Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 20, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thursday .Sept 20, 1900
Heppner to Miles
Portland jm
Pendleton by wagon road m
Lexington 9
acpiiner juucuou on uoiumoia Kiver 45
Arlington " 55
fhe Dalles
Canyon City 104
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18
Train leave daily except Sunday for all
points at 8:15 a, m.
Train arrives daily except Bnnday from all
over the world at 5:15 p. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except 8unday at
6 p. m.j arriving at 6a. m.; distance to Canyon
104; time 24 hours.
Malls close for trains at 7 a. m.
r i t . i . . "
Business hours of the First National Bank of
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World.
Last year It shipped away 3,245,750 pounds, and
Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of
wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex
cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in
all Oregon. Population 6000.
Heppner has 1200 population, good school,
city water, electric lights and (35,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from
Heppner. Chicago some further.
Now the candidate is out of date,
The crops are looking fine;
It is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine. ,
Kind fortune smiles on every hand,
All things look bright and clear;
But the greatest blessing in the land
Is Gambrinus Lager Beer.
Bold at Belvedere saloon.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
Here and Tfyere
The new footbridge near Wm. Bar
ratt'a home is a great convenience.
Wood hauling from the mountains is
now a favorite pastime with many men.
In Grand Ronde valley the average
grain yield this year has been 18 to 22
bushels. 1
Lea. Matlock has returned home from
a two-weeks' vacation in the Willamette
J. W. Morrow and family started
Monday on a brief trip to Portand.
Harry Cummings, the rustling sheep
man of Burton valley, was in Heppner
Early Sunday morning Swaggart &
McAtee's saloon was burglarized and
$120 stolen.
When Geo. Luttrel returned to his
ranch on Beech creek he found that
some one had stolen $30 worth of food.
John Silvies has sold 2000 ewes to
Simpson & McKinny at $2.
Helnz's sweet pickles at Bishop's.
Drop in and see us. Will tell you
why you should get your blackberries
for canning now. $1.75 per crate at
Matlock & Hart's.
The new, wide bridge and eidewalk
near the homes ot Robert Wills and R.
F. Hynd are permanent improvements
that are very favorably commented on
by visitors from the outside world who
come in on the hotel busses.
Over under the shadows of Dixie
Butte a salmon was recently speared
that measured 38 inches from tip to lip
of its wing-feathers.
In Hood River valley recent rains
have set farmers to sowing wheat, and
the apple crop is very heavy, with all
other crops fully up to average.
We are the grocers in the city direct
ory of merchants. Matlock' & Hart.
The camper is reminded of lots of
things he must have when he sees the
big stock of the Ed. R. Bishop Co.
T, R. Howard's store has everything
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
Owen Wister, the storywriter, made
a trip into the Blue mountains the first
of the week, and from the summits at
the head of Willow creek basin had a
fair view of the peaks ot the Malheur,
of which he lias heretofore written so
well, although this was his first sight
of them;
Mr. Scott, who is herding for D. A.
Herren at the head of Ditch creek, had
a painful time the past week suffering
from his first toothache, with do relief
at hand or within many miles.
When you want something for lunch
in the way of canned meats go to Bish
op's. Leaders In the business. Fresh fruit
and groceries. Come and see. Matlock
& Hart.
Canned and dried fruits should both
be taken along when you go camping,
and the place to get them is at T. R.
Mrs. Geo. Wells is visiting at Victoria.
Press Crisswell has bought the Ad,
Matteson place for $600, and will move
his family to town.
Pock Matlnck, Albert Lalaode, Will
and Mat Hughes started Monday to
take up their studies at the State Uni
versity, EugeDe.
Geo. Gray, Joe Hayes and Ike Large,
Heppner sheepbuyers, are riding the
John Day region.
Choice bacon and flour at Matlock &
Hart's. t
Clean newspapers to cover shelves,
put under carpets and line houses are
sometimes scarce, but just now there is
a full supply on sale at the Gazette
office at 15 cents a package.
Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables.
Sample of the Demar photo given
with uurchases at Matlock & Hart.
Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is
a credit to the Northwest, and is con
d noted Hnder the personal supervision
of its oner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at
prices within the reach of all.
flon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these rentle
men ino'ires the success of the enter
prise. The diningroora is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed. ,
Go to Matlock & Hart's for your vege
tables, fruits, etc., always fresh.
On his recent mountain trip Nelse
Magnusen went clear to the forKs of the
Malheur, where he has had some horses
running lor several years.
J. H. Wyland was over yesterday
from his ranch beyond Rock creek. His
sheep went 150 miles from home this
season, but turned. backward Sept. 1.
Shipley & Haines, of Forest Grove,
have baled and shipped to Manila 2700
tons of hny, paying $11 a ton for it.
Let everybody arrange to come to
Heppner on Saturday, Oct. 6.
Full program of the proposed doings
at the pioneers' reunion on Oct. 6 will
appear in the Gazet before the date of
the celebraiiou.
Jack Knott, a Portland pioneer, died
Monday. For years he was managing
editor of the Stark street ferry.
Henry Scheizuiger, Morrow county's
efficient storfc inspector, was in town
yesterday. He will soon have his hands
full looking after the health of Bheep
returning to their ranges.
Dan Stalter is moving his family into
town todpy and settling them in the
residence he recent y bought.
Frank Roberts brought back three
wagon-loads of goods from Law ton, and
had a hard time getting over rough
mountain roads.
People from Susanville say that the
post office theYe is run in the most
shamefully slipshod style.
Pendleton is having a big street fair,
and the wool exhibit by the Pendleton
Mills is a wouder.' The center is so ar
ranged that all the colors of the rainbow
are blended. The O. R. & N. Co.
makes a great, disp'uy of grains and
grasses, with (Jol. R. U. Judson in
Officers of the German government
are buying 5000 saddleborses in Cali
fornia, and may want more.
On the ranch or in the mining camp
dried fruits are alwavs needed. The
best are at Matlock & Hart's.
Home industry is the corner stone of
the prosperity of mont communities.
Send away for nothing that you can get
at home, and keep the cash here. The
Heppner Steam Laundry does good
work and has modern machinery and
full facilities. Clothing called for and
delivered. Fhed Keijo.
Several women are wanted to work in
the Heppner Steam Laundry. Apply
at once to the proprietor.
The Overland Monthly Magazine has
wonderfully improved under the guid
ance of J. H. Bridge and R. L. Eames,
and is now a credit to the coast.
The Overland covers a wide range of
subjects, and is very attractively illus
trated. Its stories and sketches have
the true Pacific flavor, and the maga
zine is given to the public at the low
price of $1 per year. Call and see
sample copies at Gazette office, where
subscriptions may be left.
Heppner weather is now of the finest
fall variety, with cool and pleasant days
and pledty of cheerful sunshine, It
rained some Sundav and again Wed
nesday. This Thuisday afternoon there
are symptoms of more rain.
In weste n Oregon tli- last week the
day temperatures ranged between 57
and 87 degrees, and the night temper
atures 46 and 60 degrees. In Eastern
Oregon these variations wee for day
temperatures 48 and 88 degrees, and for
night 42 and 58.
Nearly 1000 horses and 200 mules are
at Vancouver Barrax and will soon be
shipped to Manila from Portland. They
will be used in the U. S. cavalry, and
were bought in the great grazing regions
east of the Cascade, mountains by Cap
tain Wainwright, of the First Cavalry.
These horses will be very seasick be
fore they get clear across the Pacific,
and will wish that they were back on
their old ranges.
Tom Matlock and Jas. Keeney on
Wednesday turned over 2 carloads of
cavalry horses they had ' bought in the
Monument country at an average of
about $33 each. The horses were
shipped below, and will go to Manila.
SI0O toward, I10O
The readers of this psper "ill be
pleased to learo that there is at least odo
dreaded disease that soience has been
able to cure id all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is the only
positive core kuown to tbe medioal fra
ternity. Oatarrb being a constitutional
disease, reqnires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, aoting directly upon tbe blood
sod maooun surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of tbe
disease, nnd giving the patieDt strength
by building up the constitution tod
assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe
proprietors have so muob faith in its
curative powers, that tbey offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case tbat it
fails to care. Send for list of testi
monials. Address,
P. J. Cheskt & Co , Toledo, O,
Sold by druggists, 75e.
Hall's Family Pills are tbe best.
Chamberlain's Coach Bemedy a (irrat
Tbe soothing and healing properties of
tbit remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent en res bave made
it a great favorite with people every
where. It is especially prized by moth
ers of small children lor enlris, croup
aodwbonpiog eongh, as it always affords
quick relief, and at it contains do opium
or other barmfal drag.it may be given
as confidently to a baby aa to so adatt.
For b1b by Conser & Warren.
The big storm abated on Sept. 5, but
on the following day it sprang np again
with additional fury. Vessels at anchor
bad made preparations for it, but the
schooners Sequoia and Arthur B. were
driveu on the beach.
Portland, Sept. 19.
Markets locally are not quotably low
er, but some buyers have ceased paying
more than a cent or 2 above the prices
they are quoting.
Walla Walla P7, Valley 596U.
Wool Valley, 1213c for coarse,
15lfic for best; Eastern Oregon,
10(5'13c: mohair, 25c per pound.
Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short
wool, 253oc; medium-wool, 30o0c;
long wool, 60$1 each.
San Francisco, Sept. 18. Wool
Spring Nevada, ll13c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10(14; Valley, Oregon,
l(i 18c. Vail Northern, mountain, 9
10c; mountain, 810c; plains, 810c;
Hum bolt and Mendocino, 1012c,
Chicago, Sept. 18. Cattle Receipts
6000; market generally steady; prime
steers $5 506; poor to medium, $4 40
(85.40; stockers and feeders, steady,
$4(34.75; cows, $2 75 4.50; beifers,
$35; canners, $22.75; bulls, steady
$2.75f34 50; calves, active $56-75;
Texan fed steers, 4.25(95 ; TexaB grass
steers, $3.254.20.
' Sheep, receipts, 13,000. Sheep and
lambs, choice steady ; 0 fliers 1015c
Choice wethers, $3 854.25; fair to
choice mixed, $3.253 90; Western
sheep, $3 803 35: Texas sheep, $2.50
3.25: native lambs, $4.256; West
ern lambs, $55.90.
At the State fair the premiums for
Shorthorn cattle were awarded yester
day. The honors were divided between
C. E. Ladd and W. O. Minor, tbe form
er taking the most first premiums. The
priz4 for best bull of any age was
awarded to Ladd's Topsman; Minor's
Sally Girl secured the premium for the
best Shorthorn cow. The sweepstakes
diploma for four animals, the get of one
bull, was won bv Ladd on the product
of Baron Linnwood, who took tbe
sweepstakes of 1899.
For $1100 I offer a good boms ranch
20 miles southwest of Heppner; 230
acres; all under 3-wire fence; 3 springs
and well ; 28 acres in cultivation ; house,
barn and cellar; stack of hay. See me
at Conser & Warren drug store or ad
dress me at Heppner.
Geo. W. Wells.
Cnta and Brnlses Quickly Healed.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a
out, bruise, burn, eonld or like injury
will instantly allay tbe pain and will
heal the parts in less time than any
other treatment. Unless tbe injury is
very severe it will not leave a soar. Pain
Balm also ourea rheumatism, sprains,
swellings and lameness. For sale by
(Jouser & Warren.
This well kept house is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street,
Heppner, and has good rooms and a
bountiful table, at reasonable rates.
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goes through in
24 hours.
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west side of Main street,
keeps first, class rigs and saddle horses,
and takes the best of care of them.
II. A. Thompson,
Proprietor of all Three.
Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Thirty
Yfais of HnflVrlng.
"I suffered for thirty years with diar
rhoea and thought I wag past btine
cured," says John 8. Halloway.of Frenob
Camp, Miss, "t bad spent so muob
time and money nnd suffered so muob
that I bad given np all hopes of recovery.
I was so feeble from the effects of the
diarrhoea that I onnld do no kind of
labor, onuld not even travel, but bv
aooident I was permitted to find a bottle
of Chamberlain's Col 10, Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea' Remndy, and after taking
several bottles I am entirely ourd of
tbat trouble, I am so pleased with tbe
result that I am anxious that lib in
reach ot all who suffer as I have." For
sale by Conser & Warren.
The well-known Cunningham bucks,
thoroughbred grades and Delain, will
be on exhibition and for sale at Hepp
ner on or about October 1st. Prices to
suit the times. In charge of
Wm. Hughes.
$100 REWARD.
A reward of $100 will be paid for tbe
arrest and conviction of any person or
persons stealing horses branded E. D,
or -S- on left stifle.
T. J. Matlock,
J. M. Keeney.
Heppner Gazette and East Oregonian
semi-weekiy, $2.75; weekly $2 25.
Tbe Heppner Gazette offioe will fnr-
oisb yea any paper or magazine io Ibe
world at a reduced rate.
A nice line of Key West cigars at
Matlock & Hart's.
When you come to Heppner, put up
your team at the Red Front Livery Sta
ble on Main St., opposite the brewery
Tbey will receive the best of care. Bug
gies, teams and saddle horses for hire
at reasonable rates. Hay and grain
bougtit ana sola.
, Bisns Bros.
The day is not distant when every
inch of land will be deeded and doubled
np in price. If you want to buy a good
3'4-acre place at S an acre, call on J
W. Hedington, Gazette office.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought
Bears the
Just a
An opening gun for the season, but from it you'll catch the drift of prices
you'll understand how well we merit the claim as the Economical Clothing House
the store that dresses you in up-to-date ideas, but where little margins rule the:
selling. You'll better appreciate the significance of this offer when you see the
goods and note the superiority in the fit, finish and making.
Pass Along
to our
In ten'st
we have the biggest stock and best assortment ever brought to Heppner. We
have the Coverts, Kerseys, the Irish Frieze, the Meltons and the4 Beavers made in
Storm Ulsters and the nobby Top Coat with velvet collars in prices ranging: from
$7.50' to $20.
The Fair Mo The Fair
1 Heppner, Oiregoxiu
Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the bent on earth.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Have just received one of the largest Btocks of Bain Wagons ever
orougnt to iieppner.
Call and See them.
Prices are Riclxt.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware. Agricultural
implements, wagons, uacKs, jtc., ramta ana Uils (the best in
the world). Crockery and Glassware.
fiBST Rational ank
O. A. RHEA President
T. A. RBEA Vio Preiident
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collection! made on all points on reasonable terms. Burplui and undivided profits ',0C0.
Buy at Home!
o o o
But if your home merchants do
kind of dry goods, fckirts or suits that you need, then address a line
to us, tell us what you want, and w will mail it to yoo from our large
stock of excluBive dry goods.
In this way, if you can't kep the chhIi in your own town, you
Keep u in your own cwie.
Mc allen &
Cor. 3d and Morrison Sts., Portland.
We have not overlooked the
Boys and Little Fellows
i. W. CONSER Cashier
I E. L. FREELAND. . Aaaistaot Cashier
From your home
merchants ripht in
, your own town.
not happen to have on hand the
No. 4472. Men's check cheviot with round sack
coat, good linings; a neat and servicable suit, suit
and the price is only - - . $4 98
No. 4636. Men's brown check, all
wool, with round sack coat,
, heavy farmers satin lining, silk suit
stitched ; a world beater for $7.89
No. 4323. Men's fine black dress suit
all wool, clay worsted, satin.'
piped and silk stitched, frock . suit
coat in latest style - $11.24
Others in .business and dress suits
up to - - - $20.00
We have a fresh,
select from, too,
S. P. Garrigues,
IVIriln Street,
Just Received,
kulkey and Walking Plows,
all sizes and styles;
Harrows Disc, Lever and
Spring Tooth. Monitor
and Superior Drills.
New and Com- TTr1rci owl Hi wvrvlc?
plete Stock of axuvivo wiii oiaao.
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons.
Highest price paid for fat
Heppner, Oregon.
School Opens
A rrull Ivlno of
Books, Stationery and
of All Kinds are kept
at the Store of .
SloOUtll Xrttfi; Co., Main Street, Heppner.
new stock for them to
in prices from $1.37 up.
Canton Gang,
Fresh Meats
Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
Fish every Friday.
Liberty Market
ttv & Mathews,
Sept. 3.