Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 18, 1900, Image 4

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That Eastern Oregon is the best
region on earth for sheep-raising has
been proven many times. One of the
latest instances is an account printed in
The Oregonian as follows :
L. Gafiz, a Los Angeles county, Cali
fornia, sheepraiser, passed through
Tortland yesterday, with bis family, en
route to Walla Walla, where be intends
embarking in the same line of business.
Four dry seasons in succession, he said,
was more than he could stand, so he
sold off the remnant of 6000 ewes to
local butchers and concluded to try his
luck woolgrowing in the North. Five
years ago he considered himself worth
$20,000, but the cloudless skies that
have been the rule almost ever since
were bad for grassgrowing, and for the
past three lambings his herders were
obliged to kill the lambs with clubs as
fast as they were born, In order to save
the ewes. He drove his flocks over to
the mountains, but the grass failed
there also, and so this year he gathered
what sheep were able to walk and drove
them down to the irrigated cornfields
of the San Fernando valley, and there
put them in condition for the butcher
at great expense, though he obtained $4
a head for them when sold.
"It's no use trying to raise sheep on a
large scale in Southern California any
more," he said, "as there is no telling
when there will be rain enough to ma
ture a crop of grass, and all the little
valleys have now been fenced in by set
tlers or by the large landowners, who
have bought them uo. I tried eyery way
to keep sheep alive while watching pa
tiently for the clouds which never came.
We drove the sheep from place to place,
buying a patch of irrigated stubble
here, or a stack of hay at a big price
there, and each fall we fervently hoped
the long-deferred rain would come. We
were willing to pay out the full value of
the sheep in order to keep them alive
until the drowth had broken up, and so
gradually both sheep and money were
almost gone."
He now proposes to go to work on
some Eastern Oregon sheep ranch and
begin life again at the foot of the ladder,
while his wife end four little daughters
will make their home in Walla Walla,
where he has friends. He is going to a
country where the grass never fails, and
where the broad, honest, bunchgrass
prairies always fulfill nature's promise
of a smiling spring and abundant har
vest. He will encounter some little
snow and a few weeks cold weather in
the winter, but the hay stacks scattered
about the meadows will furnish ample
sustenance for the flocks during these
snowy periods, which soon break up
into streaks of gentle showers and warm
sunshine. Many a man has gone into
the Columbia basin within the past 20
years, without a dollar, and in a few
years secured u competency in the
sheep business. Those best informed in
the outlook think the rewards of in
dustry and thrift will be just as good for
many years to come.
The lust vestige of the old original
first flouring mill in Heppner has now
disappeared, having been torn away to
make room for the new warehouse
which Manager Houston has filled up
with wheat.
The new mill is a complete institution
run by either steam or wator, having
both powers, and with its modern ma
chinery can miike the best flour in the
world. When a man takes a sack of
Heppner Hour into the bosom of his
family he takes in a friend who will do
him good.
The old mill was built by Mr. Beagle
a quarter of a century ago. In '78 it
was bought by Denis de l'orte, better
known as Denny the Frenchman, who
bought it just to have some business so
that his rich hither would Bend him
some money from France.
Denny bad a few cords of the hickory
and rawhide machinery pulled out, and
remarked :
"Foo-eyl Never did I ever Bee such
things like that before I I will send
them to the Paris Eipo-Bi-ihon"
Half a dozen years later the Heppner
flouring mill had new life brratbcd into
it when Jim Sperry rebuilt and enlarged
it at a cost of $35,000, and the home
company now owning it has spared no
expense in keeping it in good condition
to turn out a superior grade of Hour and
mill products, all made from wheat
grown right here at home.
Bismarck's Iron Narva
Was the result of big splendid health
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
ane not found where Btomach, liver, kid
neya and bowels are out of order. K you
want these qualities and tbe suooese
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
1'ills. They develop every power of brain
and body. Only -5e at Uouser 4 Warren
l'rug Co.
This well kept house is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street,
Heppner, and bus good rooms And
bountiful table, at reaHonablo rates.
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goes through in
24 hours.
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west side of Main street,
keeps first class rigs and saddlo horses,
and lakes the best of care of them.
II. A. TiioMi-HON,
Proprietor of all Three
"For three days and nights I suffered
agouy untold from an attaok of oholera
morbus brought no by eating ououtn
tiers," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of tbe
district court, Oenterville, Iowa. "I
thought I would surely die, and tried
dozen different niedloincs but all lo no
purpose. I sent for bottle nt Cham
berlain's (John, Oholera and Diarrhoea
lU'inedy Bud three d.sta relieved me en
tirely." 't ins remedy is for sale by Cen
ter Ac Warren.
Hi C5nts wniKt kx ust mils, cj
Ivil Bout i.uiili ryrii. Ttt l.ooil. Van f
I I,. ,i .... .1. .1.4 . Hri.L,t.
I Distress
I aftereating
U it caused from the atomach sot H
is caused from the atomach sot
beginning its work immediately.
Until it gets to work yon feel dia
tresned the food lays in your stom
ach like a weight.
To start digestion to make the
stomach do Its work yon munt assist
it if your stomach is weak or glow
to work.
No. 21 "
taken after meals supplies tho stom
ach with necessary acids and juices
which nicest the food quickly in a
proper manner. To gut the best
results use Baldwin's Health Tablets
No. 2ft with the Dyspepsia Tablets.
The Dyspepsia Tabluut cost Uc and
can be had at
Patterson & Son, Heppner
Take it up one side and down the
other, stock pays best. A real bargain
is now offered in a 1440-acre stock ranch
45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4
an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons
of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow
ing wheat; all under fence and will
raise anything. Apply to Gazette
office, Heppner.
London, Oct. 10. At the wool
auction sales today, 12,5G7 bales
were offered. There was good com
petition for cross breeds, of which
the bulk went to the home trade.
Broken, greasy wool sold and New
South Wales scoured were fairly
competed for at steady prices, fine
grades realizing high rates. Cape
of Good Hope and Natal wools
were in good supply, but dragged,
several lots being withdrawn. Su
perior snow whites were in better
demand at full rates. The attend
ance was good.
Oct. 11. There was a good at
tendance at the wool auction sales
today. The number of bales offered
was 13,394. Competition was good
for greasy wools, which were sctive
and sold chiefly to the home trade.
Cross breeds in moderate supply
sold well, the continent participat
ing iu the bidding. There was a
hardening tendency for good Me
rinos. Oct. 1014,520 bales were offered to
day. American representatives took
several good lines of greasy grades,
Good merinos and some scoured goods
were withdrawn, and new clip superior
combing sold well. Attendance large.
Story of a Slava.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the otinius of diseBue is the worst form
of slavery. George D. W illinms, of Man
chester. Mich., tells bow suob a slave wns
made free. He says: "My wife has been
so helpless for live years that she oould
not turn over iu bed alone. After nsiug
two bottles of hleotrm Bitters, sbe is
wonderfully improved and able to do her
own wore. ium supreme remedy for
female discuses quickly cures tiervona
neon, sleeplessness, melancholy, ht'Bit-
untie, baokaoue, fainting and riizzv spells.
Ib's mirxole working medicine is a goil-
"Hnd to weak, sickly, run down people.
Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 ots.
Sold by Goueer & Warren Drug Co.
Walter Bradley, Hardmun
M Kails "
Jack Eads, Monunm it
II A Murphy
W Turner '
A Q Carsnir "
A M Jenkins, Indiana
O W Lund, Butter cr. ek
O W Shanor Frank Colvin
A N Foster F M Lovgren
B B Montgomery J B Moore
L P Jones, Jordan
M S Corrigall, Butter ci ek
Pat Quaid, Balm Fork
U 8 McCormiek, Portl md
K B May
If you want to buy a real cheap
ranch, call ou or address Geo,
Wells, lleppnei. lie has some
plaoeH aa low as $1.25 an aore, and
will mail printed deecriiitiou free
on request.
It Happened In a Drag More.
''One day last winter a lady oame to
my drug store aod asked for a brand of
oough medicine that I did not have io
stock," says Mr. C. 11. Oraodio, tbe pop
ular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She
was disappointed ami wanted to know
what oough preparation I oonld reoonv
mend. I said to her that I oould freely
reoomraend Chamberlain's Cough Kern
ed y aod that she oould take a bottle of
the remedy and after giving it a fair
trial if she did not find it worth the
money to bring back the bottle and I
would refund the price paid. Iu the
oonree of a dav or two tbe lady came
back in company with a friend in need
of a oough medicine and adied her to
buy bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Itemedy. I consider that a very good
reootnmendatioD (or Ibe remedy." It is
for sale by Conser & Warren.
Thos. Driskell to Mary K. Driskell
lots in Looney addition, f400.
K. J. Ayers and husband to Ava
Thornton, lot .1, block 2, Ayers 4th add.
to Heppner, $250.
Morrow Co. L. A T. C.i. to J, Bamries,
lot near depot, $25.
Jas. Jones and wife to City of Hepp
ner, tract near Masonic cemetery, $50.
Helta Lalunde to J. A. Thompson,
land in Loouey add., $125.
Mary E. Wilaon to Lottie M. Benedict,
hind near PouyUs, $t''.M,
J. F. Uoyso to .1. V. fctoM-ns, land
ucar llardiiMii, $I0('0.
ai tiT to deliver anil colltvt In Oregon or old
et'Abll)HHl luuiiularlurln,; v hoW'sale lumvo.
fs."0 a year. Btirv la . lltiu''ty in,;re thau es
ln dot"' required. i r i, i, i. -in e, any ln 1 i
i'Mv. Kni'loort so if it. Mussed stamp,')! envelop
u .iii,l..nnhM Tlilr.l KU, nr. :.:l. llt.arltoriirtt -
j Chicago. ,
For Sale or Trade.
A new 10-foot Disk Harrow
and a 2d hand Hack, Buggy
and Cart.
Wool per lb 11 to 13
Wheat per bushel 42 to 45
Flour per bbl S 10
Oats per bushel 40
Barley per 100 lbs 60
Hay, alfalfa, per ton 7 00
(In stack at ranch) 5 00
Hay, wheat 7 to 9
(In stack at ranch) 7 00
Bacon per lb 1215
(yard per lb 12
Beef, best, on foot 4
Beef, cut ud 7tol5
Butter per lb . 25 to DO
Kegs... 25
Potatoes, new 1W to2U
Chickens, per doz '. StoS
Drv Hides, No. 1, per lb.. 15
Sheep Pelts, per lb.... 10 toll
A nice house, 6 rooms, well located,
lot 50x150, only $1100. Apply at Gazet
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Heppner
His work first-class
and satisfactory.
Give him a call May Street.
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Unequaled by any other.
Renders hard leather soft.
Especially prepared.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative. -
Reduces cost of your harness.
Never burns the leather ; its
Efficiency is increased.
tecures best service,
titches kept from breaking.
I a sold in all
Localities Manufactured by
Standard Oil Company.
Invites you to
street, Heppner, and examine his large
stock of
Musical MerenandlsG.
His Prices Can't be Beat
Art Catalogue
L. & M. ALEXANDER & CO., Exclusive Pacific Coast Dealers
JNO. E. WOODSON, Manager
T. II.
All well adapted to
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Fine lean and Coffees.
The White is King
of Sewing Machineg and Bicycles.
Win to bewincj Machine Co
CUIiam 5 Bisbee, Heppner,
Dealers iu "
The American Wool and Cotton
Reporter of tbe 11th Bays;
There has been a fair demand
for wool during the past week,
mostly from the smaller mills out
side of the combine, comprising
those making men's wear worsted
and woolens, dress goods and flan
nels, tiome of the smaller mills
had, it is reported, been waiting
for the larger, consumers to take
the initiative in the matter of pur
chasing wool, but being very light
ly stocked, they have concluded to
act irrespectively of others, and
have accordingly purchased some
fair-sized lines of wools, especially
territory, California and Texas,
and fine unwashed fleeces. .The
wools are purchased to meet actual
requirements, there being still no
evidence of any speculative tend
ency. Prices hold pretty steady,
and where the consumer really
wants the wool, the holder can
secure practically as good prices
as he could a month ago.
The London wool sales on Tues
day of this week nhowed an ' aver
aee decliue of 12i per cent on
Merinos, noe breeds being quoted
710 per cent, but coarse and low
cross breeds .quoted unchanged
The decline has been discounted
some time before.
The sales of the week in Boston
amounted to 2,'641.000 pounds do.
mestio and 40,000 pounds foreign,
making a total of 2,881,000, against
a total of 2,b28,00U for tbe previ.
ous week and a total of 4,466,000
f.or the corresponding week last
year. Sales since Jan. 1 amount
to 101,100,000 pounds, against
130,954,100 pounds for the corre
sponding time last year.
The day is not distant wheri every
inch of land will be deeded and doubled
up in price. If you want to buy a good
324-acre place at 85 an acre, call on J.
W. Kedington, Gazette office.
The news of both hemispheres In
Weekly Oregonlan.
Feed and Sale Stable
Haa just been opened to the
public and Mr. Gordon, the
proprietor, kindly invites his .
friends to call and try his
first-clans accommodations,
nnty of Hay stcfL O-xalxi fox Sal
Stable located on weat aide of Main
street between Wm. Scrivner'a and
A. M. Gunn's blacksmith shops.
For the ladies A fine horso and lady's saddle
0. B0RG,
The Leading Jeweler
of Morrow County,
call at his new store on May
It ia in the lead. Durability,
Simplicity, and n,asy Action are
its special features). Used by all
leadiDf; business houses, banks,
schools and colleges.
mailed FREE
249 Stark St. Portland, Ore.
Main street, you can find
rv mm. m
uroceries. provisions, uiassware.
inware and Furnishing Goods,
either City or Country Trade.
Good Goods....
Fair Prices.JL.
-306 Post St.. su Francisco, Ol.
Cor. of Storktou su. Facing Pacific I nlon Club.
C. A. HAWKINS, General Manage
Vhito" Bicycles ami Sowing Machines
Office at La Grande, Or., October 2, 1900.
Notice la herebv given that the following
named settler haa filed notice of her Intention
to make final proof In lupport of her claim
and that aaid proof will be made before J; W.
Morrow, united states uommiaaioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on November 17, 1900. viz: Home-
atead entry No. 8407,
ETTA R. MINOR, ol Heppner, Ore ,
For the eaat i of aoutbeaat ! aection 8. town
ship S south, range 29 E W M.
She uames tbe following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of aaid land, via: Malerlln D. Clark, William
Uipper, Eugene Jonea and Jonny uovell, an ot
Heppner, Ore.
8U2-7 E. W. Bartlktt, Register.
U omce at The Dalles, or., Sept. 25, iwu.
Notice la hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hla intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, United States Commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Friday, Nov. 2. WOO, viz:
FREDRICK BOCK, of Heppner, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 7276, for the southwest
section 5, township 3 south, range 26 K W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Benj. J. Mathews, Matt
Hughes, Wm. Eatea and W. J. McKiminy, all of
Heppner, Ore.
801-6 Jay P. Locas, Register.
Otnce at Tho Dalles, Or., Sep t 21, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler haa filed notice of hia Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Vawter
Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon,
on Friday November 2, 1900, viz:
ANDREW ASHBAUGH, of Eight Mile, Or,,
Homestead entry No. 7526 for the southwest
aection 2, township 4 south, range 24 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Mb continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Jamea Jones, Stacy Roberts,
Elihu B. Stanton and James Allen, all of Eight
M;le, Ore.
801-6 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
XJ Otnce at La uranae, ure sept. 14, ivhju.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler haa filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of hia claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon,
on October 27, 1900, viz: Homestead entry 7504,
JOHN WESLEY DEPUY, of Heppner, Ore.,
For the southeast L southeast V sec west hi
southwest H, southeast 4 southwest ' aection
lO.township 4 south, range 27 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Aaron 8. Burch, Waldo Wat'
kins, Robert Dexter and Samuel McBride, all of
Heppner, ore.
KUU-t) VT. BAKTLKTT, IieglBier,
J Office at La Grande. Or.. 8eot. 15. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed noiice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before the
County Clerk of Umatilla County, Oregon, at
Pendleton, Oregon, on October 27. law, viz
Homestead entry No. 8220 of
JASPER 8. (iULLIFORD, of Ridge, ,
Umatilla County, Oregon,
For the west V, southeast , southwest
northeast M, southeast ',i northwest 'a section
83. township 2 south, range 30 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
saia lann, viz: i;naries ijigniioot, oi Vinson,
Ore., Charles Ely and Anthony Corley, of
(jurdane, Ore., and John Grooms, of Ridge, Ore.
800-5, Register.
U Office at The Dnlles. Or., Sept. 18. 1900.
Notice is hereby iriven that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of hia intention
to make final proof in support of hie claim, and
that sain proot will he made before A. Mallory,
United Htates commissioner, at lienmier. ure
on Friday, October 26, 1900, via:
EMERY SPERRY, of Ftardman, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. gWfi, for the northeast H
northeast W and south northeaBt !i section
a, and southeast M southenRt J4 section lo,
township 5 south, ranee 26-E W M.
He names the following: witnesses to nrove
nia continuous residence upon ana cultivation
ot saia land, viz: f refl Knijjiuen, MacK Keiuy,
AlbertTell and Jap Walker, all of Hardman.Or.
ouu-D jay i: L,vvAS, Kegister.
Notice is hereby iriven that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that euid proof will be made
before 0. S. Commissioner. J. W. Morrow, at
Heppner, Oregon, on October 2G, HI0O, yiz:
Homestead entry o. 6422,
PHILIP HIRL, of Vinson, Oregon,
For the west northeast , southeast north
west U and northeast k southwest k eectiun
12, township 2 south, range 29 E W M.
tie namea tne loiiowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Patrick McDaiil, John Mal
ally, Daniel P. Doherty and Patrick Dohsrty,
all of Vinson, Oregon.
t.. w. EARTLETT, Register.
Office at La Grande, Or., Bent. 11, 1U00.
Notice ib hereby given that the following
named aettler haa filed notice of hia intention
to make final proof in support of hia claim,
and that said proof will be made before Hon.
w. Morrow. Uuited Htatea Commissioner.
at Heppner, Oregon, on October 26, 1900, viz:
Homestead entry No. 6083,
CHARLES HIRL, of Vinson. Oregon,
For the south H southeast M aection It, south
west u southwest H aection 12 and northweet
4 northwest V. aection 13, township 2 south,
range 29 E W M,
He namei the following witnesses to prove
hia continuous reaidence upon and cultivation
of aaid land, viz: Patrick McDatd, John Mai
ally, Daniel P Doherty and Patrick Doherty,
all of Vinson, Oregon.
W-l . W. BARTLKTT, KegUter.
Oltlce at The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 11, 1900.
Notice Ib hereby given that the following
named aetller has filed notice of her Intention
to make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, U. 8. commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon.
on Friday, October 19, 1900, viz:
MARY EARNST. formerly Mary Brown,
of Lexington, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 6935, for the loutheast U
section 17, township '1 south, range 95 E W M.
She names the lullowing witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, via: Ralph Benge, Frank Smith
and tleorge Smith, of Lexington, Or., and Wil
liam Lasseen, of Heppner, ur.
99-4 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Office at The Dalles, Or., Sept. U, 1900.
Notice la herebv given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before J. W.
Morrow, United states Commissioner, at Hepp-
uer, Oregon, on r rioay, uciooer i, ivuv., vis:
JAMES A BROWN, of Lexington, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 89tl, for the northwest
section IU township 2 south, range 2SEWM.
He names the following witnesses to prnvs
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, vis: William Laaseen, of Hepp
ner, Ore , Ralph Benge, Frank Smith and
George Smith, of Lexington, Ore.
99-4 Jay P. Lucas, Register,
J ' Office at The Dalles, Ore., Sept. 10, 1WU.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support ot his claim, and
that said proof will be made before H. N.
Krar.er, County clerk, at Condon, Oregon, on
baiurday uotouor a), mm, vis:
CHARLES J. HAYES, of Lone Rock, Ore.,
Homestead entrv No. 5M3. for the weat 4 north
e H and north V4 northwest "4 section IS,
townshln 5 south. ran'24 K n M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous nidenr upon and cultivation of
snid land. vi: W. T. Mtlo k. 1. c. Dennett.
James Hauslortl a ad Koy Foster, all of Lone
Kih'K, ure.
94 4 Jay P. Lucas, Register
Do You Want
Write to me at Heppner, or call at Conser & Warren's
Drug Store. .
On West Side of Main St., Heppner.
Hay and Grain bought and sold. First-class Rigs and Saddle
Horses always kept for livery at reasonable rates.
The very best facilities kept tor
charge. Give me a trial and be convinced. ,
Heppner Lumber Co
R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterscn '
Have organized the above Company with, headquarters just North
of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully
stocked with all kinds of
Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Wiudows, Shingles, Moulding aod
Screen Doors,
And eterythiDB appertaining to b first-clues Lumber Yard. They will after
Mar oh 1 deliver In ruber to any point in tbe oiry limits free of charge.
These gentlemen also buy aod sell real estate, reDt bouses, write iusurauoe.
K you bave any property to Bell or rent, put it in their haDfis, or if you need any
thing else in their line be sure to cooeult
to 'phone call No 7.
Anvone wanting pasturage for a bunch
of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W.
Liedington, at Gazet olhce, Heppner.
A Remington breech-loading single
shot-gun for sale at $12. Gazette office.
Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver, 4:30 p. m.
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Special Kansas City, St.
9a.m. Louis, Chicago,
and East.
Atlantic Salt Lake, Denvor, 4:30 p. m.
Express Ft. Worth, Omaha,
9 a. m, Kansas City, St
via. Hunt- Louia, Chicago
ington, and East,
Atlantlo Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p. m.
Express ton, Spokane, Mln
7 46 a. m, neapolia, St. Paul,
Via. 8po- Duluth, Milwau
. Kane. kee Chicago and
8.00p.m, Oceah Stkamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All aailing datea
subject to change,
For Han Francisco
Sail every 5 days
8:00 p.m. Columbia Rivbr 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Stkambrs. Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way
P:00a. m. Willambttb Rivbr 4:30 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
' V ay Landings.
7:00 a.m.' Willamette add 8:30 p. m,
Tuea., Thur, Yamhill Kivbrb. Mon., Wed.
and Sat. and Frl.
Oregon City, Day
, ton A Way Land
Bnaki Riveb,
Lv. Rlparia Lv.Lewlaton
3:35 a, m. Rlparia to Lewiaton 9 a. m.
dally dally
Heppner Branch train No. 9 leavea Heppner
at 7:45 a.m. No. 10 arrives at 5:30 p. m. Daily
except Sunday.
Paasongars booked for all Foreign
J. M. KERNAN, Agent, Heppner.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
(BrtWM Buaksas fmMAJ
The larfsst Anatomical
m ma wona.
errata otfroeftwl fn (S0 CUy. A
svoruwrui nantnr vwusr.
Wwtkaoas. or aojr mntraet,
sdsUeue, Mailt vlyurlbr I
the oldMt BperMlstvs) the Psoitis)
Voast. JCaaabUaStMMjrsars.
Traaar aaea and sbII41 '
a asaa wh ars Miffertnf .
from tta Mlscta at youthful Iodic
crstiona w can Im nituMr
' Tears. tTaus and nbystsal AHtUllar.Iia. I
. Boteaar, LmI MaaaaalaaUluoosapll.
r cuuomb; BpraswrrB. rraiiaMr 1
rh, doaorraaea. iis. rmmn 1
aT Urluailnsr, cm, Hy a ombtitaliii ol I
remedies, ot grout curative ewsr, tbs Docte '
I lias so arrangad liia treatment that It will Del ,
' only afford TmmediaM rellvf, but psrmaiMnt
I our, tub Doctor does not claim lo perform ,
1 tnlraclwi, but M well Kaowa to M a fair aod I
. Bquare Pliynlclan and Siirreon. nra-emliM&B
! id DiBupeciaity mawaaoa as
. BirHILIS thoroughly eradicated from
I im Bysism wituout tn use ei asareary.
TraasM fitted bv an Ex vert Jital '
I oaro for Baatnra. A qalcB and raduol 1
eiircror riiti, riMire ana mm im, bt 1
I Dr. Jordan's special painless method.
IVEBT MAN aDDlTlns toUBWlllreealTa '
I our am4f opinion of bis complaint. .
We uiu Ovarmtut a PO&ITJVJ LI MX ta I
every u we undrrtnk.
(.'oniuitation I'KKK ana smoiiy pnvaiak
Treatment personally or by letter.
Write for Rook. PHIMSvPUT
lM4RRIiE. Mailed Faca. (A valuable
book lor men.) uan or write
DR. JORDAN k CO.. 1 061 Marks 8L. .
If 11
At $5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good "plow land,
has running water and is under fence ; will
make a good home for some farmer or stock
man. J If not sold soon 4 will be rented on
shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tflm
Ouaid, D. A. Herren, Wm. Penland and Jas.
Hayes. Apply to J. W. Redington, Heppner.
of the-
taking care of teams lelt in our
tbem first. Tbey will respond promptly
wi4 a .Is consider
The Argonaut
thev are experts
the best weekly published west of
.New York. JHo paper on the hacihe blope is &o
widely copied as is the Argonaut. It is noted for its
short stones, its bright New York and European let
ters, its unique Departments, and its vigorous Ameri
can editorials. For the Argonaut is American first,
us. tor tne Argonaut is American nrsi,
IThe Argonaut
last, and all
the tune,
Subscribe for
Nothing so
as a pure malt heverage to refresh one
after a hard day's work baa ever been
discovered. And there Ib one malt
beverage that la fetter than others
that is
J. B. Natter's beer
It goes right to the Bpot, and is served up at
Natter'i Brewery, on upper Main St., Heppner.
where an ice-cold cellar In the solid rock keeps
it always cool.
of Oregon for the County of Morrow.
Bertha Gardner, Plaintiff, )
va. summons.
William Gardner, Defendant. )
To William Gardner, the above-named de
fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed againBt you in the above-
entitled court and cause on or before the 30th
day of November, MOO, said date being six
weens trom uctorjer tne inm, me aaie or tne
first publication of thiB BtimmonB, and you will
take notice that if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint on or before said SOth day
of November, for want tnercor tne piainnn win
take a decree against you for the relief prayed
for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree for
ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between yon and the plaintiff.
You will also take notice that this summons
ia served upon you by publication in pursuance
of an order of the Hon. W. R. Ellis, Judge of
the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
Sixth Judicial district, which order is dated on
the 9th day of Oct., 1900, and made at chamber
at Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, and
such order perscribed that service of this sum
mons ahould be made on you by publication
thereof in the Heppner Gazette not lees than
once a week for six consecutive weeks ,
G. W. Kba and
J. W. Morrow,
804-10 Plaintiff's Attorneys.
Olfice at The Dalles, Or., October 8. 1900.
Notice is herebv eiven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of ber intention
to make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof win be mane Deiorej. w. mor
row. United Btates commissioner, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Friday, November 16, 1900, via:
NELLIE Q. STEPHENS, formerly Nellie
G. Baaey, of Heppner, Oregon,
Homestead entrv No. B746. for Ihe west i south
east )4, northeast M southeast H and southwest
H northeast M section ia, towusnip souin
range 25 II W U,
Shensmeathe following wittnesaes to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Patrick Spillane. John
Hickey, Lee Driskell and Edward Driskell, all
of Heppner, Oregon.
BU3'8 JAY r, kUCAH, Register.
office at The Dalles, Or., October 11 two.
Notice Is herebv eiven that the lollow-
Ing-named settler haa tiled notice of hia inten
tion to make final proof in atipport of nis claim ,
and that said proof will be made before !. W.
Morrow, United Htatea commissioner, at riepp
ner, Oregon, on November 17, l!KK), viz:
JOHN C. HART, of Hilgard, Ore ,
Homestead entrv No. 43!V7 for the southeast H
northeast H. east V4 southeast H and southwest
H southeast H section ?i, towusnip t souin,
range 26 E W M. '
He nameB the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: M. L Cantwell, W. . Minor,
Thos. Morgan and Hiram Clark all of Heppner,
fWl-g Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Office at La Grande, Ore., October 6, 19U0.
Notice Is herebv given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that anid proof will be made before the
County Clerk of Morrow eountv, at Heppner,
Or., on November 24, 1900, vii: Homestead
entry No. 7204,
HERMAN A. YOCUM, of Heppner, Or ,
For the northeast H southeast . southeast
northeast 14 and lots 1 and '2 section 6, town
ship 4 south, range 27 E W M.
He names the following witness's to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Jerry Phillips. Joseph Potter,
Layfette Penland and Louis Orosheus, all of
Beppner, Oregon,
stil e E. W. Babtlett, RegUter.