The Heppner Gazette Thursday Sept 6,1900 TEAVELEK'8 GUIDE. DISTANCES Heppner to Miles Portland 197 Pendleton by wagon road . 60 Lexington " 9 lone !.""'.! 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River. ;.'.'.'.' 45 Arlington 55 The Dalles .' 109 Canyon City 104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18 Train leaves daily except Sunday for all points at 7:45 a, m. Train arrives dally except Sunday from all over the world at 5:30 p. m. Btage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves daily except Sunday at 6 : 30 a. m. ; distance to Canyon 104 ; time 24 hours. Mails cIobo for trains at 7 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 8,245,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bushels of wheat. Morrow County's climate is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and f.35,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. LOCAL NOTES. Now the candidate is out of date, The crops are looking fine; It is a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine. Kind fortune smiles on every hand, All things look bright and clear; But the greatest blessing in the land Is Gambrinus Lager Beer, Bold Bt Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Prop. Here and Trjere P. O. Borg and wife are enjoying a visit to Portland. J. J. Adkins, having his harvest work well closed up on his ranch, has moved his family into their town residence. The Elks are making things hum in Portland, and general enjoyment is the order of the day. Mayor GilliRtn, Jas. Hart and other prominent officials of the Heppner Elks are participating in the carnival at Portland. Marshal Geo. Thornton's new resi dence being built by Johnson & Sons, will be finished Oct. 1. Geo. Noble, R. F. Hynd, Fred Krug and Frank Natter are enjoying the grand sights of the Portland carnival this week. After a two-months' enjoyable vaca tion at Teal Springs, Gov. Rea is back at his law business. Frank Borg, now of Missoula, will meet his parents in Portland and re turn with them to Heppner for a short visit. Mrs. Jas. Neville and her daughter Mrs. Rishard Neville, went to Portland Monday for a visit. G. W. Swaggart went to Vancouver Monday to place his son in tbe large boarding school there. Mrs. Morrison and children have come to Heppner from Lawton, and will make tbeir future home here. Notice is hereby given that ,all per sons indebted to Dr. D. J. McFaul are requested to call and settle on or befoie September 15. "Heinz's sweet pickles at Bishop's. Drop in and eee us. Will tell you why you should get your blackberries for canning now, $1.75 per crate at Matlock & Hart's. For the best time you ever had in your life, take a trip to the Teal or Leh man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing, Musical Shooting Gallery and other amusements. Something that looks like a new fangled wator-bicycle is stranded under the bridge near Tom Ayers' home place. The opeiator perhaps has been drowned in the rising creek. On their return trip from the family reunion in California, J. J. Roberts and family had a most enjoyable time, a welcome rain having laid the dust. J. M. Hager and family have moved into their town residence for the winter. Patterson & Son, the up-to date drug gists, begin an attaactive advertisement in this issue f the Gazette. This en terprising firm is centrally located near the postoffice, and people who call at their bright and cheerful store will find everything as advertised. We are the grocers in the city direct ory of merchants. Matlock & Hart. The Teal or Lehman Hot Springs. Beet Health and pleasure resort in Eas tern Oregon. No Saloons. New Man agement. Good Hotel, Meals 25 cents, Grocery Store. The camper is reminded of lots of things he must have when he sees the big stock of the Ed. R. Bishop Co. Miss Hazel Morrow's little dog Trixy has been called to dog heaven, and now sweetly sleeps in a little grave Hazel made for It unler the sweet-scented locust trees, and has fresh flowers on its mound every morning. Tom Quaid has had the old John Gil more residence moved back, and is having it rebuilt, and will erect a new house where it stood. An order for lumber has been sent in to a Portland firm for material to be used in the construction of a new ferry boat to ply between the Arlington and Klickitat side, says the Independent. The boat will be used only to transfer wheat and will not receive passemrer traffic. This is being done to guarantee the Klickitat farmers rapid transfer of their wheat. Oscar Minor will start on tbe 13th for tl a Sat Fair at Salem, and will be one Axtenaive exhibitors of VI " - - Shorthorn stock. Neat and new everything is at the tonsorial parlors ff J. E. Sharp, and hot and cold baths are always reauy. When yon want something for Innch in the way of canned meats go to Bish op 'a. LOAN WANTED A man who owns 900 acres of good land and much other property wants to borrow $3000 on 2 years' time at 8 per cent. Anybody who wants to makfi such a loan, send word to' the Gazette office. SEASHORE. If you are going down where cooling breezes blow by the briny deep, call on E. W. Crichton, at Telephone dock, Portland, and in his usual whole-souled way he will ticket you through to the beach by tbe famous White Collar line of floating palaces. He is a jovial man to talk to. Heppner Gazette only 4 bits for 3 months. JOYS OF CAMPING. Excellent music, and a grand good time assured to those visiting the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs this summer. With good wood, water and grass and a lull supply ol food from Matlock & Hart's, camping will be delightful. If you are thinking of going to the seashore, read up on the ad. of the White Collar line, whose beautiful boats make fast trips along the Columbia be tween Portland and the sea. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and find land values very reasonable. Henpner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to tbe Northwest, and is con ducted tinder the personal supervision of its owner, Senator J. W. Morrow, at prices within the reach of all. If you are not taking the Daily Oregonian you are missing tbe news of the world. See Ben Patterson about it. He is tbe enterprising agent who delivers it at your door just after the train comes in. BICYCLE BARGAIN. If yon want to buy a new $50 Armada bicycle, one of the finest tbat is made, for $30, call at Gazette office. MOWERS. If you need a Mower, look at the Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's. Road Supervisor Robt Dexter was in Saturday rounding-up property owners who owed road taxes in his district. . B. P. Doherty was up Monday from Galloway, which city now enjoys ex cellent mail facilities per W. L. Lord's new Btage line. H. A. Thompson, the live liveryman, has now a good business proposition in the Heppner-Canyon City stage line. He gives good service with 4 men and 16 horses, and understands the business. One of the sights of the town is to see Billy Gordon's dog lying on top of his hay-scales, looking wise and proud of his posilion. He was trained by Elza button, who has a talent for handling animals. R. L. Beach returned Tuesday from Pendleton, where he saw a world ol wheat. Leaders in the buBiness. Fresh fruits and groceries. Come and see. Matlock & Hart. Canned and dried fruits should both be taken along when you go camping, ana the place to get them is at X. R Howard's. . Choice bacon and flour at Matlock & Hart's. sample ot tne uemar photo given with nurchases at Matlock & Hart. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. Mrs. W. J. Leezer and daughters started Monday on a visit to Portland. , F. C. Freidrich has bought two lots near the depot from Mrs. J.C.Hart, and has built himself a new house. E.J. Bailey, a prominent merchant of Johu Day, accompanied by his wife, were in Heppner this week, on their way to Portland. John Hughes, of Long Creek, catre over Tuesday. Wm. Smith, depity county clerk, W. H.- Bowman, Percy Garrigues, John Spencer, Marcel 1 us Morgan and Geo. Vincent are among Portland visitors this week. Clean newspapers to cover shelves, put under carpets and iine houses are sometimes scarce, but just now there is a full supply on sale at the Gazette office at 15 cents a package. Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables. No need of sending away for a hack, buggy, carriage or farming implement. Take a look through the big new stock of S. P. Garrigues. The wonderful Medicinal waters of the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a remedy for Rheumatism. Spend your summer there, The new bridge and sidewalk at Rob ert Wills' place is a vast improvement. Henry Johnson, who is engaged in mining and sheep in the John Day, was here Tuesday. Butter and eggs are more plentiful, and Heppner will soon be rolln g in both. Heppner schools began Monday with a full attendance. A number of Heppner women have petitioned the council to enforce the or dinance against chickens running at lane. There is no such ordinance, but one will probably be submitted at next council meeting, 10th. FRUIT FOR SALE. i nave for sale at my orchard on Willow creek, above Heppner. laree quantities of good, clean, choice fruit, free from bugs and worms at the fol lowing prices: Apples, per pound...' 1 cent Plums ' " 1 ' Bartlett Pears " 2 " Thefiuitis ready for delivery now, and I will take in exchange for it wood or wheat at the market price. J. M. Hager. CUNNINGHAM BUCKS. The well-known Cunningham bucks, thoroughbred grades and Detain, will be on exhibition and for sale at Hepp ner on or about October 1st. Prices to suit the times. In charge of Wm. Hughes. Go to Matlock & Hart's for your veze tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. STREET FAIR AND . CARNIVAL. j For the Portland Street Fair and Carnival the O. R. & N. will sell tickets on Sept. 5 only at $5 for the round trip from Heppner, continuous passage only and will expire three days after date of sale. Tickets must be used within the limit of three days, as they will not be renewed. Tickets will be sold on the 3d, 4th, 6th, 10th and 13th at $7.80 for the round trip, expiring three days after date of sale. $100 REWARD. A re vard of $100 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing horses branded E. D, or -S- on left stifle. T. J. Matlock, J. M. Keeney. Hon. Phil Metschan, in connection with Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel, of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroora is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. BEACH BY BOAT. Are you going to the seaside? If so, remember that the steamer T. J. Potter, the only through boat, leaves Portland from Ash-street dock, every Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 a. m., direct for Ilwaco, making no stops en route, and arriving at Ilwaco about 4 p. m., where train is taken without deluy for all points on Long Beach. On Saturdays the Potter, under a fast schedule, leaves Portland at 1 p. m., enabling passeng ers to reach hotels or cottages early Saturday evening.. Steamer Hassalo, the popular night boat, leaves Portland at 8 o'clock in the evening daily, except Sutday, and on Saturday at 10 p. m., arriving at As toria early the following morning, con necting with I. R. & N. boat for Ilwaco and Long Beach points. KECKNT AKEIVAL.S AT PALACE HOTEL B Hale, Portland W H Williams, Portland PEGerouId " W G Flett, Olex , J W Philbrook, Houlton Albert McCarty, Echo Wm McCarty " C VanDuyn, Sumpter Mrs Tom Davidson, 8mile Mrs Mary Brown " S C Clair, N Yakima Ben Parker and wf., Parker's Mill W H Johnson and wf., John Day J Hughes and wf., Long Creek F Hall, Long Cieek B F Swuggart, Ra' ch Ed Ashbaugh, Smile Wm Howard, Bozuman ; M Witherall, Spokane . A T Jones, lone Rock Island and Pacific Ry. The Fayorite Line to ' A.11 Points East Broad, vestibuled. up-to-date trains between Pueblo and Denver, and Omaha, Chicago and Kansas Cltr. making direct connections in Chicago with all morning trains east. First class Pullman Sleepers. Library Buffet cars, between Denver and Chicago; the most perfect dining car service In the world "a la carte"; through first class Pullman sleeper every day between Halt Lake City and Chicago via. the Scenic Line. Personally conducU-d excursions in ordinary Pullman sleeping cars once a week from Portland and San Francisco to Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo, Boston and New York, via. the Great (Salt Lake Route without change to Chicago. No annoying transfer in Chicago. These can are provided with all weekly periodicals for free use of our patrons. For further information, maps, folders, etc.. call on your nearest ticket agent, or address a. e. ;uumK, On'l Art. Pass. Dept. Portland, Ore. Heppner Gazette and East Oregonian semi-weekiy, $2.75; weekly 82 25. Tbe Heppner Gazette offloe will fur nish yea any paper or magazine io tbe world at a reduoed rate. On the ranch or in the mining; camp dried fruits are always needed. The best are at Matlock & Hart's. A nice line of Matlock & Hart's. Key West cigars at RED FRONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, put up your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main St., opposite the brewery. They will receive the bestot care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. BlNNH BKOS. The day is not distant when every inch of land will be deeded nl doubled up in price. If you want to buv a good 324-acre place at $.", an acre, call on J. W. Rfdington, Gazette office. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature A Low Swing to Prices, But the Goods Are Right And that adds zest to their purchase. Many new ideas hints of early autumn styles, but every item a value, and the kind ol prices that sustain our reputation as the right store for your buying. The return of School Days reminds us first of The wants of the Boys and Girls who must resnrasj their studies, and of the "Little Tot" who, for the first time, plods its way to the big school house. . There must be a . New ; New New New Suit, Shoes, Stockings, Hat, ;'.. New New Dresses, Waists, and a new FALL JACKET or GOAT We have all of them. At $1.37 brown stripe, 3 piece suit, ages 3 to 8 years, trimmed in soutache braid. Remember these suits have the little vest. Also other suits of this make, better quality at $2.30 and$3.19. At $1.69 brown Btripe, 2 piece, knee pants, suit, ases 7 to 14 years. Better ones at $2.23, 82.50 and up to $4.98. f Also have a 3 piece suit, and the long pants suitB, ages 10 to 14 years and 15 to 19 years. Our School Suits in knee pants have double seats and knees, and are double sewed and wear like iron. Our New Shoes have arrived. At 74o is a calf, lace, spring heel shoe, sizes 9 to 12. Same .13 to 2, 85o At 94o is a dongola, lace or button, spring heel shoe, sizes 5 to 8. Same 9 to 12, $1. Same 13 to 2, $1.24. That new Fall Jacket with "Tarn" to match, at $2.95 and up to $3.20. Next Comes the Pencil Tablets at lc, 3o and 5c. Also the colored paper tablets. . Ink Tablets at 5o, 7c and 12o. , Fencil Boxes with lock and key. Lead Tencils and Slate Pencils at lc each. Penholders at lc each. Soap stone slate pencils 3 for lc. Ink, Pens, Book Straps, Book Saitiieis Sponges at lo each. Pencil Sharpeners, Blackboard Erasers, Colored Crayons, Practice Paper, Exercise Folio, Composition Books, Drawing Books and Spelling Blanks. Our New Umbrellas Ucrve Arrived. At 50c is a steel rod, umbrella, serge cover, 26 in. 4 This is the greatest bargain ever offered. At 98c is a steel rod, gloria cover, swedged Congo handle, and finer ones up to $2.93 in silk Taffeta, pearl or sterling trimmed handles. Our Trunks and Valises Have Arrived. The Fdir Money returned if Goods TKr ITr-ki CUI are not Satisfatory. I llG r ctll BAIN WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. Gilliam Have just received one of the brought to Heppner. k Bisbee largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever Call and See them. IPrioes ore Rigjlit. Heavy aod Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Hacks, Etc., Paints and Oils (the beet in the world). Crockery and Glassware. S. P. Garrigues, iVlolix Street, Heppner, 7 Just Received, a Carload of MeCormick Mowers, Hodge Headers, Horse Rakes, and all kinds of Harvesting Machinery. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons. First f ational Jank OF HEPPNER. O. A. RHEA President T. A. KHEA Vio President (. W. OONSER Cashier E. L. FREELAND. . AnBlitanl Oathier Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all polutson reasonable terms. Surplus and undivided profit f.'S5,0OO, Ladies, Buy at Home! o o o From your home merchants right in your own town. Bat if your home merchant do not happen to have on hand the kind of dry goods, skirts or suits that you need, then address a line to us, tell us what yon want, and we will mail it to you from our large stock of exclusive dry goods. In tbis way, if you can't kopp the cash in your own town, you Keep u in yonr own sxaie. Mcallen & McDonnell, Cor. 3d and Morrison Sts., Portland. Mil X Fresh Meats Salt and Smoked Meats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Highest price paid for fat Stock. nnrh & Mathews, Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors. - School Opens Sept. 3. iV Iull Initio of Books, Stationery and SCHOOL SUPPLIES of All Kinds are kept at the Store of N Slopum Hrctfi: Co., Main Street, Heppner.