The Heppner Gazette Thtosd at, . ; ....... . Oct 25, 1900 . TBAVELEHS GUIDE. 1 DIBTANCIS Heppner to Miles Portland 197 renaieion oy wagon road 60 Lexington - j lone ; 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 AruuKiuu , 55 The Dalles ,., Canyon City "" iq4 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud ', is Train leaves dally except Sunday for all point at 8:15 a, m. Train arrivei dally except Sunday from all over the world at 5:15 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leave dally except Sunday at 6 p.m.; arriving at 6 a.m.; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 houra. Malli close for tralm at 7:30 a. m. Business hours of the Pint National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year It shipped away 8,245,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. . Heppner has 1300 population, good school, city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. REPUBLICANS ATTENTION. A meeting of the Morrow County Re publican Club will be held at tbe Hepp ner opera house Monday evening, Oct. 22d at 8 o'clock. All members of the club and all persons favoring the elec tion of Mc Kin ley & Roosevelt are re quested to be present, Campaign buttons will be distributed. By order of G. W. Phelps, W. L. Smith, President. Secretary. Here and Tfyere Mrs. Quaid and daughter are borne again. Nelse Magnuseo came up on his good mule Tuesday. F. O. Borg branded 9 caZves at his ranch yesterday. Postmaster Vaughan is away on a trip to Lone Rock. J. M. Hager has gone to the John Day to receive his sheep. J. A. Moyer has bought the Wm. Du rand farm in Black Horse. The household of W. P. ! McMiUan at Lexington this week welcomed baby girf. The pupils of the public school will bave literary exerciseB in their respec tive rooms tomorrow afternoon. Married Sunday, F. E. Turner and Mary Statham.- Their Lexington friends gave them a dance Tuesday eve. T. L. Dorman has bought the Henry Whitson place near Lexington at double the price it wouZd bring In free trade days. In the hillside fields of Tom Ayers and Geo. Wells the now grain is already making a new carpet of . refreshing green.- Geo. Vinson was in from Butter creek Tuesday and bought and took home one of Park Garrigues' finest buggies. A fine snd full line of stationery at Patterson's up-to-date drug store. L. W. Brigus has been added to tbe working staff of the First National Bank, and everybody knows that he is industrious and reliable. Queen olives in bulk at Matlock & Hart's. The very choicest of canned and dried fruits are always kept on hand at the grocery store of T. R. Howard. . I( you want to buy a small or large home in Heppner, inquire of the Gazet office. We are agents for Lowney's candies; a full line in stock, and fresh twice a week. Patterson & Son. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. The Woodall sawmill has been moved from Slide to Beech creek. Frank Rice and Miss fetella Allen were married Sundy at Long Creek. ' Wm. Shank, who often freights from Henpner. has bought John Harper's place at Long Creek. Oscar Shafer was over yesterday from his Wall creek ranch, accompanied by hi. niohhnr Mr. Wetzell. They came by buckboard. 42 miles in one day. See that new line pf ladies' flannel waists at The Fair. The funeral of Miss Ida L. Fell, who died at Pendleton, was very largely at tended. She was well known and roonoutftd in HeDDuer, where UlgllSJ .VUBw- ' " she formerly lived. whf mak mince meat, when you can get as good and cheaper than you can make it, at Matlock & Hart's, Drop in at Bishop's; and get a pound of their apple Duiier, The Jadies of the M. E. church wiH give a dinner election day on May street Mrs. Estes' lormer biuiu. m, Mart', itore is being filled to its utmost capacity. Drop in and ask for what you want. They bave it. ti.- .nr.arm tn th HemMier mil are most thorough, and it mill start op Tues day. Miter Bhrmann s ianmy u - rived. ft. salt salmon, her ring and mackerel at Matlock A Hart's WiZs & Patterson yesterday sent out the last of tbe lumber for the new batf at Hardman. Try Cream of Wheat for breakfast. Always on hand at Bishop's. Also choice cod fish. On bis recent expensive trip to the Fairs with his Shorthorns Oscar Minor traveled lOOO mifea, bnt premiums bro't him in $260 over expenses. His fine catte surprined British Columbia peo ple, and they wiH hereafter send their orders here. Heinz's mince meat at Bishop's, 15 cnnta a ponnd. The finest line ot hulk Pjl-..t ever came to town ... Sour, sweet and dills. Leather .roods and toiWld a floe line of drugs and , paUnl tinea at FatWrae Sn, LOCAL NOTES. bandon's Electric Belts oc sale at ra tt ergon's drug store. Have you ever looked our stock overt If not, call and investigate. Patterson &8on. An interesting talk is always inter esting. Gov. T. T. Geer is an interest ing talker, and will give the people of Heppner and vicinity a good talk at tbe opera house Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 7 :30 p. in. Clean newspapers to cover shelves, put under carpets and line bouses are sometimes scarce, but just now there is a full supply on sale at the Gazette office at 15 cents a package. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowlee, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men injures the success of the enter-? prise. The diningroorn is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. MAYFLOWER MINE. A letter received from Dan Stalter states that work' was progressing favor ably at the Mayflower Mine, in the Greenhorn range, and that he expected to reach bis borne in, Heppner about Nov. 1. Mayflower ore still shows tbe same high value. A railroad track has been laid aod an Ore- Car is now trav ersing the tunnel. The Mayflower bids fair to become a very valuable mine. ' ' When Mr. Stalter went into .the Greenhorn range three weeks ago he found 16 inches of snow, - but it soon went away again. NEW IDEA. Dan P. Doherty has introduced a new idea in Heppner, that will prove a great convenience. He conducts a neat, quiet and respectable reading room in con nection with his new I. X. L. confec tionery and cigar store, which he re cently bought from Geo. Wells (form erly the Bon Ton. Call and see Dan. He will make yon welcome. COON SOCIAL. The Women of Woodcraft will give a coon social at the opera house Saturday evening, and intend to mske it enjoy able for all who attend. Admission 25 cents: refreshments 10 cents extra. LOST LAMBS. It is one of tbe hardest jobs on earth to make a big band of lambs hang to gether while. being driven long dist ances. The lonesome little innocents want to find the mammies that have been taken from them, and will wander to all points of tbe compass in malting the search. Thus it is that many lambs have been lost from their bands while coming out of the mountains this fall. Take the Bartholomew and J. Q. Wilson band as a sample. It contained 6208 when delivered on the John Day. On arrival at Heppner 324 lambs were missing, and Walter Bartholomew nas started back to try to recover them. .. . .. - , .j . i , TO THE LADIES" Who have been so patient in waiting for the arrival of our line of flannel and silk waists they're here, opened and marked at prices that will sell them out quickly. The Fair. FALL FLOWERS. The town gardens are now making a fine display of fall flowers, the gardens ot Mrs. 8. P, Garrigues, Mrs. Conser and Mrs. Vaughan being particularly fine. Strangers coming into town by train say that they receive very fine first im pressions from the beautiful display of fall flowers in the Harden of Mrs. Robt. Wills. Not only is trine a nice flower- garden there, but the new house itself is one of the best-built and conveniently arranged in town, and !b a credit to tbe county. AMERICAN PLAN ONLY. The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one of tbe home institutions that Eastern Oregon may well be proud of. It fills tbe field as a first-class house, and it employs only competent white help. It is conducted strictly on the American plan, and its commodious well-furnished rooms and bountiful tables give satis faction to all its patrons. HAVE IT DONE HERE. Home industry is the corner stone of the prosperity of moot communities Send away for nothing that you can get at home, and keep the cash here. The Heonner Steam baunary aoes goon work and has modern machinery and full facilities. Clothing called for aod delivered. Fbed Kbuq. ' $100 REWARD. A reward of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or bersons stealing horses branded E. D. or -8- on left stifle. m T ft . X.J, MATLOCK, '.,.. J. M. Kekniy. v ART CLASS. Tbe ladies of Heppner are respectful y informed that Mrs. Redington has started her art class, and la now pre- Dared to eive instruction in oil painting crayon, pastel or water colors. Pupils mav bezin at any time. Corner Chase and May streets. A Monster Devil Flah Destroying its viotim, la a type ot ooa stipstion. Tbe power of tbii murderous meladv is fell onrgins and nerves and muscle aod brain. There is ao health till it's overcome. Dot Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and oertmn care Best io the world for stomach, liver kidnevs aod bowels. Only 25 dents at Conser k Warren Drug Co. Home-seekers witb means, and invest nn abonld come here. On aooonot of the lowl prices at which its lands are offered. Morrow oounty expeota to double its DODulntioo Ibis '. Good lsnd can be boogbt bare at f 1.25 to f 5 an aore, Wbeo von cannot sleep for eongbltg it i hardly necessary that any ooesboald tell von that yon oed a few doses of Chamberlnio'i Conab Remedy lo allay tbe irrilatino of tbe tbroat, and make sleep possible. It is good, Try it. For eala b tfcaaaf Watiaw. HKCENT ARRIVAL AT PALACE HOTtU. Dau P Doherty Waft Ocup. A A Royie, Rosebud John Collin, Wagner Pat Quaid, Balm Fork , C P Bowman, Echo W S Brown, Izee H Brast, Dalles D E Hogan, Prineville WMackey " W H Herren, Olex C C Curtis, Douglas F ISennett, " Oscar Schafer, Monument W Wieschel " ' D V Mcintosh, Paulina. LINGERING LETTERS. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners tot letters addressed as follows: ... Duncan, Thos Grousebeck, E W Needtiam, IE Perry, J H Putnam, Rose Wilson, Ens Wright, Chas Ask fof'advertised." , MARTIAL MUSIC. The Heppner Symphony Band has receiv- d its new instruments, and the 15 cost $650. The euphonium cost $11(7- STOCK PAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down the other, stock pays best. A real bargain in now offered in a 1440-acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4 an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under' fence and will raise anything. Apply to Gazette office, Heppner. CLOTHING TO ORDER. The man who wants good, well-weari ing and well-fitting Clothing can have it made by me at prices that will beat those of anv ctoer tailor in this section. My stvles are tbe latest ana my work is - . 1 the best. Shop on Main street, same building as Dr. Metzler'e office. J. H. Bode. 'heppner churches. M. E. church CD. Nickeloen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. M. E. church, South. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. to. Rev. F. M. Can field, pastor. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. in. Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Regular services at 11a.m. and 7 :30 p. m. J. W. Stockton, pastor. Rev. W. E. Potwine will bold divine services in the new Episcopal church this evening at 7:30 p. in., and regularly on the 4th Sunday In each month here' after. Episcopal church Rev. W. E. Pot wine. Sunday, 28th, divine services at 10 a. m. Sunday school service, louowea by organization of school. 11 a. m celebration of Holy Communion, pre ceededby asermon; 4 p.m., meeting sf Confirmation Class, and at 7 :30 regu- lar evening prayer ana sermon. DID THEY GROW? Through tbe courtesy of Senator Geo. W. McBride the Heppner Gazette was last spring furnished two bushels of garden seeds from the government agri cultural department. . ' V - These seeds were distributed among tbe people of Morrow county, and now the government would like to hear how they got on. Those who tried the seeds will please send a few lineB to the Gazette office giving results, so that a general report may be made up' and Sent to Washing' ton. showing what seeds do best in Morrow county. The Gazette will have a big lot of seeds to freely distribute next spring, and wishen to avoid ordering those that do wot thrive here. . v I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Outtng.j I FOR 1900 l! f An Illtrntrated Harazine of SPORT. ' A m TRAVEL and ADVENTURE leiTsoatCASPAW WHITNCY EINLAKUcL) AINU IMfKUVEU Btcioalac with th April Iun V f Enr; Branch of 8 port Discussed by? Exports. Bpoclal comment By Kecog m i nlied Authorities. Hies 01 irorei W , and Adventure br the Most En- W m tertainlnf and Instructive Writere In this Field. a isyi nr thi contsisutoss To JTHK HCW OUTINttt 0 Rndvard Ktriltnc Oov.TI)eodore1tooMvsH A Oov.-Oen. Loora wooo Jtrnwl sewn-TnoaipeoB frcderle Remlnftoa Henry Sevace Lander A.Tnhn Tor.Jr. QwM WllUr Rlohard Hardlnj Darts C. Grant La Farge m ya uicMter rora Charles F Lummla i uunert reraer W. A. Fraaer AFC. oeloua ftT.D. Chambers IUVm. ...... E Hooab T. B. Van Dyke Dean Baffe Dr. D, O. Elliot Fan) Dn Challla m H. P. Wells T W P U.nhHI Jeu Lygch Williams Walter Camp Caapar "bltoer aid io tib iSTirre A. B. Froat, Howard Pyle, Walter Applatoa Clark, and Frederic Bemlncton. The Outinq publishing Co. NtWVORR. ' THE BEST. - , Bryan 0'Llnand his wife and ber mother Went on to a bridge together; The bridge broke down end they fell In, We'll And ground at the bottom, says Bryan O'Lln. Also beat Wines, Liquors end Cigars At Belvedere aalooo. Fbank Robbrtb, Prop. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hata and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy aod nuts all these are sold at J. R. Howard's store. - RED 1KONT 8TABLE. When you come to Heppner, pnt op your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main st., opposite the brewery. They will receive the best ot care. Bos sies. teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. Binms Baos. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Ha,8 Always Bought Be sura the !gntweef I. X. L Confectionery and Cigar Store. Dan. P. Doherty, Proprieter. Free Reading nn Gentlemen are invited to come in and be comfortable, and read papers from all over the world, a quiet, respectable place. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO and CIGARS, all of the very best quality. A fair share of the publio patronage WOOD d COAIv The Heppner Wood and Coal Yard, E. A. Beaman, proprietor, is now selling and delivering ; FIRST-C1VASS IMJESr, at reasonable prices. Fir, Pine and Oak Wood. Satisfaction Organs and Pianos. Guaranteed Organs and Pianos for sale - on ' easy terms, or will exchange for articles of commercial value. If you are tninking of purchasing, you will do well to consult us before buying, as we are in a position to please you in instrument, , terms and price. Wells & Co. Beautiful Iron Bedsteads $5 to $15. A New and Complete Stock of Sofas, Tables, Bed room Sets, Pillows and KA of r-oeooc oil rrrorloc IViailftJbbUb, d(l rdueb. Upholstering, Picture Framing, . Sewing Machines, Window Shades, Undertaking. J. YBAGER, Next door to 'Gilliam & isbee's. Main Street. HeDDner. . jji ai d 1 e8 I I make to order, when wanted, any article in the Harness line. H. AsEMBRSON, I Main street, West side, s. ft ai Ta THE BiVIIV WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam & Bisbee Have" just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagoni ever brought to Heppner. Call and FlflAvv and Shelf Hardware. Implements, wagons, Hacks, the world). Urockery ana uiassware. Simond's Cross Cut Saws Sewing Machines Sanitary Stills Boss Washers Hose and Sprinklers ' Lawn Mowers At Ed. R. is solicited. Rock Springs and Roslyn Coal. Guaranteed. Call at my jj ' NEW HARNESS SHOP eee tbe New Goods of the very quality, at lowest cash prices. do Jobbing and Repairing, and Guarantee Satisfaction. Heppner, mil t- See them. m k u v.-.-w Z A... - Prices ore TCl&lit. Graniteware, Imware. Agricultural J&to., rainis ana uns itne oest in Bishop's. Opening the Throttle Getting down to business on the prices, as you'll believe, if you'll examine these offerings. They're proper style from swellest makers, but we've eliminated any aint of it in the prices, for they're the common kind. Such values will con vince you that this store works for your patron age that we want your trade. Ladies' Underskirts. We have Ladies' Under skirts in great profusion of handsome colors and make ups the finest ever shown here. Black silkaloid, flounce, corded. ...1 18 Black sateen, heavy, double flounce, corded, dust rulfice 1 30 Mercerized silk, accordian plaited, 17-inch flounce .3 93 Ladies' and children's Flan nelette Night Gowns, but ton hole stitched in silk, 45c up to $1.25. Fine line Children's Wool Dresses just arrived. 1 THE FAIR The Place to Save Money. Heppner, Ore. S. P Garrigues, VI alia Street, Just Received, bulkey and Walking riows, all sizes and styles; Harrows Disc, Lever and Spring Tooth. Monitor and Superior Drills. NCW and Com- TToalro nvwl Tin a-wino plete Stock of -"-iaiyo jLtuggio. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. SksfjS-i-&it Liberty Market Highest price paid for fat Heppner, Oregon. For Constipation, Catarrh and General Debility, Slocum's Sarsaparilla. Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction or money rpfnmlpd. T Trice, $1 per bottle. G bottles for $5, Hj-fcrt TtM-- fr Main Rlrocf TTonrnifin Wide Ladies' Wrappers. Dressy Comfort in these Stylish Wrappers. 745, made of blue and brown mixed Flannelette, extra waist lining, and trimmed in braid , 89 761, made of heavv flannelette as above 1 13 710, made of outing flannel, dark shades, in stripes, ex tra waist lining, trimmed in braid. 1 38 732, black and white polka dot flannelette, made as above, nicely trimmed 1 43 710, new blue with vine and dot, flso cerese and black, aod blue and black, plaited and trimmed in ecru lace, witb flounce, made in jacket effect 2 43 Heppner. Canton Gang, Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Stock. - RnrW& Mathews, Proprietors. J ? in -