Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 22, 1900, Image 1

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    Portland Library
' , . " '. ' .
Subscription price, $1.50
Subscription Price, $1.50
Leads In Prestige
Leads In Circulation...
Leads In News ,
The Paper Is Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County and Its
m Wm nnifilT WaY "lCrsrrja fl iflBWlftly i
lii l(i 111 EENTH YEAR
The HeDDner Gazette
Is published every Thursday bv
Entered at the Postofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
ai lecond-claaa matter.
, -"rosssxo-t.a.Xj oxa.
C E Redfield
-OfflceMn First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
G. W. Phelps
Office in Natter' Building. - Heppner, Oregon,
J. W, Morrow
' ; and
: Office In Palace hotel buudlug, Heppner, Or. .
A. Mallory,
' In authorized to take all kinds of LAND
Collection! made on reasonable terms. . , , .
OlMce at residence on Chase street.
Government laud script (or sale.
D. E. Gilman
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and et your money out of them
, , Makes a specialty of hard collections.
Office in J. N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B. Metzler
Teeth Extracted and Filled
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. .
Heppner - - Oregon.
Gentry & Sharp
Tonsorial Artists
Your patronage solicited.
Satisfaction guaranteed..
Hot and Cold Baths.
Main Street, near Palace Hotel. Heppner.
J. R. Simons & Sqjn
General Blacksmiths
Horseshoeing a Specialty '
Wagon Making
and Repairing.
All work done with neatness
and dispatch. ...
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Upper Alain Street,
Heppner, Ore.
Nothing so
as a pure malt beverage to refresh on
' after a hard day's work has ever been
discovered. And there is one malt
beverage that Is better than others
that Is
J. B. Natter's beer
It goes right to the spot, and is served np at
-Natter's Brewery, on upper Main St., Heppner.
wnnre an Ice-cold cellar in the solid rock keeps
t always cool.
i m i" ' ' i i ii i
Feed and Sale Stable
Haa inst been opened to tha
public and Mr. Gordon, the
proprietor, kindly invites his
frlnris to rail and try bis
Unit-claw accommodations.
'nt7 st Hy a& Gxatlaa. tor Sal
Stable located on west side of Main
street between Win. Scrlvner's and
A. M. Qunn's blacksmith shops.
For the ladies A fine horse snd lady's saddle
A. Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner.
His work first-class
and satisfactory.
G ive him a call May Street.
v hatrin- ilalmi Lt7.inat tha Ml Lata
of H P Merritt, deceased, to preMBt thevatn
wilD We proper tuuvucip "" '-VJ i
flctld ftdministnitor with the wlil noeKd,ofl - f j. -.11'
rte eltote of said H. P. Merritt, decaael, at his I UOmC tO MOrfOVV
place of doing business In the city of Heppner, I
- m.i. Af fW9nn. within six 111 T71
Sooths tro tha dateofthu notice.
Dated November 7. 1900.
9 J
The Kind Tftra Have Always
in use for over 30 Tears,
v y
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health f ,
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. " '
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric,; Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant.""It '
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other, Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. 1 It' destroys Worms !
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind -Colic.
It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tw cawr.ua company, tt wuamv aratrr. new ton twl. , ,
; ; : Hotel.
th ecwT.ua company, tt
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
, , .Every Modern
s ;
Drummers' Resort. Stockmen's Headnnartftrc
".'Dne"bf he'finest" equipped, Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection. ...
Iirst-Olass Sample Rooms.
For Business Heppner Js one of the Leading
, JtTowns of the , West,'
For Fall and Winter Wear
,, -The Pioneer Bot and Shoe Dealer of Heppner, has
The Latest Styles of Footwear for
Men, Women and Children. -
Old Stand, Main Street.
Heppner Flooring Mill 'Co;
; Hna eecured the servicea
and keep on hand a frill
Of the very beet quality and
The mill exchaugps with the - farmers, ani''"'-'Bo?icit8
their patroDage.
'W L. HOUSTON, Manager-
lanus. v alues are sure
ler again will land sell so
7-1 i
Bought, and which has hcea
lms hnmo tha !.--,- v r
ana has been made under his per- "
sonal supervision since its infancy. -
w v v ,. wuv MSf IJ 7
Signature of
aiuaanv eTaccr. new ton twl. ,
J. W. MORROW, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
Co n ve n i e n ce .
RBi,in - e.u
of a first class miller,
supply of
guaranteed to give satisfaction. ,
r i
COUtltV for OW-DT '
to doub e un Npv
. "F" i CV
low as it does now.
Manila. Nov. 18. TW i
witnessed a very considerable in
crease ia - activity in the field.
Many eHnuishes ' occurred, and
several small engagements. The
termination of the .rains permits a
resumption ot .operations:'- The
Americans are makiug a series of
B8r,es8ive movement- against the
insurgents, notably on the Island
of Sanaar agaiDSt General fiiikhan
whose foi CdS hpid.the entire island
with Lbe exceptioa of three coast
towns, each of
by two companies of infantry and
a platoon of artillery. The rebels
are continually shooting into the
garrisoned towns, and the Amnri.
can forces have not been sufficient
to retaliate effectively. i ,
. Ootnmeroe In Rsmar ia
Standstill, and most of thai influ
ential inhabitants have departed.
Gen. Hare has' arrived thava anth
-soO men. He will brine eisrht 'anm-
panies of the Second InfRntpv fmm
the island of Marinduaue and will
proceed energetically to crush Gen.
-iunoan. Aleanwnile u, S .gun
boats will "patrol ' the coast to nre.
Vent the escape of the insurgent
leaders. Lukban htitl holdn
membere 'of the 43i Regiment as
prisoners. , : .!, , . i
Ihe rifles which ; the . nartv hf
Capt. Shields' lost, l&st SeDtmnber
in Marinduque' at the time of the
capcare nave not yet been re-
turned from the insnreantfl. All
- .
of the MarinduquH garrisons are
oeing continued.
Notable amotig the week's en
gagements was Gen. Grant' ad
yce with Iaceabe aud Ameri
can Boout-ron a rel?el. stronghold
85 miles xfabrth of anila, whioh
was defended bv 200 insurctantR
armed with rifles. After skirmish
ing and fighting for the greater
part i of . the . day and night the
enemy "was'dislodged nd imttfense
quantities of rice rarrd stores, with
ammunition, were destroyed. Fifty
rilipinos were killed and manv
others wounded. The insurgents
carried off their dead. The Amer
ican losses were 11 nrivatas. nnn
officer injured, and one Maccabebe
i 1 1 i
Kiiiea. :
Lieui F. W. Alstaetter. of the
engineers, who war'oaptured by
the insurgents in Luzon last Sep.
tember. has sent, with the bermis-
sion of his captors, a letter to Ma
nila askinc for food, monev and
clothing, which will be forwarded
to him by a native runuer,
health is broken, and Lis , releaso
is probable.
piuua is LJ,
Gen. Wheaton, oommauduig the'
.Wn-l-MnA - f XT' 11. X . . .
aeparimejit oi JNortn Liuzon. is
sending reinforcements i to (Gen.
Young's provinces, where the na
tives, under Uenerals Tinio and
Aglipay, the excommuuicated Fili
pino priest, are showing signs of
restlessness, deserting the domi
ciles that they have occupied dar
ing the rainy season, and joining
under compulsion of fear the insnr.
gents in the mountains. , i
It is probable that 1800 mkrinea
now in Philippine waters will be
used to relieve certain armv tiour.
rendering the relieved 61diers
available for other and more urgent
The remains of Baron Dnmnrina
the Frenchman who was killed bv
the insargents while ,withio their
lines laat year, where be had gone
to intercede with Aguiftaldo for
the rt lease of Snanfah irisrtnftr
rlave beeh recovered and buried 4n
In the here and hereafter the
names of Heppner town and Mor
row ccfuntv will l be closely con.
uected witb' the fame bf Shorthorn
cattle, for here Oacar Minor hem
some of the finest Shorthorn stock
to be found in the world.
F. M. Fales. who runs a' lftro-n
Jdairy on the Uolumbia, says: -
idb snorinorns are- pecoming
more popular for a number of rea
sons. They are larger than the
Jerseys, and when you want to sell
(hem for beef there is . more ie
them., A shorthorn calf will weih
Over 4 hundred, pounds at five
weeks and in the same lenerth of
time a Jersey calf will not weigh
more than 40 or 50 pounds. Then
the beef ia not as pood for patina.
- o '
Of course there may be a little loss
in the amount of cream, but milk
is valuable to feed hogs, and what
you lose in one way you make up
in another. Shorthorns are scarce
in. my part of the country and
bring a f good price, as thy are
much sought after. Iu a short time
there will be nothing but ehort-
torn herds there.", , ,
f 100 REWARD.
A r a Kurd nf tlOO will hfl tiaid fnr the
arrest and convinlon of any person or
persons stealing rtoree branded k,. V.
or -S- on left atine.
T. J: Matlock,
J. M. Kkeney.
tUrti.S Wltrtt ALL USE FAILS. rjT
IU In lun s .li hr rtniifiri"t. rl
Gen. Wevler. who was Spanish
boss in Cuba, is now talking
through his hat and telling about
i - i . . .
now near ne came to driving the
American army into the sea, eta
His talk is cheap, and it is well
known that during the war he
never allowed his own precious
person to expose itself. The dread
fever and the embalmed beef were
more deadly to the American sol
dier in Cuba than were the ideas
or movements of Gen. Weyler.
In commenting on Weyler's wa
wa Gen. Shafter says:
"It is very well shown that the
force of Srjain in Cuba outnum
bered by -several times the force
landed lor the reduction of Santi
ago, but there were but few avail".
able Jo operate against the Ameri
can troops, Had-the 21,000 troops
stationed at other points not far
from Santiago promptly moved to
the attack of the Fifth army corps
the difficulties of the Americans
would have been infirp.Rspd hnt, T
do not think they -could have been
a nven into ;tne sea.
"It is Possible, however i that if
these troops had cooperated with
me tfuuu troops tnat aid reiulorce
the armv at Santiago on the nieht,
bf July 2 in making a vigorous at-
iac tney might nave placed the
American army . on the defensive
for a few days, bat the ultimate
capture of . Santiago ; could onlv
have been delayed. Gen. Linares
telegram to his government as to
me condition or anmrs olearly indi
cated that the fleet was necessary
for the preservation of Spauish
poBessions in Cuba and was clearly
shown by the fact that immediate
ly after its destruction and the
surrender of 24,000 of the 150,000
soldiers then in Cuba, overtures
for peace were commenced, the
island being then absolutely at the
mercy of the American army and
jxow mat tne election is over,
there will be an immediate quick
ening in All t,hf nrfAripa nf ti-orla
Allthe contracts which had clauses
in them that caused them to hang
fire, will now be boshed through,
says the Sumpter American.
Enterprises all ver the country
which have been - held up for
months past will be prosecuted
There will be a ceneml indue.
trial reawakening throughout the
country. Attempts to array class
n era i In uf nl atct er in. Ai flTn HUn rt
vij).jw auoj v uj VI lr-i OIJ tJ t tC
0UB dement of the people from the
AtK. llQ.A ' Kn U . I I- .. .1 . .' L t-
other; have been rebuked with
such decisiveness by , the election
that they ill not be heard of again.
Once more it has been showD
that the interests of all elements
and all sections are identical, and
already there is apparent a general
quickening of the industries
throughout the United States.
For three years past the United
States has enjoyed a prosperity
inetampled in all its history.
That condition will be prolonged
and, broadened..
An old lady cat that some time
ago disappeared from the home of
Edder Hafader, of Mount Idaho,
haa returned from fhn nriinnant
broshlands, bringing with her a
lamny ioi lour iittens. These
fcittens are half rabbit and half
cat, the forequarters being that of
the kitten, while the hindquarters
are that of the rabbit; they have
the bunty cotton tail of the rabbit
and jump instead of walk.
. The End of tie World in 1914.
A famous loieotisl predicts Ibat the
world will oome to an end in 1914, basing
his oaloolslioni on tbe revelations of the
bible. If this is so, it Is well for og to
get wbat pleasure we can ont of tbe few
years tbat remain for os to live. One of
tbe surest ways to enjoy life Is Ibe po
ssesion of good health, and well regu
lated stomaob. Hostetter's Stomaob
Bitters will enable aoyone to obtain this.
It is tbe greatest medicine for tbe cure
of ills lost arise from a bad stomach.
It enrea dfatie&ala. nAnatlfiatlnn
end agaa, malaria, rbomatiem aud in
eomoia. No otber medioine oan show a
record equal to Hostetter's Htomsob
Bittnrs. tne atanriarrl maHinin- nt ik.
American people tor over fifty years.
A Village Blacksmith Saved Bis Little Boat
Mr. H. H. Blaok, tbe well-known vil
lage blaoksmith at Orabamsville, SolJI
van Co., N. saysj "Oar little son, 5
years old, has always been subject to
oroap, and so bad bave tbe attacks been
tbat we have feared many limes that be
would die. We bave bad the doctor and
used many medicines, but Obamberlaio's
0.uh Remedy is now out sole reliance.
It sennas to dittaolve tbe tongb moons
sod bv civioflf freanent dnaaa ihm ii..
eroapy symptoms appear we bare found
Ibat the dreaded orooo ia n,
it eets settled." There is no danger in
giving this remedy for it oontaina no
opium or otber injnnons drag and may
be given as confidently to a babe aa to
an sdnll. For sale by Oonser & Warren.
acter to deliver ami eolUct In Orenon for old
in)Hlillahd maniilactiirtnff w h.ii..i h..
fVMayaar, snra pay. flonxsty more thn ei-
rr. ('"I"-'i. wur mrrenre, any batik ill
M.nowrtra?ihlM tf ?f'i?
ShieaaVi ' ' ""..
No inferior or impure ingredients are
used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen
ing its cost; only the: most highly, refined
and healthful. i
Royal Baking Powder imparts that
peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy
noticed, in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls,
etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is
unobtainable by the use of any other
leavening agent. ,
Tien Tsin, Nov. 10.-
The nreni.
enceofa large number of troops
here in contiguous camns ia fann
ing considerable friction. One of
tne causes has been the number of
pontoon bridges thrown across the
river. There are three of these
within the space of a mile, and, as
the river is simnlv crowded with
junks and towboats, some confliot
is tne result.
Most of the trouble has occurred
at the French bridee and twice
trouble has occurred , between the
French guards and American sen.
tries on the boats. A few davs hp
a string ol U junks coming down
stream was held up at the French
bridge for several hours, in anitn
of the protests of the American
euards on board. Finallv worn
reached the American headquart
ers of the condition of affairs and
an officer wan sent up to the bridge.
He found a French sentinel on the
forward boat and promptly ordered
him off. There wan a slmrn inter
change between the American and
renon oincers, but the sentry was
removed. General Sumner then
arrived and the result whs that the
bridge wa3 opened and the boats
allowed to pass. ,
I A dav or two aoo there was an.
other bit of friction, in which both
sides rather overstepped the limit
and are fairly chargeable with
some blame. The bridge reaul;i
tions require that only one boat
mav o through at a time. A ileet
of junks in charge of a noncommis-
1 a a. a.
stonea American soldier came down
and an at tern nt was made in take
three of them through the draw
abreast. In coming through the
jurjks jammed in the draw and the
American on the leading boat and
the rencu bridge guards clashed.
Tha French attemDted to arrent
the American and a fist fight en
sued in which one Frenchman
went overboard and several wure
badly used up. The American waB
finally overpowered and out under
guard. He was soon released, but
according to his statement, he was
struck while UDder arrest by a
French officer. The man atnt.pH
that two guards held their bayo
nets at his heart while an officer
bit him in the face, cutting a gaah
over his eye. The matter is under
J A! l!
T. lie feeling between the French
i - - --
and American soldiers apparently
dates from the killing of Corporal
ilDghes of tbe third artillery some
weeks ago by a French sentry
when he with two companions at.
tempted to rush in order to cross
the bridge after dark. The camp
of the Jb ifteentb infantry, the Third
artillery and a section of the
rench force are very close and
there is evidently considerable bad
blood between the two. It cronnod
out reoently when a French soldier
cut tne Jeau team ot an American
wagon across the head with a stick.
The teamster jumped out of the
Lav the r iTHnder
6ave tne ner
wagon ana, according to reports,
gave the offender and several of
his companions some pretty rough
ouUtHnillriK Morrow county wnrntiiU rug-
lat..piwl nrliir itt m..l li...l.i.l I r UU...V.
9, 1!IC0, will be ali npim premmtatiou at ttio
ofuueof the treasurer of uld enmity. Interest
W lleppaer. Or. N..mr 22tlm
i m. mchtknthau
TfMWrf ol Morrow 4.iUW.
NO. 809
Alum Is used In making cheap baking; powders. If
you want to know the effect ot alum upon the
tender linings of the stomach, touch a piece to
your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum
baking powder, but at what a cost to health I
Monday, Nov. 19, Circuit Court
convened in Heppner, JudgeW. R.Ellis
on the bench.
The following caises came np:
Hutches ve Herren ; verdict for deft.
Ladd & Tiltnn vb J II Gemmell j W H
Dobynu for pi. Continued. , E
J W Smith vs A T McNay J C E Red
field for pi. Dismissed.
H W Bartholomew vs John Edwards;
C E Redfield for pi, G W PhelpB for deft.
On trial.
. C.TWalkr v CB and JEHaney;
W H Dobyns for pi, C E Redfield for
deft. DiHinlnsed.
Taytor Thompson vs J 0 Haves : G W
Pheps for pi. Demurrer overruled.
Teed vs MHIb; dismisBed.
MoHie Kern y J VV Kern, di
vorce ; G W rhe?j)8 for p. Default.
Con MeGonaga vs First National
Bank of Heppner; G V PlieJps for pi.
Derturror overruled ; 10 days to answer
same to reply ; set for Jan. 20. ,
Sarah E Padberg vg Henry Pad berg,
divorce,; C E Redfied for pi, G W
Phelps for deft. Settled and dismissed
bo consent.
Coke Ewing vs Jennie Ewing, divorce;
SAD Gurey for pt, C E Redflefd for
deft, Demurrer.
Mary Brosmnn y Jerry Brosman,
divorce ; G W Phefps for pZ, J W Mor
row for deft. Demurrer overruled ; de
fendant refused to plead fuither; de
fault; evidence taken under advise
ment. Mamie Lake vb John Lake, divorce;
G W PhelpB for pi. Default.
Ida BordweK vs John Bordweff, di
vorce; C E Redflefd tor pi, G W Phefpa
for deft. Demurrer overruled.
Bentley vb Robinson ; dismissed.
Gilman vb Bordwell ; verdict for plff.
Wheeler vb Bremer ; continued.
Crosby vb Graham; continned.
S E Willis vs Maggie WilMs; default
and decree.
State vb J D French; motion to dia
niins denied.
Jury excused on Wednesday.
Sheriff J. W. Matlock will today turn
over to Treasurer Mat Lichtenthal cash
for the last taxes paid in, amounting to
$19,572.14. These- taxes are divided as
follows: ,
State and county tax $11,624 36
8hool 3,188 15
School Dist. No. 1 2,184 07
5 06
' 103 83
63 75
1 62
133 58
14 33
230 06
31 24
13 80
1 24
30 89
16 21
tt 65
1,123 73
794 07
,, 12
" "17...
' " "25...
" " "28...
" " " 30...
" " " 38 ...
" " " 89...
" " "40...
" " " 49...
" " "53...
City of Heppner, . . .
State bounty tax. .. .
The residence portion of Heppnor has
made some very fair strides toward Ihe
south, and quite a little villngo hat
grown up in the Binbee canyon. In
that vicinity Geo. W. Wells has sold off
in acre tracts about all ot the body of
land he bought from Albert Wright.
The last man to buy a borne acre up
there was Mr. Carpenter, and all tha
tracts bought have bean Improved.
Th news or DotM bemlnphtrta-ln Thi
vtltr brvnin.