Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 29, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thursday, . . Nov. 29, 1900
Heppner to Mlle
Pendleton by wagon road!.'."!."'!!";,'";","
lone " " jj
Heppner J unction on Columbia River! 16
Aruugtuu 1
The Dalles "...".'.'..".'. 109
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud. ia
Train leavei dally except Sunday lor all
pumw at o;io a. m.
Train arrives dally except Sunday from all
over the world at 5:18 p. m.
Mailt cloae for trains at 7:30 a. m.
Bualneu hours of the First National Bank of
' Heppner are from 9 a. m. to S p. m.
Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leave dally exoept Sunday at
6 p.m.; arriving at 6 a.m.; dittance to Canyon
104; time 24 b our. -
Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World.
Last year It shipped away 8,W6,750 pounds, and
Morrow County ihipped 200,000 bushels of
wheat. Morrow County's climate ii moat ex
cellent.and you can buy farm and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in
all Oregon. Population 6000.
Heppner haa 1200 population, good school,
city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland la located 107 miles from
Heppner. Chicago some further.
Here and Tfrere
Pap Craig ii dead. Ha was one of
the pioneer path Anders of the west..,
Geo. F. Welch returned yesterday
from a trip to the Valley.
Judge Freeland has gone over to Can
yon City on a business trip for the First
National Bank.
Geo. W. Wells and wife are away on
a trip to Portland.
The Thanksgiving dinner to be served
at the Palace Hotel today will be a
well-prepared feast.
Mrs. Jas. Jones, one of the most in
dustrious pioneer women on earth, will
soon enjoy a well-earned vacation: visit
with her children In Idaho.
Ed R, Bishop and wife are home from
a pleasant trip to California. They
went as far as Fresno county, and made
a call on Mrs. C. M. Mallory, formerly
of Heppner.
Late Penland was down Saturday
from his mountain home at the head of
Rhea creek.
James Johnson, the Butter creek
cattleman, was in town Tuesday.
Binns Bros, are making improve
ments in their big stable.
Wm. Stewart has gone to the Susan
ville mining district to locate some
The finest hogs ever seen in Heppner
was a bunch of 17 head brought in yes
terday by W. P. McKinsy, of Eight
Mile. They were bought by Bock &
Mathews, and weighed 4000 pounds.
8upti Pruyn, of the Light and Water
Co.has eoue to Elgin to start up the
new light plant.
J. H. Hall and E. L. McBroom start
ed Tuesday from Heppner with big
loads of freight for the Spray Mercantile
Co. store, which is now owned by Gil
liam & Bisbee and Minor & Co.
, Messrs. Dinwiddie, Turner andHin
ton left Heppner Tuesday loaded with
General merchandise for Monument
Richards' Magic Stamping Pad for
ladies' fancy work, sold exclusively by
Mrs. L. J. Estes. It stamps on linen,
velvet, glass, ivory, etc. Best thing on
the market.
Pickled pigs' feet, salt salmon, her
ring and mackerel at Matlock fc Hart's.
' T. R.. Howard's store has everything
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
Heinz's mines meat at Bishop's, 15
cents a pound.
On his recent trip to Pendleton, Dan .
P. Doherty's saddle horse stepped into
badger-bole and gave Dan a very
severe jarring.
Frank Mereland, of Hardman, is vis
iting Heppner this week.
A full line of dress skirts, from $2.25
up ; also under skirts, fascinators, silk
mits, furs, etc., at Mrs. L. J. Estes',
Matlock & Hart's store is being filled,
to its utmost capacity. Drop in and ask
for what you want. They have it.
Drop in at Bishop's and get a pound
of their apple butter.
The very choicest of canned and dried,
fruits are always kept on hand at the
grocery store of T. R. Howard;
U. P. Sam struck the town again Sat
urday. He is a pretty fair fiddler, but
his voice would have been a heap better
if he had graduated at the Heppner
Academy of music. As it is, it now
scares horses.
Mrs. C. S. Vanduyne, of 8umpter, is
visiting her sisters, Mrs. Thornton,
Quaid and Walbridge, and other rela
tives here.
One of the prettiest and most taste
fully-decorated show-windows in the
state is that at Gilliam & Bisbee's store.
Decorated China pieces are arrayed
very artistically.
Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, bats
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
candy and nuts all these are sold at r.
R. Howard's store.
Mr. t. T VatAM has the best assort
ment of Xmas goods she has ever had
nd will have them on exniDiuon very
Queen olives in bulk at Matlock &
If vou want to buy a small or large
home in Heppner, Inquire of the Gazet
Try Cream of Wheat for breakfast.
Always on hand at Bishop's. Also
choice cod fish.
Why make mince meat, when you
can get as good and cheaper than you
can make it. at Matlock & Hart s.
The flouring mill now awakea the
echos with its steam whistle.
In a storm on the St. Lawrence Sat
urday the steamer Stelaf was wrecked,
and 26 people perished.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles. has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
Tha limitation of these gentle-
men'insnres the success of the enter
prise. The diningroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed
C. E. Redfield, the attorney, is on a
business trip to Portland.
Ed Harbin, who need to live here, is
now running a lumber yard at Prioe
ville. Manager R. p. Hynd, of the Morrow
County L. and T, Co., haa issued some
very neat calendars for the new year.
Dick Beamao is back after a long
tour of mining in the Greenhorn.
Sam Gates yesterday took some very
successful snap shots at Indian Joe's
Nelse Magnusen is over on the Mal
heur looking up tha bunch of horses he
has bad running there for years. Nelse
is how home again, and only west to
the head of the John Day.
Unclaimed warrants , aggregating
$61.43, and issued seven years prior to
July 7, 1900, have been ordered can
celled by the Grant county court..
While Fred Bock is . enjoying a vaca
tion Portland. H. A. Emerson is
presiding over the block and carving
choice cuts, j
Johnnie Kirk brought in Saturday
a big bird he had shot on Rhea creek,
and Dr. Swinburne has mounted it. It
looks like an ostrich,' and is a sort of
crces between a sand-bill crane and the
big bird that pokes fertilizer. i
Senator Morrow ought to be compell
ed to put a rabbit-proof fence around
bis pasture, There are 2f head of Bel
gian jackrabbite up there, and every
time a hunter gets after them they skip
through the skeleton fence to Jim Jones'
lava beds, where they know a hunter
dare not follow them, as the 7-coroered
rox would grind the moccasins off his
feet. '
Call at Mrs.. L, J. Estes' for stamped:
doilies, center-pieces, dresser and side
board scarfs, ( cushion covers,, Batten
bug patterns, with marerials for work
ing, rephyr, flosses, silks, etc; '. Also a;
fine assortment ot ribbons suitable for
fancy work. . 4 -
The finest line of bulk pickles that
ever came to town at Matlock & Hart's.
Sour, sweet and dills. . v
On and after Dec. 10 we will give no
mere purchase stamps. We give this
notice in time so that those desiring to
get a few more to fill their books may!
do so before the time expires.
The Fair.
The Heppner Steam Laundry has just1
made many important improvements by
adding new machinery so as to keep up
with the work and do it even better. A,
new mangle has been arranged for, and!
all the machinery overhauled, and the
enterprising proprietor, Fred KbugJ
has increased the size of the building!
14x24. People should all patronize this
home institution and promptly pay their;
bills the first of the month. , There ie
no good business policy in sending
washing away from Heppner.
A small family in Heppner wants to
hire a girl or woman to do general!
housework without washing. Apply at
Gazette office.
Of course you want to encourage
borne industry. So when you want
shirts, ask at the stores for Hount Hood
shirts. They are made at Portland by
Fleiacbner, Mayer & Co., who give em
ployment making them to a large num
ber of girls. They are well, made and
always give satisfaction. .
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danfortb, of LaGrangei Ga., suf
fered intensely for six months with a
frightful sore on his leg, bat writes thai
JBuckleo's Arnioa Halve wholly cured it
in ten days. For oloars, wounds, burns,
boils, pain or piles it a the best salve in
the world. Core guaranteed. OnlySBo.
Sold by Conser Warred Drug Oe,
M. E. church C. D, Nickelsen, pas
tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
M. E. church, South. Services at 111
m. and 7:30 p. m, Rev. F. M. Can-
field, pastor. ' i
Christian churchSunday School at!
10 a. in.
Baptist church Sunday School at
10 a. m. Regular services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m- J. W. Stockton, pastor.
Preaching every night at the Baptist
church. Subject for tonight, Reason,
for Concern for the Salvation of Others.
RevBndsoe, of Arlington, is expected
to be here Monday night to assist tbe
pastor in these meetings.
Episcopal church Rev. W. E. Pot
wine. Catholic Church Rev. Fathey Kelly.
Services 3d Sunday in each month at
10 :30 a. m. Beginning Nov. 18.
Blamarok's Iron Narva
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
ane not found where stomaeb. liver, kid
neys and bowels are ont ot order. If yon
went these qualities and tbe anooesa
they bring, nse Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of brain
and body. Only 25e at Conser V Warren
Ving Co.
Wool per It 11 to 11
Wheat per bnshel '....41 toil
Flour, Heppner, per bbl .....3
Oats per bushel 0
Barley per 100 lbs 50
Hay.allalfa, per ton 7 00
fin stack at ranch) t 00
Hav. wheat 7 to 9
(in stack at ranch) 1 00
Bacon per lb 12JO 1
KM per ID ii
Beef, beat, on foot 4
Beef, cut ud 7 to 15
Butter per lb S3 to HO
Ettcs S
Potatoes, new 1 to VA
Chickens, per dos 8
vry tiiaes, no. i, per id
Sheep Pelts, per lb
m to a
To remove a troublesome corn or buiir
ka: First aoak the corn or bunion in
warm water to soften it, then pare it
down as elosely as possible withont
drawiDg blood and apply Chamberlain's
Pain Balm Iwioe daily; robbiag vigor
onsly for five minutes at eaeb applica
tion. A corn plaster shontd be worn for
a few days, to protect it from the shoe.
As a general liniment for sprains, brnises,
lameness and rheumatism, Fain Balm is
lonequaled. For sale by Conser Warren.
P. T. Sharp, who recently died at The
Dalles, was one of the men who first
made Eastern Oregon habitable tor
white people. He arrived in Canyon
City in the gold excitement days of '63,
when all supplies had to be packed 185
miles, from The Dalles.
Mr. Sharp started a pack-train, and
on his first trip bis train was ambushed
by the wild, and ferocious Snake In
dians, and in the fierce struggle that en
sued, one of his men was killed and
animals and their burdens were stam
peded and stolen. Mr. Sharp after
wards became- a merchant at Canyon
City. . ,
F Bowman, Monument
D Hick, Forest Grove
E A Rum,. Vinson
T J Merrill " .
R W Fleming, Gooseberry
M N Kerns .
S E Lee, Lexington
Wm Johnson, Hamilton w.
! J A Troedson, Douglas . ' i:
D J Robinette, Lone Rock i
- Geo Per ry "
ALWineland "
Wm Johnson y Hamilton
, J P Louey, lone '
WHewitte " . ' . '
E Hendrix " ' v..
D A Hunt, Antelope- ' ...... .....
Bert Furlong, Hardman
J M Brown, Lone Rock
J M Williams "
J M Berry, Omaha
M 8 Maxwell, lone
, C J Andrews, Gooseberry
Mrs. Redjngton has on sale a large
variety of useful and ornamental - arti
cles of her own manufacture in burnt
etching. Special orders for Xmas,
with selection of leather and styles must
be given early, as articles go very
Sofa pillows, with Indians' heads and
Dragons. . .
Music rolls, with names, etc. 1
-Kodak, books, any color.
Ladies', hand bags, Purses, Card,
Spectacle and Scissors Cases.
Smoking Sets, very odd and new
Prices from 25 cts to $B.
Corner Chase and May Sts!
The Heopner Gazette wants corre
spondents all over Morrow and adjacent
counties to send it news of the local
happenings. All correspondence, used
will be properly paid for.
Cass. Rogers invites everybody to
come to lower Butter creek on Saturday,
Dec, 1 and take part in a big rabbit
drive, The jacks and blacktails have
become pretty thick down there, and it
will be a good thing to wipe out about
5000 of them.
In the meantime rabbits called Bel
gian hares are being sold in Heppner at
high figures by a man from Petaluma.
Frank Natter bought a pair at $15 and
W. L. Mallory a doe soon to foal, at $20.
Some of this band are valued up to $500.
Julius Keitblev has quite a rabbit
yard here, stocked with nearly 100 head
of Belgian hares.
Mrs. J. W. Redington will hold her
annual Xmas art exhibit and sale on
Dec. 10, 11 and 12. .
Every one interested in art cordially;
invited to call, whether they wish to
buy 6r not. Corner Chase and May Sts.
The man who wants good, well-wear
ing and well-fitting Clothing can have it
made by me at prices that will beat
those of anv otoer tailor in this section
My styles are tbe latest ana my work is
the best. Shop on Main street, same
building as Dr. Metzler's office.
J. 11. CODE
Anyone desiring Private Board will da
well to call on Mrs. Morrison, at her
rooms back of P. O. Borg'e Jewelry,
Story of Slave.
To be bound hand sod foot for years
by the chains of disease is tbe worst form
of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man
Chester, Miob., tells bow soon a slave was
made free. He says: "My wife has been
so helpless for five years that she eoaid
not turn over in bed alone. After using
two bottles of Eleetrio Bitters, she is
wonderfully improved and able to do ber
ewu wore. ' i bis supreme remedy ror
female diseases qniekly enree nervous
ess, eleepleesoees, meiaooboly, bead
aobe.baokaene.faioting and diaay spells.
Tb's miraole working medicine is god
send to weak, sickly, ran down people.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 eta.
Sold by Conser A Warren Drug Go.
Tbe day is not distant wben every
inch of land will be deeded and doubled
un in price. . If vou want to buy a good
824-acie place at 85 an acre, call on J.
W. Kedington, Uaeette office.
Prevented a Tragedy.
. Timely information given Mrs. George
Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, prevent
a drsadfnl tragedy and saved two lives.
A frifhtfol oough bad long kept ber
awake every night. She had tried many
remedies aod doctors, bnt steadily grew
worse until urged to try Dr. King's New
Diaooverr. One bottle woolly en red oer,
and she writes Ibb marvelous medicine
also oured Mr. Long ot a severe attack ot
pneumonia, Huob oores are positive
proof of tbe matabless merit of this grand
remedy for coring all throat, ebest and
long tronblee. Oily 50a and $1. Every
bottle guaranteed Trial bottles free at
Conser k Warren Drng Co.
Bryan O'Lln and his wife and her mother
went on to a bridge together;
The bridge broke down and they fell in,
We'll rind gronnd at tbe bottom, says Bryan
OUn. -
Also best Wines, liquors and Cigars
At Belvedere saloon.
Fbaxk Robbbts, Prop.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yog Have Always Eosgfc
Bears the
Signature of
M. ...
By special arrangement with other publishers, the Heppner Gazette
is enabled to make for a abort time tbe following liberal offer:
To every new subscriber who pays $1.50 will be mailed postpaid for
one year the New York- Tri-Weekly
the Heppner Gazette. Alt three papers for one year for $1.50.
Present subsoribere to the Gazette who pay np all back dues to date
nd pity 1 year in advance, can get in on this offer same as new sub
I have for sale several Morrow
County ranches at such low
prices that one crop, will repay
the entire purchase price.
With Every 50 Cent (or over) Purchase,
A Lovely Ebony Toilette
Set, 15 pieces, with sterling
silver trimmings, in a hand
some leatherette case.
To be given away on
Christmas Eve.
You may hold the Lucky Number.
The Set Is now on Exhibit In our
Up-to-Date Druggists. Heppner.
I. X. L
Confectionery and Cigar Store.
' ; Dan. P. Dpherty, Proprietor.
Free Reading Room
... .-.( -1 , .-.
Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read
papers iromall over the world, a quiet, respectable place.
all of the very
A. fair share of the public patronage
. 'We have marked down the remaining lot of our Ladles and Childrens
Golf Capes, Jackets and Fur Collarettes to close them. The sizes
are broken, but if you can find your size the best Bargain of the season
awaits you, and this slashing of prices will sell them quickly. We will not ,
carry a single garment over. v
Ladies' Golf Cape. Combina
tion of natural" gray and
black, plad back. , former
. price $6.43, now
Ladies Melton Jacket
made of light tan,
silk lined. A beauti.
ful garment. Form
er price $11.66,
MiseeB Jacket, made
box style, nice);
trimmed; colors, red,
navy and cadet blue.
Former, price
$233, now.. .,
Child's Jacket made
box style, with Tarn
to match, silk lined,
Former, price, Q I CT
$2.95, now.
Child's Golf Jacket; hood silk lined, finely
tailored and trimmed. Former 010
price $2.85, now... .....!... . g,10
Fine, line of Infants Gloakt from 95o
, we have slaughtered prices.
The Place to
Save Money.
World, the Weekly Oresonian and !
best quality.
io solicited,
Ladies' Fine Collarett in Martin
yoke, satin lined, with six tails. .
Former price, $9, now.
The above are only a few
show you what you can do.
up here is another instance
Three Prizes!
To every cash purchaser at
our Store we give a ticket en
titling the holder to a chance
in 3 prizes
A Combination Toilette and Manicure Set
and Two Cameras.
Slooum JOrtiiZ Co., Main Street, Heppner.
S. P. Garrigues,
Main Street,
Just Received,
Sulkey and Walking rlows,
all sizes and styles;
Harrows Disc, Lever and
Spring Tooth. Monitor
and Superior Drills.
New and Com- TTnnlrc! nn1 Pimmoa
plete Stock of "wvuo W1AU "bb1
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons
Highest price paid for fat
Heppner, Oregon.
with Seal
items to
Canton Gang,
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Rnrk & Mathews,