Official Vote of Morrow County, Or., November 6, 1900. Zo You Want H o FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 12. Tilmon Ford, of Marion County . .Republican For President: WILLIAM McKINLEY. 13. J. 0. Fullerton, of Douglas County Republican 14. VV. J. Furnish, of Umatilla County Republican For Vice-President: 0. F. PaxtoD, of Multnomah County Republican J lUftUUUJUC RUUBlWij,!.!. 15. 16. 177 la" 197 20 2l7 227 237 24" 257 267 277 28. ia io7 3l7 Ernst Kroner, of Multnomah County Democratic-People's ) Walter M. Pierce, of Umatilla County. . . Democratic-People's Dell Stuart, of Multnomah County Democratic-People's John Whitaker, of Benton County Democratic-People's For President: WILLIAM J. BRYAN. For Vice-President: ADLAI E. STEVENSON. 158 163 89 164 89 15988 6451 6452 N. A. Davis, of Umatilla County Prohibition! N. F. Jenkins, of Josephine County Prohibition I C. F. Mills, of Yamhill County Prohibition F. R. Spaulding, of Wasco County .Prohibition For President: JOHN G. W00LLEY. For Vice-President: HENRY B. METCALF. T. V. B. Embree, of Polk County. Regular People's Lucua Henry, of Wasco County Regular People's J. L. Hill, of Linn County '. Regular People's John C. Luce, of Grant County Regular People's For President: WHARTON BARKER. For Vice-President: IGNATIUS DONNELLY. N. P. J. Folen, of Multnomah County Social Democratic) Joseph Meindl, of Clackamas County Social Democratic J. Frank Porter, of Baker County Social Democratic C. P. Rutherford, of Harney County Social Democratic For President: EUGENE VICTOR DEBS. For Vice President: JOB HARRIMAN 62 64 10 10 11 10 52' i 40' 7i 7 7 75 75 75 75 65 65 ,66 I 64 3 3 3 80 81 79 78 60 62 61 CI 5 5 5 6 98139 I 98,39 1729 1729 ,29! 29 6 6 6 6 20 21 19: 20 12 12 12 12 3821 3821 382224 382123 811 24 23 2423 2423 2423 18 18 10717 723 722 708 354 6358 61356 i 6342 41 40 41 42 3 4 2 7 27 28 26 27 Blank votes cast, 1. Defective voteB cast, 2. McKinley's plurality, 392. Total vote of ooutnty, 1206. Total registration, 1309. TO A SECOND GRAVE. Young Ten-Toes, 13th assistant sec retary of the tnuskrat department iu Chief Howlish Wampo's jurisdiction of the Umatilla Reservation, arrived in Heppner Tuesday. He came in a light back, and his load was a neat casket enclosed in a plain box. His journey was at the request of Columbia Dick, a brother red man, and tbey and two other Columbia started for the Blue mountains, a day's journey south from Heppner to bring back the body of Wah-pee-tab (which means Bell of the Blue Jays), a young woman wbo mem-a-loosed at the camas camp last summer. She will be re-interred among the rox and sage-brush along the Columbia, and the journey from her first grave to her second will cover a distance of 110 miles. In explaining the woman's death the Indians seemed to think it was caused by over-exertion in trying 'bard to breathe. IN CHINA. London, Nov. 5. Dr. Morrison, wir ing the Times from l'ekin, says : "The evidence in the Tao Ting Fu trial to fix the responsibility for the massacres showed that an American lady, before execution, was led naked through the city and that her breasts were cut off. The destruction of two temples is not an adequate punishment for such inhumanity. Advices from Tien Tain show that confusion, disorganization and ab sence of security are the chief charac teristics of the allied occupation. Tien Tsin, Oct. 28. The return of Li Hung Chang to Tien Tsin has brought about a marked change for the better in the native city. The people apparently still have the greatest confidence in the old Viceroy. Oen. Chaffee called on the Viceroy the day after his arrival from Pekin, and bad a long conference. LI expressed to the American commander bis keen desire for an absolute cessation of hos tilities, saying that, in bis belief, that was a necessary preliminary to a settle ment. As Viceroy of Chi LI be said he would promise that not again in his province would the Chinese take the initiative in hostilities. America he re gards as the neutral mediating power. All the armies now have the situation pretty well in band, a far as winter supplies are concerned, and every effort is being made to push forward prepara tions for the rigorous weather to which the troops will be exposed. Wherever possible the British, Japanese and Eur opean IroopB are being quartered in bouses. There is not a foot of roofage now vacant in the city. Every houee has been commandeered or rented, and rents for private dwellings have ad vanced 100 per cent. The large com pounds or walled grounds which usu ally surround dwellings in the East are all occupied as camps. These quarters are much sought after, as the thick brick walls, often 15 leet high, form windbreaks and are also utilized as one wall of a barracks, timber and matting roofs being coiiHtructed on the inner side. l'ekin, Nov. 8. The international commission has convicted the Chiuese grand treasurer, the Tartar governor of l'ao Ting aud a Chinese colonel with being accessory to the murder of Eng lish and American missionaries and they have been sentenced to death, ex ecution to occur shortly. Eight boxers who took a prominent part in the massacre of missionaries were discovered in Tien Tsin by the Germans and summarily shot. R.d Hot From Th. Gun Was the ball that bit O. B. Steadman of Newark, Miob.,io the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers thst no t rent men t helped for 20 years. Then Buck len's Arnioa Salve cured bun. Cores Outs, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile ortre on arlb. 25 ots. a box. tin re guaran teed. Sold by Cooser A Warren Drug Co. STRANGE STORY. R. D. Larson, stage driver on the On tario and Burns stage line, has recently had some queer experiences with a strange wild animal that haunts the road at an isolated point 30 miles be tween stations. The animal has the form of a man, but has the head of a cow. At comes down near the road and stands quietly as the vehicles pass. The driver has seen the creature sev eral times and had passengers on the stage one time to verify the report. The animal does not seem to be frightened by the presence of human beings, but on the other hand has a curiosity to in vestigate them. He makes no sound and has never been seen in the night. Larson has prepared to capture the thing the next time it shows up. It is supposed it is a ruse of some kind, but some agitation is being felt. It shows itself in the neighborhood of former stage hold-ups, and is in the vicinity of where Indians in former days did some of their worst work. Although the atranue thing frequently comes within 100 feet of the road in broad daylight, Larson is unable to say whether or not it is clothed. HOTEL HEPPNER. This well-kept bouse s centrally lo cated on the west side of Main street, Heppner, and has good rooms and a bountiful table, at reasonable rates. The Heppner and Canyon City stage starts from the Hotel Heppner daily, except Monday, and goes through in 24 hours. The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, on west side of Main street, keeps first class rigs and saddle horses, and takes the best of care of them. H. A. Thompson, Proprietor of allThiee. DEATH OF MRS LUCAS. The many friends of J. P. Lucas, register of The Dulles land office, are grieved to hear of his sudden bereave ment by the death of Iub wife, a moet estimable lady who was well known throughout Eastern Oregon. Mr. Lucas was for a long time clerk of Gilliam county, and all his old neighbors deeply sympathize with him. Distress aftereating ta auiaed from the stomach not begtnntnf its work Immediately. Vutil it gate to work you fuel dio. treosed ibe food lays I" your stom ach like a weight. To atari digestion to make ths stomeoh do Its work you must assist it If your stomach is weak or slow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken after meals supplies the stem, aek with neooMinry aolds and Juicies which digest the food quinklv in a proper maunur. To got the beet results use Baldwin's Health Tablets ?o. ! with the Dyspepsia Tablets, be Dyspepsia Tablets oust 6Ua aud am be bad at Patterson & Son, Heppner BIG BEEVES SCARCE. In the opinion of Geo. Kolgan, a Klamath county stockman, stall-fed cattle are soon going to bring better prices. He bas just sold in Portland 200 head of 2-year-old range steers. Bigger beef cat tie iave disappeared from Klamath ranges, and at the close of the present rush of range steers to market, stall fed critters will be in great demand at increased prices, thinks Mr. Kotgan. FATAL FALL. William llimmet, who has been work ing for Joe Williams, the keepor of Mountain Home station, 15 miles north of Ukiuh, mot with an accident last Friday which ont him his life. He and Mr. Williams wero in the woods cutting s tree, which fell the wrong way, striking the unfortunate man and killing him instantly. Sen tinel. TWO MEN KILLED. The Dalles, Nov. 4 A collision be tween a freight train and a switch en gine on the tracks of the O. 11. A N. here this morning resulted in the death of John McVey and Al Nash, both switchmen. GIRL WANTED A small family in Heppner wants to hire a girl or woman to do general housework without washing. Apply at Gazette office. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE A of Oregon for the County of Morrow. Bertha Gardner, Plaintiff, ) vs. Summons. William Gardner, Defendant. ) To William Gardner, the above-named de fendant. In the name of the Btate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint (ilea against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 30th day of November, 1900, said date being six weeks from October the 18th, the date of the II rut publication of this summons, aud yon will take notice that if you fail to appear and an swer said complaint on or before said 80th day of November, for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for iu her complaint, to-wit: Kor a decree for ever dissolving tlio bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plaintiff. You will also take notice that this summons la served upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Hon. V . K. Kills, Judge of me circuit court of tne btate 01 uragon lor tne Sixth Judicial district, which order Is dated on the 9th day of Oct.. 1900. and made at chambers at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, and such order perscrlbed that service of this sum mons should be made on you by publication thereof in the Heppner Gazette not less than once a week for six consecutive weeks . G. W. Kxa and J. W. Mokrow, 804-10 Plaintiff's Attorneys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons having claims against the estate of H. V. Merrttt, deceased, to present the same wnn me proper vouonera tnereot to ;. js. Ksa tleld, administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of said H. P. Merrttt, deceased, at his place of doing business In the city of Heppner, Morrow county, State of Oregon, within tlx months from the date of this notice. Dated November 7, 1900. C. E. RsnriiLO. Administrator with the Will annexed ol the estate of a. P. Merrttt, deceased. A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. Gordon's Feed and Sale Stable Has lust been opened to the public and Mr. Gordon, the proprietor, kindly invites his friends to rail and try his first-class accommodations. Plenty of Hay evud O-reAaj. fox SeU.e Stable located on west side of Main street between Wm, Scrlvner's aud A.M. G unn's blacksmith shops. For the ladles A One horse and lady's' saldle Wc6r?ovll IffycAHousffil "llTlftl3iltvnI ' rich and brU- JSVjT " Uiuntmw5,,l,, N odor. 2-V I wjjfjW M"nr "Vies. Sold M everywhere. 'I j ST M f A K D .T yvtT UIL H. L. JsfT--r BT-I M CUKtS WHtSnuXTLSt f AILS. LJ RtMt ('tuuh sWriin. Takim (.imuL In tt-im. Sold hT ttniwvlntn. I f 1 I III IlSi 1 Hlll-ldilVI.iJ The Most Money For Your Wool, will be secured by sending it to people who .ffneul a UrAA 1 A . ...fill I a. Hn.?t!rShnnLT,0w eJh6 c"'Me handling, srading end storing It. Who have stock enough to attract the largest buyers and manufacturers. We are the Largest Wool House In the West, w.u-.-rt.5fff9r WOO.OOO lb., of wool. Mta.n it.TJ , 8 me best reputation with the trade, both asto quantity and quality of wool and as to methods of doing business. We make We sin literal d...n..n. ...... Tl Tt muoiijcob. m. a. tne iow rate or a Der cent, rver annum rnr riT-Y 'ZSrSne ei75 TiSV m with free wool saoks and sewlns wme. weinauoururoularljettertoa na .n i Mid grades of wool and the existing market con- SILVERMAN BROS. 122-124-128-128 Michigan Strati, VHIBAOO, ILL. 1 KB iir,i3.Bi See Frank H. Johnson, Agent, at Palace Hotel, Heppner. AT T. K. HOWARD'S STORE, Main street, you can find . gi' Groceries, Provisions, Glassware, """il Tinware and Furnishing Goods, All well adapted to either City or Country Trade. Staple and Fancy Groceries- Fine Teas and Coffees. Good Goods.... Fair Prices: : i T. R. HOWARD, Heppner. flRST Jational Jank O. A. RHEA........ T. A. BHEA OF HEPPNER. President I O. W. CON8ER Cashier .Vio-President E. L. FREEL AND. .Assistant Uasbier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PAKT8 OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 35,000. WOOBandCOAL The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, E. A. Beamanj proprietor, is now selling and delivering FIRST-CIyASS FUBIv ' at reasonable prices. Fir, Pine and Oak Wood. Rock Springs and Roslyn Coal. Satisfaction Guaranteed ; Beautiful Iron Bedsteads $5 to $15. A New and Complete Stock of Sofas, Tables, Bed room Sets, Pillows and Mattresses, all grades. Upholstering, Picture Framing, Sewing Machines, Window Shades, Undertaking. J. X,. YEAGBR, Next door to Gilliam & Bisbee's, Main Street, Heppner. 6ILT-ED6ED INVESTMENTS? Write to me at Heppner, or call at Conser & Warren's Drug Store. ' GEO. W. WELLS. H. A. THOMPSON, Proprietor of the LIVERY. FEED ::d SALE STABLE On West Side of Main St., Heppner. Hay and Grain bought and sold. First-class Rigs and Saddle HorseB always kept for livery at reasonable rates. The very best facilities kept lor taking care of teams left in our charge. Give me a trial and be convinced. Heppner Lumber Co R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully stocked with all kinds of Eough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows, ShiDgles, Moulding and Screen Doors, And everything appertaining to a first-class Lumber Yard. Tbey will after Maroh 1 deliver lumber to any point in the city limits free of charge. These gentlemen also buy and sell real estate, rent bouses, write insqrsnce. If yon have any property to sell or rent, pat it in their bands, or if yon need any thing else in Ibeir line be sure to consult them first. Tbey will respond promptly to 'phone call No 7. CHEAP PASTURE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W. Bedington, at Gnzet office, Heppner. A Remington breecli-'oadinjit single shot gun for sale at $12. Gazette office. $100 REWARD. A reward of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing horses brRtided E. D, or -S- on left stifle. T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keenky. Depart TIME SCHEDULES Arrivk Chicago- Salt Lake Denver, 4:30 p. m. Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha, Special Kansas City, Ht, 9a. in. Louie, Chicago, and East. Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p.m. Expre8 Ft. Worth, Omaha, 9 a. m, Kansas City, St via. Hunt- Louis, Chicago Ington, and East, Atlantic Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p. m. Express ton, Spokane, Mln 7 45 a. m, neapolis, St. Paul, Via. Spo- Duluth, Mllwau kane. kee Chicago and East. 8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change, For Ban Francisco Sail every 6 days 8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivkb 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Stxamkrs. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way Landings. :00 a. m. Willamktti River 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, Salem and Way Landings. 7:00 a.m. Willahitti and 8:30 p.m. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivirs. Mon., Wed. and Sat. and Frl. Oregon City, Day ton 4 Way Land ings. 1 Smaki River. Lv. Rlparla Lv. Lewiston 3:35 a.m. Riparia to Lewiston 9 a. m. daily - daily NOTICE OF INTENTION. Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at7:45a. m. No. 10 arrives at 5:30 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Passengers booked for all Foreign Countries. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S orcat UUSEUD OF ANATOMY! tOt I MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL , (BMWMaautkiUSmaduJ I ""It . ThslarfntAaatomlsallCuMim I YP la U World. , OraaUW attrwMtm In City. U ' fffj snondwirt light fw tUUiot. i faflll WakmuIorDjroMti-Mt llf Coast, JSataoUthsaStyMra, I I Wl OB. JMOW-PilYATtBISIAStl I f Qf Taa aaa soa sMSIe i ' I I' wmm mmmm who aro autferin 4) (a (ram tb oCholo l foutklol lodl- flrttloM Or MHM ! BUIUW 'rm KonroaoanSplivilwIUoitliiaj.iBa. MttCBOT. LMl AaHBM4 la U lUBomall. I ottloiis; SpcrMMrrhaa. iroinf r- mm, vnorruM, vimi, rrn7 of l)rlnllB. M. Ut a oombliMttna ai ranodlcs, of f raat oaimMvo powor, tbo Poetw liu a Krraniad tali traa,taat thai It will oo ' only afford ImmeOlaio rHf, ut pormoiwnt i euro. Tbo Doctor dors an I claim Is perform ' mlraolm, but la well kaowa la bo a fair oas . square Phratelan and Surteen, nrMmloeat I U bitapaclalljr aloaaaoo mt llea. SJTPHII.IM thoroughly eraoioatod Cram I tba system without the usealMan-oairT. Truaaea fitted bT an Smart. A ad I em 1 euro (or Ruptnr. A quick and radleal Sirs (or Pllea. Fiaawrw and Plaialaa, b7 r. Jordan's special painless methods. ETEBT MAN ftPDlTlnrtooawlUroeolTO I our KonrH opinion of hiacomptalnr. . ' B' wui mmnl a POSITIVM CUMttt i eer com we mrtrfrre. consultation l lltt ana stnour pnvaua CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. Treatmeittperaooallv or by letter. Write (or Rook. PHILoejOPITT OF IM4RRI16E. Mailkd Faaa, (valuable dook tor mu,j tailor wnw DR. JORDAN CO.. 1081 ktariut St. S. K f DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Olttee at La Grande, Or., October 2, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that the following nainr-d settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, United Htates Commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on November 17, 1900, viz: Home Btead entry No. 8407, ETTA JR. MINOR, of Heppner, Ore , For the east 14 of southeast U. section 8. town ship 3 south, range 29 K W M. Hhe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Malerlln I). Clark, William Hipper, Enene Jones and Johny Covell, all of Heppner, Ore. 8U2 7 E. W. Bartlett, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande, Or., Oct. 23, 1900 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on December 6, 1900, viz: THOMAS J. KILKENNY, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 8439, for the northwest a section 13, township 2 south, range 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frank McKnlght, Andrew Tillard, Terrence Williams and John Sheridan, all of Heppner, Ore. 805-10 E. W. Bartlktt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., Nov. 7, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, U. 8. commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon, on Friday, December 21, 1900, viz: LEWIS KINNEY, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 7162 for the north southwest 4 section 22, township 1 south, range 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harry Bennett, Frank Griffeth, Benj. F. Swaggart and Evan Greger on, all of Heppner, Ore. 807-12 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION: DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Or., October 3, 1900. 1 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor row, United States commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on Friday, November 16, 1900, viz: NELLIE G. STEPHENS, formerly Nellie Q. Baaey, of Heppner, OregoD, Homestead entry No. 8746, for the west south east , northeast M southeast M and southwest !4 northeast H section 15, township 8 south' range 25 E W M . She names the following wlttnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Pat ick Spillane. John Hlckey, See Driskell and Edward Drlskell, all of Heppner, Oregon. 803-8 Jay P. Lucas, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND office at The Dalles, Or., October 11, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, United States commissioner, at Hepp ner, Oregon, On November 17, 1900, viz: JOHN C. HART, of Hilgard, Ore., Homestead entry No. 4357 for the southeast M northeast !. east H southeast H and southwest !4 southeast !4 section 22, township 2 Bouth, range 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: M. L Cantwell, W. O. Minor, Thoa. Morgan and Hiram Clark all of Heppner, Oregon. 803-8 Jay P. Lucas, Register. . NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at La Grande. Ore., October 6, 1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof m support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow countv, at Heppner, Or., on November 24, 1900, viz: Homestead entry No. 7204, HERMAN A. YOCUM, of Heppner, Or., Fo the northeast H southeast , southeast M northeast and lots 1 and 2 section 6, town ship 4 south, range 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, vii: Jerry Phillips, Joseph Potter, Layfette Penland and Louis Urosheus, all of Heppner, Oregon. 8U3-8 E. W. Bartlett, Register. At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make'a good home for some farmer or stock man.'; If not sold soon will be rented on shares'to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm. Penland and Jas. Hayes. Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner.