HBPPNBB MARKET PRICKS. Wool perrb 11 to 18 Wheat per bushel ' 42 Flour per bbl 8 00 Oats per bushel 40 Barley per 100 Ids SO Hay, alfalfa, per ton 7 00 (In stack at ranch) 5 00 Hay, wheat 7 to 9 (In stack at ranch) 7 00 Bacon per lb : 12U Lard per lb 12 Reef, best, on foot 4 Beef, cut up 7 to 15 Butter per lb to 80 Eggs 15 Potatoes, new ltf to2W Chickens, per doz 4 too Dry Bides, No. 1, per lb , 19 Sheep Felts, per lb 10Ji to 11 Sheep-ranch outfits, stock Bait, hats and furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T. R. Howard's store. When in pain, call on Dr. Metzler, the dentist. Don't trait for the pain, Heppner Lumber Co R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully stocked with all binds of Eough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows, ShiDgles, Moulding and Screen jjoors, And every thins appertaining to a flrst-clnBa Lumber Yard, The will after March 1 deliver lumber to any point in tbe city limits free of onarge. These gentlemen also bay sad sell real estate, rent bouses, write insurance. If you have any property to sell or rent, put it in their bands, or if ou need any- tbing else in ineir line b sure to cooatlt tuem first. They will respond promptly to 'phone call No 7. , THE WAR IN CHINA. Pekin, Aug. . 21. Prince Ching ib endeavoring to open negotiations with the allies. Yu Heien, governor of Shanghai, has sent a memorial to the throne asking for a reward for having in vited 52 foreigners under his pro tection, and for having afterwards killed them. In the provisional government established, each nationality ad ministers a section of the city ac cording to its own ideas. London, Sept. 4. The latest re liable Pekin date is now nearly a fortnight old. An nndated dis patch has been reoeived at Vienna reporting that the allied troops marched through the Imperial Palace Aug. 28, but it was known that this date had been fixed by the allied commanders for a formal promenade. There is no other news of any kind. Tbe Germans, Austrians and Italians will remain in Pekin after the Russians withdraw. Pekin, Aug. 30. Three more members of the Tsung li Yamun have been executed by the Em press. There is no government in Pekin. The Japanese and Eussians still remain outside the innermost pal aces of the Forbidden City. The Germans desire to burn everything and avenge the death of Baron von Ketteler. Yesterday waB quiet in the sec tion allotted to the Americans. Its condition is in great contrast to the other foreign sections, where thieving still continues. The credit is due to General Chaffee's procla mation, forbidding looting and offering fair pay for provisions. It has been ascertained that the positions held by the Legationers during their Beige were under mined by the Boxers, and in a few days more the mine would have been sprung. The anti-foreign element all fol low the flight of tbe court Looting continues and the Boxers concealed in several different sections' of the city still keep up a desultory tire, The streets are picketed by the allied troops. According to numerous reports. the many thousands of Boxers who were scattered on the arrival of the allies are again massing to attack Pekin. These rumors create great uneasiness. The Japanese have captured 5000 bushels of rice and silver bullion to the amount of $2,000,000. In Tien Tein tbe Americans have cap tured silver bullion to the value of half a million dollars. Resident Amerioans think the city onght to be completely de stroyed, that Na Tung and Chung Li should be beheaded, sinoe they formed part of the cabal which caused the murder of Baron von Ketteler and attempted to massa The White is King of Sewing Alachlney and Bicycles. White Sewing Machine Co. SSfSsMnKCSS-rntenciub. O. A. HAWKINS, General Manager Gilliam & Blsbee, Heppner, Dealers iu White" Bicycles and Sewing Machines cre all foreigners, and that no leni ency should be shown or the next generation of Chinamen will re peat the crime. The Uritisn forces met nve miles to the westward of Pekin 300 Box ers and 2000 regular Chinese troops. The latter fled without a shot and the Boxers .followed suit after losing 70 men. Washington, Sept. 4. A dis patch was received today from Gen. Chaffee at Pekin as follows: "Present conditions are that hos tilities have practically ceased, only occasional shots being fired from cover; small party repairing telegraph line and . foraging. No considerable body of Chinese troops (Boxers) discovered here or along the line of communication. "We hear Li Hung Chung has full power, but he is not here. Will United States keep troops here until terms of peace are ar ranged? Now in China, about 5000 effective. I think ample force for United States unless political reason, not apparent to me, de mands larger. If, troops remain must winter iu tents and conical wall tents will be required, one tent 10 men. Escort wagons will be required immediately. No more pack trains required, wagon trans portation best. Water falling in river rapidly, muni soon haul sup plies 40 miles. Satisfied railroad will not be repaired before river freezes. It was stated at the War depart ment that our position was un changed; if Russia withdraws her troops then General Chaffee will do the same. Meanwhile, it is gathered that conditions in China are still disordered and foreign life and property are still unsafe. It is rumored that the Cossacks mercilessly butchered men, women and children in the villages on the Amur river and flung their corpses into the stream. These stories are confirmed by an official order just issued couched in a mild note ad mitting the massacres, which are described as caused by exasnera tioa against the Chinese for begin ning hostilities and threatening the utmost severity of martial law for any future violence to unarmed, peaoeful Chinamen, at tbe same time ordering the police through out the Amur district to compel the town and country population to drag the Chinese corpses out of the river and bury or burn them, in order to prevent an outbreak of lnlection. It Saved HI. Log. F. A. Danfortb, of LuGrange, Oa , suf fored intensely for six months with I frightful sore on his leg, but writes that Buckleo'i Arnica. Halve wholly cared il io ten days. For ulcers, wnnuds, burns, boils, paio or piles it s the best salve in the world. Uore guaranteed. Only 200 Bold by Comer k Warren Drug Oo. BOGUS JACKRABBITS. What do tbe people generally think of this Belgian bare fad that is taking the country ? asks the Arlington Inde pendent. The most likely thing ia that a good many people are going to get a lesson of experience when this little bubble of enthusiasm breaks and rabbit steak slinks on the market. Somebody ia going to be out some fancy prices, and it will be only a matter of where the little band points when the wheel of fortune stops revolying. Tbe whole thing is a fake intended to catch the misguided. At the ratio these little animals are said to increase, it is only a question of a short time when the farmers of the country will be seriously plagued by the overplus of production. It is a question that may well claim the farm ers' attention before they are over burdened with a nuisance that is sure to result from their culture. HOMES ARE HERE. Everett White, who came here last spring and went right to work, has found a good home for himself, and filed a homestead on it. It contains 160 acres, and is well watered by 5 springs and the east fork of Willow creek. It has much good timber, and is only mile from school. Many other such good homes may be found in Morrow county if home-hunters will hunt them op. Believe it. He's blowing with all hU might and can barely stir the record ing hand from zero. There's many a big, healthy looking man who is weak In the lung. Probably half or two -thirds of his lunar surface barer know the contact of oxygen. He's h kind of man, who, when a cough attacks him, roe galloping down the toad toward consumption. Many such a man has found strength and healing for weak lungs and tissues lacerated by coughing and drained by hemorrhages, in the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. The healing power of this medi cine in pulmonary diseases seems little short of marvelous at times, so extreme are the conditions which it cures. The " Discovery " contains no alcohol, and no narcotics. "When I started to take your 'Golden Med M Diecowry,' writes Mr. A. 9. Norotny, of New York. N. Y.. Boa I had a regular consumptive cough, of which I was afraid, and everybody cautioned me and warned me con cerning ft. I was losing weight rapidly, waa very pale and had no appetite, whatever. Now my condition ia changed entirely. I do not cough at aU, have gained eight pounds In weight, have recovered my healthy color, and my appetite ia enormous. I can recommend your medicine to everybody who may be ia need of the same, as it ta a sure cure." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. HE1TNKR CHUKCUKS. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 t. m M. E. church, South F, F. St. Clair, pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. in. Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. ra. STOCK FAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down the other, stork pave best. A real bargain is now offered in a 1440-acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only 4 an acre. Good outside range; 100 tons of bay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under fence and will raise anything. Apply to Gazette office, Heppner. flO REWARD. Stolen from Thompson's barn on the night of the Fourth, a silver-mounted bit and bridle. $10 reward and no ques tions asked if returned to Jamea Jones or to Thompson's barn. 0T fftofg r I lie can't Distress aftereating it tsed from the stomach not beginning its work Immediately. VnWl it mts to work yon feel dis tressed the food lays ia your stom ach like a weight. To start digestion to make the stomach de Its work you most assist II if your stomaah ia weak or alow to work. Baldwin's Dyspepsia Tablets No. 21 taken after meals supplies the stemv ok with aeoessary acids and juioea which digest the food quickly In a proper manner. To get the best reeulta nse Baldwin's Health Tablet No. X with the Dyspopsia Tablets. Tbe Dyspepsia Tablets cost 60o and ana be had at Patterson & Son, Heppner fOOOO DINNER. "In President Van Buren's ad ministration the custom of serving eatables at public receptions in the White blouse came to an end," writes Rene Bache, in the Septem ber .Ladies' Home Journal, "It had been so abused that just prior to the election of 1840 hungry crowds besieged the East room clamoring to be fed and threaten. ing to vote against Mr. van Euren if they were not supplied with food. Since that time the only chief exeoutive who has provided 'refreshments on such occasions was President Hayes. Althongh President Hayes offered no wine to his guests he spent a large part of his salary in entertaining. A single entertainment cost him six thous and dollars. President Arthur had the reputation of giving the most costly dinners. ' BOER AND BRITON. Pretoria, Sept. 4. It is reported that General Delarey, tbe Boer commander, died of wounds received at Eland's river General Buller today reconnoitered the Boer position in the mountains over looking Lydenburg. General BotLa and 2000 burghers bad previously joined the forces holding the pass. The Boers opened with three Long Toms and Bred continuously all day long. The British bad few casualties. From Belfast, Lord Roberts reports "I have today issued, under Her Majesty's warrant of July 3, proclaim' tion announcing that the Transvaal will henceforth form a part of Her Majesty's dominions." HORRORS OF WAR. War and its attendant exposures blasts many lives and turns youthful vigor into crippled age. A dispatch flora San Francisco says: 31 fever stricken and wounded soldiers were discharged from the general hospital at the Presidio today and given transpor tation to Washington, D. C. They are from the Philippines and have been under treatment for some time. Most of tbe complaints are incurable and the men have applied for admittance to the Soldiers' Home at Washington. Bismarok't Iron Narva Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energy ana not foaod where stomach, liver, kid neve aud bowels are oat of order. It you want these qualities and the sueoesa they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Fills. They develop every power or brain and body. Only 25o at Conser A Warren Drag (Jo. RANCH WANTED. An experienced sheep man wants to buy for cash or rent a ranch and range of about 1000 acres, not too near the timber. Leave word at the Gaiette (Office, Heppner. I TV- in.i a th. Wkrr Or. j iconlaa gives a broad treatment te a wiue but get him to fix Your teeth before the pain begins. HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner is a very import ant shipping point may be seen from tbe following figures, which show shipments made by rail from here during the past year: Wool, pounds ' 3,245,750 Cattle, cars 220 Sheen " 175 Wheat shipped out of Mor row county over Hepp ner Branch bushels 200,000 Babbitt metal for packing for sale at Gazette office, 10 cents a pound. Home-seekers with means, and invest ors should come here. Oo account of tbe low prices at which its lands are offered, Morrow oounty expeots to double its population this year. Qood land can be bought here at $1.25 to $5 an acre. If you want to buy a real cheap ranch, call on or address tieo, Wells, lieppnei. He has some places as low as $1.25 an acre, and will mail printed description free on request SLEEPS WELL. "Yes, indeed, I sleep well now. No more nightmares for me," said .Tas Kitter yesterday as he happily beamed on people he met. Then be went on to say: "Tbe cause of my resting easy and whistling as I go is that I have just bad my life insured by L. W. ttrisgB, and now if I die my wife and little ones are sure of money enough to carry them along for years." HOME FOR SALE. A Dice house, 6 rooms, well located lot 50x150, only $1100. Apply at Gazet omce. Independent and reliable The Oregon. Ian. Don't Be Doped There have been placed upon the market several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of " Webster's Dictionary." Tuey are being offered unaer various names at a low price Bv dry goods dealers, grocers, agents, etc., and In a few instances as a premium forsubeorip- uuuv lu papers. Announcements of these comparatively Worthless thev are advertised to be the substantial equivalent of a higher-priced book, when in reality, so far as we know and believe, they are ail, irom A. to zi, Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of over fifty rears ago, which In its day was sold for about so.uu, ana wmcn was mucn superior in par print, and binding to these imitations, Del then a work of some merit instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The supplement of 10,000 so-called "new words," which some of these books are adver tised to contain, was compiled by a gentle man who died over forty years ago, and was published before his death. Other minor additions are probably of more or less value. The Webster's Unabridged Dictionary pub lished by our house Is the only meritorious one of that name familiar to this generation. It contains over 2000 pages, with illustra tions on nearly every page, and bears our imprint on the title page. It is protected by copyright from cheap imitation. valuable as this work is, we have at vast expense published a thoroughly revised successor, known throughout the world as Webster's International Dictionary. As a dictionary lasts a lifetime you should Get the Best. Illustrated pamphlet free. Address G. C MERRIAM CO Springfield, Mass. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT ST0R1E5 AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF THKASCRER'8 NOTICE. TOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVBN THAT AIX ouisianaing morrow eouniy warrania reg istered prior to and including March 10. 1S99 , will be paid upon presentation at the ofllce oi the treasurer of said con nty. Interest ceases after tbe data of this notice. Dated at Heppner, Or., September 6, 1900. It Treasurer of Morrow County, NOTICE OF INTENTION. rEPARTMKNT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND u Omce at La uremia, or.. Auguat , inw. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha filed notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim and that aaid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County at Heppner. Oregon, on October A, laOO, viz: Homestead entry No 8378, made by LINNIE V. CHAPMAN, of Vinson, Ore., For the west W northeMt Id and south north west section 35, township 2 south, range ) E n M. She namee the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Hiram Smith, John W.Balis- bury and John W Groom, of Vinson, Or., and ttereklau Tlppetta, oi Heppner. or. 86 1 E. W. Babtlitt, Register, A. Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner Hi3 work first-class anti satisfactory. Give him a call May Street Paints, Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks . Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & A Remington breech-loading single shot-gun for sale at $12. Gazette office. X AKBIVS Depart TIME SCHEDULES Chicago Portland Special 7:45 a. m. Bait Lake, Denver, 5:30 p. m. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt. Louis, Chioago, and East. Atlantic Express 7:45 a. m, via. Hunt ington, Salt Lake, Denver, 5:20 p. m. Ft. worth, Uraaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago aud East, Atlantic Express 7-45 a. m. Via. Spo kane. Walla Walla, Lewis- 5:20 p.m. ton, Spokane, Min neapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee Chicago and East. 8.00 p. m. Ockaic Stkamships' 4:00 p. m. From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change, For ban Francisco Sail every 5 days 8:00 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia Rivkb Stkamkks. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday To Astoria and Way ijanaings. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday WlLLAMKTTX RtVKK 4:80 p. m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New- Berg, t-aiem ana ay Landings. 7:00 a. m. WILLAMITTK AND 8:80 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. rues., Thur, Yamhill Rivibh. and Sat. Oregon City, Day ton A Way Land ings, Smakx Rivie. Lv. Rlparia 8:35 a. m. daily Lv. Lewlston 9 a. m. dally Rlparia to Lew Is ton Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at 7:45 a. m. No. 10 arrives at 5:80 p. m. Daily except Sunday. Passangars bookad for all Foreign Countrlas. J. M. KERN AN, Agent. Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S omatI UUSEUU OF AHATOUY1 tOSI MARKET It, SAN FRANCISCO, CaU. (Mna Knk tai ImM J ThaUrgwit Anatomlaal ta Ik World. 0rrmttut oUraeMm tht City. A WaatstataaaaajOraDyMnlraeV a tuHM.HnamynrM o th aldaat BotciaUM M th Vaoia Oaast, XstasUasndkyamis. DR. JORDAN fWVATI DI8IA3tl a- aaaa an al1 Baal wba mr aufferwsj treaa th aUscM at rauaataftaale- ratios ar amass la 'years. Virouaanphyl4atalllly,lBa. I cation; staiaraa itoar ansa. lralr m rtana, SJaaarrhaMt, Slaet, Wt cjw nay i i riiatinf, tw. nj a eoasDinanoa at reraxllM, of grant ouraalv poww, th Doe has so arranawl bis trtanai that It will a4 ' only afford Immediate rMf, hot permanent I cur. Th Doctor doe ut claim le Mrfora ' miracle, but m well knows t a a lair aad . square Phynlclaa and 8urfop.pr-nlaat I la bis upeefalty DlMawa mt Maav ( TPIIIt,I Ihomnihlr eradicated Baa 1 I In trium wltkoul the of Mavaaire. TrMM fitted bv an Iieut BBatdlaetl 1 i nr ior isaptara. a ajawa em rwueas mm lot Pllae, rinar aad rietaaaathy 1 Dr. Jordan's special nalDleas mttbode. ITERT MAN applying wo win raaarva 1 nr aoiwvc opinion oi biacnmpiainc . Wt will &vnrmte a POSITIVl CUXMmt i sewry com w nrulArfn. Cnnaultatlna FRKK and tTWT BrlV CHARGES VKKT KgAHOHABLS. Treatment Mmooallr by lMr. Writ tnt Rook. PHIMMrlT F ' I HARM AOS. Min.cn Faaa, (AvaJnabiai book lor meo.) uaiiorwrn DR. JORDAN k CO.. I Oil Mark St.. ft Come to Morrow County for low-priced lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev er again will land sell so low as it does now. At 5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make a good home for some farmer or stock man. If not sold soon will be rented on shares to farm. , It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm. Penland and Jas. Hayes. Apply to J. V. Redington, Heppner. The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. VIA Southern Pacific Co Leave Dopot Fifth and I Sts Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, Sacramento, Og den, Han Francisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East. 7:10 P M 8:30 AM 9;15 AM 7:00 PM At Woodbnrn (daily except Sunday), morn lng train connects with train for Mt. An gel, Silverton, Browns ville, Springfield and Natron, and evening train for Mt, Angol and Silverton. 117:30 A M Corvallla Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 11:50PM 8:2f AM U;45PM. Daily. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco Net rates fl7 first class and $11 second class, including sleeper Kates nd tickets to Eastern Points and En-, rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Afient, 134 Third St. YAMHILL DIVISION. Paasei.ger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Oswego daily at 7:20. 9:40 a. m : 12:30,1:55,3:85, 6:15, 6:25, 8:05, 11:80 p. m ; and 9:00 a. m . on Bundavs only. Arrive at Portland daily at 6:8B, 8:30, 10.50 a. m.; 1:35, 8:15, 4:30, 6:20, 7:40, 10:00 p. m.-, 12:40 a. m. daily, except Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a, m. on Sundays only. Leave for Dallas dally, ezcept Sunday, at 4:30 p.m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Dallis for Airlie Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 p. m Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Except Sunday. R.KOKHLER, Manager, C. H. MARKHAM, Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon Old Ocean. Now ie the time to hear and en joy Old Ocean's roar. The people of the great interior are cordially invited to travel down the beautiful Columbia on the WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY GATZKRT (Alder-street Dock) Leaves Portland daily every morning at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. The Dalles, Portland i Astoria Navigation Co. BTSIAUSSa "DALLES CITY" AND "REGULATOR" Both of tbe above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. Tha Regulator Lin will endeavor to giva ita patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of Th Regulator Lino. The above steamers leave Portland and The Dallea at 7 a. m., except Sundays; arrive at Portland 4:30 p. m.; arrive at The Dalles at o p. m. Portland office, The Dalles office, Court street. W. CALLAWAY, General Agent uaxm. voce m mm The Ren ator Line I range oi auojocte.