Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, September 13, 1900, Image 3

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    The Heppner Gazette
Thursday, .
, .Sept 13, 1900
Heppner to MUe
Portland 197
Pendleton by wagon road 60
Lexington 9
lone 15
Heppner Junction on Columbia River 40
Arlington 65
The Dalles 109
Canyon City ".' 104
Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18
Train leaves daily except Sunday for all
points at 8:15 a, m.
Train arrives daily except Sunday from all
over the world at 5:16 p. m.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek
and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at
6:30a. m.; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 hours.
Malls close for trains at 7 a. m.
Business hours of the First National Bank of
Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Heppner RaiseB Wool to Warm the World.
Last year it shipped away 3,245,750 pounds, and
Morrow County shipped 200,000 bUBhels of
wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex
ccllent, and you can buy farms and ranches
here cheaper than anywhere else on earth orin
all Oregon. Population 6000.
Heppner has 1200 population, good school
city water, electric lights and (35,000 brick hotel
the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from
Heppner. Chicago some further,
Now the candidate is out of date,
The crops are looking fine;
It is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
Kind fortune smiles on every hand,
All things look bright and clear;
But the greatest blessing in the land
Is Qambrlnus Lager Beer,
Bold at Belvedere saloon.
Frank Roberts, Prop.
Here and Tlere
Stove-pipe profanity will soon be in
order, for fall is coming on and more or
lees household reorganizing must be
done. J
The big platform at the Henry Hepp
ner warehouse is being braced and
made stronger, to hold up the wealth
of wheat being stacked upon it which
has to take an outside seat when the
house is full.
F. C. FrieJrichs is starting in to make
a nice place of his new home near the
depot. He has a well down 15 feet, and
will plant lots of fruit and shade trees.
Flowers and trees and trees and
flowers will work wonders in the ap
pearance of a home, all of which is
Khown in the pretty places of Post
master Vaugban and W. P. Scrivner.
VVes Marlatt came in Monday from
the Minor & Marlatt cow-camp near the
North Fork of the John Day. Wes says
that there has been recent rains in
streaks, and where it struck, new grass
is springing up.
. Joe Luckmnn has received a letter
from his camptender near the Green
horn range, saving that sheep were
doing well, and that there had been no
trouble between herders and settlers,
as both were now respecting each
other'B rights. Andy Oook will take
charge of Joe's sheep Oct. 1.
Mrs. Phil Colin and children, who
have been enjoying life among her
people at her old home in San Fran
cisco, is expected home this week.
G. W. Phelps is now settled in his
new office on May street, near P. O.
A public benefactor is the man who
makes a tree grow, and Pap Simonds
has made several grow on what need to
be a barren bench. He nursed and
coaxed and spanked them and shot
bugs who were eating them up, and
used windmills and well-water through
many a dry summer. And now his
apples have a beautiful' blush and are
full of fall fruitage. .
The Fair received over a ton of knit
underwear in one shipment last week.
Waldron Rhea returned home Mon
day evening trom his Portland visit.
He considered the circus a One show,
and the fair kind ot so-so.
That veteran tarveler, Martin Ander
son, who has been so long contented
with a quiet life in Heppner, made a
trip to Portland the past week, and is
now glad to be back' come. 8ome one
swiped his' overcoat at a hotel in Port
land, but he took another ' from
the rack snd told the clerk he proposed
to hold it until hie own was produced.
This was done after awhile, and Martin
started home satisfied that no fellow
traveler had got tea ahead of him.
Helnz's sweet picklea at Bishop's.
Drop in and see us. Will tell you
why you should get vour blackberries
for canning now. $1.75 per crate at
Matlock & Hart's.
With jingling bells on their leaders
cnme in Sunday long strings of lreight
wagons from the great interior. Mon
day they loaded Up at the warehouses
of Heppner and pulled out with fall
goods on tbetr long trip of over 100
Tom Morgan, the veteran who looks
no older now than when he was rnnning
the Canyon City stage through ambush
es of hostile Snake Indians 35 years
ago, is now enjoying and sharing with
his neighbors fine fruit from the orchard
he started with bis own hands. Many
people who saw him plant those trees
are now dead, but Tom is as young
as ever.
We are the grocers in the city direct
ory of merchants. Matlock & Hart.
The camper is reminded of lots of
things he must have when he sees the
bia stock of the Ed. R. Bishop Co.
T. R. Howard's store has everything
in the grocery line needed by city trade.
The growing hops on Tom Qoaid's
porch prove that this is a fairly-good
hop country, but sheep beat that busi
ness up one side snd down the other.
Ilrs. W. W. Smead has been ap
pointed authorized agent for several
standard and valuable books, and will
deliver them here in good time for
winter reading.
Willard Herren bad a sort of water
spout at his place on Lower 8mile, but
now baa the damage all fisea op.
Home ties were so strong that Chas.
M. Jones concluded not to return to
Dawson at present, and has settled
down in Heppner and gone into business
with J. L. Gibson.
While hoisting hacks Saturday onto
the top floor of his large carriage repos
itory, ram uarngues received a vt-ry
severe blow on the side of the head on
account of the breaking of the wind
Maine has had another election, and
went Republican by its usual large ma
jority. A pair of horses attached bv their
harness made a frantic dash through
town Monday, but were caught by Mr.
Ballenbrook, who pursued them on
Martin Anderson, clerk at the Palace
Hotel, returned Tuesday from his pleas
ant Portland vacation.
Don't forget to remember that P. O.
Borg is Morrow county's leading jewel
er, and advertises and .substantiates
the fact.
When you want something for lunch
in the way of canned meats go to Bish
op's. Leaders in the business. Fresh fruits
and groceries. Come and see. Matlock
& Hart.
Canned and dried fruits should both
be taken along when yon go camping,
and the place to get them is at T. R.
Tuesday's Oregonian has a fine
double column picture and notice of
Oscar Minor's champion Shorthorn cow
Sally Girl, which cost over $2000 laid
down in Heppner.
At Port Townsend the steamer
Thompson has been fined $3000 for
bringing from Nome 6A passengers more
than she was allowed to carry.
Over at Waterman flat Geo. Ire
monger has sold his 2900 ewes and
lambs to J. M. Brown at $3 and $2 a
head. ,
The Prineville Jockey Club is arrang
ing to exhibit sheep and cattle on Oct.
25 29.
' Choice bacon and flour at Matlock &
Clean newspapers to cover shelves,
put under carpets and line houses are
sometimes scarce, but just now there is
a full supply on sale at the Gazette
office at 15 cents a package.
Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables.
8-imple of the Deraar photo given
with nurchases at Matlock & Hart.
The steel door of the county jail,
which had to be sent bnck to the foun
dry at St. Louis for repairs is home
again. It was a particular piece of
work, and caused costs footing up to $50.
The Pauly Juil Co. is not now threaten
ing to pay $5000 reward for men break
ing out. And if yon sre thinking of
buying a jail, don't notice the reward
part of the inducement.
P. O. Borg, Morrow county's leading
jeweler, pays that he enjoyed his trip to
Portland by way of a c ange, and saw
20,000 people at the circus. But rain
drizz'ed onto Friday's fine floral parade.
Harry Jones' sheep are being run by
F rank Merrill bet ween Black Butte and
the Jumbo mine. Harry has not Been
them for three months, but knows that
they are increasing in weiuht, for neigh
bors passing through have several times
seen that their irax fank deeper into
tbe mud at krick crossings.
Frank Borg, a young man who was
raised in Heppner, is enjoying a visit
with his parents here. For more than
a year he has lived in the flourishing
city ot Missoula, Montana, and likes the
place very much.
In Wallowa valley cutting the second
crop of alfalfa has been very slow work
on account of thunder showers, which
have also delayed threshing.
Old Susanville, southeast from Hepp
ner, is going to some day astonish tbe
world with the mineral wealth of its
surrounding hills. An expert recently
returned from there reports that he ex
amined a section of mineral country
one and a half miles wide by three
miles in length, the country rock being
slate, porphyry, granite and cyanite in
separate dykes, showing evidently some
natural cataclysm or terrific upheaval
some time in the past.
The war department has furnished
10,000 tents and 50,000 rations to tbe
sufferers at Galveston. From all over
the country contributions are arriving.
The circulating value of gold dust in
Dawson has been reduced from $16 to
$15 an ounce.
Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is
a credit to the Northwest, and is con
ducted under the personal supervision
of its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at
prices within the reach of all.
Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection
with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken
charge of tbe Imperial Hotel, of Port
land. The reputation of these gentle
men insures the success of the enter
prise. The diningroom is excellently
managed and is unsurpassed.
Postmaster Ttngho wants owoers
letters addressed as follows:
Carr, Henry
Coast Dictionary Co
DeSeinos, Jose Maria
Ginder, J W
Jacob, II D
Jones, Miss Louise
Kincade, Jennie
Simon, W H
WilBon, Mr, Enoe
Ask for "advertised."
J. M. Kernan, agent O, R. & N. Co.,
Heppner, will sell, on Sept. 15 to 17, in
clusive excurison tickets to the State
Fair at one fare for the round trip $8
Heppner to Salem and return. Tickets
expire on the25tb,and must be stamped
and signed at Salem.
Go to Matlock & Hart's for your veze-
I tables, fruits, etc.. always fresh.
Owen Wister, of Philadelphia, who
has a national reputation as one of the
best writers of Western fiction, is now
honoring Heppner with a visit, and is
stopping at the Palace Hotel.
Mr. Wister's striking sketches of life
among tbe Indians, cowboys and fron
tier soldiers have always been vigorous'
ly and interestingly written, and have
attracted world-wide attention.
W. L. Houston, a pioneer resident
of Heppner and a most energetic work
er, has returned and taken the respon
sible position of manager of the Hepp
ner Flouring Mill.
Since leaving Heppner Mr. Houston
has had 5 years' experience in first-class
valley mills, and thoroughly under
stands the business. He begins his
new work here by tearing down the old
mill frame and putting up a new addi
tion 20x46 feet, snd will add new ma
chinery and has engaged a practical
The mill has already bought several
thousand bushels of wheat and wants
much more, generally paving a little
above the market price. Mr. Houston
says that Morrow county wheat this
year is of the best quality he has seen
Tbe Heppner Mills are now going to
be a success, and the flour will be so
good that there will be no necessity for
bringing in a sack of foreign flour. The
people should rally in favor of home
The Heppner Flouring Mill Company
is now in the market to buy wheat, and
is paying the top price for choice wheat.
See the Heppner Mill Company be
fore storing or Belling your wheat.
In Heppner, Sept. 8, by Judge A. G.
Bartholomew, Frank H. Gentry and
Myrtle Munkers.
Sept. 12, by Rey. Mr. Stocton, Thos.
Dorman and Mrs. Peck.
I have for Bale at my orchard on
Willow creek, above Heppner, large
quantities of good, clean, choice fruit,
free from bugs and worms at the fol
lowing prices:
Apples, per pound 1 cent
Plums " " 1 "
Bartlett Pears " 2 "
The fruit is ready for delivery now,
and I will take in exchange for it wood
or wheat at the market price.
J. M, Haoer.
This well kept house is centrally lo
cated on the west side of Main street,
Heppner, and has good rooms and a
bountiful table, at reasonable rates.
The Heppner and Canyon City stage
starts from the Hotel Heppner daily,
except Monday, and goes through in
24 hours.
The Telephone Livery, Feed and Sale
Stable, on west Bide of Main street,
keeps first-class rigs and saddle horses,
and takes the best of care of them.
H. A. Thompson,
Proprietor of all Three.
The well-known Cunningham bucks,
thoroughbred grades and Detain, will
be on exhibition and for sale at Hepp
ner on or about October 1st. Prices to
suit the times. In charge of
Wm. Hughes.
For the Portland Street Fair and
Carnival the O. R. & N. will sell tickets
on Sept. 5 only at $5 for the round trip
from Heppner, continuous passage only
and will expire three days after date of
sale. Tickets must be used within the
limit of three days, as they will not be
renewed. Tickets will be sold on tbe
3d, 4th, 6th, 10th and 13th at $7.80 for
the round trip, expirine three days
after date of sale.
$100 REWARD.
A reward of $100 will be paid for the
arrest and conviction of any person or
persons stealing horses branded E. D,
or -S- on left stifle.
T. J. Matlock,
J. M. Kekney.
If you need a Mower, look at the
Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's.
Heppner Gazette and Est Orsgoaian
semi-weekiy, $2.75; weekly 82 25.
Tbe Heppner Gazette f.ffloe will fur
nish yea any paper or magazine in the
world at a reduced rate.
On the ranch or in the mining camp
dried fruits are alwavs needed. The
best are at Matlock & Hart's.
A nice line of
Matlock & Hart's.
Key West cigars at
When you come to Heppner, put up
your team at the Red Front Livery SU'
ble on Main St., opposite the brewery
They will receive tbe best ot care. Bug
gies, teams and saddle horses for hire
at reasonable rates. Hay and grain
oougnt ana sola.
Binns Broh.
The day is not distant when every
inch of land will be deeded and doubled
up in price. If you want to buv a good
3'24-acre place at 85 an acre, call on J.
W. Kedington, Gazette office.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Our New Line of
Fur Gollaretts
Prices range from
98c to $15.
On Display Friday and Saturday
The Fair . SiSZ. The Fair
Heppner, Oregon.
Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth.
Gilliam 1 Bisbee
Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagona ever
1 I- A. A. TT .
urougat xo jieppner.
Call and See them.
Prices are Kltrlit.
Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Grauiteware, Tinware, Agricultural
Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Taints and Oils (the best in
the world). Crockery aad Glassware.
fmsT Rational J ank
O. A. RHEA President I (1. W. CON8ER Cashier
T. A. KHEA... VloPreria.ot I E. L. FREELAND. .AailtUnl Oaabi.r
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collection mde on all polnuon reasonable termi. Surplui and undivided profit! ,000.
Buy at Home!
o o o
From your home
merchants right in
your own town.
Bat if your home merchant do not happen to have on hand the
kind of dry goods, skirts or suits that you need, then address a line
to us, tell us what you want, and we will mail it to you from our large
stock of exclusive dry goods.
In this way, if you can't keep the cash in your own town, you
keep it in your own state.
McAllen & McDonnell,
Cor. 3d and Morrison Sts., Portland.
are here
in Town.
A New
Ladies' Tailor
Made to Measure
100 samples to select from
All the latest novelties
Figures showing you all the
latest styles
Costs you no more than the ready-to-wear
S12, S14, S17 aad up b S25
We take your measure and sure
give you a fit.
See our Shoe ad next weel
1600 Pairs
just arrived
Call and see them.
S. P. Garrigues,
Main Street,
Just Received, Canton Gang,
Sulkev and Walking Plows,
all sizes and styles;
Harrows --- Disc, Lever and
Spring Tooth. Monitor
and Superior Drills.
NeVet2 stTk of Hacks and Buggies.
Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons.
Highest price paid for fat
Heppner, Oregon.
School Opens
retail IVlne of
Books, Stationery and
of All Kinds are kept
at the Store nf
Slooum IrtiC Co,, Main Street, Heppner.
- made Suits
Fresh Meats
I Salt and Smoked Meats
Pure Rendered Leaf Lard
... .
Hsh every Friday.
Liberty Market
ft"-1, & Mathews,
Sept. 3.