OFFICIAL PAPER WEEKLY GAZETTE Leads In Preatlge Leads In Circulation... Subscription Price, f 1.50 ' uu9 in news., WgEKLYgAZETTE Subscription price. $1.50 I IIU niSTAUlAIKlVi mi iTtM h: i V J 1 VM J U Tt TTT1 17 ITmr r " The Paper Is Published Strictly In the Interests of Morrow Countv ami it. The Heppner Gazette Is published every Thursday by ' J. W. RE DING-TON. Entered at the Postoffice at Heppner, Oregon, HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY NuvT Taxpayers. ranwam i . . i.piri 8, 1900, ornciAL SISSCTOBT. Sixth Judicial District. inrouit Judge. Stephen A. Lowell .vmniuui attorney n, j, Hean Morrow Connty Officials. J nnt (Senator... J, W.Morrow ..v''uiuv. js. u. Freeland C aniyJadge ... A. Q. Bartholomew t-ommiMioneri J. L. Howard J. W. Beokett. .., J,iwi,- Tawter Crawford 1 Sheriff... A.Andrews f Treasurer t M. Liohtenthal Assessor J. f. Willis . jjarveyor... JnUus Keithly ohool Sap't Jay W. Bhipley C ironer Dr. E. R. HnnJook Stock Inspector Henry Scherzinger HUPNBB TOWN OVFIOKRS. faTJti; Frank Gilliam IJouoyilmen.... 8- P- Garrigups, . oimons. J. J. Koberts, J5. W Rhea, G( . No Me and Thoe. Quaid. Kooorder J, P. Williams .rascirer ..u W. Briggs Marshal....... George Thornton HBRPNJtR SCHOOL DISTRICT, Directors Frank Gillirm. 0. E. Farusworth. IimiiiIiiiii ! AVegefable PreparationforAs- 1 similatinglheroodandRcgula- 1 ling the Stomachs andBowels of jj J.M Precinct Offloerf . Jnrtioeof the Peace W. A. Richardson i onstable g. 8. Gray United States Land Offioer. , , THB DALLIS, OB. Jay P. Lucas Register Otie Patterson Receiver . LA OBAKDB, OB. K. W. Bartlett R6Klstn. t O. Bwackhamer Receiver It is a fact that farms can be bought in Morrow county at such low prices ttiat their first coming crop will pay for wit? lanu. C E. Redfield ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce in First National Bank building. Heppner, Oregon. . G. W. Phelps , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon. Hl, .liHAHllBR I Promotes Digcstion.CheerfuF- ness and Kestxontains neither OWum,Morphine norMineraL NOTXAilCOTIC. fimpki Seal" JbcSmna Mums AfesoMfefcfe Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa jion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW VOHK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signi NO. 807 BrAKXLiJNti SOLDIER STORY. Gwendolen Ovkrton in Aeoonaut. ature jF fyfi ;illse For Ovfir EXACT CO0V OF WRAPRER. J. W. Morrow , ATTORNEY AT LAW and U. S. COMMISSIONER. Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or. . , , : r - . A. Mallory, U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC DDrnoli,e,,1. sl "s?.6. aU kind of land i Collections made on reasonable terms. Office at residence on Chase street. Government land script for sale. D. E Gilman GENERAL COLLECTOR. ' Put your old books and notes in his hands and get your money out of them Makes a specialty of hard collections. omce in J. N, Brown's building, Heppner, Or Dr. M. B. Metzler DENTIST Palace J. W. MORROW. Proprietor. Strictly First-Class A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel tvery Modern Cpnvenience. Drummers' Resort. There was no skeleton the in armor wnen uartpole found it; only Borne bauu anu a mm Die-weed, a rattle. snake, and a tarantula. The taran tula scuttled off, he killed the rattlesnake, and the tumble-wend and sand he emptied out. Then he had the armor done up 'in a shelter-tent aud put upon a pack mule. After which the column moved on. It should not, ' hava halted at all, for it was in pursuit of a band of Indians. But there were bands of Indians everv !nB and the finding of a full suit of armor lying under a mesquite bush oeeiae ine trail was rare. venaiuiy nanpoie naa never heard of such a thine. And. so far as he kijew, it was the only Bait of armor ever discovered on the New Mexico plains, but his lorn nn fho BUDject was not profound. When be got back to his two- company post on the banks of the Gila, he found the interest irt Iif which had been lacking for him up iw meu, ia eniarcina tnat know . edge. He sent East ior boobs and nistories and treatises concernino coats ot mail and the , men I who nave worn them, and he even want so far as to write to the Smithson ian Institution, at the risk of hav ing a government commission sent out at once to seize his treasure And in the interval of two months which elapsed before he received a reply for the railroad was onlv t,n Kansas in those davs he set ahnnt cleaning the armor himself, and w-ith his own hands joining it tn. gether. t ; ; He was so occupied, what with mai ana tne histories and othAr boobs, that he forgot to havn ftiU. bottom malaria and had no time to worry about the flies. Then, when the steel was once more brie-ht nn the azure shield of Achilles, and he naa proved to nis owu and everv one's satisfaction that it must once nave protected the bodv .of one of uoronaao's men, and must date from the middle of the sixteenth century, or thereabout, he hung it up in his one-room adobe quarters, along Wtn -ne Indian trophies iute were as notniug now and the bottled reptiles of umny sorts; and the fame of it spread through the land. An English lord in a pith helmet and gray linen, who was going about the country, traveled miles out of hia way to look upon it; and a scientific Dartv from TW ton did the same. HMrtmiln won beginning to be very nroud. when. one day, he had a visitor of an- sleep in his quarters and keep guard over his things. So it was into the luckless soldier's h mat tne knile was driven, and the next aay a telegram apprised Hart- piue mat nis striber was murdered "Where did you find it?" hA rsIta The lieutenant explained at some length. , "Is it very old?" Hartpole said it was at least three hundred and thirtv odd r A fir a old. and went intn a littio fj i..- ; D."WI";' u.j- j . au" U18 8U ot man was cone. know '' he said E.7th f 1 The d&y, after tbat a11 the HUOW, ne Said. iiUt that WB! HI) nurtnunt a.t a. manifestly absurd that Hartpole were on he -ar-pTtb and TavS i?7'?01- "Ifc cutthe eryatiC wee'bS is very fine." said Cieco. "Fnr ;if i if m' WC1C,1 "m8 how much will you sell it to m mtdicITan 3 TffJMJ iaturaiiy, Martpole only laughed, medicine-man called "Cieeo. 11 7S7 tne scouts reDorted that ha but the ApachS.was in earne dto.gSS of whSi Srihe!!- f : -he whioh no WhSllutfco StockmensHeadquarters. other kind, it was a man he had seen somA- and was iron l it i lnolrino- hi'm Bl,oK, ; L r v utio-xiiyB 8 OUliet COUld ft vA?na t P n thS faC?- pierce- Thev also sported that JNo, ae veras. I wish tn hnv it itha. ni,i:u.:. i .r fromvon" J ouuwBuuab anu tne ran-utes will T rlnn't i. ii th& Sierrft B1ancas were join- sweSthfaStt r M; iHghim- Poised to be an in- mere Sd2 ' the"exed teresting time for the Territories, at tne mere idea. Hartpole began to have a dim eaid theTndtn dllar8'" idea y the medicine man SaS "If von S f i, a WaDted his SPani8h mail nw. He it you had a thousand von wna m-AA . . . H T ,, ot tne department was. Trouble Br"l, . 1:.JefB-t tbat this promised tobe : -' R w "Btlu' "tuu uaa 10 be checked at once, if at all. It was serious nlmnHv hnk iV.Q. 111 J me lOOk WftH nna fliir. ; f. j ii Ciego drew a buckskin bag troops, which was that the hostiles 5 IOldS Of his SftSh. Tt maa I J . full of gold. "There are fiva hnnl t7J. w awaI" dred dollars here. In three days cillnZ T Td th m to sSk KSte I can bringyou five hundred more." rather than to shun It And tw e "Hartpole guessed hew he harl i, a , nu 1,W1. ' i-omA hv it a uSa , -"""is bu, mey oeat on tne -Tn.:.?- "t..rr '" ,.vr e- lroP8, because there was. as usual j-unuiB Bioien monev. na ssiri f... fa, n n.. iL- j i- ' antn-ilv: nnk ir. Vt,' Z"' " rut. luw llJ1,u rlm ey -o---rf7 r - vmi if liuVCI W ere cauff it in a rhd f v, run orinn. rTi.i u i . . .. " - k"- u i"c 'Vnn w u u , "b". "u luero were no less f!iAr,. t -ot. ' .i" , r" " uouPH against them I.'iTZ " 5 uun- J- tlartpole's was of the number. wx . uo many tmngs tor yon." The Indian fou!?ht . m . wn narrnniQ innm h,o . i ... . o - - " " tulo menu or the ilrst ilnv until t,iliKt , No ." he said. vnn hh "a TJ . "n"luZ u i tu J -i oouuuu, iu mo open at nrst AJ bLf bun UHVll I r Plan t,.m K : -1 I. n ffPt nnf! -- .Uvu Hum uomuu Bueiier, tnen at e. --v. I Inst thotr W.utl K nan tknn.1, A1 a BUailOW dirtwT;u"u, rr '," U12a P on a Hillside, and h PiLVir"? mere was no get"ng tm out. A ho fllr , I- u , fuutluiy mountain-howitzer might hav had TAAlinors rohinK -nl k i ""b"1 ua v Tt is mail K wu.UOI1uu aoneit, but there was none with It is well however, for those who the command. All day the troona have the direction of nhilriron ar,A 1"JOUU; ue troops .., in voneys into so much Kl. fC .u": T w- mouth of the cave uo1 iuubo Himpie ioik nave sometimes reasana for the things Spanish oattis. can t have it. the be. of as showed tween the 'pine trunks and the walls of rock. Thev knew that the slaughter within must have been prstty severe, but there were no One of the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms in the state in connection "st-ass sample Rooms. For Business Heppner is one of the Leadina Towns of the West Teeth Extracted and Filled. Bridging a specialty Painless Extraction. . . . Heppner - - Oregon. For Fall and Winter Wear M. LICHTENTHAL.. Gentry & Sharp Tonsorial Artists Your patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.. . Hot and Cold Baths- Main Street, near Palace Hotel, Heppner. J. R. Simons Si Son General Blacksmiths Horseshoeing a Specialty FLOUR . The Pioneer Boot and Shoe Dealer of Heppner, has - The Latest Styles of Footwear if or Men, Women and Children. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY PARTICULAR. 7 ....,.,m.mairni. o 1.1 . .. : 'pa.ring a specialty. HOME INDUSTRY. FLOUR Wagon Making and Repairing. All work done with neatness and dispatch. ... Satisfaction Guaranteed. Upper Main Street, Heppner, Ore, Nothing so 6ood as a pare malt bererage to refresh one after a hard day's work has ever been discovered. And there is one malt beverage that is better than other I that is J. B. Natter's beer It goes right to the spot, and is served np at Natter's Brewery, on upper Main St., Heppner, where an ice-cold cellar In the solid rock keeps (always cool. Heppner Flouring Mill Co. Has secured the services of a first class miller and keep on hand a full supply of FLOUR, : GRAHAM, : GERM : MEAL WHOLE WHEAT, BRAN and SHORTS Of the Tery best quality Md guaranteed to gi Bali.faoti,,,,. The mill exchanges their patronage. - w with the farm ers, and solicits L. HOUSTON, Manager. Gom( e to Morrow Lountv for,. lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev er again will land sell so low as it does now. times hanging around 'the slocm-v and the poet a small, lithe fellow. part uoyotero Apache, , part Mexi can, possibly . a very , Bmall Dart white, who had some reputation as a medicine-man with the tribes, but not much as anything else. nartpole was sitting under his ramada on a late summer after noon, reading a book whosa covers curled up with the teat, ! when something came between him and his light, and, Jookiue ud. he saw the medicine-man peering in ? the opening. He said, "Hullo. Cieeo." and added; "What do VOU f. eh?" Ciego was so called because ha was blind in one eye. ; He came in under the, ramada.-and stood so close to him that Hartpole moved a nttie. i ne Voyotero'g cast-off uni iorm ana red nead-band were : not clean. . , , Ciego spoke excellent Soanish. and, as Hartpole did, too, he had no trouble about making himself understood. He explained that ha would like to see the suit of iron clothes which he had been told that the lieutenant possessed. The lieutenant was so pleased to think that he bad been spoken of even in the fastness of the Sierra Blanca aud of the Tonto Basin that he forgot how dirty Cieco was. and straightway rose and invited him into the one room. The medicine-man stood looking? at the armor with an interest and evident appreciation that touched Hartpole very much. After the manner of his kind, he said no word, but presently be went near er and felt of the plates and chains with his nnger-tips. and nut his good eye cloce and looked inside. Then be turned to Hartnole. am muni glisteneng they do and say, good and suffici lent unto themselves. But it never 7r. ... wuo,' lula S12Q8 Of surrender nAvarthalQDa nau-mina Indian s reasons might The hostiles might hold out unti some weeks latTr traD8P,re one deaS thSy ce Y iSSL. , Mainly would until ,heir medicine. u a.Jtuj a LlJUrj L1II1I H W H.H H I rvi i- v- f 1 1 nil -. . leeendofa t. ,hita ZlZl BUU"m. Ia- Aue medicine hZi r ; ::::: man cmi seen Yrom time to anl rule Tver t ' 3 hnA w,,.n .,.-4. . v'uujdhj, hiuuuk me trees and un ' " a Bum ui. uiJiDinir lrnn u a-j i, ,. ... A nrf thair t,Qitj iCZ. UCJ uf UBU- AUU ior an tnat it went . v.v,.. ""'iiuuu iaU Lllau WnO- I Of. Qlrvniln r. J L- soever should find anH Mth. r,,T"'J ""u ungnr, no t ,j r . 1 ,""v ouuet seemed ever to hit it. Even to Consider U if, 7a u , , "UD with awe. "I'ftajd sounds fromCtne caTe " ' w- UWUIO. UUb UVHr HI I I inr n 1 I 1 1 , 1 t i. the A nnr-ha tric 'a a uu" ' ana tne Indians .ini" 7." " '"It. U1 lue withm it were without wio uul iu. Aim tne very tion and jron "v w tt"u yeuing, calling the'remnant of tL n..i i i; i M1'8 followers on. It stood so. for a tafJ5.1U.r World; odd andstrange adding these to the gold he had Sdr L on w1c. u uum many raids, ne took But Hartnolfl. knAlinr, .1, l. camp of the bind a bowlder. rmmhi i 1 I - -j wja wv vui ( bVUkrrinl .1 , ot pureh.,e had failed. r7h.P,.T j .. . M? 8 . Ciego looked the White-Eye a sharpshooter's medal in his time, officer over from his scalp to his and he put his skill to use now! toes, and up again, and then with There was a puff of smoke from no sound, save just one grunt, went above his bowlder, and the shining out from the quarters and from figure threw up its arms aud stag! TwLin t m t u . ered' TLen U fel1 forward, down Hartpole told of it at the mas fmm tha i t . i.. .... SZ te ! ." -dcra8 the logs v. uw BB uuu Biones, nartpole ought to have forseen. himself down to the soldiers to obtain fairlv hesitated with the triggers of Tbev found, when th av rl rn (mod One night an Indian, his bodv him out. tbat IlartnoWa hnllt, l.n.l , - . , - uMeaasiiwafl Dorn. a poisoned Kone Btraicht thronoh tliA ovwi SWEETHEARTS AND WIVES. Dak O'Connell. If sweethearts were sweethearts always, Whether as maid or wife, No drop would be half so pleasant In the mingled draught of life.' But the sweetheart has smiles and blushes When the wife has frowns and sighs, And the wile's have a wrathful glitter For the glow of the Bweetheart's eyes. If lovers were lovers always, The same to sweetheart and wife, Who would change for a future of Eden The joys of this checkered life? But husbands grow grave and silent, And cares on the anxious brow Oft replace the sunshine that perished . ai tne words of the marriage vow. Happy Is he whose sweetheart Is wife and sweetheart still Whose voice, as of old, can charm; Whose kiss, as of old, can thrill; CHILD'S PUNISHMENT. The punishment should be pro. portioned out of the offense and grow out of it as a natural consfl. quence. A child who is lazy in the morning and persistently late for breakfast should be deprived, not of a proper amount of food, but of something he partiaularly likes and might have had if he had been in time, as sugar on the oatmeal, ot syrup on the griddle cakes. If he has been promised that he should go for a drive, or a walk,-or some expedition, and is not ready at the time for starting he should ua ieiu TOuind. ine bitter disap pointment will teach him, as noth ing else can do as effectually, the value of punctuality. If he is sent on an errand and does not return promptly he should not be al lowed to taste the nice things made with the sugar or eggs he was so long in bringing. If his errand were of some other nature he should be made to stay alone in his own room for as long a time as he has kept his mother, or nmr nna else, waiting. November Ladies' Home Journal. THINK OF IT! Prince Chigi. who WAR Cnnnd guilty at Eonie of having violated tue iaw against the selling of val ued works of art. in disnosino f Botticelli's famous paintintr. "Th Virgin and Child," was arraigned in court Tuesday and sentenced tn pay a fine of one hundred th lIllHIIIlil dollars, which is the price he is said to have received from Ten don dealer. The mastArnipno nnt past the Italian custom ant.hnri. ties by painting 'over the picture of "The Virgin and Child" another picture that could be off. , ' region ROMANCE AND REALITY. John Millrace Murphy, the veteran editor of the Washington Standard, keeps close track of the world, wbiln ivini; in the sleepy old capital citv of Olyrapia. He ia a pioneer of Pmmt. Cl .1 1 n ouiiiiu, anu jieb seen that rich grow from nothing to soraethine. llela a wrighter of Kreat strength. andean knock the moonshine out of anything if he half tries. One of hi. latest poems is as follows: Seattle publishes to the world in a half column editorial that she has a population of OO.Onn- inium -i,..i i - I ,,n , i 4WV DV11UUI children, M) churches. 45 nswsiuiwrs. harbors, a salt f rutin unt ix m X() fllnriluLlo 0;...:.. mU . . . ' . oUt,irun, u.wu uicycies, a domestic trade of 4.()00.0on i.r m.,m etc., etc., but she failed to mntin ' presumably from mer nv.i-Mi,t she had 500 saloons and beer hall g, 5000 toughs, 350 "drunk" arrests per month, entailing a greater cost to tlm nit f... ourt proceedings than nil the. Hons received bv her biyIu .i,n...i.n- combined. ' " BRITON AND BOER. General Dewet is reported to have miide his appearance near Frankfort, in urange River Colony, and small A Village Blacksmith Saved His Little Boa's Life. Mr. fl. H. Black, the well-knjwo vil lug blacksmith at Qrahnmeville, Sulll md Co.,N. Y.gayg; "Oar little goo, 5 yearg old, has always been subject to coop, and go bad bava tbe attacks beeo tbat w bsve feared many times that be wonld die. We bave bad the doctor and nsed many rjuedinioM, botfJbamberlain'g Oi.ngb Remedy ig sow our sole reliance. It gme to dissolve the tongb mnoug sod by giving frequent doseg wben tbe oroapy symptoms appear we have found that be dreaded croup ia eared before it eets eettled " There ie do danger in giving this remedy for it oontaing no opinm or other lojanoug drng and may be given as confidently to a babe ag to an adult. For tale by Corner A Warren. knife in his hand, stole across thA sandy parade-ground when the moon was under th clouds of a coming atorm, and slipped, as silently as none but a savage can, under the ramada of Hartoole's quarters, and thence through the open door. The Indian had missed nothing when be had been in that one small room a month hc.far He knew where everything in it was, from the chromo in the blue frame on the wall to the cot in the corner, across from the fire-nia He hid himself behind tha of calico that curtained off the nook where HartrjolA'a r.Wha hung, and waited until tho moon showed for a moment through a break in the clouds, and he could see the figure on the cot beneath tbe mosquito-net. When the room was dark again, he slid out; and the blade of the knife in his hand went straight through the heart of the man asleep. Then he took the rattling armor from its nails and wrapped it in the calico curtain, and fled through the night, as silently and swiftly as only an Apache can. Now it happened that Hartpole had gone to another post a good mf.ny miles to the eaat that day, and he had left his striker to! J xi . n. oyo, miu i u a i viego was ciego m very truth now and quite dead, The God of the World In 1914. a famous aoientisl prediota that tbe world will come to an end in 1914, basing hia osculations on tbe revelations of the ' i,jJi It this is go, it It well for us to get wbat pleasure we own ont of the few year that remain for ns to live. One of the aareet ways to enjoy life Is the po ssesion of itood beailb, and a well ref lated stomaob. Hostetter'g Htomaoh Bitters will enable anyone to obtain this. It ie tbe greatest medioloe for tbe on re of ilia that arise from a bad stomach, It cures dyspeisia, constipation, fever and agne, malaria, rheumatism and in somnia. No other medicine oan show a record equal to Qostetter'g Hlomaoh Bittere, toe giandard mediolne of the American people for over fifty years. LADIES' DOME JOURNAL. "The Lovliest Woman in All America," "The Future of the White House," "The Man Who Wrote Narcissus," "Waiting for the Mail" a page drawing by A. B. Frost and "How Aunt Bally Brought Down the House." a short story, are some of the excellent features of the November Ladies' Home Journal. Thpre are numer ous articles on the fashions, and woman's work. By the Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; 10 cents a copy. tl uomes ol Doers continue harassing tac tics. It is asserted that. wtti. w jiiviirjurjr to stop pursuit of commandos and trv to settle the colonics by garrisoning and organizing the towns for rapid raids with mounted troops. "Prince Christian Victor's end," saya a Pretoria dispatch, dated Nov. 1, "was sudden and unexpected, although he had been unconscious for three days. The body was embalmed and prepara tions were heing made to take it to Eng land, when the telegram arrived an nouncing that it was the Queen's de sire that the remain hn Vkll fill A n n soldier's grave. The ceremony was per formed today with military pomp. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to tbe public lo know of one oonoern iu tbe land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors ef Dr. King's New Dipoovery for Cod sumptmn, Coughs and Colds, have eiven rway over ten million trial bottles of tbis great medioine, and have the satis faction of knowing it ha i10i..,i. cured thousands of hnnulu ...... Anthma, Bronchitis. HnsriMn... .i ..n' disease of tbe Tbrnut -j Langs are surely cured hv it p.n (longer Warren Drug Co.. and get a freetrml bottle HaUt ,IM fW.and ... oouio guaranteed, or I'MIIHUfll, priee WANTKD- ACT1VK M ne (umn .,,.. !! .11..... .7. .7 " "'"' 1.11AK- . ,7, riiuect 11 ormton for nlil Sal-";""1 """"""""' wl...u4le ho. ie !H ayar.siire.n. Hoii,.ty more than ex I''T T'"1"''"1- ",...P, any hs" k i, Hty. Ji,;i.. nt-if-Mt.ln-Hea slain ped enveloi a t