The Heppner Gazette Thursday Nov. 15, 1900 THAVKliEB'8 GDIDE. . DISTANCES Heppner to Mllei Portland 197 Pendleton by wagon road 60 Lexington g lone 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 46 Arlington 65 The Dalles , J09 Canyon City , I.I 104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18 Train leaves daily except Sunday' for all points at 8:16 a, m. Train arrives daily except Sunday from all over the world at 3:16 p. m. Mails close for trains at 7:80 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek and Canvon City leave dnilv nxnnnt Rnnrinv t o i. ui.; arriving av oa, m. aisiance KHJauyon 104; time 24 hours. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 8,245,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate Is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, City water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. Here and Tfyere Circuit court Monday. City council meets next Monday evening. Quite a few new buildings are being erected in Heppner. John Jenkins is laying a solid stone foundation for Frank Roberts' new house on the sightly bench north of the court house. A. Abrahamsick's new residence is all enclosed and will soon be ready for occupancy. Hon. Henry Blackman is still sicka bed, but hopes to soon be np and a round. The ordinance forbidding chickens to tramp around on the streets has be come the laughing-stock of all , the Plymouth Rox and Polkadottes in town, and they will fly over tbe highest fence to violate it. The Wheeler county court has or dered, that the law compelling stock men to remove obstructions caused by driving their stock along county roads, be strictly enforced, and that road sup ervisors be notified to that effect. A brick court house is to be built at Fossil, and bids for the work will be opened Jan. 9. During tbe past week Heppner lias been enjoying delightfulfall weather. Ed R. Bishop and wife are enjoying a visit t' California. Waldon Rhea bought a small bunch of fine yearling steers from Uucle Jim Neville Saturday and took them to the home ranch on lower Rhea creek. Milt. Morgan has gone over on the John Day to buy eheep. News floating up from Lexington is to the effect that the pioneer cloud guide there is daily expecting the ar rival of a partner in answer to his ad vertisement in matrimonial papers. VV. W. Smead returned Friday from Nome. Mrs. L J. Estes has a few choice jackets left which she will sell . way be low cost. Queen olives in bulk at Matlock & Hart's. The very choicest of canned and dried fruits are always kept on hand at the grocer; store of T. R. Howard. If you want to buy a small or large home in Heppner, inquire of the Gazet office. Try Cream of Wheat for breakfast. Always on hand at Bishop's. Also choice cod fish. ' A dastardly outrage was perpetrated at The Dalies Saturday night; tbe base ment of the Christian church - was entered and several of the ' fixtures smashed. A reward of $25 is offered for the vandals. Merritt Frizzell bas sold bit Trail fork ranch to Josh Hardie for $1000 and $900 worth of sheep. Henry Villard died Monday near New York. He gave the Northwest its first railroad push to the front, and gave , $50,000 to the Oregon State University. Over at Spanish Gulch Keeley A Bu bois have put up a quartz mill. Call and see tbe immense stock of winter goods at Mrs. L. J. Estes', sec ond door from post office. Prices rea sonable. Matlock & Hart's store is being filled to its utmost capacity. Drop in and ask for what you want. They have it. Drop in at Bishop's and get a pound of their apple butter. ' Ben Watkins is back from Alaska set tling up with the estate of his deceased partner, Pel Siraerson. Ben made noth ing io the Klondike, but bas good pros pects at Nome. He and Oa Burch sep arated quite a while back Heppner people who have been puz zled at the sweet sounds floating in through the Sam Donaldson canyon now know tne cause. The Mt. Vernon brass band is again in a state of erup tion. Fascinators, zephyr shawls, and new line of silk, satin and worsted waists at Mrs. L. J. Estes at bed rock prices. The Sand Hollow machine started in today threshing Daii Stalter's wheat. Orrin E. Farns worth yesterday bought two stout sets of. work harness from No b e&Co. If you want a fine set of bug gy harness with which to surprise your wife, see those that Geo. Noble haa just received. Dr. House and Dr. Kistner are both back from their trips to Portland. Tom Rhea returned Tuesday Irom a viist to Arlington. Geo. W. Wells has sold his interest in the Conser 4 Warren Drug Co. to Alfred L. Ayers. Heini's mince meat at Bishop's, 15 cents a pound LOCAL NOTES. County Surveyor J. J. McGee Tues day went down: to the pioneer Cecil ranch to run out some lines and shoot some dux. Nat Webb Jr. came over Tuesday from Walla Walla, which be says is now one of the liveliest towns on earth. Nels Magnusen came np yesterday from Lexington) where be says wheat is rapidly moving toward tbe seaboard. T. R, Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Why make-mince meat, when you can get as good and cheaper than you can make it. at Matlock & Hart's. Everett White returned Monday merit from Portland, where he left bis wife in St. Vincent's hospital, where she was doing welt and will be able to return home in a few weeks. Burt Sira nH come home on Monday's train, bringing his wife, whose healtL is rapidly improving. In Fox Valley Win. Shank has bought the Carter place and is improving it. Canbv, near Oregon City, Is having an. epidemic of diphtheria, and the schools have had to close. The finest line of bulk pickles that ever cam to town at Matlock & Hart's. Sour, sweet and dills. Pickled pigs' feet, salt salmon, her ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart's Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles. has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroora is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. ' Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T, R. Howard s store. ANOTHER BIG DEAL. The 3000 acre" of tu old Nelse Jones ranch tha' Art Minor recently so'd to Bill Punlund was re-sold this week by Bill to John Hayes for $12,000. John will run on the place 4000 head of tbe Webb & Valeer sheep. Geo. Hntford recently bought from Art Minor aelici off the lower end of this ranch, 2200 acres, at $9000. A t PRESENT OF ' VALUE. . A very beautifiil'and valuable present is to be given their customers by the Patterson & Son up-to-date Di ng Store. It is a toilette and manicure Bet of 15 pieces, genuine ebony, with sterling silver ' trimmings, a most beautiful creation. It is attrncting much atten tion in tbe Patterson . window. With every purchase of 50 cents and over, you are given free a ticket entitling you to a chance in winning this beautiful prize. You may be the lucky one who will win in the drawing on Christmas ere. The day is not distant when eyery inch of land will he deeded and doubled up in price. If you want to buy a good 824-acre place at 85 an acre, call on J. VV. liedington, (jazette othee. LINGERING LETTERS. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners for letters addressed as follows: Habelt, Frank J Hunsaker, Laura A Jones, A Edwin Ridge way, J H Rippeltoe, James Shantle, John Ask for "advertised." GIRL WANTED. A small family in Heppner wants to hire a girl or woman to do general housework without washing. Apply at Gazette office. MOUNT .HOOD SHIRTS. - Of course you want to encourage home industry. So when you want shirts, ask at the stores for Hount Hood shirts. They are made . at Portland by ileischner, Mayer & Co., who give em ployment making them to a large num ber of girls. They are well made and always give satisfaction. NOW FOR TREES. I am now prepared to take orders for fruit, shade and ornamental trees, grape vines and small fruits, loses and shrub bery, which have heen grown without irrigation by The Dalles Nurseries. I will canvass Morrow and Grant eounties for both spring and fall delivery, and in all cases guarantee satisfaction. My address is Hardman, and I will see tbat all stock is promptly delivered. Harry Cummings. NOTICE TO HORSEMEN. One hundred horses wanted, from 4 to 8 years old; weight, 950 to 1150 lbs j solid colors ; must pass government in spection ; must be saddle broke. Bring ttiem to Heppner xtov. ZUtu. for further particulars see Frank Roberts, Heppner, Or. HAVE IT DONE HERE. Home industry is the corner stone of the prosperity of most communities Send away for nothing- that you can get at home, and keep the cash here, lbe Heppner Steam Laundry does , good work and bas modern machinery and full facilities. , Clothing .called for and delivered. , cred kruo. LOST. A pair of new boots done np in paper parcel, between the Fair Store and W. r, Dntton'a ranch, Monday evening. Name was on package. Finder will be rewarded. U. A. Psttys, CLOTHING TO ORDER. The man who wants good, well-wear ing and well-fitting Clothing can have it made by me at prices that will beat those of any otoer tailor in this section My stvles are the latest and my work is the best. Shop on Main street, same building as Vr. Metzler's omce. J. H. Bode. To remove troublesome corn or bun ion: First soak the corn or bonion in warm water to soften it, then pare it dowo as elosely as possible witbont drawing blood sod apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily; robbing viaor onsly fir five minntes at eaeb .police tion. A corn plaster sboold be wore for s few days, to protect it from the shoe. Asa general liniment for sprains, bruises. Ismtnese and rbeamatiem. Pain Balm is aatualel. Vet tale by Center A Warrsa JUS A WAITIN'. Jas. J. Montague, the talented as sistant city editor of tbe Oregooian, takes time from his Innumerable duties to occasionally drop jnto poetry, and when be does, he always says some thing that exactly fits something. One of his latest,' in the Sunday Oregonian, is as follows: ' Seems t' me I'm always waitln', an tbe days goes awful slow. When tbe time for swimmln's over, then I'm waltln' for the snow, 'N when the snow is fallln' 'n I tint got no new sled, It seems to me that Christmas is a long, long ways ahead. 'N then when Christmas gets here all the snow ' is off the ground. 'N I Jus' keep a w-aitla' for my birthday to come 'round. But that don't never last long, 'n when It's gone away, I've got to jus' sit down again 'n wait for circus day. I get up in the mornin' 'n I Wait till half put eight, 'N then I got to go t" school, 'n when I'm there I wait, 'N keep a waltln' all day long, till school lets "out again; I got t' jus' run, play 'n wait tilt sapper's ready then. -'N after supper then I wait till time 't go 't . bid, , I'm always jus' a waitln' 'round for somethln' Jus' ahead. ' ' The growed up folks they've always got a lot o' things to do. But ijus' keep a waitln', an' I . bate It, Wouldn't you? BAD 1 FOR ! BUNCE. . Everybody would like - tot see A. M. Bunce, the big sbeopbuyer of Wyoming, come back and enjoy his spring vacation in the good climate of Heppner, and run mule races with Waldon Rhea. He is the hte of the town while here. . But the outlook for bis coming is bad, for be told Andy Stevenoon that unless Heppner sheep dropped in price he could not eome. ' There are no symptoms of a drop. HKiPPNER MABKBT FKICFX. Wool pertt.... .11 to 18 Wheat per bushel A2 to 45 Flour per bbl . 10 Oats per bushel .40 Barley per 100 lbs : 60 Hay, alfalfa, per ton ..7 00 (in stack at ranch)..... 5 00 Hay, wheat 7 to B (in stack at ranch) 7 00 Bacon per lb lZf 15 Lard per lb ...12 Beef, best, on foot . Beef, cut up 7 to 15 Butter per lb i& to 80 Eggs.. .25 Potatoes, new tolU Chickens, per dot J to 5 Dry Hides, No. 1, per lb , 15 Sheep Pelts, per lb , 10$ to U A TIMELY BOOK. J. C. Cochran, who is stopping at tbe Palace Hotel, has the Heppner agency for a very valuable book whose story everybody is interested in. It is the thrilling tale of the tidal wave at Gal veston tbat destroyed the city's most valuable property and lives. The book is a handsome, illustrated volume, which sells, at $1.50. It was written on the spot by John Coulter, the noted author and, and its pictures are from true photographs of pathetic and pitiful scenes in the devas tated districts. Everybody wants this interesting book, and Mr. Cochran will do his best to meet the great demand. If you want to buy a real cheap raDob, call - on or address Geo. Wells, Ueppnei. He has some places as low as $1.25 an acre, and will mail printed description free on request. HEPPNER CHURCHES. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. M. E. church, South. Services at 11 m. and 7 :30 p. m. Rev. F. M. Can- field, pastor. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. in. Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. a. Regular services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. J. W. Stockton, pastor, reaching every night at the Baptist church. Subject for tonight, 'Reasons for Concern for tne Salvation of Others. Rev Bndsoe, of Arlington, is expected to be here Monday, night to. assist tbe pastor in these meetings. 1 Episcopal church Rev. W. E. Pot- wine. Catholic Church Rev. Fathey Kelly. Services 3d Snnday in each month at 10:30 a. m. t Beginning Nov. 18. $20 REWARD. On the night of Oct 31 some one wil fully cut the leather dashboard my buckboard. It is desired that the per son guilty of such low-lived meanness be arrested and properly punished. W.' D. Lord. Home-seekers with meant, and invest ort sboold come here. On sooooot of the lowl prices at which its lands are offered, Morrow county expects to doable its nnmilntinn this Tftilr. tlnaA ln4 oa be bought here at 91.25 to So an acre. THE BEST. Bryan O'Lin and bis wlfa and ber mother W ent on to a bridge together; The bridge broke down and they fell In, We'll find ground at tha bottom, says Bryan O'Un. Also best Wines, Liquors and Cigars At Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Pro p. Heppner'a big 3-etory Palace Hotel ia a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted under tbe personal supervision of - its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. RED Ir'KONT STABLF. When you come to Heppner. nut an yoar team at tbe Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main St., opposite the brewery. They will reeeive the bestotcare. Bug gies, teams and saddle Horses for hire at . reasonable . rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. DISKS BROS. ' CASTOR I A -For Infants and Children, !he Kind You Hara Always Bcsgtit Bears the (Signature of A HUMMING - MILL. The wheels of home industry are now whiazing. . Tbe Heppner Flouring Mill, with its new and improved machinery, 30,000 bushels of the best wheat on earth and a race full -tof watery is now turning out the best flour In the world. ' Tbe mill is running until midnight, and will soon increase time to all night. Manager Houston has orders ahead for 600 barrels, and Miller C. J. Ehrmann will soon catch up by pushing the mill to its full capacity of 80 barrels a day. Tbe Heppner mill is a well-lighted, roomy, substantial structure, and the mass of new spouts, swing sifter and other inventions that have been added to it bring it right up to date. SPECIAL By special arrangement with other publishers, the Heppner Gazette ' l t. Vl. i. l- I i ib Bnauiuu iu uihko i'it uui i nine I To every new subscriber who pays iS nna VAnr tha Now Vnrb Tri.lVoatlv the Heppner Gazette. All three papers for one year for $1.50. t Present subscribers to the Gazette who pay np all back dues to date and pay 1 year in advance, can get scribers. FREE, With Every 50 Cent (or over) Purchase, ' i A Lovely Ebony Toilette Set, .1 5 pieces, with sterling silver trimmings, in a hand some leatherette case. To be;given away on Christmas Eve. You may hold the Lucky Number., The Set Is now on Exhibit In our window. i. PATTERSON & SON, Up-to-Date Druggists, Heppner. mjt4 ' " I XsW x r I am bound for NOBLE & CO!Sj Heppner. tO'gBt one of the Best Saddles on Earth, and several other good articles in the ,way of Horse Furniture. : ; Ihave for sale several Morrow County ranches at such ;lovr pric ep that one crop will repay Mthe entire purchase price. I. X. L. Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. P.iDoherty, Proprietor, Free Reading Room Gentlemen ere 'invited to come in and be comfortable, nd read ' papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable piece. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very best quality. A fair share of tbe public patronage is solicited. I The White is King of Sewing Machlneg and Bicycles. White Sewing Machine Co. 11&faTX2vnuMci. Gilliam & Bisbee, Heppner, Dealers ia u " HERE lAND THERE. Bishop Potter, of New York, is trying to figure out 'which is worse the obsequious flunkeyism of the common people abroad or the free and-easy manners of the indepen dent American citizen. On his last visit to England the 1 Bishop ' "was addressed as "xour Grace ' until the phrase became a nightmare. When he armed ' home again : it happened that the first perse n to address him as he walked down the gang-plank was a longshore man, who knew him. "Hello, bish, how are you?" said the man.1 and the Bishop is wendering which of the two styles is best. OFFER. i ... . ... . ) tne iouowing noerai oner: $1.50 will be mailed postpaid for S Wa.M tl WabItIh A.Ai.Ant.ii .nJ ' J in on this offer same as new sub- J GEO. W. WELLS. C. A. HAWKINS, General Manage White" Bieyles and Sewing Machines Simond's Cross Cut Saws Sewing Machines Sanitary Stills Boss Washers Hose and Sprinklers Lawn Mowers AT Ed. R. Bishop's. j Hi aDl I kes I I make to order, when wanted, H. A. BMERSON, Main street, West side, THE BAIN WAGON ' Is one that everybody knows. ! It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain . Wagons ever brought to Heppner. Call and See them. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural implements, Wagons, Hacks, Mo., .faints and Oils (the best in the world). Crockery and Glassware. S. P. Garrigues, JVXolIix Street, Just Received, Sulkey and Walking Plows, all sizes and styles; Harrows Disc, Lever and Spring Tooth. Monitor and Superior Drills. NOW and Com- TT rwilr plete Stock of axuiivo anu Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. s 1 Highest price paid for fat Heppner, Oregon. For Constipation, Catarrh and General Debility, Slocum's Sarsaparilla. Everv bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction or money rfundod Trice, Olooum ruiS Call at my NEW HARNESS SHOP Bee tbe ew ood8 e very qunlity, at lowest cash prices. do Jobbing and Repairing, and Guarantee Satisfaction , acy article in the Harness line. , - - . - Heppner. Bisbee Prices are Rifflxt. Heppner. Canton Gang, n l A Tin rrmlra Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Stock. Rrif Mathews. Proprietors. 1 per bottle. 0 bottles for $5. Co., Main Street, Heppner.