Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 27, 1900, Supplement, Image 8

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    In All Sections
of the Country
And All Indica
tions Arc that Ho
1 God Has Expanded Us," Says
Bishop C. H. Fowler. " ;
Will Destroy Gold Standard at
. , First Opportunity.
Bryan's Pretensions Dissected
by a Former Supporter.
Warmly Supported Expansion
in the New York Journal.
No Thoughtful and Responsible
Man Can Hesitate.
Gen. Anderson on the Character
of Our Filipino Allies.
Democracy's Death Is a Prerequisite to
Any Political Reform, Says George
Rutherford, the Populist
Geo. W. Rutherford, one of the plon
era of the Topulist party In Marlon
County, 111., Bryan's home county, la out
against Bryan.
Mr. Rutherford has been a Populist
ever since that party was formed and
lias quite a following In this State, as he
Is well and favorably known as a man
f high Integrity. When giving his rea
sons for not voting for Bryan this year,
as he did in 1800, Mr. Rutherford said:
"I severed my connection with the Re
publican party solely on the question of
finance, voting for I'eter Cooper in 1870.
glnco then, till 1890, I uniformly voted,
when voting at all, for the presidential
candidate of the third party.
"I supported V. J. Bryau four years
g) been use:
"1. IIo stood for bimetallism at the
ratio of 10 to 1, demanding also in the
platform 'that the standard silver dollar
Should be a full legal tender, equal with
fold, for all debts public and private.'
"2. The Democratic party, for the first
time since the Civil War, took the afllrm
Stive side of the live Issues, and we I'opu
lists duped ourselves into the belief that
Mr. Bryan and his party really meant It
for, at least, as mnny years as five.
"3. That party actually named a can
didate for President outside of New
Tork, a political heresy they had not dor
td to be guilty of but twice In thirty-tiix
"I cannot support Rryan and Steven
son this year for various reasons, some
Of which are:
"1. They stand for a 4S-eent silver dol
lar. By purposely leaving out of their
silver plank at Kansas City the legal ten
der clause, their so-called sliver dollar
shrinks to Its bullion value.
"2. Mr. Bryan said In accepting the
Populist nomination: 'It Is true that the
Populists believe In an irredeemable
greenback, while the Democrats believe
In a greenback redeemable In coin.
"Torn Merrit of Salem says: 'In fishing
for Populists j on need no bait. Instead
throw In the naked hook; they will bite
at anything.' Bryau and Tom attended
the same school.
"3. Bryan's psrty relegated to the rear
the silver question by 'paramouuting' the
bogy 'imperialism,' which Is a child of
Bryan s begetting, ho acting as accouch
ur In securing the one majority for the
Spanish-American treaty. Then he took
the place of wet nurse, having the child
dressed at Kansas City, afterwards car
rled to Indianapolis, and holding the pub
lie weakling up before the gaze of his
auditors, he attempts to justify his liai
son by the following self-convicting test)
" 'I believe that we are now In a better
position to wage a successful contest
aguliiHt Imperialism than we would have
been had the treaty been rejected.
"He, not like St. Paul, would do evil
that good to his party might come.
"His actions In urging the members of
fcis party In the Senate to vote for the
ratification of Hint treaty, and his lan
guage in justification convicts him be
yond doubt, to say the least, of duplicity.
That treaty provided for the payment of
$20,000,000 to Spain for the Philippines,
the United Slates agreeing to certain
stipulations, the performance of which
requires ten years from the date of the
ratification of the treaty. A fight had
occurred between the American soldiers
and the l''illplnos two days before the
treaty was ratified; and that treaty eon
talus the following section: 'The civil
rights and political status of the native
inhabitants of the territory herein ceded
to the United Slates shall be determined
by Congress.'
"All of this Mr. Bryan knew, yet he
poses as the champion of the ratification
that spawned imperialism as well as the
champion antl-lmperlulist.
"4. The Kansas City platform charac
terises the Philippine war as 'a war of
criminal aggression.' Mr. Bryan running
upon that platform anld In substance at
Indianapolis: 'If elected President, my
first act after Inauguration will be to con
fene Congress In extraordinary session
aud give to the Filipinos s stable and In
dependent government.'
"If Mr. Bryan Is a friend of the Amer
ican soldier, as well as a friend to the
Filipinos, how can be be consistent In
the Indorsement Of that clause of his
platform knowing, as lie does, that It can
have uo other effect than the encourage
ment of the latter to fight on till after
"November 0?
"lie may he able to reconcile It with
bis superabundant love for humanity, es
pecially the Democratic portion of It, on
the theory that It puts him and them in
a better position to wage s successful
war against Imperialism than If It was
tot In the platform.
"The Democratic party has the bold ef
frontery to talk about 'the consent of the
governed,' when they are the only party
in the United States that has been aud
Is guilty of governing people without
their consent, and not long since believed
In the diviue right of oue uiau to own
"Mad It not b-'en for the transfusion
ef oxidized Populist blood Into the veins
f the Democratic party In ISM the 'old
Reminiscence' would have ceased cheating
the undertaker, aud saudtone sl.ib
would now be marking the spot of its
everlasting home. Its death Is prerequi
site to any political reform. It Is the
veritable dog lu the manger. It stands
to-day as It has always stood, asininely
and stubbornly across the pathway of
"The party wltS which I have been
Identified for nearly twenty-five years has
committed suicide, and 1 sot, metaphor-
(Continued at bottom of second coluuaj
Views of the Tammany Leader "An
Insult to Suggest that We Aban
don the Peoples Rescued
from Bondage.
(From the New York Journal.)
Every man, In my opinion, should ex
press himself clearly on the great ques
tion of the day. That question is na
tional expansion, which has been the
mainspring of this nation and the policy
of the Democracy since the nation's
birth. The views which follow are mine
personally, and I write them as a private
I believe In expansion; I believe In
holding whatever possessions we have
gained by annexation, purchase, or war.
This policy is not only patriotic, but it
Is the only safe one to pursue. Any
other policy would show weakness on the
part of the United States and invite for
eign complications. This must be avoid
ed, hence our policy must be vigorous.
Every patriotic American, and every
Democrat in particular, should favor ex
pansion. Jefferson was- an expansionist, other
wise he would not have favored the ac
quisition of Louisiana, with its foreign
population, which in Jefferson's time was
quite as remote as the Philippines. I'n
this age of steam and electricity, dis
tance Is no argument agaiust expansion.
We spend millions annually for mis
sionary work In foreign countries. Now
we have a chance to spend this money
in our own possessions, and mnke the
people of our new lands good, law-ubiding
citizens, who in time will lie loyal to our
Constitution and our flag. Take England,
for example. The people of this Jit tie
isle come pretty near owning the uni
verse. Are not our people as intelligent,
as powerful and ns patriotic as the Eng
lish people? The United States is the
only country on enrth superior to the
English. Why not illustrate to the world
that we arc fully able to cope with great
er problems than we have had occasion to
In the past, and In the future dominate
any emergency?
We have a population of eighty mill
ions of people; the country teems with
young men full of life, hope and ambi
tion. Why not give these young men a
chance to develop our newly acquired
possessions, and build up a country rival
ing in grandeur and patriotism our owu
United States?
I say by all means hold on to all that
rightfully belongs to us.
If the great country west of the Rocky
Mountains was filled with wild Indians
at the present moment"! how long would
it take us to suppress them and make
them respect our laws and our Consti
tution? The same thing applies to the
Philippines and any other country that
may fall Into our hands by the province
of peace or war.
It Is an Insult to the American peo
ple and to our ting even to suggest thnt
we abandon the peoples we have released
from bondage, oi what would be more
disgraceful, that we should offer to sell
them to the highest bidder.
Such a proposition places the American
people In the same category with the
Chinese, who have neither patriotism nor
a foreign policy, and are in consequence
utilized as a doormat by the powers of
the world.
This Is too great a question to be con
sidered as a mere matter of dollars and
cents. Our people want their rights pro
tected; they will not figure on the cost.
Bring It down to local government In
the case of street cleaning the Cry Is,
"We want clean streets," regardless of
the cost. They demand them as their
right. Just so with our possessions
the people want the properties acquired
by war protected. They will pay for a
standing army, a powerful navy, and the
protection of our flag the world over re
gardless of any monetary consideration.
They have proved their willingness to
sacrifice their blood for the honor of
their country and their flag! and when
the question is brought to an Issue they
will arise as one man and demand ex
pansion as a citizen's sacred rightt
New Tork, Jan. 0, 1S09.
(Continued from first column.)
lcally speaking, a political orphan. As
an American citizen I claim the right te
do my own thinking and to cast my ballot
for the right .as I conceive It to be. I
am not In accord with the Republican
party on the finance question. In think
ing that other people are mistaken 1 have
on all questions thought that T, too be
ing human, was liable to err.
"I have never claimed that the kind
of money which should he coined and
used by the people of the United States
Is specified In the 'Bill of Rights, but Is
a question of expediency, The gold stand
ard has been adopted and Is on trial.
If It proves to be the best for us, well
aud good. If not, our only appeal Is to
the people. I consider that question set
tied for the time being.
"It therefore becomes me, as an Amer
ican citizen, to put my vote where I
think, all things considered, It will do the
most good. 1 shall therefore support the
party of emancipation aud progress.
"Who dare say that the Inhabitants of
Hawaii and the territory ceded by Spain
to the Ur.ltetl States are not on the high
ro:ul to education snd civilization, and
even now enjoying a greater degree of
freedom than they ever dreamed of while
under the domination of Spanish rule and
that of Queen I.ilioukalanl?
"President McKinley'a administration
has received no word of commendation
from the Democratic party for its exalt
ed statesmanship in our critical commit
cation with China. For that, If for mnh-
tag more, be deserves the everlasting
gratitude of all true Americans."
John S. Williams, a Virginia Democrat,
Fearfully Rends the Dangerous
Platform and Program of the
The word "Democrat" with us has cov
ered all shades of opinion among respon
sible people, and has meant, generally,
opposition to negro rule and social equal
ity. Outsiders can never know the
losses, humiliations and outrages to
which we have been subjected in our
struggles to regain our rights and to re
establish white supremacy.
We have been, politically, under virtual
martial law; and menus and methods
hnve been resorted to and made familiar
which only the exigeucy of our situation
could justify.
At last white dominion is being effec
tually established in the South, aud we
will have the ways of peace and free
The present phase of the negro problem
ia convincing the North, and the whole
world, of the folly and direfulness of the
effort to place the negro above or on an
equality with the wliite. Sufficient
amends catt never be made for the Insult
and harm done to brothers of a common
stock and household. But those who com
mitted it nre dead and dying; and a new
race aud a new era of Americanism is
upon us. Forgetting and forgiving are
the order of the day.
We of tlie South have reached our level
of citizenship. Absolute unity is no long
er necessury to avert a dire danger. We
can participate iu public questions, and
share iu government for the common
. Moreover, with our minds and muscles
and manhood, we have iu spite of dan
gers, in every department of human ef
fort aud industry in our land, brought
forth wonderful resources and achieved
wonderful results.
For agricultural, mineral, manufactur
ing and commercial advantages and
promise, our section stands as tlie fav
ored land of the world and our domestic
and social standards and ideals are of
the best and highest.
With our history In the past and latest
present, from our Immediate standpoint,
aud with our bright outlook, what we
want most is peace aud stability in our
public affairs. And this is the want of
our whole couutry.
Uncertainty in our standards of value,
duplicity lu our obligations, want of char
acter In our public men, nnd mere strife
for pnrty supremacy and spoils In our
electious," must, each and all, point the
way to general confusion and rnln. Un-.
dcr such conditions our best hopes and
promises niny come to nothing. That's
the lesson of history.
As between the present administration
and a possible Bryan administration, I
can hardly Bee how a thoughtful and re
sponsible man cau hesitate. Those of us
who still cherish old sectional animosities
have but one old Idea, that of opposition
to Republicanism, and they go for Bry
an, tin tue otner liana, men or business
and enterprise, responsible and thought
ful, are almost unanimous against him.
To me, Mr. McKinley represents, large
ly, stability in general management, and
improving financial conditions and sound
principles. He Is trying to do his duty.
Under his administration our country has
encountered problems nnd difficulties of
immense importance. The Spanish war
was against his will. Both parties rush
ed Into It and he could not withstand
them. But In that our country, under
the guidance of himself and his cabinet,
organized a great army, and, by the fa
vor of heaven, achieved a speedy and
overwhelming triumph over a great em
pire, to the admiration of the world. We
were at once approved as a great power
among nations. Cuban and Filipino en
tanglements are unhappy consequences.
They can be settled only by experiment
and in time.
The Chinese difficulties have been man
aged with temperance and wisdom and
general credit.
Our financial mattors are progressing
without panic or trouble. Time and ex
perience will cure them. Free banking
alone will settle the currency question.
As things are, It Is plain wisdom to Let
well enough alone. Our caso calls for
As to Imperialism, that Is nothing but
a party cry. We have ten thousand times
more to fear from the despotism of par
ty leaders and the demoralizing means
aud methods of Tammany and the miuor
clubs throughout the country, and polit
ical machinery generally, than from the
enlargemeut or expansion or exertion of
the stroug arm of our government fol
lowing and protecting the enterprise of
our citizens.
Iu Mr. Bryan I can only recognize the
champion of change, the leader of the
outs against the Ins, the mouthpiece of
fault-finders, the head center of malcon
tents, the mirror and kodak of' every
phase of politics aad ranattclsm, an India
rubber man, and an Infant phenomenon.
In his last canvass he spent six months
In scattering heresies and kindling social
antagonisms, and feeding envy, hatred,
malice and all uncharltableuess.
I regard him as a very apostle of con
fusion. He has covered up free sjlver,
with which he was identified, because It
did not seem to take. What else he has
reserved in bis pandora's box no one
I jim no Republican. I claim my right
to think for myself, and own my respon
sibility to vote for the best Interests of
the commonwealth. And I think the
safety of our country depends on every
man claiming that rlgbt and owning that
responsibility. JOHN S. WILLIAMS.
Richmond, VH Aug. 20, 11KMX
Theodore Sandico Issued the Proclama
tion Ordering the Extermination of
All Foreigners and Filipinos
Started Fires.
Were any confirmation needed that the
Aguinaldo party Intended the massacre
of all non-Filipiuos in Manila and to burn
the city itself, it has been supplied by
Gen. Thomas M. Anderson (retired). He
was in command of the troops at that
critical time in Manila, and lu regard to
the wild statements of Senators Petti-
grew aud Allen he says in a signed com
munication: "Sir In the report of Senator Spoon-
er's speech in relation to the suppression
of the Philippine insurrection, it appears
that Senator Pettigrew denied that Theo
dore Sandico issued a proclamation or
dering the extermination of all inhabit
ants of Manila men, women and chil
drenexcept Filipino families. I was
then in command of the district south of
the Pasig river, and found the proclama
tion posted iu conspicuous places in my
part of the city. I had them torn down
and one translated. They were sigued
by Sandico.
"I had received letters from him and
knew his signature. Moreover, soldiers
of my command arrested two Filipino
men in women's clothes setting fire to the
houses in the city. They were brought
to me and I had them turned over to the
provost marshal general.
"Senator Allen also asserted that Senor
Torres came into the city under a flag of
truce to ask for a suspension of hostili
ties. As I know that Torres was within
our lines when the fighting began It Is not
apparent how he came in, when It seems
almost impossible for him to have gotten
out. On the 5th of February white flags
were hung out from every Filipino house
in Manila, and the few Filipinos who
ventured into the streets carried little
white flags as an evidence of submission.
Senator Alien's reliable informnnt seems
to have forgotten to mention this circum
stance in sayiug that he saw Torres going
to headquarters under a flag of truce.
Torres naturally inferred, without con
sultation, thnt Aguinaldo would like a
suspension of hostilities, for in front of
our first division alone the insurgents had
lost in one day TOO killed and drowned,
400 prisouers and seven cannon,
'T send this communication to correct,
so far as my testimony is relevant, a very
erroneous impression.
Thos. H. Baker on Moral Sup
port in Modern Warfare.
Aguinaldo Would Have Been a Peaceful
Citizen tut for the Encouragement
Given H.m by Sentimental
I do not believe that the Southern bor
der States would have seceded from the
Union In 1SU1 but for the aid and com
fort given them by the Copperheads of
the North. When ene distinguished ora
tor declared that the Union army would
have to march over the dead bodies of :
40,000 Indiana Democrats before they
reaehed the South, the magnificent utter
ance electrified Tennessee with hope.
Thousands of men hesitated npou the
brink af the awful abyss. They loved
the Union and bated the Abolitionists.
The Union was a "theory" entwined with
beautiful and pntrlotic sentiments. Slav
ery was a "condition" in which was in
vested the bard earnings of a lifetime.
At the supreme crisis came the promise
of Northern Democrats that they would
not let us be hurt; their bitter denuncia
tions of the Republican party. The South
made the leap.
During the war we saw Indiana regi
ments and brigades march through the
State ef Kentucky. "Tramp," "Tramp,"
"Tramp," they passed through Tennes
see, Georgia and South Carolina. We
never did learn how the paor fellows got
over those 40.000 dead bodies of their
Democratic friends and neighbors. We
were fully persuaded they killed and
made a corduroy road of them, because
the anti-Imperialists of Indiana said they
Our next hope after we got mixed up
together was that Enghtud and France
would help us for commercial reasons.
Vallandigham. Stevenson uud-a thousand
other Copperheads like the good brethren
who held up Joshua's arms, hold ours up
by encouraging us to hold out a utile
longer, by denouncing the war a "fail
ure" and keeping us ported as to the
movements of our enemies.
This is all ancient history, but I, an old
Confederate, cau see very readily how
the anti imperiallst league can materially
aid Aguinaldo and hit crowd. Every old
soldier. North aud South, understands
the force of moral support. Our war
would not have lusted three mouths but
for Northern Democratic encouragement,
and I believe Aguinaldo would have been
as peaceful a citizen as Gomes bur for
the encouragement he has received from
the sentimental traitors of the Anti-Imperial
United States Marshal Western District
of Tennessee.
Memphis, Tens.. Aog. 77, 1100.
A Powerful Sermon on Expansion and
the Duties of the Hour, Preached
by the Noted Methodist Divine.
All men now begin to recognize the
providential character of Abraham Lin
coln. We see him as one of God's
History repeats itself. One generation
stones the prophets, and the next, their
children, build them monuments. Only
a few souls have the intuition to recog
nize a living prophet. These prophets
neither dress nor act like the old proph
ets; that would be mere charlatanism.
Every prophet must he fitted into his
own time, suit his own environment. One
comes as a pilgrim, like Abraham; an
other as a hired man aud herdsman, like
Jacob; another as a leader and lawgiver,
like Moses. Another as a warrior, like
Joshua; another as an executioner, like
Elijah; another as a scholar, like Paul;
each man fitting his own age.
To find a prophet, we must not take
the grave clothes of the dead seers, and
run through the mart, trying to find some
man whom they will ht. We must so
read events as to recognize the man who
fits and fills his time. He must be In
league with events. Napoleon on St.
Helena said: "At Waterloo events desert
ed me." He dropped out of the nick of
time. The prophet must be a history
maker. To find our prophet, we must
find the trend of events; then we can
easily find the hand that Is makiug the
bend in the stream of history.
This band we find in the White House.
President McKinley may not tit the
clothes of the old prophets, but-he is
fitting the trend of events iu this age.
He so stands in the midst of the world's
forces that he reaches results in civiliza
tion. He is bending the streams of his
tory in the right direction. Sink down
into the urtdercurrent, down below the
party strife on the surface, downs into
the great stream that sweeps on through
the sea of the centuries bearing the races
up to higher latitudes and levels, and
catch the moral forces that are evolving
the world's destiny, and you will find that
this statement is not politics, but relig
ionGod's religion, that moves always on
in one direction.
The three greatest missionary events of
the Christian era since the crucifixion of
Jesus are: First, the conversion of St.
Paul. This opened the door to the Gen
tiles; this was our chance. Second, the
firing on Fort Sumter. This made the
Saxon race fit for evangelical uses. Third,
the blowing up of the Maine. This uni
tied the nation and sent us out about
our work.
It melted the American elements in the
furnace of war, and made all Americans
one. The son of Gen. Grant and the
nephew of Geu. Lee marched side by side
under one flag and against a common en
These Saxons are said to be bad neigh
bora. We have some dark spots in our
history. The Saxon sometimes has made
a bad record. Yet it must also be said
that we have never enslaved a race, with
out leaving it freer than it was before we
enslaved it. For the ages through and
the world around, there can be found no
such liberties anywhere else as are found
under the Stars and Stripes.
The blowing up of the Maine was an
eye-opener to us, and soon to all the
world. Our great Washington (we should
never speak his name but to honor it),
our great Washington said to us,
little strip of Atlantic colonies, "Beware
of foreign entanglements." It was the
; height of wisdom. It suited our infancy
like a bib. He pinned this bib upon us
and said, "Keep in the middle of the lot,
or the bovs on the next lot will throw
mud on your bib." So we kept in the
middle of the lot, and grew till we out
grew the lot. We grew from three mill
ions to seventy-five millions. The bib
was too small for us. It looked like
cotton patch on the breast of our uni
form. We had more beefsteaks and silk
dresses, more spelling books and New j
Testaments, to the thousand people, than
could be found anywhere else in the
Wo were as much under obligations to
help the poorer and more ignorant races
us ever. St. Paul was to go "far hence
to the Gentiles"; but we stuck to our At
lantic waters, coasted by our shores, we
held on to our little big, contented, ex
pecting to stay always In our western
waters. .
But one day the Spanish touched off a
magazine under us. Then the jig was up.
Come what might, we must fight to the
finish. We ' went up Into the air, and
came down every where to stay.
This sent us out about our providen
tial job; this made missionaries of us.
We are in Manila. We are ready to help
God has expanded us; we can't help It.
Yon might as well try to catch yonder
easle perched on a crag of the mountains,
pluming his pinions to wrestle with the
whirlwind, and then try to crowd him
back into the little eggshell out of which
he has broken, as to try to throttle this
American race and crowd it back into
I he thirteen original colonies. Some of
the old gentlemen on thnt old soil of some
of those old thirteen colonics, who have
never left it, may think it would be a
good thing for our great continent-embracing
people to come back home. But
it is impossible.
God has expanded us.
Long years ago, back In the forties,
Thomas H. Benton, United States Sena
tor from Missouri, standing in his place
lu the Senate, pleadiug for a Pacific rail
road, pointed toward the setting sun and
cried: "See there, gentlemen, there Is
the Fait."' .
To-day we catch op our papers and
(Continued at bottom of sixth column
He Is Not Begging 'or Votes of Those
Who Believe Oold standard Essen
tial to Welfare of This Country.
They say I am begging for votes.
Not at all. I never asked a man to
vote for me. In fact, I have told some
people to vote against me. That Is
more than inottt candidates do. I
have said that if there was anybody
who believed in the maintenance of
the gold standard until foreign na
tions came to us and graciously per
mitted us to abandon it, I said that if
anybody should believe that the gold
standard was absolutely essential to
the welfare of this country, he ought
not to vote for me at all. I do no
want any man to vote for me and
then object to my doing what I ex
pect to do if you elect me, and if I
can prevent the maintenance of the
gold standard you can i-efy upon my
doing it the very first possible oppor
tunlty given me.
Philadelphia, Sept. 23, 1800.
My Dear Boy You ask why the Den-
ocrats insist tiiat imperialism and mili
tarism are the "paramount issues of this
Tlie reason, my son, is very plain. Oaf
Democratic friends are pushing these
things to the front because there isn't
anything else for them to talk about this
year. All the rest of -their powder has
been burnt once and won't even fizzle this
vear. Their platform denounces the
Dingley tariff bill, but they do not wlsk
to meet us before the people on that
issue. The hard times under the Wilsoa
bill and the present prosperity under our
protective tariff furnish an object lessoa
which makes it uphill business to argus
free trade this year.
Their platform also denounces the fold
standard legislation and demands free
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to L
But that powder was burnt four years
ago and events have shown the falsity ef
their predictions.
They are like the boy who when beatsa
playing marbles says, "I.et s play some
thing else." Beaten on tariff and the
money question, they want to play "mil
itarism" awhile. Their lack of any othef
issue is responsible for the conjuring us
of the spectre of "imperialism."
But while they are not talking about
free trade or free silver, the people are
not going to forget that they are the
free trade and free silver party. And,
as Mr. Lincoln used to say, that reminds
me of a little story.
One of our excellent missionaries aal
his good wife went to an islond In Poly
nesia about fifty years ago. They stayed
there sixteen years nnd their work was
wonderfully successful. They found a
tribe of savages. They left a tribe of
civilized, Christian people, industrious
and temperate, "clothed and in thelf
right minds."
The incident which illustrates my pplat
occurred during the first year of tneir
residence on the island. A chief clothed
in sunshine and nothing else called on the
missionaries. They treated him pojjtely,
but as he left the house the missionary
followed him and said: "Chief, we are
glad to see you and want you to come
again, but in my country men wear
clothes and my wife is not accustomed
to see men without clothing. The neit
time you come to see ns, won't you please
put on a little clothing, ene or two gar
ments at least?"
The chief promised compliance. A few
days after, he entered the missionaries'
home with a satisfied smile on his face,
saying, "Me all right now."
lie had on a shirt collar and a pair t4
My son, Mr. Bryan and his frlenda
are badly deceived if they think that
their "imperialism" collar and "militar
ism" socks will hide the free trade aad
free silver nakedness of the Democratic
party from the gaze of the Americas
Rt the war. sneakla of "militarism."
I advise yon alwaya to watch with sus
picion any man or any party that ia
afraid of the United States army. Out
army is a volunteer army of as gallant
men as the sun ever shone upon. They
are our defender and tlie protectors ot
our persons and property. Hard-working,
uncomplaining, brave and faithful,
they follow the flag through summer's
sun and winter's storms, through tropi
cal jungles and the dangers of fever and
of battle for you and me and for their
country's sake. Ef a mas is a good, law
abiding citizen be kas no reason to bs
afraid ot an American soldier,
I was one, my father was one, ay
grandfather was one, and my great
grandfather was one, and I feel like tak
ing off my hat to every. soldjcr I meet.
And ' wheneyer I find a man who Is
afraid of the "tyranny" of our gallant
little army, I feel Eke asking him what
he has been .doing. It is a small army
for so great a nation, and the introduc
tion of "militarism" in this campaign
shows that our Democrdatic friends ara
hard up for an Issue.
(Continned from fifth column.)
look through the Golden Gate for thf
East, the far East. The ages are rolled
together at onr feet.
We are. standing by the cradle of
China; she is asking ns for deliverance.
She has caught the vision of a Northern
Bear "that walks like a man," and she
is asking America to save her.
Baffale, N. I.