The Heppner Gazette Thursday August 9, 1900 TKAVELEK'H GOIDE. DISTANCES. Heppner to Miles Portland 197 Pendleton by wagon road 60 Lexington 9 lone 15 Heppner Junction on Columbia River 45 Arlington 55 The Dalles 109 Canyon City .104 Cabin Canyon 16; with mud 18 Train leaves daily except Sunday for all points at 7:45 a, m. Train arrives daily except Sunday from all over the world at 5:30 p. m. Stage for Hard man, Monument, Long Creek and Canyon City leaves dally except Sunday at 6:30 a. m ; distance to Canyon 104; time 24 hours. Malls close for trains at 7 a. m. Business hours of the First National Bank of Heppner are from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Heppner Raises Wool to Warm the World. Last year it shipped away 3,215,750 pounds, and Morrow County shipped 200,000 bUBhels of wheat. Morrow County's climate Is most ex cellent, and you can buy farms and ranches here cheaper than anywhere else on earth or in all Oregon. Population 6000. Heppner has 1200 population, good school, city water, electric lights and (35,000 brick hotel the Palace. Portland is located 197 miles from Heppner. Chicago some further. LOCAL NOTES. Mow the candidate is out of date. The crops are looking fine; It is a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine. Kind fortune smiles on every hand, All things look bright and clear; But the greatest blessing in the land Is Gambrinus Lager Beer. Bold at Belvedere saloon. Frank Roberts, Prop. Here and Trjere ThoR. Johnson returned Tuesday from Spokane. S. E. Gates has accepted a position with the Blocum Drug Co. Or. Hunlock and family returned last week from an outing near Mitchell. Mrs. Albert Rea returned from Teal Springs Saturday evening, via. Pendle ton. Mat Lichtenthal is erecting a neat dwelling on his property on Baltimore street. Mrs. J. C. Ball has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher, at Colfax. Eli Keeney returned on Tuesday's train from his trip to Chicago and Phil adelphia. H. Putnam, stock buyer for the Union Meat Co., of Troutdale, is in town in quest of stock. Galvanized iron well buckets at The Fair. Mrs. Bert Simons and children re turned Saturday evening from a visit to her parents at Goldendale. Miss Mable Gray, assistant post mistress, is spending a month's vaca tion at Canyon City, visiting her parents and friends. Gilliam & Bisbee are selling Mason's fruit jars at 90c per dozen tor quarts and $1.10 per dozen for half gallons. Marshal Thornton has commenced the construction of the foot bridge across Willow creek, opposite the resi dence of Mrs. Cate. Neat and new everything is at the tonsnrial parlors t;f J. E. Sharp, and hot and cold baths are always ready. Cedar wash tubs at The Fair. A Knights of Pythias lodge will be organized at Spray Saturday night. A number of the boys will go out from Heppner. Thos. Humphrey has resigned his position with the Slocum Drug Co., and now acts in the same capacity with Conser & Warren. Ah'x. Thompson and family left Fri day in a hack to make a tour of the great John Dy country, any may go on to the Grand Ronde valley. Mrs. McDougul, of this city, is in a very critical condition, the result of a premature child birth. The infant was buried Saturday. Now is the time to buy fruit jars. Mason's fruit iars at 90c per dozen tor qnarts and $110 per dozen for balf gal lons at Gilliam & Bisbee's. H. H. Riddell, postmaster at The Dal'es, has been arrested for destroying and detaining letters, and the outlook is regarded as a serious matter for that gentleman. The rains and cold weather the past few days is taking effect on mountain campers. A large number have re turned from Teal springs and other mountain camps. Only one week more in which you can get $1 for 75 cents in the 25 per cent reduction sale at The Fair. The Hood River Glacier says: Rev. C. D. Nickelsen and family are down from Heppner on a visit to relatives. Thev expect to fpend a month in the mountains at Lost Lnke and Mt. Hood. Prices reduced on summer goods at Mrs. L. J. Estes', 2d door south of post office, Main street. Drop in and ee us. Will tell you why you should get vonr blackberries for canninir now. $1.75 per crate at Matluck & Hart's. P.tnnt.v Treanurer M. Lichtenthal on Satnrdav received from the state treaS' urer $2377.28, Morrow county's school fund apportionment. There ar 1588 children of school age in the county, and this year draw $156 each from the state fund. The Teal or Lehman Hot Springs. Best Health and pleasure resort in Eas tern Oregon. No Saloons. New Man agement. Good Hotel, Meals 25 cents, Grocery Store. Buy axle grease at The Fair. Best brands and lowest prices. 8mple of the Demar photo given with purchases at Matlock & Hart. LOST Four pair of horse hobbles and one horse bell, between Heppner and Price Florence's ranch, Friday. Finder please leave at Binns' stable. T. R. Howard's store has everything in the grocery line needed by city trade. JJeiDi'8 m eet picklee at Bishop's. Nels Magnusen and Tom Barnett started Friday by buckboard on a tour of the Blue mountains. Mason's fruit jars at 90c per dozen for qnarts and $1.10 per dozen for half gallons at Gilliam & Bisbee's. City Marshal Thornton is continually after the sidewalk business. Over a mile of new sidewalk has been built within the last month and the good work still goes on. Special prices on Axle Grease by the case at The Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swaggart and son returned Saturday from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Beard, and family at Anatone, Wash. While there Mr. Swaggart made a trip to the Snake river mines, in which he is interested, and is very much impressed with the favorable outlook for that district. Mica axle f reuse 8c per box at The Fair. A. N. Foster, of Eight Mi'e, received a new traction engine, water tank and thresher last week from the Russell Co. of Portland. The outfit stood in front of Gilliam & Bisbee's, agents for the Russell Co., Saturday night and steamed out for the grain fields of the Eight Mile neighborhood Sunday morning. Mr. Foster had his arm badly mangled with a traction engine about three years ago. Little Giant axle grease, 5c per. box at The Fair. Go to Matlock.& Hart's for your vege tables, fruits, etc., always fresh. For the best time you ever had in your life, take a trip to the Teal or Leh man Hot Springs. Bathing, Dancing, Musical Shooting Gallery and other amusements. Leaders in the business. Fresh fruits and groceries. Come and see. Matlock & Hart. Clean newspapers to cover shelves, put under carpets and line houses are sometimes scarce, but just now there is a full supp'y on sale at the Gazette office at 15 cents a package. We are the grocers in the city direct ory of merchants. Matlock & Hart. The wonderful Medicinal waters of the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs, are a remedy for Rheumatism. Spend your summer there, If you are thinking of going to the seashore, read up on the ad. of the White Collar line, whose beautiful boats make fast trips along the Columbia be tween Portland and the sea. Home-seekers are dropping into Mor row county, and find land values very reasonable. LEG BADLY CUT. While riding a young horse yesterday about noon, Edgbert Young had his rieht leg badly cut on a barbed wire fence near his home 'on Rhea creek. He was driving a bunch of horses along the .road and the animal he was riding, be ing young and high-spirited, ran up along the fence, and before Mr. Young could get him turned back into the road, his leg came in contact with the fence and was scraped along the wire for about three yards, tearing a deep gash four or five inches long about half way between the foot and knee. He was brought to town by H. C. Gay, and displayed a great deal of nerve while Dr. McSwords dressed the cut. Several stitches were taken. He will be laid up for some time. . MARRIED. A. R. Turner and Miss Pearl Basey, both of Heppner, were married Satur day evening, August 4, at the M. E. church South. The regular Salvation Army ceremony was performed by Major Harris, of Portland, tinder the national flag and the flag of the Array. The audience completely filled the cburch, and the ceremony was very in teresting and imprcppive. The happy young couple have gone to their ranch near Dale, where Mr, Turner hns charge of a band of sheep. The best wishes of a host of friends go with them. GROUSE WILL RIPEN In the B'ue mountains inside of an other month, and rolled in flour and fried in bacon-juice they are delicious. Choice bacon and flour at Matlock x Hart's. When yon want something for lunch in the way offunned meats go to Bish-op'Bi There never'were prettier potatoes on earth than tli' se new ones on sale at Matlock & Hart's, WAGONS. You can get a Fish Bros. 3 inch head' er geor at last years prices from Minor x (Jo. Heppner's big 3-story Palace Hotel is a credit to the Northwest, and is con ducted under- the" personal supervision of its owner, Senator id W. Morrow, at puces within the reach of all. . We HEADER GEARS, have two 3 inch header gears SAD DEATH. Mrs. Lulu Beymer, wife of Chas. H. Beymer, and daughter of Hon. J. S. Boothby, of Lexington, died Monday night about 12 o'clock. On Saturday Mrs. Bevmer gave birth to a child, which is attributed as the cause of her death. The child is doing well. Mrs. Beymer came to Morrow ccunty with her parents over twenty years ago, and was a mnet estimable lady, loved and respected by all. She was a faithfal member of the M. E, church at Lex ington, and her sad death has cast a gloom over the entire community. She leaves a husband and two children. The remains were laid to rest in the Lexington cemetery Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. A. L. Thoroughman. A num ber of Heppner pepple went down to pay their last respects to one who had been a good neighbor, a lov;ng wife and mother. SLEEPS WELL. "Yes, indeed, I sleep well now, No more nightmares for me," said. Jas. Ritter yesterday as he happily beamed on people he met. Then he went on to say:. "The cause of my resting easy and whistling as I go is that I have just bad my life insured by L. W. Briggs, and now if I die my wife and little ones are sure of anoney enough to carry them along for years." BEACH BY BOAT. Are you going to the seaside? If so, remember that the steamer T. J. Potter, the only through boat, leaves Portland from Ash-street dock, every Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 a. m., direct for Ilwaco, making no stops tn route, and arriving at Ilwaco about 4 p. m., where train is taken without delay for all points on Long Beach. On Saturdays the Potter, under a fast schedule, leaves Portland at 1 p. m., enabling passeng ers to reach hotels or cottages early Saturday evening. Steamer Hassalo, the popular night boat, leaves Portland at 8 o'clock in the evening daily, except Sunday, and on Saturday at 10 p. m., arriving at As toria early the following morning, con necting with I. R. & N. boat for Ilwaco and Long Beach points. "Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a run ning off of the bowels snd sioknees of the stomnoh," savs O. P. M. Hollirlay, of Iteming, lnd. "His bowels would move from five to eight times a dav. I hod r bottle of Cbnmberlaio's Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in tbn bonne and gave him four drops in a teHSpnoofnl of water hoc! he pot better at oDce. Sold by Conser & Warreu. HEPPNER CUUKCHES. M. E. church C. D. Nickelsen, pas tor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m M. E. church, South F. F. St. Clair, pastor. Services at 11 s. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Pentecost and its Results;" Evening: "Separation." Sunday School st 3 p. ra. Welcome. Christian church Sunday School at 10 a. m. Baptist church Sunday School at 10 a. m. that we will sell very cheap. Minor & Co, STOCK PAYS BEST. Take it up one side and down the other, stock pays best. A real bargain is now offered in a 1440-acre stock ranch 45 miles south of Heppner. Only $4 an acre. Good outside range ; 100 tons of hay thrown in and 100 acres in grow ing wheat; all under fence and will raise anything. Apply to Gazette office, Heppner. JOYS OF CAMPING. Mountain huckleberries are already ripe. Once again the camping season has rolled around, and the beautiful Blue mountains south from Heppner furnish plenty of places where camp-life may be enjoyed to the utmost. With good wood, water and grass and a full supply of food from Matlock & Hart's, camping will be delightful.' Canned and dried fruits should both be taken along when you go camping, and the place to get them is at T. R. Howard's. Go to Bishop's for fresh vegetables. The camper is reminded of lots of things be must have when he sees the big stock of the Ed. R. Bishop Co. No need of sending away for a hack, buggy, carriage or farming implement. Take look through the big new stock of S. P. Garrigues. The man who wants a new saddle or harness can find it at the store of Noble & Co. Excellent music, and a grand good time assured to those visiting the Teal or Lehman Hot Springs this summer. HOME FOR 8ALE. A nice house, 6 rooms, well located, lot 50x150, only $1100. Apply at Gazet office. WAGONS DIRT CHEAP. We have 2 header gears 3 inch Fish Bros. 2 light wagons 2 inch Fish Bros. Will sell them cheap. Minor & Co. On the ranch or in the mining camp dried fruits are always needed. The best are at Matlock & Hart's. Fresh candies every day at the Fac tory. Babbitt metal for packing for sale at Gazette office, 10 cents a pound. Hon. Phil Metsi han, in connection itb Mr. C. W. Knowles, has taken charge of the Imperial Hotel of Port land. The reputation of these gentle men insures the success of the enter prise. The diningroom is excellently managed and is unsurpassed. MOWERS. If you need a Mcwer, look at the Milwaukee Chain Mower at Bishop's CAMPERS. If vou want a light 2 inch wagon we will sell you one cheap. Minor & Co, A nice line of Matloci & Hart's. Key West cigars at RED FRONT STABLE. When you come to Heppner, pnt op your team at the Red Front Livery Sta ble on Main st., opposite the brewery. They will receive the best of care. Bug gies, teams and saddle horses for hire at reasonable rates. Hay and grain bought and sold. UlNNS BROS. The day is not distant when every nch of land will be deeded and doubled up in price. It you want to ouy a good 824-acre place at to an acre, call W. Redington, Gasette omce. on J A recognized Oregon lan. authority The Weekly CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children, ti Kind Yoa HaY3 Always Bought Bears the 8'gaaturo of Remember we are giving you $1.00 for 75c Oix all Purchases in our m m This means a great saving to you and we offer. you some astonishing bargains in lines you need every day, which include: - - " Ladies' Tan Shoes Lace, sizes 3 to 7, regujar price $1.65, now........1 ..$ 1 21 Ancrjor, lace, sizes 2 to 6, silk vesting top, turned sole, late toe, regular price $.98, now 2 24 Ladies' Street! Hats Black straw sailor, regular price 50c, now. , 38 Silk crash, turn crown, regular price 75c, now ...;.,! 57 Ladies' Crash and Duck Skirts Nearly one-half price Ask for Purchase Stamps when trading at our store and secure you a large Portrait Free. Children's Colored and White Dresses Child's percale dress, ages 1 to 4, trimmed in lace, regular price 55c, now.... 41 41 Child's white dress, ages 6 months to 4 years, embroideried neck and sleeves, regular price 55c, now Children's Trimmed Hats Regular price 90c, now 68 " $1.10 " 83 " 1.75 u 1 31 Baby Bonnets Regular price 10c, now 8 " " 20o 15 ' 45c " 34 Little Boys' Crash. Sailor Suits Blue, stripe collar, regular price 48c, now... 36 Children's Tarns, and Crash Hats Regular pi ice 15c, now ......... " " 19c " .. " " 25o " 11 14 19 Straw Hats At any old price. Ladies' Shirt Waists.:; Blue polka dot, regular price $1.10, now ., 83" Silk gingham, regular price $1.83, , now 1 37 We are headquarters for Fruit Jars Our prices knock 'em all out. The Fair Money returned if Goods are not Satisfatory. The Fair Oregon. xSIiSi-- &is&m&. iMPf fife Sr?" A ! ....... i - i. THE BIN WAGON Is one that everybody knows. It is one of the best on earth. bi ham ft Disbee Have just received one of the largest stocks of Bain Wagons ever orougn xo xaeppner. Call and See them. Ijrioes ore Rlfflit. Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware. Agricultural T 1 i VT f T -1 tui- T i . . 1 -vi . i . . xuipieujnuio, TfnxuuB, uauKB, ejiv., raiDis ana uiis ,me Dee! in the world). Crockery aDd Glassware. fmsr Jational Jank OF HEPPNER - . O. A. RHEA Prenldent I G. W. OON8EB Cashier T. A. BHEA Vio Prwidunt E. L. FREELAMO. .AatiiUoi OMblr Transact a General Banking Business. EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THEWOHLD BOUGHT AND BOLD Collection! made on ill point on reaaonablc termi. Surplui and undivided proflti $36,000. Ladies, Buy at Home! o o o From your home merchants right in your own town. But if your home merchant do not happen to have on hand the kind of dry goods, tskirts or suit that you need, then address a line to ns.'tell us what you want, and we will mail it to yoa from our large stock of exclusive dry gooda. Id this way, if you can't keep the cash in . your own town, you Keep it in your own staie. Mc allen & McDonnell, Cor, 3d and Morrison Sis., Portland, 8. P. Garrigues, Main Street, - Heppner. 1181 IS'jp. a tea. "- f -.n- ten w r i. in i"-1 Just Received, a Carload of McCormick Mowers, Hodge Headers, Horse Rakes, and all kinds ot Harvesting Machinery. Farm Implements, Grain and Feed, Studebaker Wagons.. L I V Fresh Meats;: ........ . Salt and Smoked Heats Pure Rendered Leaf Lard "Fish every Friday. Liberty Market Highest price paid for fat Stock. xafc Bock & Mathews, Heppner, Oregon. Proprietors. Take Slocum's Sarsaparilla. Signs of Spring convey sc warning that certain ' ail ments, general debility, rheumatism, liver complaint, etc., need attention. There isn't anything equal to SLOCUM'S SARSAPARILLA for the above ailments. It is honestly and carefully made of the best drugs, like everything else we make, and we give you a bottle one third larger than you usually get for the same money else where. CSloottiii DritK Co,, Main Street, Heppner.