliable The Weekly Oregonlan, Only 15 An Acre. Ranob of 324 acres tor sale; good grass or plow land, all nnder fenoe, has run-' ning water, and is located on county road, five miles south of Heppner. Ap ply to owner, J. W. Redington, at the Gazette olh'ee, Heppner. This plaoe will make a good boma for some farmer or stookuiHii. If not sold soon it will be for rent. It adjoins lam! of D. A. Bar ren, Tom Quaid, Wm. Penland and James Hayes. The news of both hemispheres In The Weekly Oregonlan. New lodging House. I have re-papered and re furnished the well-known Mour)taiQ House And it is now ready for the accommodation of lodgers by the day, week or month. Good rooms and clean, com fortable beds. Lodging 25 cents. , I. N. BASEY. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In the District oourt of the United States for ine District 01 Oregon. In the matter of W. W. Goanev. a bankrupt. To the creditors of W. W. Gosney. of Heppner, in mo ruiimj 01 morrow ana aisirict aioresala, a bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that on the 26th day of November, MOO, W. W. Gosney, of Hepp ner, Oregon, was duly adludtcated bank rupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at room ftW, Worcester Buihlltig, Portland, Oregon, on the 22d day of December, l'.ioo, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the sntd creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may property come before said meeting, liatod, Portland, Oregon, Deo. 4, lUOO. Ai.kx. BwrntK, Referee In Bankruptcy NOTICE OF INTENTION. DKPARTMENT OIT THE INTERIOR. LAND Oltlco at U Grande. Or., Deo. 4, WOO. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has riled notice of his Intention to make final proof in sunnort of his claim and that said proof will bo made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at ncppnnr, iiregon, on January M, lssji, vis Homestead entry No. 11219 of JOHN P. DOIIKRTY, of Vinson, Ore, for the east i southeast and southeast V northeast and lot 1 section township 2 i(, inMi, ,,mn, m. Ilenamvsthe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlr.: Daniel Dohertr. of Hunnnnr Ore., Daniel Htrl, James Nelson and James ityers, an oi Vinson, (.ire, IS. W. Bahtlhtt. KH . Register. V4trf, CO YEARS' EXPERIENCE DcaiONi CorvmoHT Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an liiTontlon Is probably patentable. CVtruruunlra- Ions atrlotly oonndsntlaL Handbook on Psteota sent free. Oldest ssenev for securing peteuts. I'alouts takn through Munn A Co. recelrs wy mm mntcs, wn n UI vnarge, 1U toe Scientific American A handsomely lllnatratM weeklr. I armet dp. dilation of snv scteiultlc journal. Terms, Si a v.Mr; rour lunntlis, IL Sold by all newsdoelsra, IMUNN & Co.3e,B"-. New York branch Ditto, 636 t BU WashlMlon. U.C, A EIGHT MILE. Fred Asbbaugh's family, who have been visiting in Iowa, have returned home. . In the praiaes of tbe Oregonian in the columna of the Gazette it speaks of their poets, etc. Does not tbe Gazette have any correspondent who could compose some poetry ? About tbe Dews, If they would try, About the weather, grain end grass, About the politicians? Oh I alas, How can the Presidents endure The remarks about them, sometimes true and then impure? But I think they do not often care What Is said, as they take their honored chair, Like the ones who read the county news They sneer, but editors' remarks do not always amuse. We do not know what fun they see In snapping and biting;, political editor do ye? Let all give attention to the great blessed rule, That is, treat all men friendly, pleasant, not cool; To do to others as I would That they should do to me Will make me happy, wise and good, Just as I ought to be. And I'll let all men vote for whom they please And I will do the same, etc. Thanksgiving was a very fine day on 8mile. Pleasant dinner parties were very auch enjoyed. E. B. Stanton's niece, from Iowa, is visiting at their home. Fall sown grain is coming up nicely. Farmers are busy hauling wood, plow ing, sowing grain, etc. It has been foggy for a day or two ; has the appear ancs of falling weather now. We extend wishes for happiness and prosperity through life for Frank Fuqua and his wife. E. M. C. ? LONDON WOOL MARKET. London, Dec. 9. There was a fair business done in wool during the week at advancing rates for. merinos. Cape of Good Hope and Natal wools esti mated at 2500 bales were sold privately since the close of the last series of auc tion sales, tbe bulk going to America. There is an all-round firmness to the trade and the outlook is considered good. The arrivals to date for the next series of wool auction sales number 128,814 bales, of which. 10,000 were for warded direct. LONG TRIP. Ben Wat kin a is back in Heppner for the first time since he left here 3 years ago. He went over tbe Klondike trail and mined on the Yukon, and last spring with 2 others floated down the Yukon 2400 miles in a small boat, liv ing mostly on corn meal, salmon and dux. They crossed to Nome iu an ocean steamer. Ben considers that a good mining country, and may return there in the spring, after the estate of bis late part ner, Pell Siuimerson, is settled up. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THERE will be a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Heppner at their office on the 2d Tuesday of January, 1901, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., of said day, for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business ss may appear. Geo. Conser, Cashier. Heppner, Oregon, December 6, 1900. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Ore., Dec. 4, 19O0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on January 26, 1901, viz: Homestead entry 6987, GEORGE A. STEVENSON, of Heppner, Ore., for the southeast ! section 15, township I south range 27 east W M. He names the following witnesses to prove uia cniiuuuous resiaence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: 8. P. Florence. L. A Florence. N. A. Kelley and Thos. Quaid, all of Heppner, 811-6 E. W. Babtlitt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., Nov. 7, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, U. 8. commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, December 21, 1900, viz: LEWIS KINNEY, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 71B2 for the north V, southwest H section 22, township 1 south, range 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove ins uuntiiiuous reBiaence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Harry Bennett, Frank uriuem, oeiij. r. uwaggart ana tvan ureger son, all of Heppner, Ore. 807-12 Jay P. Lucas, Register. Timber Culture, -Final Proof. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, THE Dalles, Oregon, November 14. 1900. Notice is hereby given that William Blair has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at bis office in Heppner. Oregon, on Thursday, tbe 27th day of December, 19n0, on timber culture application No. 1318 for the northwest M of section No. 20, in township No. 1 south, range No. 26 east W M. He names as witnesses: Edward 8. Duran, of Heppner, Or., John Piper, John B. Carmlchael and Thomas Barnett, of Lexington, Or. 809-14 Jay S. Lucas, Kegister. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of L. F. Bhipley, deceased, by the county court of the State of Oregon for Morrow oounty. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same to me duly verified as by law required, at the office of G. w. Phelps, my attorney, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 13th day of December, 1900. J. W. Shiplby, Administrator of the estate ol L. F, Shipley, de ceased. 812-6 CONTEST NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Oftiee at The Dalles. Ore., Nov It) 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this office hy B F. Swaggart, contestant, agattut homestead entry No. W68, made Oct 29, I WW. for north southeast V section 22 and northwest t southwest and southwest 't northwest section 23, township 1 south, range 26 east, by Mlllam M. Ross, rnntestee. In which it Is alleged that said William M. Ross has wholly abandoned said tract, and has contin ued to so abandon said tract, and has tailed to improve said tract ever since March 1, 19U, and that said abandonment Is not due to his em ployment In the army or navy of the I'nited States In time of war, said parties are hereby not! rled to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m on January 19, 1901, before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at,10 o'clock a. m. on January 80, Wl. before the Register and Receiver at the United States land office In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contcetaut having. In a proper affi davit, filed October 31, 1900, set forth facts which show that after dwe diligence, personal service of this uotlce cannot be made. It Is hereby ordered snd directed that such notice be glveu by due and proper publication. 812-1J Jay P. Lucas, Kegister. First to arrive with the telegraphic new The Weekly Oregonlan. lOSSof Baldwin's Celery Soda onrea a headache at onoe. It is a pleas ant, sparkling, effervescent drink that aeta immediately. It cleans and puri flies the stomach, gently quiets the nerves and relieve all pain. It cures sick and nervous hsadachee, seasickness and sof n tal fatigue. IOc, ZB, POc, $1.00 Patterson & Son Heppner FOR SALE OR SWAP. 80 acres, 60 in cultivation, situated in Wright county, Missouri, on Gasconube river, 6 miles from Hartville, the county seat. 50 acres of low bottom land not subject to overflow ; good barn, house and out-buildings; 300 bearing fruit trees; three school -houses bandy; good outlet and ne timber. Price $1500, or will exchange for a farm in Morrow county, Oreison, and pay difference. Apply to Geo. W. Wells, Heppner. If you want to buy some very low priced ranches, see George Wells, at Conser & Warren's drug store. Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL Unequaled by any other. Renders hard leather soft. Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness A excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather; its Efficiency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Oil I s sold in all Localities Manufactured hy Standard Oil Company. mm IsQ- olollX.o Dbpari TIME SCHEDULES Arrive Chicago- Bait Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. m. Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Special Kansas City, Ht. 9 a. m. Louis, Chicago, and EaBt. Atlantio Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p.m. . Express Ft. Worth, Omaha, 9 a. m, Kansas City, St via. Hunt- Louis, Chicago , ington, and East, Atlantio Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p. m. Express ton, Spokane, Min-7-45 a.m. neapolis, St. Paul, Via. Spo- Duluth, Milwau kane. kee. Chicago and East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Stramships 4:00 p.m. - From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change, For Han Francisco . Sail every 6 days 8:00 p.m. Columbia River 4:00p.m. Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. 8:00 s. m. Willamette Rivkb 4:80 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:80 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton b Way Land , lugs. BNAKI RlVEB. Lv. Riparla Lv. Lewiston 8:35 a.m. Riparla to Lewiston 9 a. m. dally daily Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at i :ia a. m. no. iu arrives at 0:30 p. m. Dally exoept Sunday. Paasangars booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KERN AN, Agent. Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or, visit DR. JORDAN'S orhtI MUSEUU OF ANAT0L1Y I OS I MARKET St.. IAN FRANCISCO, CM. (XtvMallnki Thalargmt Anatomical Kama in ue world. OrraUH attnuMim en fas Ottst. A Ifondtrul Huhiur vfcitof. ( WeakBMMe.eraayeeairaeV ed disease, Meislvely cured by I tht oldMt Bneoiallstnn ih Paalfla ' uwsh n.mapnseea ss years. DR. JOROAJWRIVATI DISEASES Tmmv and Middle ' ' who are suffering i from the afflicts ef vouthfoWtiOi. I erstloas or excesses tn mauirr . ' yearn Wervousandphysloal Oebtllky.lin. I HMae,v, I.oa Ma.ahMal In all ItsoompU. ' rnuoiin; .(wrinmiwrrnwH. rrnm saner 1 rlicpat. Gsaorrbopa, llvs. Frfsmev ' I of I rluKllng. vie. Hy a enmbinHilon at I remedies, of great curative pewsr, tli Dockaf liassoarraiigKd his treatment that It will aot i ouly atr.irj Immediate relief, but permanent I I core, i iMx'ior uuea not claim to perioral ' miracles, but in well known to be a fair mmA I . square Pliyalcian and Burgeon, pre-emlseai I hi bis specialty Dlaoaaea ef Men. ( . SJ1TPH 1 1. II thoroughly eradicated from' r tne Bysteui without me u.-e ol nerer.v. I Traaaes fitted hv an Expert. Maalfml ' I Sere tor Rulnre. A uulck and ere, leal t curvinr r-iies. t leaare ami iataia,ejr . vr. joruaua ape'lai paimees nieioooa. , EVP.KT N AM amdHngtgii'WlUrseerta' l Our koneM optnioaof lilac, mpitnt. , ' H's nil hWvmfM a lvaiTlVX CCU k every rtus we wff'rf7M. t.-ori!Miitati"n fkkk sua strictly private, CHARHK3 VKK Y SEA.SOXABLM. Treatment psrannailv or by letter. Write for Rnnlc. ! I .. SM"TT V ' liNRItuK. Maii.kd Kksjl (a valuable I book lor men., iau or wrue DR. JORDAN CO.. 1 0B1 Marie) SI.. f. W ANTED ACT1VR MAS OK GOOD CHAR- acter to deliver and collect in Orcron for old etablished manufacturing wholesale house. $0 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than ex perience required, our rcterciioe, any oana in anv city. Knciose een-ainreecd stamped en. velope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, Kit Dear boru St., Chicago, If flat s ni 4 !l At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence. Apply to J. W. -AT T. K. HOWARD'S STORE, Main street, All well adapted to Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fine Teas and Coffees.. Or. R. HOWARD, Heppner Lumber Co R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully stocked with all hinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows, Shingles, Moulding and ocreen Doors, . , ' And everything appertaining to a firet-clBse Lumber Yard. Tbe; will after Marob 1 deliver lumber to any point in tbe oity limits free of charge. These gentlemen also buy and sell real estate, rent bouses, write insuraooe. If you bave any property to aell or rent, put it in tbeir bands, or if you need any thing else in Ibeir line be sure to consult them first. .They will respond promptly to 'phone call No. 7. I am bound for NOBLE & CO'S, Heppner, to get one of the Best Saddles on Earth, and several other, good articles m the way of Horse Furniture. H. A. THOMPSON, Proprietor of the umjm d sale mm On West Side of Main St., Heppner. Hay and Qrain bought and sold. First-class Rigs and Saddle Horses always kept for livery at reasonable rates. The very best facilities kept for taking care of teams left in our charge. Give me a trial and be convinced. figST Rational Jank OF HEPPNER. 0. A. RHEA L A. RHEA President . Vio President Transact a General EXCHANGE ON ALL FARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collection! made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits (35,000. WOOD andGOAIv The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling and delivering at reasonable prices. - Fir, Pine and Oak Wood. Satisfaction The White is King of Sewing Machineg and Bicycles. WliitA Spwino AfflVlinp Cn S30"' nttn San Francisco. Ch1. Wniie Dewing iUaCnine 0. cor. ot Stockton .. raelni; Pacific Union Hub. C. A. HAWKINS, General Manager Gilliam & BJsbee, Heppner, Dealers in "White" Bicycles and Sewing Machines Redington, Heppner. you can find- Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods, either City or Country Trade. Good Goods.... Fair Prices.-!. Heppner, I O. W. CONSER Cashier I E. L. FKEELAND. . Assistant Cashier Banking Business. Rock Springs and Roslyn Coal. Guaranteed.