Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
a aa
Thursday Oct 11, 1900
Heppner to , M1Iel
Portland lm
Pendleton by wagon road. ."' n
Lexington " j
ione !."!!!""'" 15
Heppner Junction on Columbia River '!" " 45
The Dalles V
Canyon City 1(Ji
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18
Train leaves daily except Sunday for all
points at 8:15 a, m.
Train arrives daily except Sunday from all
over the world at 5:15 p. m.
Btage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
6 p. m.; arriving at 6 a. m.; distance to Canyon
104; time 24 hours.
Malls close for trains at 7:30 a. m.
Business hours of the Klrat National Bank of
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World.
Last year it shipped away 8,215,750. pounds, and
Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of
wheat. Morrow County's climate is moat ex
cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in
all Oregon. Population 6000.
Heppner has 1200 population, good school,
city water, electric lights and 135,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from
Heppner. Chicago some further.
Here and Trere
Frank H. Johnson, the wool-boyer,
was called to Portland by Telegram
W. T. Hatton haB made an improve
ment on the spring of his clutch wrench,
and will Boon have that useful invention
on the market. Mr. Hatton has also
patented a clutch pipe wrench.
Ed Bartholomew came out of the
mountains Tuesday with 3000 2-year-old
wethers, losing none on the way. He
took them to the home ranch at Castle
Robert D. Watkins and ' wife were
down Monday from tbeir mountain
home at the heads of Willow and Rhea
The mellow moon now rises early and
pushes its full face up over . the hill in
Senator Morrow's pasture.
The little girl or big girl who has lost
a ring, may recover it by leaving a de
scription at the Gazette office.
The orchard at the Jas. Jones home
place is just showing what it can do
this season, and every tree is loaded
down with fruit and not a bug on any
of it,
The mill-nice is now a busy, cheerful,
full-flowing stream.
Their many old-time friends were
glad to again greet Felix Johnson . and
wife in Heponer on Saturday and Sun
day. They brought for their friends
some sample TompkinB apples, 8 of
which weighed pounds.
The cords and cords of wheat piled
up along the Heppner railroad show
that Morrow is a county of rich re
sources. L. P. Jones, the merchant, was up
Saturday from down the creek.
'liens begin to carry their heads and
tails a little higher now, for eggs have
gone up to 2 bits.
C. O. Bethel has fold bis ranches
near Hay Creek and leased the Gulli
ford place at Powell Buttes, where he
will engage in the stock business.
At Prineyille, Howard & Stearns Bold
and delivered 300 head of dry cows this
week to Lyle & Brown, of Cross Keys,
and about 200 head of steers to Maguire.
A. (J. Traban, poBtmoster at Emery,
last week lost his residence and every
thing it contained, including the post
office records, by fire.
Heppner people will read with regret
that the Chinese Empress Cowcatcher
and her husband have refused to again
peek in to Pekin.
Ex Gov. David Brickbat Hill is going
onto the stump in Indiana.
Tom Moraan, the veteran pioneer,
has bad his bands lull this week be
tween getting all his teeth pulled
and having a debate with Norman
Kallav on national politix. He claims
to have made Norm, quit argufying.
Fall styles the very latest in general
groceries ai tue n.. umuup
Thn vrv choicest of canned and dried
fruits are always kept on hand at the
grocery store of T. R. Howard.
CM and see us and inspect oar fine
array of groceries, fresh fruits and
canned goods. Matlock & Hart.
The youngest, most active and fresh'
est looking pioneers at the reunion were
T. W. Avers and wife. They both show
th nffBcts cjf healthful industry and a
good climate.
One of the pioneer pioneers who was
here at the reunion was A. C. Pettys, of
Pettvvill. For manv months in the
early days be carried the mail free from
Hock creek, and he was the first post
master in the vast section now known
as Morrow countv. Heooner town at
that time bad not come into existence
If you want to bny a small or large
home in Heppner, inquire of the Gazet
We are the grocers in the city direct
ory of merchants. Matlock & Hart.
T. R. Howard's store has everything
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables
Leaders In the business. Fresh fruits
and groceries. Come and see. Matlock
& Hart.
Miss Lelia Hardin, of Dayton, is vis
iting the family of Ei-Bberiff Andrews.
Mrs. Geo. W. Wells and sister re
turned Friday from an enjoyab'e visit
to British Columbia.
The earliest pioneer present at the re
union was C. A. Rhea, who settled on
Rhea creek 37 years ago. Lam is still
in the prime of life, and his energy and
activity make a splendid showing for the
healthful nees of this climate.
Joe Hayes jogged in yesterday from
tfce John Day with 800 fine mutton sheep
bib h hiptd te PtHUndi
Little Eunice Briggs is showing re
markable talent st drawing.
A stranger named Spencer who came
here on the train Saturday attempted to
commit suicide that evening and cut
himself with a knife in the abdomen.
He was disarmed by Martin Anderson,
the hotel clerk, and tound to be insane.
Judge Bartholomew committed him to
the asylum and Sheriff Matlock took
him there Monday.
A fine and full line of stationery at
Patterson's up-to-date drug store.
Sandon's "Electric Belts on sale at
Patterson's drug Btore.
We are agents for Lowney's candies;
a full line in stock, and fresh twice a
week. Patterson & Son.
Leather goods and toilet articles, and
a fine line of drugs and patent medi
cines at Patterson & Son.
Have you ever lopked our stock over?
If not, call and investigate. Patterson
& Son.
John Edwards has (ought 400 old
ewes from Geo. Conser at 2.40, and 359
from W. D. Lord at $3.25.. He took
them to his Sand Hollow ranch, and at
tiie schoo huuse corner came near .hav
ing a mix-up with the Bartholomew
sheep coming down Hintou creek.
Heinz's sweet pickles at Bishop's.
Choice bacon and flour at Matlock &
Sample of the Demar photo given
with ourchaseB at Matlock & Hart.
Ueppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is
a credit to the Northwest, and is con
ducted miller the peroonal supervision
of its owner. Senator J. W. Morrow, at
prices within the reach of all.
When you want something for lunch
in the way of canned meats go to Bishop's.
Clean newspapers to cover shelves,
put under carpets and line houses are
sometimes scarce, but just now there is
a full supply on sale at the Gazette
office at 15 cents a package.
Go to Matlock & Hart's for vour veae
tables, fruits, etc., always fresh.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles. has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land, lhe reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
On the ranch or in the miniou camp
dried fruits are always needed. The
best are at Matlock & Hart's.
As an indication of how marfy peop'e
were visiting town Saturday it may be
said that the stables of Binns Bros.,
Wm. Gordon and H. A. Thompson ac
commodated each 175 horses.
Marion Sperry, son of George Bperry,
died Sunday. The funeral on Monday
was largely attended. ,
Out of 200 head of horses brought to
Heppner to sell to agents ot the Ger
man government, only 70 were accepted
and shipped away. The sallrrs suv that
all the horses would have been accepted
if their owners had "seen" the inspec
tor. ' , . ;
Pap Simonds is at'end ng grand lodge
at Astoria.
Mrs. Bert Simons was taken to Port
land today to undergo an operation for
The ladies of Heppner are respectful
ly informed that Mrs. Redington has
started her art class, and is now pre
pared to give instruction in oil painting,
crayon, pastel or water colors, f upils
may begin at any time. Corner Chase
and May streets.
The Palace Hotel, of Heppner, is one
of the home institutions that Eastern
Oregon may well be proud of. It fills
the field as a first-class house, and it
employs only competent white help.
It is conducted strictly on the American
plan, and its commodious well-furnished
rooms and bountiful tables give satis
faction to all its patrons.
There were 160 pioneers in the parade
Saturday, and headed by the Heppner
Band they marched to the opera house
aid as the guests of Heppner town en
joyed a bountiful public dinner.
In the afternoon the house was well
filled, and an interesting program was
rendered. Several speeches were made,
the best of them all being by Judge W.
R. Ellis, being full of sound sense and
words of wisdom. He paid a glowing
tribute to the mothers of the land, and
gave golden advice to the young people
Judge A. G. Bartholomew proved
himself to be the best presiding officer
on earth. His happy remarks were al
ways timely, and he kept everybody in
good humor.
The yocal aud band music was excel
lent, and tne pioneers made inters -ting
talks, the moHt thrilling being by Mrs.
W. H, Herren, who crossed the plains
in '45.
In the evening an excellent entertain
ment was given by home talent, and it
was enjoyed by a full house.
The enthusiastic meeting at the opera
bouse Friday evening wa& presided over
by Judge W. R. Ellis, who raade'a very
able and sensible speech.
Mr. Tongue spoke tor hours, and
while not an accomplished orator, ha
gave the people acres of facts and fig
ures, and showed them where- lay tbeir
vital interests.
The platform was filled with promi-
inent citizens, and the Heppner Cornet
Band enlivened the Occasion with stir
ring strains of martial music.
The beating arrangement of the 7th
grade room in the Heppner school needs
looking after before it causes the sick
ness or death of some of the children.
There are too many pupils in the
room, and those who have to si) close
to the stove get roasted. When they
shut off the draft, children at the fur
ther end of the room get chilled.
It costs the taxpayers enough to run
the school, so tbat no expense should
be spared in looking after the health and
comfort of the children.
The Heppner market continues
Tbere is now about 2,000,000 pounds
of wool in Heppner, of which 1,185,000
is in the Morrow county warehouse.
Tbere is still considerable wool out on
the ranches. Judge Dutton has not yet
hauled his, and Blake Bros., of Rock
creek, have 60,000 pounds to come in. d
J. W. Salisbury, of Butter creek, has
this week been hauling in his big clip.
Frank H. Johnson, the woolbuver,
was called to Portland Tuesday by tele
gram, important business demanding
his immediate attention. He will soon
return to Heppner.
In Boston there was an increase of
sales the past week, but demands were
to meet only the pressing needs of man
ufacturers. Prices seem to be softening
and buyers have been able in some cases
to secure prices less than the first quo
tations asked.
Territory : scoured basis Montana
and Wyoming, tine medium and fine, 47
48c; staple ouc.
Utah, fine medium and fine. 1617c:
scoured, 4748c; staple, 50 c. Idaho
fine medium and tine, 15 10c; scoured,
4748c; staple, 50 c.
Australian, scoured basis, spot prices
combing, superfine, nominal, 82 85c;
good, 7880c.
At the London wool sales on the 9th
1 1,674 bales were put up at auction. The
fine cross breds were 10 to 15 per cent,
below July figures. The net amount of
bales available for this series is 366,325
Home industry is the corner stone of
the prosperity of most communities
Send away for nothing tbat you can get
at home, and keep the casb here, lhe
Heppner Steam Laundry does good
work and has modern machinery and
full facilities. Clothing called for and
delivered. 1 Feed Kkijo.
People who , enter Rhea & Welch
store now .see a wondrous change in
general arrangement and reorganization
The firm's big new fall stock has been
placed on the shelves and counters, and
is immense, embracing everything in
the way of clothing, furnishing goods
and footwear, for both sexes, besides
eroceries and canned goods. Rhea &
Welch advertise an invitatien for every
bodr to come and , inspect tbeir new
This well kept bouse is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street
Heppner, and has good rooms and
bountiful table, at reasonable rates.
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner duly
except Monday, and goes through in
24 hours.
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west side of Main street
keeps first-class rigs and saddle horses
and takes the best of care of them.
H. A. Thompson,
Proprietor of all Three
Norman Kelly brought bis sheep out
of the mountains Monday, as there was
already quite a dab of snow at his camp
on the Harrison Hale prairie.
Organs and Pianos.
Guaranteed Organs and Pianos for sale
on easy terms, or will exchange for
articles of commercial value.
If you are thinking of' purchasing, you will
do well to consult us before buying, as we
are in a position to please you in instrument,
terms and price.
Wells & Co.
17 in I 111 n M i mBMmmmm
The Most Money
For Your Wool,
will be secured by sending it to people who
can afford to hold it for vnu until m,u
vro are mo Largest Wool House In the West
handling nnumHy sw 18,000.000 lb: of wool.
X5 thu,sra0we1IrK'.nt st th l0 rZ'Z tor
' 2?? Kr"de of wo' ""I the existing market con-
MIcAfou Strmmt.
aW M -
r- V - ' 'rfT '-ffTfc
eootmsmen St
Beautiful Iron Bedsteads
$5 to $15.
A New and Complete Stock of
Sofas, Tables,, Bed-
oom Sets, Pillows and
- ... - .
Mattresses, all grades.
pholstering, Picture Framing,
Sewing Machines,
iVindow Shades, Undertaking.
Next door to Gilliam & ;Bisbee's, Main Street, Heppner.
if A 1
O. A.
Toe Germ That Canaes It Hst to Be Dei
strojred, to Care Dandruff.
Many a woman spends an hour twice
week scouring her scalp, thinking
scrubbing off the scurf will cure the
dandruff. Two hours a week, at tbe
age of 40 years, she has spent 200 days
of 12 hours each, or two-thirds of a year
of ber lite, in that vain hope; vain, be'
cause you cannot cure dandruff without
killing tbe dandruff germ, and the only
hair preparation on earth that will do
this is Newbro's "Herpicide" also
delightful hair dressing, and thorough
antiseptic against all contagion from use
of others hair brushes. It Is also a de
ligbtful hair dressing.
Bryan 0'Llnand his wife and her mother
Went on tot bridge together;
The bridge broke down and they fell in,
We'll find ground at the bottom, says Bryan
Also best Wines, Liquors and Cigars
At Belvedere saloon.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
$100 REWARD.
A reward of $100 will be paid for tbe
arrest arid conviction of any person or
persons stealing horses branded E. D
or -S- on left stifle.
T. J. Matlock,
J. M. Kkknky.
A nice line of
Matlock & Hart's.
Key West cigars at
, Tbe man who wants good, well-wear
ing and well-fitting Clothing can have it
made by me at prices tbat will beat
those of any otoer tailor in this section.
My styles are tbe latest and my work is
the best. Shop on Main street, same
building as Dr. Metzler's office.
J. II. Bodb.
When you come to Heppner, put op
your team at the Red Front Livery Sta
ble on Main St., opposite the brewery
Tbey will receive the best oi care. Bug'
gies, teams and saddle horses for hire
at reasonable rates. Hay and gram
bought and sold.
Bbeep-ranch outfits, stock salt, bats
and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco,
mlT Mid nata- all tha are sold at T.
H, Howard's sWr.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hays Always Bough
Bears the
See Frank H. Johnson, Agent, at Palace Hotel, Heppner.
Call' at my
. larjdeee the New Goods of the very
' -"i es iuatyi a lowest cash prices.
J - " -
I do Jobbing and Repairing,
I make to order, when wanted, any article in the Harness line,
Main street, Wesl side, - - Heppner.
fmsT ational Dank
RHEA.......... President
RHEA..... .Vio President
O. W. CONSER Cashier
E. L. FREELAND. .Assistant Cashier
Big Shipment of
Dian)ond Brand
ond Hamiltor)-Brown
Shoe Co.'s famous
Is In! .
All the Newest Shapes !
All the Latest Styles!
We propose to
Increase Our Shoe Business
100 per cent, in 1900. And
Are making prices to do it.
NOW is the Time
To Buy Your SHOES !
Best Selections.
Lowest Prices,
Biggest stock ever brought to
Heppner to select from.
More value for your money
than you ever got anywhere.
Come and See for Yourself.
The Place to Save Money,
Heppner, Ore.
8. P. Garrigues.
Maiix Street,
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections made on all points on reasonable terms. 'Surplus and undivided profits $36,000.
Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth.
Gilliam 1 Bisbee
Have just received one of the , largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever
brought to Heppner. . ,
Gall and sSee them.
Prices are Right.
Heavy sdJ Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Klo., raints and Uils (the best in
the world). Crockery aud Glassware.
Just Received, Canton Gang,
Sulkey and Walking Plows,
all sizes and styles;
Harrows Disc, Lever and
Spring Tooth. Monitor
and Superior Drills.
New and Com- Tlnslro on1 Tturvmna
plete Stock of J-jluiyo uuu jjuao.
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons.
Simond's Cross Cut Saws
Sewing Machines
Sanitary Stills
Boss Washers
Hose and Sprinklers
Lawn Mowers
Ed. R. Bishop's.
Vi ' "ja,, m imii
Fresh Meats
: Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
Highest price paid for fat Stock. .
tim & Mathews,
Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors.
For Constipation, Catarrh
and General Debility,
Slocum's Sarsaparilla.
Every bottle guaranteed to give
satisfaction or money refunded..
Price, $1 per, bottle. 0 bottles for $5.
ISlOOum !!. C5 Co., Main Street, Heppner,