The Heppner Gazette Thursday,.. Nov. 22, 1900 THE SHIP CANAL. A ship canal across the isthmus of Panama would doubtless mean much lor Heppner and the rest of the Pacific coast. That such a canal will bs built is orily a matter of .time. The commission which is investigating the matter will have its prelimi nary report ready to submit to congress on the first day of the session. The report will dismiss all but the Nicaragua and Panama routes from further consideration, and it is understood will recommend the former route. THE GREAT INTERIOR. Mayor Frank Gilliam and Oscar Minor returned yesterday from the new town of Spray, on the main John Day, where they bought out the Spray Mercantile Co. They will push the business and put Chaa. Royee in charge for the present. There is a good country around Spray, and it ought to have better mail facilities than at present. People there are the pioneer de velopers of the great interior, and and deserve all modern conven iences that can be furnished by the postal department. Theis inter ests should be better looked after. FOR FUEL At the head of Willow creek, 18 miles by water-level grade from Heppner, are large tracts of pine and fir timber well suited for fur nishing fuel for Heppner and all of Morrow county. The matter of cutting this fuel and bringing it into market is well worthy the attention of capitalists. It looks as though it might be a good investment for a motor line or freight railroad, and such an enterprise would famish work for many men. Coal has been found at the head of Willow creek, and it is hot stuff. D. A. Herren brought out some samples of it and tried it, and it not ouly burned, but burned up his stove. If this coal can be found in large quantities, it and the timber ought to furnish several years' business for a small freight railroad. MORROW COUNTY 0. K. As will be Been by Treasurer Mat Lichtenthal's call for warrants pub lished in this issue, Morrow county is ready to pay off another lot of its in debtedness. This is a rery good show ing, and leares the county only eight months and 13 days behind. Beware of Ointment for Catarrh tbat Con tain Mercury As meronry will surely destroy tbe tense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mnoons surface. Snob Brtioles sbqnld never be used exoeptou prescrip tiobB from reputable pbysioiaos, as tbe damage tbey will do is ten fold to tbe good yon oan possibly derive from tbem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured F. J. Cheney &Oo.,Toledo,0.,oontains no mercury, and is taken internally, noting directly upon tbe blood and mnoons sur faces of tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be eure you get the genu ine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cbensy & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, prioe 75o per bottle. Hell's Family Pills are tbe best. ARE YOU GOING To Spokane or Lewiston from Hepp ner or any point in Eastern Oregon? Take the Northern Pacific at Pendle ton, Walla Walla, or any point along its line. : If you prefer Portland as a starting point, Take the Northern Pacific. If you are going to Omaha, Kansas City or St. Louis, Take tbe Northern Pacific-Burlington route. , 11 :30 p. m. daily. ToDuluth or Winnipeg? Take the Northern Pacific. 1 :45 p. m. daily. To Minneapolis or St. Paul? Take the Northern Pacific. 1 :45 p. m. daily. To Chicago or East? Take the Northern Pacific. 1 :45 p. tn. daily. For any information desired Call on the Northern Pacific. A D Charlton, Asst. Gen'i Pass. Agt, 255 Morrison street, Portland, Or. AMERICAN PLAN ONLY. The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one of the home institutions that Eastern Oregon may well be proud of. It fills the field as a first-class house, and it employs only competent white help. It is conducted strictly on the American plan, and its commodious well-furnished rooms and bountiful tables give satis faction to all its patrons. WHEAT, WOOL AND 8TOCK. Portland Nov. 21. In wheat yesterday there was a little more activity, and a farther weakness in freights caused prices to tule fairly steady in the local market. Walla Walla was selling at 53S54c. and bluestem about 5657c. Tbe exact status of the market was determined yesterday by the charter of a near-by ship at 42s 6d, a material reduction from previous rates paid. Wool Valley, 1213c for coarse, 1516c for best; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, 60$1 each. San Francisco, Nov. 21. Wool Spring Nevada, ll13c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014; Valley, Oregon, 16 18c. Fall Northern, mountain, 9 10c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c; Humboltand Mendocino, 1012c. Chicago, Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts 7000; market generally steady; prime steers $6 30 5.8O ; poor to medium, $4 30 5.25; stockers and feeders, s ow, $3.75(34.30; cows, $2 65(34.26 ; heifers, $2.753 75; canners, $1.752.65; bulls, $2.75(34 40; calves, active $45.75; Texan fed steers, 4 00(34.90; Texas grass steers, $3.304.15 Sheep, receipts, 14,000. Sheep and lambs slow to 10c lower. Choice wethers, $3.90(14.20; fair to choice mixed, $3.603 95; Western sheep, $2.904 90: Texas sheep, $2.50 3.50: native lambs, $4.405.25; West ern lambs, $4. 755. 10. FARMERS' INSTITUTES. The O. R. & N. Co. tries to do a good work for farmers by arranging for farmers' institutes along its lines. The company's industrial agent, Col. R. C. Judson, is ever alive to the best inter ests of tbe road and its tributary terri tory, and extends the glad hand to the people and fosters every industry that springs up or can be encouraged to spring up. Col. Judson has arranged to hold farmers' institutes as follows - - Milton, Nov. 20 and 21 ; Tekoa Nov. 23-24; Colfax Nov. 26-27; Pullman Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. Farmers will have full opportunity to compare notes and discuss matters, and addresses will be made bp Hon. W. J. Spillman, professor of agriculture at the Washington College, Hon. C. L. Smith, of Minnesota, and other prominent speakers. CHEAP PASTURE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W. Redington, at Gazet office, Heppner. PUBLIC CONVENIENCES. There is no question about Heppner having outgrown the original plan of having itB depot f of a mile from its business cen ter, and it would be a publio con venience to have it re-located up town. It can be done now much cheap er than in after years, when prop erty values will double up, and it ought to be done now in the inter est of tbe general good. THE TROOPER'S TRAIL. Benton Neal Thornton, promi nent in Atlanta social circles, and one of the best known young busi ness men of Atlanta, ua., has en listed as a private in the U. 8. cavalry. Thornton assigns as a reason for entering the army that he is broken down in health and seeks this meanB of recuperating his lost strength. He declined all offers from influential friends to secure for him a commission and several days ago went to Maoon and ap plied for enlistment Ue was en listed immediately. It is to be hoped that he may get through his three years' service without suffering any such starva tion spells as were inflicted on the Oregon volunteers during their voyage to Manila. And if he goes over the same watery trail, and the good people of Honolulu contribute fruit for his comfort, it is to be hoped that he will not have to buy the same from the quartermaster, as did the hungering Oregon volunteers. HOLIDAY PACKAGES. During the next month the num ber of small packages coming to Heppner will be unusually large, and the express company should injustice to the people have its Heppner office somewhere in the business part of town or else do its own delivering. Until it does accord this justice to the people, the people should ar range to have their packages come by registered mail, and thus be able to get them in the business center. VETERAN SOLDIER. Capt. It. P. Wainright, U. S. A., who was in Heppner this week buying horses to ship to Manila, is a veteran who helped make the northwest, and was one of its pioneer pathfinders. After graduation from the military academy he joined the gallant old First Cavalry in 1875, and was with it in all its campaigns against the hostile In' diana in Oregon, Idaho and Montana. With large and small squads of troopers Capt. Wainright has scouted tbe moun tains, plains and deserts of tbe north west, hunting hostiles and bumping up against all sorts of experiences. He is still in the old First Cavalry, but is such an expert on horses that the war department specially detailed him to buy iU horses for the Thilip pines, and he has bought thousands in the northwest. "I have need Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medioine," says Mr. E. 8 Fbtpps, of Potean, Ark. "It oared me of bloody flux. I oannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins tbe good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. . The quick cares which it effeots even in the most severe oases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Conser ft Warren. flood Wages Made! Every man and woman has the commercial idea more or less, and likes to know that he or she is getting a fair return for their time. When you put in time coming to the big store of Minor & Co. it is time well invested. The goods you buy there are o.f such good qual ity, and the prices are so rea sonable, that you are well re paid for the time employed, and you are- thus making good wages. Our Overcoats and Winter Clothing Can't be beat for Style, Fit, Good Quality and Reasonable Prices. A light grey Dress Overcoat cut in box style, brown velvet collar, made of plaid black overcoating, satin lined eleeves $12 50 and $16 00 The dress coat of thi season is the "Roglan" in dark grey Oxford, plaid back, very stylish 16 00 A very superior dress overcoat, dark grey Oxford, plaid back, very heavy, very serviceable and very Btylish.. ."; 20 00 In heavy overcoats, ulsters you can save from $1 to (5 on each. Prices range from $6 to. 20 00 YOU WANT-AN OVERCOAT . i ' 1 .:. ; r - - Is it worth while Saving a Few Dollars on it? Big Blanket Bargains! It may have been overbuying or shrewd buying, that places us with an overstock of these goods on hand; at any rate we are in a position to give you prices on Blankets that could not be duplicated if we had to buy this .fall. You . receive all the benefit. An Alameda sanitarv blanket, 11-4-all wool filling, in colors light grey and light brown, weighs o lbs - An all Oregon wool blanket, dark grey, size 66x76, weighs b lbs . - , A medium dark grey blanket, all-wool, size 72x84, weighs 6 lbs ; ' - A Pendleton silver grey, all Eastern Ore , gon straight fleece wool, 60x80, 5 lbs A Pendleton blanket, Umatilla blue, guar anteed straight Eastern Oregon fleece wool blanket, size 72x84, weighs 5 lbs A Salem blanket, strictly all-wool, mottled grey color, size same as above, weighs 6 1-2 lbs ' - - - A superior quality Eastern Oregon wool , fleece blanket, made by. Pendleton Woolen Mills, white, size 72x84, weighs 5 lbs $ 5 00 5 00 5 50 6 00 6 50 6 50 8 00 9 Covered with calico, cretonne, silko line or satine at prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 00 The Downaline Comfort, for which we have the exclusive agency, is considered the very finest manufactured. The filling is a solid piece of fleecy downaline, covered with extra quality satin or silkoline, totted through and through. Regular prices $3 and $3 50 Agents for-Butterick Patterns. MINOR & CO. Every Coat Guaranteed, ALL ARE INVITED. We extend a cordial invitation to the people ol Morrow and adjoining counsies to call at our store and inspect our large and well selected stock of Dry Ms, GlotliK. J Inlets. Dress Goods, LADIES and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Groceries, - Etc. GOOD GOODS AT FAIR PRICES. Fur Overcoats and Rubber Ooods Heppner, Oregon. ft 9 Au imona s iross uui saws 3 Sewing Machines Sanitary Stills Boss Washers Hose and Sprinklers Lawn Mowers I At Ed. R. Bishop's. ''" The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Paints, Oils . Jewelry and Glass i :. ' , A fine stock to A full stock. select from. ' O 1 Kodaks Stationery Supplies of all kinds. The very latest. CONSER & WARREN. i New Photograph) Gallery. Dr. M. T Mill takes pleasure in announcing to the 5 people of Morrow and adjoining $ counties that he has opened up a new h and first-class T Photograph Gallery j c on Main Street, Heppner, 2 doors north of opera house. From now on, with every dozen Cabinets, I will , give at an extra charge of only $1.50, an en larged picture of same negative, 16x20, in a handsome frame, with glass and complete finish This large picture may be had with in 24 hours after negative is taken... -Enlargino Done to order. 4