The Heppner Gazette Thtjbsday,., ..Dec 13, 1900 TKAVELEK'S GUIDE. MIIei DISTANCES - , Heppner to Portland Pendleton by wagon road n Lexington g lone ;; Heppner Junction on Columbia Elver 45 Arlington; Ti The Dalles Canyon City.. . JS Cabin Canyon 16; with mud. is Train leave dally except 8unday for all points at 8:15 a, m. Train arrives daily except Sunday from all over the world at 5:15 p. m. Malls close for trains at 7:30 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at in' Hmaoj k 8 . " ala'ac w canyon Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 8,245,750 pounds, and Morrow County shippecL 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate is moBt ex cellent.and you can buy farina and ranches , here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or In n vreguu. reputation wuo. ,, ueppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland Is located 197 miles from iiuypuor. i;moago some further. LOCAL NOTES. Here and Tlere Robert F. Hynd started Monday on a business trip to Portland . E. L. Sperry, pioneer of the middle creek, was up yesterday from lone. Heppner store windows have taken on a very attractive holiday appearance. Sheriff Laurence, of Grant county, collected during November $9418.40 in taxes. At Monument the people are prepar ing for a Christmas tree and grand ball on the 24th. The Sumpter valley railway has sus pended until spring work on the Whit ney extension. Bruce Haines and family, of Eight Mile, have gone to Portland to live for the rest of the winter. Engineer Patterson enjoyed a trip to The Dalles this week, and resumed his run today on the Heppner railroad. . It will soon be here the shortest day in the vear and then the days will shortly begin to be 24 hours long again. Geo. Conser will start Monday on his vacation visit to the Willamette valley. and during his absence Lum Ehea will be boss of the bank. .... mere will now be comfort at the Badger mine at Susanville. A beauti ful rocking chair has left Heppner ad dressed to David Ross, superintendent riainz s prepared mustard 25 cents a pint at cisnop s The very choicest of canned and dried iruit.8 are always kept on hand at the grocery store of X. R. Howard P. O. Borti has just made and mount ed a very novel gold rinir for E. Hayes Tl. . . aiib setting is a large nugget ot pure gold brought from the Klondike by Mr .Curtis. , Matlock A Hart's store fa being filled to us utmost capacity. Drop in and ask lor what you want. They have it Fresh cauliflower just received at KiBliop a. A Stockbreeders' Association was or ganized in Portland Monday, but the only representative man present from this great stock region was W. O. Minor At Mrs. L. J. Estea the following goods are reduced: wrappers, dress skirts, jackets, fur capes and hati Nelse Magnusen has resumed his old position as managing editor of the beau tiful Palace Hotel bus, and everybody is glad to see him back. rue dressing case to be given away by the Conser & Warren Drug Company on next Christmas Eve can now he seen on exhibition in their show window, and it is a beauty B. F. Swagsart returned Saturday from a pleasant Thanksgiving visit with his family at Weston, where he says now the school is a very good one. Fresh creamery butter always on hand at Bishop's. . Queen olives in bulk at Matlock & Hart's. H. A. Myers, of Lexington, is this week busy hauling winter wood from up toward the bead of Rhea creek. He has hauled 50 cords from there this fall, and has 14 more to come. Mrs. L. J. Elites has the best assort ment of Xmas goods she has ever had and will have tbem on exhibition very soon. Walter Gilliam was brought home Thursday from Sumpter, where he con tracted typhoid fever. His father is caring for him at bis sister's home. During this holiday season, with every cash purchase of 25 cents and ever, the Conser & Warren Drug Com pany give you a ticket entitling you to a chance on an elegant $25 dressing case. Gilliam & Bisbee's is not only a big store full of goods, but it also takes special pains to make its customers comfortable. The latest convenience is a pipe foot-rest all around the new stove, where people can sit and toast their toes. One of the choicest and best selected lines of Boliday goods in town can be seen at the Conser St Wairen Drug Co's store. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, bats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. R. Howard's store. Norman Kelly is a whole-hearted man and has left at his cabin on Hale prairie an unlocked door, matches, flour, and baking powder. If you pass that way this winter use them. But don't spit on the man s iaw u. Wool perm... Fascinators, silk waists, nair switches wheat per bushel. and latest styles in combs and orna- riour, Heppner, per mnts for the bair at Mrs. A.. J. tstes , oata per bushel. 2d door from pot office. Why make mince meat, when yon ct as awl and cheaper than you n make it. at Matlock & Hart . nnn. Phil Metwhan, . The lost boots 'advertised for in the Gazette were found by Mr. Hynd, who took them to his ranch, and when he saw the ad. be returned them by W. D. Lord's stage and Mr. Petty now has them. Pickled pigs' feet, salt Balmon. her ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart's T. R. Howard's store baa everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. . Talk about patience personified and i.ueu vase a 100c at suiuvan, tne pio neer Chinaman, sawing wood in the dark on the alley back of the Chinese restaurant. If you Want to buv a urn all nr lurin home in Heppner, inquire of the Gazet office. Mrs. L. J. Estes has her Xmas goods now on exhibition, consisting of exauis ite china dishes, vases, fans, pictures, frames, albums, bamboo furniture, dolls, toys, and many other nice pres ents too numerous to mention, at lowest prices. Call at Conser & Warren Drug Co's store and see their tine line of Christ mas goods.- ... Jaatitzlias begun , the construction of his new house on Court street. Jas, Koberts has the contract, and the neighborhood will be much improved when the adjoining Chinese laundry is removed in the spring. --, Go to Bishop's and trv some of their sweet cider, !5 cents a quart. RUNAWAY CAR. A loaded wood-car eot a start at the depot Tuesday morning and ran away toward Lexington, but its career was cut Bhort within a few hundred feet. It ran against the passenger and baggage coaches and pushed them on, and all three started away pretty lively. ' The locomotive gave them a hot chase and Boon brought them back. otherwise they might have kept on to the Columbia. The Bhook knocked the passen ger coach off its springe, so that Tuesday's passengers had to travel in the baggage car. RETURN THE COUPONS. We will discontinue issuing coupons redeemable in Gold Aluminum Table ware Jan. 1. 190r, and would be glad to have all the coupons returned by that time so that Bame may be ledcemed. If we are short on this tableware we will make up a list and have enough forwarded to redeem every coupon out, Bring tbem in. Minor & Co. CHAIN LOST. On or about Nov. 12, a heavy log chain was lost from a wagon somewhere along the road between Heppner and Price Florence's home-ranch on Willow creek. Finder will please return to Fratik Roberts', Heppner. IONE IS BUSY. Jas. P. Rhea, who is now a business man of lone, was up Saturday, and says that the people of Heppner' sister city are busy in their various ways. Every building in town is occu pied, and newcomers will find that they can buy homes in the adjoining country at surprisingly low ngurea.: AWFUL AFFAIR. , At Cass1 Matlock's saloon Saturday night Mat Hughes, bit off a piece of Claud Herren's ear. , This is a ease deserving the severest condemnation. Under no circumstances is a man justified in bitinr; another, and no community shonld tolerate such bru tality. Everybody knows that these men had three trials over the owner ship of a horse', and that a jury said the horse was Herren's. That ought to have settled the matter. Hughea is one of the largest and most powerful men here, atd Herren is no match for him. Hughes was arrested and bailed, and examination has been postponed until Monday to give him time to secure an attorney. Several statements have been made as to how the affair occurred. - A thor oughly reliable man who was an eye witness and would not make a mis statement in favor, of either party, says thai Hughei was the aggressor; that Herren started out from the rear end of the saloon and that Hughes stepped in front of Iifra anif Jg't6pped him and be gan the row j tie , heard ' Herren say he did not want to fight,,, and wanted .to be let aone; t'-at both exchanged pretty bad names, and finally Hughes seized one of Herren's wrists, grabbed him around the necic, and threw him on the floor.- When Herren called out that Hughes was biting him, the by-standers pulled Hughes off of Herren; While Hughes ' was on top, Herrei blacked his eye, i Herren admits that be had his jack- knife in bis hand, expecting that if be pad to fight he could strike a harder blow with it, but says the knife was not opened. ' The law on the subject is as follows: ; "Sec. 1735. If any person shall pur posejy and maliciously,- or in the com mission or attempt to commit a felony, cut or tear out or disable, the tongue, put out or destroy the eve, cut or slit or tear off an ear, cut or slit or mutilate the nose or lip, or cut off or disable the limb or member of another, such per son, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the pen itentiary for not less than one year nor more than 20 years. . Mayhem, The ear is a member of a person's body, and biting it off is mayhem." , WHEAT.' As favorable farming weather has continued all winter, the grain acreage of Morrow county will be very large the coming season.' At Lexington quite a large lot of wheat has recently changed hands. Bruce McAllister bought 3200 sacks from John McMillan and as much more from John Piper, John Carmichael and Evans Bros. The price is said to have been 45 cents a bushel for the best. A PRESENT OF; VALUE. A very beautiful and valuable present is to be given their "customers by the Patterson & Son up-to date Drug store It is a toilette and manicure set of 15 pieces, genuine ebony, with sterling silver- trimmings, a most beautiful creation. It is attracting much atten tion in the Patterson window. With every purchase of 50 cents and over, you are given free a ticket entitling you to a chance in winning this beautiful prize- ; Yon may be the lucky one who will win. The drawing takes place at 8 p. m. on Christmas eve, Dec. 24. And remember that Patterson & Son have a nice line of those choice Lowney Chocolate Candies in boxes for holiday . 1 ir8ue, . , BURNT ETCHING. Mrs. Redington has on Bale a large variety1 of useful and ornamental arti cles of her own manufacture in burnt etching. Special orders for Xmas, with selection of leather and styles must be given early, as articles go verv rapidly.- .'v Sofa pillows, with Indians' heads and Dragons. Music rolls, with names, etc. Kodak books, any color. - Ladies',, hand bags. Purses, Card. Spectacle and Scissors Cases. bmokwg Sets, very odd and new. Prices-from 25 cts to $5. Corner Chase and May Sts. 4 REFRESHING DRINKS. I have inst received two barrels of Orange Cider and Manila Punch, and ha ve it on sale at 5 cents a glass, 15 cts. a quart or 40 cents a gallon. It is very choice. I. X, L. Confectionery.' Dam P. Doiierty. connection has taken in wrni v- ; , 11 r( iftr. rharffe of the liureni - - Hie repii""'"" , .. ------ the snccew 01 n- lininaroom is exceiientiy land men insures TV, a managed and is onsurpasaed BETTER THAN EVER. The Heppner Steam Laundry has iust made many important improvements bv adding new machinery so as to keep up witu tne work and do it even better. A new mangle has been arranged for, and all the machinery overhauled, and the enterprising proprietor, Fred Kbiio, has increased the size of the building 14x24. People should all patronize this home institution and promptly pay their bills the first of the month. There is no good business policy in sending washing away from Heppner. GIRL WANTED. A small family in Heppner wants to hire a girl or woman to do general housework without washing. Apply at Gazette office. HEPPNER HABKET PRICES. 11 to IS 41 to bbl.. 3 40 Barley per 100 lbs 50 Hay. alfalfa, per ton 7 00 (in stack at ranch) J 00 Hay, wheat. .' 7 t9 (In tck at ranch) 7 ot) Bacon per lb 12U ( 15 1-ard per lb 12 Beef, best, on foot 4 Beef, cut up 7 to is Butter per lb tS to 30 Keara. 30 Fotatoea, new lJ4to2',i Chlckena, per doc 3 to uty Mine. r.o. 1. per lb 15 lCtoll GRAY DAYS. The Heppner Hills have this week been hAving more than their share of the kind of gray days that women en- tnuse over at the seacoast. Une sun- Bhiny day would be worth a dozen of them. Tuesday was a bright and beau tiful day, and the air was warm and balmy, but during the rest of the week a frosty fog has hung over. The ther mometer has hardly gone down to freez ing, and growing grass continues green The weather is far from being bad, but is not up to Morrow" county's average winter weather, and there is a threat in the air of a white Christmas to come. It was somewhat showery last night, but this Thursday morning the weather is bright and pleasant.. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yeager hereby re turn their heartfelt thanks to all neigh bors and friends who so kindly assisted them in caring for and laying away their baby boy. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that oan not be onred by Hall's Gatarrb Cure. , F. J. Cuknbi & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. Cbeoey for the last IS years, and be lieve him perfeotly honorable In all basi nets trnnssotioni, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Teuax. j Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kimnam A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, aotirjg direolly npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials tree. Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. , LOW-PRICED LANDS. It is fsct that good grazing and arable farming lands can be bought in Morrow county at a lower price than anywhere else on earth. If you want to test the truth of the above statement, call on D. E. Gilman, near the Gazette office, Heppner, and he will nam you several -good ranches and farms tbat may be bought at such low prices that one year's crop Will nearly pay for the whole business Mr. Oilman travels all over Morrow and adjacent counties, and knows tbe lay of the land. The finest line of bulk pickles tbat ever cam to town at Matlock & Hart's. Sour, sweet and dills. NEWS WANTED. Tbe Heopner Gazette wants corre- pondents all over Morrow and adjacent counties to send it news of the local happenings. All correspondence used will be properly paid for. PRIVATE BOARD. Anyone desiring Private Board will do well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at her rooms back of P. O. Borg's Jewelry Store. iBhwp Felta, per lb. . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . lha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature THE FAIR THE FAIR Headq 1 uarters for Christmas 6oods Santa Glaus MANY LITTLE that will be distributed from to gladden the hearts of is in evidence as well as the Christmas tree, and this page is suggestive of the - GIFTS our store The kittle Ones, , as well, as many Valvable and Useful Gifts for" the Oleics Ones. And best of all,, Your Purse will Not be Smashed; as the same low prices will prevail; that ever characterize this "THE FAIR STORE." Our rinll Department is overflowing , ; with pretty; things. ' 1; I Then there's Games in abundance, Story Books, rine ihina, Albums. Toilet Cases. I Fine Umberellas, Ladies' fancv Combs Toys from the surprise box to the J. , Vi . ( i, 1 , . Jewelry, Neckwear, ' Purseiy Silk mufflers, Gloves, and mechanical steam engine. BI'IHg'"WI IIBK-WBI Wishing you a Merry Christmas r and a Happy New Year, Yours for Prosperity, The FAIR. 1 m'm' Simond's Cross Cut Saws Sewing Machines Sanitary Stills Boss Washers Hose and Sprinklers Lawn Mowers At Ed. R. Bishop's. FREE, With Every 50 Cent (or over) Purchase, A Lovely Ebony Toilette Set, 15 pieces, : with sterling silver trimmings, in a hand some leatherette ; case. To be given away on Christmas Eve. You may hold the Lucky Number. The Set is wlndow. now on Exhibit In our PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-Date Druggists, Heppner. I X. L. Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor. Free Reading Room Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very best quality. A fair ihare of the public patronage is solicited. Three Prizes! To every cash purchaser at our Store we give a ticket en titling the holder to a chance in 3 prizes A 'Combination Toilette and and Two Cameras. , Slooum Pjrtig Co., Main Street, Heppner. Manicure Set Beautiful Iron Bedsteads $5 to $15. A New and Complete Stock of Sofas, Tables, Bed room Sets, Pillows and Mattresses, all grades. , Upholstering, Picture Framing, Sewing Machines, Window Shades, Undertaking. Next door to Gilliam & BisbeeV St. tt,. ' n 1 it 1 UJ:1 1 IXii MS frSfk XT" irillS BAIN WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the bent on earth. Gilliam Have just received one of the brought to lleppnei-. U largebt utocks of Bain Wagons ever Call and See them. I3rleeH arc Ilorlit. Heavy bd Shelf Hardware, Granitowaro. Tinware. Acrionltnriil Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Paints and Oils (the bet in the world). Crockery and Glassware, -4 3 !t A !" .d :?' . ti 0