Heppner Lumber Co R. C. Wills and C. C. Patterson Have organized the above Company with headquarters just North of The Fair store in Heppner, Oregon, and have their yard fully stocked with all binds of Rough and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Windows,' Shingles, Moulding at d (Screen Doors, And everything appertaining to a first-claps Lumber Yard, Tbey will after Marob 1 deliver lumber to any point in tba city limits free of course. These gentlemen also buy Bud sell real estate, rent bouses, write insurance. It you have any property to sell or rent, pat it in their bands, or if yon need any thing else in tbeir line be sore to consult tbem first. Tbey will respond promptly to 'pbone call No 7. Wool pertb 11 to IS Wh'et per bushel -.42 Flour per bbl 8 00 Oats per bushel 0 Barley per 100 lbs. SO Hay, alfalfa, per too 7 00 i'ii (In stack at ranch! 6 00 Ha?, wheat 7 to (in staca at ranch) ' w Bacon per id Lard tier lb 12 Beef, best, on loot Beef, cut up 7 to 15 Butter per lb 85 to SO tt!K8 , o Potatoes, new 144 to 2li Chickens, per doz 4too I'ry Hides, No. 1, per lb 15 bheep Pelts, per lb 10lA to U Sheep-ranch outfits, Btock salt, hats snd furnishing goods, pipes, tobacco, candy and nuts all these are sold at T, K. Howard s store. flKPPNEB VABKET P KICKS. A STRENUOUS HEN. The Corvallia Times says, the grittiest hen in America lives over iu Alsea. Her right to be called a brave hen has been tested, and no one who reads these lines will deny that she is ever likely to shrink from any dutv, public or private. She is not only a brave hen, but a "strenuous" hen. She is the property of one of the Hayden brothers. They also own a threshing machine. The latter was taken ont of the shed for the first time last week, and a small field of grain was threshed, to see that tbe machine was in good run ning order. When the job was finished the machine was returned to the shed, when, to the amaze ment of all, there in the corner ef the separator sat the strenuous hen. Under her was a nest of eggs that she was endeavoring to hatch. She had been on the nest when the machine was taken ont. She was there when the belts and pul leys began to whiz, when the fan began to sing and when the riddles began to shake and rattle. The wind from the fan ruflled feathers and almost took breath, but, like the boy on burning deck, she staved at her hor the her post. What her thoughts were when the swift cylinder began to chew up straw cannot be guessed She may have believed herself in the midst of a woman's rights con vention or she may have guessed that tbe world was at au end When found tbe ben was unin jured. There was dust in her teeth and a Bomnwhat frightened look in her eye, but she was on her nest. Uf the egcp all were safe Bave one. RANCH WANTED. An experienced sheep man wants to buy for cash or rent a ranch and ranee of about 1000 acres, not too near tbe timber. Leave word at tbe Gaiette office, Heppner. $10 REWARD. Stolen from Thompson's barn on tbe tight of the Fourth, a silver-mounted bit and bridle, $10 reward and no ques tions asked if returned to James Jones or to Thompson's barn. When in pain, call on Dr. Metssler the dentist. Don't wait for the pain bat get him to fix your teeth before tbe pain begins. It you take this paper and The Weekly oregonlan you won t nave to beg your news. Babbitt metal (or packing for sale at Gazette ofllco, 10 cents a pound. Horn. seekers with mesne, and invest on shoo Id com here. On tooooot of lbs low price at which its lands are offered, Morrow oounty expects to double its population this year. Good land esn be bought here at 11.25 to f 5 sn sore. The White is Kins: of Settling Alachlncg and Bicycles. White Sewinc Machine Co. fZZSVZXvcu. MtSSt. a - tt t- m" 7i i'ii 3 A country Lass, Health in her beaming eyes, health in her glowing cheek, health in her merry laugh. Yet country air and country bours can't save ner irom we common experience of women an experience which dulls the eye, pales tne cneex, and turns the laugh to a sigh. Womanly ills come to almost all. nut lor tnese ills there is help and healing in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It regu lates the periods, stops unhealthy drains, cures inflammation, ulceration ana ie- nutle weakuess. It makes weak women strong, sick -women well. "Miss Ella Sapp, of Jamestown, Guilford Co., N. C, writes: "I hart suffered three years or more at monthly periods. It seemed as though I would die with pain in my hack and stomach. I could not stand without fainting; had given up all hope of ever being cured, when one of my friends Insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce's Favorite prescription, witn nut utile laun i tried It. and before I had taken half a bottle I felt better had better appetite and slept better. Now I am huppy to say f am entirely cured, and all done in two months' time, when all other medicines had failed to do any good at all." Biliousness is cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Don'T Be Duped There bave been placed upon the market several cheap reprints of an obsolete edition of " Webster's Dictionary." Tbey are being offered under various names at a low price By dry (foods dealer, grocers, agents, etc., and in a row Instance as a premium for subscrip tions to papers. Announcements of these comparatively Worthless reprints are very misleading : thoy are advertised to be the substantial equivalent of a hiKher-piiced book, when in reality, so far as we know and believe, they are all, from A to Z, Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of over fifty years ago, which In its day was sold for about s.0u, and which was much superior in paper, print, and binding to these imitations, being then a work of some merit Instead of one Long Since Obsolete. The supplement of 10,OPO so-called "new words," which some of t hose books are adver tised to contain, whs compiled by a gentle man who died over forty years ago, and was published before his death. Other minor additions are probably of more or less value. The Wahatcr'a Unahrldnd Dictionary V Dictionary pub- llshvd by our house Is the only meritorious one of that name familiar to this generation, It contains over M) pages, with illustra tions on nearly every page, and bears our Imprint on the title page. It is protected by iwinvrlirht from rhcao Imitation. Valuable as this work is, we have at vast AinnniM mililialml a thnrouirhlv revised succewtor, known throughout the world as Webster's International Dictionary, As a dictionary lasts a lifetime you should Get the Best. Illustrated pamphlet free. Address . G. ft C MERRIAM CO Springfield, Mass. C. A. HAWKINS, General Manaer Peftlers iq "White" JJioyolesi aqd. gfVrtnR Machines, Indian Jim, who is dow totally blind, was quite jovial when be recently camped at Heppner with his outfit of 30 people, 100 horses and 32 dogs. He put his horses over nigh in Tom Morgan's corral and bought $1.50's worth of hay for them, bo they each had three mouthfuls. Jim said he was going to tbe Blue mountains to hunt hackle berries and choke-cherries. The atter fruit he did not like him self, but it puckered the mouths of his squaws so that they could not Jim's camp was a sightly loca tion on a hillside near the depot, where lava rox and old tin cans hook hands and smiled, and his windbreak wickeups had about as much Bhape as the hats that Port- and ladies started to wear last fall. Jim claims that he is still boss of the Rock krick aud Columbia Indians, and that the noted scout Cutmouth John was his brother. Map of Cutmouth Joh l. Jim says there UBed to be hot times on the John Day when he was young, aud he described how the Snake Indians got . after tbe whites aa follows: Jim has kindly recollections of Dock Shobe and Tress Ixwcey and Uncle Jack Morrow and Dave Her. ren and other pioneers, all of whom he says befriended him. In Jim's outfit were Trincess Bad Breath and Gooly No Shoes. When the latter lady found a pup dipping into the ice cream she had get ou the camp-tire to bring to a M lam"!! I1 pr?r tlie head w f W wrangle over politiz. Anyway, he always wanted to go the moun tains when the hossflies nest again. Jim says that no salmon can come up Willow krick now, because white men have put in traps. He says it UBed to be that salmon were so plentiful here that the Indians threw them at the roots of their Cottonwood trees for fertilizer, and he drew on the ground a picture of the stirring scene, which is printed herewith. Jim will not recognize it From Jim'j account, all of his men used to look like this: Now, when seen near Phi! Conn's warehouse woodshed Jim's men look like this: with her souvenir spoon and it was sent scuiUUng utnler the blan kets of the lotle bridal chamber to accumulate more uVhr. Nature if kind to thesn Indian woineu. It avoid glaring con trasts by giving thcui tbe same color aa their surrounding dirt, aud the cold, ruirthlobs moon nev er crax a joke nt tile r-'fHli.ciYilued a? ttiw wwr, .. BICYCLE BAKGAIN. If you want to buy a new $50 Armada bicycle, one of t lie finest that is made, for $30, call at Gazette office. CHEAP PASTURE. Anyone wanting pasturage for a bunch of cattle, horses or sheep, call on J. W. Kedington, at Guzet office, Heppner. HEPPNER SHIPMENTS. That Heppner is a very import ant shipping point may be seen from tbe following figures, which show shipments made by rail from here daring the paBt year: Wool, pounds 3,245,750 Cattle, cars 220 Sheep " 175 Wheat shipped out of Mor row county over Hepp ner Branch, buBhels 200,000 "My baby was terribly sick with tbe diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak, of Williams, Oregon. "We were oosble to cure bim with tbe doctor's assistance, sod as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am bsppy to say it save immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale by Don ser & Warren. LOAN WANTED. A man who owns 900 acres of flood land and much other property wants to borrow $3000 on 2 years' time at 8 per cent. Anybody who wants to make such a loan, send word to tbe Gazette office. The editorial page of the Weekly Ore- gonlan gives a broad treatment to a wld range of subjects. Notice of Final Settlement. TVTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 undersigned, the Executrix of the estate of John K. Elder, deceased, will make tlnal settle ment of her accounts with Bald estate as such Executrix, at the next term of the County Court of Morrow county, at 10 a. m. to be holden at Heppner, in said county, on the 4th day of September, a. u. mi. srz-v IvUcinda r-LDER. nxecuinx, NOTICE OF INTENTION. TTVEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR, LAND 1J OlIireatLa Grande. Ore.. July 18. 1900. Notice 1r hereby eiven tnat the following- named settler has filed i!Oti.e of his intention to make final proof in siinnort of his claim, and that faid proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, ureeon on September 1, 1WK1, viz: Homestead entry 8239 JOHN LAZER, of Eeppner, Ore., For the southwest 4 northwest L and north west Vi southwest V sec. t", towiinhip 2 south laiiKe 2S E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lunrt. viz: A. V Hertis. A. E. Smith t'atrlck Barry and Louis Summerneld, all of Heppuer, Oregon. Vi-l K. w. ijaktlitt, tiegisier, NOTICE OF INTENTION. TVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND OB ce at 1 Grande. Or.. July 6, l'JOO. Notice is hereby eiven that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof In support of his claim, and that Raid proof will be made before N. J Hale. United States Commissioner, at lone, Oregon, on August 24, 1900, viz: Home itead entry No. 75t4 of JOHN A. BALSIUER, of Heppner, Ore , For the west M southeast V. and east south west H lecttou 28, township 4 south, range 29 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: is b Freeiann, oi tieppner, Ore., E. J. Keller, Edd Olock and U. B. Drake, all of lone, Ore. to " bartlitt, register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. VVEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, LAND 1J Office at La Grande. Or.. July 6. 1900. Notice Is hereby siven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Umatilla County, Oregon, at Pendleton, Oregon, on August 24, I9t, viz Homestead entry No. 6845 of HUGH ROSS, of Vinson, Ore., For the east M southwest H and east Vi north west '4 section 1H, township 1 south, range 29 i, w . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenoe upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Joe Gill, William Conklln, James Kramer and Donald Ross, all of Vinson, Oregon. B W. Bartlitt, 90-5, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR, LAND Office at The Dalles, Ore., July 9. 1 W0 Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday August 18, 1900, vli: ARTHUR SMITH, of Heppner, Ore., Homestead entry No. 6801 for the south H northeast H and east V4 southeast )a section 12, township 8 south, range 36 E W M. He names tbe following wltnaases to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of uM Unrt vis- William D. Lord. Albert Otman. Thomas Quaid and Daniel B. Stalter, all of Heppner, Ore. . . . M-& jay r. LUCAS, register A, Abrahamsick Merchant Tailor Pioneer Tailor of Heppner. His work first-class and satisfactory. Give him a call May Street. VV nraatatl aracana. OS SO fU, SnAawatl.akatca.'i A or ahrta fjr tn wpnrt on aataalaWlilr. Buo "HtrnV to Ohlaia V 8. an4 Frira Pataaiaaa rraaMarka.' ' lj rats r.ir.t tm ar to ia'n. 1 SATEirt uwrut or ts ysaas- rtACTtci. on non DJTtaTi pmniRFn iHHtiubn iMta. AU 'uiaa caadotial. nuaal a4ua. fatUkfalu rC. A. SNOW5cCO. RATI NT tAWYIUS, Or U. 1 htwt Offlcs, WASHIIIST0H, & 5. Paints. Oils and Glass A full stock. Kodaks SHMSMSJSSMBMfslBSlfsMfSBSBBBBSBfsafsfsfsaBl Supplies of all kinds. CONSER & A Remington breech-loading single shot-gun for sale at $12. Gazette office. TTT y. Depart TIME SCHEDULES Abrivs Chicago Portland Special 7:45 a. m. Salt Lake, Denver, 6:30 p. m. Ft. worth. Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louis, Chicago, and East. Atlantic Express 7:45 a. m. via. Hunt ington, Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis. Chicago and East, 5:20 p. m. Atlantic Express 7 45 a. m. Via. Spo kane. Walla Walla, Lewis ton, Spokane, Min neapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee Chicago and East. 5:20 p.m. 8.00 p. m. OCIAN StKAXSHIFS From Portland. All sailing dates subject to change, For ban Francisco 4:00 p. m. Sail every 5 days 8:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10:00 p. m. Columbia River Stkambrb. 4:00 p.m. Ex. Sunday To Astoria and Way Landings. 6:00 a. m. Ex. Sunday Willamette Rives 4:80 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New berg, ealem ana V ay Landings. 7:00 a. m WlLLAMRTTB AND 8:30 p. m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Tues., Thur, Yamhill Rivers. ana sat. Oregon City, Day ton A way Land ings. Smaks River. Lv. Riparia 8:35 a. m, dally Lv. Lewlston Riparia to Lewlston 9 a. m. daily Heppner Branch train No. 9 leaves Heppner at 7:45 a. m. No. 10 arrives at b:M p. m. Daily except Sunday. Passenger booked for all Foreign Ceuntrioa. J. M. KERN AN, Agent, Heppner. W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. viaiT DR. JORDAN'S OAfUTl UUSEUU OF AHITOUY' 1051 sURKtT St, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL (SMw W I (1 ' sum who are sufferlnc , 11 from tha Oaets af rauthfnl India- I eratiana a imam In aaakurar . ' ywam Irarvous ana physlaal Dabl liar , laa . poteacy, IiMiMavaifa4laaillueompa. cations: asMranattorrlHaat. rrMllr. rava, jaairraiaBat. wiawi, rmaaacr I of Urlaattlnsr. Br a combination of i raiaadlaa, ! (raat curatlva pewar, tha Docta ' has so arranged his treatment that It will not , ' only afford immediate relief, not permanent 1 , euro, me Doctor aoea not claim to perform 1 miracles, but la well known le a a lair and I . square Phynlctan and Burgeon .premuMat in his specialty Plama iflia ItrHIMS thoroiifhly ermStcated froaa tha system without the ueeof Stex-amr. TraiaaM Sued by an Kxnerl BaatallMl air for Baplairo. A elek Sao rodfeat i cure for PlUa. riaamr and riemlea,a ' Ur. joraini apeciai painieaa nvuvoa ETKST MAN applying tanawUt i atir AotweS opinion of hiafNmn alnt. ' will dnormlM HJ&lTirM CUMMt I I saary com ve unrttrtnk. ConsultaUoa FRKK and strictly private CHARGES VKUr MSASOHABLX Treatment paraonally or by letter. Writ f-.r Rook. Fim.orsrT F HARRIAK. fiLnn Faaa. (ATainaMei book tor men.) cauwwnta OH JORDAN 4 CO.. tOU Market St, t. f. fBA ThsIarfastAoalomlei Y3 fB Ike Werld. V arsatwc attrauMsa I a at Wottdffut tifhttr tttiti 1 1 1.1 WeafasiwaMteran d SllMM,MlMTal7 I I the aldaat BpscUllst ua If )l Coast. EataMlataSMy 1 1 na jnaniaMiviTi i mi Come to Morrow County for low-priced lands. Values are sure to double up. Nev er again will land sell so low as it does now. At S5 an acre I offer 324 acres 5 miles south of Heppner; almost all good plow land, has running water and is under fence; will make a good home for some farmer or stock man. If not sold soon will be rented on shares-to farm. It adjoins the places of Tom Quaid, D. A. Herren, Wm. Penland and Jas. Hayes, Apply to J. W. Redingtpn, Heppner, The largest and best selected stock in Morrow county. Jewelry A fine stock to select from. Stationery The very latest. WARREN. VIA Southern Pacific Co Leave Dopot fifth and I Sts Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TKAIN8, for Salem, Rosebur, Ash land, Sacramento, Og den, San Francisco, Mojave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East. 7:10 P M 9;15 AM 8:30 AM 7:O0PM At Woodburn (daily except Suuday), morn insr train connects with train for Mt. An gel, 811 verton. Browns vllle, Springfield and Natron, and evening train for Mt. Angel and Silverton, 7:30 A M 11;45PM Corvallis Passenger. Sheridan Passenger. 11:60PM 8:25 AM Daily. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on sale between Portland, Sac ramento and San Francisco Net rates 117 first class and $11 second class, including sleeper Kates and tickets to Eastern points ana Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can be obtained from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent, 134 Third St. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passeuger Depot, foot of Jefferson Street. Leave for Osweeo daily at 7:20 9:40 a. m ; 12:30, 1:56,3:85, 6:15, 6:25, 8:05, 11:80 p. m s and 9:00 a. m. on Sundays only. Arrive at Portland daily at 6:;, 8:30, 10.60 a. m.; 1:35, 3:15, 4:30, 6:21), 7:40, 10:00 p. m.; 12:10 a. m. daily, except Monday; 8:30 and 10:05 a, m. on Sundays only, Lieave lor ualias aaiiy, ezcept ounoay, at t:3u m. A rrive at Portland at 9 : 30 a. m . Passenger train leaves Dallis for Alrlte Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:45 p m Returns Tueaoays, Thursdays ana saiuraays. 'Except Sunday. R. KOEHLKR, Manager, C. . MARKHAM, nen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon Old Ocean: Now is the time to hear and en joy Old Ocean's roar. The people of the great interior are cordially invited to travel down tbe beautiful Columbia on the WHITE COLLAR LINE BAILEY GATZERT (Alder-itreet Dock) Leaves Portland daily every morning at 7 o'olock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves As toria every night at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. "The Reetulator Line" Tbe Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. "DALLES CITY" AUD "REGULATOR" Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. The Regulator Lino will endeavor to give Its patrons tbe best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of The Regulator Lino. The above steamers leave Portland and The Dalles at 7 a. m., except Sundays; arrive at Portland 4:30 p. m.; arrive at The Dalles at 6 p. m. Portland office, The Dalles office, Oak St. Dock. court street, W. a ALLAWAT, General Agent MST