Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 01, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thubsdat, .......... Nov.-1, 1900
.... IS
.... 108
.... 104
.... 18
for . all
Heppner to
Pendleton by wagon road "
lone "
Heppner Junction on OolumbiaRlVer
The Pallet
Canyon City ' '
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud..'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'"
Train leave daily except Sunday
pointa at 8:15 a, m.
Train arrives daily except Sunday from all
over me world at 5:15 p. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
op. m. ; arriving ate a. m.; distance to Canyon
vn; time m noun.
, Malls closa for trains at 7:30 a. m.
Business hours of the First National Bank of
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m
Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World
Last year it shipped away 8,245,750 pounds, and
Morrow County i shipped aXMWO bushel; of
wheat. Morrow County's climate la moat x,
cellent,and you can buy farms and' ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or In
au Oregon, population 6000.
Heppner has 1200 population, good school.
city water, electric lights and 136,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland is located 197 mile tram
Heppner. Chicago some further.
A meeting of the Morrow County fte
puoiican uiuo win do oeid at the Hepp
ner opera bouse Mondav evening, Oct
'iix at 8 o'clock. All members: of the
club and all persons favoring the elec
tion of McKinley Roosevelt are re.
quested to be present.
Campaign buttons will be distributed;
By order of G. W. Phelps,
W. L. Smith, President.
Here and Tfoere
Grandma Herren returned home Mon
day. K C. Watklns ii now at Kemmerer,
DapiU, 8. Marshal Al. , Robert is
here tbia week.
Mrs. Spaulding, of Salem, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Geiger.
Claud Herren killed his first bear this
fall on the slopes of old Dixie Butte.
Willard H. Herren came up yesterday
from his lower 8raile ranch to buy more
Hi. mciteit. oi Minneapolis, is
making a business visit to Morrow coon
to this week.
S a -
r-aaar Ayers came : nrar . having a
broken leg Monday from a truck of
wheat tumbling against it.
E. E. Beaman had a loaded brick
drop on bis foot Monday, which crip
pled him for 43 hours.
J. M. Hager's sheep arnved at the
home ranch Monday alter their long
march from the John Day.
The roads between Heppner and Can
yon City are reported rather soft in the
timber, but good in the open. ,
On the 26th there reached Seattle
from Nome 600 stranded miners, brought
down at the expense of the government.
See that new line of ladies' flannel
waists at The Fair.
After a hard eiege of court at Pendle
ton, Judge W. R. Ellis this week enjoy
ed the comforts of his Heppner home.
Sandon's Electric Belts on sate at
Patterson's drug store.
An exhibit that attracts much atten
tion is the tine collection ot artistic sofa
pillow designs in Rhea & Welch's
Wild geese are getting plentiful along
the Columbia. They roost on the
islands over night and tackle the wheat
fields by day;
Jas. Johnson, of Butter creek, tbia
week sold to Union Meat Co. 12 bead of
dry cows at 3 cents and 75 head of 2 and
3-year-old steers at Z cents.
A fine and' full line of stationery at
Patterson's up-to-date drug store.
Queen olives in bulk- at Matlock' &
The very choicest of canned and dried
fruits are always kept on hand at the
grocery store of T. R. Howard.
John Stiger, a Condon sheepman, was
compelled to dip his herd, of sheep be
fore be could get a permit to leave
Grant county.
If you want to buy a small or large
home in Heppner, inquire of the Gacet
We are agents for Lowney's candies;
a full line in stock, and fresh twice a
week. Patterson & Son.
The new school building at Hamilton
is about completed, and the Woodmen
will give a ball in it for the benefit of
the school.
Supt. Pruyn, of the Light and Water
Co., is back at work again after trip
to Portland. - ' ,
Try Cream of Wheat for breakfast.
Always on band at Bishop's. Also
choice cod fish.
A, Abrabamsick has sent to Germany
for a tailor whom be know to be a first
class workman,, to assist him in his
J. P. McManus and S. H. Forshaw,
of the Northwest Live Stock and Wool
Growers' Journal, visited Heppner this
Call and see the elegant line of neck
wear, belts, silk hose and mitts, silk
and satin waists, drees skirts, jackets
and furs at Mrs. L. J. Estes' millinery
Drop in at Bishop's and get s pound
of their apple butter.
A. F. Swan is putting in 100 acres for
grain hay in Sanford canyon, and it
comes up about as fast as he can sow
the seed.
Hunters for big game who have- re
cently been in the mountains say that
there is not snow enough in there to
track deer.
Hon. Phil Metwhan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroom is exellntly
toanag4 and i osBrpaf4i
H. E. Warren has made some good
improvements ont his-corner property
occupied by Wells & Co., in the way of
new sidewalks.
Dan i Morrow pulled out yesterdav
noon for his long haul to the main John
Day '. He had an 8 borse and 6 horse
outfit loaded down with merchandise.
Uncle Jim Neville is now mnkino
some very good cider ; he has several
tons of apples in his cellar, several in
hi bogs, and several more still in his
orchard. - ,.
Bargains in pattern hats. Mrs. L. J.
Eetes wiskes to disposa of all pattern
hats, and will tiffer them at reduced
prices for the next 10 days.
The new residence .of A. Abraham
sick iB all enclosed, and twill soon, be
ready for occupancy. The location is a
good one, next to Wm. Barratt's, and
opposite Arthur Smith's. '
In the matter of the estate of Pell Sim
ison, deceased, Grant county court has
appointed John Wills administrator and
J.'M. Hoy. H.'A. Clipper and W. 'H
Bowman appraisers.
Engineer Patterson is the DromDtest
man on the road, and brings the Hepp
ner train is always on time unless there
is delay on the main road or a lonir line
of freighfc-eara to drag, , . ' '
Heine's mince mnAt at Riahnn'o IS
cents a pound, w
The finest linn nf hulk niobloa that
overcame to town at Matlock & Hart's
Sour, sweet and dills,
Leather aaatta ami: tnilat at.tir.Yna .
- r w, ii mnwf .in.
a nne line of drugs and patent inedi.
cines at Patterson & Son.
Walter Bartholomew came in 8undav
with about 200 of the lost lambs. He
found them in a pole patch on Matteson
mountain, and trailed them an bv dead
ones killed by coyotes.
W. E. Straight reacbi d Henoner to
day with 80 head of yearling steers- he
had bought at $23 a bead from Matlock
& Brown, of Lone Rock. He camped
at Geo; Noble's ranch last night.
ThiB is musical week in Morrow conn-
ty, and C. W. Davis, the talented rep
resentative of the great Eilers Piano
House, is co-operating, with Wells & Co.
in placing high-grade pianos and organs
in many happy homes.
Pickled Dins' feet, salt salmon, i.har
ring and mackerel at Matlock & Hart's
I. C. ' Lanre started ', Mondav Inn hi
new home on the Jobu Day, where he
is sure- to- prosper with' 3100' fine ewes,
good grass, lots of hay- and a large area
of rough range that farmers will not
tackle. His postoffice will be Dayville.
Joe Hayes returned Monday from
Portland, where he sold his mutton
sbeep and found a wood demand for fat
stock. Joe brought back his family.
which had been vn-iting.at Eugene, and
he found not a speck of dust in all the
Willame te valley.. ,
Matlock & Harto store is being filled
to its utmost capacity. Drop in and ask
for what you want.' They have it.
Crockett Kirk- went iiV Sunday to
Geo. Chapman's plaee. in the timber on
upper Rock creee nd received back his
400 yearling ewes Mr. Chaoman had
been running for bira. The drive fcome
was made through the snowstorm that
prevailed along the edge of the moun
T. R. Howard's stiiro linn ounn'tlilnci
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
Wliv make minr-a meat when un
can get as good mid cheaper than you
can make it, at Matlock & Hart's.
This was Gov. Geer's second visit to
Heppner. In the spring of 1877, while
traveling from Union to Salem, he
damped on the creek here, and well re
members how Dr. 8hobe, the pioneer
physician, called on him in camp and
kindly told him about the country.
Have VOU ever lnnknd nnr ntrwlr nvorf
If not, call and investigate. Patterson
& eon.
MrS. L. J. EfttM iloa.. roAi vail tha
most complete line of fancy work for
toe nouaays, ever brought the Hepp
ner. Which COtiaiRta of onnhinn rniun
cords, silks, battenberg pattern's, doy
lies, center pieces, etc. Second door
from post office. '
People who are not making their
ranch-houses aa , comfortable as they
might should see Dave Ilerren'sv where
modern methods . prevail. - He tans a
prina. that ned to stand - around' with
its. bauds in its pockets, and hat iiot ud
cold water. ail overlbe- bouse; lis ba a
steam f raiPdryer; and his. stoi ebouses
are filled with, boaey and iruiUi,
Clean newspapers to cover shelve.
put nader carpet and line bouses i are
sometimes scarce, but just now there is
a full supply otr, sale1 at the, Gazette
offloa at 15 cents-rpsekage:
Wau PMlaad's Bash. ao ; UMepcM.
One of the biggest deals ever made in
Morrow county has just been consum
mated. ' The Wm. Penland "reservation"
property, coraprisinm about 40.000 acre
of deeded land and 20,000 head of sheep,
has been sold at a valuation of $120,000.
The new owners are Oscar Minor, R.
F. Hynd and Arthur Minor, and' Wm.
Penland retains a, Jtb interest.
A corapanr will be formed to conduct
the business and Arthur Minor will be
manager and Mr. Hynd secretary.
Arthrir Minor has sold the balance of
his ration at head of Butter creek, 3000
acres, with 4000 rheep, to Wm. Penland.
fmsr IJational Jank
In tha parlors of the ' Talaee Hotel
last evening, A. A. Marvel and Mies
Millie Wilson were married bv Rev. J.
W. Stockton, pastor of the Baptist
church. Two brothers and two sisters
of the groom and Miss Palmateer came
up from Douglas and . composed the
wedding party.
John W. Craddick, a substantial farme
er of Eight Mile, was married last even
ing at the home of Wm Gordon; to Miss
Minnie Br, Warren. The parlors..were
tastefullv d(HVrniH i fn I ha,.
and Judge A. G. Bartholomew officiated
in nis usual graceiut and nappy manner.
ai ur: HumocK'a residence Jast even
ing.Rev. J-'.-M. Cantwid. pastor, ot the
E. Ob urch" South, tied' the matri-
A. RHEA, .
. . .
. . . . .President
. W. CONSER,. cashier
E. L. F HEEL AND. .Assistant Cashier
Transact a: General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profits 35,000.
I- X. L,
monial knof for Otto Wick, and' Dell
m. Anderson, of Lone Rock
While sawingi weed 'with i hia v steam-
saw Mondav in front- of John Avnm'
bouse, J. S. Van WinkJsn was thrown up.
on the running saw snd ! frightfully cut,
The accident was caused by the' hieb
woodpilecaving over ; behind Mr.i Van
Winkle and throwing him right onto the
saw, which cut his face aud arm most
awfully. Henry Gay was passing, and
rushed to Van's assistance. and: soon
Other willlnff hnnrla holnrl anrl ho. o,am
taken to Dr. Swinburne's office, and all
tneenrgeonp in town did all they could
for. him. .. In th eveaiUK - he-was taken
hnrnn. Anrl raltiorl frnm Ih. almnlr on A
there was hope ot puHingbkn-tbrough.
' Thursday morning he began to sink,
and it seemed as though, he could, not
live. '
The Maannin anit Odd ITollntv a.a..
" U, UU, Dj
of which Van. was a member, are doing
everything posnble tor toe injured man.
Later Mr. Van Winkle ,. died at 2 80
this Tuursday aiternoon.
H. W. Wells passed near . Heppner
yesterday on. his wav to Yakima with
2300 yearling ewes be had bought at
spray ior a a neaa. .
The 3000 sheen that Henrv Sc.har7.ina.
er bought from J. H. McHaley are
among the best in the county. The
once was 2.50 for vparlinir wnt.lisra onH
$2 for wether lambs.
J. Q. Wilson and Ol. Jiratinn hava
bought 1000 wether lambs from. J. W.
oansoury at $z.zd.
A small family, in t Heppner wants to
hire a. giri. or -woman to"do gener4
bouse worki without-wWiing. Apply at
Gazette office.
The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one
of the home institutions that Eastern
Oregon may-well be proud of. It fills
the field as a firt-clae- house,, and it
employs only competent white help.
It is conducted strictly on the American
plan, and its commodious well-fr.rnished
rooms and bountiful tables give satis
faction to ail its-patrons.
Home industry is the corner stone of
the prosperity of mont communities.
Send away for nothing that you can get
at home, and keep the cash here. The
Heppner Steam Laundry does good
work and has' modern machntry and
full facilities. Clothing called for and
delivered. , i Fhed Kara.
Te remove a tronbleoeaie -com or bun
ion : First soak the com or banion jn
warm water to soften it, then pare it
down as closely at pnPibl witbont
drawing blood and apply CuHtnberlain's
Pain Balm twice daily; rohMng vigor
ously nr nve minutes at Kcb. applica
tion. A corn nlaater ahonld h (urn tr.
a few dsys, to protect it from th1 hno
as a general liniment I r sprains, brnifes,
tamnea acd rbeomtim. Pain Rulra is
(aiOala1. fwt S4 t6u.r k W arrow.
The new- town of f-nrav i mnkinir
ran id headwav. and manv now hnilrl.
iu ilfl have been comnleted. innlnHinir
the schoolhouse and residences of J. F.
Spray and Al. Prophet. Everything
ndicates that Boiav is coinur to tnakn a
good growth.
The End of the World in 1914.
1 A famous soieotist predicts that the
world will 00 me to sn end in 1914, bsniog
bis calculations on the revelations ot tbe
bible. It this is so, it i well for us to
Ktt what ploiisme we can out of tbe few
years that remain for us to live. Od of
tb surest- ways to enjoy life is the po
Hcssion of eoad health, and a well regu
lated stomach. . Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters will enable anyone to obtain this.
It is tbe greatest mtdieioav. for the., ears
of ilia that arise from a. had 'gtomaorJ.
It ettresi dyBpHift,.eofltlttion,. fever
and acruv malaria, rrjeermatiem and in
socaoia. ' NoHier medicine can show a
record euual to Hoatetter'a . rAtnsoMh
Bittors,. tn slaodard' tnediofne of' the
American pepJs forover flfty years
Confectionery .and Cigar Store.
Dan. P. Doherty, Proprietor.
Free ! Keadmg Room
i ...
Gentlemen are Invited to come in and be comfortable, and read
? papers from all over the world.-a quiet, respectable place.
all of the very best quality.
A fair, share of the public patronage is solicited.
M E; church C. D." Nickelsen.. nas-
tor; Services at ll.a. m.and 7:30 d
' r
M. .xbirch, Soatb. er vices at ll
n. miiBl7:30 pu m.T-Rev- F. M. Can
field) tMor;
Christ air church -Bundav Sclrool al
10 a. m. .
Baptist church Sunday School at
10 a. m. Resrular services at 11a.m.
and 7:30 p.m. J. W. Stockton, pastor.
Episcopal church Lev. W.' E. Pot
wine. 4
outatandlng Morrow county warrants reg-
lHteren nnnr Tn mnn inn ndin. HuMamh.
S. 1A99. will h natH iiTmn nr.unt.Mnn ,h.
-otBce ot tbe treasurer of said county. Interest
eases aiier me aate oi uils notice.
uateo. at Hepaner, Or., NoTember 1, 1900.
It , Treasurer oi Morrow County.
Bryan O'LlnJand bis wife and her mother
Went on to a bridge together:
The bridge broke down and thej fell in, '
We'll find ground at the bottom, says Bryan
O'Lln. . ,
Also best Wines, Liquors and Cigars -
At Belvedere saloon.
Fbahx Rosuts, Prop.
8heeD-ranch outfits, atoek. aadt. . hata
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
candy and nuts all these are sold al T.
R. Howard's store.
HenDner's bit? 3-storv Palaoa Hotel ia
a credit to the Northwest, and is con
ducted under the personal mipemaion
of its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at
prices witn in we react- of ail.
When yon come to Heppner,. put op
your team at the Red Front Livery Sta
ble on Main St., opposite the brewery.
They will receive the bent ot care. Bug
gies, teams and saddle horses for hire
. LI. C. .
at reaeonauin rams, nay ana gram
bought and sold.
Bimms Bros.
For Xn&nti isd Children.
tir Tha Kind Yea Havs Alwajj BobjM
WOOD and O TT .
The Heppner Wood and Coal, Yard,'; ;
,E. A., Beaman, proprietor, is now selling: ;
and delivering
" "at' reasonable prices.
Fir, Pine and' Oak
; ? Rock Springs and
i N , j Roslyn Coal.
Satisfaation Guaranteed. .
Beautiful Iron Bedsteads
. .. "
$5' to. $15.
Al New and Complete Stock of
Sofas, Tables, ; Bed'
roo m S ets. Pi 1 1 ows and '
Mattresses, all grades;-
Upholsterlng, Picture Framing:
Sewing Machines.
Window Shades, Undertaking
iNeXt door to Gilhahi & Bisbee's Main' Sfroof ''JT'a-nn-nr,
1 rv 9
1 r 1 fit ( 1 f 11 m '
A . .-;
Bears tha
Signature l
Call at my
. J
audi8(e tb New Goods of the very
best q utility, at lowest cash
fr - jp---.
Iid Jobbing and Repairing,
and Guarantee Satisfaction
I.mka to.oideir, wton wanted, aoy article ia the Harness line. ,
Main Btreet West .eide,. - j. - . Heppner.
Ib one that everybody knows. I Us one of the best on earth.
I Bisbee
Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons, ever
brooght to Heppner. . . . .
Call and See them.
Prices are Klclxt.,
Heavy and. Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agriooltoral
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Eto, Faints and Oils (the best in
the world). Crockery and Glassware. -
Simond's Cross Cut Saws
Sewing Machines
Sanitary Stills
Boss Washers
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
Ed. R. Bishop's.
But 2 Days More
The Introductory Sale of Pianos and Organs
closes Saturday evening. Eilers Piano House of
Portland and Wells fc Cn nf TTonr.o
- "vu,,, i.x unci .
to the people of Morrow county ; until Saturday '
Pianos and Organs at Cost!
$375 Piano for $268
450 " " 312
550 " " 400
$ 95 Organ for $68
125 " " 86
150 " " QQ
The object of this sale is to introduce a high grade
IE8 A fnT "I rganS; t0 the PeP,e; have just
closed a 10-day sale at The Ualles-sold 18 pianos and
organs to such people as Prof . Bergfield, St. Mary's Acade.
Felt, Dr. G. E. Saunders, T. J. Seufert, Dr. Geisendorffer,
Mr. Fordyce, etc., etc. They are all business people
know the value of at article, and .buy when a good in.
Heppner is no exception to the rule.
Mb. Arthur Minor draws his check for a beautiful
ban Domingo Mahogany Kimball piano. He ,
was urgently pressed to take a Cheaper one, '
in fact this competitors piano was in Mr.
Minor's house the very time he bought, a
Kimball. , , .
Rev. Mb: Casfield, of the Methodist church South,'
pays for the new wonderthe piano-keyed ' . ','
organ-7 octaves of organ built in a piano ' .
case. This iDgenius instrument is manufac
tured aud guaranteed by the Kimball Co.
' Mb. Fbemont Sprowles buys a gem of tbe organ. '
iters' art a Kimball parlor creation.
Ex-Commissioneb Bakeb paid lor the sweet-toned
Bendelte organ. The Bendelte , organ ranks , ,
with the half dozen leading American organs."
Mb. Whebby pleases his family and at the same 'A ' '
displays good judgment by purchasing a
Great Western finished in English oak.
KubeSpebby, of lone, becomes an enthusiastic wik 1 '
uessof our methods and instruments; a Kim
ball oak adds zest to the long evenings in the
Bperry home at lone. t
Don't Delojr!
It will pay you to buy now! Our sale positively
closes Saturday night.' Terms easy.
Organs for $5 per month.
Pianos for $8 per month.
You pay no more because you buy on install
ments. Glad to have you come and talk it over,
even if you can't buy. Some day you can, may-be!
Local Agents,
WELLS r GO, Heper.
C. W. DAVIS, Representative.
S. P. Garrigues,
Main Street, - Henoner.
Just Received, Canton Gang,
, CI 11 1 ITT . , . O
ouiKev ana Walking riows,
all sizes and stvles:
Harrows Disc. Lever and
Spring Tooth. Monitor
and Superior Drills.
New and Com- TT ,1 n
plete Stock of AAUUHB UI1U i3Uggie8.
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. .
r -
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Highest price paid for fat Stock.-
Heppner, Oregon.
.Bock & Mathews,
For Constipation, Catarrh
and General " Debilitv.
Slocums Sarsaparilla.
Everv bottle truaranteed to L'ivo
satisfaction or money refunded. In
n i . . i -
rnce, $i per oottie. u bottles for $5.
Olooaai IrutS Co., Main Street, Heppner.