HEPPNER TESTIMONY. : 6; smaa.1 Miss Softie G. Usher. Hkppnee, Or., Nov. 1. Dear Mrs. Lydia E. Rinkum Some of my girl chums say that you are a man. Are you? Well, when I used to be bored by Testimony Smith 1 thought I would nev er give any testimony, but here I am. Advertising did it. Morrow county has a healthful cli .1 T n.AO nlnrnwa TJ il 1 1 1? II f attar reading 7 columns of your advertise ments I knew I had symptoms. The next day I began to spit. Next day I spit some more. Next day ditto, and the next 16 days also ditto. Next day I took 16 bottlos of your do good, and in 4 days had stopped spit ting. The trouble was that one ot my in growing toe-nails had entered the inner tubercle of the diagraphic thorax, caus ing membranous hemorrhage of the gastric glands. My mother says she bad the same trouble for 97 years, and so there were no children in the family. I am determined to make all my many brothers and sisters take your medicine, even if you are a bogus wo man. I am going to have 17 offsprings, even if I have to adopt a lot of-tuff kids from the Reform school. I enclose 7 of my fotos. Don't print any of them, but if you do, print the one that shows my improved appear ance. Did you see that picture of my three twin brothers advertised by the Tatsy Bolivar Co., their loving friends down to Bosting? The twins weighed 65 pounds at 65 days. They were raised on melon food and cost Mah 6 bits an ounce. Pah had to cut his own hair and make his own clothes for 90 days after. , I also enclose a picture of the young man I am engaged to, as follows : mi' 4 Vfi' it :ii...'..-.J J mm K r-V it i The Accepted. lie 1b now out making hay or rather baling it, to ship to Manila for the troops to eat. Morrow county also ships many horses to Manila, and they are the best horses on earth. I also have a fine large Tom-Cat who is a great comfort to me. He is also (, ailing, and if I could get him to read your advertisements I know I would soon have him full of your medicine and make him well. What do you think ? I remember as though It were yester day when my father came home from the first battle ot Bull Run. lie had been eating mules and grindstones and weevily hardtack, and had a stomach like a saw mill, and didn't believe in medicine, and when he found my bottle of your do-good he did something like this: Map of Papa in Action. Bnt when he afterwards got doubled op like a jtu'kknife from gorgeing on my pickled onfon pudding he changod his ideas about medicine. Yours for straight toe-nails and good nii'dicin', Son'iit (!. Umikk. NEW UUiS. Some very handsome and durable new rigs have just been sold by 8. P. Garrigucs. A tine two-seated covered hack was bought by 1). A. Derren, and its twin by O. M. Coffee, of Kightmile. Al. ISinna bought one of the hand somest top buggies ever seen her, and another Heppner man bought a beauti ful buggy with wliioli to mirprlw liia wife. LOOKlnT!!! PHILIPPINE WAR. t Gen. MacArtbur will personally direct the yigorous military opera' tions to be directed against the i lhpino insurgents. He has clear ly indicated that as soon as the rainy Beason shall have ended be will take personal command of the troops. . Plans of the War Department communicated to Gen. MacArthur for suppressing the rebellion - con template the division of Luzon into districts and the mobilization of sufficient troops in those districts effectually to shatter any insurgent forces that may be operating there in. Gen. MacArthur is apparently confident that he will hud large bodies of insurgents, and is laying his plans to catch them between cross-fires. The details of the operations must necessarily be left to him, but the authorities Lave clearly indicated that the insurrec tion must be crashed during the dry season. In army circles the suggestion is made that it might be advantage ous to offer a reward for the appre hension of Aguinaldo. Officers are convinced that bis capture would have an important effect in bring ing about an end to the insurrec tion. Aguinaldo would, if alive, be a burden upon tbe bands of the administration, and while the au thorities do not wish his death, it is conceded that if he should be killed during the forthcoming oper ations the situation in the islands would be materially simplified. The sharp campaign now about to begin will show whether it will be necessary to ask congress to in crease the regular army. If in the Philippines Gen. MacArthur can suppress the rebellion before the volunteers come home and restore order in the archipelago, there will not be the need for a large in crease. SOME WERE FOUND. Frank Pliter's herder picked up a bunch of stray sheep, probably about 225 head, last Tuesday on the Ferry Canyon range. They be longed to Geo. Hardie, of Trail Fork, and had been dropped out while the band was going , to the Lamberson place last Sunday. It is not known yet how many have been killed by coyotes, but as these animals are very numerous in that country this year, the loss may be estimated at from 15 to 20 head. ltKCKNT ARRIVALS AT PALACE HOTEL Claude Herren, Balm Fork Henry Nichols, Butter creek R J Carsner, Wagner J Laughemhi " Hiram Tash, Hardman GWDenlmra " Nat Webb Jr., Walla Walla W A Shoflet, Monument T B Richardson, Condon Ohas Royse, Spray . Chas Herrery " W M Abbott, I.ee R Lull im, lone P A Surface " , i A L Cornett, Lena R W Fleming, GooReberry Arthur Madden, Lone Rock. Jas Doherty and wf. Butter creek S K Young, Astoria A Hunt and wf, Spray" Geo Earhart, Lone Rock SHEEP. If you have any sheep to soil, let it be known in Heppner and they will be snapped up at once. Os. Mitchell bought the A. J. Tillard sheep, 1000 ewes, at $3.25, ind 700 old ewes from Wm. Ban att at $2.25. Jim Jones has contracted to deliver In February to Wm. Barratt 1700 lambs at Andy Cook now has the Joe Luckman sheep settled down on the home ranch, with oceans of grass and plenty of hay. The 700 mixed ewes that Dave Herren bought from Lawrence Sweek at $2.60 the day before election could not be touched at any such price the day after. John Hayes has swapped 1000 lambs to Lon Markham for 1000 ewes, getting $1.25 a head to boot. Nat Webb has bought from Arthur Minor 1700 lambs at $2.25, and 2400 ewes of mixed aires at $3. Also bought from John Haves 2100 ewes at $3.25. Nat will continue to run 2500 sheep near Flottville, on Rock creek. HEPPNER REGION BEST. Nat Webb is a pisneer of the coast who knows the whole country. He has bad sheep in the Heppner country for 24 years, and a few years ago trans ferred most of his interests to Idaho. Now he has sold his sheep in Idaho and re-invested $18,000 of the money right back in Morrow county. MARRIED. Guy Huston and Miss Elsie Farmer of Smile were married yesterday and registered at the Palace Hotel last night, starting this morning on a bridal trip to Portland. HOTEL HEPPNER. This well kept house is centrally lo cated on the west side of Main street, Heppner, and has good rooms and a bountiful table, at reasr-.able rates. The Heppner and Cam on City stage starts from the Hotel Heppner daily, except .Monday, and noes throuuh in 24 hours. The Telepliono Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, on went side of Main street, keeps tiret clans rigs mid saddle horses, ami takes the heist of care of them. . H. A. Thompson, Proprietor of nllThiee. $100 KKYVAKD. A rewind of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing horses branded E. D. or on loft 8iilK. T. J. Mati-ock, J, M. Kkk.nbv. WHEAT, WOOL AND , STOCK. ., ;. - . Portland, Nov. 14. Wheat market was flying tbe distress signal again yesterday, the East indulg ing in a slump of over 1 cent, while tbe European markets were decidedly soft. In the local market, there was plenty of wheat offering at the prices which pre vailed, the day previous,, and at least one lot of 50,000 bushels of Walla Walla was sold at better than 55 cents before the Eastern and foreign markets Btruck bottom for the day. Later, 55 cents was an outside quotation and there was not much disposition to do business even at that figure,, . There is an easier feeling in freights which is helping the local market somewhat. Recent charters have been made at a rate enough under the high point reached, to enable the price of wheat to hold fairly steady in this market, even when there is a de cline in Europe. If the foreign market improves, however, much of the ad vance will go to ships as the supply is not increasing fast enough to have much effect on the statistical position. Wool Valley, 1213c for coarse, 1516c for best; Eastern Oregon, 1013c; mohair, 25c per pound. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 2535c; medium-wool, 3050c; long wool, 60$1 each. , San Francisco, Nov. 13N Wool Spring Nevada, ll13c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014; Valley, Oregon, 16 18c. Fall Northern, mountain, 9 10c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c ; Humboltand Mendocino, 10 12c. Chicago, Nov. 13 Cattle Receipts 6500; market generally steady; prime steers $5.305 90 ; poor to medium, $4 30 5.25; Blockers and feeders, slow, $3.754.80; cows, $2 60(?4.25 ; heifers, $2.552 75; canners, -$1.252.50; bulls, $2.254 50! calves, active 14(36.00: Texan fed steers, 4 005.00; Texas grass steers, $3.354.10 Sheep, receipts, 19,000. Sheep and lambs opened strong, closing shade easier. ; . . . - . Choice wethers, H004.40; fair to choice mixed, $3.804 10; . Western sheep, $4.004.35; Texas sheep, $2.50 3.60: native lambs, $4.405.40; West ern lambs, $4.855.40. With "Wolf Thompson in the Woods. Ernest Seton-Thompson, the art ist, naturalist and author, is to con tribute a series of most interesting artioles to The Ladies' Home Journal. They may be called an autobiography of the author of "Wild Animals I Have Known," as they will recount his experiences and encounters with all sorts of voracious animals that inhabit the American wilds the most interest ing features of a life filled with ex ploit and adventure. The article will be illustrated by Mr. Thomp son's own drawings of his friends of forest and plain. The horse cannery at Linnton is going to be turned into a fruit cannery as soon as it runs through another 1000 head of cultus cayuses. A Llf and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Hines, of Manchester, la. , writing of bis almost miraculous esoape from death, says : "Exposure after measles indnoed serious lung trouble, wbiob ended in Consumption. I bad frequent hemorrhages and coughed nigbl and day. All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, whloh com pletely cured me. I would cot be with out it even if it cost 85 a bottle. Hun dreds bave used it on my reoommenda tion and all sny it never fails to cure throat, obest and lung troubles." Regular size 50o and $1. Trial bottles free at Conser & Warren Drug Oo. MISSING MAN. The Ukiah Sentinel says: J. P. Weeks, who for four months has been in the butcher business at Pilot Rock, Bkipped the country Friday, and his friends are out over $1200. J. B. McDill, of Pendleton, is loser $300 on security. Weeks formerly conducted a butcher shop in Ukiah. After disposing of his interests here be went to California, re turning to Pilot Bock last spring. He has a wife and two children who, like his debts he left behind. ' ' Glorious Newa Gomel from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes : "Four bottles ot Eleetrio Bitters has oured Mrs. Brewer ot scrofula, wbiob bad caused ber great fluttering for years. Terrible 'Bores wonld break out on ber head and faoe, and tbe best doolora oould give no help; but ber cure is complete and ber bealtb is exoellent." This shows what thousands bave proved tbat Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It a tbe in preme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rbenm, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, belps digestion, builds up tbe strength. Only 60c, Bold bv Conser St Wsrren Drug Oo. Guaranteed. Ha Feolad tha Surgaona. All doctors told Reniok Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O , after suffering 18 months from rectal fistnls, he would die unless a costly openrtiou wns performed; but he enred himself with five boxes of Buekleo'i Arnioa Halve, tbe surest pile cure tin esrtb, aud the best salve in tbe world. 25 oents a box. Sold by Conser & wsrren Drug uo. Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARXESS OIL U uecmaled by any other. Renders hard leather soft. 1 Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never bums the leather ; its Efficiency is increased. tecures best service. titcb.es kept from breaking. Oil s sold in all Localities M&nuftu'turffd by Standard Oil Conpaar. pi irk CiiSIS m lit ALL tlSl tillS. Start jM'ih 8 rup. 'i'aruwU'iud. Vm 1 X S"r,VJ f?s IT! CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. : - Monday, Nov. 19, Circuit Court will convene in Heppner, Judge W. R. Ellis on the bench. Tbe following cases will come up : D Hirl vs J L Waldron ; G W Phelps for plaintiff, J H Lawrey for defendant. Ladd & Tilton vs J II Gemmell ; W H Dobyns for pi. .- J W Smith vs A T McNay ; C E Red field for pi. H W Bartholomew vs John Edwards; C E Redfield for pi, G W Phelps for deft C T Walker vs C B and J E Baney ; W H Dobyns for pi, C E Redfield for deft. - Ricbet Co. vs Jennie Willingham and HA Thompson; G W Caldwell and C E Redfield for pi, G W Phelps and J W Morrow for defts. . W P Scrivner vs 8 Florean ; C E Red field for pi, G W Phefps for deft. E GSperry vs Frank Wiis; W II Dobyns for pi. . , ; D E Uiiman vs T A DriskeJJ; C E Redfiefd for pi. ' ! Belle Lafande vs R M Hart; G W Pheps for pi. R Davis vs Margaret Haney; W H Dobyns and R J Fieming for pi. Geo Lawrence Co vs D W Horner & J A Thompson as administrator ; C E for pf, G W Phefps for deft. Francis McCabe vs Jerry Brosman; Morrow & Rea for pi. State of Oregon vs upon relation to J D French vs Andrew Cook ; contest for office of road supervisor; GW Phelps for pi, C E Redfield for deft. Taylor Thompson vs J 0 Hayes ; G W Phelps for pi. Equity cases as follows : Sarah F Padberg vs Henry Padberg, divorce; C E Redfield for pi, G W Phelps for deft. ' i. CokeEwingvs Jennie Ewing, divorce; SADGurley for pi, ' C E Redfield for deft, .' i ' Mary BrosraBn ys Jerry Brosman, divorce; G W Phelps for pi, J W Mor row for deft. Mamie Lake vs John Lake, divorce: G" W Phelpi for pi. Berths Gardner vs Wm Gardner, divorce ; Morrow & Bea for pi. Ida Bordwell vs John Bordwell, di vorce ; C E Redfield tor pi, G W Phelps for deft." . . , ' O E Farnsworth vs A T McNay and J W Smith ; Morrow & Rea for pi. " Mollie Curran ys ' J W Curran, di vorce; G W Phelps for pi. Sarah Walker vs H S! Walker, di vorce ; G W Phelps for pi. . Con McGonagal vs First National Bank of Heppner; G W Phelps for pi. Tha Appatita of Goat la envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All snob should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at Conser & Warren Drug Co. Heppner Lumber Go R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, siocKea wnu an biuus oi Rough and DresBed Lumber, Doors, screen uoors, And everything appertaining to a flrsi-claea Lumber Yard, Tbey will after Marob 1 deliver lnmber to any point Id tbe city limits free of charge. These gentlemen also bny and sell real estate, rent bouses, write inanrHtoe. If yoa have any property to sell or rent, pat it in their hnnds, or if yon need any thing else in their line be sore to consult tbera first. Tbey will respond promptly to 'phone oall No 7. t WOOD and COAL : , The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, ' ' ! i; E. A. :Beaman; proprietor, is now selling ,and ..delivering FIRST-CLASS rMJEIy ..., , I at reasonable prices. Fir, Pine and Oak Wood. Satisfaction First Rational Jank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA. ......President T. A. RHEA Vio-President ' Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE OK ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collections made, on all poInUon reuonble terms. Surplus and undivided profits 35,000. The Most Money For Your Wool win lie secured by sending it to rwopla who caa aMordtohok aid tt for you until market . BOOUh to the large buyers and milulacturers. i Wo aro the Largest Wool Houso In tho West, kmmMktg mmnmmHr ra 18.000.000 Ibm. at mooi. we bare the beat and lightest lofu. W h. aa to quantity and qi uauty ot wool and aa liberal advanoaa on oona money thus losmd. We sum twins. Ws mail our Circular nd auuuuaV IV.. I M . - . urjitv See FranK H. Johnson, Agent, t Palaoe Hotel, Heppner, Lazy Livers wn mmmf ttrew tbe,eue of wiooa dwmm. KlaT per ont of tha .Amartoaa neople ara said to be trauble wltb Utw aad storaaoh aoaplainta anoh at constipation, Snzfcwwa, (adlratioB, biliouauesa, uwtah ft Tar, eto. Baldwin's Health Tablets No. 25 QTMOMna and rare these Ula. Theas tablet aot u a gentle laia tire. They make tbe liver aad ttomaeb. do their duty a they should. Th moet obstinate oases yield to these little tablet. They cost tie and can be procured at Patterson & Son, Heppner SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE of Oregon for the County of Morrow. Bertha Gardner, Plaintiff, V vs. Summons. William Gardner, Defendant. ) To William Gardner, the above-named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 80th day of November, 1900, said date being six weeks from October the 18th, the date of the first publication ot this summons, and you will take notice that If you fail to appear and an swer said complaint on or before said 80th day of November, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against yon (or the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree for ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff. You will also take notice that this summons is served upon you bypublication in pursuance of an order of the Hon. Vt . R. Ellis, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oragon for the Sixth Judicial district, which order is dated on the 9th day of Oct., 1900, and made at chambers at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, and such order perscribed that service of this sum mons should be made on you by publication thereof in the Heppner Gazette not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks G. W. KSA and J. W. Morrow, 804-10 - Plaintiff's Attorneys, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL nersons havlnir claims against the estate of H. P. Merritt, deceased, to present the same witn the proper vouchers thereof to u. 15. Kea Seld, administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of said H. P. Merritt, deceased, at his place of doing business in the city of Heppner, Morrow county, State of Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated November 7, 1900. C. E. Rkdfueld. Administrator with the Will annexed of the estate ol H. P. Merritt, deceased. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street, Oregon, and have their yard fully Windows, ShiDgles, Moulding and Rock Springs and Roslyn Coal. Guaranteed. O. W. CONSER. .......... ....Cashier E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier th i. .... w-.v to methods of doirur buaimwa. w nk -TSfT,' l-'j y ml fri?i tha low rate of 5 per cent, per annum for XrlltiJ outmni with fraawool aaoka and sowing lUar to all who ask for It. Giww prioea on all classes irrades of wool and the existing market eon SILBERMAN BROS. 122-124.12B.12a MosIgm Strvmt, CHICAGO, ILL. Beautiful Iron Bedsteads $5 to $15. A New and Complete Stock of Sofas, Tables, Bed room Sets, Pi I lows and Mattresses, all grades. Upholstering, Picture Framing, Sewing Machines, Window Shades, Undertaking. J. Iv. YEAGBR, Next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's, Main Street, Heppner. -AT T. R. HOWARD'S STORE, Main street, you can find All well adapted to Staple and Fancy Groceries- line Teas and Coffees. OT. R. HOWARD, Heppner. H. A. THOMPSON, Proprietor of the LI7ERY. FEED ui "All STABLE On West Side of Main St., Heppner. , Hay and Grain bought and Bold. First-class Rigs and Saddle Horses always kept for livery at reasonable rates. The very best facilities kept tor taking care of teams left in our charge. Give me a trial and be convinced. CHEAP PA8TUKE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W. Bedington, at Gazet office, Heppner. A Remington breech-loading single shot-gun for sale at $12. Gazette office. Dkfart TIME SCHEDULES Abbivi ChleaRO I'ortland Special 9 a. m. Salt Lake. Denver, 4:30 p. m. rt. norm, umana, Kansas City, tjt. Louis, Chioago, and East. Atlantic Express 9 a. m, via. Hunt ington, Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. m. t. worth, Umaha, Kansas City, St Louis. Chicago and East, Atlantic Express 7-45 a. m. Via. Spo kane. . Walla Walla. Lewis- 6:20 p.m. ton, Bpokane, Min neapolis, St. raui, Duluth, Milwau kee. Chicago and East. 8.00 p. m, OCKAH STBAMSHIFI 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All sailing dates subiect to chanire. For Han Francisco Sail every 5 days 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia Rivkb Stbambbs. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday To Astoria and Way uraaings. 0:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday WlLLAMBTTB RIVIb 4:80 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City. New Berg, Eaiem ana W ay Landings. 7:00 a. m WlLLAMBTTB AND 8:30 p. m. Won., Wed. and Fri. Tues.. Thur, Yamhill Rivbbs. Oregon City, Day ton it Way Land ings. ana sat. Bmaki Rivbb. Lv. Rlparia 8:35 a. m. daily Lv. Lewlston 9 a. m. daily Rlparia to Lewlston Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at 7:45 a. m. No. 10 arrives at 6:30 p. m. Dally except Sunday. Paaaangera booked for all Foroign Countrioa. J. M. KERN AN, Agent. Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S obt UUSEUU OF ANATOKW 1061 MARKET It, (AN FRANCISCO, CAL . ThtUrffMt Anatomical la Ik Wu-14. BmttH attrmiMm In tha Cttf. A WaahBMM. or aoy contract 4dllaM,altlTlyareltr ( Wl Oldttt 6pcUltiCull IU "-Tift DR. JORDAN-PRIVATE DISEASES Yaff and wiadl ' from U aCtacts ( vouttlai lodl-1 1 yaarm, Itarrouiandphyaleai UtUllt,In. , 9ntrmT. 1. t Mm itui Mall luanmna. ' erauoiM at itnti in biiiiim. I cations; SprmiiurrlMM, PrMta rnvm, nuirrtn, vitti rrmnwi ' I r I rInittInK, vie. Hy a eombliiaitoa of i n-meilKw, of rt curalW pawn, tbe Doctor only i iim mj nrraiK'u nin Hminpni IUH l will not . immdint . , but pormaiwnt ( I euro. Tho Dot-tor don not claim lo perform 1 miracle, but la well known t b I i fair i i aquaro Physician and 8ur(pon. rrr tmlnaw I tu hiaTWlalty-Dlaraaoa mt rPHII.il th,.rvMlM rA.A ' , mi- a. i,u. wiwiom in oaeoi narfary. t , Tra.wi flited by an Expert. BUInl ' tare for KibIhm. A nnlhr and , , 'ir., viaaairai nn iaaaial5y i I - - ' -ti i.i (.(.init-aa wiuiuua rvtiRT H AN aoDlrlna-muawIM rmtw I our x'H up, .,,. .f hiaroniplalnl. . ' Tl viU HvnrmtM a FiHiITlVM CUSXtt inu iauoii FHr.K ana ttnetiy pnvata. CHARGES VKSY KKASONABLM. Traalmant praiunilr or by loltor. M'rHo fir Hook. PHitmarnr ntRHItfit. Maiikh Frbbv I. ralaatua I dook ior mvn. i.ii or wrtta OA. JORDAN ft. CO.. 1081 Marktt St. S. . i Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, Tinware and Furnishing Goods, either City or Country Trade. Gopd Goods.... Fair Prices.-- Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has just been opened to the public and Mr. Oordon, the proprietor, kindly invites bis friends to call and try his first-class accommodations. nm-ty o Hay lxl& 3-rn,1 -n. fox BmXm Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm. Scrlvner's and A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops. For the ladies A fine horse and lady's saidle leArnautolSS 246 o utter br., San Francisco, p.ipers and they are experts the best weekly published west of New York. No paper on the Pacific Slope is so widely copied as is the Argonaut. It is noted for its short stories, its bright New York and Kuropean let ters, us uninue departments, and its vigorous Ameri can eauonais. For the Argonaut is American first. last, and all the time. The Argonaut Subscribe for NQUCE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Oct, 23, lauo Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow countv at Heppner, Oregon, on December 6, 1900, viz: THOMAS J. KILKENNY, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 8439, for the northwest section 13, township 2 south, range 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank McKnlpht, Andrew Tillard, Terrence Williams and John Sheridan, all of Heppner, Ore. 805-10 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, I AND Othce at The DalleB, Ore., Nov. 7. 1000. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention" to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, U. S. commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on Friday, December 21, 1900, viz: LEWIS KINNEY, of Heppner, Ore., HomeBtead entry No. 7102 for the north ft southwest H section 22, township 1 south, range 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harry Bennett, Frank (iriffeth, Benj. F. Swaggart and Evan Greger son, all of Heppner, Ore. 807-12 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at Tbe Dalles, Or., October 3, 10. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday. November 16, lsuo, viz: NELLIE Q. 8TEPHEN8, formerly Nellie (i. Baaey, of Heppner, Oregon, Homestead entry No. 6746, for the west $ smlh eaat Sa. northeast H southeast and southwest northeast A lection 15, township 8 south' range25EWM. She names the following wittneasea to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Pat-lck Spillane. John Hickey, SeeDriskell and Edward Driskell, all of Heppner, Oregon. 803-8 Jay P.Iocas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND office at The Dalles, Or., O-tober 11. 1C00. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has riled not'ee of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will l.B nm.'u hi iore J. W. Morrow. Tniivd states commis-ioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on November 17, l'.i, viz: JOHN C. HlRT. of Hihnr1, n,e , Homestead entry No -1:157 lor the southeast V northeast. ersi 14 anutlicatf Vi an-l s,Milhw(t 4 southeH-t teciinn , towiiahin i south, range SiEWM. He names the following witrece. a !n prove hia continuous residence ur-011 unit culth ailon of said land, viz: M. I. Cantwell. W . M.nor, Ihos. Morgan and Hiram Clark ail of Heppner, Oregon. K 1 8US-8 Jay P. l.ri AS, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTKKlOK. I.ANII Office at M Grande, Ore., October B. I-.KXI. Notice la hereby given that riie inllmv-Ing-named settler has filed notice ni tils inten tion to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the Uountv Clerk of Morrow countv, at Heppner Or., on November 21, l!KW, viz: Hometcvd entry No. 7J0I. HERMAN A. YOCL M. of Heppner, Or . For the northeast ? southeast '4, southeast w northeast V4 and lota 1 and 2 suction 6, town ship 4 aouth, range '.7 E W M. He names tho following wltnefuma to prove his eontlmioue refilence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jerry Phillips. Jiweph hotter Larfette Panland and Louie Uroabeue. all of Heppner, Creggp. M i ' e, vt, Babtutt Rcnmtsr,