Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 11, 1900, Image 1

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Portland Library
Subscription price. $1.50
Leads In Prestige
Leads In Circulation
Leads In News
" " ffl'ii "LPS0! BP't-
. vi mv vvuniy.
1- jnii5piffiwp; plfflK
I vmvum u, iuu, VTiA pnq
T"" . I A Wettt niirio I ' ! '
I "Hi'UJJ , UHJjO,
Subscription Price, $1.50
The Paper Is Published Strictly In the
Interests of Morrow County and Its
The Heppner Gazette
is published every Thursday by
Entered at the Fostofflce at Heppner, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Sixth Jnrilnlal IlLli-Iot
P'luAeiV""t.- Stephen A. LoweU
..... auiHjruojf a. j. Bean
Morrow County Officiate.
i'SLl SS& i-W-""row
FZiTi T .....is. JU ireeland
",;v,V,u"V. A- . Bartholomew
(.oromiMionerf J. L. Howard
' m.ir .. Vawter Crawford
Sheriff.... ; A. And row.
freasoter M. Lichtsnthal
STT'u"",: -.Julias Keithljr
School Sup't Jay W. BhipleJ
Stock Inspector Heury Scherainger
rS?Si,7n-" Frank GiUUm
Marshal.... ..:;;;;;;;;;:::;;;:.Ge0r &g
1 "Jrs-Frank Gilllrm 0. E. Farnsworth,
J. M. Hager; Clerk J. J. Roberts. ru,Hur"
Freeinst Officers.
i'S,"(tl "" W. A. Richardson
( onstable Q. 8. (In,
united state Land Officers.
oBLLte Kri.ter
The Kind You Have Alwn-ira t i. . . .
in nSft for A"r """5"l wmeii nas been
uas pome tne signatnre of
uu nas Deen made under his per-
v.. w. Bartiett..r.:.:f..:.,?.r.":.
I . O. Hwackhamer
It is a fact that farms can be bought
in Morrow county at such low prices
that their first coming crop will pay for
the land.
C E. Redfield
Office in First National Bank building.
Heppner, Oregon.
M , " "wto turner ms per
sonal supervision since its infancy,
ii . .. i uuuua tuueceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-&oodare hut
Oastoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goriDrops and soothing Syrups. It is Pleasannj
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm,
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and wS.
Si p, J r,eUeV68 ?ethinS Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates too
The ChUdrens Panacea-The Mother's Friend.
.Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
' "WTu" ". tt stuitmt w.CT. N.w Veen err,.
Office in Natter's Building. Heppner, Oregon.
J. W. Morrow
, and
Office in Palace hotel building, Heppner, Or.
A. Mallory,
d0.1 all kinds of LANI
Collections made on reasonable terms.
Office at residence on Chase street.
Government land script for sale.
D. E. Gil man
Put your old books and notes in his
hands and get your money out of them
Makes a specialty of hard collections.
Office in J, N. Brown's building, Heppner, Or
Dr. M. B. Metzler
j Palace
J. W. MORROW, Proprietor.
Strictly First-Class
A Leading Eastern Oregon Hotel
f". . ft 4 l
every Modern Convenience.
lUrummers Resort. Stockmen's HAn,.,
-T7-T i - - VMWVHU ,
w ' '
: une ot the finest equipped Bars and Clubrooms
in the state in connection ...
First-Class Sample Rooms.
or Business Heppner Is one of the Leadina
Towns of the West. vxwvl
Teeth Extracted and Filled.
Bridging a specialty
Painless Extraction. ... For sPrinS and Summer Wear
Heppner - - Oregon
Gentry & Sharp
Tonsorial Artists
Your patronage solicited.
Satisfaction guaranteed.. .
Hot and Cold Baths.
Main Street, near Palace Hotel. ' Heppner.
J. R. Smons fr Son
General Blacksmiths
Horseshoeing a Specialty
; 1118 Pl0neer Boo Shoe Dealer of Heppner, has
The Latest Styles of Footwear for
Men, Women and Children.
w main oireet. , ,
-piiinni speoialty.
Not on the Midway, but at the
uateway of Ihe Great INLAND
MinKK-ine Dalles,
Wagon Making
and Repairing.
A 11 work done with neatness
and dispatch. ...
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Upper Main Street,
Heppner, Ore,
H. W. Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. 41
Q., C. M. 4 Bt P., C. & 4 P. Ft. W. C.
and the C. 8U L. fc P. Railroads.
or. W. Ifadison and Clinton 8.,
mamma 9t uxau.
Harvest Carnival ni Street Fair
October g to 13 inclusive.
This Will hfl HlB orraatosf : .1 . .
and Fruit ad an Open River to he Sea fb 2rt m Whm Wo'
be on exhibit,on, and farmers .kt..i .5.U.f.th, Hro will
bUion that wi:l be both interesting and in.tr.u. Tr " m w,tnM'' hi-
Have you ever heard of the Owl
Club of Baker City? askB the Tele-
One morning recently while the
overland paused at the station in
that city a piiReeuger was yawning
and growling about breakfast. He,
had just nulled out; nf hafi r,A
some of the sand out of his eyes
with a hartUwrWI tr.,oi ; il.
vi in linj
ruiinjaii. tnancing to look out of
mo wiuuow ana ooberviug where
"wo, no iauiy snuaaered,
UOOa (JOd ' ' llH BTO nimol
Someone' asked what WAS fhtk
matter. An onlnrtbnr fVi.VI.:
some illness had seized the man
offered him a dram. .. '
"It's Baker Citv; ; iun't. it?" k-,
' J I . . ? xo
J hey told him it was
"I Wish I noil Id nnvur Uo.'
- v. uvai
'f Place again," , he groaned.
There is BOarcpIv a rtv nf ;t
uun x wonuer whv m in
Stead of aCCIinvinor a nni'flf mA
rj v .uvauu
uuwu yonaer. '
"What sort of A nnrnna vis HO''
juu won i rop aeaa irom laughter
if VOU realize mv nnait.inn T
to live there, and was one of the
sny and festive snorts. Tliorwi
Club was a secret organization for
the promotion of hiuh.h
try. Gentlemen, hat club was de&d-
tOUeh. I nSB tVlA term AaA
advisedly, because I want you to
understand that its Minks' hrmin,,
was a system of cruelty to suckers.
The club eot tonoiw a it
older, and its mission was to make
night hideous.
"One part of the initiation was
fairly fiendish, They shot the
candidate with a cannon. He was
stripped almost nakprl Ann rslusMk4
" mjjJi
in front of the young cannon, the
uio ui. wuicn von nnn n aobi n vn
your arm into. The field piece was
luitueu in tne nrpsnnpA nF fha t
- tr "" .v
tim. Me WH trwan a nVionno
11 . I .
boo luai rRfti nnwdoi DT.ri
ball were put in. When the charge
woo reauy ior tne fuse tne victim
was blindfolded. Rftf,
urei was given the leaden ball
was removea and a bag of water
was placed in its Bread. ThnnvQ,.
Of DOwder WaH PBf,imato1 In v,.m
- - km vnr
the skin bag1 6? "water nearly the
length of the hail.
victim on the breast, where it
would burst with
7 uuuuuc
me canaiaare witij cold water.
"I Whs beint? nut thrmmh to
. c. I turn
ternfymg ordeal within three
WeeKB 01 tllH tima whan .rAfl,n.
w auuiuci
man, addicted to heart valvular
trouble, was oarried nnt, of th hail
nearly dead from the shock. He
wtia in uea tor a wapIt nnH if
uwutuuv iv rt no a
month before he fully recoveted.
"I was blindfoldfld
, " w Ml IUUOU
msiantiy tne cry of 'make rrady'
was Riven. There was a deafening
report in the hall and a missile
uBeu unaer mv ATtandwi m
within two inches of my ribs. It
was bo close the frint,
oiyskin. I felt as if I had been
hit There was a crash as if the
ouiiamg nad been hit hv a niu.
I jerked the bandage off my eyes.
xuo i uum whs niinn with imnta
and tne halr-iRiropri nm-mA ;n
wild dismay. There warn oriaa rif
Annntn. n A. - A . .
uuusiicruauon. a great nole was
... i j. i .I, . .. .
nuru in uie tnin wrxviAn m nhn..
me cannon shot had struck.
"The fool with the water bag, in
the excitement, forgot to change
the load. Th aim vn VtttA m.
anatomy would have been hunted
iur wnu ine am oi microscopes. I
tell you I am not joking when I
eay mat snoi passed bo close it tore
the sleeve of my undershirt,
"Only tWO or thrnn vnnra ion if
you remember, at a celebration' in
that citv some torn fonl nut Hvna.
mite in the gun used to fire a
salute. Them
Loading the gun with dynamite
M.jtn . A. I at 11 1
wortny or an uwi uiub member.
"My initiation AYneriAnna nraa
. .Qq
not made any more reassuring by
the remembrannn that T ho kan
told by a phrenologist three months
kr ti.. i r i i. . . t
death. That proohecv cauopd ma
i . j j j ... -
iu buu insurance on mv urn 'I'hof
ve A. UU V
harrowing experience tinged my
hair with crrav. Now
why I wouldn't stop in Baker Citv
41 X lO.
Reports from everywhere indicate
that sheep are in brisk demand at strong
Nat Webb has just sold a band of
ewes at Pocatelio at $3 65.
Geo. Hufford has sold to Arthur Mi
nor 900 ewes at 3.25. and
, ulo
vu iiruDs to (Jass Matlock at $2.10.
Heppner sheep are reaching th ir
home ranges every day no?. Hynd
"us. ureenuorn band was at Dale yes
terday on the way out.
W. P, Dutton has so'd to 0. L. Ben
oett, recently from Iowa, 2000 ewes at
$3, and a bunch of bux at 12 50. Judge
Dutton also sells enough hay to winter
the sheep and range to run tbem on un
til spring, for $1000.
C. A. Rbea this week raiaivai h
28000 sheep he had bought, and had
iuem ariven to their home ranges.
Kd Bartholomew came out Tne)..
tram the Greenhorn ranca with mqi
sheep, being only 37 head less than the
uunioer ne took into the mountains.
Wm. , Walbridee And r!harlAQ anl
w awa U14
Walter Bartholomew startnd lvfnna
for the Sigfried ranch on the John Day,
where they -will receive and drive to
tieppner 6000 lambs.
A continual stream of wh OH f. id rrn a.
mg into Heppner and all tha
stations in Morrow county. The roads
are gooa now, and the price is 44 to 47c.
The Heppner Flourinc Mill h i.
ready laid in 25.000
- uoSci
Houston is making many improvements
u uie miii, ana uapt. Warren and Judge
Keithleyare laying brick foundations
.. i .i .
uuuer lot piers.
Among the wheathaulara tn tha m;n
this week is J. C. Bell, who nnmna in I
iHuea irom aown the mi road hanaoa
. t , uuisnMOU
me price is always better at Heppner
" me oesi wi.eat.
Around Lexington there is still a great
ueai oi wneat piled in the fields.
liuU (WD1J(B
by the use
of Roval
Baking Powder is considerable.
Royal is economical, because it
possesses more leavening power
and goes further.
Royal saves also because it
always makes fine, light,' sweet
food; never wastes good flour;
butter and eggs.
Ti .f
More im
portant still is
the saving in
health. Royal
Baking Pow
der adds anti
dyspeptic qualities to the
There Is no
powder so
In practical
use, no
matter how
little others
may cost,
as the Royal
Imitation baking powders almost Invariably con
tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome.
A W Lundell, lone
. M L Akers "
Mrs ME Cecil Thos Schoolcraft
Miss Cecil C Huston'
J D Brown John Huston
uaseom uiaze Day ville
F Morrison . "
J W Turner & wf
Burt Missildine H McBrlda
W 0 Hill, Lexington
M Church, Echo
W O Royse, Hardman
L B Wack, Walla Walla
New Madden, Looe Rock
WTBell A N Foster
Geo Barker
The Ladies' Band will give a; concert
Of tt.A I - I m. $
... .0in iiuubb mis inursaay even
ing, and will be assisted bv Prof. Par.
rwre, tne talented pianist.
Boston, Oct 8. At a ministers'
meeting here the principal speaker
was Dr. Clark, president of the
United Christian Endeavor, who
has visited several mission stations
in North China. He said:
The dragon's teeth of way onii
uioosacre were sown by the for
eigners who had come in the spirit
uuujuierciai greea to push their
conquests. Turn the tables for a
moment and imagine China forc
ing her goods upon us at the point
of the sword, sending her opium
here to debauch our youth and
uaujubiiing us to buy it, seizing the
"UU,D ""ie oi ttiassacnusettB be
cause of two Chinamen murdered
by a mob, and we can imagine some
of the feelings which animated the
Boxers or the more intelligent
powers behind the Boxers. j
In these prosperous davs. when nvarv
man is at work who wants to work.
pie can afford to make nanr anil nl.t
homes comfortable. See J. L. Yeager,
the Heppner furniture dealer, and ha
will fit you out. He advertises an in-
vitation for you to come and see hi
LOW rates:,
For the Street Fair and Parnivoi
The Dalles Oct. 9 to 13 inclusive, the
O. R. & N. Co. offers round-trip tickets
from Heppner at $4.35, limited to Oct. 14.
On Sept. 20, at Silver. Wh. Mi..
Anna Thurlon and Exie Ruark.son of
W. F. Ruark, formerly of Heppner,
Special Social Attractions!
Band Concerts Every Day!
A Novel Street Parade!
p-eaS of sight-seeing .nd
Dalles will entertain you. mmoiations for all guests. Come and The
in 'S!1 19 m8ke eX,,ibU"- N" " -Pace
Reduced "Rates on all Railroad and Steamboat Linos.
How We Use Up Oar Forest.
It is estimated that ittatraa tn.-t
utoa oi apraoe iaoa to turnisn enough
wood pulp paper to ran a large metro-
u""7 Jaai iwa anyi. xue writer
DO milk Ml Ihifl aUtNmtl r)ar.ln... AL
funs wijbd , fti inn rfttA. rtn p r - a ft. .ii
f r ' Will
eosroe and expensire. Meantime, the
rt vi priming oonunnes, oeoanae there
are man Irntha tha arnihl l
. ... nu..u, auuw:
atnoDg otbers, that Hostetter Htomaob
Blttera ia a anra tn. rttu&aaua .t Ik.
aoh, enoh dyspepsia, indigettioo.
vuiiKiipniiuo, uuioasnaaa, inaooinia sod
DcrTonaoesa. Thia f.mnna m!il;.i.. v, ...
bren tbe etaodard remedr of the Ameri
can Dannie for .VI vaara Tin nnt .
aobititate. Tbe genuine bee Private
Revenue Htsmp over tbe neck of bottle.
Heppner Gazette and East Oremiiin
semi-werkiy, $2.75; weekly $2.25.
The Heppoer Gazette offioe wilt fnr-
Diah von ao riar nr auul.. ( n.
I werl! at redieel ralei
Manila, Oct. 5. The renort rf fh
capture of about 60 men of tha 2nih in.
fantry on Marinduque island Is con
firmed through coramnnicatinna n iwon.
Arthur and Kempfl, from Marinduque
island, but details are lacking. The
Yorktown's relief column iania
Torriios, on tbe Marinduona nnaat. an,i
marched to Santa Cruz, which was the
proposed route of the captured party,
without encountering tha AlUm. n
learning anything definite regarding the
captives, except that they had entirely
disappeared. It Is possible that the
rebels have conveyed the captives to
Luzon. ,
The army death list here for tha
10 days numbers 27, mostly from dys
entery and typhoid fever.
Washington, Oct. 8.-Tbe effort
tO induce tha Phinoca Tmn..:..l
Court to return to Pekin has failed.
The roval familv haa nma snn
mues further from Ptin Hir.o
which was formerly the place of
xmyoiiJM resmence, and the ancient
palaces are still th fra anA nm
strongly fortified.
The Chinese Telegraph Compa
ny, which is very rich, wishes to
WttUOlOr UH lniCtrPBra tn trirafrrnni..
fearing that the property will be
apiixorl do iwl.v:t.. i 1. .
"-"v v- o luviciuui ty uy mQ powers.
Pekin, Oct. 3. Oen. Ya
will retain 10,000 Jap troops, 2000
U1 i-eKin ana the others
at iaku and along the line of com
munication. Eicht thnn
mans will pass the winter in Pekin,
and 1500 Russians. The number
oi untisn has not yet been decid
ed. The allies are storing supplies
for six months.
5000 triads have defeated the
imperial troops and occupied sov
eral places between Mirs Bay and
DaAn T Mil
r tuey are now moving
southward. The Viceroy today
dispatched Admiral TTn anil fin.
- v A VU.
long to appose them.
It is an open secret that the
the French have designed on Yun.
nan province. They induced a
priest, by offering a large sum of
money, to rent a temple, but he
was driven out.
Fred Wilmarth, the bright editor
of the Harney News, has been re
visiting Prineville, and writes of it
ID his alwaVH-iritflroatintr ctlQ
-b ovjio OB
The count v seat nf
. w" w-wve ay
Prineville, a neat little ton of 900
peopie wno nave made the alkali
fiat between Crooked river and the
Oohoco blossom with the sweet red
rose, and have curved tbe atmos.
Phere to fit the rntnnrl hoata rst
growing cabbage. Potato bugs
have not vet annearnd. hllf. fit at a
are other times. Tall and beautiful
trees veil the modest town from
the approaching stranger's view,
uui uijub msiae tne emerald fringe
he finds a welcome warm enough
to make him donate his January
clothes to the orphan's home.
Barney Prine was the first navi.
gator of Crooker river to moor his
long-eared craft to thn o-illnwa onri
say: "Eight here I striy for action."
In later years r.nmn rv.1 r.
t y w.. .i j , n uk,
has since owned enough sheep to
line the right of way to Bryan's
incumbency of the presidential
chair and their wool would robe
Mt. Hood in American -m;lfl hlunlr
ets thicker than its eternal snow.
Philadelphia. Oct. 3 p,-i,i.
Mitchell issued his call today for the
miners convention to consldar tha .
erators' offer of a 10-per-cent increase in
wages. The convention will v.. i
Scrantoo, and will onen Friday, it i.
general expectation that the decision of
the convention will be to th. in.
crease and return to work '
Quietness prevailed th
anthiacite regions today.
WAHTKn-ifTiUB u. ..
a.-tar t7rf..l. "J? "". Vr WW" CHAR-
ubr.h i ." for ..id
...... V..IIH, wnnienai bouse.
a ytsar, sure pajr. Hoiinstv more than
The Itussian Oen. Sobbovitch
enierea Mukden Uct. 1. He ad
vanced with 11 battalions of in
fantry, Cossack cavalry and 40
guns, and after fighting two en
gagements, routed the Chinese
army Hept. 27. Before withdraw
ing, the Chinese looted and ti.H
the city. Tbe Russians captured
numerous modern guns and im
mense stores of war materials.
Iu accordance with an agreement
of the admirals, the forts at Shan
Hai Kwan have been divided
among the different nations. The
town has not been occupied, but
the gates are guarded by artillery.
The forts are nearly intact, and
the whole route from rinr If n I
to Shan Hai Kwan is now occupied
by the liusoians. After the occu
pation the AmfricftBB refune to
further participate iu the opera
tions. 'Part r. IU l'n.:. t.
Two wonderful i
. : wvwWo uvj
enable soldiers to practically shoot
aiuuuu corners are announced.
One in a German invention and
the other the product of an Eng.
lishman's brain, but they both
seem to be much on the same prin
ciple. The English device is at
tached to tbe stock of tbe rifle, and
enables the marksman to not only
sight his weapon behind cover, but
also to find his target and his
range at the same tima. With tha
w - ' vu WUV
UermftD arrani?fimnnt. whinh tha
r- "7 wuv
Oerman war ofiice has promptly
secured, tbe soldier is said to be
able to sight his rifle while he re
mains under cover hut all nth.
; - w. vyuDl
particulars are withheld.
The three decrees; Jniinnv
"Paw, what do they mean when
they say a man 'takes things easy'?"
Paw"That hn is pith rvan
pher, a kodak fiend, or a klepto-
luauiuu. Argonaut.
Mother "Tommy, what makes
you now so late?" Tommy
"Had some words with the teacher,
and she dept me in after school."
Mother 'Ton had words with the
teacher?" - Tommy 'Yes, mother,
I couldn't spell 'em."
I am now nrnnarml tn (..!,., ..i .
Iruit, siiaiJe und ornamenlul trees, irrane
vines and small fruits, roses and shrub,
bery, which have tmon grown without
imitation by The Dalles Nurseries. I
will canvass llnrmv an.l
for both spring and fall delivery, and in
all canes Kiiarantee satitifaution.
My address is Hardman, and I will
see tbatull stock is promptly delivered.
The day is j,t dintaut when every
inch of land will h h
I lifi in rirti'u I i
.. jrwu nIH iu i uy a 100(1
:is Bflvsneic northwardsi