4 The Heppner Gazette Thursday Dec. 6, 1900 TEAVELEK'S GUIDK. DISTANCES Heppner h , MIIei Portland 197 reuumiuu ujr waguu roaa n UOAUigHJU "'.......,,..,, , 9 lone. Heppner Junction on Columbia Rivor 15 Arlington S iiuicb Canyon City Cabin Canyon 16; with mud .'.'.'.'!"."!! 18 irain leaves daily except Sunday for all points at 8:10 a, m. Train arrives daily except Sunday Irom all over me world at 5:15 p. m. Malls close for trains at 7:30 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a, m. to 3 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves dally except 8unday at ': a"1lnKt6a.m.; distance to Canyon Heppner Rallies Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 3,215,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow Couuty's climate Is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in an vreuu. copulation WW. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and $85,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from ucppiiei-. iiuuHgo some xuriner. Here and Tlere A. C. Pettys, the pioneer of middle Willow creek, was up yesterday, and louoa the roads pretty muddy. Out at his ranch Andy Tillard has just finished slaughtering 17 head of fat hogs, and found the meat in great de mand. Sam Tned's brother came over from Huntington and arranged to have him buried in the Heppner cemetery Thurs day. . Johnnie Beeler is holding down Press Cris well's ranch while .Press is enjoying town life. J. L. Yeager yesterday received a great big stock of new furniture. Call and inspect it. Bob Watkins was down TueRdav frr.m his mountain borne at the Saddle, where Dairay weatner was still prevailing and there was no snow, Henry Johnson & Sons are pushing work on a new house for Tom Quaid at the old John Gilmore corner. Uncle Jim Neville, the pioneer plant er ot apples on Willow creek, filled the town up on sweet cider Tuesday. One of the finest features of Thanks giving day was the sumptous dinner set by the Palace Hotel. Price Florence took a rest from the ranch and enjoyed Thanksgiving week in town. Attorney 0. E. Redfield, who has been attending supreme court at Salem, returned home Saturday. Judge Freeland and Wm. Spencer re turned Sunday from a tough trip by buckboard to Canyon City, where thev had to go as court witnesses. They took two days going over and three re turning, and the roads were muddy and it snowed in the mountains. Marshal Thornton is making some needed improvements on Main street, where the heavy traffic makes It rather muddy. Fascinators, silk waists, hair switches and latest Btyles in combs and orna meDts for the hair at Mrs. L. J. Estes', 2d door from post office. Howard H, Gove, one of the most successful teachers of the Lexington neighborhood, came up Tuesday to at tend the institute. A. S. Haines, postmaster at Eight Mile, visited Heppner yesterday, ac companied by his son Bruce. Mrs. Felix Johnson was in Saturday from her home place. Pickled pigs' feet, salt salmon, her ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart's T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Heinz's mince meat at Bishop's, 15 cents a pound. Mrs. L. J. Estes has her Xmas goods now on exhibition, consisting of exuuis ite china dishes, vases, fans, pictures, frames, albums, bamboo furniture, dolls, toys, and many other nice pres ents too numerous to mention, at lowest prices. J C Cochran is now delivering the Galveston Story books, and the volumes are in every way satisfactory to sub scribers. Lum Rhea came up yesterday from his ranch down the creek, where con siderable hog-killing has been going on ; 17 fat fellows have been cut up and 35 more will follow and will be made into bacon and bring 15 cents in the Hepp ner market. At Mrs. L. J. Estes' the following goods are reduced: wrappers, dress skirts, jackets, fur capes and bati. Matlock & Hart's store is being filled to its utmost capacity. Drop in and ask for what you want. They have it. The very choicest of canned and dried fruits are always kept on hand at the grocery store of T. R. Howard. Heppner weather is as mild as May, with grass growing and thermometer at 55 above. The children and grandchildren of Mrs. T: W. Ayers enjoyed a Thanks giving reunion at her home. Some needed filling in is being done in the road at the corner of the Hepp ner warehouse. Wm. Hughes started this morning on a trip to Portland. c i tTnnt itinl Hrovn in a car ina,! nf hun( cattle from Spray and v. ihsm tn thn Union Meat Co. getting 3 cents for cows and 3 for steers. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock saU, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. R. Howard's store. it t T 1?uto Vioa thn hflst assort ment of Xmas goods she has ever had and will have them on exhibition very tnnn. IV at Matlock A Hart's. If you want to buy a small or large borne in Heppner, inquire of the Gaset Whv make mince meat, when you can get as good and cheaper than you Lk it. at Matlock & Hart s. a tn.it MetAfhan. in connection :.k m. n W. Knowlea. has taken t tulmnam! Hotel, of Port land The reputation of these gentle men'insnres the success of the enter ThA dinineroora is excellently LOCAL NOTES. Frank Roberta' house bench is having its roof rushed on ana win oe Bhmgled before the ink is dry on this line. Fred Bock, of Bock & Mathews, re turned Saturday from his trip to Port land, and was warmly congratulated by his many friends on the arrival of his baby bov. Fred's tamilv will rntnrn in about two weeks. An old-Mme turkey-nhoot will be held Soturday in the yard back of Park Gar rigues' agricultural implement house. At the I. X. L. confectionery Dan P. Doherty keeps a comfortable reading room for men, and they are made wel come. Manager Houston was ud on the mill- race at 5 a. m. yesterday to reoaira break. The eentlaman who Avar (William Bisbee's window so artistically is their plumber, Mr. Harris. , L. L. McBroom has Htnrtrl ovnr tn Spray with 2 big loads of merchandise for the Minor & Gilliam Co. At Portland lust. the WflSt.ftrn f.iimhnr f!n urn a hhlit nn by masked men and $4700 stolen. liillie Steward has returned from the Greenhorn. . At the Mayflower mine on the 24th there was 8 inches of snow and still snowing. Try Cream of Wheat for breakfast. Always on hand at Bishop's. Also choice cod fish. DIVIDEND PAID. , The estate of Low Tillard, of which Andrew Tillard is administrator, yester day, through Attorney G. W. Phelps, paid a first dividend of 23 per cent on creditors' claims. ' AWFUL ACCIDENT. At Ban FranciBco on Thanksgiving day, 20,000 people were witnessing a football game, and many had climbed upon the roof of the (rinse works. The roof gave way, and 100 men and boys dropped nown into the red-hot glass vats 83 were horribly burned, and 20 are dead. WINDOW WONDERS. The most beautiful thincs in hiwn qru the windows of Minor & Co's store. See and admire. The artist was Wm Potter. GUS SMITH KILLED. The bad news has blown into HeDt- ner that Gus Smith was killed by Boers while scouting in Africa. He lived for years above Susanville, and still has ranches and stock there. He was a good man and will be much missed. BORN. Dr. Kistner took an early ride Sun day morning, starting at 2 o'clock and going to the home of Frank Gentry, in Black Horse, wher a baby boy was born to the wife of J. H. Gentry. - A PRESENT OF VALUE. A very beautiful and valuable present is to be given their customers by the Patterson & Son up-to-date Drug store. It is a toilette and manicure set of 15 pieces, genuine ebony, with sterling silver trimmings, a most beautiful creation, It is attracting much atten tion in the Patterson window. With every purchase of 50 cents and over, you are given free a ticket entitling you to a chance in winning this beautiful prize. You may be the lucky one who will win. The drawing takes . place at 8 p. m. on Christmas eve, Dec. 24. And remember that Patterson & Son have a nice line of those choice Lowney Chocolate Candies in boxes for holiday trade, BURNT ETCHING. Mrs. Redington has on sale a large variety of useful and ornamental arti cles of her own manufacture in burnt etching. . Special orders for Xmas, with selection of leather and styles must be given early, as articles go very rapidly. Sofa pillows, with Indians' heads and Dragons, Music rolls, with names, etc. Kodak books, any color. Ladies' hand bags, Purses, Card, Spectacle and Scissors Cases. bmoking Seta, very odd and new. Prices from 25 cts to $5. Corner Chase and May Sts. REFRESHING DRINKS. I hflVA itiflfc rpoAivArl two harrnla nf Orange Cider and Manila Punch, and have it on sale at 5 cents a glass. 15 cts. a quart or 40 cents a gallon. It is very choice. 1. X. L. Confectionery. Dan P. Doherty. LINGERING LETTERS. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners (or letters addressed as follows: Boggs, Edward Cox, Emma Day , J N Mackintosh, Donald Murtagh, James Padgett, R A Ross, Wm Ask tor "advertised." The finest lina of hulk nickles that ever came to town at Matlock & Hart's. Sour, sweet and dills. BETTER THAN EVER. The Heppner Steam Laundry has just made many important improvements by adding new machinery so as to keep up with the work and do it even better. A new mangle has been arranged for, and all the machinery overhauled, and the enterprising proprietor, Irkd Kbuo, has increased the size of the buildinu 14x24. People should all patronize this home institution and promptly pay their bills the first of the month. There is no good business policy in sending washing away from Heppner. GIRL WANTED. A small family in Heppner wants to ire a girl or woman to do general housework without washing. Apply at Gazette office. HKPPNER MARKET PRICES. Wool per U to 13 Wheat per bushel 41 to 44 Floor, Heppner, per bbl 3 Oats per bushel 40 Barley per 100 lbs ... 50 Hay, alfalfa, per ton 7 00 (In stack at ranch) 5 00 Hay, wheat 7 to (In stack at ranch) 7 00 Bacon per lb 11 (A 1 Uird per in jz Bmf, best, on foot 4 Beef, cut ud .7tol5 Butter per lb V to HO Km SO Poutx-f . new 1 to 1 L Chickens, per doz 3 to a Dry Hides. No. 1, perlb 15 Sheep Pelts, per lb 10 to 11 First to arrlvs with the telegraphic MORROW COUNTY SQUARE. County Treasurer Mat Lichtenthal has just sent to the state treasurer the balance in full due from Morrow county on account ot scalp bounty tax. This tnakeB Morrow county square with the state. The total scalp tax paid by Morrow county for 1899 was $1818.88. The total cash sent to the state by Treasurer Lichtenthal in full of Morrow county's 1899 tax foots up $9814.52. OLD TIMEK HEARD FROM, Yesterday one of his old friends in Heppner received a letter from Happy Jack in which lie says: "I came from Montana back here on to the edge of Puget Sound and drifted into my old business of chasing revenue cutters and aiding Asiatics) to' get into our glorions climate. I am half-owner in a spanking little boat, but the busi ness is all a farce, and I am wet all (he time. It rains and rains. "I think I will go back to herding in the sunshine of the Heppner Hills. It seems but yesterday when I was asleep on some sax in the rear of Frank Mad dock's store and Ed Bishop came in for some bacon and my dog nearly bit him. That faithful dog is dead. Had more sense than his master and died for bim. I cried over the corpse. "I saw John Hendrys over heie just as he whs pulling out in a wagon-sheet and 4 cayuses for Tillamook and the head of the Big Blue to hunt oysters and buffalo. BEAUTIFUL BUTTONS. The Heppner M. E. Church South has one of the most flourishing Sunday Schools in the state, and to see the large stream of little ones pouring out after singing their sweet songs is a most inspiring sight. A new and popular idea has been introduced, that of pin ning upon each child's breast a beauti ful badge button, of which they are very proud. , WHEAT, WOOL AND STOCK. Portland, Dec. 5. Continued strength in the wheat mar ket was the best factor in the trade sit uation yesterday, and while there is not much selling, anything which indicates higher prices has its effect on general trade in the wheat districts. The improvement hns checked the selling movement slightly, and farmers are holding off thinking that there will he a further advance. Exporters were quoting 534 and 54 cents for Walla Walla yesterday, and at these figures were picking up a few stragling lots. Ships are needed more than wheat for distant business, but exporters hesitate to take many at present rates with so much uncertainty about the wheat market. Wool Valley, 1213c for ooarse, 1516c for best; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, 60$1 each. San Francisco, Dec. 4. Wool Spring Nevada, ll13c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014; Valley, Oregon, 16 18c. Fall Northern, mountain, 9 10c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c; Humbolt and Mendocino, 1012c. Chicago, , Dec. 4. Cattle Receipts 5000; market generally steady ; prime steers $5.456.00 ; poor to medium, $4 00 (8)5.35; stockers and feeders, slow, $3.5004.25; cows, $2.60(4.15; heifers, $2.654 65; canners, $2.002.50; bulls, $2.504.15; calves, weak, $3.505.50; Texan fed steers, 4.004.90; Texas grass steers, $3.30(94.15 Sheep, receipts, 19,000. Sheep and lambs slow. Choice wethers, $4.004.35; fair to choice mixed, $3.75405; Western sheep, $4.004.35; Texas sheep, $2.50 3.60: native lambs,$4.005.50; West ern lambs, $4.755.50. MINING NEWS. Susanyille, Dec. 1. Everything is on the move here, with bright prospects for the camp. The Badger and Stock ton are the leading mines. Badger shows a well-defined ledge of galena with 12 feet of pay ore, feet paying $1500 to ton. Is running on 3 8-hour shifts, 6 men to shift. Stockton is run ning full force. Sloan & Haskell placers are still working on good pay ground. Town is building' up; Billy Anderson is doing good tent business, and there is good hotel and stable. Blacksmith badly needed. Up on Big Boulder the Stalter mine and 10 prospects are making a good showing. J. W. Steward owns two good ledges. Investors had best keep their eye on the Boulder district. J. W. S. Hon. Henry Blackman is again able to be up and out. Bow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cubnkt k Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfeotly honorable in all busi ness trsnssotions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West b Tbdax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDIN3, KlNNAN 4 MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists,. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh (Jure is taken internal ly,aoting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.' Price, 75o per bottle. Sold by all druggists. T'stimomale tree. Hall's Family Pills are the best. NEWS WANTED. The Heppner Gazette wants corre spondents all-over Morrow and adjacent counties to send it news of the local happenings. All correspondence used will be properly paid for. . PRIVATE BOARD. Anyone desiring Private Board will do well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at her rooms back of P. O. Bo'g's Jewelry Store. THE BEST. Bryan O'Lln and bis wife and her mother Went on to a bridge together; The bridge broke down and they fell in, We'll And ground at the bottom, says Bryan O'Lln. Also best Wines, Liquors and Cigars At Belvedere saloon. Frank Bobkbts, Prop. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears the Biff&ature THE Headquarters for Our Doll 1 Department is overflowing with pretty things: SPECIAL By special arrangement with other publishers, the Heppner Gazette is enabled to make for a short time To every new subscriber who pays one year the New York Tri-Weekly the Heppner Gazette. All three papers for one year for $1.50. Present subscribers to the Gazette and pay 1 year in advance, can get scribers. ' I have for sale several Morrow County ranches at such low prices that one crop will repay , the entire purchase price FREE. With Every 50 Cent (or over) Purchase, A Lovely Ebony Toilette Set, 1 5 pieces, with sterling silver trimmings, in a hand some leatherette case. To be given away on Christmas Eve. t You may hold the Lucky Number. The Set is now window. PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-Date Druggists, Heppner. I. X. L. Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. I'. Doherty, Proprietor. Free Reading Room. Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very best quality. A fair share of the public patronage is solicited. FAIR Santa Glaus MANY LITTLE GrIFTS that will be distributed from our store to gladden the hearts of T1g Iittle Ones, as well as many Valvable and Useful Gifts for tlie Older Ones. And best of all,, Your Purse will Not be Smashed, the 'same low prices will prevail that ever characterize this "THE FAIR STORE." Then there's Grames in abundance, Story Books, Fine China, Albums. Toilet Cases, 7 ill -. Ik wJ Fine Umberellas, ' Handkerchiefs Ladies' fancy Toys from the Wishing you t Vnnra t-t 'fnonnritir OFFER. the following liberal offer: $1.50 will be mailed postpaid for World, the Weekly Oregonian and who pay up all back dues to date in on this offer same as new sub GEO. W. WELLS. on Exhibit In our 1 THE Christmas is in evicence as well as the Christmas tree, and this page is suggestive of the galore, Combs, surprise box to the mechanical steam engine a Merry Christmasbt; and a Happy New Year, m jm m H t Three Prizes To every cash purchaser at our Store we give a ticket en titling the holder to a chance in 6 prizes A Combination Toilette and Manicure Set and Two Cameras. Slooum Drug Co,, Main Street, Heppner. - Beautiful Iron Bedsteads $5 to $15. A New and Complete Stock of Sofas. Tables. RgH , . , room Sets, Pillows and ffeJ Mattresses, all grades. Upholstering, Picture Framing, Sewing Machines, Window Shades, Undertaking. J, Is. YBAGBR, Next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's, Main Street, Heppner. ..ids? iii WW lZtM-'9 - '. Is one that everybody knows. Gilliam lave just received one of the largest stocks of l'.aia Wagons ever brought to Heppner. Call and Sec them. IPricew are KltjUnt Heavy ftDd Shelf Hardware, Grnr.iteware, Tiawaro, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., I'uints and Oild (the best in the world). Crockery and Glassware. Goods l.flsTsB Jewelry, Neckwear, Purses, Silk mufflers, Gtoves, and S m mjnd ! - CSXR-TWIT. 1. 1 iP .... n -.. i i. wt v ' , ' " ' " It in one of the best on earth. isbee b "'ffJl"V'-g-Ti"i .in si "tm wjiswiiswiMsm ) sK If 'M; 1 . managed and is unsurpassed. I news Tht Weekly Oregonlan.