The Heppner Gazette Thursday, . ....Sept 27,1900 TBAVELKU'S GUIDE. DISTANCES Heppner to Portland Miles .. 197 Lexington ".'.!!'.!'. 9 lone 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River.!.'.'" 45 Arlington The Dalles jSJ Canyon City "" 104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18 Train leaves daily except Sunday Jor all points at 8:15 a.m. Train arrives daily except Sunday from all over the world at 5:15 p. m. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at 8 p.m.; arriving at 6 a.m.; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 hours. Malls close for trains at 7 a. m. Business hours of tbe First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 8,245,760 ponnds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in 60 all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and (35,000 brick hotel --the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. Now the candidate is out of date, The crops are looking fine; It is a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine.' Kind fortune smiles on every hand, All things look bright and clear ; But the greatest blessing In the land Is Oambrlnus Lager Beer. Bold at Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Prop. Here and Trjere The stream of wheat rolling in seems never-ending. " Miss Gertrude Bishop returned home Tuesday from a visit to Portland. Geo. Coneer, cashier of the First Na tional Bank, is enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. Ii. O. Thomas, whose home is at Turner, Marion county. Sol Taylor has been appointed com missioner of Grant county. Mrs, J. N. Elder has become settled in her new home on Main street, re cently bought by her from Dr. McFaul. Pap Simonds very severely mashed one of his fingers Saturday while ham mering a wheel. Hugh Fields writes that be will visit the Heppner Hills about Oct. 1. Sniption-Bill Brown is again at his home ranch after a trip to Pendleton. Sheep-camp cooks in the Blue moun tains are now feaBting on frost cuke at breakfast, gathering the material from off the grass along tbe swales. In the Ferry canyon country harveBi hands are so scarce that women have volunteered to drive the header-wagons. Corporal McAllister, who served through the Philippines with the 2d Oregon, was in Heppner Tuesday. The Lone Bock school is now being taught by J. G. Walker and Miss Grace Fitzwater. Chicken ordinance at the council meeting next Monday evening. Mrs. Josephine Forwoou, of The Dalles, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. W. Ayers. Visitors to Miss Tillard's room in the Heppner school are loud in their praises of her skillful management of the little ones. Nat Webb yesterday came over from Walla Walla, where he sold his blue stem wheat at 49' cents. His 5000 sheep are now on tbe North fork, and will winter at Balm canyon, near Ehea creek. His Idaho sheep are at Soda Springs, and will winter at old Fort Hall. Manager Houston, of the flouring mill, has a force of men at work on the flume, and will put it into first-class shape) cutting out all brush and filling up all badger-burrows. Frank Roberts and G. C. Aiken re turned Saturday 'night " Irons -Lawton. They had a thrilling time 'getting their two 4-hOTse loads across the Greenhorn range. We are the grocers in the city direct ory of merchants. Matlock A Hart. The camper is "reminded of lots of thines be must have when he Bees the bie; stock of tbe Ed. E. Bishop Co. T B. Howard's store has everything in the grocery-line needed by city trade Marshal Thornton killed 5 unlicensed does yesterday. The license must come or tbe dogs must go. Mrs.- W. J.rLeeiei and . daughter Mabel - have - returned from Portland, Wvina Mia Willetta to pursue her studies at St. Helen's Hall. After very efficiently managing the telefone exchange during Miss LeeseHs hooncn. r Mini Ethel Walbridge - has again taken up school work, and is bow teaching in Sand Hollow. The bad .practice of playing ball In Heppner streets has been stopped by Marshal Thornton luckily before ft had caused any accidents or runaways. It is not tolerated in any well-regulated town. Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables, Canned and dried fruits should both be taken along when you goeampinK, and the place to get them is at T. R Howard's. Leader Jn the businesfi. Frwh fruits and groceries. Come and see. Matlock & Hart. When you want something for lnnch in the way of canned meats go to Bish op's. Road Supervisor J. N. Beeler has ben doing some good work on tbe road op the main Willow creek. Bob Dexter is one of 'he most efficient road supervisors in Morrow county, and the roads in bis district are ones to be proud of. He makes every resident or prnperty-owner come to time with work or cash. He made one man pay up a tax who has not bad a cent of in come from the property fcr 13 years. LOCAL NOTES. It is a sign of progress when a sign appears on the door of Sam Meadows' blacksmith shop reading like this: "We are for McKinley." Morristown, Mich., had a terrible tornado Monday, and manv people were killed. The Colorado river in Texas is 50 feet above Its level, and doing lots of dam age. Galveston's death list now foots up to 3859. Mrs. Harvey, of Portland, is very sorry she left her medicine within reach of her baby boy, for he innocently swal lowed it and died. Dock Shobe, the pioneer physicion, is enjoying this fine fall weather, and is able to be out and around among the trees that he planted with his own hands Helnz'g sweet pickles at Bishop's. urop m ana see us. win tell you why you should get your blackberries for canning now. ' $1.75 per- crale at Matlock & Hart's. Let everybody anange to come to Heppner on Saturday, Oct. 6. Col. Judson, industrial agent of the O. B. & N., presented to the Pendleton Commercial Club his fine collection of grains aud grasses xhibited at the re cent street fair. .The creameries of Camas prairie have been granted by the Pacific Xpress Co. special rate of cents a pound on butter, Pendleton to Portland. . Their wagon freight to Pendleton costs 1 cent a pound. Hon. Henry Blackman Btarts Satur day for Spokane, where he will devote two weeks to his mining interests. Frank Basey proved himself a first class driver Monday evening when he skillfully handled four horses and a giant load of hay on the steep hillside leading up to his father's stable. Men who were watching freely predicted tbat the big load would capi-ize. Choice bacon and flour at Matlock & Hart's. Clean newspapers to cover shelves, put under carpets and line houses are sometimes sea ice, but just now there is a full supply on sale at the Gazette office at 15 cents a package. Ex Sheriff Andrews has no dread of possible winter weather, as he has stacked up enough hey to carry his sheep for the next three winters. Mrs. Richard Neville and cdi d and Mrs, James Neville have returned from an enjoyable visit to Portland. Senator J. W. Morrow and wife re turned Friday from their trip to Port land, leaving their little daughter Hazel at school at St. Helen's Hall. Butter was again scarce in Heppner this week, and the arrival ot a small consignment from the home. ranch of Judge Dutton was hailed with delight, for that place produces the best butter on earth. C. J. Gurdane, of Indianapolis, is tbe prize butcher of the world, having killed and dressed 10 sheep in 30 minutes and 22 seconds. Sample of the Demar photo given with purchases at Matlock & Hart. Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted nnder the personal supervision of its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. Hon. Phil MetHchan, in connection with Mr. C W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle1 men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. On the ranch or in tbe mining camp dried fruits are always needed. The best are at Matlock & Hart's. HAVE IT DONE HERE. Home industry is the corner stone of the prosperity of most communities. Send away for nothing that you can get at home, and keep the cash here. The Heppner Steam Laundry does good work and has modern machinery and full facilities. Clothing called for and delivered. tRzo Kkug. WOMEN WANTED. ' Several women are wanted to work in tbe Heppner Steam Laundry. Apply at once to the proprietor. r RED K.RUG, KKCEHT ARRIVALS AT PAL ACS HOTEL D S Brown, Condon Geo T Johnson, Portland J A Livingston " MInsley " R H Barclay " C C Curtis, Douglas G W Maxwell, Gooseberry R W Fleming " Miss Ella Gordon, Forest Grove G A Sbeppard, Seattle M S Maxwell, lone Z M Burston. Monument S L Cross, Spray J F Reed, Wanner H C Roe, Dayville F C Roe " Thos Schoolcraft, Condon S Swick, Hamilton LEADING JEWELER. P. O. Bora is Morrow county's lead ing jeweler, and keeps right np to date His latest addition to bis splendid store is two large new French plate-glass show-cases, which have just been put in Dlace. Thev are of the latest design like all of Mr. Bore's extensive stook of watches, clocks and jewelry. ' WHEAT WANTED. The Heppner Flouring Mill Company is now in tbe market to buy wheat, and is paying tbe top price for choice wheat Seethe Heppner Mill Company be fore storing or selling year wheat. Cnambertaia'i Gnash Remedy a Great favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its - pleasant taste ana prompt end permsoeot eures have made it a arest .favorite wun propie every where. It in espeoislly prised by tnotb ers of small children tor olds, oron aud whooping cough, as it always affords quick relief, and as it eontains no opium orothT harmful rosy be given a cocflJf ntly to a baby as to an adoll. For tale by Conser & Warren. TO BUSINESS MEN. Saturday afternoon, Oot. 6, has been , set apart 101 the City of Heppner to entertain the Pioneers and Old Folks of Morrow county. In order that all citizens may assist in doing honor to these ven erable guests and to participate in the exercises to be held at the opera house, it is desired and here by kindly requested that all busi ness bouses close from 1 to 4 o'cldck p. m. on that day. Feank Gilliam, Mayor. NOME NEWS. A gale raged at Nome Sept. 12 and 13, and a number of barges and lighters were driven ashore and wrecked. Along the beach for miles the wind and water created havoc with tents and mining machinery. A number of lives are be lieved to have been lost. It is known that A. A. Ryan, of Los Angeles, was drowned. .Several captains and seamen on small tugs are missing, and it is thought they are lost. Fully 500 peo ple are homeless, while the Iobb to prop erty and supplies is over $500,000. Numerous small buildings were swept completely away. . A serious loss is the disappearance of over 2000 tons of coal. Captain French, in command of the troops, has thrown open the govern ment reservation to those rendered homeless by the storm, and will extend such other assistance as is possible. MILL1NEBY. Mrs. L. J. Estes has returned from Portand with an immense stock of the latest noveties in miUinerv, fur capes, jackets, Bilk, velvet and worsted waists, neck wear, belts, etc., etc. Ladies are invited to cull ac her new store, second door south of post office. LINGERING LETTERS. Postmaster Vaughn wants owners for letters addressed as follows: Berry, Mrs Annie Bradley, Preston Farrelly, Mr James Gillman, Mr J Merritt, Geo H Thompson, Mrs E G Ask for "advertised." WHAT CAUSES DANDRUFF. Greatest European Authority on Bkla Dis eases, Says It's a Germ. The old idea was that dandruff is scales of skin thrown off, throuvh a feverish condition of the scalp. Prof. Unna, Hamburg, Germany, European authority on skin diseases, says dan druff is a germ disease. The germ bur rows under tbe scalp, throwing up little scales of cuticle, and sapping the vital ity of the hair at the root. The onlv hair preparation thai kills dandruff germs is Newbro's Homicide. "Destroy the cause, you remoye the effect." Not only cures dandruff, but Btops falling hair and causes a lueuriant growth. Delightful hair dressing. Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. K. Howard's store. Cnta aod Braises Quickly Healed. Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a out, bruise, burn, soald or like injury will instantly allay tbe pain and will heal the parts in less time than any other treatment. Unless tbe injury is very severe it will not leave a soar. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. For sale by Uorjser & Warren. HOTEL HEPPNER. This well-kept house is centrally lo cated on the west side of Main street, Heppner, and bas good rooms and a bountiful table, at reasonable rates. Tbe Heppner and Canyon City stage starts from the Hotel Heppner daily, except Monday, and goes through in 24 hours. Tbe Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, on west side of Main street, keeps first-class rigs and saddle horses, and takes the best of care of them. H. A. Thompson, Proprietor of all Three. Cored of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty Year of Buffering. "I suffered for thirty years with diar rhoea and thought I was past being onred," says John 8. Halloway, of French Camp, Mies. "I bad spent so tnoob time and money and suffered so tnuon that I bad given np all hopes of reoovery. I was so feeble from the effects of the diarrhoea that I eonld do no kind of labor, oonld not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to nod a bottle of Chamberlain's Coho, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and after taking several bottles I em entirelv onred of tbat trouble. I am so plessed with tbe result that I am anxions that it be in reach ot all wbo suffer as I have." For sale by Conser & Warren. CUNNINGHAM BUCKS. The well-known Cunningham bucks, thoroughbred grades and Delain, will be on exhibition and for sale at Hepp ner on or about October 1st, Prices to suit the times. In charge of Wit. Hughes. 100 REWARD. A reward of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing horses branded E. D. or -8- on lett stine. T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keeney. A nice line of Matlock & Hart's. Key West cigars at RED FRONT STABLE. when you come to Heppner, put np your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main St., opposite the brewery They will receive the best of care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and gram bought and sold. Bisns Bros. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TI13 Kind You Haie Always Bought B'gn&twe of Just a An opening gun for the season, but from it you'll catch the drift of prices you'll understand, how well we merit the claim as the Economical Clothing House the store that dresses you in up-to-date ideas, but where little margins rule the selling. You'll "better appreciate the significance of this offer when you see the goods and note the superiority in the fit, finish and making. Plumpest v of Good Values, but That's the Kind We Pass Along to our Trade. In IVIem's we have the biggest stock and best assortment ever brought to Heppner. We have the Coverts, Kerseys, the Irish Frieze, the Meltons and the Beavers made in Storm Ulsters and the nobby Top Coat with velvet collars in prices ranging from $7.50 to; $20. The Fair N '""Wilii1 I make to order, when wanted, any article in tbe Harness line. H. A. EMERSON, Main street, Weal side, - THB BAIN WAGON Is one tbat everybody knows. It is one of tbe best on earth. Gilliam i Bisbee Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever brought to Heppner. Call and Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc, Faints and Oils (the best in tbe world). Crockery and Ulassware. Simond's Cross Cut Saws I Sewing Machines Sanitary Stills Boss Washers Hose and Sprinklers I Lawn Mowers 'I Al Ed. R. Bishop's. Starter. We have not overlooked the Boys and Little Fellows Money returned if Goods are not Satisfatory. Meppiie, Oregon: Call at my HEW HARNESS SHOP rnaaud nee the New Goods of the very !?I'P?S ; best quality, at lowest cash prices. I do Jobbing and Repairing, and Guarantee Satisfaction. . - - Heppner. See them. Ijrloes are Rlirlat. No. 4472. Men's check cheviot with round sack coat, good linings; a neat and servicable suit, ; and the rice is only - No. 4636. Men's brown check, all wool, with round sack coat, heavy farmers satin lining, silk suit stitched; a world beater for $7.89 No. 4323. Men's fine black dress suit all wool, clay worsted, satin piped and silk stitched, frock suit coat in latest style - , $11.24 Others i in business and dress suits . up to - - - $20.00 We have a fresh, select from, too, S. P. Garrigues, JVInlrx Street, Just Received, Sulkey and Walking rlows, all sizes and styles; Harrows Disc, Lever and Spring Tooth. Monitor and Superior Drills. New and Com- XT rAra nn1 Purvrvina plete Stock of Julwvivo auu uuito. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. fi . , Highest price paid for fat it Heppner, Oregon. School Opens A. ltill Tvlne of Books, Stationery and SCHOOL SUPPLIES of All Kinds are kept at the Store of . JSloettlXi Drue Co., Main Street, Heppner. suit $4.98 new stock for them to in prices from $1.37 up. The Fair Canton Gang, Fresh Meats I Salt and Smoked Meats 1 Pure Rendered Leaf Lard fm r-. g. r a nsn every rnaay. Liberty Market Stock. PA,lf & Mathews, Proprietors. Sept. 3.