Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1900, Image 4

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    Heppner Lumber Co
R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson
Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North
of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully
stocked with all binds of
Eongh and DreBeed Lumber, Doors, Windows, Shingles, Moulding audi
Screen Doors,
And everything appertaining to a first-clahi Ln rubor Yard. Tbcy will nOrr
March 1 deliver lumber to soy poiot io the city iimita free of ouitrge.
These gentlemen sleo buy and sell real estate, nut, bousHB, write insurance.
If yon have aoy property to aell or rent, pat it io their hanrla, i.r if yon need auv
tbioif else in their line bs eare to consult tbem drat. Tbey will rapooi pmroptly
to 'phone oall No 7.
terior decorations, etc. Toilette is an
indespensible guide on these subjects,
and is issued monthly at $2 a year of
25 cents a copy. It is handsomely il
lustrated with fashion plates and dia
grams of garment-1, and contains much
valuable information. Sample copies
may be seen at the Gazette office.
One of the handsomest of fashion
journals is Toilettes, which is an up-to-date
record of the latest fashions in
ladies' lingerie, negligees, girls' lingerie,
Misses, costumes, ladies' and girls'
bathing suits, hair dressing, corsets, in
Obadiah Forbush recently sold bis
bund of cattle at top prices and he and
his good wife, arrayed in a new Wyan
dot dress Btarted for the Slate Fair, the
procession being led by their know-it-all,
swell-headed boy whom they are
training to be president.
They all felt their oats, and stuck up
their noses at a neighbor who has not
yet realized any cash for his season's
Jiut they will run across the bunco man
at Halem and come back broke.
News from Long Krick Indicates that
the Chinese Empress Princess No-Heels
is inviting all the Chinese sheepherders
to join the .Boxers and fight for Mother
land. A hierogliphic sign like that
above has been found posted on many
rox and trees.
No herders have gone as yet, and
probably will not, as they get good
wages at herding, and have more to eat
in a day than their gracious queen would
give them In a month of Sundays.
John Troedson, Douglas
J O Dickson, Portland
E II Thompson "
Sam Creeson, Khea creek
8 Wilkinson, The Dalles
15 K Walton, San Francisco
C W Cottam, Oakland
W II Johnson and wf., John Day
Joe Luckman, Ranch
E W Qrouscek, Pendleton
8 B Geer, Salem '
Arch Geer "
E Howard, Colfax
Frank Kister, Lexington
S J Fry "
A B Thomson, Echo
W H Bowman, Monument
R N Godfrey, Grauite
M S Maxwell, lone
J C Keithley, Hardman '
Sam Teed, Ranch '
Emmett Cochran, Monument
Jos Lifnwallen, Weston
J II Thatcher, Portland
W S Paige, Seattle
A R Toiler, Ritter
L J Crook, Tittshurg
Jos Carty and w, Ranch
8 H Fry, The Dalles
A 8 Haines, 8mlle
Owen Wister, Phila
J C Morris, Focatcllo
Henry Blacknun, Spokane
J L Smith, Priueville
R N Stanfiold, Echo
The Ileppner wool market is stagnant.
All buyers have departed, and do sales
are being made. Small lota are still
coming into the warehouses.
In Boston ) notations of leading de
scriptions of wool are;
Territory; scoured basis Montana
and Wyoming, tine medium and tine, 17
ilSe; Kcimrvd, .rOo ; staple fc'm '.r:V.
L' tali, tine medium mid line, lt(flic;
scoiiied, fOc; staple, .V.'iu .Vic. Idaho
tine medium and line, lti((ll7e; scoured,
50c; staple, 5-(t.Vm.
Australian, scoured basis, spot prices
combinir, suporrine, nominal, 82(ij.S7c;
good, 80iu82i
Golden grain is rolling into Ileppner,
and the warehouses here now contain
about 8000 sacks, while piles bigger than
meeting-houses are accumulating along
the Ileppner railroad.
The price her is from 44 to 43 cents.
A stampede of 800 cavalry horses
through the streets of San Antonio
the other day caused a panic, and
sent the blood of frontiersmen
jumping through their veins as it
has not jumped since Texas was a
republic. The mounts of the First
Texas Cavalry broke away from a
corral at Fort Sam LTouston, on
Government Hill, about three miles
from the Alamo. Some of the horses
had been in service for years, but
the majority of them were "cow
ponies" that had never been drilled.
Across the prairie ground thej
dashed, following a dun mare with
flowing mane. Two cavalrymen
attempted to round up the herd.
On went the flying steeds across
the parade and into the drill
ground they galloped, when sud
denly there came from the direc
tion of the officers' houses a bugle
call. Chargers which had often
responded to this call insensibly
slackened their speed. Again rarig
out a call.
The dun mare and one-third of
the stampeded horses continued
their flight, while the other two
thirds turned squarely at right
angles. The bugler repeated "col
umns right," and the two-thirds
again turned at right angles, and
galloped back in the direction from
which they camo. Once more the
bugle rang out. The plunging
mass took form and steadied its
gait. Again the bugle sounded.
The batallion broke the gallop,
went into a trot, and wheeled into
the parade ground. The bugler
sounded "Halt," and that part of
the stampede was over.
But the dun pony and her fol
lowers from the ranges continued
their mad flight through the streets
of San Antouio. Everything mov
able in the way of the horses was
overturned and demolished. Ped
estrians fled in every direction,
while many carriage horses joined
the horrea of the plains. Over the
bridge ilew the wild steeds. One
horse dashed its head against a
telegraph pole, aud the dun mare
lost a iollower. Auother's forelegs
went through a basement hole in
the sidewalk, and the unfortunate
horse was quickly' trampled to
death. A saloon was reached, and
one of the cow ponies was forad
through i ts doors by the pushing
horses as they continued. A i ail
road train came rushing along.
With a bound the dan mare cleared
the track in front of the locomo
tive, but several of ber companions
were hurled to death in an en
deavor to follow.
The horses divided only to come
together again when the train
dashed by and resume their flight
toward the prairies. Out into the
mosquite aud sagebrush the dun
mare led them, and soon nothing
was seen but a cloud of dust.
The trail of the stampede was as
plain as the path of a cyclone. No
lives were lost, but property dam.
aged was very heavy. Squads of
cavalrymen started out and suc
ceeded in roping all but thirty of
the cow ponies.
Blue Mountain Kagle.
C, L. Marr and Charles Carr, stock
men who reside in Willow precinct,
were in town Monday in search of stock
cattle to stock their ranges, but found
prices too nigh, cut tie men here asking
10 per head for cows and calves. They
started homeward Tuesday without
making any deals.
1). G. Ovcrholt has men at work on a
foundation for m elegant residence
which he will erect on his property ad
joining his stoie building.
James Wilson, a prominent cattleman
aud land owner of Waterman Flat, this
Wiwk Inado llln tlrt viiiit. til Oanvnn
City since the tire and stated that he
whs surprised to see the town buildim?
up in ho substantial a manner.
The etlltnHal rmirrn rt the W'nolclv Or.
oii I an rive a broad treatment to a wide
rant of subjects.
Pioneers of the Ileppner Hills well re
member Cabin Canyon, from which man)
of them hauled their fuel supply 25
years ago, and many people well re
member Alex. Glenn, the honest, in
dustrious man who pre-empted the place
and made bis home there for vears.
He sold out ten years ago and Is now in
Idaho. Should he return to Cabin
Canyon he would fall off bis sorrel mare
in surprise at the changes he would see.
His stable has fallen in, his fireplace
ditto; ' torpedo-boats' could be ' navi
gated in the washouts of bis well-Kept
wagon-road ; his fence is flat, and his
bench lands on which grew but brush
are now covered with trees 30 feet high.
And in his cool, clear spring, which
lie kept so scrupulously clean, now
float pollywogs, and the fretful porcu
pine strolls around at eventide, and the
borrowing badger digs and delves and
kicks dirt all over the canyon.
Surely nature has again claimed the
place for her own.
Portland, Sept. 12 There was a
much better feeling in the Eastern
wheat market yesteiday, and Liverpool
cables were higher. In the local mar
ket there is considerable wheat chang
ing hands, but the most of it moves at
extreme figures. Walla Walla is quoted
at lid to M4c, and some sales were
made yesterday at, 57c. . In the interior,
these prices have been exceeded.
Wool Valley, 12(13c for coarse,
15(ffil0c for beBt; Eastern Oregon,
10(iil3c; mohair, 25c per pound.
Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short
wool, 25(n35e; medium-wool, 3050c;
long wool, ti0($l each.
San Francisco, Sept. 12. Wool
Spring Nevada, ll(il3c per pound;
Kastern Oregon, 1014 ; Valley, Oregon,
l(i 18c, Fall NortherD, mountain, 9
10cj mountain, 810c; plains, 810c;
Hum bolt and Mendocino, 1012c.
Chicago, Sept. 11. Cattle Receipts
4500; market generally steady; prime
steers $5.G0(G; poor to medium, $4 50
(Ko.fiO; stock ere and feeders, steady,
434.74; cows, $2 75(34.50; heifers,
!f3(a)5; canners, $2(i2.75; bulls, steady
$2.75(4 50; calves, active $5U.75;
Texan fed steers, 4.25(i5; Texas grass
steers, $3.25(S4.20.
Sheep, receipts, 14,000. Sheep and
lambs active, stronger.
Choice wethers, $3 (i5(ff3.!)5 ; fair to
choice mixed, $3.35(33 05; Western
sheep, $3. 7513.05 ; Texas sheep, $2.50
03.25; native lambs, $4.25(4.75; West
ern lambs, $55.75.
His many old friends here will be sor
ry to learn that Fred Hallock is in trou
ble at Sumpter over missing money.
Fred was raised in Ileppner, and with
his good bringing up and natural talent
ought to have had a very bright future
before him.
Captain Warren and son H. E. and
families have returned from their sum
mer season at Teal Springs, w here they
enjoyed mountain life during the past
three months.
Dr. McFaul has sold his home to Mrs.
Elder. Mrs. McFaul and child started
this morning for Pendleton, and their
many friends wish them all happiness
in the future.
M. K. church O. 1). Nii-knUnn naa.
tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. oi.
Mr. Nicholsen lias retimed from con
ference, and will retain charge of the
North Methodist church for another
M. E. church, South F. F. St. Clair,
pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 :30
o. m.
Christian church Sunday School at
lu a. in.
Baptist church Sunday School at
10 a. m.
Take it up one side and down the
other, stock pays best. A real bargain
iS nOW Ottered ill It 144lVir sfve rorw.K
45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4
an acre, uood outside range ; 100 tons
of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow
inir wheat: all under fane ami will
raise anything. Apply to Gazette
otlice, Heppner.
Stoh n from Thompson's barn on the
night of the Fourth, a silver-mounted
bit and bridle. $10 reward and no ques
tions asked if returned to James Jones
or to Thompson's barn.
are naar tiroes tht cause of various
dmant Kla.ty per cant of tha
Aaaarieaa Mopla an aaid to be
tremble with 11 Tar and utomarh
wnlUati nek a oonstivatlon,
No. 25
orareoaie ana core these Ills.
These tabltts act as a gentle laxa
tive. They make the liver and
stomach do their duty aa they
ahould. The moet obstinate eaeea
yield to these little tablets. They
coat 24c and can be prooured at
Patterson & Son, Heppner
By this morning's train Oscar Minor's
bunch of 20 head of fine Shorthorn cat
tie started for the State Fair at Salem.
They are fine specimens of the finest
animals on earth, and among them is
tbe famous prize-winner Sally Girl, a
cow that cost her owner $1750 in Indi
ana and $300 to get ber to Heppner.
It Can Only be Had Where There Is No
Any man or woman who wants soft,
glossy hair must be free from dandruff,
which causes falling hair. Since it has
become known that dandruff is a eerm
disease, the old hair preparations that
were mostly scalp irritants, have been
ahandoned, and the public, barbers and
doctors included, have taken to using
Hevbro s Herpicide, the only hair pre
paration that kills the dandruff germ.
E. Dodd, Dickinson, N. D., says: "Her
picide not only cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and prevents the hair's falling
out, but promotes a new growth, her
picide keeps my hair very glossy."
A Night of Tarror.
"Awful anxiety was fell for tbe widow
of the brave General Burnham of Me
ohias, Me., when tbe doctors said she
could not live till rooming," writes Mrs.
S. H. Linoolo, who attended ber Ibat
fearful night. "All thought she most
soon die from pneumonia, bu t she begged
for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it
bad more than once saved br life, sod
bad onred her of ooosumptioo. After
three small dosss aba slept easily all
nigbt, and its further nee completely
on red her." This marvelous medicine
is gnsranteed to cure all throat, chest
and lung diseases. Only 50o and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Oonser & Warren
Drug Oo.
For $375 we offer a nice little home
in Heppner, well located aud in good
repair. House is new.
Wills & Patterson.
Cold Stool or Death
"There is bnt one small ohaooe to save
your life and that is through an opera
tion," was the awful prospect set before
Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Limo Ridge, Wis.,
by her doctor after vainly trying lo enrc
her of a frightful ease of stomach trouble
and yellow jaundioe. Ha didn't count
on tbe marvellous power of Electrio
Bitters to cure stomach and liver troubles,
but she beard of it, took seven bottles,
was wholly onred. avoided surgeon's
knife, now weighs more aod feels better
than ever. It's positively guaranteed to
core stomaoh, liver and kidney troubles
and never disappoints. Price 60o at
Oooser A Warren Drug Co.
A, Abrahamsick
Merchant Tailor
Pioneer Tailor of Ileppner.
Ilia work first-class
and satisfactory.
Give him a call May Street.
Wool per lb
Wheat per bushel
'Hnnr nr hhl .
U to 13
8 00
7 00
5 00
7 to 9
Oats per bushel
Barley per 100 lbs
Hay, alfalfa, per ton
(In stack at ranch)
ITuir uhaat
(Hi stack at ranch)
Kneoii per lb :
l.ard per lb
Beef, bent, on foot
Heef, cut up ,
Butter per lb
7 00
25 to 80
4 to 5
rmaioea, new
Chickens, per doz
IltvHlHt.it Nn. 1 narlK
thuep I'elts, per lb
10 to 11
, A Monster Dovil Fish
Destroying its viotim, is a type of con
stipation. Tbe power of this murderous
melady is fell on organs and nerves and
muscles and brain. There is no health
till it's overoome. Dot Dr. King's New
Life Pills are a safe aod certain oure.
Best in tbe world for stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels. Only 25 oents at
Oonser & Warren Drag Oo.
Sheep-ranch outfits, stock salt, hats
and furnishing goods, pines, tobacco.
candy and nuts all these are sold at T.
R. Howard's store.
That Heppner is a very import
ant shipping point may be Been
from the following figures, which
show shipments made by rail from
here daring the past year:
Wool, pounds 3,245,750
Cattle, cars 220
Sheep " 175
Wheat shipped out of Mor
row county over Hepp
ner Branch, bufihels 200,000
"Yes, indeed, I sleep well now. No
more nightmares for me," said .Tas.
Ritter yesterday as he happily beamed
on people he met. Then he went on to
say: "The cause of my resting easy
and whistling as I go is that I have just
naa my Hie insured by h. W. Hriggs, and
now if I die my wife and little ones are
sure of money enough Jo carry them
along for years."
Office at La Grande, Or.. August 21, WOO.
Notice is hereby Ktven that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof In support of her claim
and that said proof will be made before the
uouniy uiera or Morrow rounry at Heppner,
Oregon, on October 6, 1900, viz: Homestead
entry No 8376, made by
LINNIE V. CHAPMAN., of Vinson, Ore ,
For the west 'A northeast M and south V4 north
west section 35, township 2 south, range 2(1
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon ami cultivation
of said land, via: Hiram Smith, John W. Balls
bury and John W Groom, of Vinson, Or., and
Hezeklah Tippetts, oi Heppner, Or.
9-l E. W. Baktlett, Register.
- ' uuice ai l uranoe, lire., sept. 11, UJW.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
Deiore u, n. ommissioner, J. w. Morrow, at
Heppner, Oregon, on October 20, 1900, viz:
Homestead entry No. 6422,
PHILIP HIRL, of Vinson, Oregon,
For the west northeast X. southeast north
west H and northeast southwest i section
12, township 2 south, range 29 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Discontinuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Patrick McDaid, John Mal
ally, Daniel P. Doherty and Patrick Doherty,
all of Vinson, Oregon.
89-4 E. W. Babtlett, Register.
Otlice at Grande, Or., Hept, 11, 19U0.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hts intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before Hon.
J W. Morrow. United States Commissioner,
at Heppner. Oregon, on October 26, 1900, viz:
Homestead entry No 6083,
CHARLES HIRL, of Vinson, Oregon,
For the south southeast section 11, south
west H southwest H. section 12 and northwest
Vi northwest W section 13, township 2 south,
range 29 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Patrick McDaid, John Mal
ally, Daniel P Doherty and Patrick Doherty,
all of Vinson, Oregon.
99-4 E. W. Bartlitt, Register.
Office at The Dalles, Ore., went. 11, ltmo.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, IT. S. commissioner, at Heppner. Oregon,
on Friday, October 19, 19U0, vis:
MARY EARNST, formerly Mary Brown,
of Lexington, Ore.,
Homestead entry No. 6935, for the southeast
section 17, township 2 south, range 15 E W M.
Hhe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Ralph Benge, Frank Smith
and George Smith, of Lexington, Or., and Wil
liam Lasseen, of Heppner, Or.
99-4 Jay P. Ldcas, Register.
Office at The Dalles, Or., Sept. 11, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlor has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim.
and that said proof will be made before J. W.
Morrow, United Statea Commissioner, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Friday. October 19, 1900., viz;
jambs a BKUn , oi Lexington, Ore..
Homestead entrr No. 61. for the northwest U
section 21, township 2 south, range t E W M.
He names me following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence unon and cultivation
of said land, viz: William Lamen, of Hepp
ner, ure., naipn itenge, rrana smiin anu
George Smith, of Lexington, Ore.
9-4 Jay P. Lucas, Register.
Office at Tha Dalles, Ore., Sept. 10. 1900
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Hied notice of hia intention
to make dual proof in support oi his claim, and
that said proof will be made before H. N.
Fraser, County Clerk, at Condon, Oregon, on
Saturday October 30, 1900, ts:
CHARLE9 J. HAYES, of Lone Rock, Ore..
Homestead entry No. 5.V53. for the west U north
east t and north H northwest V section 12,
township & south, range 24 E W M.
tie uames th" following witnesses to Drove his
continuous ruaidnc npon and cultivation of
saia laua. vu: . t. Matiort, i. r. Bennett.
Jainea Hansford and Koy Foster, all of Loue
son, ore.
w Jay P. Lucas, Register
ro You Want
I have for sale several Morrow
County ranches at such low
prices that one crop will repay
the entire purchase price.
Write to me at Heppner, or call at Conser & Warren's
Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch
of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W.
Bedington, at Gazet office, Heppner.
A Remington breech-loading single
shot-gun for sale at $12. Gazette office.
Chicago- Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. m,
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Special Kansas City, tit.
9a.m. Louis, Chicago, '
and East,
Atlantio Salt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p. m.
Express Ft. Worth, Omaha,
9 a. m. Kansas City, St
via. Hunt- Louis, Chicago
ington, and East,
Atlantio Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p.m.
Express ton, Spokane, Min
7 45 a. m, neapolis, Bt. Paul,
Via. Spo- Duluth, Mllwau
kane. kee Chicago and
8.00 p.m. Ocean Steamships 4:00 p.m.
From Portland.
All sailing dates
subject to change.
For San Francisco
Sail every 5 days
8:00 p.m. Colombia River 4:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. m. To Astoria and Way .
6:00 a.m. Willamette Rivbb 4:80 p.m.
Ex. Sunday Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New
berg, Salem and
Yi ay Landings.
7:00 a.m. Willamette and 8:30 p.m.
Tuea., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. Mon., Wed,
and Sat. and Fri.
Oregon City, Day
ton & Way Land
ings. Snake Rives.
Lv. Riparia Lv. LewistoB
8:35 a. m. Eiparla to Lewiston 9 a. m.
daily daily
Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner
at 7:45 a. m. No. 10 arrives at 5:30 p. m. Daily
except Sunday.
Passangars beekad for all Foreign
J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner.
General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S great
fSuwMa flats sat amaiaj
Ths largsst Anatomical Mossnm ,
in ua woria. .
BnaUH attraction tn to CUV. 4
tomterui liehtJtr vUUors. I
It-' It 1 d!ieia,SHMltf vel t cured hr
. or anjeontract.
, 1 a tha oldest Specialist un tha PaoiOa
Coast JtatabUsliadMyMra.
Tawstat u.i aod aaldJIsi '
Bared Hsea who mra siiffprlnv .
from ths sOtota of youthful Indls-
eretiona ar ixhmm In mturr
'rears, irarrous and Dbriieal Isahllltv.In. I
. polvns;, Lo.l lavnnMMl In all lucompU
I cations; SBvermlt,rrhoe, Pmlaiar I
rha-n, tioBorrhu, Uleet, rreqarnpT '
ar (IrlaaUlna-, eta. Hr a combination of I
rem files, of grvat curative power, tbe Doctor "
I lias so arranaed all treatment that It will not t
' only alTord immediate relief, but permanent I
cure, i do Doctor does not claim to perioral
' miracles, but hi well knnwn to be a fair aod I
, square Physician and Hurf eonjireetnlueat
I io bis upeclalty Diseases f Ben.
TPRII.Is thoroughly eradicated from
1 tun erniem wuoout tne use oi nmrrmry . ,
Troaeee fitted by aa Eiperl fflleat1
I care lor Rapture). A quick and rrariiooi i
cure for tllM. Fiaaare and rialala,by '
ur, juniM aperiaj painless oieiuoua. ,
EVERT MAM aonlrlns teas will reeerra '
oor VmtC opinion of blacnmplalnt. .
' He will buamntue a tOUTIVI CUBMtm
I awry com w wndmoss.
I'nnsuitation kkkk ana strictly private,
Treatment personally or by letter.
Write for Rook. PHII.OMsr r 1
iMARRIAeE. Mailid Faaut, (A. valuable I
book lor men.; iu or wnie
OR. iORDAN ft CO.. t OBI Market St. t. F.
Come to Morrow
lands. Values are sure
er again win iana sen
At S5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles
south of Heppner; almost all good pow land
i . i i ,r
nas running water-ana
make a goool home for some farmer or stock
man. If not sold soon will be rented nn
shares to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom
yuaid, U. A. Herren,
Mayes. Apply to J. W. Kedmgton, Heppner.
The large corner property east of J.
M. Hager's store and opposite the resi
dence of C. A. Rhea, is now offered at
the low price of ,.$850. Apply at Gazet
Forty head ot mares and colts ; none
over 7 years ; some good 3 and 4 year
old geldings ; $20 a head, colts thrown
in. Apply Gazette office.
Home-seekers with means, and invest
ors should come here. Oo Recount of
the low prices at which its lnnds ara
offered, Morrow oounly expeots to doable
iti population this ye nr. Good land can
be bonght here at $1.25 to 85 an acre.
If you want to buy a real cbeap
ranch, call od or address Geo.
Wells, Oeppnei. He has some
places as low as 81.25 an acre, and
will rrfail printed description free
on request.
If yon want to buy some very low
priced ranches, see George Wells, at
Conser & Warren's drug store.
A nice house, 6 rooms, well located,
lot 50x150, only $1100. Apply at Gazet
Babbitt metal for packing for sale at
Gazette office, 10 cents a pound.
An experienced sheep man wants to
buy for cash or rent a ranch and range
of about 1000 acres, not too near the
timber. Leave word at the Gazette
office, Heppner.
A man who owns 900 acres of good
land and much other property wants to
borrow $3000 on 2 years' time at 8 per
cent. Anybody who wants to make
such a loan, send word to the Gazette
Don't Be Duped
There have been placed upon the market
several oheap reprints of an obsolete edition
of " Webster's Dictionary." They are being
offered under various name at a low price
drv roods dealers, srrooers. agents, etc.. and
in a few instances as a premium for subscrip
tions to papers.
Announcements of these comparatively
reprints are very misleading; for instance,
they are advertised to be the substantial
equivalent of a hinher-prioed book, when in
reality, so far as we know and believe, they
are all, from A to Z,
Reprint Dictionaries,
phototype copies of a book of over fifty
years aaro. which initsdav was sold for about.
$5.00. and which was much superior in par
print, and binding to these imitations, be
then a work of some merit instead of one
Long Since Obsolete.
The supplement of 10,000 so-called "new
words," which some of these books are adver
tised to oontain, was compiled by a gentle
man who died over tony years ago, and was
published before his death. Other minor
additions are probably of more or less value.
I The Webster's Unabridged Dictionary pub
lished by our house is the only meritorious
one of that name familiar to this generation.
It contains over 2000 pages, with illustra
tions on nearly every page, and bears our
imprint on the title page. It is protected by
copyright from cheap imitation.
Valuable as this work is, we have at vast
expense published a thoroughly revised
successor, known throughout the world as
Weharer'ii International rWtinn.nr
As a dictionary lasts a lifetime you should
Get the Best.
Illustrated pamphlet free. Address
. G. ft C. MERRIAM COn Sprint-field, Mass.
County for low-criced
to double up. Nev-
so low as it does now.
is under lence; will
Wm. Penland and Tas.