i IF TUP AM as I) n I B' a Dm PARTY.S Li e giatut of th native Inhabitant of the terri tories hereby ceded to th United State bill be determined br the Congress." Eleven days thereafter, on Dec. 21, tbe fol lowing direction was given to tbe command r of our forces In tbe Philippines: "Tbe military commander of tbe United tatea I enjolued to make known to the In habitants of tbe Philippine Inlands that, In succeeding to tbe sovereignty of Spain, In severing the former political relations of the inhabitant and In establishing a new polit ical power, the authority of , the United States Is to be exerted for the securing of the persons and property of the people of tbe Islands and tor the confirmation of all their private rights aud relatione. It will be the duty of the commander of the forces f occupation to announce and proclaim In the most public manner that we come not as Invaders or conquerors, but as friends, to protect the natives In their homes, In their tmpioymenta and In their personal aud re ligious rights," Sent Commission. la order to facilitate the most humane, pacific and effective extension of authority throughout these islnnds, and to secure, wlih tht least possible delay, the beueuts of a wise and generous protection of life and property to the Inhabitants. I appointed In January, 1S99, a commission consisting of Jicob Gould Sehurman of New York, Ad miral George Dewey, U. 8. S.; Charles I'enby of Indiana, Professor- Dean C. Wor cester of Michigan, and Major General El well S. Otis, U. 8. A. Their Instructions contained the following: "in the performance of this duty the com missioners are -enjoined to meet at the earliest possible day In the city of Manila, so J to announce by public proclamation their preience and the mission Intrusted to tbein, carefully settlug forth that, while the military government already proclaimed Is to be maintained and continued so long as necessity may require, efforts will be made to alleviate the burden of taxation, to estab lish industrial and commercial prosperity, and to provide for the safety of persons and of property by such means as may be found conducive to these ends. Given Carefnl Instruction. "The commissioners will endeavor, with out Interference with the military authori ties of the United States now In control of the Philippine, to ascertain what ameliora tion In the condition ef the inhabitants and what Improvements In public order may be practicable, and for this purpose they will study attentively the existing social and po litical state of tbe variona populations, par- tlcolarly as regards the forms of local gov ernment, the administration cf Justice, the collection of enstoms aud other taxes, the means of transportation, and the need of aubllc Improvements. They will report the results of their observations and reflections, and will recommend such execu tes action as may from time to time seem to them wise and useful. "The commissioners are hereby authorised to confer authoritatively with any persons resldeut In the Islands from whom they may believe themselves able to derive Informa tlon or suggestion valuable for the pur poses of their commission, or whom they may ehoose to employ as agents, aa may, be seceataiy for this purpose. Avoided linrsh Measures. "It Is my desire that In all 4helr relations with tbe Inhabitant! of tbe Islands the com mlssioners excri-lse due respect for all the ideals, customs and Institutions of the tribes which compose the population, emphasizing upon all occasions the Just and beneficent In tentions of tbe government of the tuitea States. "It la also my wish and expectation that the commlsslonera may be received in a manner due to the honored and authorized representatives of the American Republic, duly commissioned on account of their knowledge, skill and Integrity as bearers of the good will, the protection and the richest blessings of liberating rather than a con quering nation." On the Cth of February, 1899, the treaty was ratified by the Senate of the United States, and the Congress Immediately ap propriated $20,000,000 to carry out ita pro visions. The ratification were exchanged ty the United State and Spain on the 11th f April. 18C9. As early as April, 18S9, the Philippine commission, of which Dr. Schurman was president, endeavored to bring about peace In the islands by repeated conference with isdlng Tagulogs representing the o-called Insurgent government, to the end that some general plan of government might be offered them which they wonld accept. Pleased tbe Native. So great was the satisfaction of tbe Insur gent commissioner! with the form of gov ernment proposed by the American com- frtssloners that the latter submitted the proposed scheme to me for approval, and my sctlon thereon 1 shown by the cable mes sage following: "May ft, isul. Schurman, Manila: Yours th received. You are authorised to propose that, under the military power of the Presl lent, pending action of Congress, govern- a-ent of the Philippine Islands shall consist f a governor general appointed by the President, cabinet appointed by the govern or general, a general advisory council elect ed by the people, the qualification of elect era to be carefully considered and deter mined, and tbe governor general to have ab solute veto. Judiciary trong and inde pendent, principal Judges appointed by th President The raliiuet and Judge to b chosen from natives or Americana, or both, having regard to fitness. "The Pri slih-nt earnestly desires th cess. tlon of bloodshed and that tbe people of tbe Philippine Islands at an early date shall have the Inrgrat measure of local self-government consistent wlih peace and good rder. Sign of Treachery. I the latter part of May another group f representatives came from tbe Insurgent leader. The whole mutter wa fully dis cussed with tbeui and promise of acceptance wined near at baud. They assured our commissioner they wonld return after con sulting nl h tbelr leader, but they never did. As result of the views eipressed by the llrst Tngnlog representative favorable to th plan of the commission. It appear thst be was. by mlliiary enter of the lusurgent iecder. stripped f hi shoulder strap, dls n l-scd from lite army and sentenced to twelve years' Imprisonment. The views of tbe roiuinlsslna ar beat set forth In tbelr own words. "Deplorable .war la. the as la which e are now engaged was unavoidable by a. Jir war attacked by hold, svntrs and enthusiastic army. No alternative was left to us except Ignominious retreat. Had to Remain. "It Is not to be conceived of that any American would bar sanctioned th tor render of Manila to the insurgent. Out ob ligations to other nations and to tbe friendly Plttplnoa and to ourselves and our Dag de manded that force should be met with force. Whatever tbe future of tbe Philippine may be, there is no course open to u bow except the prosecution of the war until th Insur gents are reduced to submission, "Tbe commission Is of tbe opinion that there has been no time since the destruction of the Spanish squadron by Admiral Dewey when It was possible to withdraw our forces from the Islands either with honor to our selves or with safety to the Inhabitant.' After the most thorough study of the peo ples of th archipelago the commission re ported, among other things: "Their lack of education and political ex perience, combined with their racial and linguistic diversities, disqualify tbem, in spite of their mental glfta ind domestic vir tues, to undertake the task of governing the archipelago at the present time. The most that can be expected of them Is to co-oper ate with the Americans In the administra tion of general affairs, from Manila as a center, and to undertake, subject to Amer ican control or guidance (as nJay b found necessary) the administration of provincial and municipal affairs. Would Invite Anarchy. "Should our nnwer he an fatallr h withdrawn, the commission believe that tbe government of th Philippines would speed ily lapse Into anarchy, which would excuse. If It did not necessitate, the Intervention of other powers, and th eventual division of the Islands among them. Only through American occupation, therefore, 1 the Idea of a free, self-governlug and anlted Philip pine commonwealth at all conceivable. "Thus the welfare of th Filipino coin cides with the dictates of national honor In forbidding our abandonment of tb archi pelago. We cannot from any point of view escap the responsibilities of government which our sovereignty entails, and tb com mission Is strongly persuaded that the per formance of our national duty will prove the greatest blessing to tb peopl of tbe Philippine Islands." Satisfied that nothing further could be ac complished In pursuance of their mission until the rebellion was suppressed, and de siring to place before the Congress th re sult of their observations, I requested tbe commission to return to tbe United States. Their most Intelligent and comprehensive report, was submitted to Congress. Duties of the Commission. In March, 1900, believing tbat. the Insur rection was practically ended and earnestly desiring to promote the establishment of a stable government In the archipelago, I ap pointed the following civil commission: William H. Taft of Ohio, Professor Dean C. Worcester of Michigan, Luke I. Wright of Tennessee, Henry C. Ide of Vermont, and Bernard Moses of California. My Instruc tions to tbem contained tbe following: "You (the Secretary of War) will tnstrnct the commission to devote their at tentlon in tbe first Instance to the establish ment of municipal governments. In which the natives of the Islands, both In the cities and In tbe rural communities, shall be af forded the opportunity to manage their own local affair! to the fullest extent of which they are capable and subject to tbe least de gree of supervision and control wblcb a care ful study of their capacities and observation of the workings of native control show to be consistent with tbe maintenance cf law, or der and loyalty. Awaits the Report. "Whenever tbe commission la of the opin ion that the condition of affair In tbe lsl auds 1 such that tbe central administration may safely be transferred from military to civil control tbey will report that conclu sion to you (the Secretary of War), with their persona) recommendations a to the form of central government to be estab lished for tbe purpose of taking over tbe control. "Beginning with the 1st day of Septem ber, UrUO, the authority to exercise, subject to my approval through tbe Secretary of War, that part of the power of government In tbe Philippine Islands which is of a leg islative nature is to be transferred from th military governor of the islands to this com mission, to be thereafter exercised by them In tbe place and atead of tb military gov ernor, under such rules and regulations as you (tbe Secretary of War) shall prescribe, until tbe establishment of the civil central government for the islands contemplated In the last foregoing paragraph or until Con gress shall otherwise provide. . Legislative Authority. "Exerclce of this legislative authority will Include tbe making ot rules and orders hav ing tbe effect of law for tbe raising of reve nue by taxes, customs duties and Imposts; the appropriation and expenditure of tbe public funds of tbe islands; tbe establish ment of ao educational system throughout tbe Islands; the establishment of a system to secure an efficient civil service: tbe or ganization and establishment of courts; tbe organization and establishment of municipal and departmental governments, and all other matters of a civU nature of wbicb the military governor Is now competent to pro vide by rules or orders of a legislative char acter. Tbe commission wili also have power during tbe same period to appoint to ollice such officer under the Judicial, edu cational and civil aervice systems and in the muulcipat and departmental government as shall b provided." Hole for the Interim. Until Congress shall take action I directed that Upon every dlvlslbn and branch of the government of the Philippine must be Im posed these Inviolable rules: That no per son shall be deprived of life, liberty or prop erty without due process of law; that pri vate property shall not be taken for public use without Just compensation; that in all ertmllial nroSeCUtlUOS lllC SCCUSed ibsll U- Joy the right to a speedy and public trial, to lie Informed of tbe nature and cause of tbe accusation, to be conirontea witn me wit nesses against him. to hav compulsory i,nu for obtalnlna witnesses In bi favor. aud to have tbe assistance of counsel for his defense; that excessive ball shall not be re quired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel slid unusual punishment Inflicted; that no person ahull be put twice In Jeopardy for tbe same ofleuse, or be compelled In any crimi nal cae to be a witness ago lust himself; that the right to be secure against unreason able searchers aud seizures shall not be vio lated; that neither slavery nor Involuntary servitude shall exist except as a punishment for crime; that no bill of attainder or ex port facto law shall be passed; that no law shall be passed abridging tbe freedom of speech or of tbe press, or the righta of tbe people to peaceably assemble and petition tbe govern ment for a redress of grievances; that ne law shall le made respecting tbe establish ment of religion or prohibiting tbe free ex ercise thereof, and that th free exercise aud enjoyment of religious profession and worship wituout Discrimination or preier- of primary education which shall be free to ail, and which ebaU tead to at tbe people for the dutle of citizenship, and for the or dinary avocations of a civilised community. Especial attention should be at once given to affording fall opportunity to ait tbe people of the islands to acquire tbe use of tbe English language. "Upon all officers and employe of tbe United States, both civil and military, should be impressed a sense of the duty to observe not merely tbe material bat the per sonal and social rights of tb people of tbe Islands, and to treat them with tbe same courtesy and respect for their personal dig nity which the people of the United States are accustomed ts require from each other. All Pled area Kept. "The article of capitulation of tbe City of Manila on the 13 h of August 1S!, con cluded with these word: Thl city. It In habitant. Its churches, snd religious wor ship. Its educational establishments and Its private property of all descriptions, ar placed under the special safeguard of tbe faith and honor of the American army." "I believe that this riled ee has ben faith fully kept As high and sacred an obligation rest upon tne government oi me lunei State to give protection for property and life, civil and religions freedom, and wise. Arm and unselfish guidance In the paths of peace and prosperity to all the people of tbe Philippine Islands.' I cbsrge this commis sion to labor for the full performance of this obligation, which concerns tbe honor and conscience of their country, tn tbe firm hope that through their labor all the inhabitants of th Philippine Islands may come to look back with gratitude to the day when God gave victory to American arms at Manila and set their land under the sovereignty and the protection of the people cf the United States." Amnesty Proclaimed. That all might share in the regeneration of the Islands and parib-ipste In tbelr gov ernment. I directed Oen. Mar Arthur, the military governor of the Philippine, to is sue a proclamation of amnesty, which con tained among other statements the follow ing: Manila. P. I., June 21. I900.-By direction of the President of the United Stares the undersigned announces amnesty, wi'h ec.ni- piete immunity for tbe past ami absolute liberty of action for tbe future, i all per sons wbo are now, or at any time since Feb. 4, 1S&9. have been in Insurrection anlnst tbe United States In either a mill tary or civil capacity, and wbo stall, witnm a period of ninety days from the date there of, formally renounce all connection with sucb Insurrection and subscribe to a ac- New forestry regulations give Impetus to tlmoer trade ssd reduce high price of lum ber. The enstoms collections for last quar ter 50 per cent greater than ever In Spanish histcrv. and August collections show fur ther Increase. The total revenue for same period one-third greater this in any quarter under Spain, though ceduia tax chief source of Spanish revenue, practically abolished. "Economy and efficiency of military gov ernment have created surplua fund of V IX3,(Xi, which should b expended in much needed public works notably improvement of Manila harbor. With proper tar iff and facilities Manila will become great port of Orient" The commission Is confident that by a Judicious customs law. reasonable land tax and proper corporation franchise tax. Im position of no greater rate than that In tbe average American State will give less an- novanee ana wun peace win iuwiuit tr. noes sufficient to psy expenses of efficient government, including mlliUa and constabu lary. ' No SI an of Alliance. Ttev "are preparing a striagent civil ser vUe '.aw giving equal opportunity to Klii- ptnoa ana Americans, k" iT ' 1 - v tbe former wnere guiuociura. ts- to enter at tne lowest ran sum . i"-"" ..k ,k. v, n .1 Af the department. "Fortv-flve mile of railroad extension under negotiation will give access to a large province rich in valuable minerals, a telle high, with strictly temperate climate. Railroad construction will give employment , ami commnnicatloa will furnish a market 'to vast stretches of rich agricultural lands." ., They report that there are "calls from all nana r.t the Island for Public SCtlOolS, school supplies and English teachers, greater than tbp commission can provide until a ,.ri...,.l,e sehool svsteui Is organized. Night schools for teaching English to adults are being established la response to popular demand. -Native cuiiuren learning English. Spanish la spoken by a small fraction of the people, and In a few years the medium of communication in the courts, public offices and between different tribes will be Eugilsh. Working; for Hntnanlty. Trestlon of central government within eljliteeu months, under which substantially all rights described in the bill of rights In the federal constitution are to be secured to the people of the Philippines, will bring to them contentment, prosperity, education and political enlightenment" ... Thi shows to my countrymen what has been and la being done to bring tb benefit of liberie and good government to these wards of' the nation. Every effort ha been Striking Phrases from President McKinley's Letter. It wlil be noted that the (Democratic) demand Is for the Immedlat resto ra tion of the free coinage of silver at Id to 1. If another Issue Is paramount, thl ia immediate. It will adult of no deiay and will aufler no postponement We accept the issue sad again invite tbe sound money forces to Join In win ning another and w hope a permanent triumph for an boneat financial system which will continue Inviolab'.e the public faith. It locr purpose to establish In th Philippine a government suitable to tb want and conditions ot the InbaWtants. and to prepare tbem for aelf-govern-ment. and to give them seif-poverument when they are ready for It. and a rapidly a tbey are ready for It. There ha been no time since the destruction of tbe enemy' fleet when w could or should have left the Philippine srchlpelago. After the treaty of peace was ratified no power but Congress couid surrender our sovereignty or alienat a foot ot the territory thus acquired. a a Everv effort has been directed to their (Flilplnosi peace and prosperity, their advancement and weii-beinr, not for our aggrandizement or for pride of might, not for trade or comnierve, sot for exploitation, bat for humanity and civilization. a a The American question is between duty and desertion. The American verdict will be for duty and against desertion, for the republic against both anarchy and imperialism. . Honest co-operation of capital !s necessary to meet new business conditions, and extend our rpld!v increaclns: foreign trade, but conspiracies and combina tions Intended to restrict business, rreste monopolies and control prices should be effectively restrained. For labor a short day Is better than i short dollar. a a a Unless something onferesee n occurs to reduce our revenues or Increase onr ex penditures, the Congress at its next session should reduce taxation very ma terially. m t We ocght to own the ships for our carrying trade with the world, and w ought to build tbem In American shipyards aud mau them with American sailors. Feb. 10. 1900. savs that be was present at the interview between Admiral Dewey and the Insurgent leader, and that la this inter view Admiral Dewey made no promises whatever. lie adds: He (Aguinaldo) asked me If my govern ment was going to recc-gnlte his govern ment 1 ansvrered that 1 was there simply In a military capacity: that 1 could not ac knowledge his government, becaos I bad a authority to do so." Easy to Find Fault Wonld net eur adversaries have sent Dewey's Beet to Manila to capture and de strov the Spanish ea power there, or. dis patching it there, would they hsve with drawn it after the destruction of tbe Span ish fleet; and if the latter, whither would thev have directed to sail! Where could It have gonel What pert In tbe Orient was opened to it? Do our adversaries condemn the expedi tion under the command of Oeeeral Merrltt to strengthen Dewey in the distant ocean and assist In eur triumph over Spain, with which nation we were at war? Was It not our highest duty to strike Spain at every vulnerable point, that the war might be successfully concluded at the earliest prac ticable moment! Ask for Honest Opinion. And was It not our duty to protect th lives and property of those who came within our control by the fortune of war! Could we have come awav at any time between Mav L, and the conclusion of peace without a stala upon our good name! Could we have come away without dihonor at any time after the ratification of the peace treaty by the Senate of the United States! There haa been no time since the destruc tion of the enemVs fleet when we could or should have left the Philippine archipelago. After the treaty of peace waa ratified no power but Congress could surrender our soverelrntv or alienate a foot of the terri tory thus acquired. The Congress haa not seen fit to do tbe one or tbe other, and the President bad no authority to do either. If ha hait Keen so Inc'.lned. which he was not. Sn lonr as the soverelrntv remains In us It is the duty cf the executive, whoever be may be, to uphold that sovereignty, and If It be attacked to suppress its assailants. Viou.d our political adversaries ao tessi Begun by Insurgents, It has been asserted that there wonld have been no fighting In the Philippines If Con gress bad declared Its purpose to give Inde pendence to tbe Tscal Insurgents. The In surgents did not wait for the action of Con gresa. Tbey assumed tho offensive, they onened fire on our arinr. Those who assert our responsibility for the beginning of the conflict bare forgotten that before the treaty was ratified la the Senate, and wnlle it waa being aeoaieo iu tbat bodv. and while tbe Bscon resolution waa under discussion, on Feb. 4. 1S99. the Insnrcenta attacked tbe American army after being previously advised tbat the American torces were nnuer omers uui i Are opon thetn except In defense. The pa pers found In the recently captured archives of the Insurgents demonstrate thst this at tack bad been carefully piannea tor weess before It occurred. Only Una Course Open, Their nnnrovoked assault npon our ol dler at a time when tbe Senate waa deiib erailng upon the treaty shows tbat no ac tlon on our part except surrender and ahau donment would have prevented the fiehtlng and leaves no doubt In auy fair mind here tbe responsibility rests for the shedding of American blood. Wlih sll the exaggerated phrasemakle ef this electoral contest, we are In danger of belna- diverted from the real coutention We are In agreement with all of those who snp ported the war with Spain, and also wl:b those who counseled tbe ratification of the treaty of peace. Ipon these two great es sentlal stens there can be no Issue, and out of these came all of our responsibilities. If others would shirk the obligations Imposed by the war and tbe treaty, we must decline to act further with tbem, and here the issue was made. . It is our purpose to establish In the Philip pines a government suitnble to the wants and rouditlous ot tbe tuhattltant. and to prepare them for self -government, an.l to give them self government beu they sre ready for it. mid as rapidly as tbey are readv for It. Tbat I am aiming to do un.lc mv constitutional anthorliv, and will con ttriue to do nnttT 'Congress shall determine the political status of the inhabitants of tbe archipelago. Plea for Consistency, If to another p-?wer. which is without experi ence or training, or the ability to maintain a stable government at home and absolutely helpless ts perform Its international obliga tions with tbe rest of tbe world. Will Defend Onr Title. To this we are epposed. We should not yield our title whi.e our el-tigations last In tbe language of our platform. " Our au thority should not be less than our rvspxnsi- .'11,,;. U 4 VUI LMT-WBt lr-,'U.l ,11.1, I ,9 , establish our authority In every part of tb islands. No government caa so certaluky preserve the peace, restore rubllc order, establish law. Justice and stable conditions as ours. Neither Concress nor the Executive can es tablish stable government tn these Islands except under our right vf wuvereicnty, o.r authority and our fl. g. And this we are do ing. e could not oo It as a pm:evtorate power so completely or so successfully as we ar doing It now. As the sovereign power w caa initiate action asd shape means to ends, and guide the C-'tiipines to seif development and self government. As a protectorate power we could not Ini tiate action, but would be compelled to fol low and uphold a people with ao capaoi'y yet to go alone. In tte etc a-e we can pro tect both ourselves and tbe Filipinos frois being involved In dangerous coiuplicailons; In the other we could not protect even tb Mlipinos until srter their trouble bad come. laration acknowledlng and accepting the sovereignty and authority of the Lnlted States in and over tbe Philippine Islands. "ibe privilege herewith published is ex tended to all concerned without any reser ra'.ion w batever, excepting tbat persona nhj bare violated the laws of war during the period of active hostilities are not embraced within the scope of this amnesty. Pay Offered for RiB.es. "In order to rultigrate as much as possible consequences resulting from tbe various dis turbances which since 1st) hav succeeded each other so rapidly, and to provide in some measure for destitute Filipino soldiers during theT" trausitory period wbicb must Inevitably succeed general peace, tbe uil-i-lary authorities of the United State will pay 30 peso to each man who present a title in good condition." Under their Instructions tb commission, composed of representative Americans of dlllerent lections of the country and from different political parties, whose character and ability guarantee tb most faithful in telligence ana patriotic service, are now laboring to establish stable government un der civil control, tn which th Inhabitants shall participate, giving them opportunity to demonstrate bow tar tbey ar prepared for self government Quotes th Commission. This commission, under dat ot Aug. 21. 1900, makes an Intereailag report, from which I quote tbe folujwiug extracta: "Hostility against Americans wa orig inally aroused by absurd falsehood of un scrupulous leaders. The distribution ot troop in 300 post ha by contact largely dispelled hostility, and steadily Improved temper of people. Tbla Improvement i far thered by abuses of Insurgents. Large num bers of people long for peace aud are wlhlng to accept government under tb United State. "insurgents not surrendering after defeat divided into small cuerriila baud under gen eral oil; cent or became robbers. Nearly all ot tbe prominent generals and politician ot the Insurrection, except Aguinaldo, have since been captured or have surrendered and taken the oa.h of allegiance. "All northern Luzon, except two provinces, substantially free from Insurgents. People busy planting, and asking for municipal or ganization. Railway and telegraph lines from Manila to Dagupan, 122 miles, not mo lested for live months. Plan Nstlv Militia. "Tsrslogs clone active In leading guerrilla warfare. In Negros, Cebu, Komuion, Mas bate. Sibnyan, Tabias, Robot and other Phil ippine Islands little disturbance exists, sod civil covernment eagerly awaited. "Four years of. war and lawleesnesa la Dirts of Islands have created unsettled con ditions. a a f,it ire constabolsry and militia, which should be organized at once, will end tbls snd the terrorism to which de fenseless people sre subjected. Tbe natives desire to enlist In these organizations. If Judiciously selected and ofheered, will be efficient forces for maintenance of order, and will permit early material reduction of United State troops. 'Turning Islands over to enter! of Taga log politicians will blight fair prospects of enormous Improvement, drive out capital, make life nd property secular and reilg lous most insecure: banish by fear of cruel proscription considerable body of conserva enc shall forever be allowed. Extending Education. "It will be the duty ef tbe commission t promote and extend, and. a they and occa liiii, -to Improve, tbe system of edocatloa already Inaugurated by the military authori ties. Is dolug tbla tbey should regard as ef rat Isaportaace the xtaaloa f a sy steal Consent of the Governs). Besides, If we cannot establish any gov ernment of our own without the consent i f the governed, as our opponents contend, then we could not establish a stable goeru nient for tbem or make ours a protector! without tbe like consent, and neiiher the majority of tb peopie nor a uilnority of the triple have ir'lted us to assume it w could not maintain protectorate even with the consent of the governed without giving provocation for couciot and possibly costly wars. Our rlebts In the Philippines are now free from outside Interference and will con'lnua so In our present relations. They would not be tcus tree In any other relation. e win not give up our own to guarantee auotber sovereignty. . Our title is good. Our peace co tn nils-ton ers believed tbet were receiving a nod title wnen tcey concluded tne treaty, me etevu tlve believed It was a good title when h submitted It to the Senate of the Lulled States for It ratitk-S'ion. Tb Senate be lieved It wss s good title when they gave It their constltotlouai assent, and tbe Con gress seems not to have doubted its com pleteness wben they appropriated f .O,0iX0 ) provided by tbe treaty. Title la Unquestionable. -If ny who favored its ratification believed It gave o n bad title tbey were not sincere. Our title practically Identical with that under which we noid our territory acoulred since the beginning of tbe government, and under which we bave exercised full sov ereignty and established government tor tbe Inhabitants. It Is worthy of note that no one outside ot the United States disputes ibe fullness and Integrity of the cession. What, then, ts th real Issue on this subject! Whether It la paramouut to any other or not. It is whether we shall be responsible Tor Hie government of the Philippines, with the sovereignty and authority wbicb enables i to guide them t regulated liberty, law. safety and progress, or whether we shall be responsible for the forcible aud arbitrary government or a mi nority, without sovereignty ' and authority ou our part, and with oulv the embarrass ment of a protectorate, which draws us lut their troubles without tbe power of prevent ing them. Otilleatlona of War. There were those who two tear ago wei rushing us on to war !'h Spsiin who ar unwilling now lo accept Its clear conse quences, as there are tlmse aniens us who advocated the ratification of the treaty of peace, but now protest against Us ul!ta lions. Nations wbiiti go to war must b prepared to accept its reiullaut obli.ttlons and whea tLey n.ale treaties must keep them. Those who profess to distrust the liberal and honorable purposes cf il-e administra tion lu Ms treatu em cf the Philippine ar not just i lied. !n'.pen!!iu baa no place ia its creed or conduct. Freedom Is a rock up on wlil. b the bpiih;cn party was hull.-!, -4 and now rests. Uiertt Is tte g eat lie:b.i. run doctrine f'-r wll. h ti e pco;ne went t war ami for which a iiillii' u i!es were of fered and billions cf iK.iturs csnomlcil t make it a lawful if rot of all wliiiout th directed to their peace and prosperity, their auvanrement and well-being, not for onr a Are our opponents acalnst the treaty! .. ... i.- ,1.., I, A.-..II.4 u.e i m imj I asslstaice. The Senoie which ratified Hie r-train of Hvfocrisy. treaty aud the Congress which added I'si There Is a strain of Hi concealed hypocrisy sanction by a large appropriation comprised In the anxiety to ti..i the const! -u- ion.il Kenntnra and ltenreseuiatVvea of the neobie cti.tmntees to the t-c-ir-te cf tbe I'biiitil-lUca, grandlxement nor for pride of might, not fori 0f nil parties. i while their null. tics Ion Is openly advocated navir ui voiuiuene, uui ior c pioi wi i iou, nun would our opponents surrender to tne in-i at nome. tnr opp. n- u; may a a ru t ue-n-for humanity and civilization, and for tbe ! sutgeuts. abandon our sovereignty cr cede It ' sehes. but they Lav u light to discredit protection of the vast majorpy of the popu-1 (0 them! If tbat be not their purpose, then the f,od ,Mth stul patriotism of the m.ijor latlon who welcome our sovereignty against ! , n0uld be promptly disclaimed, for only I'y of tbe people who ere cptHised lo them, the designing minority whose first demand j vll can result from the hopea rilcd by our'They nine fear tte worst form of l:n.crl.il. after the surrender of Manila by tbe Span-'opponents In tbe minds of the Fil plnos. that 1 lm with ;"ie telpies Fiitiinos In their Ish army was to enter the dry tbat tbey j WjIU )r.eir success at tbe pol' In November b inds, but If thr do It Is t c tt's they hfi I ill k. . .., K.l-A n.l it n.r .-, v no. I i...r,.t nil. :m rlt . 1 f..lll ,f ft, 1 1,. of American sovereignty ever the an-blpela- j ers and have loa iu tlr il'v of tbe founder mieht loot it and destroy those not In syiu pstny with their selbsb aud treacherous designs. Civil Service tn Rnle. Nobody wbo will avail himself of tbe facts will longer bold that there wa any alliance between our soldiers and tbe Insurgent or that any promise of Independence wa made to them. Long before their leader bad go, the complete Independence or the isga-iof the party wtucn ti er prnres lo represent, log people recognized and the powers of i Tbe liepnti, , u party doesn't have to ns- goverument over all tne oilier peoples or toe. sert Its iievotn-n to tne i-eciars'iou 01 nine. upon the Tsgakg archipelago conferred leaders. Prolongr tbe RebelUon. The effect of a belief In the minds of the reached Manila thev had resolved If the Insurgent that thla wili be done has at- commander of the American navv would i ready prolonged the rebellion and Increases give them arms with which to fight tbe i 'he necessity for the continuance or t-paoiso army, tbey would later turn opon army us, wnicn tney aid muruerouny and without the shadow of cause or Justification. There may be those without the means of full Information who believe tbat we were In alliance with the insurgents and tbat we assured tbem that they should bare Inde pendence. 10 eucn let me repeat tbe facta: on toe ztna of It ay. lsus. Admiral Dewey was Instructed ty me to make no alliance with any party or faction In tbe Philippines tbat would Incur liability to malntatu their cause In tbe future, and be replied ander date of June 6, lMiS: "Unve acted according to eplrlt of depart ment's Instructions from tbe beginning, and I have entered Into no alliance with tbe In surgents or with any faction. This squadron petnlence. Tl.at Immortal instrument of II. father remained uneiecuted limit the peo ple, untlt-r tt.e lead ct toe lu-pui.io tin party lu the i nw ful clash of buttle, turned Its prom ises into folium. cut. It wrote Into the Con stitution the auietitlntents guaraii'eciug po- a lr . "", v-to.io , . ,i,r..,.u ,..,,-..,,.. ...... i .r. It has never bronco them or counselled em- can reauce tne defenses or Manila at any moment, but it Is considered useless until the arrival of sufficient L nlted States forces to retain possession." Denies Any Compact. In th report of the first Philippine com mission, submitted on Nov. 2, lsi'j. Admiral Dewey, one of Its members, said: "No alliance of any kind wa entered Into with Aguinaldo nor was any promise ot la dependence made to bim at any time." General Merrltt arrived tn tbe Philippines on July 23, and a dispatch from Ad miral Dewey to th government at Wash ington said: "Merrltt arrived yesterday. Rltuatlon la most critical at Manila. The Rpsnlsh may surrender at any moment. Merrltt' most difficult problem will be bow to deal with tbe insurgents under Aguinaldo, wbo have become g;resslv and even threatening to ward our army." Uere I revealed th spirit of tb Insur gents as early ss July, lbi'S. before the pro tocol was stgned. nnite we were still en gaged In active wsr with Spain. Even then the Insurgent were threstening our army. Filipino. Took No Part. On Aug. 13 Manlli wss captured, and of this and subsequent event! lb 1'lillippln commission says: rsV'! ben tbe City or Manna was taken, A ng. 13, the Filipinos took oo part in tbe attack. but came fuliowlug ia wlib a view to loot ing the city and were on y prevented from doing so by our forces preventing them from entering. Aguinaldo claimed lust be had the right to occupy the city. He demanded of General Mernit tbe palace of Malacan n for himself and the cession of all tlie churches of Manila, also tbat a part of tbe tlve Filipino wbo bave aided Americans In i moury taken from the Spaniards as spoil well-rounded oeuer mat tneir people are ot wa snouia ue given up. and. aoove an, not now fit for se.f government, in. I relntro lint he should b clren (he arms of the due same oppression asd corruption which I Spanish prisoners. All these demand wet existed In all provinces nnder Malolos In- 1 refused. " ' u"w " . T o . 7. J".,,! ers In brenklig tbem. It will not lie guided srcuipeisgo sou ine ea.aoiisu.ueuv i v....;, , conduct bv one set of principles at governmtuta, nd ba Influenced many ofiL' ' ,., .noth.r e! In the new terrltor the Insurgent against accepting the liberal " "d,0X I'.'teV "-ate. U""of' terms of amnesty offered by Oen. MacAr hur I belonging o l D.teJ p ates, under my direction. But for these fais Poctrine of l.inio n. hopes a considerable reduction could bar ben hod In our military establishment In the Philippines and tbe reollratlou of a stable government would be already at hand. The American people are asked by our op ponents to yield the sovereignty of the Lnlted Stat es In the Philippines to small friction of the population, a single tribe out of eighty or mere inhabiting tbe archipelago, faction which wanton. attacked th American troops In Manila while In right ful possession under th protocol wlih Snaln. awaltiu tbe ratification of tbe treaty of peace by the Senate, and which has sine IieeU IU I1IOC, WJTU irun.i... again. i iiic United States. sre xea to tnnsi.r If our opponents would ouly practice a well a preach the doctrlnca of Abrnhsia Lincoln there would be uo fear for Ibe safe tv of our Institutions st home or the r fright ful Influence ia auy territory over which our Una floats. Umpire !' been eipelled from Porto UIc and the Philippines by AmerlSan freemen. 1 be flag of the republic now Cons over tho Islautls as au emblem of rightful sovereign, tv. Wlil tbe republic stay aud di-pou-e t their Inhabitants tbe biestlnss of liberty, education and free Institutions, or steil away, leaving tbem to anarchy or Imperial. Ism! The American ouestlon Is between drty Onr sovereignty to a small uilnority In the 'and desertion. Tbe American verttlc will Islands without consulting the majority aud be for duty and against desertion, f ir tit to abandon tbe largest portion ot tbe pnpu latlon, which has beeu loyal to ns, to th cruelties of tb guerrilla lusurgent bands, Demon I Cannot He Met. More than this, we are asked to protect this minority In establishing a government, snd to thla end repress all oppos.tlon of th majority. We are required to set up a sta ble government lo the Interest of those who bave assailed our aoverclgnty and fired upon our soldiers, and then uialutaln It at any cost or sacrifice sg.i nt Its enemies within and against tiios bavlug ambitious designs from without Tbls wotiid require sn army and navy far larger than la now maintained In the Philip- Elnes snd still more lo excess of w hit wlil e necesssry with th full recognition of our sovereignty. A military support of author ity not onr own, ai thus prop sed. Is th ti y essence of militarism, wbicb our oppouenta la their platform oppose, but which by their fioilcy would of necessity be established In ts most offensive form. Ha Premium on Mnrder. Tbe American people will not mak th murderers of our solilleri ibe agents of tb republic to convey the tilenslngs of liberty and order to tbe Philippine. "I hey will not make tbem tbe builders of the new common wealth. Such course would lie a In-1 nun I of our sacred obligations to the peateful i- III nlnos. snd would place at ibe mercy of dun- gerous adventurers the lives and property of No Promises Marie. Generals Merrltt Greene and Anderson, surgent government during tbe e'gilt oion bi or its control. 1 ne resu.l win oe rat-uuani I .tihr .7irili ,i and wiV. aiv. ! rl" " " oinsnd at the beginning of anarchy and wl.l require " Jf "I" ! 0, occupation snd until the .urrender of luirivcuiiuu ug vug fws iinuit.ui sji ! ther. Trad Follows Peace. "Bnstnes interrupted by wsr mncb Im proved ss peso extendi. la Negro sseta sugar la eultivstisa Una vr before. the t ity of Manila, w hen nuiy i he vigilance of onr army prevented the attempt to assas sinate our soldiers oud nil f -feigners snd pliinge and destroy the city and Its u round ls. lu short, the proposition of those opposed nation snd until tbe surrender of ' to us lo eomtntie ell tbe niiflgnilona In I lie slani.a. stale that there wa so alliance Philippines hlch now resi upon ihe govern with the Insurgents and no promise to tbem . ment. only changing ibe relation from prln ef Independence. l Aug. 17, 1M4. Genera! ei.al. which now eilais. : 'I.hi of surety. Merrltt waa instructed that there must be Our responsibility Is to remain, but onr pow a kilnt s-o-TiDSIloa of Manila with the la- i er Is to be diminished Our obligation Is l ass-sat. Ueasrsi Aaderaaia aadsr aat f 1 tt a less, but sru UU is l be surrendered llepubllc agalust both anarcby and Inperlal ism. The country his been fully advised of tb purposes of the l nlted Stales In China, and they will be faltbfuily adhered to as already defined. Sufferers In Pekltt. The natliB Is flllnlwltb gratitude that tit little band, among Item many of onr oa blood, wbo for two months had been sub jected to privations and peril by the niim k of pitiless hordes st Ibe Chluese rapllul, ex. blbitlug supreme coins? In the foe of de- pair, bave been enabled by tiod s favor to greet their rescuers snd find shelter under tbeir own Cag. The peoni not alone of this land, but of III lands, have watched and praved tlironj;ti the terrible stress and protracted iigotiv of the helples sufferers In Pekln; and vilill at times the dark tili ngs seemed to m ite all hope valti. the rescuers nver faltered lu li heroic fulfillment of tbelr nobl tusk. W re grateful lu onr own soldiers mid .iii-it snd marines, and to all the brave men ho, though assembled under many standards, f pn sen 'lug p-t.pli and M'-es s ruiifcrs I country and aptecb, ware yt united I i h sacred mission of carrying succor to the lie. s'eged, with a sto'cess tbat I now the mu- of a world a rejoicing. Pss I ti it of r-crtlonallsm. Not only have w reosnn for thanksglvirg for ou uiaterlsl blesslnsa, but we si-o id rv- liie natives and foreign, rs It would nisk j,,ie lo ibe complete uidicatlou of he if possible and easy the umiiiissbin of u h i pi of all sections of our country tt iii b.i atrocities ss were seeretlv planned, to be : , happily developed lo the lust few j-e-t- executed on the l!d of February. IK-it. In ,d made for us a more perfect union 'Hie olillter.r.lou of old dilleretces, the en, on. devotion to the Bug aud the conn nou ,M rlfices for Its honor, so conspicuously six n by the ineh of the Nur'b aud Svu.ii In il Spanish war, hsve so strengthened Hie IP of Irtendsblp and ni'tttisl respect that uoiu- lug can ever nxa mvid us. 'lb nation fates Ike nw centurv irrnt. fully and hopefully, wl'b Increasing lo of eouiitry. with Itrui fnlih In It free (it -t t lions, and with hlch resolv that th. y ' si i ll not perish from L orih." Very re-ro-ct ; Ir your. WILLIAM M kl-NLfcil. '